Things every educated person should know. Stroke symptoms are different for men and women

With the evolution of generations, human experience also “grows”. For example, the Great Depression generation is fundamentally different from the Baby Boom generation, which is certainly different from today. No offense to those who are young and young today and think they know everything in the world. Every generation is a little different. This depends on many factors, including gender and upbringing. We took all of this into account when compiling this list.

So, what are these 40 things everyone turning 40 should know?

In other words, many 40-year-olds still know something about “how our world works.” If you are one of them, it will be very helpful for you to read and understand that there is definitely something in it. So…

Don't treat the list like a mathematical formula. Some will do, some will do the opposite... But read it. Perhaps it will do!

We wanted to amuse you, make you think, and maybe something else. It's up to you...

In any case, here they are - these 40 things that everyone who has already celebrated their 40th birthday should know:

1. Partying all weekend is definitely not a good idea.

2. There's nothing better than a good night's sleep.

3. A career is a whole bunch of rake that you step on and step on and step on.

4. Remember that there are no irreplaceable people. And you are no exception.

5. Your social circle will become narrower and narrower. And that's even better.

6. You should sleep either alone or with someone you truly love. No options.

7. You have already had at least one great love that you had to endure.

8. Should I have children or not? Now you definitely know the answer to this question.

9. Should I get a cat or a dog? The same. It's either yours or it's not.

10. You have already experienced at least one tragedy. Unfortunately…

11. You are definitely somewhat strange. And you start to like it!

12. Have you fought like a lion to become a better person... sacrificing money, time... and - how?

13. Singing karaoke while sober is the fastest way to trigger a panic attack.

14. And singing karaoke when you've had a few drinks is something. This is amazing. It's an explosion.

15. Fashion means no more to you than the color of your toilet lid.

16. You already know for sure (I hope) that we will all die, and therefore live to the fullest.

17. If you are not a “public person,” then most likely you will never become one again.

18. Fatty foods are still harmful. They make me swell.

19. Exercise is a great antidote to just about anything.

20. Good reading is also a great antidote to anything.

21. The word “success” takes on a completely different meaning for you.

22. Intimacy (i.e. "sex life") is wonderful in moderation... and when you're in love.

23. Young people are increasingly turning to you for advice - for better or worse.

24. Dancing is either amazing (if you know how to dance), or never, under any circumstances.

25. 99% of what you were taught at university was never useful to you and will never be useful.

26. Slippers, robe, cardigan - you have some or all of these and/or you like crossword puzzles.

27. Marijuana... you either know what it is, or you will never know.

28. You have your own internal “counter”, and only you know the score...

29. Telephone communication with people takes up no more than 1% of your time, the remaining 99 are colleagues and family.

30. If you are not invited somewhere, this is truly a real success.

31. Meetings and planning sessions at work invariably make you bored.

32. Playing computer games, other games... it's so cool. Or not…

33. If you don't have a plan, that's great. If there is, it is no less good.

34. When they call you, write or other types of communication - oh, there is nothing worse!

35. If you learn something new, then only if you really want it with all your heart. There are no other motivations anymore.

36. Arguing with someone is: 1. A waste of time. 2. Devoid of any meaning. 3. Not my favorite show, that's for sure.

37. You still want to travel the world. It doesn't matter if you have a passport.

38. Are drinking and partying worth a bad hangover? Definitely not.

39. The snooze button looks pretty cool from Monday to Friday... and maybe Saturday and Sunday too.

40. Understand that 40 is very little. And you still have a lot of gunpowder in your flasks. Be grateful to fate for this.

Forward! At 40, life is just beginning!

Did you know that:

Bugs taste like apples, wasps taste like pine nuts, and worms taste like fried bacon?

What is called the "French Kiss" in English-speaking countries is called the "English Kiss" in France.

Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.

Horace Nelson, one of the most famous English admirals, was never able to overcome in his entire life:

:"sea sickness".

In 1386, in France, a pig was sentenced to hang for killing a child.

The word "queue" is the only word in the English language that is pronounced the same as if the last four letters were missing.

Of all the words in the English language, the word "set" has the most meanings!

The word "Almost" is the longest word in the English language, in which all the letters are arranged in alphabetical order.

"Rhythm" is the longest English word without vowels.

A cockroach can live with its head cut off for several weeks!

You can kill yourself by holding your breath.

A city called Rome exists on every continent.

It is illegal to own a pet dog in Iceland!

Your heart beats, on average, about 100 thousand times a day!

Jeremy Bentham's skeleton is present at all the most important meetings at the University of London.

Right-handed people live, on average, 9 years longer than left-handed people.

Your ribs make about 5 million movements a year - every time you breathe!

The elephant is the only mammal that cannot jump!

A quarter of all the bones in your body are in your legs!

Just like fingerprints, each person has a unique tongue print!

The world's first blood transfusion was performed in 1667, when Jean-Baptiste gave two pints of sheep's blood to a young man.

Your fingernails grow almost 4 times faster than your toenails!

Most of the dust in your home comes from dry human skin!

It is predicted that the total number of people inhabiting our planet today will grow to 15 billion by 2080.

A woman blinks almost twice as much as a man.

Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian and only had one testicle.

Honey is the only food product that does not spoil. Honey discovered in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs was tasted by archaeologists and found to be edible.

Months whose first day falls on a Sunday always have "Friday the Thirteenth."

Coca-Cola would be green if it weren't for the dyes added to it.

A hedgehog's heart beats, on average, 300 times per minute.

More people around the world die from bee stings than from snake bites.

With an ordinary graphite pencil you can draw a line 35 miles long or write approximately 50 thousand English words.

There are more people allergic to cow's milk than people allergic to any other food.

To protect against sandstorms, camels have three centuries.

The donkey's eyes are placed in such a way that he can see all four of his paws at the same time!

The six official languages ​​of the United Nations are English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish.

Earth is the only planet (of the existing eight) in the Solar System that was not named after any god.

In churches in Nebraska, USA, it is illegal to burp or sneeze.

When a person is born, he has 300 bones in his body, but when he grows up, he only has 206.

Some worms eat themselves if they can't find any food!

Dolphins sleep with one eye open!

It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

The oldest piece of chewing gum is 9 thousand years old!

The longest flight of a chicken was 13 seconds.

Queen Elizabeth I considered herself a paragon of purity. She stated that she takes a bath every 3 months regardless of whether it is necessary or not.

Larvae have 4 noses.

The owl is the only bird that can see the color "blue".

One man named Charles Osborne suffered from hiccups until he was 69!

A giraffe can clean its eyes with its 21-inch tongue!

The average person laughs 10 times a day on average!

An ostrich's eye is larger than its brain.

And now a knowledge question:

One of these interesting, but completely unnecessary facts is fiction. Guess which one?

Alexander Suvorov wrote: “We are Russians! What a delight! Let's agree with the great commander and remember 50 facts about the Russian people.

1. Koreans in the USSR called Russians “maozy”, which translates as “bearded man”.

2. The most common haplogroups among Russians are R1a, I1b, N1c.

3. The term “Russia”, replacing the word “Rus”, began to be used to a limited extent in the 16th century, when the idea of ​​the “Third Rome” arose in Moscow.

4. As of January 1, 2015, the number of Russians in Russia is 111 million 500 thousand people.

5. The Austrian diplomat of the 17th century, Sigismund Herberstein, wrote in “Notes on Moscow Affairs” that Russians from ancient times were called “Rossea” - “that is, a scattered or scattered people, because Rosseya, in the language of the Russians, means scattering.”

6. In China there is a Russian national region of Shiwei, more than half of its population is Russian.

7. The neutral designation for Russians in Finnish is “venäläinen”. “Russia” is derogatory.

8. Russian is the native language of 168 million people, and a second language for 111 million.

9. The largest dictionary of the language of Russian people is that of Pushkin. It includes approximately 25,000 lexemes. Shakespeare had approximately the same vocabulary (in English).

10. The Russian people had 19 queens and kings from two dynasties (Rurikovich, Romanov).

11. From the middle of the 16th century to the beginning of the 19th century, there were 10 wars between Russia and Sweden.

12. The negative designation for Russians among Estonians is “tybla”. “Tybla” came from the address “you, bl.” The Media Council believes that the word "tibla" is primarily used as a designation for Homo soveticus (Soviet man).

13. There were 12 wars between Russia and the Ottoman Empire in 241 years. On average, one Russian-Turkish war was separated from another by 19 years.

14. Russian philosopher Ivan Ilyin wrote: “Soloviev counts from 1240 to 1462 (over 222 years) - 200 wars and invasions. From the 14th century to the 20th century (over 525 years), Sukhotin counts 329 years of war. Russia has been at war for two-thirds of its life.”

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Each person has a certain skill, a skill that he once developed. But much of what we can do is more likely to be useful to us for general development or career.

website collected skills that everyone should have. Although many of them may seem unnecessary, they will come in handy at least once in your life.

Knitting knots

Learning to knit various knots is by no means a useless activity. Such skills will be useful for facilitating transportation, hiking and even fishing, if, of course, you like active recreation.

Distinguish between poisonous and edible mushrooms

Many of the poisonous mushrooms can be harmful to health, even if you do not eat them. For example, some of them contain mucus, which can cause an allergic reaction or cause a burn. Such knowledge should be shared with children in order to protect them on a family vacation in the countryside.

Know the Heimlich maneuver

Thanks to knowledge of the Heimlich maneuver, you will be able to quickly navigate an unpleasant and life-threatening situation when a person is choking. There is first aid in such situations, and perhaps you need to know them all.

Find your way in the forest

If you are going on a hike or vacation outside the city, you need to know how to navigate wooded and simply unfamiliar areas. You shouldn’t rely on modern gadgets, because the connection may fail. To feel calm, you need to at least be able to use a regular compass.

Understand plumbing and electricity

This knowledge is useful in case of emergency and for savings purposes. For example, while washing dishes, the faucet handle comes off and the kitchen floods with water. What to do? Prepare the boat for yourself and your neighbors before emergency services arrive if you don’t know where to turn off the water. Afterwards you need to replace the faucet, and it’s good if you know how, because it will save your time and money. Well, after watering your kitchen appliances with water, your knowledge about electricity will definitely come in handy.

Use construction tools

Every self-respecting man has at home a minimum set of tools that are necessary in everyday life. And no matter how funny it may sound, you also need to be able to hammer a nail or screw a shelf to a wall. You don’t have to call workers every time you want to hang a new picture.

Save a drowning man

There can only be one obstacle on the way to saving a drowning person - the inability to swim. If you feel confident in the water, then you are capable. Remember that you need to swim up to a person strictly from behind so that he does not notice you, since in a state of panic, a drowning person can prevent you from swimming or, by grabbing you, pull you under water. After you have swam up, you need to take the person under the armpits or by the chin and, placing his head in the abdomen, begin to move towards the shore.

Know how to save money and save money

Be able to rig a fishing rod and row a boat

You don't have to be a fisherman to do this. But it is necessary to be able to do this. For example, if fishing doesn't interest you, it may be fun for your child. Every man has a primal instinct of a provider. And it’s worth knowing how to row, if only because as part of a romantic walk on the water it will be great pleasure for you and your partner.

Plan your vacation

A vacation or a weekend with friends is a well-thought-out and planned plan. To prevent any troubles from happening during your vacation or suddenly finding out that something is missing, approach your preparations with all responsibility. Don't rely on memory. Use the old and proven method: make a list of what you need. If you are going abroad, purchase tickets from low-cost airlines to save on your flight.

Escape unharmed from a stray dog

If you happen to meet an angry dog ​​on your way, you can resort to several protection options:

  • If the dog is not large, you can try to scare it by pretending that you are picking up a rock. But before that, you must let her notice you. Walk towards her with shuffling and slow steps, and when you are the center of her attention, perform this trick. This should frighten a small and cowardly dog.
  • If this method has no effect, most likely you should prepare for an attack. In this case, you can try to hit the dog in the nose when it rushes at you, but the likelihood of an accurate hit is low. A more effective way is to give her the opportunity to bite herself. Without turning your back to the animal, without sudden movements, take off your outer clothing and wrap it around your hand. Let the dog grab onto this hand, and then push the thing into its mouth and run.

Use a jack

It is very useful to have basic knowledge about the structure of a car. If there is a hole in the wheel on the highway, you need to replace it using a jack and a spanner. And don’t forget about wheel chocks to prevent your car from rolling away while being lifted.

Life is a funny thing. When you come of age, no one will hand you a textbook with a set of rules and a list of all the necessary skills that you will have to master in life.

In some mysterious way, you must understand that you need to earn more than you spend, and it is better not to wear a fluffy mohair sweater to a job interview.

Therefore, we have compiled our own instructions for survival in the modern world and listed the skills that no adult can do without.

1. Accept criticism with gratitude.

Most people have a hard time being told that mistakes are pointed out to them or that they could have done something better. However, to be able to suppress emotions and focus on the information that they are trying to convey to you is a truly unique talent. Criticism may be fair or unfair, but let your mind decide that, not your wounded ego.

2. Sincerely ask for forgiveness.

All people make mistakes, but not everyone masters the art of sincerely asking for forgiveness.

Apologies are not measured in quantity and cannot be good or bad - they must be sincere. And, in addition, when apologizing, you must explain exactly how you are going to avoid repeating the unpleasant situation in the future.

Here is a six-step algorithm that will help you ask for forgiveness correctly:

  1. Don't put off apologizing until later.
  2. Apologize only in person.
  3. Explain what happened.
  4. Show that you will make every effort to ensure that what happened does not happen again.
  5. Apologize.
  6. If possible, try to make amends with real actions.

3. Manage your time wisely

There will hardly come a happy moment in your life when you won’t have to balance between a bunch of problems at work and in your personal life. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for you to master time management - otherwise you will constantly feel at the limit of your strength.

Perhaps the most important rule of time management is to do only one thing at a time. Research shows that the habit of multitasking is extremely unproductive because your brain wastes energy in the process of switching from one task to another.

Additionally, it would be wise for you to limit your work hours. Decades ago, Henry Ford came to the conclusion that productivity begins to decline when employees work more than 40 hours a week. Other studies show that the productivity of those who work about 60 hours a week declines after just three weeks.

4. Know how to say “no”

Most of us are afraid to say “no” for fear of letting other people down. But if you are already swamped with work, and a colleague asks you to spend an hour to help him with a report on a project, then the answer “Yes, of course” is far from the best option.

It may sound like a cliché, but the ability to say “no” in a timely manner can save you a lot of time and save you from feelings of guilt, confusion, unnecessary obligations and promises, stress and other troubles of human communication.

5. Put yourself in someone else's shoes

Empathy is at the core of every human interaction. People who are unable to empathize and show interest in others - that is, listen to the interlocutor and put themselves in their place - often suffer from narcissism.

6. Communicate in body language

Your body can tell you everything it needs to know about you before you even open your mouth.

Experts highlight special techniques that will help you win the sympathy of others using body language. For example, do not break eye contact with your interlocutor even after he finishes speaking. And be careful not to touch your face too much - it will look like you're lying or nervous.

You can also read other people's body language to understand what they are thinking or feeling. For example, if during a conversation they copy your facial expressions, then most likely they enjoy the conversation with you. If they smile, but no wrinkles appear around the eyes, then the smile may turn out to be fake.

7. Make friends wherever you go

A good way to make a friend in the adult world is to be the first to trust so that the other can open up to you. Research shows that such a “first step” evokes sympathy, goodwill and helps build close and friendly relationships. Another surprisingly easy way to make friends is to spend more time with the people you want to make friends with. According to the “mere exposure effect,” we often like people or things we have encountered before.

8. Repair your clothes yourself

You should learn how to sew buttons to the collar of a shirt and darn holes that can easily be planted on a sleeve by catching on the edge of a table. Knowing how to use a needle will save you a lot of money.

9. Speak at least one foreign language

Learning a foreign language will open you up to a completely different type of thinking. You will be able to see and appreciate the riches of those corners of our planet that you had never even imagined existed before.

10. Remember that money loves counting

Make sure your income exceeds expenses.

It would also be wise to set aside some of your income for a rainy day so that in case of unforeseen circumstances, this money will last you for several months.

11. Master the basics of Photoshop

There is no need to turn to a professional to retouch a photo you want to post on your site - you can easily do it yourself using a few simple basic functions of the program.

12. Enjoy being alone

An adult cannot be frightened by loneliness - he can spend a whole day alone with himself and not go crazy from lack of communication.

13. Learn to speak in public

Confidently expressing your thoughts in front of a large audience is a skill worth acquiring. This will help you attract the attention of a wide range of people and leave a lasting impression.

14. Master the art of negotiation

If you're negotiating a salary - and you can and should be - then the best way to get what you want and still leave a good impression is to ask for a salary in the range of your desired rate and slightly higher. For example, if you want to receive 70 thousand rubles, then you should ask for a salary from 70 to 80 thousand rubles.

15. Cook simple meals yourself

Master at least five simple dishes. Learn to cook them without a cookbook and you'll look like a culinary genius wherever you go.

16. Know how to make small talk

The ability to strike up an interesting conversation has never hurt anyone - be it frivolous flirting with a beautiful woman from a bar or expanding business connections at a conference.

One of the main rules of a casual conversation is to show interest in the interlocutor and allow him to tell as much as possible about himself. Another good tactic is to emphasize the merits of the interlocutor so that after talking with you he will grow in his own eyes.

17. Don't be afraid to ask for help

There is no shame in asking for advice or help, especially at work.

Many studies even suggest that you can improve in the eyes of your colleagues as a professional if you ask them for advice. And this seems to be true, since people are flattered that you approached them first.

18. Meet the opposite sex without fear

Perhaps any normal person is horrified by the need to approach a person they like and simply start a conversation.

But there are ways to manage your anxiety and reduce the risk of making a complete fool of yourself.

One study suggests that men prefer to take direct action, such as saying from the door, "You're very cute - can I buy you a cocktail?" Women, on the contrary, prefer questions that require a detailed answer, for example: “What do you think about this group?”

Only a few respondents admitted that they prefer standard “tackles” - so it’s best to avoid them, no matter how witty they may seem to you.

19. Wake up on time in the morning

Pull yourself together and develop your own action plan to force yourself to wake up on time in the morning and leave the house.

The secret to a good morning is actually how you spend the night before, so try relaxing before bed, like taking a hot shower or meditating.

In the morning, experts usually advise that after the first alarm rings, press snooze and sleep a little more. We advise you to press snooze, but instead of sleeping, turn on the light and use the time before the second alarm for short exercises.

20. Get your driver's license

If you live in a big city, you probably take advantage of all the benefits of public transport.

But when you go outside the city, being able to drive well becomes a vital skill. It can open up a whole world to you.

If you haven't gotten your license yet, stop relying on your loved ones or relatives to always give you a lift to the right place. Take this decisive step towards adulthood and pass your license.

Endlessly biting yourself for your own failures is a road to nowhere.

Instead, treat them the way you would treat a friend or colleague's failure. For example, you can remind yourself that it's okay to make mistakes and that it doesn't make you a bad person.

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