The magnificent six emotional destroyers are fear, resentment, anger, guilt, envy, pity. Resentment

What is this? Where? An exercise to deal with resentment.

Why do people get offended? They believe that the other person should behave as they expect him to, while denying his right to independent action. Resentment stems from the desire to program another, from the reluctance to recognize him as an independent person. Having dealt with it, you can defend your interests more convincingly and effectively. What to do with resentment?

Overcoming negative emotions of anger and resentment.

The feeling of anger gives rise to energy in us, which allows us to resist the invasion of our vital territory from the outside. This feeling helps to find the strength and correctly determine the moment to convincingly say: “Put my Thing in its Place”; “don’t encroach on my time”; “I myself know what to do,” etc.

Only if a person does not know how to use the energy of anger does it freeze in the form of such negative qualities as touchiness, irritability, envy, and jealousy. Then the person becomes either overly depressed and passive, or aggressive, irritable, intolerant of unusual behavior patterns, and unresponsive to new things.

Resentments that have settled inside us for a long time cause not only illnesses of the physical body, but also provoke mental destruction of a person, degenerating into anger, intolerance, jealousy, envy, and even mental illness.

It is known that the expression of anger, as well as other feelings, is completely natural for an infant who, by screaming or crying, demands the presence of the mother when there is not enough food, warmth or communication for him. However, as a child grows up, he most often encounters the fact that his feelings are inconvenient to others, and learns to suppress them, instead of learning to transform them.

However, the child’s situation is further complicated by the fact that, having taught him the manifestations of various emotions and demonstrated their strength through personal example, adults are in no hurry to recognize the right of children to react to the grievances of their elders in the same way as they themselves react to the behavior of children or other people. Moreover, having sowed these emotions in a child, adults often immediately demand that they begin to suppress them, convincing children that this is called “Good Behavior.”

Suppressed anger seems to freeze in a person, being unable to either leave him or motivate him to take any action. This frozen, unexpressed and unspoken anger erects invisible walls in relationships between people, which then destroy these relationships. A touchy person is unable to effectively counteract in a situation where his vital territory is affected. In addition, he is under the illusion that this is happening to him because of his own inferiority or the evil will of another person.

The most powerful form of suppressing anger is hatred. It occurs in people who are no longer able to store their grievances and need an external object to relieve them.

Accumulated grievances lead to character disturbances, pessimism, insensitivity to new things, and increased vulnerability to stress.

When two people interact, the resentment of one is necessarily complemented by the feeling of guilt of the other; it appeals to his feeling of guilt. This guilt can prompt a change in behavior, and the “Guilty One” does what the “offended” one needs. If the other is not capable of experiencing guilt, the offense becomes useless and dysfunctional.

On the contrary, having dealt with it, you can defend your interests more convincingly and effectively. What to do with resentment?

First of all, realize: this emotion arises from the collision of the expectation model, which a person “Tries on” to reality, and the behavior of another. This other person is, of course, a significant person, and the “Offended” person has certain ideas about how he should behave “if he is my friend.” Deviations of his behavior in an unfavorable direction from expectations cause an emotional reaction, expressed in the form of resentment.

It is very important to be able to go through the stage of accepting refusal, that is, to allow the situation to be as it is, to get out of the state of merging with another person or the external environment. Move from the state of demand, which is followed by resentment if it is not fulfilled, to the state of petition or request.

Typically, a state of demandingness is typical for a small child, whose demands are rational - after all, he depends on adults. Growing up, a person needs to learn to ask, since no one is obliged to give anything to an adult; he can provide a lot for himself. In adulthood, his demands are already irrational. But many adults are afraid of rejection, and therefore forbid themselves to ask for help, love, care, support, forgiveness.

Of course, a person who is able to ask must have a reserve of strength in himself - after all, he may be refused. But, having received a refusal, a mature person will not follow the path of resentment, but along the path of understanding and forgiveness. By letting go of the situation, we take responsibility for our lives and remain healthy and free people, experiencing lightness in our souls. In addition, by forgiving, we become stronger and can ourselves achieve what we expected from others, and for this we can thank them. Forgiveness and gratitude are an act of will that gives us strength.

All of the above can be represented in the form of the following diagram:

Irrational demands -> resentment -> illness, addiction.

Acceptance of refusal -> forgiveness -> responsibility for your life.

Request -> gratitude -> health, freedom.

The exercise below will help you become aware of internal grievances and free yourself from them.

"Give away the worm."
Only if you change the word “Touchiness” a little, you get “touchiness,” that is, you can figuratively imagine that a person who harbors a grudge against someone carries a worm inside him that is eating away at him from the inside. In order to free yourself from internal resentment, or rather, from the internal worm, do the following.

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax and imagine that you are walking down the street. In front of you is a nine-story building. You enter the entrance of the house, climb the steps to the first floor and enter the elevator, in which stands the person who once offended you. The elevator closes and you go up. Imagine that you hold your grudge against this person in your hands, but this grudge is in the form of a worm. Look what kind of worm it is - big or small, thick or thin. What color and shape is it? The elevator rises to the top floor, you give the worm to your offender or leave it in the elevator and get out.

You go down the steps, and with each step you feel better. Now you have already gone down to the first floor, a few more steps, and you are leaving the entrance. The sun is shining outside, you can breathe easily, you feel good and calm.

Remember that you are in the room and open your eyes.

Answer yourself these questions:
Did you manage to give it to the offender or leave it in the elevator? Did you feel relieved after you got off the elevator?

The Angel dictated this text for those who want to learn bright thinking - the fundamental basis of any contact with their Guardian Angel. We have already said that the obstacle to the participation of light forces in our daily lives is mental blocks. Three of them are the most dangerous. Chief and first block, the root cause of many of our troubles - self-resentment, the feeling that you are not worthy of help. Second - resentment towards others, unforgiveness follows directly from the first. Third - envy as a result of resentment towards others.

- How to overcome mental blocks?

Your psychologists talk a lot about positive thinking and they think that such conversations can really change life for the better. This is completely false. If, for example, you hate someone because he was unfair to you, then this hatred will have to be felt and experienced. This is the only way to understand that it is meaningless. This is the only way to discard it without regret and replace it with compassion and understanding. Complete liberation from hatred occurs only through love, which breaks all hatred.
If you are jealous of someone's success, you need to learn to accept that envy so that you can understand that being envious is funny.
He who envies himself has only unfulfilled desires. If you learn to understand your place, to fulfill your task, you gain the strength to replace your envy with feelings of wonder and friendly participation.
Envy can be completely eliminated only through compassion. It allows you to share your success with another just as you are willing to share your friend’s misfortune. It is important that you do not suppress negative impressions, but get rid of them. This is the only way you can fulfill your evolutionary task: learning to deal with these feelings. If you suppress them, you become aggressive, and this aggression turns into new negative experiences.
Make it a rule not to scold yourself for wrong thoughts. Make it a rule every week, or every month, or whatever is more convenient for you, to evaluate and note how less often thoughts and feelings that should not have a place in it begin to appear in your soul. And love yourself, your soul for the fact that it managed to become better. Love will finally replace hatred of oneself and others. I highly recommend keeping a diary so that you can always remember the path you have taken and thank yourself in your heart for the good work on the path of light.

-How then can you improve, stop being angry with others, if you always give free rein to your emotions?
- Your brain is an energy center with the ability to receive and transmit mental images. Thought images are completely real on the astral plane. They can also reproduce in physical matter. If you generate anger by telling yourself to stop evil thoughts, you will only increase the amount of evil, but you will achieve nothing.
should be nothing more than the production of loving mental energy that is directed towards people and situations.
If you need love, then you don’t need to imagine that you are loved, otherwise people will refuse your love. If you want success, you shouldn't imagine yourself in the rays of glory - otherwise what joy can you give to others? Try to imagine yourself loving someone. Imagine how your success brings prosperity to those around you. Imagine how your wealth affects your family members and how happy they will be about it.
This is it positive thinking. The pursuit of happiness and love is not only necessary for you personally. You need to be able to convey that happiness and love to others. - This is a form of love for one's neighbor. And in this form, apparently, the formula of real happiness is encoded.
This is a serious requirement for your daily train of thought. But if you have heard what was said about the inadmissibility of violence against yourself, then you know what to do. When you feel that you are thinking incorrectly, allow those thoughts to subside on their own. And in return, try to stay in the flow for at least a second positive thinking. Time after time you will move forward.

-Does this mean that if I wish something for myself, then I should wish it for others?
- In general, this is so. But so far I have talked about the desires for love, harmony, happiness. About that common thing that all living beings need. In practice, we talked to you about mental prayer. If we are talking about private desires, a certain amount of caution is needed.
Mental images can disrupt the plan of fate, the plan that your spirit wrote before incarnation. Then the materialized desire will turn against you. Before focusing, for example, on the amount of money, you need to listen to yourself: does such an appeal cause internal dissonance. The wisest thing to do is to leave your pride and turn to God and His messengers - the bright spirits - for help. Then you will definitely insure yourself against interference in those energies that you are not completely ready to work with.
Earthly desires are necessary for a person; there is nothing bad in them. But when working with mental energies, be careful. Learn to listen to yourself. And ask for support. The best way for earthly affairs positive thinking- love for the light beings who guide you. Love for God.

Stressful situations that surround us everywhere provoke negative emotions. The following techniques that get rid of negativity will help you fight back against emotional stress, which destroys not only nerve cells, but the entire body.

Envy, anger and resentment are feelings characteristic of even the most meek and sympathetic people. However, the impact that negative emotions have must be stopped immediately. Not every person can simply get rid of emotional stress, but replacing thoughts with positive ones is possible for anyone. That is why positive thinking is the best way to help you get rid of stressful situations and stop the growth of negativity, switching from emotions to a sober solution to a conflict situation.

Getting rid of anger, envy and resentment

It is impossible to completely get rid of negative thoughts and emotions. But they can be removed, replaced or overcome. People know an easy way to free themselves from worries - entertainment. However, in severe stressful situations, its positive effect is negligible. In rare cases, entertainment events have the opposite effect, cutting the ground from under your feet. Scientists in the field of bioenergy have identified 5 effective ways to get rid of negative emotions and restore harmony and former cheerfulness to a person.

1. Release your feelings

It is very important to allow yourself to experience negative emotions without suppressing them. In any case, whatever your experiences, do not be ashamed of them and do not forbid feeling what you feel. Even if it's undignified. It is known that happiness and anger are the same emotions, the difference is only in the internal limitation.

Try to express your emotions. For example, you can beat a pillow while imagining the face of your enemy. If this practice is not for you, then there is another wonderful method - screaming at the top of your lungs. To do this, it is advisable to retire or lock yourself in a car and start screaming at the top of your lungs about what is tormenting your soul. There is another alternative: write an angry letter, putting all your accumulated emotions into each letter, and then burn it.

2. Don’t accumulate negative emotions

4. Get rid of energy blocks and anxiety

Exercises that get rid of energy blocks will help you return to a state of harmony and peace of mind in any stressful situation. In a moment of rage, envy or resentment, try to free yourself from thoughts. Relax your entire body, especially your facial muscles. Take a moment to feel how the weight of resentment and misunderstanding begins to leave your body. At this moment, focus your attention on the corners of your lips, which should form a slight smile. Try to feel how your lips themselves stretch into a slightly noticeable smile, and a feeling of happiness appears throughout your body.

5. Revenge for good

If negative emotions do not let you go, but only intensify every day, covering you completely, then even in this situation you can find benefits and benefits. Take it and repay your offender, only in a positive way. The best revenge is your personal happiness and successful life. Think in a positive way, bring joy to people, and you won’t pay attention to how quickly you will achieve colossal results, displacing all the negativity.

It is impossible to get rid of feelings of anger and resentment by constantly taking revenge on your enemy, just as you will not be able to repress envy by living with it in your heart. You cannot resolve internal conflict by accumulating negativity. Attract positive emotions, give free rein to your feelings, strive for joy, well-being and happiness. Only then will you see all negative emotions disappear from your life. We wish you a great mood, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

The impact of negative emotions on health

Without exception, doctors say that when a person is sick, the most important thing for recovery is a positive attitude. If you give up and give up, the disease will take over. It’s like in sports, in a competition, in a war; finally, the enemy who doubts victory is already defeated. That is, it is clear that a person must arm himself with faith in victory and hope for the best, and this best, that is, recovery, will definitely come.

Resentment and envy: health consequences

But where did the disease itself come from? Even in ancient times, doctors knew that any disease is formed by our negative emotions. Emotions are the body’s response to any internal and external stimuli, and they are strictly individual and embedded in us at the genetic level. These emotions accompany us throughout our lives: anger, fear, anxiety, envy, jealousy and much, much more. And they are accompanied by physiological reactions of the body.

And the stronger the emotion, the deeper and more extensively the body reacts to it. At the same time, positive emotions fuel our body, giving us new energy and the desire to live and work, while negative ones, on the contrary, destroy our health.

Of course, emotions are needed, because without them our life would be gray and dull, and, in addition, an exchange between the internal and external life of our body is necessary. But everything is good in moderation. And overly emotional people who do not know how to control themselves and control their reaction to what is happening put their health at great risk.

In a world full of stress, how can we escape from it?

How to protect your health?

We live in society, in a family, among people, and the emotions that arise in us are directly related to people.

  • Think about what kind of people we want to communicate with?
  • Who is more pleasant for us to do business with?
  • Who do we turn to in times of need?

Of course, people who are friendly, positive, and easy to talk to. If we constantly complain, people will have a hard time with us, and we will end up alone. And this will lead to new experiences, doubts, and old depression. You don’t need to constantly expect sympathy and help from others, try to rely on yourself and your strengths.

How can one not recall I. Kant’s postulate: treat others the way you want to be treated.

Or G. Hegel: Show the world your smiling face, and the world will smile back at you.

Remember you are happy if you consider yourself happy!

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