Within 7 calendar days. During or During: What's the Difference?

Which is correct: during the day or throughout the day? This question is asked by many high school students. A comprehensive answer to this can be obtained from the presented article.

General information

Let's sum it up

Now you know in which cases you should write the letter “i” at the end of the expression “during ...”, and in which cases you should write “e”. To remember the described rules, let's present them in a shorter form:

1. The letter “e” is always written at the end of the word “during” if it is a complex preposition that means “in a certain period of time.” Such a service part of speech can also be recognized by the fact that it cannot be asked a question, but can be easily replaced with a synonym (during).

2. At the end of the word “during” the letter “and” is written if it is a noun, standing in. In order to determine this part of speech, it is enough to ask the question to the presented expression: “in what?” - during. You can also easily put a word between a preposition and a noun (for example, in a slow current, in a stormy current, etc.).

Exercises to reinforce the material

To remember the above rules of the Russian language, we recommend that you complete the following tasks yourself:

1. Find errors in the sentences:

  • Within 14 days I must return to Moscow.
  • There were many whirlpools throughout the river.
  • I will be released within 24 hours.
  • I've seen a lot throughout my life.

2. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences:

  • Why didn't you come to me during the lesson?
  • Oh, no one knows how much we used these papers over the course of a month.
  • In the stormy current of the river I noticed a man.
  • We argued several times over the course of the year.
  • I will definitely visit you during this year.
  • How could you swim in a strong river current?
  • In the turbulent course of my life there were so many events that I can’t remember everything.

How to write correctly: “within 24 hours” or “within 24 hours”, “to say in conclusion” or “to say in conclusion”?

Spelling words like during, in continuation, in contrast, in order to avoid, in conclusion, as a result, like , as well as adverbs subsequently not hard to remember.

During or during, in continuation or in continuation?

If we are talking about time and you can ask the question “How long?" - at the end we writeE:

  • Egor worked for e three days (how long did it last? - three days)
  • Elena rested in continuation e weeks (how long? - a week)
  • Throughout his life, he did not master the rules of the Russian language (for how long? - during his entire life)

If I may ask a question "Where?"or we are talking about the flow of water - we write AND:

  • Igor saw a swimmer in the current And rivers (saw where - in a river flow, in a stream of water)
  • The author revealed this secret in the sequel And of his book (revealed where? - in the next part of the book)

In conclusion or in conclusion?

If you mean " at the end of something, completing something", we write E:

  • Evgeniy sang a song in prisone banquet
  • In conclusion e examination, the doctor said that you need to wash your hands before eating

If you mean " in places of detention" or " a certain document or part of it, which can be called “Conclusion”, we write AND:

  • Igor is in prison And due to suspicion of bribery
  • In conclusion And The doctor said that Ilya is sick with inflammation of the cunning

There is a bearded joke: “A man is wandering around Red Square with a banner that says: “Freedom for Brezhnev!” A policeman approached: “What are you doing, man?!” What makes you think that Brezhnev is in prison? “So on the radio in the morning they said: “In custody And Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev said...”

As a consequence and subsequently

If you can replace it with a word "because of", we write due to . Together and with E at the end:

  • Vasya was fired from work due to absenteeism (kicked out because of what?)

If you mean "in the investigative authorities", "during investigation", we write separately and with AND at the end:

  • As a resultthere has been a breakthrough in the criminal case
  • As a resultour district operatives work day and night

If you can replace it with a word "after something", "then", we write subsequently .Together and with AND at the end:

  • Vasya subsequently kicked out of work due to absenteeism (kicked out after what?)

In contrast

If after the words "in contrast" there is an excuse from , we write from E :

  • Unlike his son, he studied poorly
  • Unlike Paris, Krasnoyarsk is fabulously beautiful

In conclusion, during, as a result of, in contrast to, in order to avoid, in continuation, like- in this case prepositions V And on combined with the accusative case of nouns in -ies, the ending of which coincides with the ending of the nominative case of such nouns. Adverb subsequently formed by combining the preposition V with the prepositional case form of the noun a consequence, due to which the ending of the prepositional case is preserved: -And.

In each individual case, we need to understand which part of speech is in front of us - noun + preposition or adverb. Becoming prepositions, nouns lose their lexical and grammatical meaning, and also lose their independence. Being attached to nouns, prepositions, together with the case endings of nouns, only indicate their relationship to the words to which they are subordinated.

For example, the noun flow there is a lexical meaning of water flow, direction of water. Flow can be used in different cases with different prepositions: from the flow, along the flow, etc. The pretext for expresses only temporary relationships: during the month, during the day.

Secondly, you should pay attention to the fact that some prepositions and adverbs formed from prepositional-case forms of nouns are written together:like, as a result, subsequently. The consistency and separation of writings is regulated lexical-morphological principle of spelling.

Based on materials from Gramma.ru

Due to the consonance of phrases “during / e” there is often confusion with determining the correct spelling. We propose to understand once and for all in what cases each of the phrases is used and how to remember the rules for writing them.

“During” is a derived preposition , he most often stands next to a noun in the genitive case, which denotes a unit of time, a specific period or period: year, month, week, day, hour, minutes.

This derived preposition can be replaced with something similar in meaning“during”, “during”, “for the time” and the like. If, as a result of analyzing the phrase, you have determined that it belongs to the “derived preposition” part of speech, The correct spelling is with the letter “e” at the end.

  • During the summer, productivity indicators fell by 1.5 times.
  • After the manager’s call, Anna appeared in the office within half an hour.
  • During the year, more than 20 new bills were adopted.

Spelling “during”

“During” is a preposition with a noun , indicating the direction of movement of a natural or artificial water body. Most often used with nouns“river”, “ocean”, “stream” and proper names of water bodies (“Gulf Stream”, “Thames”, “Desna”).

If after the preposition “in” before the noun that follows it, you can insert an adjective suitable in terms of semantic load, meaning the nature of the movement of the liquid (turbulent, slow, intermittent) - a phrase is written with the ending in the form of the letter “i”.

  • Along the river, objects occasionally flashed that had been washed away from the shore.
  • The Gulf Stream has increased water temperatures over the past year.
  • The garbage thrown into the stream swirled in the current and disappeared from our eyes.

How to remember the correct spelling

To remember the correct spelling you need to learn how to quickly identify the part of speech, to which the problematic phrase refers in the manner described above. In the case of a derived preposition, it is always written with the letter “e” at the end, and if we are talking about a preposition with a noun, the correct option is the ending “and”.

Reference! You can do it simpler: if the expression clearly relates to the description of a time frame, the correct option is to end in the form of the letter “e,” but if we are talking about the direction of movement of water of any object, it would be correct to write the word “and” at the end.

Attention! In prepositions formed from forms of the accusative case, “e” is written at the end: in continuation, as a result. Prepositions indicate time and answer the question “how long?” In nouns in the prepositional case, “and” is written, since after the noun a dependent word in the genitive case is required: in the continuation of the series, in the investigation of the case.


If you have difficulty determining the correct spelling of a given phrase, just remember the following:

  • First rule. To determine the correct spelling for sure, determine the part of speech in which the words in the phrase refer: if it is a derived preposition, the letter “e” is added at the end, and if it is a preposition with a noun, the letter “and” is added;
  • Second rule. There is another way: determine what the sentence is about. If we are talking about time frames, it is written with the letter “e” at the end; and if the direction of movement of a water body is considered, it would be correct to put the ending “and”.
  • Word combinations are written separately, the combined spelling “flow/and” is incorrect.

Useful video

We write correctly: “during/and.” How to choose the correct ending in the video below.

We continue our research within the framework of the new section “Minute of Literacy”, and today we will talk about the correct spelling of phrases for And during. I think this problem is quite common, and many young authors even wonder whether they put the right letter at the end. There, in today’s entry we will learn once and for all what rules phrases obey for And during.

Solving the mystery.

The first thing to firmly remember: designs for And during are always written separately. There is no continuous spelling. You need to remember this well and never make such mistakes (fortunately, the MS Word text editor will prudently highlight the continuous spelling with a red underline).

Now to the point. In general, it is quite simple to distinguish the spelling of endings. You just need to remember what it is:

  1. Duringe is a preposition indicating a period of time or, in general, the length of something ( During the day).
  2. Collocation during consists of a preposition V and noun flow indicating directly the movement of water or other liquid ( Along the river).

That is, we have a separate independent preposition and a simple combination of a preposition with a noun. It is from this that we proceed in the future when determining the correct way of writing.


Pretext for used, as a rule, with the genitive case of a noun when indicating a specific period of time. This time period can be characterized by:

  • along its entire length something happens;
  • at one moment something happens.

During the day we worked on developing our scientific project.

He completed many challenging tasks during his tenure.

The answer was given within a second.

This construction is a simple combination of the preposition V and noun flow and does not carry any additional semantic loads. It simply indicates the orderly movement of water or some other liquid.

We noticed the missing man along the river.

It is important to note that if a definition can be substituted between a noun and a preposition ( in a fast (smooth, lower) current), then the word flow is a noun and has the ending in the prepositional case And. The pretext for cannot be broken by definition substitution.

We noticed the missing person in the lower reaches of the river.

That's all for today. I hope you remember perfectly that the preposition for has to do with time, and the phrase during indicates the flow of water and can be easily clarified by additional definitions ( in a fast current). Subscribe to blog updates and leave comments. See you soon!

There are words in the Russian language whose spelling differs by just one letter, but the meaning of the whole sentence depends on its correct use. These words include "during" Or "for"? How to avoid mistakes and, when using a word in a certain context, not distort its content?

The answer is simple: you need to figure out what part of speech a word is in a particular sentence.

According to the rules of Russian spelling, the derived preposition “ for "spelled with a letter e at the end. It is used in speech to indicate the time of an action.

For example:

No one had been in this house for several years.

The issue should be resolved within an hour.

We must remember that the preposition “during” can be replaced with another preposition without distorting the meaning of the sentence:

For several years no one has visited this house. (during/for)

The issue should be resolved within an hour.

If a sentence uses a combination of the preposition in and the noun current in the prepositional case, the letter i should be written at the end.

For example:

Minor changes have been observed in the river's flow.

Conclusions website

  1. The combination " during» consists of a noun flow in the prepositional case and preposition V.
    During And
  2. You can insert a definition between a preposition and a noun:
    In a fast current Mountain rivers are all unpredictable.
  3. Derivative preposition "for", indicating the duration of action, is written with the letter e at the end.
    I'll call you for five minutes.
  4. Pretext "for"- an unchangeable auxiliary part of speech. Between "V" And "flow" it is impossible to insert a definition or any other part of the sentence.

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