To the past, but that's all true. Real cases of time travel

Surely, many of us have more than once dreamed of traveling along the endless river of time. As a rule, time travel in a dream does not mean physical travel in a time machine, which can often be seen in adventure films.

Usually, events in a dream unfold in a different time period, in the future or past. Dreams of this type are often associated with romantic experiences experienced in the past, or with dreams that have not yet come true in real life.

Traveling in a dream is a search for truth, a search for oneself as an individual. The relationships that develop in a dream largely reflect the relationships between the people around you.

The dream is generated by the desire to identify oneself with people of different morals, creating in the imagination images of heroes, noble knights present in life, which delights, although it does not correspond to reality.

People you meet along the way, perhaps even mystical images, reflect in which area of ​​your consciousness there are contradictions that worry you in reality.

Why do you dream about time travel in other dream books?

What does time travel mean in David Loff’s dream book? It’s the desire to find a way to achieve balance in life, which will allow you to determine your own place in the world. If you dream of traveling to the past, this means the imminent fulfillment of a romantic desire that you have been thinking about for a long time and dreaming of realizing.

Time travel according to Meneghetti’s dream book foreshadows a transition from one specific situation to another, associated with worries and anxieties - this could be a change of scenery, for example a long-awaited vacation, or changes in the internal state, a reassessment of significant life principles and positions.

Why do you dream about time travel in the English dream book - Dreams about time travel indicate a passionate and noble mind, suffering from the inability to influence the course of events.

They assume that you are not happy enough at present. Traveling back in time shows that in a simpler, slower world you would be happier, and moving forward in time suggests a curious and forward-looking mind.

The Vedic dream book Sivananda associates such dreams with difficulties and changes in the environment around you and possible unfavorable changes that relate to work and commercial activities, but you can solve these difficulties on your own, without resorting to outside help.

Choose your dream 👇

Hello! 🤗

Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night️ 🌃.

    And I had a dream, as if I saw the past of my youth in conjunction with the future, that is, where I studied and where I will work in the near future.

    In a dream, I entered the most ordinary modest house on the road, but inside everything was different, a huge multi-story house with stone stairs, I entered the room, and everything was in dolls, I went further up the stairs and there were big arrows on the wall clock, you wouldn’t immediately understand that it was a clock, I turned the hands forward, but they went back, and everything was shrouded in a transparent blue fog, where various people of past eras flashed, Macedonsky, D’Vinci, Nastrodamus, a very beautiful girl in a dress made of water , another black and also a beautiful maiden, and others. I entered this space and it became difficult to breathe, I took the book and stepped back, and it was all over...

    I dreamed that I was transported to a past life, and there was an old school there and I had to save everyone. I knew that people would die from gas fumes, and I constantly ran into the street to save people. But I never saved everyone. The director of this school was unhappy because we fought with her after leaving. The most interesting thing about this school was that the doors opened with seeds.

    I dreamed that I saw in a dream a man from the distant future (he seemed to be from 2020), he had different abilities and showed amazing things and said that the potential of our and especially my mind is very great. And I was in the past, but for me it seemed real, somewhere in 1800, but his goal was to save his great-grandfather from something and he saved him from various creatures and treated his injuries. Later, it was as if I became one and it was as if I went into the future, where I saw everything as normal and as if I was there as a superman who told and taught people various wise things. It was in a barbershop and they were cutting a man’s hair and I said: “Why do you need scissors? You can control your body with the power of thought, that’s the minimum.” And I gave him the hairstyle he wanted. Then I was wearing an aerobics hoop and it seemed to be holding me and limiting me in some way. Then I realized that if I don’t save my ancestor, the whole world will be in danger. And I fell asleep, I didn’t watch anything and there was a kitten on my chest, why such a dream?

    I dreamed that I was going back in time with two friends to the school where I am currently studying, but the school there is not renovated, my teacher is there and all that. What is this for?

    I dreamed that I found myself in the past on the territory of Nazi Germany. One of the soldiers caught me, I told him in English who I was (I was Russian, I felt that I didn’t know German, I decided to express myself in English). Surprisingly, he understood me. I told him that I was not from here and not from this time at all. I told him a lot more that I can’t remember. In general, he took me to a house and brought me to one of the rooms in which, besides him, there were also two typical-looking girls of that time, one of them was the one with dark hair lying on the lap of the other with blond hair, one officer and behind something like a security guard. When I said that I am from the 21st century and we have a worldwide information network - the Internet, they froze in surprise, considering me crazy. By the way, in a dream I thought it would be better to be considered a madman than to be shot, after all, they are fascists. Then I found myself locked in a room, a table, 2 chairs, a cupboard with books. 2 volumes of Mayakovsky’s poems caught my eye. An elderly man was sitting in the room. I asked him: “Do you like Mayakovsky?” He replied that, yes, and that he was the greatest poet of all time. Suddenly he burst into tears, I began to console him, looked at the book and saw that the text in it was not only in Russian, but also in German. I decided to learn German and save this man. Unfortunately, I don’t remember at all what he told me when I talked to him about who I am and where I’m from. He understood me and didn’t consider me crazy. I remember only one phrase: “You did everything right, son.” It's all a dream. I haven’t looked at anything on the topic of war, etc., for a long time; I’m interested in history, it’s true, but I haven’t read anything like this on the topic of war in the near future.

    20-Mar-2018 Artyom:

    I go into the corridor, there are 4 apartments, I go to the left one - just knock on the first one, and a guy from another apartment comes out looking so cheerful, I ask: does the girl live here? He says no. And he invites me to a holiday, I just need to go to the store to buy this and that and vodka, I reached into my pocket and I have enough there, especially since he says don’t worry, everything will be okay. We come to the hall, there are a lot of people dancing, and I ask some guy: what year is it now? He told me: it will be 2005 and I understand that it’s New Year’s Eve, and the corporate party on the occasion, I began to think about what could be done, who to warn, and bring benefit. I squatted down, and in my hands I had a crowbar in my hands, I twirled it, then I stood up, looked out the window (open), and there, in the next room, everyone was dancing too. Then he left there and on the site in the park a black Jeep was driving towards me. Understanding that I am here for a short time and something needs to be done. Then I don’t remember. Why would this be?

    I dreamed that I was in the past, that is, in my children’s room, I was very happy about this in my dream, that I could take so many things from there! I took pens and markers. Then I woke up. Why do you dream about this!?

    I dreamed that I was riding on a train with people, and we were traveling and right in front of us there were many small lakes with gray thick water, and there were dead people who were moving, and I knew that we were moving into the past, and these were people who died on war. We got to the end and went back, then something happened, and I ran from someone, and jumped, and remained in the past. Three grandmothers were sitting there to whom I proved that I was from the future and told them about the technologies that would be in 2017. Then I seemed to fall apart and saw myself from the side falling into small pieces and a voice from the outside told me like you can’t be in the past anymore 60 minutes, then I saw some room, there were people who were doing experiments, they created a small area there, like a clot of blue energy, they threw slippers there, they were thrown evenly, and after a few seconds the slippers appeared and one was in the other direction, and the other was like would be burnt and the slippers would be as if they were alive.

    I dreamed that I went back in time and went to visit my aunt and uncle. Climbing up the thresholds, I met my brother, to whom I said that we were in the past, go to grandma so that mom and dad don’t see you, I knocked and my uncle opened it, he was fixing something in the kitchen, and my aunt was with my brother, only there he was small.

    Hello, I dreamed that I was in the same company with strangers, women and girls were dressed in ancient dresses, and a young boy was also in an ancient outfit. They were being pursued, and I helped them hide something or someone, we needed to get to Sydney Canada, supposedly where I was from. Conversations were easy without shouting or aggression, even when troubles threatened, we easily dealt with them. Tell me what this could mean. Thank you.

    I had a dream that I found myself in my childhood around 1995. I clearly saw myself and my parents from the outside, I was 5 years old then. And the parents are young. And they didn’t pay attention to me, and I walked along the old street, passing the new building of the bank center and saw a familiar man who was older than me. They cut glass for the window in the center of the bank. I said hello to him, but he didn’t recognize me. I told him that I was from the future and he laughed, and I showed him my Samsung smartphone, but the phone did not have a charger and I woke up. After 2 weeks I saw that familiar person and talked about a dream, a trip, and I was SHOCKED to learn that he actually cut glass in the center of the jar in 1999-2000. HOW SO?

    And I dreamed that I was in the 90s. There was a person nearby who knew that I was from the future. I was going somewhere with him. The places and houses were from those times. We approached Soyuzpechat, and I asked for the Soviet newspaper Izvestia and Vecherniy Tashkent. I rummaged in my pockets, and there was only new money. I laid them out on newspaper on the counter. Seeing the strange money, the saleswoman looked at me strangely. Well, my fellow traveler was nearby, I took 10 kopecks from him and gave it to her. Then I met an old friend with whom I took a photo with my Samsung. Seeing my smartphone, she asked what it was? I answered that I came from the future for a while. There was not enough time to return. What could this mean? Why did I have this dream?

    I dreamed about being taken somewhere. There were still many people next to me, for some reason I felt that nothing good would come of this. Suddenly the car stopped and I, who was sitting near the door, immediately ran out and ran until I entered some room. Another girl was running after me, but there was no pursuit of either of us. But there was a premonition that this would not last long. And a little later I realized that we were standing in a hairdresser, it was not far from my house. Then a young girl approached us. She was dressed strangely, and the room itself looked old-fashioned. She asked what we needed, and I got my bearings on the fly and said that I perform on skates (it’s interesting to know why I said that, I’ve never stood up on them) and we wanted to ask where... I don’t remember exactly what I said, but the girl helped us, looking askance at my skirt just above the knees. Apparently she thought I was strange. Then we, two runaway girls, walked along such familiar, but completely different streets. At that moment, I didn’t even remember my home. We wandered around the city, didn’t know where exactly we were going, but we walked anyway. Then that girl ran away somewhere, leaving me alone. I continued running around the city hoping to see something, I don’t know what. The house that my mother and I often drove past in the car was not there, it was a desolate wasteland. What year is it now? “I asked very quietly, “What year is it now?” -Repeating, but louder. “They answered me, I was in 2002, I was not born yet, but I knew that right now my mother and my father were in Moscow, a huge cloud of kilometers away. A feeling of some hopelessness came over me, and I didn’t know what to do. Luckily, I woke up then.

    The whole dream moved first into the past, then into the future, I woke up in surprise, and when I fell asleep again I continued my wanderings and each of the moments was full of events, colors and even real sensations, as if it were in reality.

    I dreamed that it was as if my mother and I went back in time, I saw my brother there, and he didn’t recognize me, in short, like my mother and I decided to change the past completely and were happy, and then I woke up. I so want to go back to this dream to watch it to the end, only everything was not like in the past, but somehow completely parallel. Strange.

    I dreamed that I was looking at Google maps, I stopped at my school, there were frozen people in the image of the area and I decided to find myself in the crowd. I found it (I’m about 10 years old there), but the image began to move. Me from the past came closer and smiled at me, then I saw my older brother and his wife, she was pregnant then, as in the present past, when I was 10. We talked as if on Skype, they asked how we would live there in the future . I showed them their 9-year-old daughter. They were all smiling.

    The time machine was an orange little ball that I threw, and saw the place where I was, and that is, at home it helped me move without time. Basically, when something was wrong, someone helped throw it and I wasn’t afraid. I don’t watch TV series and generally rarely watch films on this topic. What does it mean?

    I dreamed of traveling in time, namely to the past. These buildings seemed familiar to me and have appeared in my dreams more than once. The people looked like they were from the 90s. In general, my mother's childhood. And I ended up in some store. It turned out to be something like a canteen; ready-made dishes were sold and everything smelled crazy. I really wanted to eat. I walked back and forth. There weren't very many people. The salesman spoke to me and said: “What do you want?” I said that I still can’t decide. I remembered that there was a lot of change in my wallet and decided that it would be suitable (back then everything was for pennies) and I saw a woman in front of me shopping. I didn’t see what she took, but she gave the bill as 100 UAH (Ukrainian), but it was written 1 UAH. Afterwards, when it was my turn, I paid and bought a cake. To my surprise, when I put in the change, it was from that time. Afterwards I don’t remember how it all ended. But what could such a dream mean? I wasn’t afraid in it; rather, feelings of curiosity prevailed. Tell me the meaning of this dream.

    I dreamed of an electrical storm, after which I found myself in the past, during wartime there were many planes on the ground, most likely it was an aircraft training ground, and I had a tablet with a flashlight, but in fact it was not a tablet, but a phone. And someone was chasing me, there were three of us and we ran away, and then hid, beat the man and took them hostage.

    I dreamed of my village, in which a hurricane and rain were supposed to happen, after which we warned everyone and looked for something we needed and we found it. Then everything ended. I saw my apartment, there was a white and pink portal into which my friend was pulled, after which some boy went to save her. Afterwards I saw another friend who was standing on top of the earth. The ground was clogged so that things were sticking out, there was too much rubbish and the water was yellowish. We climbed under the water, there was a certain office warehouse and a female voice that called us to study with her. I took three diaries and three pendants, and we decided to go back, the woman's voice became angry. We're back. On three diaries there was the same thing written and nothing, on my pendant it was also written in pen. Then I had another dream with ghosts. then I woke up and lay there, like a butterfly landed on my lips, and suddenly, I was very scared.

    7-Mar-2017 Sergey:

    I dreamed that I was building, well, just a huge concrete house, a square one similar to a 5-story one, but only for me, all this was happening on some kind of sand, but not in the desert, there was also water, then I called my friends, one began to build home and business, and I went into business, then there were a lot of people who admired someone. Then all attention was on me, as if I was rushing through the attraction. Then it somehow happened that my mother and I were hooked on a rope like a rocket, I knew that it should throw us up, and my mother and I had to hold on to each other’s shoulders, in such a position that our foreheads were looking at each other, our legs were in opposite directions , and we fly and spin, already without a rocket, and we fly, as it were, back in time, and then back, then we land (all this happens just in the air, without that rocket, of course). And I also understood that I was doing a huge and profitable business.

    26-Feb-2017 Vika:

    My husband and I found ourselves in the past (in the Soviet Union) and was afraid to pay with the money we had in the store, I was afraid that they would see that we were from the future.

    15-Feb-2017 Anonymous:

    I dreamed that I found myself in some small rounded room, covered with a metallic layer that had a blue-pink color. Everything was somehow futuristic and there were portals all over the walls. Like, I could choose anyone, the future, the past, and at the time that I would like to go to. I chose the time when I was still in kindergarten. She came back with her best friend and started showing him off. There was a feeling of such carelessness as in childhood, it was so cool, I thought it was not a dream.

    15-Feb-2017 Anonymous:

    I dreamed that I somehow (I don’t remember) found myself in the past 2011, walking along the road with my brother, telling him everything, for some reason with my ex’s tablet and my phone, which fell into the water, and we then got it out. Another brother was waiting for me all the time and urging me to go home, but I wanted to tell everything so much, and was afraid to go back to the future.

    I dreamed of my city, but its central part seemed to not exist. I live on a small hill and neither my house nor the entire center simply existed. Our bay and the other shore were visible. There were no trees, no high-rise buildings, there were only plots with houses (as if these were summer cottages and one such plot was mine) with small tree seedlings. Even the rare lampposts were made of wood. And for some reason there was a feeling that I was in that past, when the city was just being built or as if it was after the war.

    I dreamed that I and someone else were getting out of some terrible place, overcoming various obstacles along the way. The very last obstacle was a huge rock, from which we jumped without hesitation. Then we find ourselves in our city, on our street, near our houses. Me and my brother. Apparently, it was precisely the younger brother, although in my life I only have a sister. The weather was good, although the ground was covered with a small layer of snow, so it was difficult to determine the time of year. We went to the nearest house, but then split up: we started knocking on different apartments. A middle-aged, blonde woman opened the door for me. I asked her what month and year it was, to which she replied: “June 2012.” I was shocked because I didn’t expect such a turn at all. I went into a neighboring apartment, the owner of which was an elderly man. His brother was with him. We all talked about something together, and I wanted to go home to see my mother, but I couldn’t. In 2012 I looked completely different than I do now. And even despite this, I still came home and met her. I don’t remember what happened next.

    I had a dream in which I carried out some missions while passing through a time portal. The dream is not clear, that is, I don’t remember everything that happened. But I remember the end. I realized that I was standing somewhere high. He was the one who gave me missions and I. After successfully completing all the missions, he released me. I went forward over the cliff and jumped into the red cloud. I thought that through him I would get into my desire (more precisely, suffocating silence), but I ended up in a house where some woman was preparing food. Looking closer, I realized that this was the woman who was there at the very beginning. I realized that she was the one I was looking for. I woke up realizing that I had missed something at the very beginning.

    I just dreamed that my class and I went to some kind of holiday, probably a Christmas tree. And I hurried to change into a dress. She ran and ran. I changed my clothes. Since this dressing room is in the “basement”, I went up to everyone else. Then I got lost. The head teacher from the school was standing near some passage. I asked: where are the others? She replied that she didn't know. I walked into some passage. And suddenly.. Summer... Just like in one short story! There were kids standing there. I came out of the burnt barn. In shock I think: where am I? Why summer? The children asked: Who are you? How did you end up here? I said nothing and went to the exit from the yard... Friends at home. The children looked at me. I left the yard. I see a stop in front of me. And I looked to the side, my family was walking there, except for my stepfather. Mom, grandmother, brother. I quickly ran to them in tears. And shouted: Mom! Mommy, wait! She didn't notice me. I was no longer crying in my sleep. I ran up to her and hugged her. She didn't see me. At that moment she was talking to her grandmother. I roared loudly. She just stroked me on the head and saw a minibus. I went to hug my grandmother. She hugged me and left. They got on a minibus and left. I cried a lot. Due to the fact that I was not quietly crying in a dream, I woke up. Help, what does this mean?

    I dreamed that I found a watch that moved in time, etc. I overslept the time to go and take my tests at the university, I came back, but for some reason I didn’t run to take my tests, but started observing myself.

  • I dreamed that I was surfing the Internet and discovered a time machine in which I needed to pronounce special numbers, then my head began to spin and my eyes closed, when I opened them I was in the past. You could move 3 times a day, or else you would stay there.

One day I was walking down the street and heard a woman passing by talking to a naughty child.
- “Can you imagine, if you went back in time, there wouldn’t be any computers there.”
The child, of course, could not imagine a different life than now.

But let's think about it, in truth - we are used to complaining about problems, complaining about high prices in stores, chemically-contaminated products, bad medicine.
But what if you really lived, at least, just 100 years ago? A miserable hundred years.
In Japan, for example, there are more than 45 thousand centenarians who still lived a century ago.

So, Russia 1916. The First World War has been going on for 2 years now. A million died at the front. 5 million wounded and more than 3 million prisoners. The country was a bit hungry. There is almost no electricity anywhere, no antibiotics, no mass vaccination. A person can die simply by pricking himself with a rusty nail or needle. Child mortality is appalling - 24 out of 100 children die. That's every fourth! Almost any disease that requires surgery is almost a death sentence. Average life expectancy is 30 years.

The difficult reality at that time was so exhausting that a person over 40 was considered almost an old man. Examples from books of that time - The old pawnbroker from Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” was 42 years old. From Tynyanov: “Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than all those gathered. He was thirty-four years old - the age of extinction.” Marya Gavrilovna from Pushkin’s “The Snowstorm” was no longer young: “She was in her 20th year”
The people were mostly illiterate. Only every fifth person in the country can read syllables and write. And this is 1916.

What's next? And then the October Revolution of 1917 and the beginning of the civil war. Violent mobilizations, both against the Reds and the Whites. Mass executions of merchants and kulaks by some and executions of workers and peasants suspected of sympathizing with the Reds by others. Hunger and devastation. Red and white terror. Food rationing. Only in 1922 did the civil war end.

Ahead is forced collectivization. Famine of the 30s with millions of deaths. Stalin's "purges" of 1937 and the Gulag camps. Stakhanov's five-year plans for industrialization, when industry was raised hump and hernia. Finnish bloody war. And then the Great Patriotic War. It destroyed at least 27 million lives and maimed even more. Then victory! And the famine of 1946-47.

If you think about it, a person in 1916 had 30 years of real nightmare ahead of him. And there is very little chance of living to a better life. In 1940, life expectancy in the USSR was 38.6 years for men. But the Second World War laughed at such optimism.

What can we conclude - let's not grumble about life. We live in very good times now. During scientific progress, modern advances in medicine, previously unimaginable computer technologies. At home there is light, heat, electricity. Personal cars or comfortable buses. There is no hunger - even if for some there is none - only with the gracious help of people. We are very lucky to be alive now.

But while enjoying a happy...yes, I'm not afraid of this word - a happy, peaceful life - let's not forget to go to church. Let's have time to seek God while there is a good opportunity. He is in a hurry to do good while he has strength.
Our time is precious - after all, history is very changeable, and who knows what trials await us ahead.
We don’t know this, just as our grandfathers and great-grandfathers didn’t know in 1916.

Photos from open sources

On December 8, 1997, a naval officer disappeared in Kamchatka. As it turned out later, he moved into the past. He was not destined to return from this “journey”. (website)

Regular watch

On the Kamchatka Peninsula, military bases are like hair on your head - you can’t count them all. This emergency occurred at one of the coastal naval bases.

On a winter morning, a captain of the 3rd rank took over the watch and took over as duty officer for the brigade. During the day, he received reports, gave orders, resolved issues and, according to instructions, periodically reported to the top: without incident. Sometimes he told the assistant “I’ll go for a walk,” put on the “duty” bandage and went off to see with his ever-watchful eye whether everything was in order at the base entrusted to him.

In the morning a new outfit arrived to take over the watch, and then it turned out that there was no one to take it over. According to the assistant, captain three went on another round at night, has not returned since then, and the assistant has been “dragging out” the entire service at night.

Missing Officer

The new duty officer, not embarrassed by his subordinates, expressed everything he thought about the missing duty officer. Calls were sent home to the officer who had abandoned his watch, his friends and colleagues, and sailors ran to all ends of the base with instructions to “find the duty officer and not return without him.” However, cap-three disappeared into thin air. When it was no longer possible to delay, the officer taking over the shift called the base commander and reported an emergency: the duty officer had disappeared along with his service weapon.

The commander put the base on its ears. A dozen search teams looked into every crack, examined every hole on the territory of the base and in its environs, and the officers leading the search parties swore through their teeth and each thought about what he would do with the captain when he found him.

It soon became clear that cap-three did not come home and did not show up to see any of his colleagues. The commander contacted representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the police took control of all civilian and military airports and airfields - in December it was possible to leave the peninsula only by plane. They looked for the officer for a very long time, but did not find him.

Terrible find

Two months later, hunters found the remains of a man, or rather his bones. Since the bones were wearing a naval officer's uniform, the discovery was reported where it should be. Representatives of the military prosecutor's office arrived and carefully examined the find.

Documents were found in the pockets, so the “owner” was identified immediately. The last doubts disappeared when a pistol with a number stamped on it was found in a holster on his belt. It was the missing watch officer.

Although the officer disappeared two months ago, the soft tissue was completely missing, the corpse was rotten to the bones. There were no mechanical damage to the clothes or the remains themselves, so the version of “animals gnawed the bones” was immediately dismissed.

Let us remember that the officer disappeared on December 8, and Kamchatka is not Central Asia, the winters here are cold and the bodies of those killed in December-January are preserved until spring. But for some reason this did not apply to the remains of the captain.

Strange expert conclusions

The remains were sent to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for examination and soon an unexpected answer came from there: the remains belong to a 30-year-old man who died about 160 years ago. Naturally, neither the military nor the police were happy with this conclusion. The cap-three that was found disappeared again, and the police received a puzzle: the corpse of a century and a half ago in an officer’s uniform and with a pistol of the missing duty officer at the base.

The remains were transported to the mainland for re-examination. The central hospital of the Ministry of Defense even conducted a genetic examination, which confirmed that the skeleton belonged to the missing officer. And then the Petropavlovsk nightmare repeated itself: according to radiocarbon dating, the age of the remains is about 160 years.

Unlucky Captain III Rank

Scientists were interested in this unusual case, but they could not say anything worthwhile. That year, high geomagnetic activity was observed in Kamchatka, earthquakes occurred almost daily, and unusual phenomena in the atmosphere were recorded. It is possible that all this was a reflection of the processes occurring in. Cap-three accidentally found himself in the center of an anomaly that arose, which threw him 160 years ago.

Apparently the captain did not survive this journey and died, which was for the best: he had no chance of surviving in the middle of the 19th century in Kamchatka. The captain of the third rank was unlucky.

About how the most ordinary people in some incredible way visited the past...

For many years there was a legend that on the Kola Peninsula several thousand years ago there was a warm, prosperous country of Hyperborea with a highly developed civilization. In the 1920s, the idea of ​​sending a search expedition to the Murmansk region was supported by Felix Dzerzhinsky himself. Now it is difficult to establish what goals the expedition set for itself. It is unlikely that only scientific ones - in later times large reserves of rare earth elements were discovered here. In 1922, a group led by Barchenko and Kondiaina headed to the Seydozero and Lovozero area of ​​the Murmansk region. After returning to Moscow, the materials of the expedition were carefully studied at Lubyanka. Barchenko was later repressed and shot. The data he obtained was never published. According to the stories of local residents, it is only known that the search engines came across a strange manhole going underground. The scientists were unable to get inside - some kind of unaccountable fear, an almost tangible horror, literally bursting from the dungeon, interfered. One local resident said that “it felt like you were being skinned alive.” A collective photograph has been preserved, in which 13 members of the expedition stand next to the mystical hole. However, everyone who was filmed on it is no longer alive. According to one version, Barchenko’s expedition discovered a “time hole” in mysterious caves, through which one could go not a hundred or two hundred years ago, but 15 thousand years ago. But few people dare to take advantage of this hole - after all, there may not be a way back. Local residents are afraid of these caves. Stories have been preserved of people who claim that they have repeatedly seen a strange creature nearby - a caveman, or “Bigfoot”. Maybe he came to our time from the distant past? According to legends and chronicles, materials from expeditions and testimonies of local residents, it is quite possible that there are some holes in the body of our planet that can transport a person to the past or future.

Information about this amazing case would have remained classified if not for the intrigues in the US military department, as a result of which the materials ended up in the Western press. A NATO air force pilot (name not given) told reporters about an incredible incident in the skies over Europe. It was in May 1999, when military operations were taking place in the Balkans. The reconnaissance plane took off from a NATO base in Holland. The flight mission included monitoring the actions of the parties to the conflict in the former Yugoslavia. The plane was moving along an air corridor in the sky over Germany. Visibility was excellent, the pilot could distinguish the cities. Suddenly, he noticed an entire squadron of fighters in the sky, moving towards him. Soon the battle began. A real air battle in the peaceful skies of Germany. The pilot noticed that the planes were somehow strange, clearly outdated. And soon, to the left of the heading, the pilot saw a Messerschmitt coming straight at him! The pilot was feverishly thinking about how to behave in such a situation, and, I must say, he was scared, because the reconnaissance plane was not equipped with weapons for air combat. But soon a fighter with Soviet stars on board launched a frontal attack on the German fighter. The NATO member claims that he even saw the amazed eyes of both pilots. They looked at his plane as if they did not understand where this miracle had come from. The vision lasted no more than 20 seconds. Then all the strange planes disappeared, and the military pilot continued his flight towards the Balkans. Danish physicist Pox Heglund, a researcher of the phenomenon of penetration into the past, collected information about 274 cases of such movements in time. They all happened in the air. 1976 Soviet pilot Viktor Orlov reported that, while flying a MIG-25, he saw with his own eyes the ground military operations under the wing of the aircraft. According to his descriptions, it turned out that Orlov was a witness to the famous battle that took place in 1863 near the German city of Gettysburg during the Civil War.
1985 A NATO air force pilot took off from a base in Africa. Suddenly he saw a strange picture. Under the wing of the plane there were not deserts characteristic of North Africa, but endless savannas. Instead of the Sahara, he saw huge trees. Moreover, for several seconds the amazed pilot observed herds of dinosaurs grazing on the lawns. The vision quickly disappeared, and the pilot continued his flight over the desert.
1986 Soviet pilot Alexander Ustimov, while carrying out a mission, suddenly discovered that he was over Ancient Egypt. The pilot saw one pyramid built and the foundations of several others laid, around which a mass of people were swarming.
According to the observations of the Danish physicist, all time travel lasted no more than 20 seconds. At the same time, the pilots performed them at both supersonic and subsonic speeds. “Flight speed has nothing to do with penetration into the past,” writes Höglund.

In 1994, in the waters of the North Atlantic, the crew of a Norwegian fishing boat caught a 10-month-old girl, frozen but healthy. Where did the baby, who couldn’t swim, come from so far from the shore, and why did he survive? The baby was swimming tied to a life buoy with the words “Titanic” written on it. Moreover, it was discovered exactly in the place where the famous ship sank in 1912. It’s hard to believe what happened, but later the scientists who took up the case actually found a mention of a 10-month-old female child on the Titanic’s passenger list. It was not possible to continue the research further. The baby, naturally, was not able to talk about himself. And when the girl grew up, she, of course, did not remember herself at such a young age.
There are many inexplicable facts in the world, humanity is no longer surprised by anything, and this story could also fade into oblivion. However, modern researchers also remembered other facts related to the death of the Titanic. The sailors of several ships that passed by the place of his death in our time claimed that they saw the ghost of a sinking giant ship. The vision lasted a few seconds and quickly disappeared.
A big fan of such mysteries, oceanographer Malvin Iddland got to work and soon announced his guess. This is what he told reporters: “I will try to explain what is happening, although it is contrary to common sense. It seems that in this area of ​​the world time has lost its meaning; people who disappeared back in 1912 suddenly appear as if nothing had happened to them, they had not even aged. It seems that the Titanic and its passengers fell into some kind of time trap.” This is how the version about “time traps” arose, in which people disappear without a trace and thanks to which they can appear in a completely unexpected era.

A sedate and very sober railway worker quite clearly saw a train coming from the side of the former branch, where the rails had been dismantled and only the embankment remained. He rubbed his eyes: trains cannot move without rails, but this one was moving: a steam locomotive and three passenger carriages. Both the locomotive and the entire train are not modern and not of our, Russian, production. The train passed by the stunned railway worker and went towards Sevastopol.
Many years later, Cherkashin, leafing through the binder of publications, in the newspaper “Glory of Sevastopol” dated August 12, 1992, read the article “Ghost Train” on the roads of Ukraine.” It told about a fact that happened in 1911, when a pleasure train left the station in Rome with a large number of passengers, the train was approaching the tunnel, when suddenly everything around was covered with a milky white fog. The train entered the tunnel and disappeared. After this incident, the tunnel was blocked with stones, and, probably, the incident would have been forgotten if it had not been for the three-car ghost. appeared at a crossing near the village of Zavalichi, Poltava region. A train with tightly closed curtains and an empty driver's cabin moved absolutely silently, but crushed many chickens walking along the road. It happened in 1991, 80 years later...
The ghost train phenomenon has been studied by many scientists. For the first time, the chairman of the commission on anomalous phenomena of Ukraine V. Leshchaty expressed the version that the train somehow passed... through time. Wasn’t this the train that a railway worker saw near Balaklava in 1955? It looks very similar: a foreign-style locomotive, three carriages. Following Leshchaty, Nikolai Cherkashin began to study the version of the passage of a ghost train through time. He suggested that along with the law of conservation of matter and energy, there is also a law of conservation of time, which has not yet been proven by anyone.
Then it turns out that the time lived does not disappear anywhere, but really exists. The present as such does not exist. What we call the present is only an illusion, since any moment of the future immediately becomes a moment of the past. Therefore, Cherkashin believes that the past and the future are equal to the concept of “time”.
In this regard, his following reasoning is also interesting. Theoretically, it is possible to display on the screen of an ancient mirror everything that has ever been reflected in it. Especially if this mirror has not changed its location for a long time. That is why “ghosts” most often “come out” from old mirrors of palaces, castles, and abandoned houses.
The same ability is possessed by Egyptian pyramids, ancient buildings, old aqueducts, tunnels, centuries-old trees, capable of accumulating time.
The idea of ​​time flowing in a straight line is outdated. Isn’t it more logical to assume that time is wound in turns, like a thread on a spool, and the past exists parallel to the future? But sometimes “breakdowns” occur between turns, and then “black holes” appear. They, like funnels of tornadoes, forming an air tunnel between heaven and earth, wander, moving according to their own laws, still unknown to us, drawing in people, objects, animals, disappearing from our lives without a trace.
Cherkashin is convinced that there is a special X-chronal field - the field of the planet. Super-long tunnels, super-deep mines, super-tall towers change the movement of time just as dams and canals change the flow of rivers. The railway network on the planet, like a metal mesh covering our continents with varying densities, also affects the passage of time.
Railways are time accelerators, a kind of synchrophasotrons, where instead of atomic particles the movement of living beings is accelerated. Trains speed up our biological time, which may be why some people have a hard time with trains: the railway is dangerous not only because of the possibility of unexpected disasters, but also because of its space-time anomalies.
What follows in the mouth of Cherkashin sounds like the most daring fantasy. It turns out that at the beginning, before the disappearance of the Roman train, a powerful earthquake occurred in Italy. Cracks and failures appeared not only in the ground, but also in the chronal field. This wandering chronal hole could concentrate above the mountain tunnel and transfer the train from our three-dimensional space to four-dimensional space. Therefore, the unfortunate composition, having fallen out of ordinary vector time, began to move freely from the present to the past, from the past to the future.
But since its movement was determined by spatial coordinates, that is, the rail track, it could only appear where the rails once lay, or where they would be laid in the future. So the story with the ghost train is not over yet. Most likely, it will “resurface” somewhere in the 21st century.
The biggest mystery is with the people on that locomotive. Where are they, left without their carriages, which have rushed off to another century?
And the chairman of the commission for the study of anomalous phenomena at the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, V. Leshchaty, according to knowledgeable people, was still waylaid by a “ghost” on September 25, 1991, at a crossing in the village of Zavalichi. They say he jumped on the bandwagon, and no one saw him again .

News edited Dr. Kripke - 11-09-2012, 19:24

Imagine that you accidentally went back in time and are unlikely to be able to return to your time. What to do? First of all, let's carefully look around and evaluate our prospects. Ancient Greece - drunkenness and homosexuality. South America-evil maniacs with funny names. Egypt-slavery and shock construction. Atlantis- free diving. What does “I want to go home” mean? Why did you stand under a tall tree in a thunderstorm? Have you read the Necronomicon? Did you cut bread with a glass dagger with the sand of time? Or were you following a suspicious woman who often visits an abandoned house?

The classic traveler to the past is a know-it-all with golden hands. He manages to teach the natives to read and write, smelt steel, distill oil, make a gasoline engine, cure all diseases, organize an effective economy and, because of some nonsense, lose everything he has achieved at once. The most favorable for such activities is the Bronze Age (3-1 millennium BC) - the starting point of the progress of the most ancient states. A chemist, engineer or historian could change it beyond recognition. But what if the average citizen of the early 21st century suddenly ends up there?

Friend of paradoxes

So, you are not a genius with a four-digit IQ, but an ordinary person who found himself in the past suddenly, without preparation and without the slightest possibility of going back. There is no need to worry about the latter, because if the theory that time is a single interconnected structure turns out to be correct, then you will only have to step on a butterfly to make 2007 the last year in the human calendar.

Forget about the future. It's not yours anymore anyway. It is wiser for an emigrant to the past to be wary of time paradoxes that change the fabric of the universe. It is theoretically possible that, due to your presence in the past, the future may change so much that you will not be born at all (and therefore will not go back in time, thus creating an insoluble contradiction).

But even if a violation of the sequential flow of time does not occur (for example, history may take a new path in another, parallel universe), then it is still better to hedge your bets with the help of another paradox. The stronger your friendship with the local opposite sex, the greater the chances of becoming your own ancestor and the less the risk of accidentally “erasing” yourself from the future by picking some apple.

When and where?

In most science fiction works, guests from the future immediately find themselves among people. This is incredible luck. The real chances of ending up in Camelot or at the walls of ancient Thebes are close to zero. Let's face it. Even if we assume that after the slalom in time you ended up not in outer space or the ocean, but on land, then there will not be a single living soul around you, except for a huge (by today's standards) number of predators. Three thousand years ago, the entire population of our planet, according to various estimates, ranged from 14 to 50 million people. Now imagine that you showed up in the mountains of Tibet in winter (maybe even naked, like the Terminator). The geography of an area is also important because your survival depends on the people who inhabit it. What would you prefer - first contact with the ancient Greeks or meeting the bloodthirsty Maori?

It is only possible to determine your location in time and space without the help of the local population only very approximately. You shouldn't rely on the climate - after all, you don't yet know the current time of year. In addition, the temperature history of the planet was inconsistent even on a scale of several thousand years (for example, in 535, much of the Earth experienced a strong cooling, and from the 10th to the 14th centuries Europe warmed up greatly). Large geographical features are also useless - unless, of course, you are able to distinguish the Indian Ocean from the South China Sea at a glance, or the Alps from Altai.

Pay attention to the night sky. With its help, you can get some idea of ​​the time and place of your new residence. Over thousands of years, the map of constellations has changed significantly, and you are unlikely to be the president of an astronomy club, but the “bucket” of Ursa Major is familiar to everyone. Take a look at the picture. This is what it looked like 100,000 years ago (above), today (in the center) and this is how it will look in 100,000 years (below). If the “bucket” is not visible, it means you are in the southern hemisphere. Pay attention to the Moon too. If the horns of the month point up or down, it means you are near the equator. This data will help you significantly narrow down your search and avoid surprises during subsequent contact with the natives, after which all questions about your whereabouts will most likely be cleared.

It is almost impossible to calculate the current date according to the Gregorian calendar from the testimony of the natives, because at that time humanity used other time systems. The accuracy of chronological orientation depends only on your erudition.

3100 BC e. The first dynasty of Egypt, the beginning of the construction of Stonehenge, the beginning of Kaliyuga (India), the creation of the Earth (Mayan calendar)
3000 BC e. The appearance of papyrus, the discovery of silver, the first pottery in South America (Colombia)
2550 BC e. Construction of the Cheops pyramid
2000 BC e. Domestication of the horse, appearance of chariots in central Asia
1745 BC e. Death of Babylonian King Hammurabi
1200 BC e. Trojan War
776 BC e. First Olympic Games

Having understood the history and geography, it is necessary to make a lasting impression on the natives. There is no universal way to convince them of your exclusivity (what stuns the Papuans may make the Chinese yawn), but demonstrating things from the 21st century is considered the most effective. Before you take out your lighter or cell phone, evaluate your current status in the eyes of the audience. If, instead of interest or reverence, the natives show indifference or even hostility towards you, then they may well appropriate your wonderful trinkets and skin their owner for drums.

If you don’t have a single modern artifact with you, you can resort to simple tricks. For example, the "coin" trick (holding a small object between the thumb and index finger of your left hand, pretend to pick it up with your right, but in fact drop the object into the palm of your left hand and quietly get rid of it, distracting the audience with your right hand, where it is allegedly located), performed in front of simple-minded peasants, will give you every right to call yourself Merlin.

If the time traveler is a lady, then it will be very difficult for her. Where men (and male gods) reign supreme, “miracles” from women are automatically perceived as something amazing, but not omnipotent. In the ancient world, female witchcraft was treated ambiguously, so there is always a risk that a guest from the future will be mistaken for a sorceress, who, according to the Old Testament, cannot be left alive.

A classic trick of the science fiction hero going back in time is using a solar (lunar) eclipse to strike fear into a superstitious people. In reality this is almost impossible. Solar eclipses occur in different regions of the planet approximately every 18 months. The average period of their repetition in the same place is 370 years (they usually last several minutes, maximum 7 minutes 40 seconds). But the point is not that you need to have a phenomenal memory and know the exact time of every eclipse in every region of the planet thousands of years ago. The difference in calendars and the inaccuracy of calculations reduce the practical effectiveness of such “predictions” to zero. The same applies to volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, the appearance of comets and other similar phenomena.

Now you have to perform a real miracle - to recreate the technologies of the future, use them to win power over the natives and make the world a little better. Human life is short. Even a team of specialists from our time will not have time to develop an ancient civilization to the level of the 21st century. However, your knowledge and skills are quite enough to put together the greatest achievements of that time (most of which were safely forgotten and reinvented only a few thousand years later) - Chinese, Arab, Greek, Egyptian; slightly enhance them with 21st century science and make life in the past much more comfortable. If you're lucky, the largest chapter in history books will be devoted to you, and computers will appear in the 19th century.

The future is today

Medical operation in ancient Egypt.

Antibiotics- the first thing you have to think about. Having found yourself in the past, you, without knowing it, have climbed into the skin of Wells's Martian. The human immune system of the 21st century may encounter long-forgotten diseases (plague, cholera, leprosy), not to mention “unfamiliar” strains of microorganisms.

Clean penicillin impossible to obtain using artisanal methods, but nothing prevents you from following the example of its discoverer Alexander Fleming and making a bactericidal penicillin “broth”. Among the different types of mold, you should find the fungus that has the highest concentration of penicillin (Fleming had luck with mold growing on a melon). To grow it, microbiologists use meat broth boiled with agar-agar, an algae that secretes a gelatinous substance.

Sooner or later you will receive a moldy solution that will have the properties of a mild antibiotic (kills bacteria that cause suppuration, pneumonia, diphtheria bacilli and even anthrax). It can be used to treat festering wounds, but it cannot be administered subcutaneously or intravenously. It cannot be stored for a long time, and when heated, it loses its beneficial properties (Fleming evaporated the broth in a vacuum, repeatedly increasing the concentration of penicillin, but it is better to forget about the vacuum pump in the ancient world).

Para Bellum

A traveler's best friend to the past - black powder. With it you can easily make the simplest guns, cannons, rockets, and also significantly facilitate the work of miners. You will need to mix saltpeter, coal and sulfur in a ratio of approximately 15:3:2.

The good thing about the Bronze Age is that advanced civilizations already had access to most of the components of the inventions of the subsequent era.

Saltpeter was made from dung. It was mixed with straw and left for about a year, periodically moistened with urine, after which the resulting humus was washed with water. Charcoal was added to this water, rich in nitrates, crystallized and saltpeter was obtained.

If you have crude oil, you can distill it and get kerosene(boils out of oil at a temperature of 200-300 degrees). Experiment with it, adding phosphorus, sulfur and saltpeter. Exact recipe Greek fire unknown, but it probably consisted of these components.

Neighboring states are not familiar with iron? Then we go to them! Advise your metallurgists to smelt iron ore mixed with charcoal. The resulting metal will be too brittle for weapons, so it must be forged into steel for a long time, removing excess carbon. The discovery and improvement of this simple technology marked the beginning of modern metallurgy and, ultimately, became the most important factor in the scientific and technological revolution.

An effective weapon is the main, but not the only guarantee of victory for your army in a war with less developed neighbors. Painful wound surgery requires anesthesia. Ether was discovered in the 13th century, but it was only discovered in the 19th century to use it to euthanize patients. It can be obtained by distilling a solution of alcohol and sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid was first made by Arab alchemists by distilling a mixture of copper sulfate (produced by the oxidation of natural copper sulfide in a furnace) and iron sulfate (produced by the oxidation of sulfur pyrites).

Golden age

Sugar cane.

It will take money to transform the Bronze Age into the Golden Age. A traveler to the past is able to easily make some goods that are familiar to the “computer” 21st century, but unfamiliar and very relevant to the Bronze. Here are just a few of them.

Sugar, or “sweet salt” as the Crusaders called it, is still the most important trade product. In ancient times, it was a luxury delicacy. If you have sweet cane, beets, date palms, sorghum or sugar maple at your disposal, then their juice, evaporated and purified from impurities, will replenish the treasury well.

The Phoenicians and Egyptians invented glass almost 5 thousand years ago, but for a long time glass products remained luxury items and brought profit to the Egyptians (blue glass was believed to have magical properties). Pliny wrote that the Phoenicians invented glass by accident. The merchants, carrying soda and potash (salt boiled from ash), stopped on the sandy shore and used the briquettes of their cargo to prop up pots of food near the fire. The sand melted into glass (under such conditions, this requires a temperature of about a thousand degrees).

Soap- not only a popular product, but also the basis of hygiene, a guarantee of health, and also a criterion of civilization. In ancient Babylon they washed their hands with clay cylinders soaked in saponified fat. In a homemade way - including even at your home - soap can be made by heating olive or any other vegetable oil (animal fat is also used instead of vegetable oil) with alkali (soda). Before the solution hardens, aromatic substances can be added to it.

For long-distance travel and establishing trade relations you will need compass. Considering that the Chinese would only invent it in the 4th century BC. e., it makes sense to speed up this process and begin the era of great geographical discoveries ahead of schedule. The simplest way to magnetize a metal pointer (for example, a thin needle) is this: it should be rubbed for some time in one direction with a silk cloth or wool. By hanging a needle on a thin thread inside a dielectric box, we get the oldest and most useful navigation device.

There are no small things in the world. A traveler to the past will miss the most ordinary things of our time. For example, matches. Before their invention, people used steel: flint (a piece of high-carbon iron), flint and tinder. When the hammer strikes flint or any other durable material with sharp edges, sparks are generated (iron particles heated by friction).

In modern survival kits, the chair is made of an alloy of iron and cerium, which makes it possible to produce sparks with a temperature of about 3000 degrees. However, in the conditions of the Bronze Age, you can do it simpler and construct an “eternal match” - a small container with some highly flammable liquid into which a metal rod is screwed. The latter has a wick at the end with a protruding metal spike. By striking it along the side of the container on which the silicon plate is mounted, you ignite the wick and get a hybrid lighter with a regular match.

Do you want to feel like a Jules Verne hero? Try to reproduce not only “well-forgotten old” technologies, but also surprise our ancestors with the most progressive achievements of the 19-20th century. The list of available innovations, unfortunately, is very limited, because even in the computer “Civilization” it is impossible to build a steam engine without the invention of the printing press.

If you find yourself in South America, you will have access to Brazilian Hevea - trees whose sap, when heated over a fire, turns into a thick resin, known to us as rubber. The Indians used it in much the same way as you and I. It was used to make windings for tool handles, temporary shoes (a person briefly dipped his foot into the cooling rubber), and waterproof clothing. There is a legend that a certain Portuguese managed to deliver Indian fabric impregnated with rubber to his homeland. However, his compatriots did not appreciate the innovation and accused the poor man of witchcraft.

Collecting rubber from Hevea.

When they first saw the Aztecs playing with a rubber ball, the conquistadors experienced severe culture shock and subsequently claimed that this toy was bewitched by evil spirits. Meanwhile, the process rubber vulcanization was unknown to the Indians (it was discovered by Charles Goodear in the mid-19th century), so they improved its properties with various plant “additives”. But even such rubber was unstable and decomposed within a few days. Tell them to add a little sulfur (from 10 to 25%) to the heated juice of the hevea - and you will get strong, elastic rubber. Dissolve it in ether, saturate a fabric cape, and you have a waterproof mackintosh (invented in 1824). Add a little more sulfur (30-40%) - and you have invented ebonite, one of the ancestors of plastic.

Another example of 19th century technology available thousands of years ago is photo. It requires a camera obscura (in other words, a box with a hole in the wall) and a little patience. In the 1820s, French inventor Joseph Niépce was first able to mount an image inside a camera obscura on a copper plate covered with a layer of natural “Judaean bitumen” (asphalt). Unfortunately, this method, called heliography, required an 8-hour exposure time in bright light, which made it possible to photograph only still landscapes.

The world's first photograph is a view from the window of Joseph Niepce (1826).

The artist and self-taught inventor Louis Daguerre, a successor to Niépce’s work, had no understanding of chemistry at all, but accidentally discovered that if you take a plate coated with the thinnest layer of silver, treat it with iodine, “illuminate” it in a camera obscura for about 10 minutes, “fix " silver with mercury vapor and dip the plate in a bath of sodium sulfite (produced by the interaction of soda with burning sulfur vapor), you will get a daguerreotype - a photograph, the technology for creating which has survived to this day and, with some modifications, is used by the Polaroid company).

More modern types of photography are almost inaccessible to Bronze Age technology, but even a good old daguerreotype will be enough to strengthen your reputation as a wizard, as well as earn mountains of gold by selling erotic photographs of Cleopatra.

* * *

Real trips to the past are unlikely to be similar to those interesting and curious adventures in which science fiction heroes get involved. The chances of modern man surviving the Bronze Age are close to zero. Everything depends not on “when”, but on “where”. If you find yourself in an ancient jungle, then you most likely will not get out of it. If you were still able to find people, but they turned out to be cannibals, then even a deaf-mute cuckoo will not undertake to predict your future, and the only contribution to progress will be a lantern made from your skull.

But even if you are incredibly lucky to get into a civilized country, you will still be a stranger in it. A pariah, unfamiliar with the realities of the world around him. As soon as we - so highly developed and educated - find ourselves on the streets of ancient Babylon, all our civilization will immediately depreciate, and the only advantage over the local “savages” will be the premium for exoticism that your new owner will pay on the slave market. Only talented actors and desperate impudent people who have managed to create the image of a supernatural being will be able to conquer the top of the social ladder.

However, slavery is not the worst option. History knows many examples when slaves became rulers. Sooner or later, technology savvy will be able to dramatically increase your value, create a good reputation and get you out of the bottom. We have listed just a few milestones for accelerating progress. You can come up with the rest yourself.

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