Fun letters for the little ones. And the letter N is in our Sock! Meet! Bright, colored cards with letters of the Russian alphabet

In 1st grade, after learning all the letters of the alphabet, children are asked to complete the “Living Alphabet” or “Living Letter” project. In poems Soviet writers Before the eyes of the amazed first-graders, the letters begin to come to life. The letter Z turns into a beetle, the letter M into a swing, etc.

While working on a project, first-graders draw a letter, bringing it to life. Then they learn a poem about their letter. The verse can be written under the picture. Each child brings his own project to class and the result is a living ALPHABET.


On our website we announce a competition of projects completed by first grade students on the topic "Living ABC"

Dear teachers primary classes and parents of first graders! We invite you to participate.

We send certificates to all participants, and diplomas of I, II and III degrees to the winners and runners-up.

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Project Living ABC 1st grade

Little lizard

He will quickly hide from you

Finds a loophole in the grass

A sneaky snake will flash by

And from fear oh-oh-oh

Loses his tail

Project "Living Letter"

Children from our class took part in the Living Letter project. They dramatized poems famous poets modernity. The costumes were made in the shape of letters of the Russian alphabet. The first graders really enjoyed our holiday.

I would like to note that the project is not only drawings, but also theatrical performances.

Let it begin with the stork
Just like the alphabet
Starts with A

Letter A, letter A
Alphabet head
Vova knows, Sveta knows,
And it looks like a rocket.

Letter B with a big belly
Wearing a cap with a long visor

Letter B will wake up early.
Letter B - barrel with tap.
Wash your face! Be healthy
Bogatyr Boris Bobrov!

There are two arms nearby
Here you go
Glasses for a frog

Before us is the letter G
Stands like a poker

There he stands, blowing smoke,
Letter D stove pipe

It came in handy in the garden
Instead of a rake I worked hard

This letter is wide
And she looks like a beetle
And at the same time it’s definitely a beetle
Makes a buzzing sound

This is J
And this is K
Whole beetle
And half a bug.

Project "Living Letter" by Misha Ivanov, 1st grade A, Moscow

Along the white field
In the fog and snow
They wander slowly
Ram's Horns (Letter Z)

Look at the gate:
Why is it not the letter I?
Between two straight boards
One lay diagonally

Signalman holding two flags
With flags it's like the letter K

The alphabet will continue our
Letter L - forest hut

Here's the swing-
Letter M!
Here to swing
Everyone can

On the letter N
I'm on a ladder
I sit and sing

There I will find the letter N,
Where the hammock hangs in the garden.

Look at the wheel
And you will see the letter O

At hockey, at football
Letter P - gate to the field

The letter P is a sail on the mast,
Floats into the distance, touching the sky

Crescent moon in the dark sky
The letter C hung over the house

The hammer knocks: “Knock, knock!
Letter T I'm an old friend"

U is a bitch. In any forest
You will see the letter U

Fedya walks with his hands on his hips
So I learned my lessons

We are not horned
Not angry
We are the goats
Not goats

Letter C -
Hook at the bottom
Exactly with a faucet tank

Yes, you guessed it right:
We write h as four.
Only with numbers, friends,
We can't confuse the letters

Shura raked the hay
I forgot the pitchfork in the hay

On the comb
SH is similar
Three teeth in total
Well then!

And the poor letter Y
Wanders around with a stick, alas

The letter R is upside down
With a soft sign turned around

Above the meadows in the blue
The letter E flies by

So that O doesn't roll away,
I'll nail it firmly to the post.
Oh look,
What's happened:
It turned out... the letter U

Look, friends,
I made a birdhouse.
And she flew into a birdhouse
Instead of a bird - the letter I.

Project "Living Letter", 1st grade, Nizhny Novgorod

You can revive the letter in the project "Living Letter" dramatizing Boris Zakhoder's poem "The Letter I". You can make costumes for letters with your own hands and you will end up with a “Costume for a Letter” project.

Everyone knows:
Letter I
In the ABC
The last one.
Does anyone know
Why and why?

- Unknown.
- Interesting?
- Interesting! -

Well, then listen to the story.
We lived in ABC

They lived, did not grieve,
Because everyone was friends
Where no one quarrels
That's where things get controversial.

Just once
It's all about
It became
Due to a terrible scandal:
Letter I
Didn't fit in line
Letter I!

I, -
The letter I said, -
I want,
To everywhere
I don't want to stand in a line.
I wish to be
In plain sight! -

They tell her:
- Get back into place! -
Answers: - I won’t go!
I'm not just a letter to you,
I am a pronoun.
Compared to me -
Misunderstanding -
No more, no less!

The whole alphabet is here
In terrible excitement.
- Fu-you, well-you! -
Snorted F,
Blushing with offense.
- Shame! -
S said angrily.
B shouts:
- I imagined!
Anyone could do this!
Maybe I myself am the excuse! -
P grumbled:
- Try,
Talk to someone so special!

We need a special approach to it -
Suddenly the Soft Sign mumbled.
And the angry Hard Sign
Silently showed his fist.

Ti-i-she, letters! Shame on you, signs! -
The Vowels shouted. -
All that was missing was a fight!
And also Consonants!

We need to figure it out sooner
And then fight!
We are literate people!
Letter I
She will understand:
Is it conceivable
Poke forward?
After all, no one in such a letter
He won't understand anything! -

Foot stamped:
- I don’t want to hang out with you!
I will do everything myself!
I'm crazy enough! -
The letters looked at each other here,
Everything - literally! - smiled,
And the friendly chorus answered:
- Fine,
Let's go for a bet:
If you can
At least a line -
Is it true,

So that I
Yes, I couldn’t
I'm not just anyone
And I!
...Letter I got down to business:
For a whole hour she
And groaned
And sweated, -
She managed to write

How the letter X will be filled:
- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! -
I started laughing!
I grabbed my head.
I grabbed my stomach...

Letter I
First fastened
And then it roars:
- It's my fault, guys!
I admit
My own fault!
I agree to stand up, guys.
Even from behind
Letters Y!

Well, - the whole alphabet decided, -
If he wants, let him stand!
It's not a matter of location at all.
The point is that we are all in this together!
Is that everything -
From A to Z -
We lived like one family!
Letter I
Always been
Sweet to everyone and everyone.
But we advise, friends,
Remember the place
Letters I!

The letters of the Russian alphabet are divided into vowels and consonants. There are 10 vowel letters, these are A E E I O U Y Y E Y YA. Consonants 21 - B C D D F G H J K L M N P R S T F X C Ch Sh Sh. There are 33 letters in total.

Letters Kommersant And b are neither vowels nor consonants.

Spend time with your child in an interesting and useful way. We wish you success.

How to play with your child using cards with letters?

Game number 1. Name the letter.

Before you start playing this game, introduce your child to a few letters.

You show your child a card with a letter, and he says which letter is written. For the correct answer, the child receives a chip. At the end of the game there is a prize. Please note that vowels are written in red and consonants in blue.

Tell your child that sounds are vowels and consonants. Vowel sounds are easy to sing, shout, and pronounce. There is nothing in the mouth - neither lips nor tongue. Let the child guess what vowel sound is in the words: poppy, forest, cat, house, etc.

And consonants. When pronouncing them, something constantly gets in the way in the mouth - either the lips or the tongue. Play, let the child name the consonants he hears: day, meadow, juice, poppy, etc.

Use this game to learn all the letters of the alphabet.

Game No. 2. Name words starting with the given letter.

Offer any letter that the baby knows, and take turns saying words starting with that letter. Now let the child choose the letter, come up with words again, and continue in the same way.

Game No. 3. Who says that?

Before starting the game, choose one card with a letter that begins with a consonant sound (for example, m). Next to this letter, place the letter representing the vowel sound (for example, “a”).

At first, you shouldn’t push your child and insist that he read more syllables. Focus your attention on the question: “Who says that?” The child must answer which animal makes such a voice.

For each correct answer, give a chip. Over time, the game can be played in a group of children and a competition can be organized to see who can name the proposed syllables faster and more correctly.

Game number 4. Change the vowel.

In this game, the first letter, the consonant, remains unchanged, but the letters that represent the vowel sound change. For example: ma, mo, mu, mi, me, we, me. Then the first letter can be replaced (the child can choose the letter himself) and continue reading.

Game number 5. Change the consonant.

In this game, the first letter remains unchanged - the vowel, but the letters that represent the consonant sound change. For example: am, an, ad, av, ash, ar, at. Then the first letter can be replaced (the child can choose the letter himself) and continue reading.

Game number 6. Funny letter combinations.

This game is perhaps the most difficult at this stage of learning, since the child needs to read letter combinations that consist only of consonant sounds (fl, zv, kr, sl, st, br, gl, pl, hl, zm, kr, dv, sk, kv). To interest your child, invite him to choose the funniest letter combination from those that he reads.

Game No. 7. Create a syllable.

Using letter cards, invite your child to write the syllable you name. For a correctly completed task, the child receives a chip.

You can organize a competition with prizes in a group of children. The first one to create a syllable will receive a chip. At the end of the game, a winner is selected based on the number of chips received and receives a prize.

Game No. 8. Put the word together.

Using cards with letters, you need to form a word of three, and later of four or five letters, invented by your playing partner. For example, you named the word “garden”, and the child must put it together from letters. Then, on the contrary, the child names a three-letter word, and you add it up. Be sure to ask your child to check if you completed the task correctly. For fun and to check your attentiveness, sometimes make mistakes. Let the child identify them. Each correctly written word is awarded a chip. The one who collects the most chips wins.

Bright, colored cards with letters of the Russian alphabet.

You even need to learn Russian. And learning the Russian language begins with the alphabet. Because the child already knows many words, if not all, even before learning the alphabet. Native language, after all. But it may well turn out that your child will just need the Russian alphabet in pictures in order to start learning the Russian language. For example, if you do not live in Russia, but your roots are Russian, and you want to teach your child the language of his ancestors.

The Russian alphabet in pictures is very convenient for learning, since the letters are bright, juicy, and attract the child’s attention. Even more - a child under three years old can easily remember the sound of each of them. Sometimes parents, after a year, show their children the Russian alphabet in pictures so that they can remember the letters, just as they remember the words “cabinet”, “bedside table”, “letter A”... And children remember!

Is it true, The Russian alphabet in pictures needs to be repeated. Otherwise, he will be forgotten. After all, children repeat with you all these everyday words “wardrobe”, “chair”. In the same way, every day you need to be reminded how this or that letter of the Russian alphabet sounds. And show it, of course.

Relatives and friends may laugh at your persistence. But this is only because they look at this world a little differently - according to stereotypes. Many children are already reading by the age of three., only because their parents did not follow the path of stereotypes, but began to closely study the Russian language. Yes, and here the Russian alphabet in pictures came to their aid, and no one else.

It’s better to print each letter on a separate sheet of paper (not too large so that you can then file them all in a book, but for now put them in a folder), and show the child one letter at a time. You can glue the letters onto a cardboard base and give them to the child's hands - cardboard so that he cannot tear the sheets with the letters. If you want your child to learn the alphabet itself, you should call the letters correctly “Ka” and not “K”, “Be” and not “B”. But if you want your child to learn to read earlier, then you should call him letters by sound “K”, not “Ka”, “B”, not “Be”.

We hope that the Russian alphabet in pictures will be useful to you, and that your child will like it!

Meet me! The Russian alphabet in pictures represents the first letter of the alphabet - the letter A! Look how cute her bow is, and it looks so much like Watermelon!

Meet the letter B and her unbeatable bow!

Russian alphabet in pictures with the letter B what? In felt boots, of course! And in mittens!

What a respectable tie the letter G is wearing! Look, he's also wearing Polka Dots! What lies next to the letter G? Yes, this is the Nail!

And our letter D is just a real girl! How sweet she is, how beautiful! Just look - there is no girl more beautiful than our letter D!

And here comes the letter E! Meet another letter of the Russian alphabet in pictures!

And where would we be without the letter E? Nowhere! Without the letter E, the Russian alphabet in pictures will be incomplete!

The letter Z is also good, why not! Meet our beauty! By the way, this is the eighth letter of the Russian alphabet.

The letter Z is jumping, like Bunny! Real letter Russian alphabet!

And here is the letter I– a connecting letter, by the way, is a very important letter in the Russian language.

The letter I is short, or Y. Complex letter– it’s hard not to confuse her with I, but it’s quite possible!

And here comes the letter K - a real flirt! Look, she has Candy in her hand! Our letter also has two Braids. The letter K is simply beautiful!

But the letter L has both the Moon and the Staircase to reach the moon. Well, let's not disturb her?

The letter M is fashionable now, look, her shoes match the color of her cap. A real fashionista!

And the letter N is in our Sock! Meet!

The Russian alphabet in pictures represents the letter O- a round-faced beauty!

The letter P is wearing a real summer Panama hat! Do you have one?

And here is the letter R - she is wearing a Belt. Look, the Belt suits her!

The letter C came to visit us in Boots, She probably walked in the Slush, or in the Snow - Those boots are clean!

And the letter T came to visit you with a telephone and even in Slippers!

The letter U is good as always!

And who is it in the Cap waving Flags at us? Yes, this is the letter F!

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