Types of reservoirs. Standard levels and components of reservoir volumes

Reservoir- an artificial reservoir created for the accumulation and subsequent use of water and flow regulation.

Reservoirs began to be built in ancient times to provide water to the population and agriculture. The reservoir with the Sadd el Kafara dam, created in Ancient Egypt in 2950–2750, is considered one of the first on Earth. BC e. In the 20th century Reservoirs began to be built everywhere. Currently there are more than 60 thousand of them on the globe; Every year several hundred new reservoirs are put into operation. The total area of ​​all reservoirs in the world is more than 400 thousand km 2, and taking into account dammed lakes - 600 thousand km 2. The total volume of reservoirs reached almost 6.6 thousand km 3 . Many rivers of the globe - Volga, Dnieper, Angara, Missouri, Colorado, Parana and others - have been turned into cascades of reservoirs. In 30–50 years, 2/3 of the world's river systems will be regulated by reservoirs.

Approximately 95% of the volume of all reservoirs in the world is concentrated in large artificial reservoirs with a total volume of more than 0.1 km 3. Currently, there are more than 3 thousand such reservoirs. Most of them are located in Asia and North America, as well as in Europe.

In Russia there are more than 100 large reservoirs with a volume of more than 0.1 km 3 each. Their total useful volume and area are approximately 350 km 3 and more than 100 thousand km 2, respectively. In total, there are more than 2 thousand reservoirs in Russia.

The largest reservoirs in the world by area (excluding dammed lakes) are the Volta in Ghana on the river. Volte, Kuibyshevskoye in Russia on the Volga, Bratskoye in Russia on the Angara, Nasser (Sadd el-Aaoi) in Egypt on the Nile. The Volta, Nasser, Bratskoe, and Kariba reservoirs (on the Zambezi River in Zambia and Zimbabwe) have the largest usable volume (excluding dammed lakes).

Purpose of reservoirs

The construction and operation of reservoirs allows for more rational use of water resources. The water accumulated in reservoirs is used for irrigation and watering of lands, water supply to settlements and industrial enterprises, sanitary flushing of river beds, improvement of navigation conditions downstream during low-water periods of the year, etc. With the help of reservoirs, river water flow is regulated for hydropower, with the aim of flood prevention. Reservoirs are also used for fisheries, water transport, recreation (people's recreation), and water sports.

According to the method of filling water, reservoirs are dammed, when they are filled with water from the watercourse on which they are located, and bulk, when water is supplied to them from a nearby watercourse or reservoir. Flood reservoirs include, for example, reservoirs of pumped storage power plants.

According to their geographical location, reservoirs are divided into mountain, foothill, plain and coastal. The first of them are built on mountain rivers, they are usually narrow and deep and have a pressure, i.e. the amount of increase in the water level in the river as a result of the construction of a dam, 100–300 m or more. In foothill reservoirs, the pressure height is usually 30–100 m. Plain reservoirs are usually wide and shallow, the pressure height is no more than 30 m. Coastal reservoirs with a small (several meters) pressure are built in sea bays, estuaries, lagoons, estuaries.

Examples of high-pressure mountain reservoirs are Nurek and Rogun on the Vakhsh with a head height of about 300 m. Some reservoirs of the Yenisei and Angara cascades can be classified as foothill reservoirs: Krasnoyarsk (pressure height 100 m), Ust-Ilimskoe (88 m). Examples of lowland reservoirs are the reservoirs of the Volga and Dnieper cascades: Rybinskoe (pressure height 18 m), Kuibyshevskoe (29 m), Volgogradskoe (27 m), Kanevskoe (15 m), Kakhovskoe (16 m). Coastal reservoirs include, for example, the Sasyk lagoon on the western coast of the Black Sea in Ukraine, desalinated by the waters of the Danube, and the IJsselmeer reservoir in the Netherlands, formed as a result of the separation of the Zuider Zee Bay by a dam from the North Sea and its desalination by the waters of the Rhine.

Based on their location in a river basin, reservoirs can be divided into upstream and downstream. The system of reservoirs on the river is called a cascade.

According to the degree of regulation of river flow, reservoirs can be multi-year, seasonal, weekly and daily. The nature of flow regulation is determined by the purpose of the reservoir and the ratio of the useful volume of the reservoir and the amount of river water flow.

Main characteristics of reservoirs

The same indicators apply to describe reservoirs as for lakes. Of the morphometric characteristics of a reservoir, the most important are its surface area and water volume. The shape of the reservoir is determined by the nature of the water-filled depression of the earth's surface. Basin reservoirs usually have a lake-like shape, while valley reservoirs have an elongated shape. Many valley reservoirs widen towards the dam, have indented banks and numerous bays (flooded mouths of tributaries).

Any reservoir is designed to accumulate a certain volume of water during the period of filling and to discharge the same volume during the period of its operation. The accumulation of the required volume of water is accompanied by an increase in the level to a certain optimal value. This level is usually reached towards the end of the filling period and can be maintained by the dam for a long time and is called the normal headwater level (NRL). In rare cases, during high water or major floods, a temporary excess of the FSL by 0.5–1 m is allowed. This level is called the forced retaining level (FLU). The maximum possible decrease in the water level in the reservoir is reaching the dead volume level (LDL), the release of water volume below which is technically impossible.

The volume of the reservoir located below the LLV is called the dead volume (DM). To regulate the flow and periodic release, the volume of the reservoir located between the ULR and the NPU is used. This volume is called the useful volume (UV) of the reservoir. The sum of the useful and dead volumes gives the total volume, or capacity, of the reservoir. The volume of water enclosed between the NPU and FPU is called the reserve volume.

Within the dammed valley reservoir, several zones are distinguished: a zone of variable pressure, upper, middle and lower.

The influence of reservoirs on river regimes and the environment

The main effect of reservoirs on rivers is to regulate flow. In most cases, it manifests itself downstream in a decrease in water flow during high water (its “cut”) and an increase in flow during the low-water period of the year (during low water). Seasonal regulation of flow by reservoirs leads to smoothing out fluctuations in water levels below the reservoir throughout the year.

Below the reservoirs, the water regime of the rivers is completely transformed, the nature of floodplain flooding, channel processes, the regime of river mouths, etc. change. In areas of insufficient moisture, the impact of reservoirs leads to the drying out of river floodplains and deltas, which can cause serious damage to the economy. The drainage of floodplains in the zone of excess moisture is, on the contrary, a positive phenomenon that contributes to their economic development.

Just like lakes, reservoirs slow down water exchange in the hydrographic network of river basins. The construction of reservoirs led to an increase in the volume of land waters by approximately 6.6 thousand km 3 and a slowdown in water exchange by approximately 4–5 times. Water exchange slowed down most significantly in the river systems of Asia (14 times) and Europe (7 times). For rivers of the former USSR, reservoirs increased the average residence time of water in river systems from 22 to 89 days, i.e. 4 times. After the construction of a cascade of reservoirs, water exchange in the Volga and Dnieper river basins slowed down by 7–11 times.

The construction of reservoirs always leads to a decrease in both water flow due to increased water intake for economic needs and additional losses due to evaporation from the surface of the reservoir, and the flow of sediment, nutrients and organic substances due to their accumulation in the reservoir.

As a result of the construction of reservoirs, the surface covered with water increases; Since evaporation from the water surface is always greater than from the land surface, evaporation losses also increase.

In conditions of excessive moisture (for example, in the tundra), evaporation from the water surface is not much higher than evaporation from the land surface. Therefore, when there is excessive moisture, the construction of reservoirs has virtually no effect on reducing the water flow of rivers. In conditions of insufficient moisture (for example, in the steppe zone), and especially in arid climates (in deserts and semi-deserts), the construction of reservoirs leads to significant losses of river water flow due to additional evaporation.

The degree of decrease in river flow as a result of the construction of reservoirs increases across the territory of the European part of Russia from north to south.

In all reservoirs of the world at the end of the twentieth century. 120 km 3 of water per year were lost to evaporation, i.e. about 3% of the flow of all rivers in the world. The greatest losses of river flow are characteristic of the Nasser (8.3 km 3 /year) and Volta (4.6 km 3 /year) reservoirs.

At the same time, reservoirs serve as powerful absorbers of nutrients and pollutants due to the processes of their decomposition and sedimentation. However, this positive impact of reservoirs on water quality can only occur with the correct operating mode of the reservoir, subject to limiting the anthropogenic load on water quality and carrying out environmental protection measures in the reservoir’s catchment area. In some cases, reconstruction of the reservoir itself is also required.

As a result of the construction of reservoirs and the deposition of river sediments in them, their flow is significantly reduced. Reservoirs act as “traps” for sediment carried by rivers. The deposition of small (suspended) sediments in reservoirs is called siltation of the reservoir, the deposition of large (floating) sediments is called its introduction. According to some modern estimates, in the twentieth century. The sediment flow of all rivers of the world under the influence of reservoirs decreased by 25%.

After the construction of reservoirs, sediment runoff at the mouths of the Volga, Rioni, Danube, Kura and Mississippi rivers decreased by approximately 2 times, at the mouths of the Sulak, Tiber and Nile rivers - by 8–10 times, at the mouth of the Ebro - by 250 times (!). In the latter case, such a significant decrease in sediment runoff is explained by the proximity of large reservoirs to the river mouth.

Reduced sediment flow from rivers due to deposition in reservoirs can cause an imbalance in sediment balance at river mouths and stimulate partial wave destruction of the delta and adjacent seashores, as already happened in the 1970s. at the mouth of the Nile after the construction of the Aswan High Dam and the creation of the Nasser Reservoir, as well as at the mouth of Sulak after the construction of the Chirkey Reservoir in 1974 and at the mouth of the Ebro after the construction of the Mequinensa and Ribarroja reservoirs in 1964 and 1969. respectively.

Reservoirs have a noticeable influence on the thermal and ice regime of rivers. The most characteristic is the leveling effect of reservoirs on the water temperature in the river. Thus, on the Yenisei below the Krasnoyarsk reservoir, the water temperature became 7–9°C in May–June and 8–10°C lower in July–August, and 8°C in September and 9°C higher in October than before regulation of the river.

Reservoirs have a noticeable impact on the natural conditions of adjacent territories. The construction of large reservoirs leads to flooding of land, increasing groundwater levels, which contribute to flooding and swamping of areas. Loss of land due to flooding is the most significant negative consequence of the construction of reservoirs. According to some estimates, the total area of ​​such flooding in the world is approximately 240 thousand km 2, which is 0.3% of land resources. The flooded areas in the territory of the former USSR amounted to about 80 thousand km 2. As a result of the construction of reservoirs, the lake content of the Russian territory increased to 4%.

It is obvious that the period of construction of large reservoirs leading to large floods of land is over. Recently, there has been a clear preference for the construction of small reservoirs, in particular in mountainous and foothill areas.

Reservoirs lead to changes in microclimatic conditions (equalization of intra-annual air temperature fluctuations, increased wind, a slight increase in air humidity and precipitation), and wave erosion of the banks.

After the construction of the reservoir, the soil and vegetation cover on flooded and submerged lands changes. It is believed that the influence of reservoirs extends to the adjacent territory, approximately equal in area to the reservoir itself. In addition, as a result of the construction of reservoirs, the conditions for passage for spawning of many fish species often worsen; The quality of water often deteriorates due to the occurrence in some periods of the year of oxygen deficiency in the bottom layers, the accumulation of salts and nutrients, and water blooms. It is also believed that the construction of reservoirs can lead to an increase in seismicity in mountainous areas (the additional weight of water accumulated in the reservoir increases internal stress in rocks, disrupts their stability and leads to earthquakes).

Thus, reservoirs have a rather complex and contradictory impact on both the river regime and the natural conditions of adjacent territories. While providing an undoubted positive economic effect, reservoirs often cause very negative environmental consequences. All this requires that when designing reservoirs, the entire complex of hydrological, physical-geographical, socio-economic and environmental aspects should be more carefully taken into account. There is a need for an environmental forecast, which is impossible without the help of hydrology.

Of great importance are the measures taken during the creation and operation of the reservoir in order to prevent undesirable consequences and maximize the positive effect of the creation of the reservoir. Such measures include: engineering protection against flooding of territories and objects (settlements, agricultural land, enterprises, bridges, etc.); resettlement of residents, relocation of enterprises, roads, etc., clearing the reservoir bed of forest and bushes, creation of water protection zones; restoration of forest, fishery, hunting and other resources; transport, fishery, recreational and other development of the reservoir, engineering development of the water area and coastal zone of the reservoir, etc.

V.N. Mikhailov, M.V. Mikhailova

1. NPL - the highest water level in the reservoir that can be maintained for a long time under normal operating conditions. 2. ULV – the lowest level to which a reservoir can be discharged under normal operating conditions. 3. hср – reservoir drawdown depth – thickness of the water layer between the FPU and the UML. hср≤Hmax 4. Hmax is the maximum pressure, the difference between the NPU and the downstream level marks when passing the guaranteed flow. 5. Hmin - minimum pressure, the difference between UMO and UNB.

6. FPU – the highest level to which the reservoir can be filled for a short time. 7. hfor - thickness of the layer between the FPU and the NPU 8. Vplz - the volume enclosed between the FPU and the ULV, which is used to regulate the flow. 9. VUML – the volume contained below the VUML is not triggered. 10. Vfull – volume of water mass corresponding to the NPL. 11. Vforce - the volume located between the FPU and NPU, is used to cut off maximum catastrophic floods and floods.

Vplz is characterized by the relative value β. The value of the FPU determines the maximum flood area and maximum pressure. The value of the ULV determines the minimum pressure and the minimum flooding area. NPU and UMO together determine the values ​​of Qgar. The values ​​of the NSL and ULV during water management calculations are determined alternatively: a) Several NSL values ​​are assigned. b) For each value of the LSL, the optimal LLV is calculated. c) From all calculation experiments, the most appropriate one in terms of water and energy output and construction and operation costs is selected.

The ULV is set based on: The capacity required for the accumulation of sediment that will enter the reservoir after its construction; Maximum water or energy efficiency; The minimum pressure required for the operation of hydraulic units; Ensuring water quality; Ensuring biocenosis; Ensuring minimum depths for navigation.

The uneven distribution of river flow across the territory, its intra-annual and long-term variability make it difficult to meet the needs of the population and the national economy for the required amount of water. This is especially acute in low-water years and seasons. The problem is solved by regulating river flow with reservoirs and ponds.

Reservoir is an artificial reservoir designed to regulate river flow, i.e. redistribution in time, with the aim of using it more efficiently for the needs of the national economy.

Large reservoirs, as a rule, have a complex (multi-purpose) purpose: hydropower, water supply, water transport, recreation, flood protection. The most efficient use of water resources is ensured by a cascade of reservoirs operating in a single system.

Small reservoirs and ponds are used to supply water to the population and certain industries or agriculture.

More than 2,500 large reservoirs with a volume of more than 100 million km 3 each have been created around the globe. Most of them are located in North America (36% or about 900). There are approximately 100 such reservoirs in Russia, the largest of which are Bratskoe, Krasnoyarsk, and Zeyaskoe.

The system of reservoirs on the river is called cascade.

Reservoirs can be divided into types according to the nature of the bed, the method of filling it with water, geographical location, location in the river basin, and the nature of flow regulation.

By the structure of the basin reservoirs are divided into:

· river type or valley, the bed is part of a river valley. They are distinguished by their elongated shape and increasing depths from the top to the dam.

· Lake type or basin type, these are spring-loaded, i.e. regulated, lakes and reservoirs located in isolated lowlands and depressions, in bays, estuaries fenced off from the sea, as well as in artificial excavations.

According to the method of filling with water reservoirs are divided into:

· Zaprudnye, when they are filled with water from the stream on which they are located

· Liquids, when water is supplied to them from a nearby watercourse or reservoir.

By geographical location:

· Mountain, built on mountain rivers, they are usually narrow and deep and have pressure, i.e. the magnitude of the increase in water level in the river as a result of the construction of a dam to 300 m or more

· Foothills, have a head height of 50-100 m

· Plains usually wide and shallow, head height no more than 30 m.

By the nature of flow regulation:

· Multi-year regulation (redistribution of runoff between low- and high-water years)

· Seasonal (redistribution of runoff within a year between low- and high-water seasons)

· Weekly (redistribution of flow during the week)

· Daily regulation (redistribution of flow during the day)

The nature of flow regulation is determined by the purpose of the reservoir and the ratio of the useful volume of the reservoir and the amount of river water flow.

The shapes and sizes of reservoirs are characterized by the same morphometric characteristics as lakes. They also depend on the degree of filling of the reservoir and are “tied” to a certain value of the water level, but, unlike lakes, the water level in the reservoir is regulated and the course of the level is determined by the nature of the regulation.

When designing reservoirs, for each of them levels are established (set) corresponding to certain phases of the hydrological regime, the so-called design levels.

· Normal retaining level NPU, the level that is reached by the end of the filling period in an average year in terms of water content and can be maintained by the dam for a long time

· Forced support level FPU, which occurs in rare cases, for example, during high water or floods, is held for a short time, exceeds the FSL by 0.5-1 m

· Trigger level. Trigger levels include: the daily (dispatcher) trigger level, which is achieved during normal operation of the reservoir; the level of maximum production, which is achieved only in dry years

· ULV dead volume level, the maximum possible decrease in the water level in the reservoir, below which release is impossible. The volume of the reservoir located below the ULV is called dead volume.

The volume located between the ULV and the NPU is called useful volume of reservoir PO.

The sum of useful and dead volumes gives the total volume or capacity of a reservoir.

The volume enclosed between the NPU and FPU is called reserve volume .

According to the morphometric features of the basin characteristic areas are identified:

ü Lower – near the dam (always deep-water);

ü Medium – intermediate (deep water only at high levels);

ü Upper – shallow (located within the flooded channel and floodplain);

ü Area of ​​support wedging out.

The boundaries are arbitrary and depend on the amplitude of level fluctuations

More than a hundred large objects have been built on the territory of Russia - accumulations of water artificially created with the help of dams. In this article, we will consider in detail what a reservoir is, its main characteristics, and the role of its influence on the environment.

Reservoir - what is it?

What is a reservoir? This is a component of the landscape artificially created by man. The hydrological river regime is regulated in accordance with the necessary requirements. The use of accumulated water in the reservoir is determined by economic needs.

The role of artificial reservoirs

Russia occupies vast areas of the Eurasian continent. Its territories extend from the shores of the Arctic Ocean to the southern steppes and deserts. Not everywhere there is an abundance of rivers and lakes that fully satisfy human needs. The national economy requires large amounts of fresh water. Artificial reservoirs have long been used for domestic needs of the population and irrigation of crops. The Egyptian Sadd el-Kafara, built before our era, is considered the oldest man-made reservoir. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the construction of such reservoirs has become widespread. Now there are more than 60 thousand artificially created reservoirs on the planet. The largest reservoirs in the world are Nasser in Egypt on the Nile River, Volta in Ghana, in Russia Kuibyshevskoye on the Volga and Bratskoye on the Angara.


The total area of ​​all reservoirs in the world created by man throughout history is more than 400 thousand square kilometers. Most reservoirs are located in Europe, Asia and North America. What is a reservoir for people, other than large reserves of water used for basic domestic and economic needs? The operation of artificial reservoirs allows for a more reasonable use of water resources - the accumulated ones are used for soil irrigation, water supply to the population and industry, hydropower and transport routes. Also used for flood prevention.

Reservoirs are often favorite places for recreation and fishing. However, despite the positive economic effect, the construction of dams often causes negative consequences that affect the ecology of adjacent territories.

Categories of artificial reservoirs

Reservoirs can be divided according to several criteria:

  • structure;
  • location in a river basin;
  • filling method;
  • degree of water level regulation;
  • geographical location.

Based on the nature of the reservoir bed, they are divided into:

  1. Valley - a valley, blocked by a dam, is a bed. The direction of the bottom slope from the top to the dam is the main feature that defines this reservoir. The depth increases towards the dam. There can be channel and floodplain-valley.
  2. Basin - located in lowlands isolated from the sea with the help of dams.

By location in the river basin:

  1. Horse riding.
  2. Grassroots.
  3. Cascade is a stepped system on a river bed.

By water filling:

  1. Liquid.
  2. Zaprudnye.

By the nature of water level regulation:

  1. Perennial - filling of the bed can occur over several years.
  2. Daily - the level is constantly regulated.
  3. Seasonal - water discharge occurs at certain times of the year. Seasonal flows are used to artificially irrigate agricultural lands in the spring and summer and reduce the possible risk of flooding.

Winter drops in level are dangerous for the flora and fauna of the reservoir created with the help of the dam. If seasonal runoff occurs on the reservoir in winter, layers of ice settling on the dried bottom crush a large number of fish.

By geographical location:

  1. Plain is a wide reservoir, the height of the water level is no more than 30 meters.
  2. Mountain - the level increase can reach more than 300 meters.
  3. Predgornoe - indicators are within 100 meters.
  4. Primorskoye - pressure of several meters, built in sea bays.

What is a reservoir for a fisherman and a tourist?

Changing the river bed has a negative impact on fish spawning. Due to changes in the food supply and places where populations gather, the species composition is gradually becoming poorer. Valuable species are disappearing. However, fishing in the reservoir is often successful.

Large reservoirs are characterized by their own microclimate. Large freshwater reservoirs are often called the sea. Waves appear on the open water surface, which, due to the absence of natural obstacles in the form of islands, are very high. Not only residents of the surrounding banks prefer to relax on the reservoir; picturesque landscapes and rich fauna attract numerous tourists and travelers.

Impact on the environment

The construction of reservoirs may adversely affect the natural conditions of the surrounding area. The most serious negative consequences of the construction of large reservoirs are flooding of land, rising groundwater levels, and swamping of coastal zones. The total area of ​​the territories that went under water is approximately 240 thousand square kilometers. Siltation of reservoirs is the process of formation of large sediments at the bottom, leading to a decrease in water level. It is also assumed that the additional load in the form of the mass of accumulated water volumes can lead to an increase in the level of seismicity.

The construction of reservoirs entails many different consequences. In the process of creating and operating dams, construction should be carefully planned and environmental forecasts should be taken into account.

The method for determining the useful capacity depends on the scale of the project and the degree of responsibility of the structure, the flow regulation regime (seasonal or perennial) and the design stage.

In this work, we will adopt the balance method for the calculated year of 75% supply, that is, we will determine the capacity of the reservoir by the difference between the integral curve of flow and water consumption.

For the calculation, a reservoir performance calculation table is used.

Table 12. Dynamics of reservoir filling when regulating the calculation year

Months Flow regulation Current fillings at the end of the interval
+ triggering - filling
19,64 19,11
114,68 133,79
11,2 145,01
-16,09 128,92
-17,96 110,96
-16,07 94,89
-15,28 79,61
-14,77 64,84
-14,36 50,48
-15,1 35,38
-16,69 18,69

Useful reservoir volume

Determination of the dead volume of a reservoir.

The dead volume of the reservoir is determined based on the following considerations:

Siltation of the reservoir capacity as a result of sediment deposition should occur no earlier than the established period (T siltation = 50 years);

In accordance with sanitary requirements, the depth of the reservoir must be no less than a given mark, which is established based on the condition of preventing infectious diseases;

Preventing complete freezing of the container (h > 3m);

If there is navigation in the WB, the depth must meet the requirements of water transport;

Since the hydroelectric complex includes a hydroelectric power station, the pressure created at the MO mark should ensure the design generation of electricity and the guaranteed power of the hydroelectric power station.

Of all types of containers, the maximum is selected.

Sanitary volume.

Accepted based on the dilution allowance

Volume of siltation

Where S is the average long-term runoff, S=457.27 million m 3 ;

River turbidity, kg/m3;

r – proportion of gravitational pumps, r=0.04(0.05)

T silt – the estimated period of siltation of the reservoir, T silt = 50 years;

– volumetric weight of deposits (pumps), = 1100-1200 kg/m 3

Hydroelectric power station requirements.

– downstream mark,

To determine the downstream elevation for discharges, we need a downstream discharge curve.

Where t is the average number of seconds per month, t = 2.63 million seconds/month;

W HPP i – volume of water for HPP for one month.

Therefore, N NB = 131.5 m

Finding the volume of hydroelectric power stations in the upstream


For = 131.5 m we get = 113 million m 3

We find the total volume of water for hydroelectric power stations using the formula:

When we get NPU = 168m.

Typical reservoirs are shown on the bathygraphic curve

We also apply full and dead volumes.

We clarify the area of ​​the reservoir surface at the NSL mark = 444 m:


1. The project includes a water-chemical complex consisting of the following participants: GKBH, SKBH, industry, irrigation, livestock farming (cattle), recreation, thermal power plant, water transport, fisheries, hydroelectric power station.

A set of special water management measures was carried out to save water and improve its quality (5 management methods were applied):

1) Introduction of a circulating water supply system in industry;

2) Improving the quality of wastewater treatment of the State Clinical Hospital and Recreation;

3) Limiting water consumption in irrigation and livestock farming;

4) Reducing the load on the water body from SKBH, livestock farming and irrigation;

5) Reuse of livestock wastewater for irrigation;

6) Transfer of part of the flow from the adjacent river basin.

As a result of calculations, VCB = 0.53 million m 3. At the same time, the need for long-term flow regulation is eliminated.

2. When calculating the WCB in monthly time intervals, water deficits are observed in certain months of the year (1,2,6,7,8,9,10,11,12), and in other months (3,4,5) water excesses are observed .

3. A seasonal regulation reservoir was designed to relieve intra-annual water resource deficits and increase water availability, taking into account sanitary and environmental requirements.

4. The hydroelectric complex includes a reservoir with a volume of W total = 179.9 million m 3 at a level of NSL = 168 m, an earthen dam, height H raft = 38 m, with an open coastal catchment, and a run-of-the-river hydroelectric power station building.

List of used literature:

1. Integrated use and conservation of nature. Ed. V.V. Shabanova. – M.: Kolos, 1994.

2. Markin V.N., Ratkovich L.D., Sokolova S.A. Development of water management measures in the river basin. – M.: MGUP, 2011. 100 p.

3. Workshop on engineering hydrology and flow regulation. Ed. HER. Ovcharova. – M.: Kolos, 1996.

4. Land reclamation and water management. T. 5. Water management: Handbook / Ed. Borodavchenko I.I., - M.: Agropromizdat, 1988.

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