Vertical chin. Physiognomy: reading character by the shape of the chin

Let's consider determining character by a person's chin.

Prominent chin

A prominent chin means a strong and energetic person. All his life he will strive to be active. Even in childhood, such a character trait as stubbornness will appear.

Even if an early break with parents occurs, the character of such a person will not break, because nature has endowed him with a strong will. He will achieve everything in life on his own.

Able to correctly set goals and accurately select means to achieve them.

It is possible that the owner of such a trait will marry twice. He will maintain a good relationship with his ex-spouse even after the divorce. Moreover, maintaining good relationships after a divorce will be much easier than building normal family relationships. Such a person is simply not able to perceive his half as an equal partner.

In the professional field, such a person will achieve high results. Having taken a leadership position, he will demonstrate a totalitarian style. However, this will not prevent him from being known as a fair boss. He will not force anyone to move to another department or another company in order to receive a well-deserved promotion, and will not offend him with his inattention.

Basically, his life will develop according to the plan.

Deviations are possible due to circumstances arising in personal life.

Long and sharp chin

A long and sharp chin indicates a perceptive mind.

This is exactly the type of people whose entire life depends on their immediate environment.

Such a person does not want to listen to the opinions of others and does not know how to adapt to circumstances.

A person with a sharp chin will not immediately be able to achieve recognition, because the inability to communicate with people calls his professional qualities into question. If his education allows him to occupy high positions, he will become a middle manager.

A peculiar manner of communication will cause late marriage. His mind will always look for a way to express itself. Lacking the ability to joke easily and naturally, such a person will over time develop a penchant for sarcasm. Ridicule is one thing in friendships, and another thing in romantic relationships.

The chin, as if pushed back, indicates that the person in front of you is soft and indecisive. All his life such a person will look for support and support.

It is precisely such natures that become quiet wives who put up with their husband’s infidelities for years, and calm husbands led by more energetic wives.

"Fleshy" chin

You can't help but pay attention to this person. He is too smart, lucky, noticeable. Nature endowed him with an extraordinary mind and selfishness - a truly explosive mixture.

Having decided on their life goals, they, as a rule, do not deviate from what they planned. They are not shy when choosing the means to achieve what they want, they never question the correctness of the assigned tasks and do not think about their moral side.

Such a person loves himself too much to deny himself anything. On occasion, he can always find a person who can help him with projects. There will be many similar people in his life. Of course, he treats many of them harshly, but he will not make powerful and strong enemies for himself, he is too smart for that.

There is a high probability that a person with a fleshy chin will marry several times or decide to remain single after the first divorce. Selfishness will not allow you to create relationships full of mutual understanding.

Men of this type often become convinced bachelors who never deny themselves pleasure. And women are adventurers. Left alone, they do not lose heart at all, enjoying freedom and the ability to conquer men's hearts with their beauty and charm.

Cleft chin

Character based on the chin. A cleft chin signifies a fickle nature. Neither in childhood nor in adolescence do such people manage to determine what they actually want from life. They constantly create problems for themselves and others.

A fairly long period of time will pass before such a person will be able to determine which type of activity is most acceptable to him. As a rule, he does not achieve high leadership positions. However, in his service he is valued for his ingenuity and creative approach to business.

People around him love him for his ease and ease of communication. He has many friends, but few real friends.

It is possible that one of your friends will be offended and even think about revenge. And the whole point is the carelessness of this person, who can easily “cross the path” of his own friend if something captivates him.

Such people are amorous natures. Very often they cancel their own wedding at the very last moment. If there are several marriages, then you should not hope that after the divorce you will continue to have a good relationship with your ex.

In general, the life of these people cannot be called calm. A lot depends on what kind of relationship will develop with your parents and who will be around at the beginning of your career path.

What does a dimple on the chin mean?

To think that the science that studies appearance traits has only recently appeared is completely wrong. She just wasn't taken seriously for a while. They did not attach much importance to the structural features of faces and their connection with a person’s character. Only recently did this ancient science acquire a name - physiognomy. But our distant ancestors, although they did not give names, even then knew how much the shape and structure of a face could tell about a person. Even in ancient China, sages predicted fate using these signs. And very successfully! So one of the emperors received a prediction about a brilliant future when he was only a poor, unknown orphan.

The meaning of the chin shape

The Chinese called the forehead “the sky of the face,” and the chin, respectively, “the earth.” A considerable number of sages relied in their conclusions on these two components, considering them the most important for humans. Moreover, it is interesting that the shape of the forehead was much more important for men. The chin could tell more about a woman's fate. This is due to the fact that the Chinese associated the lower part of the face with the earth, which means the feminine principle. While the sky was the masculine principle. A narrow and short lower part of the face was considered a bad sign that would adversely affect one’s future fate. A wide chin, in both men and women, on the contrary, meant well-being in the future.

He promised a happy, quiet old age, in which the owner would know more happiness than adversity, and would enjoy the benefits that he had acquired throughout his life through hard work.
portended comfortable living, absence of health problems, prosperity and fame. Protruding chins in every possible way were also called a very good sign for a person: upturned (then the type of face was called “heaven and earth looking at each other”), fleshy and massive, full, protruding forward. They talked about a person's strong will, his ability to cope with any adversity, as well as love for earthly goods and increased sexuality.

The Chinese considered a favorable face shape to be a real gift from above, a gift from the gods. People with the “correct” face shape were automatically considered successful, if not now, then in the foreseeable future. And of course they were not threatened with a miserable old age in poverty, no matter what the reality was. No one knows for sure whether their predictions were true, but this tradition lasted for a very, very long time.

Double chin

No matter how strange it may seem in our age of struggle with excess weight, the Chinese considered a double chin to be the most favorable sign. However, this form can occur not only in people who are overweight. Contrary to popular belief, double chin also occurs in slender people. In China, this was the best guarantee of well-being after the age of fifty.

Such a chin foreshadowed comfort and tranquility upon reaching old age. But even at a younger age, its owners became successful in their profession and gained financial stability. It was believed that such people rarely deny themselves sensual pleasures, even in old age. Also, their desires throughout their lives coincide with their capabilities.

Dimple on the chin: meaning

In simple terms, this is what they call a depression on human skin. When it comes to the face, we most often mean dimples on the cheeks, which some people experience when smiling, or a dimple on the chin. They are often most noticeable at an early age, and over the years they smooth out or disappear altogether. This is due to the fact that our facial muscles gradually lengthen. But some retain this feature until old age. It is also now possible to create dimples artificially - through plastic surgery.

Each feature in physiognomy has a certain meaning. So, in the popular interpretation, a dimple on the chin means a person’s goodwill. This definition is especially true for men, and the shape of the chin itself is of greater importance for them. Surprisingly, here we and the inhabitants of Ancient China have an almost unanimous opinion. In the science of physiognomy, a dimple on the chin characterizes a person as the owner of a strong, unbending will.

Such men are real fighters, they are determined and have an established strong and even tough character. But at the same time, they can be described as connoisseurs of the fair sex with a bright temperament. It is believed that such people attract the attention of women and are therefore spoiled by them. Sometimes a dimple can signify a two-faced character. Its resourceful owner is very multifaceted, capable of achieving his goals, both with the help of cunning and enviable stubbornness.

Chin meaning and character | Physiognomy

Let's consider the physiognomic meaning of the chin. As for the chin and jaws, they are almost inseparable and are therefore often discussed together in Chinese texts. These two traits govern the later years of life and are located in positions 60 to 79, and 98 and 99 on the left side.

Well-developed jaws on a round or square face, in keeping with the overall contour of the face, usually indicate a strong character. With a round face, the jaws indicate affection, generosity and self-control, provided that they are wide and covered with a strong and abundant whip. With a square face, they speak of a person of great determination with a strong or difficult character. These jaws are usually associated with professional athletes or military personnel. However, generally speaking, the face reader should keep in mind that a wide jaw and wide chin are a sign of strong character, unless they are marred by other bad facial features (such as a weak or broken nose or lifeless eyes). A person, whether male or female, having such a jaw and chin is likely to have a very successful life if the other facial features are favorable and in balance and proportion.

As a rule, the wider the jaw, the wider the chin (Fig. 181). The size and position of these two features should be well coordinated. A wide and slightly raised chin is absolutely essential for the balance of the entire face. This indicates happiness and security in later life.

A weak and repressed chin is a clear sign of a fatal flaw in character and destiny. A weak chin puts all other facial features in a disadvantageous position, starting from the forehead and below (Fig. 182).

A severe cleft in the chin" (Fig. 183) resulting from a splitting of the bony structure or flesh covering the chin is known as a "cleft chin." As a “rule of thumb,” we can say that such a gap indicates a warm-hearted, tender, passionate nature. It is common among artists, actors, musicians, inventors and writers, i.e. among people whose creative work generates high emotions.

The meaning of the chin. However, if the "cleft chin" is a consequence of the bone structure rather than the skin having good tension along the entire length of the cleft, and if it is accompanied by defective irises, and perhaps an imperfect nasal bridge, then it may mean an unnatural death. A “cleft chin” in the absence of other defects indicates possible problems with immersion in introspection.

In some cultures, a pointed chin in women is considered a sign of beauty (Fig. 184). Such a chin may not be fully developed and therefore not sufficiently fleshed out. But a fully developed chin should appear around age 30. If the chin remains pointed at this age, the physiognomist usually considers this a defective feature, since it is often poorly balanced with other prominent facial features. Imbalance is always undesirable. After the age of 30, a pointed chin can indicate disappointment, illness and a short life.

The meaning of the chin. A wide jaw and wide chin on a wide face (Fig. 185) are a sign of a strong personality. Such traits are often found in people of great strength and dexterity. Nothing can make such people deviate from achieving their intended goal. However, a long chin with underdeveloped flesh is a sign of an unsuccessful financial businessman. If the chin is flat, then this indicates that the person is not resourceful.

Heavy jaws protruding from both sides of the lower part of the face and clearly visible when viewed from behind (Fig. 186) indicate a rebel, a person of strong, uncontrollable passions. Such a person is capable of repaying a good deed with betrayal. Politicians, revolutionaries, and unprincipled businessmen usually have jaws of this type.

In some cases, the protruding jaw is hidden behind massive flesh. This speaks of a self-centered, selfish person. A woman with such jaws is often a difficult marriage partner because she constantly rebels against her fate.

What does a dimple on a chin mean in men?

I heard that this means that a man likes to walk on the left. Maybe there are other versions.


Nothing except that such a masculine face automatically adds attractiveness to a man. It is dangerous to have such a life partner for a woman who is not confident in her superiority over her husband. With a worthless wife, such a man cannot resist the temptation to be in someone’s tender hands in addition to the legitimate hands of his wife.

The whole point is not that a man will necessarily be a walker, but that a dimple is a bonus that enhances his attractiveness. Not every male can resist the temptation. For this there must be solid deterrents, and the man must be well-fed and lazy, at a minimum.

And so, there is nothing dangerous or hidden in this sign, unless you take into account that it is dominant and is inherited.

I heard and was even completely confident that a dimple on the chin means that a man will only have sons, but life shows that this is just a common misconception - the owner of one of the most beautiful dimples on the chin, Til Schweiger, has three daughters . In fact, like any other anatomical feature, a dimple on the chin may not mean anything, but it certainly adds to a man's attractiveness, although I prefer dimples on the cheeks. And popularity with women always has a great influence on the development of a man’s character, and he may try to become more courageous and purposeful, simply to follow the established stereotype and please women’s expectations.

Ulyana nickname

A dimple on the chin does not always mean that a man has a strong character and is self-confident. As a rule, the owner of a dimple on the chin is kind and this is a fact, since I have many such friends. Such a person is also attractive to women; they consider him passionate and temperamental. And physiognomists say that he is capable of making decisions.

A striking example of an actor with a dimpled chin is John Travolta.


Men with a dimple on the chin have a very strong character, determination, strong will and perseverance - this is their character trait.

Such men are very popular with women, so they say that this is because of the “dimples” on the chin.

From a medical point of view, a dimple on the chin is just a lack of connective tissue development. From the point of view of physiognomy, the meaning of the dimple on the chin in men has its own meaning in different cultures, but most often this feature means goodwill, strength of character, ingenuity and cunning. Men with a dimple on their chin almost never lack female attention...

Vili Borisovich

From a scientific point of view, it means nothing, just like a strong-willed chin. The only scientific explanation is a lack of connective tissue. And from the point of view of life. Women like this kind of dimple, which gives the owner of such a dimple an advantage in communicating with the weaker sex, and as a result, a promotion.

I once heard that a dimple on the chin means that its owner is loving and loved by women. But that’s how it is, such a dimple adds irresistibility, which means everything is right. So it is, I believe that this means that the man is decisive, handsome and loved by women.

A dimple on a man’s face is a feature of the physiological structure of a given individual’s face and nothing more.

But if we assume that 2x2=5, you can see a lot of interesting things in this dimple.

For example, a very purposeful womanizer.


Nothing special. This is simply a physiological feature, a special physiognostics. In girls, dimples on their cheeks give them attractiveness and a special zest. Dimples on the face simply highlight a person's face against the background of other faces, nothing more.


It means that with age-related growth of the skin-muscular mass of the face, the connective tissue in the center of the chin is not fully developed relative to the structure of neighboring tissues. You could even say that this is a slight deformity, and nothing more!

Marina Makyan

For a man, a dimple on the chin is a sign of purposefulness, determination and strong will and character. People who are friendly have this sign. Sometimes a dimple can mean a two-faced character in a man.

What does your chin tell you?

Facial features can tell a lot about a person. The chin is the place where will, determination and strength of character are reflected.
If a man has a large, square chin that protrudes forward, he will be able to achieve great success in military affairs, sports and environmental protection. But he should hardly count on more.
In women, a large chin indicates the ability to self-sacrifice. They can surround almost any man with affection, care, and become his reliable friend and support.

If a man's chin protrudes significantly forward, it means he is a shrewd, sarcastic person. He was more used to taking everything by cunning than by force. Capable of achieving a lot, but does not always pay attention to the little things. These people are rarely rich and do not bask in the glory for long.
In women, such a protruding chin indicates their sexuality, sensuality and initiative in love relationships.
If a man has a chin pushed back, it means he is an indecisive and weak-willed person. It is much better for him to weigh everything and figure it out than to decide on spontaneous actions. It is not typical for such a person to linger long at the pinnacle of fame. His actions will not always receive a good assessment. And the owners of such a chin are often very jealous and envious.
If a man has a prominent chin combined with a narrow and sloping forehead, it means that the person does not have the best character and should be treated with caution.
If a man or woman has a cleft chin, this means a desire to always be loved and desired. Life foretells stormy romances and disappointments for such people.
And if there are moles on the chin, then its owner is a lover of travel, adventure and political intrigue. A mole in the center of the chin can indicate both great successes and scandalous defeats.

Series of messages “Appearance. Secrets of the face.”:
Part 1 - Collection of unusual photographs of skulls
Part 2 - Human Forehead
Part 3 - What will your feet tell you?
Part 4 - What does your chin tell you?
Part 5 - How to determine character by eye color
Part 6 - Eyebrows and character
Part 7 - Character by mouth
Part 8 - Diagnosis by face

The dimple on the chin: what they thought about it in the old days

It’s clear that previously everything that distinguished a person from the general mass was considered something mystical and wrong. Any feature in appearance was perceived as a kind of “mark of God”, so that people around could immediately guess that they were dealing with an extraordinary person and, most likely, terribly insidious and cunning.

Of course, people with a dimple on their chin were also previously considered to be extraordinary individuals. It was believed that such people are endowed with a very strong character and unbending will, they always achieve the desired result and are able to multiply their wealth many times over. Negative qualities were also attributed to those with dimples on the chin. It was believed that these people were two-faced, very cunning, resourceful and ready to go to extreme measures to get benefits.

What does a dimple on a woman's chin mean?

A woman with a dimpled chin is capable of many things. Nature has endowed her with strength that distinguishes her from the rest of the fairer sex.

She is a born leader and is not afraid to take responsibility. She is able to persevere through difficulties. It's no surprise that women with dimpled chins often achieve success in their professional careers.

She attracts men with her inner energy and mystery. True, not every man can stay next to her for a long time. Her hot-tempered and impulsive nature makes it difficult for her to compromise. The selfishness of a woman with a dimple on her chin prevents her from listening to the opinions of others. It is very difficult to build a calm, measured family life with her. In the end, the man gets tired of her constant desire to dominate and looks for a calmer and more predictable person to live with.

However, if a woman with a dimple on her chin manages to overcome herself and learns to deal with her weaknesses, she may well build a strong family.

What does a dimple on a man's chin mean?

The owner of a dimple on the chin is a strong, persistent, purposeful and courageous man. Next to him, the woman feels protected. He is always ready to take responsibility and sometimes make very difficult decisions. In stressful situations, he acts prudently and calmly.

This man has a bright temperament, so it is difficult for him to remain faithful to just one woman. He does not lack female attention. He knows what women like, and he himself is partial to female beauty.

Negative character traits of a man with a dimpled chin: recklessness, dulled instinct of self-preservation and rashness. He desperately lacks patience. He often acts thoughtlessly, which leads to various problems.

Fighting methods are divided into two groups - your own efforts and the help of professionals.

What can be done to get rid of the problem?

  • Correct your posture and walk with your head held high.
  • If your job involves working on a computer, you constantly sit - you need to take regular short breaks from work, during which you need to walk and do neck exercises.
  • You can do a special massage: pat yourself on the neck and chin with the backs of your hands, massage your neck from bottom to top from the center to the ears.
  • You can make special masks, compresses and wraps with herbal decoctions, apply creams that will increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin.
  • You need to sleep on a special orthopedic pillow, which will ensure the correct position of the head and prevent the formation of unnecessary folds.
  • And the most important thing is losing weight. You need to lose weight correctly, preferably under the supervision of a nutritionist who will describe the correct food balance and exercise regimen, so that the skin has time to tighten after losing excess weight, and you do not get a “turkey neck.”

Help from professionals. Depending on individual characteristics, the surgical strategy for correcting a double chin may vary. At a younger age, when the lack of a drooping chin is associated with local accumulation of adipose tissue, liposuction of the problem area will help. This correction consists of removing local fat deposits, in this case, it is the most common procedure and one of the most effective means of surgically solving the problem.

If, in addition to excessive deposition of adipose tissue, the patient notices stretching of the neck muscles, then it is advisable to combine chin liposuction with platysmoplasty. During the procedure, the neck muscle is tightened. As a result, rejuvenation of the cervical-mental area is observed.

Chin correction surgery makes it possible to remove excess skin overhangs, perfectly rejuvenate the décolleté area, forming a youthful oval of the face, permanently removing the double chin, photos of the results can be seen below.

Aristotle studied a person's appearance to understand the state of his soul. Hippocrates studied physiognomy with the aim of better healing the patient. In China, physiognomy was and is considered a full-fledged branch of medicine. Modern physiognomists believe that a person’s face can determine both the character of its owner and internal changes in the body.

Facial geometry

It is believed that an elongated face with rectangular outlines is a sign of aristocracy. People with such facial features are usually good organizers who know how to manage the masses. But “triangle” faces, despite having high intelligence, cannot cope with the masses. But they are characterized by increased sensitivity, they can be cunning and resourceful. True, quite often internal experiences lead them to chronic illnesses.

A “round” face indicates goodwill and friendliness. Chubby people are usually cheerful, love comfort, and are unambitious. People with “square” faces are usually leaders, they know how to make decisions quickly, and they show tenacity and perseverance in implementing their plans. These are consistent, purposeful, cold, rude, even harsh people.

Execution place

A high and wide forehead indicates a person’s intelligence, his inclination towards intellectual activities. If a high forehead is also framed by a round hairline, then this speaks of perseverance and independence of character. A low, angular and sloping forehead often reveals people with low intelligence, but at the same time practical and firmly standing on their feet. A narrow forehead and low-growing hair indicate a mediocrity of nature.

Where it wrinkled

Pronounced horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are a good sign. Their owner can achieve significant success in life. Two small, straight vertical lines on the bridge of the nose indicate great organizational skills. If the vertical lines are uneven and curved, there is reason to be wary: such a person is prone to aggression. Scattered, thin, irregularly shaped wrinkles indicate a heavy, angry character.

The chin is a mirror of character

People with a wide chin are usually harsh and rude, inclined to solve problems from a position of strength. “Square” chins are quite materialistic and often fixated on material problems. A square chin combined with prominent cheekbones indicates determination and masculinity.

Nature rewards sensitive and reasonable people with a rounded chin. Sharp - cunning, with an entrepreneurial spirit. A person with a prominent chin is considered to be strong-willed and self-confident. A sloping chin, on the contrary, reveals a weak will, often a difficult, uncontrollable character.

Lips aren't just for kissing

Thin lips are a sign of coldness and prudence, while full lips are a sign of sensuality. People with full lips love to eat well and tend to indulge in the joys of life. It is generally accepted that the straighter the lip line, the more calculating the person. Unclosed, relaxed lips are a sign of indecision and weak will. If the upper lip is thin and the lower lip is slightly protruded, it means that the person is not devoid of conceit and vanity.

The upper lip, if it is slightly swollen and pushed forward, indicates an accommodating character and a willingness to compromise. A slanted, asymmetrical mouth is a sign of nervousness and constant dissatisfaction. And drooping corners of the lips are an indicator of depression, self-centeredness and capriciousness.

Ears must be strong

Large and hard ears indicate good health and promise their owner a long life. If the upper part of the ear is highly developed, it means that the person has an extraordinary mind; a developed middle part is characteristic of people with great potential and energy reserves, and a large lobe is, as it were, an indicator of sexuality.

The owners of pointed ears are not elves at all, but people, but people, as a rule, are cunning and resourceful. Ears located above eye level are a sign of intelligence, while ears located correspondingly below eye level indicate a lack of intelligence.

Big noses live longer

A long nose is not only a sign of strong individuality, but also an indicator of health (it takes too long for viruses to get into the nasopharynx). A short nose indicates a tendency towards optimism and friendliness. And if the tip of a short nose is slightly turned up, then such people are liberated and sexy. A thin nose with a hump will tell about pride and stubbornness. And the nose, similar to the beak of an eagle, indicates a vindictive nature.

Sparks in the eyes

The sparkle in the eyes indicates great internal potential and high performance. “Dull” eyes, on the contrary, are a sign of weakness, sadness or depression. Large eyes indicate a penchant for creativity and philosophical inclinations. It is generally accepted that the larger the eyes, the higher the emotional sensitivity of a person.

Round chin

A person with a round chin has a strong sense of family and an even, friendly temperament. He has a positive influence on others. In controversial cases, he is excellent as a peacemaker. These people willingly take responsibility for the work they do and have high moral principles. They should under no circumstances be called ambitious.

Round chin

They seem to lack purposeful career planning. However, their career starts quite early. Communication skills almost always bring them success at work. Women with a round chin are considered to be emphatically emotional and willing to work for their family. In China they say: women with round chins are fertile. Erotically, they are easy to satisfy: acrobatic exercises are not for them. Most of all, they are concerned with the happiness of their children and prosperity in the home; family happiness often becomes the center of their lives. The prospect of being surrounded by a dozen grandchildren in old age is the dream of a woman with a round chin.

Pointed chin

People with sharp chins are highly intelligent, but they are overly sensitive and prone to mood swings. They are said to love to gossip and have a penchant for treachery.

The worst thing that can happen to such a person is loneliness. This fickle character requires constant movement and an audience to satisfy his great need for communication. Often these people also have the ability to perceive the supersensible. Relying on this gift, they can sometimes benefit themselves.

Pointed chin

Professionally, they are not only excellent workers, but also have the ability to make decisions quickly. If women with sharp chins achieve heights in social activities, then men with this type of chin are distinguished by outstanding technical abilities. Women and men with this chin shape sometimes experience difficulties in their personal lives; they cannot cope with their own feelings. This leads to misunderstandings, for example, someone with a sharp chin, due to his gullibility, sees more in flirting than it actually is. Women with sharp chins often have excellent vocal abilities, which is especially admired by men. However, these ladies are gullible and enthusiastic, they are ready to rush headlong into a marriage, the stability of which is highly doubtful.

Wide chin

This strong chin indicates a correct, honest person who has great self-confidence and finds satisfaction in work. Everything he starts is completed. A wide chin seems to have inexhaustible reserves of energy. Business and social success of these people is a matter of course.

Their sense of justice brings them a lot of sympathy. There are also envious people here. Negative traits: pronounced stubbornness and tendency to aggression. True, these character traits appear, as experience shows, only in rare cases.

Wide chin

Such people defend their honor very decisively, in which case the jokes stop instantly. The palette of their feelings is varied - from a pronounced protective instinct to deep love for their own children and the ability to sympathize with others, but in relation to their partner they often cannot show their feelings, perhaps for fear of losing control over themselves.

If ever a man with a broad chin is deceived by his mistress, he will be consistent to the end and will never forgive such an insult.

Looking at a man with an angular chin, one can immediately say that he is a fighter, energetic and active, sometimes even prone to bitterness and rudeness. This character cannot tolerate defeat. Such a person never forgets disrespect and insults, because he can be incredibly vindictive. People with this chin shape are unlikely to rush headlong into their professional or personal life, but will act, as a rule, according to a carefully developed plan. But it is known that life does not always go according to plan, and sometimes brings surprises. Despite his vitality, a person with an angular chin does not feel the joy of being. His penchant for exaggerated discipline makes him a dry pedant. He lacks flexibility for full communication.

Angular chin

If the energy and fighting spirit of such a person are directed in the wrong direction, then he can easily end up in a criminal environment. Criminals involved in criminal cases in the economy and even rapists often have this chin shape.

People with angular chins like to live large. If, unexpectedly, they ever find themselves in tight financial circumstances, they will never admit their misfortune, but rather write a bad check. A love affair can easily turn into chaos for them due to a series of misunderstandings. They were not born to love and be loved. Because of their rude manners, a possible partner would rather run away than go to bed. Women of this type usually dominate in a partnership, and not by choice, the main role is simply imposed on them by fate. But experience proves that they can be satisfied with this situation.

Protruding chin

This predominantly male chin shape indicates great self-confidence, sometimes excessive self-confidence and aggressiveness. Having a strong will, the owner of such a chin can channel negative character traits into a favorable direction. Success accompanies such a person very early. He is considered a born entrepreneur or manager. Often these people have a special sense of language, which helps them achieve leadership positions in the service.

Their restless nature poses a danger to both their business and personal lives. They may suddenly quit a good job and do something completely different, for example, choose a profession related to the arts. It is worth noting that they often have a pronounced creative talent and know how to make friends.

Protruding chin

They hardly need to worry about their physical health. Their physical strength and strong physique tend to be a source of envy. Women with prominent chins are considered to be very career-oriented and are blessed with conspicuous, beautiful breasts. They have a reliable instinct in finding the right man who can satisfy their varied needs.

Women in science typically experience financial difficulties. But if they have enough money, they scatter it left and right, although some of them are as poor as church mice.

A long chin indicates a very emotional, often mentally unstable person. Due to their innate instability of character, they are sometimes prone to gambling. When they are overcome by excitement, they are capable of uncontrollable risks.

Surprisingly, people with long chins always seem to have money, and it is unclear whether they got it legally. But their wealth can be used by others. Positive traits: organizational talent and the ability to make friends. Professionally, they do not strive to achieve leadership positions, as they are completely devoid of vanity. But thanks to their brilliant abilities, they often occupy a high position.

Long chin

Happiness, which does not always accompany them in the game, they find in abundance in love. Women and men with this chin shape can be very affectionate towards their partner. They usually enjoy a lot of attention from the opposite sex. Their vibrant love life can compensate for some of the difficulties in their lives.

Slanted chin

People with sloping chins, according to SiangMing, do not have much ambition, so career advancement is not the most important thing in life for them. However, they are very popular because of their peaceful nature. Their interests are mainly focused on creating as peaceful a life for themselves as possible.

Slanted chin

The period between 35 and 50 years can be very turbulent, and blows of fate are possible. They must reckon with a dramatic turn in their lives. The problems that arise can be solved by these people only when they learn to overcome their passivity, indifference and energetically fight for happiness.

Cleft chin

People with cleft chins captivate with their passion for adventure, and it seems that they are constantly waiting for a new challenge from fate. Cheerful in disposition and balanced, they have the image of good comrades. This assessment fully corresponds to reality.

Ambition and panache are alien to these people, although they enjoy being the center of attention. They undoubtedly enjoy the sympathy of others, so they rarely appear alone. Such people enter into numerous relationships, and each time they fall deeply and seriously in love. They know how to enjoy love and sex with their beloved (beloved). But you should not expect loyalty from them. The constant search for perfect happiness makes them tireless. They seem to be full of boundless vitality, which helps them maintain spiritual youth into old age.

Cleft chin

30 years, 60, 65 and 75 years are the most eventful years in the lives of these individuals. Success in professional activities (both men and women) is facilitated by their attractive appearance. But they must show their readiness to achieve something themselves. If there is a dimple in the middle of the cleft chin, then this person, according to interpreters, has a more serious character. In love, he will be lucky to find a permanent and reliable partner. However, occasional betrayals on his part are not excluded, but this will not lead to a quick break in the relationship.

Double chin

A hole in a man's chin

For a man, a dimple in the chin is a sign of determination, determination and strong will and character. And the deeper the dimple, the more persistent the man is in achieving his goals.

There is an opinion that men with dimples have a stormy temperament and are connoisseurs of the fair sex.

Probably, this opinion arose from the fact that men with dimples are more spoiled by female attention, because it is so attractive!

Aren't celebrities like Michael Douglas, John Travolta, Jude Law, Timothy Dalton or Viggo Mortensen himself the favorites of millions of female fans?

This sweet zest gives a man’s face touchingness, mystery and delicacy even when in fact the man does not possess these qualities.

Many women fall for this bait, falling in love with the dimple on a man’s chin. And the man turns out to be a narcissistic egoist, secretive, crafty, two-faced.

Dimple on the chin in women

According to Chinese philosophy, the forehead is a symbol of the sky, that is, the masculine principle. And the chin is a symbol of the earth, the feminine principle.

Therefore, the forehead is much more important for a man, and the chin for a woman. But women believe that a dimple on the chin suits a man better, and disparagingly call it “butt,” considering it the cause of their complexes.

Chinese philosophy also says that a round, full, preferably double, with a dimple, and protruding chin promises a woman happiness, wealth and longevity. And also attachment to her husband and family.

It has been noticed that women with a barely noticeable dimple are sweet and sociable. They are also interesting, versatile, extraordinary and inquisitive individuals.

True, if the hole is deep, its owner may have problems with communication.

The unsurpassed beauty Virgo Greta Garbo had blue eyes, a noble forehead, an aristocratic nose, a perfect oval face and a dimple on her chin.

The evergreen beauty Sophia Loren also had a pit, which did not spoil her at all.

There are charming cavities on the chins of Oscar winner Sandra Bullock, British actress Emily Blunt, and American fashion model Angie Harmon. The names can be listed endlessly.

And all these women are incredibly beautiful, and the dimple only emphasizes their individuality.

A protruding chin often speaks of the cruelty and stubbornness of its owner (Fig. 3.9).

Rice. 3.9. Protruding chin

Such people, as a rule, are accustomed to achieving their goals by any available and inaccessible means, sometimes stopping at nothing. For them, the concept of mercy and sympathy is limited to a good mood.


Vladimir Zhirinovsky (Fig. 3.10) is a famous politician, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, leader of the LDPR. He always knew what he wanted and consistently achieved his goals. Known for his tough and scandalous character, which is typical for people with protruding chins. Nevertheless, the dimple on the chin, which seems to bifurcate it, suggests that the politician is a little old-fashioned in his views and beliefs and strives for solitude and peace.

Rice. 3.10. Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Long and sharp chin

A long and sharp chin (Fig. 3.11) is often added to cunning fairy-tale characters.

Rice. 3.11. Long and sharp chin

And not by chance. Such people stand out from others, on the one hand, with their insightful mind, and on the other, with cunning and sarcasm. Just like people with protruding chins, those with long chins are stubborn, which, combined with cunning, as well as determination and perseverance, allows them to achieve their goals with ease and confidence.

Weakly defined chin

A weakly defined, almost invisible chin (Fig. 3.12) is often called weak-willed. And for good reason. According to physiognomic characteristics, it indicates a soft, timid, indecisive and nervous nature. What actions can these qualities be expressed in?

Rice. 3.12. Weakly defined chin

Gentleness and timidity are most often expressed in a desire to make concessions, so you can agree on anything with people with such a chin.

At the same time, people with weakly defined chins often achieve their goals, but for this they use gentleness and goodwill rather than assertiveness, toughness and aggression. They are patient and go towards what they set out to do, slowly but surely. If your child has such a chin, try to instill in him independence and the ability to defend his own position, do not abuse his humility, otherwise in the future he will turn into a weak, weak-willed, uninitiative creature. And you will be primarily to blame for this.

Sometimes you can meet people with the so-called fish chin. This is the extreme degree of its lack of expression: it seems that from the lower lip the face smoothly goes straight into the neck. Such people can be called prototypes of Saltykov-Shchedrin’s fairy tale “The Wise Minnow.” They live by the principle “lower than water, lower than the grass” and perceive the absence of events in their lives as a kiss of fortune. With a sudden change in environment, a change in the usual state, such a person can easily fall into depression.

On the other hand, such people cannot be called harmless either: they easily change their decisions and views, obeying the majority and using the principle of opportunism. They try by any means to avoid conflict situations and become a third party in a dispute.

Such people are characterized by dependence and indecisiveness, but they really need to be loved, appreciated and needed, because this is the only way to avoid loneliness.

Fleshy chin

A fleshy chin (Fig. 3.13) indicates intelligence, sensuality and a strong character. No wonder the classic portrait of a thug - with a fleshy square chin. Such people are fighters by nature.

Rice. 3.13. Fleshy chin

In fact, the significant feature is not even the chin itself, but the massive wide jaw, which creates the impression of a square bottom of the face. Fighting qualities are most clearly expressed in people with a fleshy chin and a wide, massive face.

These people are always confident, strong and powerful. They are used to coming and taking what they like. At the same time, they almost never encounter obstacles on their way or simply do not notice them.

Strong chin

It is customary to call a strong-willed chin, as if bent upward (Fig. 3.14). Its owners are persistent in achieving their goals and at the same time possess such qualities as cunning, determination and inconstancy.

Rice. 3.14. Strong chin

The heavier the chin looks and the more it protrudes forward, the more strong-willed nature appears to us. It is difficult to come to an agreement with such a person, so you should use strength, determination and fearlessness when communicating with him.

Surely you remember from books that when describing heroes, authors often draw the reader’s attention to the chin of their characters: “strong-willed,” “solid,” “outstanding,” etc.

For example, d'Artagnan from The Three Musketeers had an elongated chin and a “developed lower jaw,” which, according to Alexandre Dumas, testified to the hero’s keen mind and cunning.

But let's return to the people who really surround us. Let us make a reservation once again and remind you: character can only be determined by the facial features that a person “got” by nature. If, for example, the chin is bent as a result of injury (say, the lower jaw has been displaced), you should not use it to determine the character of its owner; a mistake is inevitable.

This is a testament to the wit and cunning of man.

The ability to “cover one's tracks” is often accompanied by a penchant for adventurism. A most interesting personality! It is possible that such a person somewhat frightens you, but at the same time you cannot deny the attractiveness of this person.

Such people love to tease their friends. In newspapers and magazines, they first of all look for columns with anecdotes and gags, and the first of April is the very day when they get an excellent opportunity to “unfold” with all their might, showing all their talents as wits and ringleaders. However, they are capable of laughing literally without a break, which is why many people really like to communicate with them.

It is quite possible that the owner of a sharp chin is an experienced intriguer who feels pleasure when he manages to trick someone around his finger or lead someone by the nose. This mainly applies to guys.

But a girl with such a chin is a person “on her own mind” who knows exactly what she wants. She seems to listen carefully to the advice and instructions of her elders or friends, but then she still does everything in her own way.

The person is most likely a cold-blooded pragmatist. These people have a penchant for exact sciences, and their knowledge in this area is truly deep.

Both boys and girls of this type are characterized by prudence. Their desire to benefit from everything often worsens relationships with others. They rarely have close friends, although in search of the “right people” they, as a rule, easily make numerous acquaintances.

However, practicality in moderation is a wonderful quality that helps you emerge victorious from many situations.

If you are romantic and dreamy, communicating with such people will most likely bring you a lot of disappointments; their cold mind and pragmatic thinking will probably not be close to you. Although it is possible that a relationship of the “ice and fire” type will suit both you and the person with a flat chin. Think for yourself.

Fleshy or double chin.

If one of your peers already has such a wonderful chin, you can ask whether its owner likes to eat. You'll see, food is probably almost the main pleasure in his life.

But, however, do not judge a person so clearly. A chubby chin is rarely a congenital feature of a person or associated with an exorbitant appetite. Very often, the reasons for the appearance of a double chin are not associated with gluttony. Often the owners of this not very attractive detail of appearance are people whose work involves reading or, say, checking notebooks, any work in which a person often has to lower his head. Perhaps a person with a double chin simply spends a lot of time reading books or, say, sewing.

In addition, people with a plump chin are extremely sensual and are true lovers of life. They receive sincere pleasure from all earthly joys.

And who said that it is bad to enjoy life as it is?

It is believed that a neat chin speaks of a person’s timidity and modesty and his dislike of being the center of everyone’s attention. Modesty, of course, suits a girl: the opposite sex usually has a desire to patronize such a cutie.

However, it often happens that shyness plays a cruel joke: due to your catastrophic shyness and reluctance to be the center of attention, you will remain in the shadows. It is sometimes difficult for others to see the best qualities of such a person, kindness and the ability to sympathize with others.

If a guy has such a chin, and you can be called a decisive person, then perhaps you will not be able to find a common language. Of course, timidity does not really suit a representative of the strong half of humanity, and weakness, even more so. However, don't judge too harshly! Perhaps this person is a typical romantic, secretly writing wonderful poems and keeping a diary, each page of which is full of bright hopes and wise thoughts.

If you have been to museums or art galleries, you have probably seen how such a chin adorns the faces of Russian beauties. A soft, round chin with a dimple is evidence of inexhaustible kindness. In the big, warm heart of this person there is a place for everyone, from a loved one to a little sparrow or an abandoned kitten.

It is quite possible for a girl and a young man of this type to confide their secrets, being sure that they will all remain only between you.

People with this chin shape love to patronize others and are often capable of self-sacrifice without any show or self-admiration. Realizing the need to help someone, they simply do it, without any conditions.

Anyone who has this type of chin is a reasonable and cool-blooded person. Logical thinking is very well developed in him. He thinks through every action several steps ahead. In addition, he always relies only on himself.

Brave, reasonable and decisive, this person does not need the advice of others.

A philosophical mindset allows such a person to easily endure life’s difficulties, and not because he is inclined to look through rose-colored glasses. On the contrary, he assesses reality very soberly, realizes that life is not an eternal holiday, and is ready to accept it.

A girl with this type of chin is most likely a rational person, she is not impulsive and when making decisions she is guided not by emotions, but by common sense, she does everything with feeling, sense, and planning.

These people make excellent housewives. You can be sure that the girl will perfectly cope with all household chores without outside help.

And one more note.

It is believed that a person whose chin is very cleft is prone to solitude. This is a typical “loner hero” who believes that finding a soul mate is very difficult, and what’s difficult is simply impossible.

However, the loneliness of this person, as a rule, does not depress him. He feels very good, spending the evening in almost complete solitude from the outside world. Books or a set of favorite audio recordings can provide him with excellent company (as a rule, such people are passionate about music).

Most likely, the owner of such a chin is a proud, arrogant, and sometimes cruel, rude person. Of course, self-esteem is an excellent quality of character, but when it goes beyond reasonable boundaries, it already greatly harms the person in the eyes of others. Such a person has few friends; only the most persistent and faithful remain, who are able to tolerate his arrogance.

A girl with such a chin is too demanding of others. Seeing herself as a role model, she considers everyone around her to not deserve her special attention. Very often this prevents her from truly getting close to good people (although in most cases she does not realize this).

As for life priorities, we can say with a high degree of confidence that such people are always looking for that “niche” that will allow them to advance, stand out from others and once again prove their exclusivity.

Their desire for leadership is very strong.

The common traits of those with such a chin are prudence and caution.

Most likely, a young man with this type of chin carefully weighs every step he is going to take. Any of his statements is weighty and significant, being prudent and careful, he carefully selects them so as not to inadvertently offend anyone. His diplomacy is worthy of all respect.

As for a girl with this type of chin, she most likely values ​​peace and harmony. Sometimes it seems that she is too calm, although in fact she cares about a lot and does not leave her indifferent.

Because of her innate tendency to be cautious, such a girl sometimes “changes masks,” and not everyone is given the opportunity to see her true face, the face of an impulsive and not very self-confident person.

Prudence makes such people strive to avoid quarrels by any means. For conflicting parties, they act as reconciling mediators. People are drawn to them because they are able to find the good in everything.

At the same time, their caution often turns into real reinsurance. They shroud their lives in a web of mystery because they do not want to be intruded upon by those they believe will not understand them.

Such people prefer a measured life. As a rule, they are not looking for leadership, because if you are not in the public eye, no one will know what kind of person you are, keeping your secret is guaranteed. At the same time, they love a change of activity, this is another reason to create a new image.

As a rule, it is believed that those with such a chin are very determined and strong-willed people. However, often their persistence goes to the extreme, turning into outright stubbornness.

Usually these are active people who try to achieve the goal they set for themselves in any way, and realize their desires one hundred percent.

A heavy, strongly protruded chin indicates that its owner is characterized by inflated self-esteem. The self-esteem of such a person is so high that he categorically denies that he has any weaknesses or shortcomings.

It is quite possible that in his soul he realizes that he is not without sin, but more than anything else he is afraid to show it.

The chin is located at the bottom of the face and is one of the main components that determines its shape. In turn, the shape of the chin depends on the lateral angle of the lower jaw and is determined by the degree of development of the base of the “mental triangle” - the elevation in the anterior part of the mental area (Fig. 43).

Rice. 43 Width of the chin triangle: a- narrow chin,

b- wide chin

If the angle of the lower jaw is more than 125 degrees and the “chin triangle” is sharp, the lower part of the face belongs to the narrow variants (triangular or oval). If the angle of the lower jaw is closer to straight (less than 125 degrees), then the chin belongs to the wide variants (rectangular or rounded) (Fig. 44).

Rice. 44 Chin Shape Options

The chin is separated from the lower lip by the chin-labial groove. This is a short and distinct depression, clearly visible in males.

The chin is separated from the chin area, located on the neck, under the lower jaw, between its base and the hyoid bone, by the mental groove. It passes under the edge of the lower jaw and conveys its transverse groove. This configuration is clearly visible in thin people and is almost always noticeable in older people, as well as with a slight tilt of the head. In older people, a fold forms, sometimes double, this is the so-called “double chin”. The chin is separated from the cheeks by a thin fold (mentiobuccal groove), which is slightly convex from the side. It may not be present at a young age, but becomes noticeable over time, especially in older people. In women and young people, the chin has a regular, convex, slightly rounded shape. In men, the chin is often massive, wide, flat and protruding.

On the convexity of the front surface of the chin there is often a dimple or a vertical groove. Their presence is associated with the direct adherence of the skin to the bone structure (Fig. 45c, d).

Rice. 45 Varieties of chins

Chins have their own characteristics based on race. The peoples of Australia have a wide, square chin, and the jaw protrudes slightly. Polynesians have a massive lower jaw and an upturned chin. In representatives of the Negroid race, the chin, unlike the lips, protrudes slightly, while in Mongoloids it is practically absent. The population of the American continent is characterized by a protruding, well-defined chin. For the peoples of the Mediterranean, there is also a protruding chin and a high lower jaw, like the inhabitants of England, Iceland, Denmark and the northern part of Germany. The peoples of the Iranian group have a low lower jaw, the inhabitants of Scandinavia have a pointed chin, a wide and low jaw. A low and narrow jaw, with an upturned and high chin, is characteristic of the Adriatic population. A small chin is typical among people in India and northeastern Africa.

The chin is important for facial expression and, according to physiognomists, a fleshy, full, wide, upturned and protruding chin is considered favorable. According to the Chinese, such a chin is a “gift from the gods,” and indicates increased sexuality and the unyielding will of its owner. A rectangular chin speaks of stubbornness, and a pointed chin speaks of inner kindness. A short, narrow and sloping chin is considered unfavorable. Favorable for women is a full, rounded, slightly protruding, and, preferably, cleft chin.

A tender, fleshy and rounded chin is a sign of sensuality and weakness, while small, unpointed chins are characteristic of timid people. A flattened chin accompanies a cold and dry nature, with refined feelings. A chin slanted backward suggests prudence, prudence and caution (Fig. 45e). A strongly protruding chin, as a rule, is characteristic of decisive, strong-willed and stubborn people, with inflated self-esteem (Fig. 45e).

A wide chin is a sign of pride, arrogance, and sometimes rudeness and cruelty (Fig. 45a); a sharp chin symbolizes the wit and some cunning of a person (Fig. 45b).

A flat, steep chin, according to physiognomists, indicates a cold-blooded phlegmatic person (Fig. 45g), a fleshy double chin (Fig. 45h) indicates a balanced, sensual life-lover who is not indifferent to food.

A rounded chin with a dimple is evidence of kindness and an adornment of Russian beauties from museums and art galleries (Fig. 45c).

Prudence and composure are revealed in a person with a deep vertical fold of the chin (Fig. 45d); such people tend to think through each action several steps ahead; they are reasonable, but prone to solitude.

The shape and type of the face is complemented by its lateral parts - cheeks. They are in proportional dependence with other parts of the face and determine its general configuration and constitutional type. Thus, sunken, lean cheeks are typical for melancholic people, while round-faced phlegmatic people are characterized by round ones. Smooth, beautifully contoured cheeks indicate a person’s sensuality, tenderness and generosity. Parallel folds on a young face when smiling are considered a sign of frivolity, but dimples on the cheeks, such as those of the People's Artist Vera Vasilyeva, characterize the sociability, kindness, and slight irony of their owner's character.

Hair is not an element of the face, but it plays a big role in shaping not only the external appearance of the face and head, but also has a certain significance as a physiognomic feature. They can be hard and soft, straight and curly, curly and fluffy. The quality of hair is determined by genetic predisposition; it contains important information about a person’s life and largely reflects his destiny.

Depending on the type of carotene pigment they contain, they can be dark (brunettes), chestnut (brown-haired), blond (blond), light brown and, less often, red.

Back in the 12th-13th centuries, astrologers tried to determine a person’s character by their hair. In their opinion: smooth, soft, straight and blond hair is a sign of a timid and peace-loving person, and the owner of thick curly hair is a restless, simple-minded and wasteful person.

According to ancient Chinese and modern physiognomists, coarse hair indicates a violent temperament, and thin hair is a sign of softness. In China, those born with red hair are predicted to have an early death and bad luck in life, but the natural exception to this rule is dyed and permed hair.

Owners of straight, bright, soft and shiny hair are considered to be carriers of a favorable sign, but the color, type, thickness and condition of the hair must be considered from the point of view of ethnicity. Thus, residents of cold and temperate climates have predominantly blond hair, while people in the subtropical and tropical zones often have dark hair color. A modern physiognomist, the Italian A. Reposi, who has dark hair, nevertheless came to the conclusion that dark, straight, coarse and thick hair is characteristic of people who are not very spiritually developed, but who are hardworking and clean. Blonde hair, in his opinion, is more common in people with a gentle disposition (sanguine and phlegmatic people) and capable of learning.

Curly hair is considered a sign of increased sexuality, temperament and cunning of its owner, but they are sociable people and good conversationalists.

People with coarse hair, although they carry an unfavorable sign, are sincere, honest, open and not prone to deception.

In contrast to the existing idea of ​​​​the beauty of hair based on its thickness, from the point of view of physiognomists, sparse rather than thick hair is considered a favorable sign.

Hair type in men and women has a different combination of meanings that characterize human nature. Thus, men with dark straight hair have a commitment to order and the habit of relying only on their own strength. They are pedantic, but often boring. Men with dark curly hair lack cunning, are jealous, are not indifferent to the weaker sex and are temperamental. A person with such hair is often choleric or sanguine.

Women with dark straight hair are more temperamental than men and they change moods faster. A woman’s dark and curly hair reveals her stubbornness in achieving her goals, often using cunning.

Men with blond and straight hair are more phlegmatic by temperament. They are not characterized by impulsiveness and with a firm belief in the idea - they pursue it persistently, purposefully, and sometimes with fanaticism and cruelty. Such men are prone to pride and selfishness. Blonde wavy hair is characteristic of romantic natures. These curly-haired blondes easily get along with people, are the life of the party, but in addition to their charm, they have an eccentric character.

Women with blond and straight hair are considered spiritual and dreamy natures; they are slightly phlegmatic and often weak-willed. The precious frame of a beautiful face is light wavy hair, often belonging to delicate, romantic and easily vulnerable natures. Strong personalities, both male and female, are identified by light, thick and coarse hair.

At different times, red hair was considered a good sign, but more often an evil sign. In ancient times, because of their “devilish devilry” and supposedly witchcraft powers, red-haired girls with curly hair ended up at the stake. Nowadays, this is a sign of increased attention not only to the unusual hair color, but also to the inherent strong-willed qualities and extraordinary mentality of their owners.

A characteristic feature of red-haired men is their good nature and shyness, but in combination with thin lips and a hooked nose, they appear to be malicious and cunning people.

If it is necessary to change their appearance, and sometimes the entire way of their previous life, women begin these changes with their hair: changing its color, length, styling. This fact proves the influence and significance of the external “crown” of the face on its configuration, proportions, expressiveness and perception. The most beautiful wig on a mannequin’s head cannot be compared in perception to a similar hairstyle of a girl beaming with happiness, expressing her inner sublime state.

It is believed that long, flowing hair is worn by romantic, dreamy people, tied into a ponytail - purposeful and energetic. Sentimentality and some coquetry are revealed by long, curled hair.

Pretentious and intricate hairstyles are preferred by girls who do not want to put up with the routine of life, who love variety and want to stand out.

Girls prefer short haircuts to a sporty style of clothing, and men hide their conservatism with a short haircut with a comb back or to the right side. A clear parting emphasizes strength of character, prudence and caution.

Artistic “chaos” on the head and tousled hair reveal the cheerful disposition of a good-natured guy, and a crew cut indicates a stubborn guy.

Long hair on the head is characteristic of spiritualized individuals, and hair gathered at the back of the head in a bun is characteristic of arrogant men prone to narcissism.

It should be noted that the main purpose of the hairstyle is to give the face proportionality, expressiveness, and attractiveness, but it should not distract from the perception of especially beautiful parts of the face and smooth out visual imperfections. Skillful hair styling can hide a girl’s high forehead, wide or elongated face configuration, smooth out a protruding chin or sloping forehead.

With age, the volume, color, density and condition of the hair on the head changes, gray hair and baldness appear. In Chinese physiognomy, signs of thick hair and early baldness are considered unfavorable. The reason for these changes is the aging of the endocrine system and changes in the production of sex hormones. The first signs of graying appear on the beard, mustache or temples at the age of 40-45, by the age of 50 the scalp hair turns gray, and at the age of 60-80 - the eyebrows. Gray hair is formed as a result of the disappearance of pigment and the appearance of air bubbles.

Limited vegetation is characteristic only of humans; in other mammals, the entire head is covered with hair. A person has clear boundaries, the so-called hair growth lines - on the forehead and in the lower part of the occipital region. The skin on which hair grows is divided into two areas - central and peripheral. The latter is located in the form of a crown, the contour of which is determined by the hairline. Its shape is purely individual: in front the contour can be almost rectangular, concave, convex towards the forehead (more common in women), it can consist of two halves, and be far from the forehead, it can have the shape of the letter “M”.

On each side of the head, the hairline is a curve bent forward, encircling the temple, the auricle and reaching the mastoid process of the temporal bone. In men, in a short area in front of the ear, the hair may join the beard. In women, hair does not grow beyond the zygomatic arches (Fig. 46).

Rice. 46 Hair growth zone in men

It is estimated that there are approximately 100,000 hairs on the head of an adult man (blonds have more), that is, there are about 300 hairs on every square centimeter. The lifespan of hair is from 3 to 5 years, and depends on race, gender, individual characteristics and health status. Having reached a certain length (hair grows by 10-20 centimeters per year), the hair loses its vitality and the bulb atrophies. The old hair falls out and new hair begins to form in the same follicle.

Final hair loss (baldness) is a consequence of heredity and hormonal disorders. Racial characteristics also play an important role: for example, representatives of the Negroid and Mongoloid races are practically not at risk of baldness.

Rice. 47 Stages of baldness (Hamilton scale)

The beginning of the appearance of bald patches from the forehead is considered a favorable sign among the Chinese, and from the center of the head (crown) is considered an unfavorable sign.

Facial hair (mustache and beard) is largely determined by gender and race. In men, its presence is considered a secondary sexual characteristic. Representatives of the Caucasian race, compared to dark-skinned and yellow-skinned people, have more abundant hair and are characteristic of the cheeks, chin and area above the upper lip (mustache). Hair growing on the ears with age is considered a sign of longevity and intelligence, but not a sign of perseverance. A beard is a symbol of masculinity, and the tougher it is, the sexier and more energetic the man.

The lateral surfaces of the face determine the cheekbones, angles of the lower jaw and cheeks, which in turn determines the shape of the person’s face and head (Fig. 48).

Rice. 48 Face Shapes

Expressiveness zygomatic bones, like the narrow shape of the eyes, are characteristic of the Mongoloid race and some East Asian peoples. In ancient China, cheekbones were considered “bones of strength and power” and served as an indicator of the level of power. By their expression, a person’s power qualities and the level of a person’s political, military and financial abilities were judged.

The cheeks occupy the lateral parts of the face, have a plastic structure and consist of three layers: skin, subcutaneous and muscle. The overall configuration of the face depends on the degree of their expression and development.

In people of normal build, the cheeks have a regular, slightly convex shape. In overweight people they are fleshy, in thin people, on the contrary, they are sunken in the middle part; the contrast with the clearly defined outlines of the cheekbone and lower jaw is clearly visible.

The contour of the zygomatic bone depends on individual and racial characteristics. High and prominent cheekbones give the face a flat appearance. In obese people, adipose tissue smoothes out the contours of the cheekbones. In older and thin people, the cheekbones stand out noticeably; this impression is reinforced by the depression in the area of ​​the canine fossa.

The nasomental fold, which appears to a greater or lesser extent when smiling and laughing, connects the side surface of the nose with the cheek; it runs along the wing of the nose in an oblique downward and sideways direction. Its depth is individual, but on a moving face it becomes constant over time.

In older people, additional folds and grooves may appear, which is associated with loss of skin elasticity and age-related changes in the subcutaneous layer. They can go along or across the main folds: nasolabial, chin-labial and chin.

The zygomatic arch runs in a horizontal direction: from the zygomatic bone to the tragus and temporomandibular joint and determines the width of the face. In ancient China it was called “horse bone,” and the owners of such bones were predicted to have longevity and great military and state power. Prominent representatives of these prophecies were: Chiang Kai-shek and Deng Xiaoping. In obese and young people it is not noticeable, but in thin and elderly people it is clearly outlined.

The posterior section of the cheek imperceptibly passes into the ear-maxillary region, which has a rectangular shape. At the top it is limited by the zygomatic arch, at the back - the posterior edge of the branch of the lower jaw, at the bottom - the base of the lower jaw, near the cheek - the anterior edge of the masticatory muscle.

The skin covering the face, compared to the skin of other parts of the body, is thinner, but firm and elastic. Skin color depends on the presence of the coloring pigment melanin and is divided into three types: light, medium and dark. Each type has pinkish, light brown, yellowish shades; on average - olive yellow and in the dark type - variants of brown and reddish shades. There are achromatic (colorless) and chromatic (color) colors. All colors differ from each other in lightness, tone, saturation, and are divided into warm - with an admixture of yellowness (the color of fire) and cold - with an admixture of blue (the color of ice). The color tone depends on the skin texture, which reflects the light flux differently and affects the color perception of the face. The relief of the skin is determined by the number and size of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands and the mouths of the hair follicles. According to these characteristics, porous, slightly porous and smooth skin is distinguished. Smooth skin reflects more light and is perceived as lighter, porous skin scatters light and is perceived as darker.

We remember that the chin is located below the mouth.

A protruding chin is a sign of energy, as well as independence, nobility, and incorruptibility. However, a chin that protrudes excessively indicates a person’s cruelty and stubbornness.

A long and sharp chin occurs in people with a penetrating mind and a great deal of sarcasm. In addition, an elongated chin, which gives the face some heaviness, indicates a strong character, commitment, punctuality and loyalty to principles. In children, such a chin structure means independence and stubbornness.

A person with a soft, timid, indecisive and nervous nature has a chin that seems to be pushed back.

A fleshy chin indicates intelligence, sensuality and impenetrable egoism.

A cleft chin is characteristic of fickle and amorous people.

An upturned chin occurs in people who are addicted, cunning, decisive and fickle.

A small, fleshy chin characterizes people who crave sensual pleasures.

A horizontally protruding chin is evidence of attachment to home, family, friends and loved ones. A sharply protruding lower part of the chin is also a sign that its owner is a good family man.

A prominent front of the chin signifies a person's passionate desire to be loved. If the bottom of the chin is divided in two by a dimple or groove, this desire prevails over all other feelings and impulses.

A narrow chin is a sign of generosity and mercy. In addition, women with such a chin are capable of selfless and reckless love. They play an active role in their relationship with their partner and, as a rule, become wonderful wives in whose fidelity you can be sure.

A wide front part of the chin is characteristic of people who are painfully sensitive, jealous, distrustful, prone to exaggeration and suspiciousness.

A full chin signals the ability to rationally use available material resources.

A double chin is a sign of stinginess and greed.

A wide bone and a large chin are a symbol of a strong character.

A somewhat saggy chin indicates a psychological split personality. Its owner is always haunted by troubles.

A weakly defined chin is a sign of softness.

The slight split of the weakly defined chin symbolizes the strength of passions; significant duality - insufficient control over emotional impulses or excessive conceit.

A sharp chin is most often found in people who are crafty, extremely polite, but prone to lies.

A blunt chin is a sign of simplicity of morals and some spiritual rudeness. Those with such chins are not indifferent to the basic joys of life and love to eat well.

Some methods propose to distinguish only three types of chin - massive, sloping and vertical, but the qualities and features they symbolize are examined in more detail, taking into account not only the shape of this part of the face, but also the time of birth of the person being studied. Moreover, the year is divided in an unusual way - into three parts of four months each: from December to March, from April to July and from August to November. And what are the results of such an analysis?

People with thick chins generally have good health, physical strength and endurance. They are brave, decisive, not too stubborn, and good-natured. They love sports, especially wrestling, swimming and tennis. They are hardworking, do not need long rest, and are persistent in achieving their goals.

Massive chin in people born from December to March, may indicate short temper and irritability. Arguing with them is dangerous and useless - you won’t prove anything anyway: they will listen, frown, but do it their own way. Fighters by nature, they do not allow anyone to get the better of them. If this does happen, they experience a hard time and may even become depressed, but under favorable circumstances they often achieve impressive success in their chosen field of activity. They are excellent organizers. Having demonstrated organizational skills during their school years, they carry this gift throughout their lives. Their actions are well thought out, they never act at random. If they notice falsity or lies in a conversation, they can decisively cut off the interlocutor.

"Massive chins" in people born in April – July, is a sign of a strong character. Not only men, but also women prefer friendship with people of the opposite sex. They are disgusted by routine housework and are more prone to analytical and intellectual pursuits. Without even consciously realizing it, such women are looking for (and usually finding) flexible marriage partners in order to dominate the family and lead their husbands. April-July owners of massive chins of both sexes have a tenacious memory, are diligent, obliging, and assertive. They do not have the habit of shifting their responsibilities to others. If they occupy a leadership position, they show initiative; if they are subordinate, they are executive. They think through all their actions in advance and follow the planned plan. They read a lot and strive to become more erudite. They bring peace and orderliness to any company with their presence.

Those with massive chins born in August – November, calm, compliant, avoid conflict situations, but love to be the center of attention. They are tolerant of other people's shortcomings, easily forgive insults, rancor is alien to them. In order not to escalate the situation, they are ready to express agreement with the interlocutor on controversial issues (but remain unaffected by their opinion). They quite reasonably believe that everyone has the right to their own views. They never interfere in other people's affairs, do not get involved in someone else's conversation, and do not give advice unless they are asked to do so. They are so delicate that they are often perceived as indifferent and indifferent people. However, anyone who turns to them for help will not receive an unmotivated refusal. They know how to control themselves and do not panic over trifles.

People with sloping chins are complex in nature. They are cautious, ambitious and uncooperative. Undisputed leaders - neither in the family nor in the service they will put up with a different position. However, whenever possible, they try to avoid acute conflicts. They are energetic, decisive, and the work is in full swing in their hands. They are interested in new ideas and advanced technologies. Prone to fantasy. You can completely trust them - they know how to keep other people's secrets. Faithful in friendship; but someone who once displeased them will never win their favor.

December – March. They are emotional, react sharply to trivial stimuli, and do not always understand even innocent jokes directed at them. Men have great attractiveness, the gift of attracting people with them. Brave, unbridled natures. Incorrigible debaters. Adventurers, capable of serious actions, and if circumstances require, even feats. Women like it.

Women are also active and energetic, excellent athletes. They make good leaders and quickly move up the career ladder. Capable of serious involvement in politics. They are respected by others. They do not tolerate pettiness, slowness, or apathy - especially in men.

April – July. These individuals - both men and women - do not know how to adapt; they strive to subordinate circumstances to their will. In extreme situations they are courageous, they face setbacks with an open mind, and are ready to resist to the end. They have enviable wrestling qualities. Not afraid of risk, they boldly move forward, sometimes straight ahead, sometimes not really thinking about the consequences. They are distinguished by extraordinary tenacity, do not give in to influence, and it is almost impossible to lead them astray from the intended path.

August – November. In this case, it is necessary to note the sensitivity and suspiciousness of individuals. For example, owners of sloping chins, born during the designated period of time, begin to fear old age quite early. Because of this, they take on many things at once, overloading themselves beyond measure, as a result of which they often experience psychological fatigue. They are prone to melancholy, depression, and nervous breakdowns. They need support in difficult times. It’s good if there is a devoted friend next to them, an optimist by nature, who additionally charges them with his energy.

Men are dynamic, sometimes self-confident. They know how to make people reckon with themselves. They are sensitive to jokes directed at them: they do not always perceive them adequately. They often get involved in difficult situations, but, fortunately, they know how to get out of them, possessing well-developed deductive and analytical abilities. For the same reason, if we talk about a career, they reach heights by choosing the profession of an investigator or detective.

Women are proud, straightforward, somewhat cold in communication. At the same time, they are incorrigible optimists. Boundless confidence in inevitable success often leads them to commit rash, careless actions both in the business sphere and in their personal lives. Very kind and receptive. They love animals, but rarely keep them in their home, fearing additional troubles, but they often and with pleasure go to the zoo or to friends who have pets.

People with a vertical chin distrustful and withdrawn, taciturn, difficult to get them to talk. They do not share their worries and problems even with their closest friends and relatives; they keep everything to themselves. Capable of routine, meticulous work, which for others is tedious and unacceptable. They love order in everything.

December – March. Both men and women of this type are full of fresh ideas. Generous, selfless; You can always borrow money from them without fear of becoming dependent. They themselves are ready to invest money in the most dubious project, because they are passionate, trusting and easily inspired. They are often deceived, do not repay their debts, and do not pay interest. And they are not sad. By character they are unpretentious, content with little, believe in a bright future and their happy destiny. They do not attach much importance to success and do not pursue fame. Maybe that’s why luck often comes to them by itself: they, as a rule, gain independence and financial independence early. If this does not happen, they often lose control of themselves and commit irreparable acts, sometimes cruel. Then they repent and sincerely try to improve the situation.

April – July. Both men and women of this type are reliable. They do not allow any disruptions in their work. They have a developed imagination and serve as a source of original ideas. Disorganized and undisciplined people cause them irritation, which they do not hide at all. They are critics by nature, sometimes corrosive to the smallest detail. Needless to say: you can’t expect any special love from others. However, it is difficult to do without them in a team, and colleagues understand this: lack of hypocrisy and honesty are qualities that command respect.

August – November. Such people are calm and balanced, charming, and liked by others. Women value comfort and beauty, are drawn to antiques, try to wear expensive jewelry, and wear good perfume. They often change intimate partners, constantly feeling loneliness and their own specialness even next to the closest person.

Men also feel lonely both in the family and in the team. They are too proud and independent. They are smart, have analytical skills, scientific inclinations, ingenuity, and the ability to find extraordinary solutions. In their professional activities they are not always successful, but they never despair. They willingly give practical advice to those in need, they are selfless and generous.

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