Witcher antiquities improvements to the wolf school master boots. Excellent silver sword

Wolf school equipment is perhaps the most difficult to obtain in this game. This is not due to the fact that the search sites are guarded by some invincible monsters, but rather to the fact that it is scattered across all locations. And in connection with monsters, it is better not to start searching at a low level. In some locations you will come across quite strong animals. Due to the scattered nature of all the drawings, you should now more or less orient yourself in all these islands and settlements.

Wolf School Equipment (Velen)

In my opinion, if you start searching, then at least after completing all the tasks in Velen. If you didn’t have to look for roundabout ways to get to the Bloody Baron’s castle, then you can look into the well, which is located in the Bloody Baron’s garden. On the map it is marked as the entrance to the cave. When you finish your tasks in the story, you can visit a place not far from the road sign "Kimbolt Tract". It is marked on the map as "Hidden Treasure". From the road sign on the map down through the destroyed village.

There we will meet bandits, and the place we need directly is guarded by a Demon. After we deal with him (although we can deceive him, he sometimes moves away, in the meantime...) we will examine those who are less fortunate after meeting him. We will find a key and a note from one of the bandits (he clearly stands out). We will use the key to open the gate that is located nearby and leads to the bandit cache. There in one of the chests there will be a drawing or two, options are possible, depending on your level, the only thing that is certain is that it will be a sword, steel or silver, it also probably depends on the level. I noticed this when I was getting the same drawing, but from different saves, in which the levels were from 14 to 100. Therefore, I will mainly describe where and how, but not indicate what exactly will be there, because the finds will obviously be different . Except for the first finds, in Bastion.

Wolf School Equipment (Kaer Morhen)

Strange as it may seem, but according to the plot, we don’t get to our fiefdom, namely Kaer Morhen, the stronghold of the witchers, so to speak, very often. Well, to be more precise, it’s closer to the finale, and it seems like there won’t be any time for additional tasks. But it is there that we can find out where and who scattered them all over the world wolf school drawings.

Why did I advise starting the search after the end of business in Velen? According to the plot, we will get "Magic Lamp" who will give us Keira Metz. In Kaer Morhen, it may be useful to us when exploring the destroyed bastion. By the way, even in Velen itself, we will also need her other gift, namely "The Eye of Nehalena". If we look for hidden treasures, then in some cases we cannot do without it. Kaer Morhen will also need it.

Wolf School Equipment (Bastion)

When we leave the gates of the Kaer Morhen fortress, on the right side, below, we will notice a rather noticeable path. And we'll see straight and up "Signal Tower". We go down the road and turn right at the first exit. Then the path splits, go up to the left. Along the path there are small pillars made of stones on which torches are attached. We follow this path and reach an abandoned, dilapidated bastion. Here we will be met by a small army of ghosts. After we deal with them, Geralt himself will suggest that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to use Keira’s lamp. Geralt himself once trained here as a child. With the help of the lamp we learn short stories from the lives of the students of the witcher school.

To calm the ghosts, the boy's remains must be buried. The remains are on one of the walls of the tower; you can climb up the ladder in only one place. In the quest log, activate quests as they appear, this will make it easier to navigate. There, among the remains, we find a drawing "Steel Sword of the Wolf School" and Varin's diary. Apparently the witcher, who was a mentor there, even before Vesemir. Actually, after the attack on the fortress, staged by a certain sorcerer, everyone in the fortress died, both mentors and students. The witchers who at that time were doing work on the highways, killing monsters, remained alive. The most experienced of the gathered remnants turned out to be Vesemir, and he became a mentor. From the diary we learn what needs to be searched "Signal Tower", which is nearby, as well as "Watchtower", which is located at the other end of the lake.

Wolf School Equipment (Signal Tower)

We follow the path to the tower. Along the way we brush off the annoying harpies. In the tower we examine everything carefully, climb the scaffolding and in one of the chests we will find Hieronymus’ notes. This is a magician who was directly involved in the education, as well as in providing equipment for the witcher School of the Wolf. We read the notes and follow the instructions.

When we entered the tower, we could see a hole in the wall on the left. We exit through it and climb onto the scaffolding. There we will find a crystal left by the magician. We insert it into the device and activate both crystals with aard. Now we jump into the opened portal. In the cave we find ourselves in, we will find everything set of drawings for uniforms. Also, there will be a note, more like a farewell note...

Wolf School Equipment (Watchtower)

We go down to the fork, where we turned left, and now we go straight. Head north to the watchtower ruins. You can go by boat (from Huts on the lake), or you can do it on horseback, along the left bank of the lake. It’ll be even more interesting, you’ll be able to find something along the way. But the truth is even more dangerous...

Having reached the ruins, we will find the remains of Hird, a student of the sorcerer Hieronymus. Let's take the drawing from him "Silver Sword of the Wolf School". But we are in no hurry to leave these ruins. If we climb onto the scaffolding, we will find another drawing. This time "Improved Wolf School Steel Sword". You can return to Kaer Morhen.

Wolf School Equipment (Mine at Kaer Morhen)

There are two residential towers in Kaer Morhen; according to the plot, we will certainly climb the tower to see Yennefer. So, in this tower, at the very bottom, go around everything in a circle, on one of the chests we will find a book. This book "Monstrum or the Witcher description, volume 2" we will need it to search for equipment. (There is no cheat code for this book) As soon as you take the book, a message will appear that it would be a good idea to take a walk to the old forge.

In the forge, however, in addition to equipment, they are waiting for us, first a golem, then an ifrit. Well, horseradish is not sweeter than radish. And here, in addition to the book that will be the key to the stone gate, we need a gift from Keira Metz, namely "The Eye of Nehalena". Otherwise, we won't be able to get into the secret room behind the brazier. There we will find "Wolf School Master Armor", and a few other different items. And before that, on the table on which we will place the book, in the box, we will find a drawing on.

Wolf School Equipment (Random Finds...)

We find the following improvements on our own; it will not be indicated anywhere that it is there. When we follow the path towards the Watchtower, along the road we will come across the charred ruins of some buildings. There you can see a path running up and to the left. If you climb it, you'll reach a cave. "Wolf's Head", in which once, even before the Kaer Morhen fortress was built, there was a witchers’ workshop. In other words, the first witchers of the School of the Wolf received their start in life here. Make a little noise there with the aard, and behind the stalagmites you will find a chest, and in it there is a drawing - on improving the wolf school armor.

If they go down from the Kaer Morhen fortress to the river, and throw themselves to the left, when along the bank, when swimming (don’t take Roach with you, even though it has a fish name, it won’t want to swim), let's get to the cave. To understand that this is exactly the cave, turn on your witcher senses. Behind the waterfall we will see a workshop sign, the Wolf School. There is no need to dive behind or under the waterfall; we go into the cave to the right. There, after making noise with an aard and breaking the stalagmites, also on the right side and not far from the entrance, we will find in the chest a drawing for improving the wolf school armor. On the shore of the lake there is a mark on the map, “Hut by the Lake”. Lambert leaves his boat there. You can use a boat, or you can walk along the right bank and go for a run. There will be a small island very close by. We turn on the witcher’s sense on it and see our workshop sign. Immediately under the water on a stone we will notice a chest. We dive and take the contents, the drawing is on improving the wolf school armor. We'll see a cave nearby. There is a very unfriendly troll in the cave. If you want to fight him, you will eventually find a certain document that is a direct reference to the first part of the game. Also, if you helped Eskel hunt Forktail, then in the cave where you finished off Forktail, you should pick up the drawing for improving the wolf school armor.

Wolf School Equipment (Skellig Improvements)

When we arrive at the Skellige Islands, we will somehow end up in Kaer Trolde. This is the fortress of Jarl Crach Ankrayt. On the right, just outside the gate, there is a passage to the local blacksmith shop. The blacksmith who makes swords will not offer us anything, but from the armorsmith, you can buy several remarkable documents. Among them we will find “Notes of Hieronymus, about the witcher Elgar.” Now we can make the task active and follow the places of the hiding spots, witcher upgrades, and wolf school equipment.

Wolf School Equipment (Central Ard Skellige)

The search can be started from two nearby villages. One of them is the village of Boxholm, destroyed to the ground, and there will be no one in it except foulbroods and corpses. The second is Rannveig, residential. There you can take a quest that will be directly related to the place where we are going. The quest is called, " Lost son", you can get it from a guy whose name is Oyen.

Therefore, depending on whether you took this quest or not, we will act in the fortress. If you haven’t taken the quest, then you can quietly climb up the wall from outside and take what we need. There is simply a possible bug here if you did not take the quest, but ran into a demon who sits in the fortress. He may simply become unkillable, since according to the quest, he will give the oak in another place. Well, this is me just in case... And the drawings are in the chest on the wall...

Wolf School Equipment (Wooden Fort)

Next we will proceed to the south... The nearest village where you can port and from there on foot is Firsdal. We need an old wooden fort, which now looks more like a cemetery. Harpies are like mosquitoes in our taiga, and they have a nest there. But actually, if you wish, you don’t have to go into the fort itself.

We will still have to climb the wall, but this can be done outside. Although the harpies will get us there, I must say... In general, when we climb, we go to another turret, there is a chest with the required drawings.

Wolf School Equipment (Burial Mounds)

Now let's explore the western part of Ard Skellige. Let's go to the village Arinbjorn. From it you can literally run in a minute to the desired "Burial Mounds". There are three of them in total, but only two mounds have an entrance; somehow I didn’t find the third one. And there’s really nothing to see there; it’s not clear why they’re called that. In any case, I didn’t see sarcophagi or anything like that.

And we, in fact, need the one that we will run into while climbing the path. We go into it, strange as it may seem, but no one is waiting for us there, bloodthirstyly clicking their beak or jaws. Everything is quiet, peaceful, to the point of indecentness... In general, we look around, but, as I already said, there is nothing to look at, we find a chest, or rather a box, and there are drawings.

Wolf School Equipment (Watchtower on Spikeroog)

On Spikeroog, you can port directly to the ruins of the watchtower that we need. Or you can start your search from the village of Svorlag. She is nearby. If we go directly to the place, then in front of us we will see a piece of the surviving wall, in it there is a passage into the tower and, glittering with rivets or something else, the chest itself.

True, it’s on the wall... Well, and suddenly bandits will appear. In my case there were only five of them. We deal with the bandits and go to the fortress, or we go to the fortress, and along the way we deal with the bandits. There is no difference. Once we clear the area, we can look around. There is a staircase in the tower that leads to the second floor, or rather, what is left of it. Along the way, we loot the chests and can get to the wall where our chest with the drawings is.

Wolf School Equipment (Watchtower on Undvik)

We can get into this tower while completing the quest "Lord of Undvika". This is the case if you promised to help the children of the Collapse of Ankwright. And if you have not completed this quest, but are planning to, then postpone this visit or proceed with extreme caution. So as not to disrupt the quest line. You can enter from the sea from the point "Shelter of Seagulls".

Having climbed to the top, to the first tower, we go straight to the second, it is literally nearby. If the quest "Lord of Undvika" is not completed, and you are going to pass it, then do not go deep into the island. We go around the tower on the outside, from the side of the forest. There, against the remains of the wall, our chest was leaning. We take the drawings and we can leave.

Wolf School Equipment (West of Hindersfjall)

To Hindersfjall, you can start both from the village of Lafoten, as well as from their cemetery. The road leads slightly uphill. We reach a clearly noticeable ledge in the rock. In the game, all the places you can climb are marked with something like... chicken droppings, you can't miss. We jump onto the ledge, and then along the steps, we rise into the ruins.

There, Troll is staggering from side to side. He's probably bored, so if he notices you, he'll definitely start throwing stones. You can overwhelm him, or you can jump into the cellar. For some reason the troll is not following me, I checked. There is something to profit from in the cellar, but there is a small problem, there is gas. I tried to use Pops' mold antidote, it didn't help, only fire. Apply the Igni sign and move forward. We search through all the chests, four or five, I don’t remember exactly. One of them contains drawings.

To start the quest, you need, as for all quests in the “Witcher Antiquities” series, to find at least one piece of equipment.

Stage 1: Search the castle ruins ().

In the White Garden you will find new notes that will open an additional task.

Stage 2: Find all the equipment drawings for the Snake Witcher School

The second drawing is in the crypt in the cemetery (). The entrance is guarded by a powerful ghost, which can be easily killed if you lure it into a trap using the Yrden sign. The final blueprint for the snake school can be found on a corpse inside the old crypt. Just break the door and go to the basement. Defeat the spirit inside, and the required corpse lies on the far right side of the crypt.

Witcher Antiquities: Griffin School Equipment

Improved Griffin School equipment

improving the armor of the Griffin I school

Stage 1: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint to improve the griffin armor
You can find it here (), next to the place where the rock troll lives.

Stage 2: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint for upgrading your steel sword.
Download to the place ( M2, 138). In the bandit camp in the ruins you will find a drawing in a chest.

Stage 3: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint to upgrade your boots.

Get to the place ( M2, 139). There, on the wall of the ruins, find an image of a wolf. A forktail will fly over the place, and in order to pick up the drawing, you need to defeat it. The chest itself stands nearby.

Stage 4: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint for upgrading the pants.

Pants can be found near the village of Vronnitsa ( M2, 141). You will find a chest with valuable goods in a burnt building under the rubble.

improving the armor of the Griffin II school

Stage 1: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint to upgrade the griffin's silver sword

The place is located near a fork in the road (). This is a cave. A bear will live there. On the rock you can see a drawing of a wolf. At the end of the cave you will find a drawing of a sword.

Stage 2: Using your witcher senses, find a blueprint for upgrading the griffin gloves.
The place will be guarded by ghosts. ( M2, 143) Destroy the stones that block the entrance to the cave using the Aard sign and take the drawing.

Excellent equipment from the Griffin School

Upgrading the armor of the Griffin School III

Enter the cave (). Walk along the corridors and at the end you will find a place with a statue, a little further behind it you will find a chest with a drawing.

Stage 2: Using your witcher senses, find a blueprint to improve your armor.

Go to point (). Walking a little further near the resting place of the Skellig warriors, you will find a chest with a set of armor.

Stage 3: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint to upgrade your steel sword.

In place () there will be a large obelisk, behind which a chest with a drawing of a steel sword is hidden.

Griffin School Master Equipment.

improving the armor of the Griffin School IV

Stage 1: Using your Witcher Senses, find an upgrade for the silver sword.

Improved Cat School equipment

improving the armor of the Cat School I

Stage 1: find a blueprint to improve the armor
We go to the destroyed estate of Aeromas (). Further along the path we go to the house. We go in and go up the spiral staircase. There is a chest there next to the closet.

Stage 2: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint for upgrading the silver sword

In order to get into the house (), where the sword is located, climb the stairs on the street to the second floor of the house and climb the internal stairs above. In the chest you will find a drawing.

Stage 3: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint to upgrade your boots

Travel to the village of Toderas (). Before entering the cave, you can drink the "Cat" elixir. You don't have to go too deep. Walk forward a little and there will be a chest on the right.

improving the armor of the Cat School II

In the same village of Toderas there will be a steel sword. Only now we have to go in the other direction. So, walking forward along the paths, we come across a cave (). Before going inside, drink the “Cat” elixir. We go a little deeper and on the left we find our treasured chest.

Stage 2: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint for upgrading the gloves

The next place is the Old Khrychi Quarry (). We pass forward and come across a group of people in front of the cave. Be prepared for several Alghouls to run out of the cave towards you. Having dealt with them, we find the Witcher’s sign on the wall and go deeper into the cave. There will be a chest there.

In Oxenfurt, in the house near the forge () you will find a staircase to the basement. Going down, using your sense of smell, you will see a passage in the wall, which can be opened by turning the stone on the wall to the right. Come in and pick up the drawing.

This concludes the search for improved equipment from the Kota School.

Excellent equipment from the Cat School

improving the armor of the School of Cat III

Stage 1: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint for upgrading your steel sword

Go to Velen to the cave near Novigrad (). There will be a Golem inside that you will have to defeat. Prepare a couple of bombs and elixirs.

Stage 2: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint to improve your armor

The armor drawing is located in the village of Zalipye (). Near the ruins in the chest you will find all 4 drawings. The place will be guarded by an Earth Elemental. If you don't have the strength to fight him, just take him away from the chest and then quickly pick up the drawing outside of the fight.

Stage 3: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint for upgrading the silver sword

The drawing with a silver sword is located near the village of Ursten in Velen (). Enter the cave and turn a little further to the right. At the top of the ledge, break the obstacle with Aard and take the drawing in the chest.

Cat School Master Gear

improving the armor of the School of Cat IV

Stage 1: Using your Witcher Senses, find a silver sword upgrade

Head to the island south of the main one to the village of Harviken (). Enter the cave. Break the weakened wall with Aard. Going down you will find two chests. One with goods, the other with a drawing.

Stage 2: Using your Witcher Senses, find a steel sword upgrade

The drawing of the steel sword is on another island (). When you reach the place, you will see that the main gate is closed. You can get inside through an opening sealed with boards. Break it with Aard and go out onto the platform, where there will be a staircase down. Don't rush to quickly run down, because... The drawing is in the hole in the wall in the middle of the stairs. The chest will contain parchment.

Improved Bear School equipment

Upgrading the Bear School armor I

Stage 1: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint for upgrading your armor.

Stage 3: Using your Witcher Senses, find an armor upgrade
Go to the mine near the Hanged Tree (). Go deeper and find a chest with a set of excellent armor.

Bear School Master Gear

improving the armor of the Bear School IV

Stage 1: Using your Witcher Senses, find a silver sword upgrade

The drawing can be found on the island with the drowned people (), east of Kolomnitsa.

Stage 2: Using your Witcher Senses, find a steel sword upgrade

Near the village of Bolshiye Suchya in the forest behind the sorceress’s hut (), enter the cave. There will be a flock of Neckers in front of her. There will be a chest hidden behind a broken cart inside.

Stage 3: Using your Witcher Senses, find an armor upgrade

Near the Fork in the Roads, go up the mountain to the tower (), pick up the armor around the corner.

Stage 1: Search the ruins of the Tirschach clan castle

Travel to Urial's pier on Skellige at point (). Go inside and go down the stairs on the left to the level below. Go to the end of the corridor and pull the lever to open all the cells. Inside you will find useful items. The floor in one of the cells will collapse. Go down there and you will exit along the corridors into a room where there is a chest with drawings.

Gargoyles and an Ice Elemental will be waiting for you at the ruins. There you will also find the silver sword of the Bear School.

Get to the burnt tavern. On the rubble inside you can use Aard and clear the descent into the basement. Inside you will meet ghosts and find a chest with a drawing.

Enter the cave and turn sharply left at the fork. Dive underwater in the passage. Go up and go to the end. On the skeleton you will find a drawing.

Witcher Antiquities: Wolf School Equipment

Improved Wolf School equipment

Upgrading the armor of the Wolf School I

Stage 1: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint for upgrading the silver sword

Go to Vronitsa Castle. There is a well in the baron's garden (. Go down and find the drawing.

Stage 2: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint for upgrading boots

The next place is the Grotto (). Run to the fork and go left. Then run to a small lake and before reaching it, turn right. There you will see a chest.

Stage 3: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint for upgrading your armor.

We go to a small island () near the island of Kolomnitsa. In one of the chests underwater you will find improved armor from the Wolf School.

Upgrading the armor of the Wolf School II

Stage 1: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint for upgrading your steel sword
In the ruins of the watchtower (), on the scaffolding above the entrance there will be a chest.

Stage 2: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint for upgrading the gauntlets
Enter the cave (), go to the end, there will be a chest with a drawing.

Stage 3: Using your Witcher Senses, find a blueprint for upgrading the pants

In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt there are 6 witcher schools: snake, bear, cat, wolf, griffin and manticore (Blood and Wine). Each of them has its own six-element equipment, which can be upgraded 4 times. In different parts of the game world you can find special notes and maps that activate quests to find all the parts. You can start looking for drawings of armor and weapons in any order, but it is important to know that they are improved sequentially: without regular equipment you cannot create an improved one, etc.

Of particular interest are the quests “Witcher Antiquities: Wolf School Equipment” in The Witcher 3, which are added after downloading the free DLC.

Regular armor and weapons

Of course, the search for any drawings should always start with the basic one, since without it there will be nothing to improve. In order to begin the series of first quests, you need to go to Novigrad to the blacksmith Hattori, having previously completed the quest “Swords and Dumplings”. From him you need to purchase “Notes of Hieronymus...”, which will send the player to the ancient witcher fortress - Kaer Morhen. Where can I find Wolf School equipment in The Witcher 3 in this location?

The search for armor will lead to the ruins of an old watchtower. Having found the necessary crystal, which is located in a small niche on the scaffolding, Geralt will find himself in a grotto under the tower, where the remains of the already familiar author of the notes, Hieronymus, are located.

The steel sword is located in Bastion. The witcher's sense will lead to the ashes, where, in fact, the desired item is located among the remains of Varin. The Silver Sword is located in another watchtower north of the fortress among the remains of Hird.

Improved kit

Before heading to Kaer Morhen, it is worth purchasing a second card of improved equipment for the School of the Wolf "The Witcher 3" in advance from Hattori, as well as from the blacksmith from the village of Zalipye, so as not to have to run a second time for the second set.

The steel sword is located in the northern watchtower of the witcher fortress in a chest on the second level, directly opposite the remains of Hird. In the lands of Kaer Morhen there are also blueprints for gloves and pants. The first lies in a cave on the hill where the forktail lives (it can be killed during the main story quest), and the second is in the water next to a small island northeast of Khata by the lake.

Everything else needs to be looked for in Velen. The silver sword is at the bottom of the well of Vronitsa Castle. To find the armor drawing, you need to get to a small island with ruins not far from Kolomnitsa. The chest you need will be under water.

Improved boots are located south of Oxenfurt in a location called "Grotto". It is recommended to start your search at level 21 in order to cope with the enemies there. But completing the Wolf School equipment in The Witcher 3 will not be difficult if you start 2-3 levels before the recommended one.

Great gear

The third category of armor cannot be fully assembled before being sent to the Skellige Islands. But the first map where you can find equipment from the School of the Wolf (The Witcher 3) can be purchased from an armorer in Novigrad, on the Square of the Hierarchs. The second notes are located in the fortress of Caer Muir, about. Ard Skellig.

In order to collect them, you will have to go to Kaer Morhen again. You need to find the Iron Mine for similar gloves (southeast of Kaer Morhen). The required chest is on the altar. In the cave where the witchers once underwent the Trial of Herbs, there is a drawing of excellent pants (behind the stalactites). Geralt can find the boots in another cave located on the river bank (east of the fortress).

The remaining parts are located on Skellige. The steel sword of the Wolf School is located on about. Hindarsfjall under the ruins of an old fortress, in a room with poisonous gas (to the west of the Lofoten settlement). A silver sword and armor can be found on Ard Skellig.

First of all, the easiest way is to get to the village of Arnbjorn, and from there head southeast to the burial mound (west coast of the island). There, with the help of instinct, find a wooden box. To search for the second element, it will be convenient to go to the village of Firsdal, and then move west to the abandoned fortress (southern coast). The chest will be on the wall.

The mini-map and world map will tell you where to find the Wolf School equipment in The Witcher 3. Before level 29, the game does not recommend starting a search.

"The Witcher 3": master equipment of the wolf school

For the latest instructions, you will again have to go to Hattori, and also look at the blacksmith in Kaer Trolde.

Where can I find equipment from the School of the Wolf (The Witcher 3) on Skellige? In the central part of the main island there is a ruined tower (to the east of the Ferlund settlement), on the wall of which there is a chest with a drawing of gloves. You'll have to go to the island to get your pants. Speakerog. The main landmark is the village of Svorlag, from it you need to move southwest to the Old Watchtower. On the wall is the desired chest. As for the boots, they are stored on the island. Undvik. At the foot of the dilapidated tower there is a chest (southeast of the village of Dorve).

Everything else is located on the territory of Temeria already familiar to players. For a steel sword in The Witcher 3, the easiest way to start is from the village of Fangs. In the south there is a sunken ship, in the hold of which lies a drawing. The silver sword is hidden under the guard of a demon (22 lvl) in a locked dugout in the southeast of Temeria lands. And the armor itself can be found in a marble bowl near the elven ruins (Stezhki village, southeast). This ends the quests for the main line of equipment for witcher antiquities: the School of the Wolf in The Witcher 3.

All quests should not be started until level 34.

Wolf Gear: Blood and Wine

With the installation of the new DLC, players who have reached level 40 can begin a new chain of quests to find the grandmaster equipment of the School of the Wolf in The Witcher 3. In order to start, you need to find a grandmaster blacksmith (Beauclair).

All the necessary elements are located in the ruins of the Temres Palace. The passage there is located in a cave not far from the Gelenser farm. At the entrance, on the left side, Geralt must take the purple stone to pass through the barrier. Once in the first crypt, inhabited by ghosts, you need to find the remains of the Witcher, crushed by stones, in one of the rooms in order to get drawings of swords and gloves. In another room on the floor there is a bag with drawings of boots, pants and the upper part of the armor.

Level 1 characteristics

You can learn more about the characteristics of each element of armor and weapon directly in the game. Here are the bonuses for wearing a full set plus weapon characteristics.

Thus, for wearing the basic set, Geralt will receive:

  • 212 armor units;
  • five percent to gain adrenaline points;
  • seven percent to resistance to piercing, nineteen to slashing;
  • six to resistance to impact damage and twenty-six to monsters;
  • +22 to elemental resistance;
  • Plus 1 extra. cell.

As for steel and silver swords, then:

  • 140-172/229-279 damage from each, respectively;
  • each gives a 5% chance to gain adrenaline to cause bleeding;
  • from steel plus five percent for killing people, and for silver - twenty for monsters;
  • 1 rune cell each.

Complete set 2 levels

  • 289 to defense;
  • the power of signs and the force of impact will increase by twelve percent;
  • resistance to impacts: slashing - 26% and piercing - 12%;
  • resistance to damage: impact - 10%, from monsters - 33%, to elements - 25%;
  • adrenaline points - +10%;
  • add. cells - 3.

Swords made of steel and silver, each separately gives:

  • 191-233/292-356 damage;
  • plus six percent to the power of the signs, chances of bleeding and adrenaline;
  • five and twenty percent to experience for a fatal blow to people (steel) and monsters (silver);
  • 2 rune cells each.

Level 3 and 4 parameters

Excellent armor provides the following bonuses:

  • armor will increase by 377 units;
  • Adrenaline production will increase by 15% and the power of signs will increase by 16%;
  • resistance to impacts will increase by 18% from piercing and 33% from slashing;
  • As for various types of damage, players can expect +15% resistance from impact, 33% from monsters and 56% from elements;
  • additional cells in the amount of seven units.

Characteristics of witcher swords:

  • steel 248-304/silver 364-444 to deal damage;
  • the following parameters will increase by 7%: the power of signs and the receipt of adrenaline (from each);
  • +5% critical damage;
  • 7% chance to cause bleeding;
  • As for the experience from killing opponents, it remains the same as in previous improvements.
  • +6 cells.

The final equipment (without DLC) improves the following parameters:

  • the amount of armor will become 432 units;
  • signs will increase their power by 20%;
  • resistance from piercing blows will increase by 25%, and from slashing blows - by 40%;
  • Resistance from impact damage will increase by 20%, from monster hits - by 50% (very worthy) and from elements - by 40%;
  • the total number of additional cells will be 7.

Master Swords:

  • steel: 284-348, silver: 409-499;
  • +10% to signs and adrenaline;
  • +10% to critical damage and bleeding;
  • The number of additional experience and cells remains unchanged.

Bonuses from Grandmaster equipment

A full set of armor gives:

  • 509 armor units;
  • +22% to adrenaline;
  • resistance to damage from piercing blows will be +29%, and slashing - +45;
  • resistance from monster attacks will increase by 54% and elemental resistance - +45;
  • Resistance to impact damage will increase by 22%.

Steel and silver sword:

  • 335-409/472-576 damage;
  • +11% to adrenaline gain, sign power and chance modifier to cause bleeding from each.
  • The experience is the same.

How to create?

Each piece of equipment must be created by a blacksmith of the appropriate level. In particular, after completing a personal quest, Hattori will become available as a master gunsmith. The dwarf from the Bloody Baron's castle - Fergus (also after his quests) can become a master armorer.

For grandmaster armor and swords, you will have to find a blacksmith named Lazarus Lafargue, who lives in the center of the capital of Beauclair. You can also purchase all the necessary cards from him.

You can find out what parts are needed to create it from the craft window. The necessary gems, ore, ingots, parts and ingredients from monsters can be either purchased from merchants/blacksmiths or found on your own. Do not forget that most items can be disassembled into parts and assembled into new ones.


Of course, in order to find the best armor for yourself from one of the schools, you will have to reach a high level, because even if the player manages to somehow get the improvement drawings before the recommended level, he simply will not be able to use them.

In addition, when giving preference to one of the types of armor: light, medium or heavy, you should also take care of choosing the appropriate talent. To equip the Wolf School from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, in particular, you should choose the “Gryphon School Technique”. Additionally, the right combination of attack upgrades, signs, and potions can maximize the benefit of a full set.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that you should not focus only on witcher equipment. For example, between upgrade levels it may turn out that using other swords or armor, especially relics, will be much more effective. It's best to leave some inventory space for multiple options, because less damage can hide a useful stat boost. There is only one piece of advice here: you need to act according to the situation.

Wolf School Set in The Witcher 3 is a unique set of 6 items that appear in the game only after installing the tenth free DLC called “New Quest: Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear” and are designed for characters above level 14. Just like the kits of the Wolf School, they can be improved many times: first, a regular kit is created by a blacksmith according to the drawings, then an improved and excellent one, and at the very end a master kit. You cannot skip stages, since improvements are made based on things from previous levels. To make the Wolf School kit you first need find and collect blueprints, hidden in various parts of the world, and then turn to the masters of making weapons and armor - the dwarf Fergus from the castle of the Bloody Baron Vronitsa in the northwestern part of Velen and the elf Hattori in the square in the southern part of Novigrad. After completing a few personal tasks, they will be ready to get to work. Helps make searching for parts from kits easier treasure maps indicating the locations of the drawings that automatically open the quests “Witcher Antiquities: Equipment of the School of the Wolf.” In the manufacture of weapons and armor of the Wolf School are used various craft materials, - ore, ingots, leather, parts of monsters, precious stones, - which you can independently find during the course of completing main and additional tasks or simply.

To get all the DLC, you need to go to the GOG website, add free add-ons to your cart by clicking the “Add to cart” button and complete the purchase, after which links to the files will appear in the “Library” on the game page, from where they can be freely downloaded. To install free add-ons on Steam, you need to go to the “Library”, select the game “The Witcher 3” and go to the “Add-ons” page. Before installing the DLC “New Quest: Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear”, it is advisable to update the game with patches to the latest version to avoid errors. New drawings from the add-on appear at any stage of the game; it is not necessary to start the plot from the very beginning.

Regular Wolf School kit in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt:

The quest to find common Wolf School equipment appears in the journal after finding any drawing from the set or purchasing maps with the coordinates of caches from artisans, for example, from Hattori in the forge in the southern part of Novigrad, who begins to trade and make weapons only after completing the personal quest “Swords and dumplings."
  1. Blueprint: Wolf School Steel Sword(required level - 14): among the remains of Varin in a burnt building inside the Bastion, behind the signal tower, in the southern part of Kaer Morhen.
    • Required ingredients: leather scraps - 1, steel ingot - 2, monster brain - 1, monster eye - 1.
    • Characteristics: damage - 140-172, +5% power of Signs, adrenaline gain, chance modifier to cause bleeding and additional. experience for a fatal blow to a person.
  2. Design: Silver Sword of the Wolf School(required level - 14): among the remains of Hird, student of the magician Hieronymus, on the steps of the destroyed Watchtower by the lake in the northern part of Kaer Morhen.
    • Required ingredients: leather scraps - 1, silver ingot - 3, fifth essence - 1, monster brain - 1.
    • Characteristics: damage - 229-279, +5% power of Signs, adrenaline gain, chance modifier to cause bleeding, +20% extra. experience for a fatal blow to a monster.
  3. Blueprint: Wolf School Armor(required level - 14): among the remains of the magician Hieronymus in a cave under the Signal Tower on the top of the cliff opposite the main gate of the Kaer Morhen fortress. The path to climb to the signal tower begins immediately below the Kaer Morhen fast travel sign. The first crystal is located opposite the broken arch of the portal inside the tower, the second is on the wall on the outside of the tower; you can get to it through the scaffolding behind the gap at the entrance to the tower. The portal becomes stable only after activating two crystals with the Aard Sign, otherwise Geralt will break.
    • Required ingredients: shirt - 1, reinforced leather - 2, meteorite silver plate - 1, leather straps - 5, monster eye - 2.
    • Stats: armor - 105, +5% adrenaline gain, resistance to piercing and impact damage, +10% resistance to slashing, +15% resistance to damage from monsters.
  4. Blueprint: Wolf School Gloves
    • Required ingredients: leather scraps - 4, meteorite ore - 1, leather straps - 2, trash - 2, crushed monster flesh - 4.
    • Characteristics: armor - 33, +5% power of Signs, +1% resistance to piercing blows, +2% resistance to slashing blows and damage from monsters, +5% resistance to elements.
  5. Blueprint: Wolf School Pants(required level - 14): among the remains of Hieronymus in a cave under the Signal Tower on the top of the cliff opposite the main gate of the Kaer Morhen fortress.
    • Required ingredients: silk - 2, skin - 4, meteorite ore - 1, leather scraps - 4, monster blood - 1.
    • Characteristics: armor - 37, +5% attack power, power of Signs and resistance to slashing blows, +7% resistance to damage from monsters, +17% resistance to elements.
  6. Blueprint: Wolf School Boots(required level - 14): among the remains of Hieronymus in a cave under the Signal Tower on the top of the cliff opposite the main gate of the Kaer Morhen fortress.
    • Required ingredients: strengthened leather - 1, meteorite ore - 1, dredge - 3, leather scraps - 4, monster essence - 1.
    • Characteristics: armor - 37, +5% attack power, +1% resistance to piercing blows and impact damage, +2% resistance to slashing blows and damage from monsters.

Improved Wolf School kit in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt:

Maps with the location of blueprints for improved Wolf School equipment are sold from Hattori in the forge in the southern part of Novigrad and from the blacksmith from the village of Zalipie in the central part of Velen. After reading “the well-preserved notes of Hieronymus about the witcher Elgar” and “slightly torn notes of Hieronymus about the witcher Elgar”, markers indicating hiding places will appear on the map. The master gunsmith begins trading and making weapons only after completing the personal quest “Swords and Dumplings.”
  1. Blueprint: Improved Wolf School Steel Sword(required level - 21): in a chest on the second tier of the destroyed Watchtower by the lake, opposite the remains of Hird with a drawing of an ordinary silver sword of the Wolf School, in the northern part of Kaer Morhen.
    • Required ingredients: Wolf School steel sword - 1, leather scraps - 1, dark steel ingot - 2, crushed monster flesh - 1, monster claw - 1.
    • Characteristics: damage - 191-233, +6% power of Signs, adrenaline gain, chance modifier to cause bleeding, +5% extra. experience for a fatal blow to a person.
  2. Blueprint: Wolf School Improved Silver Sword(required level - 21): in a chest at the bottom of a well in the courtyard of the castle of the Bloody Baron Vronitsa; northwestern part of the lands of Temeria.
    • Required ingredients: Wolf School silver sword - 1, leather straps - 2, meteorite silver ingot - 2, monster egg - 1, monster tongue - 1.
    • Characteristics: damage - 292-356, +6% power of Signs, adrenaline gain and chance modifier to cause bleeding, +20% extra. experience for a fatal blow to a monster.
  3. Blueprint: Improved Wolf School Armor(required level - 21): in a chest under water among the ruins of a tower that stood on an island on the lake southwest of Kolomnitsa; southern part of the lands of Temeria.
    • Required ingredients: Wolf School armor - 1, reinforced leather - 3, meteorite silver plate - 1, canvas - 4, monster feather - 5.
    • Stats: armor - 140, +10% adrenaline gain, +8% resistance to piercing and impact damage, +14% resistance to slashing, +20% resistance to damage from monsters.
  4. Blueprint: Improved Wolf School Gloves(required level - 21): in a chest at the end of the cave at the top of the hill, shortly before the battle with the Wild Hunt, in the southeastern part of Kaer Morhen.
    • Required ingredients: Wolf School gloves - 1, leather scraps - 4, meteorite ore - 1, leather straps - 2, trash - 2, crushed monster flesh - 4.
    • Characteristics: armor - 47, +6% power of Signs, +2% resistance to piercing blows, +3% resistance to slashing blows and damage from monsters, +6% resistance to elements.
  5. Blueprint: Improved Wolf School Pants(required level - 21): in a chest underwater near a small island northeast of Hata by the lake in the central part of Kaer Morhen.
    • Required ingredients: Wolf School pants - 1, silk - 2, skin - 1, meteorite ore - 1, leather scraps - 4, monster blood - 1.
    • Characteristics: armor - 51, +6% attack power, power of Signs and resistance to slashing blows, +7% resistance to damage from monsters, +19% resistance to elements.
  6. Blueprint: Improved Wolf School Boots(required level - 21): at the end of the Grotto south of the Pier; border of the lands of Temeria and Redania.
    • Required ingredients: Wolf School boots - 1, reinforced leather - 1, meteorite ore - 1, dredge - 3, leather scraps - 4, monster essence - 1.
    • Characteristics: armor - 51, +6% attack power, +2% resistance to piercing blows and impact damage, +3% resistance to slashing blows and damage from monsters.

Great Wolf School kit in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt:

Maps with the location of blueprints for excellent equipment from the School of the Wolf are sold from an armorer in the market on the Hierarchs' Square in the central part of Novigrad and from a blacksmith in the Caer Muir fortress on the southwestern coast of the main island of Ard Skellig. After reading “Hieronymus's wet and moldy notes about the witcher Elgar” and “Hieronymus's heavily faded notes about the witcher Elgar”, markers will appear on the map indicating hiding places. The blacksmith from the Caer Muir fortress disappears after killing Lugos the Mad near the end of the game.
  1. Blueprint: Excellent steel sword of the Wolf School(required level - 29): in a chest in a room with poisonous gas under the ruins of a fortress on a hilltop west of the village of Lofoten on the island of Hindarsfjall, east of the main island of Ard Skellig.
    • Required ingredients: improved steel sword of the Wolf School - 1, leather scraps - 1, dark steel ingot - 3, monster blood - 1, monster feather - 1.
    • Characteristics: damage - 248-304, +7% power of Signs, receiving adrenaline and a modifier for the chance of causing bleeding, +5% chance of a critical hit and additional. experience for a fatal blow to a person.
  2. Design: excellent silver sword of the Wolf School(required level - 29): in a small box in a burial mound southeast of the village of Arinbjorn on the west coast of the main island of Ard Skellig.
    • Required ingredients: improved silver sword of the Wolf School - 1, leather scraps - 2, dimerite ingot - 1, monster blood - 1, crushed monster flesh - 1.
    • Characteristics: damage - 364-444, +5% critical strike chance, +7% power of Signs, adrenaline gain and chance modifier to cause bleeding, +20% extra. experience for a fatal blow to a monster.
  3. Blueprint: Excellent Wolf School Armor(required level - 29): in a chest on the wall in an abandoned fortress west of the village of Firsdal on the southern coast of the main island of Ard Skellig.
    • Required ingredients: improved armor of the Wolf School - 1, draconian skin - 3, dimerite plate - 2, monster skin - 1, monster heart - 2.
    • Characteristics: armor - 180, +12% resistance to piercing blows and impact damage, +15% adrenaline gain, +18% resistance to slashing blows, +25% resistance to damage from monsters.
  4. Blueprint: Excellent Wolf School Gloves(required level - 29): in a chest on a stone altar in the Iron Mine southwest of the Kaer Morhen fortress.
    • Required ingredients: improved gloves of the Wolf School - 1, skin - 1, meteorite silver plate - 1, lace - 2, monster tongue - 2.
    • Characteristics: armor - 63, +8% power of Signs, +3% resistance to piercing blows, +4% resistance to slashing blows and damage from monsters, +8% resistance to elements.
  5. Blueprint: Excellent Wolf School Pants(required level - 29): in a chest behind the stalactites at the end of the cave, where in the distant past witchers conducted the Trial of Herbs, north of the Bastion, in the central part of Kaer Morhen.
    • Required ingredients: improved Wolf Pants - 1, silk - 2, leather straps - 1, meteorite silver ingot - 1, monster egg - 1.
    • Characteristics: armor - 67, +8% attack power and power of Signs, +7% resistance to slashing blows, +10% resistance to damage from monsters, +23% resistance to elements.
  6. Blueprint: Excellent Wolf School Boots(required level - 29): in a chest behind the stalactites in the depths of the cave on the river bank east of the Kaer Morhen fortress.
    • Required ingredients: improved boots of the Wolf School - 1, strengthened leather - 2, meteorite silver ingot, lace - 2, monster claw - 2.
    • Characteristics: armor - 67, +8% attack power, +3% resistance to piercing blows and impact damage, +4% resistance to slashing blows and damage from monsters.

Wolf School Master Kit in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt:

Maps with the location of the drawings of the Wolf School's master equipment are sold from Hattori in the forge in the southern part of Novigrad and from the armorer in the Kaer Trolde fortress on the top of a cliff in the northwestern part of the main island of Ard Skellig. After reading “Hieronymus's worn, faded notes about the witcher Elgar” and “Hieronymus' notes written on parchment about the witcher Elgar”, markers will appear on the map indicating hiding places. Hattori begins trading and making weapons only after completing the personal quest “Swords and Dumplings”.
  1. Blueprint: Wolf School Master Steel Sword(required level - 34): in a chest under the stairs in the hold of a sunken ship with trophies south of the village of Fangs; southwestern part of the lands of Temeria.
    • Required ingredients: excellent sword of the Wolf School - 1, leather scraps - 2, dimerite ingot - 2, monster egg - 1, siren vocal cords - 1.
    • Characteristics: damage - 284-348, +10% power of Signs, adrenaline gain, critical hit chance and chance modifier to cause bleeding, +5% extra. experience for a fatal blow to a person.
  2. Design: Wolf School Master Silver Sword(required level - 34): in a chest in a locked dugout - guarded by a level 22 demon - next to the road leading from the Ancient Oak to the Kimbolt Road; southeastern part of the lands of Temeria. The key to the door lies on the man's body in front of the dugout.
    • Required ingredients: excellent silver sword of the Wolf School - 1, leather scraps - 2, dimerite ingot - 2, monster feather - 1, monster heart - 1.
    • Characteristics: damage - 409-499, +10% power of Signs, adrenaline gain, critical hit chance and chance modifier to cause bleeding, +20% extra. experience for a fatal blow to a monster.
  3. Blueprint: Wolf School Master Armor(required level - 34): in a small chest in a round marble bowl at the entrance to the elven ruins southeast of the village of Stitches; southwestern part of the lands of Temeria.
    • Required ingredients: excellent armor of the Wolf School - 1, draconid skin - 2, dimerite plate - 3, fifth essence - 1, monster brain - 1.
    • Stats: armor - 205, +20% adrenaline gain, +17% resistance to piercing blows, +16% resistance to impact damage, +22% resistance to slashing blows, +30% resistance to damage from monsters.
  4. Blueprint: Wolf School master gloves(required level - 34): in a chest on the wall on the side of a dilapidated tower east of the village of Ferlund in the central part of the main island of Ard Skellig.
    • Required ingredients: excellent Wolf School gloves - 1, skin - 1, meteorite silver plate - 1, lace - 2, monster tongue - 2.
    • Characteristics: armor - 73, +10% power of Signs, +4% resistance to piercing blows, +5% resistance to slashing blows and damage from monsters, +10% resistance to elements.
  5. Blueprint: Wolf School Master Pants(required level - 34): in a chest on the wall on the side of the Old Watchtower southwest of the village of Svorlag on the Spikeroog Islands, northwest of the main island of Ard Skellig.
    • Required ingredients: excellent Wolf School pants - 1, silk - 2, leather straps - 1, meteorite silver ingot - 1, monster egg - 1.
    • Characteristics: armor - 77, +10% attack power, power of Signs and resistance to damage from monsters, +8% resistance to slashing blows, +30% resistance to elements.
  6. Blueprint: Wolf School Master Boots(required level - 34): in a chest at the foot of a dilapidated tower southeast of the ruins of the village of Dorve on the island of Undvik, west of the main island of Ard Skellig.
    • Required ingredients: excellent boots of the Wolf School - 1, strengthened leather - 2, meteorite silver ingot - 1, lace - 2, monster claw - 2.
    • Characteristics: armor - 77, +10% attack power, +4% resistance to piercing blows and impact damage, +5% resistance to slashing blows and damage from monsters.

The guide is being updated, three images are missing.

To start collecting armor you need to purchase cards. There are a total of 6 cards available.


  • blacksmith Hatori (you need to complete the quest "Swords and Dumplings") - 2 cards
  • gunsmith - 1 card


  • blacksmith in the village of Lindenvale - 1 card
  • gunsmith in the main castle of Kaer Trolde - 1 card
  • blacksmith in Caer Muir - 1 card

It is enough to go through the indicated characters, buy cards from them and move to the places indicated on the cards.
***There may be a situation where, as a result of a previously made choice, some cards will be unavailable. To do this, we have prepared a detailed guide on where and how you can collect all the DRAWINGS of the wolf school equipment.

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WITCHER ANCIENTS: WOLF SCHOOL EQUIPMENT are located in the old signal tower. A harpy is waiting for us in it.

We examine the tower. We find the portal, we need to open it, turn on one crystal with Aard, find the second crystal in the tower (if it cannot be taken, restart the game, I had a bug)

We launch the portal and jump into it. We find ourselves in some kind of cave. We bring down the ghost and take the drawings from the remains - WOLF SCHOOL ARMOR, WOLF SCHOOL BOOTS, WOLF SCHOOL GLOVES, WOLF SCHOOL PANTS and a note scribbled with a trembling hand. It’s not so easy to get out of the cave; we descend by carefully sliding along the rock.

In the tower we chop the ghost and find the DRAWING: SILVER SWORD OF THE WOLF SCHOOL

Let's go to Bastion.

In the bastion we are met by three ghosts. We chop them up. We use a magic lamp. We see how the witcher trains the boy. We climb the tower, find the remains of the boy and go to bury them. We bury them in the lower part of the fortress. In principle, you don’t have to complete the Bastion task.

In the indicated place we find - DRAWING: STEEL SWORD OF THE WOLF SCHOOL.

Improved Silver Sword

Velen. Bloody Baron's Fortress. There is a well on the territory of the fortress, we go down and find the indicated chest.

Improved Boots

Velen. The grotto is located east of the village of Toderas. In the largest part of the cave we find the indicated chest.

Improved armor

Velen. The ruins are not far from the island of Kolomitsa. The chest is underwater. When you find the image of a wolf, turn around and use your instincts to see a chest under the water.

Improved Steel Sword

Kaer Morhen. Ruins of a watchtower in the north of the Kaer Morhen location. Guarded by level 23 ghosts.

Improved Pants

Kaer Morhen. Northeast of Kaer Morhen Castle there will be a lake. At the indicated island, under the water there is a chest.

Improved Gloves

Kaer Morhen. South of Kaer Morhen location. Having arrived at the place along the path, you will find yourself between two rocks. The cave is located on the outside of the left rock, when looking towards the Kaer Morhen castle.

Great boots

Kaer Morhen. The bay east of the Kaer Morhen fortress. We enter the cave, go to the indicated place (on the radar). You can jump over stones, you can demolish them with a sign.

Great pants

Kaer Morhen. The cave is northwest of the Kaer Morhen fortress. This chest has great security. We find the place indicated on the radar. We remove the stones with the sign, there will be a chest behind them.

Great gloves

Kaer Morhen. South of the fortress. There will be a mine not far from the bridge. There's an elemental in the mine. There is a small chest on the stone table.

Excellent silver sword

Skelige. Northwestern part of the main island. In the indicated cellar we find a small chest.

Great steel sword

Skelige. South-west of the village of Lofoten. Enter the ruins from the side of the horse icon (indicated on the map). In the ruins we find a descent into a cave. There are poisonous gases in the cave. We set them on fire and run to the far side of the cave to the chest. (It is better to ignite the gases twice, on the left and on the right).

Excellent armor

Skelige. Main island. We slaughter everyone in the wooden fortress. We climb up the wall and there will be a chest on one side of the wall.

Master Silver Sword

Velen. Southeast part of the location. Not far from the Nilfgaardian garrison. We arrive at the indicated place. We find two corpses, in one of them we find the key to the gate, behind which lies a chest. There may be a wyvern near the place.

Master steel sword

Velen. Southwestern part of the location. At the indicated place we dive, swim into the hold of the ship, under the stairs where we swam there will be a chest.

Master armor

Velen. Southeast of the village of Stezhki. Ruins with a cat statue. If you stand with your back to the cat's face, the well with the chest will be on the right. The chest is small.

Workshop boots

Skelige. The island is southwest of the main one. We find ruins, near the wall of the tower, on the outside we find a chest.

Master Pants

Skelige. The island is northwest of the main one. We approach the entrance of the old watchtower. The chest is almost above the entrance.

Workshop gloves

Skelige. The central part of the main island. We find ruins; there is a chest on one of the walls.

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