V All-Russian online competition Kontur.Olympiad for students of financial specialties with a prize scholarship from SKB "Kontur". VI All-Russian Contour Olympiad Contour testing for students

Students of financial specialties at Russian educational institutions will be able to show their knowledge in the field of accounting and taxation, earn a personal scholarship and receive a job offer from SKB Kontur. Everyone is invited to participate in the online competition.


Participants of the Circuit Olympiad, students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, will have to go through two rounds:

  • Qualifying round - from October 16 to October 31, 2017. Participants take the online test at olymp.kontur.ru. Students who manage to give more than 50% correct answers receive an invitation to complete the tasks of the main round of the Olympiad.
  • The main tour is from November 14 to November 22, 2017. Participants solve practical cases online and answer more complex questions. The main task is to give the maximum number of correct answers in the minimum time.

This year, a separate tour is organized for first-year students - the Primary Olympiad, which will be held in the form of an online test from October 2 to 12. Participation in the Primary Olympiad is not mandatory to pass the Main Olympiad, but the competition will allow first-year students to test their basic knowledge in the subject area.

Students of financial specialties at Russian educational institutions will be able to show their knowledge in the field of accounting and taxation, earn a personal scholarship and receive a job offer from SKB Kontur. Everyone is invited to participate in the online competition.


Participants of the Circuit Olympiad, students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, will have to go through two rounds:

·Qualifying round - from October 16 to October 31, 2017. Participants take the online test at olymp.kontur.ru. Students who manage to give more than 50% correct answers receive an invitation to complete the tasks of the main round of the Olympiad.

·Main tour - from November 14 to November 22, 2017. Participants solve practical cases online and answer more complex questions. The main task is to give the maximum number of correct answers in the minimum time.

This year, a separate tour is organized for first-year students - the Primary Olympiad, which will be held in the form of an online test from October 2 to 12. Participation in the Primary Olympiad is not mandatory to pass the Main Olympiad, but the competition will allow first-year students to test their basic knowledge in the subject area.

The results of the Kontur.Olympiad 2016 have been summed up - a competition that the SKB Kontur company is holding for the fifth time.

How are the Olympics going?

1st round – qualifying

Students from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions participate. It is proposed to answer the questions of the online test on the competition page. The test has 36 questions. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Students who score 15 points or more advance to the second round.

Round 2 - main

Students who have successfully passed the first round participate. You are asked to answer 30 questions on the online test. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

The winners who scored the most points received a scholarship from the SKB Kontur company in the amount of 16,000 to 40,000 rubles. In addition, separate cash prizes were awarded in additional categories: “Best in Accounting”, “Best in Taxation” and “Software Expert”.

The number of participants in the Olympiad is growing every year, the geography of participation is expanding - this year 19,517 students from 1,120 educational institutions in Russia took part in the qualifying round. 9503 participants were tested in the final round.

In 2016, 8 students from the Institute of Law, Economics and Finance of Kabardino-Balkarian State University took part in the Kontur.Olympiad:

  1. Marianna Shogenova, 2nd year master's student;
  2. Zukhra Gaeva, 4th year undergraduate student;
  3. Larisa Dudueva, 1st year master's student;
  4. Alina Tembotova, 1st year undergraduate student;
  5. Eldar Kishev, 1st year undergraduate student;
  6. Lyuaza Sozaeva, 3rd year undergraduate student;
  7. Leilya Bashieva, 1st year undergraduate student;
  8. Fatima Rajapova, 2nd year master's student.

All participants showed high results in the qualifying round: L. Bashieva (31 points), F. Rajapova (30 points), M. Shogenova (30 points), Z. Gaeva (30 points), L. Dudueva (28 points), A . Tembotova (22 points), L. Sozaeva (21 points), E. Kishev (21 points). Diplomas were awarded to participants in the first round of the Kontur.Olympiad 2016.

Seven IPEiF students took part in the final round; they were awarded diplomas of participants in the main round of the Kontur.Olympiad 2016.

To prepare for the next Kontur.Olympiad, which will be held in the fall of 2017, we invite students to study at the Kontur.Academy. For any questions, please contact Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit Kazieva B.V.

We invite students to take part in the annual competition held by SKB Kontur.

Participants test their knowledge in the field of accounting, tax, personnel records and reporting, and also get acquainted with existing services that simplify the work of an accountant. The competition tasks allow you to apply the knowledge acquired during your studies in practice, in solving real professional problems.

The winners of the Olympiad will receive a scholarship from SKB Kontur, as well as recommendations for further employment in their specialty.

The organizers of the Kontur.Olympiad also established a prize for teachers who actively help organize the competition and invite students to participate in the Olympiad.

How are the Olympics going?

1st round - qualifying

Students from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions participate. It is proposed to complete practical work and answer the questions of the online test on the competition page. Having scored 15 points or more in the test, the participant passes to the second round, and also receives a diploma as a participant in the first round of the Kontur.Olympiad.

  • Dates for the first qualifying round: from October 12 to October 25, 2015.
  • Date of announcement of the winners of the qualifying round: October 26, 2015.
  • Distribution of qualifying round prizes: from October 27, 2015 to December 27, 2015.

On October 1, 2015, a practical task will be posted on the Olympiad website in one of the Organizer’s web services (access to which is provided by the Olympiad Organizer free of charge), in order to prepare for the Olympiad questions. In the qualifying round, the organizer was on October 12, 2015. year at 12:00 (Moscow time) opens on the website olymp.kontur.ru closed questions with answer options (a test of 35 questions) related to accounting, payroll, taxation, business fundamentals, personnel accounting, financial analysis and using SKB Kontur web services.

Answers to questions from the qualifying round will be accepted on the website olymp.kontur.ru from October 12, 2015 (from 12:00 Moscow time) to October 25, 2015 (until 23:50 Moscow time) inclusive. The day for announcing the winners of the qualifying round is October 26, 2015 at 14:00 Moscow time. The names of the winners will be announced on October 26 at an online conference, the address of which will be posted on the website olymp.kontur.ru. The results of all participants in the qualifying round will be published on the competition website on October 27.

Round 2 - main

Students who have passed the first round participate. You are asked to complete practical work and answer test questions. Each participant who passes the online test receives a diploma as a participant in the main round of the Kontur.Olympiad.

  • Dates for the second - main round: from November 9 to November 15, 2015.
  • Main round winners announcement date: November 16, 2015.
  • Main round prize distribution: from January 1, 2016 to January 31, 2016.

From October 27, 2015, participants who have qualified for the main round will have access to practical tasks for independent completion on the competition website. To solve the tasks of the main round, it is assumed that the Organizer’s web services will be used, access to which is provided by the Organizer of the Olympics free of charge for participants of the main round. To prepare, you should use the materials of training lessons on the Organizer’s web services, which will be posted on the website olymp.kontur.ru.

Answers to questions from the main round are accepted on the website olymp.kontur.ru from (12:00 Moscow time) November 9 to 15, 2015 (until 23:59 Moscow time) inclusive. The day the winners of the main round are announced is November 16, 2015 at 14:00 Moscow time.

Determination of the winners

In the first round, winners are determined in educational institutions with 15 or more participants. In case of equality of points, the time of completion of testing is taken into account.

In the second round, winners and runners-up among students from higher education and secondary education institutions are determined separately. If there are equal points, the completion of the creative task is assessed. Winners in categories are determined among all participants.

What does Contour provide? Olympics?

  1. Students can apply the knowledge acquired during their studies in practice, in solving real professional problems.
  2. Participation in the Olympiad is an opportunity to compare knowledge with other students and receive a scholarship.
  3. In each round, participants will have to think about real cases, the solution of which will take place in the services of SKB Kontur

For reference: SKB Kontur is a federal IT company that develops software for accounting and business. The main goal of the Kontur.Olympiad is to give students the opportunity to test their knowledge in the field of accounting and taxation, as well as to apply in practice the competencies acquired during the learning process.

Students of financial specialties at Russian educational institutions will be able to show their knowledge in the field of accounting and taxation, earn a personal scholarship and receive a job offer from SKB Kontur. Everyone is invited to participate in the online competition.


Participants of the Circuit Olympiad, students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, will have to go through two rounds:

  • Qualifying round - from October 16 to October 31, 2017. Participants take the online test at olymp.kontur.ru. Students who manage to give more than 50% correct answers receive an invitation to complete the tasks of the main round of the Olympiad.
  • The main tour is from November 14 to November 22, 2017. Participants solve practical cases online and answer more complex questions. The main task is to give the maximum number of correct answers in the minimum time.

This year, a separate tour is organized for first-year students - the Primary Olympiad, which will be held in the form of an online test from October 2 to 12. Participation in the Primary Olympiad is not mandatory to pass the Main Olympiad, but the competition will allow first-year students to test their basic knowledge in the subject area.

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