Vasily Romanov: “We must work out our own path of development for ourselves. Vasily Romanov: “We must work out our own development path for ourselves. Vasily Mikhailovich, why did you come to real estate

Presumably, Vasily Mikhailovich Romanov is the head of the companies, the list of which you see below. We remind you that the companies listed below may be run by different people (namesakes). This information was obtained on the basis of an analysis of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, may be outdated and does not violate Federal Law 152 “On Personal Data” in accordance with Art. 6 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs".


Region: Nizhny Novgorod region

Legal address: 603057, NIZHNY NOVGOROD, GAGARINA Ave., 50

Types of activities:

  • . Activities of sanitary and epidemiological service institutions;
  • . Other wholesale trade;
  • . Other retail trade in non-specialized stores;

Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia for the SOVETSKY district of N. NOVGOROD


Region: Orenburg region

Computer hardware consulting


Region: Orenburg region

Legal address: 460520, ORENBURG region, ORENBURG district, village. Nezhinka, st. YOUTH, 11, apt. 1

Construction of hydraulic structures

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    At 21.45, the qualifying match for the 2020 European Football Championship between the national teams of Russia and Cyprus began at the Nizhny Novgorod stadium. On the podium, together with the fans, the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Gleb Nikitin, is watching the game.


Vasily Mikhailovich Romanov - Deputy Head of the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

His competence includes direct management of departments:

information technology; engineering and technical support and telecommunications.

Vasily Romanov was born on February 11, 1963 in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Has been working in the real estate industry since 1992. Received several higher educations:

Gorky Civil Engineering Institute named after. V.P. Chkalov Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering, graduated in 1986 with a degree in civil engineering;

Gorky State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, graduated in 1992 with a degree in software engineer;

Royal Polytechnic University (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden with a degree in Land Management and Development, graduated in 1997.

Volga-Vyatka Academy of Public Service, “State and Municipal Administration”, graduated in 2007, manager.

In 2003 he defended “Master of Science with a Major in Built Environment” on the topic “Planning and development of Automatic system of State Land Cadastre in Nizhny Novgorod” in Stockholm, SWEDEN, Department of Real Estate Planning, The Royal Institute of Technology.

In 2009 he completed his postgraduate studies.

Currently, in addition to his main work, he conducts a course of lectures on real estate and urban areas, and is an associate professor at the Department of Geoinformatics and Cadastre at Nizhny Novgorod State University of Civil Engineering.

Vasily Mikhailovich Romanov says about himself: “I am a statesman.” And you can feel it - when touching on this or that topic related to real estate, Romanov never forgets about state interests and emphasizes that they are closely intertwined with the interests of citizens. Also, when communicating with him, you understand: Romanov is a man passionate about his work. He is aware of all the problems and new products, he has his own opinion on everything, which he defends with arguments, using the knowledge acquired both in Russia and abroad.

- Vasily Mikhailovich, why did you come to real estate?

You will probably be surprised, but it so happens that I am passionate about this, you can say that this is my hobby. This is my interest, purpose, if you like. In general, I believe that for a man, the main role in choosing a profession is played by interest in work. If there is no passion or passion, the man will leave his profession sooner or later. Everything related to real estate is very interesting to me, and now especially modern technologies, which we dreamed of back in the early and mid-90s.

- How did it all begin?

- I was lucky in my life; it turned out that on my life’s path I met very good teachers with a high level of pedagogical and professional knowledge. Did I study at Perevoz secondary school, at a specialized boarding school in Nizhny Novgorod, at various Russian and foreign higher educational institutions. Many of my teachers support the approach that if you do something, you need to do it thoroughly and for quite a long time. If you follow this worldview, then as a result of this comes knowledge, experience, and professionalism. Frequently running from one to another is not beneficial. I completely agree with this statement. In my professional practice there are only two companies where I worked. My first place of work was the Volgovyatagropromproekt Design Institute since 1986, where, after graduating from the first university, I worked on the implementation of automated systems in the design of ES computers. I remember with great respect my first department head, Vladimir Alekseevich Dorofeev.

And in 1992, I was transferred to the Land Committee of the city of Nizhny Novgorod and completely immersed myself in real estate issues. I had the opportunity to be in the thick of events of that time and take part in the approval of the draft of the new Land Code in the State Duma. At that time, such concepts as private property, guarantees and rights of owners were just being formed. An important role in my professional activity was played by the former chairman of the Land Committee, Yuri Aleksandrovich Tarshilov, and his deputy, Alexander Vladimirovich Bodrievsky. Under their direct leadership, I was a participant in joint activities to form the state land cadastre system of Nizhny Novgorod, the tax base of the city, the economic zoning of its territory, the first lease agreements and title documents, land certificates, the process of continuous inventory, the establishment of state control, the introduction of information technologies for the cadastre and registration, etc.

We can also mention the cooperation in the international project to create a cadastre and registration system, which was carried out in the city by the American company Chemonics.

I would like to especially note the very serious turn in my fate that was made by the former chairman of the Land Committee for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Yuri Veniaminovich Korotin. In 1996, he, being a pragmatic person and a professional in his field, agreed for me to take exams to study in Sweden under a special program “Land Management and Development” in Stockholm, financed by the Swedish side by the SIDA agency. After that, I worked as chairman of the Land Committee and was the chief state inspector for the protection and use of land in Nizhny Novgorod.

According to the reorganization of the Land Committees in 2010, I came to the Rosreestr Directorate as deputy head of the department, where I work to this day and am also involved in the introduction of new technologies and process automation, as in 1986, at the Volgovyatagropromproekt design institute. And here my activities take place under the guidance of a professional in his field, a person who is passionate and not indifferent to the processes taking place in our country in the field of registration and cadastral actions.

Vasily Mikhailovich, how applicable is Western experience in cadastral and registration processes to Russian reality?

- I believe that Western experience in the cadastre and registration system is, without a doubt, due to long historical roots that have a theoretical basis. I believe that in our case, it plays more of a forecasting function. I think that there is no direct adaptation of Western experience, our side simply has a different mentality: we will have almost the same, but not the same. This necessitates its own development path. We must create our own, Russian technologies, using our own unlimited potential of scientific knowledge, practical skills and life experience. All this should be done on the basis of an understanding of the process and the use of the most advanced Western experience. We must create our own technologies, understandable and clear only to us.

- And what is our peculiarity?

In the West there is a principle of compliance with the law, but in our country there is a principle of circumvention. Perhaps this is due to the peculiarities of historical development. In 1990, we had a transition from socialism to capitalism, but there was and still is no theoretical justification for such a transformation. It turns out that we entered into an experiment.

Any process can be considered from the point of view of theory, experiment and practice, just like human development in three components: knowledge, skill and ability. Our reality is that much is learned through experience, and this sometimes leads to undesirable results. For example, the Constitution was adopted in 1993, and the Land Code only in 2001. Therefore, today there are a lot of unresolved issues in the real estate sector. Starting from the smallest ones - registration of land relations and ending with changes in land and civil legislation. Until today, in Russia there is a question about the definition of real estate, there is only its structure, defined by Article 130 of the Civil Code.

- What is the role of cadastre and state registration authorities in the country’s economy?

To put it simply, a person who knows how much money he has in his pocket, how much property, utensils, etc., can plan and manage much more effectively than one who does not know this. Any owner must know his farm, especially its boundaries, and receive guarantees that it is his. In my opinion, first of all, the cadastre and state registration authorities are necessary for citizens, and secondly, for the state.

They are engaged in accounting and registration of rights and transactions, for example, private property, the advantages of which, by the way, are not yet fully realized by our citizens. But it is an instrument of development and movement. If a person has privately owned land or an apartment, he can plan development. For example, get a loan from a bank and start a business. Next - make a profit, repay the loan, and so on.

If we are talking about the state, then the main function of the cadastre and registration is fiscal. A cadastre is a register created on the basis of certain parameters, essentially a list of taxpayers. One of the main positions of the state in relation to land resources and objects that stand on the land is taxation. And the fundamental criteria for assessing land are fiscal interests. Investors are interested in the rental component of urbanized areas and are very cool about wasteland in the taiga, which is not provided with communications and roads.

The cadastral registration service is the tool with which you can regulate all relations: social, economic, political, any. Take, for example, the cadastral value. If it is overestimated, the enterprise will close; if it is underestimated, then monopoly will be ensured. In general, this service helps to use the available territories correctly and consciously. Provides guarantees to citizens for their rights to property. The state guarantees this right; as a result, the citizen participates in the economic turnover of real estate. And this is the basis of the economy - taxes, territory development, etc. Therefore, accounting and registration are a fundamental mechanism for stabilizing the country’s economic development.

- Nowadays, great importance is paid to the relevance of the databases of cadastre and registration services.

Indeed, information must be relevant, structured and comprehensive. Only in this case is it possible to use it.

In land relations, the information base is simply huge; it is impossible to consider it without the use of modern computer technologies. At the same time, the cadastre and registration are a combination of various services that must work in harmony, like clockwork. Starting from those people who use land plots and pay taxes, ending with the administration, which allocates plots and controls how the land use process occurs. Add here the state control services and the prosecutor's office that monitor violations. As well as geodesy and cartography services, providing aerial photography and satellite imagery; the cadastral chamber, which registers objects in the cadastral register; BTI bodies that take into account capital construction projects. Today, the country's leadership is making great efforts to ensure that all these services work in harmony. To have a single information bank, there would be no duplication of information, and people would be guaranteed their rights. Therefore, the latest technologies are used.

- What kind of technology is this?

Allow me to make a small digression. Ten years ago, we learned the basics of cellular communications, not realizing that in the future people will no longer remember subscriber numbers, but will only remember first and last names from the contact book. Let me give a specific example from the Rosreestr Service: in May 2010, the service opened a multifunctional portal for the provision of public services in the real estate sector using the latest technologies. It has many services. Particularly popular for a wide range of users is the “public cadastral map” service, which allows a visual assessment of the situation. Today it is possible to look at your land plot via the Internet and get all the necessary information about it: whether it is registered in the cadastral register or not, who the neighbors are. If you have any complaints about the relevance of the data, you can report through our portal that they are incorrect and what exactly needs to be corrected. And it will be done.

An important component of the portal is visual control of queues in the departments for receiving and issuing documents where web cameras are installed. You can see in real time how many people are standing in line and make a decision whether to go for an appointment today or postpone the visit.

If you look more globally, the portal allows you to make decisions in terms of the prospects for investing in a particular piece of land. Let’s say the user sees that there are objects near the site that do not contribute to the development of the territory, which means he will not invest money. And vice versa.

The electronic queue has become widely used in real estate matters. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, there are seven points for receiving and issuing documents from the Rosreestr Office, where electronic queues operate. That is, a citizen comes, presses the name of the operation he needs on an electronic device, receives a ticket with a number and waits for his turn - its number is displayed on the board. This eliminates the possibility of selling queues and streamlines the procedure for receiving citizens.

In addition, Rosreestr is now creating a “one window” procedure that allows you to combine databases so that the applicant, having submitted documents to one place, can receive all the services that he needs. For example, you need to obtain a certificate of ownership. To do this, an application for cadastral registration is written, and then everything happens automatically: the cadastral chamber registers, and then the necessary documents are sent to Rosreestr, and the citizen is issued a certificate of ownership.

All these new products are just the beginning. The digital signature is already knocking on the door. Without it, soon no one will work at all. Back in the early 2000s, Vladimir Putin signed the law on electronic digital signatures. For now, this looks mysterious to many. In fact, everything is simple. I think that this innovation will be introduced everywhere within this year. Already now, procurement of public services is carried out through tenders, in which only those who have an electronic digital signature participate.

In general, we are moving towards the fact that all government services will be provided electronically. Today we already have the opportunity to register land plots through the portal, using the freely distributed PPD program and preparing documents for registration.

The issue of creating multifunctional centers in the Russian Federation is also being discussed - a kind of unified service where you can contact on various issues.

It is worth mentioning one more novelty - the 3 D cadastre project, the pilot site for which was the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Imagine - the definition of a point in space contains 12 criteria. But at the moment, only two accounting units are used - width and length. The first step towards a more correct visualization of cadastral registration objects should be the use of three-dimensional space - what a person is used to seeing in reality.

In fact, if you are a literalist, it is difficult to determine at the moment what a plot of land is. Let's say we consider a plot of land as a plane. We dig a pit or a pit on a plot of land, remove the fertile layer of soil and what - “they threw out everything that’s yours”?

And inside the 3D cadastre there may be communications, canals, metro, etc. All these elements determine the rental component of land in relation to some right, which is important in an urbanized area such as Nizhny Novgorod.

This project will be implemented within two years. Much has already been done. If you look into the future, there is a 4D cadastre. This is also a temporary component. Let's say there is a certain standard service life of a building, after which it must be reconstructed, modified or demolished.

- What innovations await us?

There are many problems in land management issues that need to be solved. For example, in the West the only real estate is land. Everything else is an improvement. And we have six types of real estate, therefore, the accounting and registration system must meet all these types, take into account their features and specifics. At the moment, buildings, structures, structures are taken into account according to technical accounting. There is no cadastral registration of capital buildings. For now we are just preparing for this.

The issue of creating a spatial data infrastructure based on the Glonas system is now being resolved. Taking foreign experience as a basis, Russian specialists this year will create equipment that will allow determining the coordinates of objects based on data from our satellites. This data will go to cadastral engineers who create images on the ground, and further along the chain - cadastral registration, registration, etc. If it succeeds, it will be simply wonderful.

- What are the main difficulties in implementing these plans?

Unfortunately, the Russian mentality is conservative, the dynamics are slow. The stumbling block is the regulatory framework. There is a lack of regulatory documents. I think, I’m even sure that they will appear in the near future.

Interviewed by Natalya Chernysheva

Life credo:

Achieve results in small steps. Step by step is the basic technology of life. Everything doesn't happen at once. And one more principle - don’t lie. To really understand life and make the right decisions, you need to tell the truth.

About responsibility.

I am concerned about the bias towards officials. But an official is a person who has been assigned a rank by the state and who must perform certain tasks. In essence, he is a responsible person.

Unfortunately, people often try to shrug off responsibility. Let me give you a simple example: the legalization of relations between citizens and the state in relation to apartment buildings gave the right to joint shared ownership of apartment buildings. Citizens were given the opportunity to manage at their own discretion. But most of us have not yet realized that the entrance to the house is part of the apartment, not the street. This requires a certain cultural level, regulatory documents, and explanatory work.

About education.

Of course, education plays a big help in my work. I have several of them, including training and defense in Sweden, in Stockholm. If you analyze it, it turns out that I am almost always learning. It is no coincidence that in the West it is believed that it is necessary to regularly, once every 3-5 years, take advanced training courses. The dynamics of all ongoing processes today are high, we must constantly learn. At the same time, I believe that the acquisition of the necessary skills, experience, and knowledge for career growth occurs with age. It is impossible to get everything quickly and at once in the shortest possible time. Continuous education is especially important for the cadastre and registrar: such specialists must have knowledge of the cadastre, land management, geodesy, cartography, registration, accounting, computer science, etc., and constantly be aware of what is happening.


The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography announced the launch of a project to develop a three-dimensional real estate cadastre in the Russian Federation. The project involves the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr). In addition, Western partners are the Cadastre of the Netherlands and the Dutch companies Grontmij Nederland, Royal Haskoning and the Technical University of Delft, also specializing in GIS technologies.

The introduction of 3D cadastre technology requires studying and changing the regulatory framework and solving various technological issues.

The pilot project is being implemented in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Within its framework, guidelines for the development of a prototype will be formed, recommendations for changing legislation will be developed, and institutional changes will be recommended for the implementation of a three-dimensional cadastre in Russia.

According to the concept of the Russian 3D cadastre, the pilot project is divided into five stages.

First- is associated with the study of the Russian regulatory framework and its comparison with the organization of processes for obtaining, storing and providing three-dimensional cadastral information.

Second stage involves the development of a model for obtaining, storing and providing three-dimensional cadastral information in Russia using international experience. The Netherlands Cadastre is recognized today throughout the world as the undisputed leader in the implementation of 3D cadastre technologies.

Third stage will be dedicated to creating a prototype of a 3D cadastre.

Finally, as part of the last two stages, it is planned to prepare proposals for improving the regulatory framework in order to create a favorable legal and organizational environment for the use of 3D cadastre information, as well as develop training programs.

The three-place cadastre can display terrain models, three-dimensional models of buildings with photographic textures, three-dimensional models of large engineering structures and communications. In addition, the 3D cadastre will allow you to see green spaces, objects that are above or below the surface, as well as at different levels (for example, road junctions, bridges and tunnels). Thanks to the use of a three-dimensional cadastre, the quality of recording of infrastructure elements such as communication networks and pipelines, as well as multi-level complexes, apartment buildings and other objects that may not be displayed correctly in a two-dimensional projection, improves.

Three-dimensional display of the terrain and objects located on it significantly expands the capabilities of cadastral registration and mechanisms for ensuring property rights, planning and design. According to Rosreestr specialists, a cadastre in 3D format will help protect the interests of the state, business and citizens and will become an indispensable visualization tool that will allow decisions to be made much faster and more efficiently.

Based on materials from the press service of Rosreestr of the Russian Federation

Romanov Vasily Mikhailovich - squad commander of the 46th separate sapper battalion (55th Infantry Division, 61st Army, Central Front), sergeant.

Born on March 13, 1910 in the village of Bolshiye Ugorody, now the Medvedsky rural settlement of the Shimsky district of the Novgorod region in a peasant family. Russian. In 1922 he graduated from the 4th grade of the Bolsheugorod elementary school. After organizing the collective farm, he worked there. From 1936 to 1938 he was active. military service. Called up again in July 1941.

During the Great Patriotic War in the active army - from July 1942. He fought on the North-Western, Central, Belorussian, 2nd and 1st Belorussian, 3rd Baltic fronts.

He particularly distinguished himself during the Chernigov-Pripyat offensive operation during the crossing of the Snov and Dnieper rivers.

With his squad, he neutralized and removed over 500 enemy mines, made 30 passes through wire obstacles, and repeatedly went behind enemy lines for the purpose of engineering reconnaissance. He skillfully explored the possibility of crossing the Snov River, and later, having made his way behind enemy lines, he scouted the right bank of the Dnieper River, delivering information that was extremely valuable for organizing its crossing by the division.

U Kazom of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 15, 1944 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command to cross the Dnieper River and the courage and heroism shown to the sergeant Romanov Vasily Mikhailovich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

After the end of the war he was demobilized. He returned to his homeland and worked on a collective farm. Later he moved to the city of Novgorod (now Veliky Novgorod).

He was awarded the Order of Lenin (01/15/1944), the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree (03/11/1985), the Red Star (08/08/1943), and medals.

In Veliky Novgorod, on house number 40, building 2 on Mira Avenue, where the Hero lived in recent years, a memorial plaque was installed.

V.M. Romanov began fighting in July 1942 on the North-Western Front in the 55th Infantry Division, which was part of the 11th Army. Until February 1943, the division fought on the territory of the Starorussky district, now the Novgorod region, southwest of the city of Staraya Russa, trying to block the Ramushevsky corridor - the Staraya Russa - Demyansk road, along which the enemy supplied the troops of his group, surrounded in the Demyansk area.

In 1943, the division, as part of the 11th and then the 27th Army, participated in the Demyansk (February 15 - 28) and Staraya Russa (March 4 - 19) offensive operations - the Polar Star stages to eliminate the Demyansk cauldron and liberate Staraya Russa.

In February 1943, the Demyansk pocket was liquidated - the enemy withdrew its troops from it. The 55th Rifle Division, which suffered heavy losses in bloody battles, was withdrawn to the reserve of the Headquarters of the Verzovny High Command on March 19, 1943, and in April 1943 it was transferred to the Sukovkino station in the Kursk region, where it became part of the 53rd Army of the Steppe Military District. In May, the division came under the control of the Central Front and was redeployed to the area of ​​the city of Shchigry, Kursk region. In June it was transferred to the west of the Kursk region (east of the city of Rylsk), where it became part of the 60th Army.

From July 12 to August 18, 1943, the 55th Rifle Division participated as part of the 70th Army in the Oryol strategic offensive operation.

The squad commander of the 46th separate sapper battalion, Sergeant V.M. Romanov, on July 26, 1943, providing divisional reconnaissance, with a group of sappers advanced 3 km behind enemy lines, personally clearing more than 150 mines.

On July 27, 1943, being ahead of the battle formations of the advancing infantry, under heavy artillery, mortar and rifle-machine gun fire, he made 4 passages in a minefield, extracted 213 mines and thereby ensured the advancement of division units.

Awarded the Order of the Red Star.

After the completion of the Oryol operation, the division was withdrawn to the reserve of the front commander, but from August 26 it again participated in battles, taking part in the 61st Army of the Central Front in the Chernigov-Pripyat offensive operation (August 26 - September 30, 1943).

During the operation, the division reached the Desna on September 15, crossed it with its entire force by September 20 and moved to the Dnieper. Having reached the river in the Loev-Radul section, the division moved to the area of ​​the village of Lyubech (Repkinsky district of the Chernigov region), where it crossed the Dnieper using available means.

From the award list for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union

Sergeant Romanov is a courageous and fearless warrior of the Red Army, whose exploits wrote many pages in the heroic history of the 46th separate engineer battalion and the 55th rifle division.

As the commander of the engineering reconnaissance platoon section of the 46th separate engineer battalion, comrade. In all offensive and defensive actions of the division, together with divisional reconnaissance and personally with the squad, Romanov carried out engineering reconnaissance of enemy defensive structures, going behind enemy lines, laying mines on enemy communications, making passages in mine and wire obstacles to support combined arms reconnaissance and offensive operations. operations of rifle units.

Sergeant Romanov is a daring and skillful reconnaissance miner who has trained many brave men like himself.

Sergeant Romanov and his group in a short time neutralized and removed over 500 enemy mines, made 30 passes through wire obstacles, and repeatedly went behind enemy lines.

During offensive operations from September 15 to October 5, 1943, he showed himself to be a fearless not only miner, but also a scout. He skillfully explored the possibility of crossing the Snov River, and later, having made his way behind enemy lines, he scouted the right bank of the Dnieper River. The information obtained by Romanov turned out to be extremely valuable.

Sergeant Romanov is worthy of being awarded the title “Hero of the Soviet Union.”

Commander of the 46th separate engineer battalion, Major Petrienko

On the Belorussian Front, V.M. Romanov participated in the Gomel-Rechitsa (November 10 - 30, 1943) and Kalinkovichi-Mozyr (January 8 - 30, 1944) offensive operations on the territory of Belarus, including the liberation of the city of Mozyr, for which 55- The 1st rifle division was given the name Mozyr.

At the end of February, the 61st Army, in which the division fought, was transferred to the 2nd Belorussian Front. As part of it, she participated in the Polesie offensive operation (March 15 – April 5, 1944) and the destruction of the enemy’s Kovel group in the Volyn region.

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