Kind of warning intonation examples. What signs end different types of phrases in written speech? Other intonation means

Intonation, as noted earlier, refers to the supersegmental (supralinear, prosodic) phonetic means of the modern Russian literary language.

Intonation in the broad sense of an elephant consists of the following elements:

1) melody of speech, that is, the movement of musical tone, raising and lowering the voice;

2) rhythm, that is, the ratio of strong and weak, long and short syllables;

3) tempo, that is, the speed of speech in time, acceleration and deceleration;

4) intensity of speech, that is, the strength or weakness of pronunciation, intensification and weakening of exhalation;

5) the presence or absence of intraphrase pauses that divide the phrase into speech beats;

6) timbre - the color of the sound, which depends on which overtones accompany the main tone, i.e. from complex oscillatory movements producing a sound wave; in the Russian language, timbre distinguishes from each other the diverse shades of stressed and unstressed vowels, as well as the different colors of consonants; timbre is an individual feature of sound (for men, women, and children, the timbre of speech is different; it is different for those who speak, say, bass or tenor), but there are also constant components of the color of sound, as a result of which [e] will always differ from [ a] or [p] from [m].

31. Types of intonation structures in Russian

In the Russian language, there are seven types of intonation structures (IC):

IK-1 (lower tone on the center vowel):

After the conversation he thought.

IK-2 (on the center vowel the tone movement is smooth or descending, verbal stress is increased):

Where should I go??

IR-3 (sharp increase in tone on the center vowel):

Isn't it Can forget?

IK-4 (on the vowel of the center, the tone decreases, then increases; the high tone level is maintained until the end of the structure):

A How same dinner?

IK-5 (two centers; on the vowel of the first center there is an increase in tone, on the vowel of the second center there is a decrease):

I haven't seen her for two years!

IK-6 (increasing tone on the center vowel, a high tone level is maintained until the end of the construction; IK-6 differs from IK-4 by a higher tone level on the center vowel, for example, when expressing bewilderment or evaluation):

What an interesting film!

IK-7 (increasing tone on the center vowel, for example, when expressing expressive negation):

Completed the task? – Completed!

32. Functional aspect of learning sounds. Sound of speech, sound of language, phoneme.

When appearing in speech, sound units serve to form and distinguish words and forms. Words and forms differ in the composition of the sound units that form them. The differences may be of a different nature: two words may differ completely in the composition of the sounds represented in them (cf.: count and dam); they may differ in the number of sounds (cf.: meadow and plow); a sequence of the same sounds (cf.: cat and current) and, finally, only one sound unit with the identity of all other units (cf.: house and lady, beat and drank, grew and mouth, damage and lesson, etc. .). If two words differ from each other in only one sound unit, and in all other respects they are identical, then it can be argued that in this case two sound units, opposed to each other in an identical phonetic position, perform a functional role in the language, acting as a means of differentiation of these word forms, i.e. as phonemes of the language. Consequently, a phoneme is a unit of the sound system of a language that can independently distinguish between words and forms. By comparing the word forms [dal] - [dol] - [dul] and dividing them into the sound units that make up these forms - [d/a/l] - [d/o/l] - [d/u/l], we can establish that they differ from each other in the vowels 1a], [o], [y], which are in the identical phonetic position - under stress between hard consonants (in the examples given, even between identical hard ones). This means that the only sound difference between these forms lies in the quality of the vowel, and therefore [a], [o], [y] act here as distinguishers of word forms, i.e., as phonemes. If these vowels can appear in the same phonetic position, then, consequently, their quality, i.e., the features that define them, does not depend on the position and is not determined by this position. However, such a statement will be inaccurate if one important circumstance is not taken into account. The point is that sound units always appear in the vicinity of other units and are influenced by them; Under such influence they can change their quality, that is, their inherent characteristics. Above (see § 64) it was already said about the change in stressed vowel sounds under the influence of neighboring hard and soft consonants: non-front vowels, under the influence of soft consonants, experience a movement forward, and front vowels, under the influence of hard ones, move back or, in the position between soft ones, acquire tension and closedness. If we compare the word forms [val] - [v'-al] - [va"l's] - [v'al'], then we can establish that in these word forms there are “different” sounds [a] - from [a] non-anterior to [a] anterior formation, but all these [a] have two identical features: they are all lower in pitch and non-labialized; their difference lies in the non-anterior-anterior nature of the sound. Consequently, all these [a] have za features that do not depend on the position of the vowel (i.e., on the quality of neighboring consonants), and one feature that depends on this position. The independent signs are the degree of tongue elevation and the absence of labialization, and the dependent signs are the series of sound formation. If we compare the word forms [v'-al] and [v'-ol], [l'-ak] and [l'-uk], then again we can establish that they differ from each other in the vowels [¦а] - [- o] and [-a] - [*y], which do not completely coincide with [a] - [o] in [val] - [ox] and with [a] - [y] in [varnish] - [bow], but having the same signs of the degree of tongue elevation and the absence-presence of labialization. So, with the articulatory-physiological characteristics of vowels (see §61), there is no need to distinguish between features independent of position and features dependent on position; that is why three characteristics are assigned to each vowel sound: the degree of tongue elevation, the relationship to labialization and a series of formation. Now, when sound units are considered in functional terms, it is necessary to distinguish between independent, constant features of sound units and dependent, variable features, since phonemes differ from each other based on constant, or constitutive, features, but they cannot differ from each other based on variables. Consequently, a phoneme is a sound unit that is formed by a set of constitutive features inherent in it and differs from another phoneme in the composition of these features. Variables that depend on position are not included in the definition of a phoneme. From here it becomes clear that a phoneme is not a actually pronounced speech sound, but a certain abstraction, an abstraction from speech sounds, a generalization of speech sounds into a higher-order unit. After all, if, based on what has been said about the constant characteristics of vowels of the Russian language, vowel phonemes are determined by their two constitutive characteristics, then it will be necessary to say that the phoneme (a) \, for example, is a vowel phoneme of the lower rise, non-labialized, (o) - the middle rise, labialized , (and) - upper rise, non-labialized, etc. and that according to these two characteristics, these phonemes are opposed to each other. However, in this case, the phoneme (a) appears both in the word form [bas] and in the word form [b'as'], phoneme (o) - in both the word form [m'-ot] and in the word form [t'bt']ya , phoneme (and) - both in the word form [p'il], and in the word form [ardor], although in each given word form the sound of speech is different compared to the sound in another word form. Therefore, we can say that the phoneme as a functional unit does not coincide with the sound of speech: it is only realized in the sounds of speech, which are its allophones. Each allophone of a phoneme differs from another allophone of the same phoneme by a variable feature that depends on position; and all allophones belong to a given phoneme because they all have the same set of constitutive features. So, the phoneme is not given to us in direct observation, because it is an abstract unit of the sound system; in direct observation - in speech - allophones of phonemes are given, i.e., speech sounds determined by a set of constant and variable features of sound units. The general definition of a phoneme can be formulated as follows: a phoneme is a unit of the sound system of a language, which can independently distinguish the word forms of a given language, contrasting with another phoneme in an identical phonetic position by a set of constitutive features inherent in each of them, and which is actually represented in speech by one or several speech sounds that are its allophones. If a phoneme is a generalization of its allophones in which it actually appears, and allophones as sounds include variable, positionally determined features, then, consequently, this generalization is the “removal” of everything positional and the reduction of an essentially unlimited number of speech sounds to a limited number of phonemes , which perform the functional role of distinguishing words and their forms in the language. So, for example, in the word forms [val], [v'-al], [va-l']ik, [v'el']it there are four “types” of [a], differing from each other in the nature of the position of the language in relation to to the anterior-non-anterior zone of formation, and the change in this character depends entirely on the hardness-softness of neighboring consonants. “Removing” this feature allows us to establish that all these four [a] can be “combined” into one by the presence of common features - lower rise and lack of labialization - independent of the phonetic position, i.e., constant; and that is why these four [a] can be represented as four allophones of one phoneme (a). Identification of various sound “representatives” of a particular phoneme allows us to establish a limited number of phonemes that satisfy all the needs of the language in distinguishing word forms. The ability to meet the needs of a language with a small number of phonemes is associated with the variety of combinations and with an extensive system of contrasting phonemes in identical phonetic conditions. The nature of compatibility and opposition of phonemes determines the specificity of the phonological system of a given language at a given stage of its development, just as the specificity of this system in comparison with the phonological systems of other languages.

The role of intonation in acting is obvious, as well as in oratory. The correctness of the selection of words in speech, their sound and effect on the public, has long been studied and is undeniable. Let's try to understand in more detail what intonation is, what it is, where it is used, etc.

What is the intonation in Russian? Types of intonation.

The means of phonetic organization of speech (intonation) is divided into three types:

  1. Narrative;
  2. Interrogative;
  3. Exclamation.

The first type is characterized by smooth and, accordingly, calm pronunciation of speech. The story flows smoothly, periodically slightly raising the voice (intonation peak) and lowering it (intonation decrease). This method is usually not used constantly. In any case, the speaker or actor has to use the second and third types of phonetic organization. Question intonation is characterized by a rise in the tone of voice at the beginning, and a decrease in tone towards the end of the phrase. In general, the name clearly reflects the essence of this species.

For exclamatory intonation, the opposite state of affairs is more typical: the tone rises towards the end of the utterance. A pronounced emotional color easily attracts the attention of the public. Obviously, neither method is used independently.

Actors, like speakers, are characterized by a transition or gradual alternation of one type with another. Correct intonation should be developed during classes with teachers. You can also achieve development at home. To do this, you can use a method such as reading aloud. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the punctuation marks placed at the end of the sentence. Comprehension is impossible without developing the correct intonation.

Correct intonation: what is this?

The pace of the story is also important. Or more precisely, the speed of reproduction of the monologue. A fast pace is typical for excited speech. But the slow one is for the solemn occasion. Smooth transition from one speed to another is often used in various fields. Of course, intonation in Russian is impossible without intensity (voice strength). This is an opportunity to either add an emotional color to the story, or vice versa – to slow down the momentum. The first case is observed when expressing emotions such as fear or joy. But a decrease in the strength of the voice is typical for expressing sad feelings, loss of loved ones, etc. Correct intonation is not possible without logical pauses, which are simply necessary for the public to comprehend what the speaker or actor has said. And lastly, in order to express your emotions qualitatively through various means and types of intonation, good diction is important. Without her, no performance is possible. In general, it involves many components, both theoretical preparation and practice. Of course, speech should be distinguished by logical expressiveness, but emotional expressiveness is no less important. A thought that the speaker has not felt will not touch the viewer, no matter how well the technical intonation of the voice is worked out.

Only under the condition of proper mental assessment and expression of a personal attitude towards the spoken text can the listener be interested. Indeed, in this case, such components of intonation as emotional stress and thoughtful pauses, determined by both the mood and feelings of the speaker, are clearly manifested.

There is no doubt that punctuation and intonation are closely interconnected. As soon as you forget about punctuation marks, speech immediately becomes monotonous, turns into a lifeless gray monolith that can only make the listener yawn. But the main functions of intonation are aimed at increasing interest in the story, breaking it down into semantic pieces (so-called syntagms). Some experts contrast intonation with prosody. It is enough for the average person to know that, unlike intonation that operates with phrases, prosody is based on syllables. To the basic elements of intonation usually include: 1. Accents. 2. Pauses. 3. Timbre. 4. Melodics. 5. Temp. However, in reality, all elements of intonation exist in unity. Only science can consider individual components for its own purposes. It is worth pointing out negative examples of intonation. Thus, typical mistakes usually include monotony of speech, too high (low) tone of the entire text of the speech, rising intonation at the end of narrative sentences and insufficient expressiveness of speech. You need to work hard on such shortcomings every day, especially if constant performances are expected.

School textbooks distinguish these types of sentences by intonation: non-exclamatory and exclamatory. The second type is characterized by the expression of strong feelings.

Many people mistakenly believe that intonation sentences are interrogative, exclamatory and declarative. However, this division is carried out not on the basis of intonation, but on the purpose of the speaker’s statement. The famous researcher of the great and powerful language, Vsevolodsky-Gerngross, in his works, on the question of what intonations are, identifies at least 16 types of intonation. Among them: invitational and comparative, imperative and vocative, persuasive and enumerative, pleading and affirmative, etc. Describing the definition of intonation, this scientist notes that it is the most ephemeral component of colorful oral speech. In this case, the most important acoustic characteristics of intonation are melody, duration and intensity.

Oral speech is characterized by the presence of various emotional and intonation shades. With their help, you can add different meanings to the same expression: surprise, mockery, question, statement and other options. It is much more difficult to convey all this in writing, but it is possible with the help of punctuation marks that reflect the main elements of intonation.

The concept of intonation

Without intonation it seems boring, dry and lifeless. Only with the help of voice overtones can any narrative be made alive and expressive. Therefore, intonation is called the rhythmic and melodic side of the speaking process.

A narrower meaning of intonation implies fluctuations in vocal tone, which is generally identified with the melody of oral speech. A broader understanding expands the concept of melody, complementing it with pauses, tempo and other components of the speech flow, up to the timbre of the voice and its rhythm. There are also less familiar and obvious basic elements of intonation. The emphasis applies to them in the best possible way. In this case, we are talking not only about the verbal, but also about its logical version. Isolating one word in the speech stream significantly changes the entire tone of the sentence.

Melodics as the basis of intonation

To understand the difference in the semantic load of the same phrase, but in different ones, you need to look at its melody. This is where the basic elements of intonation begin.

To begin with, let us note that the melody organizes one phrase together. But it also helps to make semantic distinctions. The same statements take on new shades depending on how the melody manifests itself.

Let's look at this with a specific example: “Sit!” pronounced with a sharp and loud intonation, placing emphasis on the vowel, shows a categorical order. “Sit?!” - expresses question and indignation due to the length of the stressed vowel and rising intonation at the end of the phrase. Thus, we see that the same word, enriched with different melody, has a completely different meaning.

Intonation in syntax

To differentiate parts of a sentence, highlight its semantic center, and complete a speech phrase, a person uses different intonation means. Since this is extremely important for such a science as syntax, it studies these means the most.

The Russian language has six types of intonation structures. Its central part is the syllable on which all types of stress occur. This center also divides the structure into two parts, which are not prominent in all phrases.

The most common types, and therefore sentences in intonation, are declarative, interrogative and exclamatory. It is around these intonation patterns that the main melodic picture of speech is built.

Types of offers

Syntacticists distinguish sentences by purpose and intonation. Each of them expresses completely different information and has its own melody.

They convey information calmly, evenly and without any obvious intonation. Most of the emotional shades in such sentences are formalized at the lexical level: “Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree, a golden chain on that oak tree...”

The question is characterized by an ascending-descending intonation, in which at the beginning of the question the tone rises significantly, and towards the end it decreases: “When did you come here?”

But the exclamation has a smooth rising intonation. The tone of the phrase rises gradually, and at its end it acquires its highest tension: “She has come!”

We conclude that intonation, examples of which we discussed above, serves to express the emotions and attitude of the speaker to the content of the information he said.

Other intonation means

If we consider this issue in more detail, then there are not only three types of intonation sentences. Its additional means provide an unlimited picture of emotional and intonational expression.

A person's voice has different qualities. It can be loud and quiet, hoarse and ringing, creaking, tense and fluid. All these qualities make speech more melodic and expressive. But they are poorly conveyed in writing by individual characters.

The intonation pattern also depends on the speed of speech. The melody of fast speech indicates the excited state of the person speaking. A slow pace is typical in situations of uncertainty or solemnity.

Well, perhaps the most intonations are pauses. They are phrasal and bar. They serve to express emotions and divide the speech flow into completed blocks. According to their modality, pauses can be completed or incomplete. The former are used at the absolute end of a sentence. In its middle there is space for incomplete pauses, which form the end of the measure, but not the entire phrase.

The meaning of the sentence depends on the correct use of the pause. Everyone knows the example: “Execution cannot be pardoned.” The location of the pause determines whether a person will survive or not.

Reflection of intonation in writing

Intonation of the text is more typical for live speech, when a person can control the voice and with its help change the melody of the utterance. it looks rather dry and uninteresting if you do not use the means by which intonation is conveyed. Examples of such signs are known to everyone from school - dots, dashes, exclamation points and commas.

The end of a thought is marked by a period. The sequential development of the phrase is formalized by commas, indicating the place of pauses. An unfinished, broken thought is an ellipsis.

But cause-and-effect relationships are expressed using a dash. Before him in speech, intonation always rises, and after it it declines. A colon, on the contrary, is characterized by the fact that before it the voice subsides a little, and after a pause a new round of its development begins with a gradual fading towards the end of the sentence.

General intonation of the text

Using intonation means you can add a general tone to the sound of the text. Romantic stories are always tense and intriguing. They evoke emotions of empathy and sympathy. But strict reports do not resonate at all on an emotional level. Apart from pauses, they contain no other significant intonation means.

Of course, it cannot be said that the overall sound of the text depends entirely on particular intonation means. But the overall picture is reflected only if certain elements of melody are used to reveal the main idea. Without this, the essence of the message may be incomprehensible to people who have read it.

Intonation of different speech styles

Each style of speech has its own intonation pattern. Depending on it, it can be either maximally developed and versatile, or minimal, without any special emotional overflows.

Official business and scientific styles in this regard can be called the driest. They talk about specific facts based on dry information.

The most emotional styles can be called conversational and artistic. To convey all the colors of oral speech in writing, the basic elements of intonation and other, less popular means are used. Often, in order for the reader to imagine a character's speech, authors resort to a detailed description of the pronunciation process. This is all complemented by written intonation marks. Therefore, the reader easily reproduces in his head the intonation that he sees through visual perception.

The word intonation is translated from Latin as “to pronounce loudly.” It plays an important role in speech, helping to change the meaning of a sentence depending on the chosen timbre of the voice. Speech intonation is the rhythmic and melodic part of a sentence, which performs syntactic and emotional functions during pronunciation.

Intonation is a necessary condition for oral speech; in writing it is conveyed by punctuation. In linguistics, intonation is used to mean the change in tone of voice in a syllable, word, and sentence. The components of intonation form an integral part of human speech.

The components of intonation are divided into:

  • Timbre of speech. The timbre of speech helps to express a person’s emotions and feelings. The spoken speech in an emotional outburst changes depending on the emotions or experiences experienced.
  • Intensity. The intensity of speech is articulatory and depends on the degree of effort during pronunciation. The intensity of speech depends on the work and direction of the muscles.
  • Pause. A pause helps highlight phrases and syntagmas in speech. This is a stop in sound.
  • Melodica. This is the movement of the main tone, its increase or decrease.

The basic elements of intonation are used in a combined form and are considered separately for study purposes only. The expressiveness and variety of speech is manifested through skillful verbal expression and its ability to change depending on intonation. Intonation plays an important role in language structuring. The following intonation functions exist:

  • Dividing speech into intonation and semantic parts of syntagmas.
  • Creation of syntactic structure in a sentence, intonation structures are involved in the design of sentence types.
  • Intonation helps a person express emotions, feelings, and experiences.
  • The semantic-discriminating function serves to distinguish lexical elements between sentences.
  • The functions of intonation of a phrase are distinguished - this is the modality of the phrase, its narrative, exclamatory and interrogative differences.

Intonation is the main component not only in the Russian language, but also in any oral speech. In writing, intonation is distinguished by punctuation: ellipses, commas, question marks and exclamation marks. It is no longer known for certain what Russian speech sounded like many centuries ago. The types of intonation in Russian are very diverse. There are 16 of them in total. But there are intonations that are used equally in all countries of the world.

What are the sentences for the purpose of the statement:

  • Narrative.

The last syllable of the statement is pronounced in a raised tone. Narrative utterances contain an intonation peak and an intonation decrease. The intonation peak is a high tone, and the intonation decrease is a low tone. If a word or phrase is combined in a narrative form, then part of the phrase is pronounced with a raised or lowered intonation. The most common use of demotion is during enumeration.

  • Interrogative.

Interrogative types of intonation are used in two cases:

  1. When the question concerns an entire statement. In this case, the voice is raised to the last syllable of the interrogative statement.
  2. When raising the voice is applied only to the words to which the question is addressed. The intonation pattern of a sentence depends on the location of the word.
  • Exclamation.

This type of human speech is divided into the exclamatory type itself, where the intonation is higher in tone than in narration, but lower than in a question. As well as an incentive intonation, which contains a request or order.

All types of intonation are combined in one concept - logical intonation. It is intonation that determines the characteristics of the expression, remaining the opposite of emotional pronunciation.

Depending on life situations, people talk to each other in different ways, from tongue twisters and poems to business speeches. Intonation has an individual character; it is impossible to find the same timbre of voice and manner of pronunciation of a word.

There are also unfinished sentences regarding intonation:

  • Oppositions. Opposition is found in complex sentences. In a letter, punctuation or a dash makes it stand out.
  • Warning. Warning intonation breaks the sentence into two parts with a long pause. The divided part of the sentence is pronounced in a raised tone.
  • Introduction. There are no pauses between words or stress in the introductory intonation. She has a fast pace of speech.
  • Transfers. Enumeration is characterized by a pause between homogeneous parts of the sentence. When listing words in a sentence, logical stress is placed. If there is a generalizing word before the listing, then it is highlighted when pronounced.
  • Segregations. Isolation is separated in a sentence by a pause and emphasized. The first pause is long, the second shorter.

Musical intonation

Musical intonation has theoretical and aesthetic meanings that are closely interrelated. It represents the organization of sound in music, their sequential arrangement. Musical and speech intonations are not interrelated and differ in sound in pitch and location in the system of sounds. Intonation in music is also called the music of words. But the difference from the word it is that musical intonation or singing intonation does not contain any meaning.

The expression of intonation in music follows from speech intonation. Listening to a conversation in a foreign language, you can understand not only the gender and age of the speaker, but also their attitude towards each other, the nature of the conversation between them, the emotional state - joy, hatred, sympathy.

It is this connection with speech that musicians use consciously, and sometimes unconsciously. The intonation of human speech conveys the character, feelings, and psychological subtleties of communication, which are then expressed in a piece of music.

Music, using intonation, can convey and reproduce:

  • gestures;
  • body movement;
  • harmony of speech;
  • emotional state;
  • character of a person.

Intonation musical expressions have a rich, centuries-old history. Simple intonation has evolved over time into numerous musical genres and styles. Example, arias of sorrow, lamentation, written in the Baroque era. Tense or anxious ballads, lyrical pieces, and a solemn anthem are easily identified. Each composer has a unique musical intonation style and style.

Emphasis in intonation

Emphasis in intonation plays an important role, since the entire meaning of the statement depends on its placement. Stress involves highlighting a word using basic phonetic elements. Word stress is not the only type in the Russian language. In addition to verbal stress, there are other types:

  • Syntagmatic. Syntagmatic or tact stress highlights the main semantic words in a sentence in the speech tact of the syntagma. Syntagma selects a separate syllable, parts of text or words from the entire speech stream. The resulting semantic groups have syntactic meaning.
  • Boolean. Logical stress helps to highlight important words from a statement, using the basic means of intonation in a specific situation. In logical stress, any words from a sentence are highlighted.

Example, “Who was here? “I was here”

It arises when using intonation, the main role in which is played by melody along with an increase in verbal stress.

  • Emphatic. The phenomenon of emphatic stress was introduced and discovered by the Russian linguist L. V. Shcherba. It is used to express the emotional coloring of words and expressions, highlighting the state of the speaker when communicating. Emphatic stress differs from logical stress in its emotional coloring of the word. In Russian, this stress lengthens the stressed vowel: a most wonderful person, a most beautiful day.

Working with intonation

A fast flow of speech, monotonous text, spoken too loudly or quietly is uninteresting to listen to; it even repels strangers. Such a boring dialogue can only be observed between close people. In order to be heard and understood, it is not necessary to speak loudly, it is enough to learn to speak expressively, observing the rules of intonation.

People who work with a large number of listeners have to speak expressively, so the speech must be correct and interesting. Communication in everyday life between relatives or friends must be structured correctly using appropriate intonation. The development of intonation is of significant importance for human speech. Statements containing the wrong tone lead to conflict situations and disagreements.

Exercises and techniques for intonation setting have been developed:

  • Reading aloud.

Read the poem out loud, with expression, record your voice on a voice recorder and listen to what happens. It is very important to hear the voice from the outside, so it is easier to find speech and intonation errors, as well as find out what its melody is. Reading exercises are designed to develop the timbre of speech and melody; the poem is read loudly, the intonation and tempo of speech change. As you read the poem, pay attention to the main phrases and words used. Select them from the text with the necessary intonation.

  • Relaxation exercises.

We read the text with a pen in our mouth, moving our jaws. We choose any text, it will also be remembered when performing the exercise. Gymnastics is aimed at developing speech pronunciation and diction.

  • When talking or reading a book, focus on positive, joyful intonations.

Use mostly joyful and positive expressions in your speech, since they are more difficult to understand than others. You need to talk as simply and naturally as possible, enjoying your voice and intonation.

  • When doing exercises or talking with your interlocutor, use gestures.

They help decorate speech and add emotional coloring. But gestures are used in moderation, knowing the meaning. Unnecessary gestures will give the intonation an uncertain or inappropriate appearance.

Having developed rules in communication, it is worth practicing intonation exercises in life, without hesitating to show skill. A delivered speech with the correct intonation will interest the interlocutor; the main thing is to monitor your pronunciation when communicating with colleagues and relatives, improving your speech every day.

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