It is written without a soft sign. How do you spell a soft sign? Signs of independent parts of speech

E.A. Makovey, Russian language teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, Adygeisk,
A.I. Arkhipova, professor of Kuban State University

§ 2. Spelling of prefixes

Console, prefix (from lat. praefixus“attached in front”) is the part of the word before the root. In Russian words, there can be from 1 to 3 prefixes before the root: tremble, join, open. Most Russian prefixes coincide in form and partly in meaning with prepositions (bezdorozhny - without a road, verbal - from the verb, from below, from under the forehead - from under the forehead), particles (not appearing - not to appear). Among the prefixes of the Russian language there are a number of borrowed ones: A in the meaning of “not”, anti - “against”, archi - “very”, counter - “against”, pan - “all”, sub - “under”, trans - “through” and etc.

2.1. Spelling of immutable prefixes
Most prefixes in Russian are unchangeable, i.e. Regardless of the sound in one position or another, they are written uniformly. The spelling of such prefixes should be remembered. For a list of unchangeable prefixes, see the table:

called out, stop, sediment, go numb

get there, get there, guess

belief, courtyard, cut, rely

boil, gap, trick, grow

IN special meaning: (meaning of kinship) great-grandmother, proto-language

attack, cover, overtake

wonder, prisoner, pick up, hammer


bite, crack, inscribe, tear


melt, sharpen, suggest, wait

OT- (OTO-)

give away, rest, move aside, open


trim, grind, wipe, go around

V- (VO-)

to your heart's content, to sew in, to cling to, to involve


chairman, predecessor, predetermine


humus, overflow, distortion

C- (CO-)

get lost
give up
make friends
bend over

There is no prefix in the words:
no way
and cognates.

2.2. Spelling of prefixes in ...z - ...s
In the Russian language there are prefixes in which letters alternate Z And WITH :
WITHOUT- / BES- , RAZ- / RAS-, WHO- / VOS- (VZ- / VS-), IZ- / IS-, NIZ- / NIS-, THROUGH- / THROUGH- (THROUGH- / THRASS-); walking along;; burn..burn.

The choice of consonant is carried out according to the following rule:

2.3. Spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI-

Words starting with pre- And at-, have in Russian different origins.
Some came from Latin. In such words the Latin prefix prae- became part of the Russian root (president, presidium, presumption, predicate, bonus, claim, applicant, prefect, precedent, preparation, presentation). The Russian language borrowed and latin words with a root starting with at (priority, privilege, private).
Others are of Old Church Slavonic origin. They are characterized by the Slavic prefix pre-, which is often included in modern root(obstacle, resign, advantage, wonderful). In the language, these words retain their bookish character.
Finally, many words with pre- And at- are actually of Russian origin.

It is clear that it is impossible to draw up a clear rule for all cases. Therefore, what is proposed below spelling rule suitable mainly for words in which the meaning of the prefix is ​​clearly guessed.

Let's remember some cases:

give shape, shine
bride's dowry
chapel of the temple
close the window
arrive at the train
hold the door open with a stick
lean your head to your shoulder
bow at the door
look after the orphan
get down to business
impregnable bastion
visiting doctor
make an effort
downplay (reduce a little)
put a chair
stick to
inapplicable technique
tolerate difficulties
pester with questions
to be present at the meeting

betray a friend, dreams
old legend
limit of patience
successor manager
the continuity of generations
misconception, vicissitudes of fate
bring ideas to life
be on vacation
bicker over trifles
bow your head in respect,
adamant person, old age,
bow to talent
despise cowards
break the law
has enduring significance
immutable law
downplay (reduce significantly)
repose (die)
stumbling block
an indispensable condition
undergo hardships, changes
unceasing, unceasing

2.4. Spelling of vowels in the prefixes NE- and NI- in
indefinite and negative pronouns,
pronominal negative adverbs.

Note.The rule applies to words of other parts of speech if they are formed from negative pronouns and adverbs: idleness, insignificant, worthless, worthless, draw.

2.5. Spelling of consonants at the junction of prefix and root.

Re + skaz = retelling (-s-)
ras + skaz = story (-ss-)
race + quarrel = quarrel (-ss-)

Remember:calculation (calc + even), but: calculate (calc + count);
uncountable (bes + s + even).

In words to tear apart, to tear apart, to ruin one 3 is written.

Any word consists of parts, which in linguistics are called morphemes. The most important of them is the root. This is the main meaning. It is like a house on a foundation, to which various premises are attached in the form of suffixes (affixes) and prefixes (prefixes), adjusted when possible, and an ending. And every time after such construction work the purpose of the house can change significantly. It is worth paying more attention to the façade, and for this you need to know: what kinds of prefixes there are, what new they add to the meaning of the word, and whether they are fraught with danger.

What are prefixes for?

What comes before the root, at the beginning of the word, is the prefix. The prefix refers to significant morphemes, since its main function is education. that a word can have more than one prefix (two, three), they are all written together. But you can do this without errors only if you know certain rules.

There are more than 70 prefixes in modern Russian. Of course, not every one of them has spelling governed by a rule. What types of prefixes there are based on these features can be found out by considering three main groups:

Uniform spelling. These are prefixes that do not have a consonant pair. For example, in- or o- (after all, there are no prefixes f- or a-). This also includes: for-, co-, pa-, po-, su-, y- and so on;

Peculiarities of writing prefixes ending in “z” or “s”. These are prefixes such as ras- (one-), nis- (low-), bes- (without-). If there is a voiced consonant after the prefix, then you need to write “z” at the end, if there is a voiceless consonant, then “s”;

The prefix is ​​pre- and its sister is pre-. The correct use of these prefixes depends on correct understanding the meaning they bring to a word.

What are the origins of prefixes?

Prefixes are divided into native Russian and foreign ones. The first include:

By-, in-, from-, on-, without-, above, with-, that is, prefixes that can also be prepositions;

Pa- and pra- are obsolete, but still found in words such as stepdaughter, flood, great-grandfather;

Between-, after-, outside-, near-, against-, these prefixes were once adverbial prepositions, but over time they became part of the word.

Foreigners by origin are:

Prefixes starting with the letter “a” (Greek): anti-national, immoral, archival;

Counter-, de-, dis-, re-, ultra-, ex-, trans-, extra- (Latin): counter-offensive, demobilization, disqualification, regression, ultrafilter, ex-champion;

Eu-, ev- (ev-) - prefixes Greek origin with the meaning "real". For example, eu-angelie (true message), eu-bacteria (correct bacteria);

Des- (French): disorganization, disinformation.

Both honey mushrooms and fragments have the prefix o-

Very often we don’t think about what prefixes there are in words. And how they help change the original meaning. For example, everyone knows what a “stump” is. Let's add the prefix o- and the suffix -ok. As a result, we get the word “honey mushroom”. Don't think that this is a mushroom growing on a stump. The real understanding of this word is given by the prefix o-, which denotes the spread of action around something. So honey mushrooms are located not on the stump, but around it.

If you remember an error, typo, typo or omission, you can immediately see that the prefix o- has another meaning - an indication of an incorrect, reckless action. And if you pay attention to the words: fragment, cigarette butt, cinder, stub, then it becomes obvious new meaning of the same prefix - a particle of an object resulting from some kind of impact on it.

What is the difference between pre- and pre-

To correctly write these prefixes, you need to clearly know the meaning of the words in which they are used. For comparison and better memorization need to make a table

Prefix pre-. Meaning:Prefix at-. Meaning:

The highest degree of quality. It is possible to replace the prefix with the words “very” or “very”: very unpleasant, wise;

Sign, action: extremely poor, joyful;

Exceeding the measure: surpass, exalt;

Meaning close to block, transform.

Approaching, joining, adding or spatial proximity: school, arrive, stick, add;

Incompleteness of an action or its completion on short term: sit down, stand up, lie down, sit down;

Bringing the plan to completion: nailing it down, attaching it, inventing it;

To do in someone’s interests: to hide, to save;

Additional action to the main one: sentence, jump, dance.

Similar in sound, but different in writing

There are words where the prefix pre- (pri-) carries the main semantic load, and here it is important not to make a mistake, otherwise the meaning will completely change. You can only arrive somewhere and on something, but to stay means to already be somewhere. For example, arriving by train at the station, but remaining carefree in the carriage.

There are many similar sounding pairs in the Russian language. Understand them correct spelling, you can only know the Russian language: what prefixes there are in such and such a meaning, and which ones in another. And then the verbs “to look after” (to shelter) and “to despise” (to neglect, ignore) will not get confused in your head.

It is worth remembering once and for all that a receiver is something that accepts, and a successor is someone who takes over someone’s experience or position. You can lean something to the wall, but you should only bow to that which is worthy of respect. If it is recommended to give the product a shape, then only a friend, dreams, ideals will be betrayed. You can only fake a window or a door, but dreams and ideas are brought to life.

A little more about spelling

In our language there are prefixes that are separated from a word by a hyphen. There are only three of them: po-, v- (vo-) and some-. In the adverbs -ski, -tski, -i, -emu, -mu - this is a prefix in -: in a foolish way, in its own way, in a Volga way, in a hare way. Pronouns without a preposition are written with a hyphen: some, some, some. The introductory words are formatted as follows: “thirdly”, “secondly”, “apparently”.

There is one more rule related to prefixes and which is very often forgotten to apply in writing, guided only by pronunciation. This is the choice of vowels “and” or “s” following the prefix. IN in this case spelling is not related to what kind of prefixes there are, but with which letter the root begins. This applies to all words starting with “and”: play, search, history, integral, idea, etc.

If a prefix appears in them, at the end of which there is a consonant, then “y” is written after it. for example: play, find, background, unprincipled. There are exceptions to this rule:

Compound abbreviated words: sports equipment, pedagogical institute;


Prefixes super- and inter-: super-interesting, inter-institutional;

Foreign language prefixes: counterplay, subinspector, post-impressionism.

We tried to dwell on the main aspects of the life of prefixes regarding their meanings and spellings, because this small morpheme carries a lot of meaning.

The b sign after the sibilants at the end of the word is written:

1) beings have 3 classes, f.r. in im..p. units h.

For example: rye, night, thing.

2) for verbs in all forms, while the front – sya, -te is also preserved.

For example: take care - take care, cut - cut (verb in imperative)

3) in adverbs. For example: completely, backwards, wide open.

The b sign is not written:

1) beings have a husband. kind in them p.un. h.

For example: garage, reeds.

2) in beings. and Wed kind to kind plural case h.

For example: many clouds, no roofs.

3) at short adjectives.

For example: good, hot.

4) for adverbs - exceptions: already, married, unbearable.

Talk about the spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

Vowel sounds under stress are pronounced distinctly and clearly; in writing they are usually designated by “their” letters, and vowel sounds in an unstressed position are pronounced unclearly. For example, the sound o in an unstressed position is pronounced close to a. Therefore, you need to know how to check the unstressed vowel at the root of a word.

To check for an unstressed vowel in the root of a word, you need to choose a word with the same root so that this sound is stressed.

For example: amazing - marvel, heavy - heaviness.

Ticket 2

Hyphen in adverbs and pronouns.

Adverb– an independent part of speech that denotes a sign of action or a sign of a sign and answers the questions where? Where? where? Why? For what? And How?

The hyphen in adverbs is written:

in adverbs with the prefix po-, ending with the suffixes –oom, -em, -i

For example: in a new way, in Russian

in adverbs with the prefix v- (vo-), ending with the suffix –ы (-ы)

For example: firstly, thirdly

in adverbs formed by repetition of words or from words with the same root.

For example: barely, little by little

Pronoun – an independent part of speech that indicates objects, signs, quantity, but does not name them.

Pronouns with particles -to, -or, -something, something- are written with a hyphen: For example: some one, some one, some one

If a particle is somehow separated from a pronoun by a preposition, then it is written separately For example: someone has

Spelling of vowels and consonants in prefixes.

1) The consonants and vowels in most prefixes are always written the same way, regardless of pronunciation: ob-, ot-, over-, under, pre-, v-, s-, pere-, do-. For example: measure, drink, label, import, make, run

2) In prefixes ending in z- (s-), z- is written before vowels and voiced consonants, and s- before voiceless consonants.

For example: once b cringe, but P irritate

IN words here, building, health, no zgi is always written z, because. here s is not a prefix, but part of a root.

In the prefixes roz- (ros-)- raz- (ras-) under stress it is written o, without stress – a For example: painting, but receipt

Ticket 3

Parts of speech. Independent and auxiliary parts of speech.

All words in the Russian language can be divided into groups called parts of speech. Each part of speech has characteristics that can be grouped into three groups:

− general grammatical meaning.

− morphological characteristics.

− syntactic features.

All parts of speech are divided into two groups - independent and auxiliary.

Signs independent parts speeches:

− Convey basic information in speech.

− Answer questions.

− Designate objects, signs, actions, etc.

− Are members of the proposal.

Signs service units speeches:

− Serve to connect words.

− They don’t answer questions.

− They do not indicate objects, signs, actions, etc.

− They are not independently members of the proposal.

Special place Among the parts of speech, interjection ranks, because interjections do not name objects, signs, or actions and do not serve to connect words. They convey our feelings. (Br-r) – which means cold.

Formation of active and passive participles.

Participle– an independent part of speech, which denotes the attribute of an object by action, combines the properties of an adjective and a verb.

Participles can be active and passive. Active participles denote a feature that is created by the action of the object itself.

Valid prib. present vr. are formed from the stem of the verbs nes. present tense type I reference using the suffixes –ushch, -yushch and II spr. using the suffixes –ashch, -yashch.

carry (1 reference) – carrier

treat (2spr) – treating

Valid prib. past vr. are formed from the stem of the infinitive or from the stem of the past verb. vr. owls and Nesov. type using the suffixes –vsh and sh-. The suffix вш- is added to a verb stem ending in a vowel, and the suffix Ш- is added to a verb stem ending in a consonant. (depend - dependent; carried - carried)

Passive participles present tense are formed from the stem of the verbs nes. present type vr. I ref. using the suffix –em (-om) and from the stem II sp. using the suffix –im.

Strad. prib. past time formed from the stem of the infinitive or from the stem of the verb pr. vr. owls and Nesov. type using the suffix –nn- from verbs ending in –at, -yat, the suffix -ENN from verbs ending in –it and the suffix -t-

(collect - collected, send - sent, prick - pricked).

Ticket 4.

Speech sounds. Vowels and consonants.

Speech sounds are the sounds that make up words. We hear and pronounce sounds, and we write and see letters.

The branch of language science that studies speech sounds is called phonetics. Orthoepy is closely related to phonetics. This is a branch of science that studies pronunciation.

The Russian language has 6 vowels and 36 consonants. Vowels are sounds during the formation of which air passes freely through the oral cavity without encountering any obstacle. Vowel sounds: a, o, u, e, i, s.

Consonants are sounds in the formation of which air encounters some kind of obstacle in the oral cavity. Consonant sounds: b, v, g, d, zh, z, k, l, m, n, p, r, etc.

Consonant sounds are divided into voiced and voiceless. Voiced ones consist of noise and voice, deaf ones consist only of noise.

Sound b c d e g h l m n r

deaf: p f k t sh s x c h sch

Sounds w h h shch - hissing

The sounds l m n r y are sonorant, always voiced

Always deaf: x ts h sch

Consonant sounds are divided into hard and soft:

Always hard: w w c

Always soft: thick

The softness of consonants in writing is indicated in two ways:

1) using b

2) using the letters e, e, i, yu, i

The letters e, ё, yu, ya after a consonant have one sound, and after vowels, ъ and ь and at the beginning of a word they have two sounds. For example: (your own examples)

Vowel sounds under stress are pronounced distinctly and clearly; in writing they are usually designated by “their” letters, and vowel sounds in an unstressed position are pronounced unclearly. For example, the sound o in an unstressed position is pronounced close to a, the sound and close to s. For example:

To tell about spelling I-Y after C.

IN Old Russian language the consonant c was soft. But over time it became hard. The letter and after ц does not indicate softness of sound.

After c it is written s:

V endings plural (cucumbers)

in adjective endings (pale-faced)

in suffixes of adjectives (ptitsyn, tsaritsyn)

in the words gypsy, chick, chick, chick, tiptoe

In other cases, the letter i is written.

1) In words ending with -tion For example: (action, diction)

2) At the root of words (compass, number)

Ticket 5.

What does morphemics study? Basic morphemes of the Russian language.

Morphemics is a branch of the science of language that studies the composition of words. Words consist of significant parts: prefixes, roots, suffixes and endings. These parts are called in general terms– morphemes.

Ending words called it variable part, which serves to connect words and expresses the meanings of gender, number, case, person.

The ending may be null. It is not expressed by sound and is not indicated by letters in writing.

The part of a word without ending is called basis.

Root- This a common part related words, which contains their main meaning. Words with same root are called single-rooted.

For example: peace, peaceful, reconcile.

To correctly find the root of a word, you need to select words with the same root. For example: trouble, poverty, poor.

There are words with roots that sound and are written the same, but have different meanings. Such words are not cognate (related)

For example, the word water will not be the same root as the word conclusion, although both words have the root water.

Prefixes and suffixes– significant parts of a word. They serve to form new words.

Console - significant part the word that comes before the root usually serves to form new words.

Suffix - a significant part of a word that comes after the root and serves to form new words.

For example: street - alley, water - underwater.

In this article we will look in detail at when it is written after sibilants in verbs, nouns and adverbs. We will also show with clear examples typical mistakes writing soft sign after hissing ones.

There are only 4 hissing letters in the Russian language. These are the letters Ш, Ж, Ш and Ш. The main cases concerning the writing of b after sibilants are the writing of a soft sign after sibilants in a verb, at the end of nouns and adverbs. Let's look at each case separately.

When is b written after sibilants in a verb?

The answer is clear:

“We ALWAYS write a soft sign after hissing verbs!”

Textbooks most often list that “b” is written if the verb is in the infinitive (answers the question, what to do? or what to do?), in the second person singular(combined with the pronoun you) or to be in imperative mood(there is an indication of action).
It is not necessary to remember all this, since in all other forms there are no hissing words at the end.
Let's look at examples.
Infinitives: attract, burn, lie down.
Second person, singular: write, love, breathe.
Imperative form: cut, spread, eat!

By the way, soft sign can not only come at the end of verbs. When adding -sya and -those after hissing letter"b" is retained. For example: cut, spread, fall in love.

The most popular mistake with a soft sign in verbs is writing it between -t and -sya in different persons. If we write " to shave"(what to do? with a soft sign), then " shaves"(what does it do?) we will write without b. The rule is simple: “ If the question has a “b” at the end, then we also write a soft sign between –t and –xia.“We remember that the letter T is not classified as sizzling, so this rule not quite on the topic of the article.
We looked at verbs. Let's move on to nouns!

Soft sign after sibilants at the end of nouns

The rule is quite simple:

“b is written after hissing nouns at the end ONLY if the noun is feminine singular!”

In all other cases, b is NOT written after hissing nouns at the end.

Let's look at examples.
With a soft sign after hissing ones:
Rye, night, lie, thing, daughter.
“The queen gave birth that night to either a son or a daughter.” A.S. Pushkin.
The feminine singular can be determined by substituting the pronoun “my”.
My daughter, my lie, my whim.

Without soft sign:
Doctor, knife, many clouds, many pears, brick, roll, scarecrow, Alexander Sergeevich.
“Above him is a golden ray of sun…” M.Yu. Lermontov.

As we see, the soft sign is not written after nouns male singular, in nouns plural, at the end of male patronymics.
It's easier to remember when a soft sign is written in nouns than when it is not written :) .

Soft sign after hissing adverbs at the end

Everything here is also quite simple:

“b is ALWAYS written after hissing adverbs at the end, with the exception of the adverbs: already, married, unbearable.”

Examples: away, completely, backhand, just, gallop, wide open, backwards, exactly the same.

It is very important to understand what an adverb is because common mistake: writing a soft sign after sibilants in short adjectives.
Good, handsome, hot, powerful, smelly, etc. are written without a soft sign.

How to distinguish a short adjective from an adverb?
The adverb answers the questions: Where? When? Where? Where? Why? For what? ...and most often: How?
An adverb denotes a sign of action, that is, refers to a verb. He walked away. He refused outright. He repeated it exactly.

A short adjective answers the question: What? And denotes the attribute of an object. That is, to refer to a noun. The house is good. The shower is hot. Wind, wind, you are powerful...

In addition to verbs, nouns, adverbs and short adjectives, b after sibilants is found in particles and pronouns. In them, most people write the soft sign intuitively correctly and remembering these cases, in our opinion, is not so important.
However, for reference:
In particles with hissing endings, the soft sign is always written. These are particles: look, just, look, see.
Examples of using particles in sentences:
I mean, that's how it is. Look what I found. It's just thunder.

There are only two pronouns: OUR and YOURS. In them SOFT SIGN IS NOT WRITTEN.

Here, in fact, are all the main cases of using b after sibilants.
To reinforce this, we also present to your attention a diagram that combines everything that has been said above regarding writing a soft sign after hissing ones.

If you have any questions about when it is written after sibilants in nouns, verbs, adverbs or other parts of speech, be sure to write them in the comments.

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