The inner and outer world of a person are not connected. What does a rich inner world mean? How to balance a person’s inner and outer worlds

The internal gives birth to the external, while the external awakens the internal, which is why we name only what we see, and we always see only what we name. It’s like a Möbius strip - ∞, when its inner part goes into the outer part and vice versa, and so on until infinity, which closes in on itself.. This, closed on itself, formula of infinity (like a Möbius strip) keeps a person within the framework of that world, where he was born. And we were born on the land of the fifth Sun within our three-dimensional space.

Life at every step reminds a person of his inner state. What's inside? What motivates us? What are we driven by? Let's start with the fact that life is a mirror - which reflects our inner state and at the same time feeds it with its energy in order to be reflected again. After all, a person perceives the world with the help of five senses. Everyone knows this. Well, if you look into the depths of the depths of this process... Who can say what, in essence, happens in us when pictures of the external world turn into internal ones?

Schematically, on the physical plane (on the earth of the fifth sun) it looks something like this: All our sensory experiences, that is, what we sense, are converted into energy impulses and sent to the brain through the nervous system. This means that at a deeper level, what is tangible with our senses, the sensation of the external world, is transformed into energy that is intangible by the senses, but comprehended by our minds, and stored there. This is our comprehension or accumulated personal power, which can be expressed as a certain stage of our development, etc. It follows from this that the tangible environment in which we experience the external world differs in properties and qualities from the environment in which it is represented and stored what we have absorbed into ourselves (inner world). That is, everything captured by the senses (tangible knowledge) is converted into energy (personal power) and stored in this form! Everything that a person has known and understood in his life is stored in his inner world on an intangible level, in non-physical reality or otherwise, in another reality. So, energy exists, but it would be incorrect to call it physical, since it does not consist of atoms and molecules: that is why we say that it exists in non-physical reality, but the process that contributes to the accumulation of this energy can well be called physical.

So what is the Inner World anyway?

This is the center to which the senses transmit all information about the outside world. There it receives a name (we name what we see), is organized, finds various connecting threads with other information and is stored. There concepts are formed and a definition of what is perceived is given. The inner world is a place where all the imprints of the external world are transformed into a complex system of concepts about the nature of the external environment and a person’s connection with it.
As for our brain, from the above example, it has absolutely nothing to do with the inner world, it exists on the tangible level of atoms and molecules, and the inner world is on the intangible, we are talking about energy in the form of concepts relating only to the properties of the physical world, which a person learns through his life experience, that is, through a physical process. What I want to say by this is simply that physics is just a process, and the apparent materiality of the external world in relation to the internal being is a kind of illusion or repeating reality of the manifested, otherwise reality (repetition), is a means for accumulating internal strength, which in turn is capable, if used correctly, of bringing a person to a completely different level of being.

The difference between the internal and external world is that all components of the external world exist at the intangible level of the internal, and what is more important, they have the same functional characteristics and properties as it. This means that those who understand them will understand the nature of the inner world, as well as the nature of the human self. Understanding yourself and learning to act in your inner world is not as difficult as it seems. Of course, first you need to thoroughly study its general features, its components and the effect of each of them.

How do the internal and external worlds relate to each other in terms of characteristics and properties?

To do this, let us draw a general line that will generalize the external and internal worlds. Both of them seem to consist of all sorts of areas independent of each other. But at the same time they act together, creating a single whole. So, almost everyone knows what parts his body consists of, including internal organs. These parts are made up of cells that have corresponding functions. They act independently, but in concert with other parts of the body. All together they represent our body. That is, each individual part with its own special function acts within the framework of a single whole. The inner world is structured in a similar way. It includes a specific set of areas that act together but independently of each other. The result is a single whole - the person’s personality. But can we consider that these components of the inner world exist if they are intangible like external objects?

Although these components are not tangible, they are real: after all, we feel the effect of someone’s thoughts or concepts when they are expressed in the behavior of this person - that is, they are expressed externally in the physical environment. Just in order to know about the internal, you also need to have five internal organs or, as they say, extra-sensory sense organs (there are also spiritual ones, more on that later). Because these components exist in the form of, let us express it for simplicity, energy (and energy has no mass). After all, it has long been no secret that even an atom inside itself has energy, what science still does not know is how something without mass (energy in an atom) manifests itself already in mass, that is, an atom. In other words, how does energy go from non-physical to physical? Albert Einstein was once asked to give his own definition of matter. And he replied that matter is the same energy, but in tangible form: that is, it can be felt through the senses. But we have a different task before us: not waiting for energy to reveal itself to the world in all sorts of manifested forms, but to recreate in ourselves the full sensation of the inner world. The fact is that our sense organs, on the earth of the fifth sun, are not given the opportunity to fully perceive objects as they are at the atomic level, where everything rotates, and there are distances between atoms, not to mention the fact that all matter exists in form of energy at the initial level of the universe. By recreating this “touch” in ourselves, we expand the horizons of our perception of the world as a whole, because not all energy exists even in the form of matter. But on a higher plane of the universe there is also spirituality, it is not even energy as we understand it, therefore, learning the world deeper and deeper, a person over and over again expands his horizon of knowledge or knowledge of the world.
But let's return to simpler concepts, which directly concerns a person and his behavior. In its most general form, the picture can be presented as follows. The energy of the inner world exists in various, intangible forms (concepts, feelings, emotions, and so on). It can become the driving force of our behavior, and therefore the external physical environment, depending on how it is presented. Thus, energy in the form of a concept or memory can somehow motivate a person to take certain actions that directly affect physical processes, this is how it manifests itself and changes the external world, which in turn affects the internal one, because a person living in the external environment, acquires the necessary experience, which is recorded and stored internally.

After all, one might say, a miracle occurs: everything captured by the senses (tangible knowledge) turns into energy and is stored in this form! Everything that a person has known and understood in his life is stored in his inner world on an intangible level, in non-physical reality. Thus, energy does exist, but it is non-physical, since it does not consist of atoms and molecules: that is why we say that it exists in a non-physical reality.
Now let's see how when we perceive the external world, an energy loop is formed between it and the internal world.

And so, let's get started: associations and images are a natural companion of our thoughts, but how could it be otherwise? After all, the human brain is designed in such a way that similar types of information are automatically linked together. How exactly? Two main ways.
Firstly, thanks to the natural property of labeling people and objects according to some striking features, then distributing everyone into associative groups.
The second way to establish connections is to link external information received through the senses with an event. Thus, a person automatically associates what he sees, hears, smells, touches, tastes with the quality of energy of the occasion when he saw, heard, smelled, touched and tasted it for the first time.

How a barely born child influences the world around him by his very birth, because his body is already beginning to occupy a certain space that can no longer be occupied by anyone or anything else. Likewise, the world, in turn, affects this child through his senses. This is how a cause-and-effect relationship is established between the born person and the outside world.
Any thoughts and actions produced by a person trigger an endless series of chain reactions that change the way of action, the appearance or shape of the environment. Even with complete inaction, if this is possible, the influence of one on the other also occurs, because he breathes - therefore, he changes the composition of the air, which means the atmosphere changes, but the person remains at the same time, since he fills a certain volume, the object of the influence of atmospheric forces.

No one is able to simultaneously absorb all the information from the outside, that is, see, hear, touch, taste or smell everything that is possible at the moment. This is how our senses are designed. But they still bring some part of the information to our attention and allow us to evaluate it. This means that there is a certain mechanism for its selection. What we know becomes an energetic bridge between the inner and outer world. This phenomenon can be called perception through an energy loop. To perceive means to recognize in the external world (thanks to vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch) something already known from past experience. At the same time, the energy of the inner world comes to the aid of the sense organs, and through joint efforts they process (divide, distribute, combine) information from the outside according to the distinctive features that a person has already acquired for himself. Why can he recognize what he already knows? Because it is already with him, in his inner world. There the ground (support system) must be prepared for receiving this or that information. Otherwise, it will be rejected, assessed as an empty place, or even skipped altogether - unless, of course, a person wants to lay the foundation for something new, become a new person, that is, open himself to new heights of his development.

Dear readers, in this article I want to tell you about the relationship between the inner world of man and the outer world- Universe. Outer world- a reflection of a person’s inner world, just like inner world- This is a reflection of the outside world. I'll try to explain this with examples.

You woke up, you're in a good mood, your inner world calm and peaceful. At this time, the sun is shining outside and the birds are singing. Your day is going well, and everything that happens around you makes you happy. You are happy - the Universe, receiving positive energy from you, gives you in return all the necessary external factors to make you happy.

If your inner world worried about something, or you are angry, irritated, at this moment nothing will please you in what is happening around you, in the outside world. Everything will seem gray, ordinary, depressing. You share negative emotions with the outside world - in return you receive negative energy. You get even more irritated, your head starts to hurt, you don’t want to see anyone.

The same thing happens with nature. Imagine how many people live on our planet. Let not all, but most people, daily splash out their negative energy into the outside world: envy, irritation, anger, resentment, jealousy and many other negative emotions. The Universe absorbs it all. Outer world accumulates all the negative energy from all of humanity. But just like any person, after fatigue or stress, needs to rest - to cleanse his inner world of negativity, so the Universe requires cleansing of negative energy. This is how earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, glacier melting, heavy rainfall and other meteorological changes in nature occur. This of course reflects on us humans. We begin to worry, get irritated, and nature returns our negative energy to us. Cycle!

Outer world– a reflection of a person’s inner world!!! Why do wars happen? Yes, because so much negativity has accumulated in people that they need to cleanse themselves and throw it all out into the outside world.

The war has begun - civilians are panicking. This causes a collective (very large) accumulation of negative energy in a given place (city, country). Outer world, receiving this charge, returns it back with greater impact (since the negative was received both from civilians and from the instigators, participants in the war). The more negativity in a person, the more feedback he receives (and these are the people who started the war), the more aggressive and uncontrollable they become. The war continues! And so on until there is a person or group of people who know how to control their emotions and who receive positive energy from the Universe. Negotiations begin. Hostilities weaken or cease. Civilians calm down and worry less. Accordingly, the outside world absorbs negativity less, and even receives positive energy, both from civilians and from the instigators of the war (for example, during negotiations they made concessions and fulfilled some demands, which made them happy). Thus, the Universe begins to give out pure (positive) energy. People calm down. The war ends.

Look at the current man today! We get irritated and offended over trifles. It costs us nothing to offend or humiliate another person. We strive for material wealth at any cost. We love to dominate other people. Some people raise their hands against loved ones, others just like to fight for any reason. It is not difficult for someone to kill a person. All this dirty energy of the inner world humanity accumulates and falls on our heads from the outside world.

Develop your inner world! Improve yourself! Learn to manage your emotions! Be happy and make other people happy! Love nature - your surroundings outside world! When creating benefits for yourself, make sure that it does not harm other people or nature! And then the Universe will reward you for your respectable existence on this planet.

The world, like a mirror, reflects your attitude towards it. When you are unhappy with the world, it turns away from you. When you fight the world, it fights you. When you stop your battle, the world comes to meet you halfway.

(Vadim Zeland)


In order for the Universe to share positive energy with you, so that the outer world around you pleases, inspires and fills you with happiness, you need to have your own peaceful inner world. And in order to make your inner world such that it brings you benefits and benefits, you need to develop it with the help of spiritual development.

How to develop your inner world?
1. First of all, you need to develop the ability to manage your emotions. For this it is necessary MEDITATE. On our website there is a separate section “MEDITATION”, after reading which you can learn to meditate. I’ll add just one thing - meditate every day and it will change your whole life!
2. DAILY WALKS IN NATURE. Connection with nature is very important for our inner world. Take a walk in the fresh air, lie on the grass, swim in a pond, lean against a tree. Try to see the beauty of nature, feel its smell, its touch. Become one with her!
3. PROPER NUTRITION. Try to eat only organic foods and drink more water. Our “NUTRITION” section will help you find out how to eat properly.
4. LISTEN TO MUSIC kind and calm. It should fill you with positive energy and/or relax you.
5. MOVE YOUR BODY. Don't let your energy stagnate in your body! Move every day! Do exercises, do yoga, run, walk, swim, jump, dance!
6. Don't be afraid ASK FOR HELP. If you feel bad, lonely, or need advice, do not hesitate to seek outside help. Talk it out and you will feel better. If you have no one to contact, write to us:
1. Email address [email protected]
2. Social group networks "CLASSMATES"(through it you can write a letter to the administrator)
7. DO NOT REFUSE HELPING OTHERS. If you have the opportunity to help another person in some way, do it with pleasure. Do good!
8. BE GRATEFUL. No matter how bad you feel, there will always be something to thank God, life, the Universe, or another person for. Focus your life on what you can be grateful for! Read our THANKSGIVING section.
9. DEVELOP. Take the problem that arises as a lesson, draw conclusions and move on. Strive to learn something new, learn how to do something, read more books. Be curious! Get rid of your bad habits. Change your beliefs and behavior. The more you work on yourself to get closer to your ideal self, the more happiness you attract into your life. Remember that only you can change your life, and therefore change your world.
10. LAUGH AND REJOICE! Every day, do something that makes you happy, that makes you happy. Watch comedy films, read jokes, joke with friends, play with pets. Make it a rule to give a smile to yourself and other people every day! Just enjoy life!

There are people who live in two cities - for example, they travel back and forth: work in one place, home and family in the other.

You can live in two countries. There are people who live in two houses: for example, torn between a dacha and an apartment. There are people - tumbleweeds who do not stay anywhere for long and live “on wheels”. There are different ways of existence, different attitudes to everyday life... But we all - regardless of lifestyle and thinking - live in TWO WORLDS: the external and internal world of man. The outside world: what surrounds us - nature, people, houses, cars, stars and planets. And there is the inner world - our feelings, thoughts, experiences, emotions.

It would seem that we are unable to control the reality around us. Somewhere there was an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, a flood, a financial crisis. It would seem that a person is unable to influence the outside world.

What about the inner world? Do you control it? Do you know in advance what can cause serious turmoil within you? Are you able to keep your own “volcanoes”, “earthquakes” and “crises” under control?

What is your inner world like? Impenetrable jungle? An artfully laid out park? Taiga? Desert? Stormy ocean? A mountain range with glaciers and precipices?

How do you feel in your inner world? Like in a panic room or in a kingdom of distorting mirrors? Or maybe you feel like Alice in Wonderland? Robinson Crusoe on a desert island? The Wizard of the Emerald City?

Who are you there, inside yourself? In the wilds of the subconscious, in the labyrinths of pain, heavy losses, happy memories, grievances, joys, unfulfilled expectations, betrayals and betrayals? Your dreams, hopes, bitter regrets, euphoria of victories, rage, envy, remorse, love and hatred - it’s all you! The external and internal world of a person - you “cook” in them twenty-four hours a day. Three hundred sixty-five days a year. From birth to death. In dreams and in reality.

What is it like to LIVE IN TWO WORLDS? Out of the frying pan into the fire? From heaven to hell? From torture chamber to garden of bliss? From the ship to the ball? From the Babylonian pandemonium to the hermit's cave?

Where do you feel like yourself? Both inside and outside? Or nowhere?

Do you feel whole? Or broken into pieces? On myriads of fragments, each of which reflects a piece of your triumph, tragedy, crash, flight, decline, inspiration?

What if you pave at least a few paths in the inner jungle and balance the outer and inner world of a person? What if you learned to put out the fire that is consuming you? What if you become not a prisoner of the labyrinth, but a tourist led through the dark corners by a reliable guide?

In the next article I will venture to offer you. Who's with me?

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It seems to us that our idea of ​​the world around us is, if not the ultimate truth, then certainly closest to it. After all, we can directly perceive its objects and phenomena on our own. However, the real picture is very different from this usual idea.

Firstly, we have a limited set of senses that provide us with sensations from interaction with the infinite variety of the world around us. There are only five main types of sensations that we use. These are sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. And with their help, every moment of our lives we try to “embrace the immensity.” Secondly, we perceive the world indirectly through the filters of sensations available to us. The operating range of the above-mentioned sense organs is many, many orders of magnitude narrower than the spectrum of incoming external signals. For example, the wavelength range of visible (perceivable by the human eye) light is 380 - 780 * 10 -9 m. If you try to express as a percentage the ratio of this range to the width of the entire studied spectrum of radiation, then the resulting decimal fraction will have at least ten zeros after the decimal point (!!!). The human eye is thus an ultra-narrow-band filter. As for other sense organs, the situation with them is similar. Thirdly, on the path of incoming signals there is another intermediary - our mind, which controls the process of converting signals coming from the senses into images that we understand. But! He does this relying on his sophisticated architecture - ego, inferiority complex, ideas, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, desires and much more. With each stage of transformation, the degree of adequacy of internal contents in relation to the reality that gave birth to them falls, falls, and falls.

But that's not all!

Fourthly, the resulting images are collected into a certain mental model, which is a virtual reflection of the processes occurring in the external world. We, therefore, observe in front of us not real reality, but a mental image or model, separated from it by a chain of transformations and filters and existing with this reality simultaneously. Model on the stage of our mind. I can’t help but remember a quote from W. Shakespeare - “The whole world is a stage. There are women, men, all actors in it.”

Fifthly, each of us has a more or less rich and intense inner life. Its contents are also displayed on the “stage” of our mind. The result is a performance in which both professional actors and the most emotional spectators from the audience appear on stage in random order. What can I say? Unless we turn again to Shakespeare - “This is a fairy tale, full of rage and noise, told by an idiot and devoid of any meaning!”

And how, with such baggage, can you not only develop, but at least simply live in relative harmony with yourself and those around you, each of whom has his own, unique “theater” in his head?!! What can keep a system of the universe in balance, consisting of such unstable elements? Where is this invisible connection or fulcrum? What should you do and where should you look to find it?

There are 2 obvious answers. The history of Western civilization says that the fulcrum is the human mind (even if it boils at times - butting heads, so to speak) and his logic. What then? This option has one undoubted advantage. It is time-tested. However, it is not surprising that this time took shape in a centuries-long sequence of wars and disasters. Look at who rules this show and don't be surprised by the consequences!

There is an alternative option. The mystics of the past and present are united in defining the main point of support. This is the heart, which is a unique human organ that combines both the lower (material) and higher (spiritual) nature. It is this space, connecting the material with the spiritual, that is the channel (or portal) that has the potential to establish a connection with the Creator. This connection can take different forms depending on the spiritual development of a person, manifesting itself in the form of conscience, intuition, spiritual vision of the phenomena of the internal and external world, direct perception of the Will of the Creator. At the same time, the level of spiritual development, which is the key to opening this channel, at the same time represents a kind of fuse or “block from the fool.” The essence of blocking is simple. It cannot be bypassed with the help of cunning, nor can it be disabled by force of will or the influence of ardent desire. The spiritual level cannot be “pumped up” like muscles in the gym. Achieving the goal will require a will sufficient to travel a path that lasts years, and appropriate time, which, as we know, heals everything, including the mental problems of the traveler, who is internally reborn to the end point of the route he travels. The emerging connection with the Highest brings characteristic influences into the life of the seeker:

The light penetrating into the inner space of the seeker reveals to his inner gaze those problems that he could not see before; eliminating these problems frees up space for the energy so necessary for self-development and Work;

The heart, which has connections with all parts of the human body, becomes a tuning fork that tunes the entire being of a person into resonance, allowing the seeker to move faster along the Path;

The seeker gains the ability to directly perceive the Will (in addition to intuition) to a greater extent, the more open the heart channel;

The ordinary perception of the world is complemented by spiritual vision, which allows one to read the true essence of objects and phenomena.

The power of this influence is such that, having transformed the inner world, it begins to pour into the outer world, smoothly and imperceptibly harmonizing the mystic’s environment. First, this concerns the near zone, then more distant areas of the external world are connected, reacting to waves emanating not only from the open, but even from the opening heart.

It would seem that the choice is obvious. We must strive to open our hearts. All that remains is to pave the route to this noble goal. And - faster, higher, stronger! This is what our mind says. He, as always, habitually minds his own business. He wants to because he knows that an open heart will make his life fuller and more meaningful in the eyes of others. He had already imagined what it would all look like, and from books he learned how the process itself should proceed. Now you just need to push! And now the “high” desire haunts you...

Stop!!! The hotter your desire and the more you try to achieve the goal drawn by your mind, the higher the tension of your bodies (physical, etheric, mind). This tension makes you stubborn, and your bodies become rigid and almost insensitive. This is not your Path, this is the path of your mind! Leave him! Relax! You have allowed yourself this so rarely in your entire life. Accept your current situation - it is exactly what you need now, no more and no less! Just listen to your Heart - take a step towards it and stay alone with it! Let your mind not interfere. Feel this connection! She has always been and will be with you! And one day she will change you and everything around you!

Outer and inner worlds

We all live in this world. Every morning we wake up and find ourselves from the dream world into the real world. In this world we are greeted by familiar people, things, events. We are so accustomed to this state of affairs that we rarely think about how this miracle of perception of the world occurs. Is the world really the way we see it? What is the world really like? Who or what in us is actually aware of the world around us?

We will not delve into scientific research and theorizing, but simply look at things as we see them. Firstly, each of us knows that there are some objects, people and some external events around him. Those. it is fairly obvious that the computer you are sitting at is outside of you. The same can be said about the place where you live, the trees outside the window, the sun, grass, etc.

We call it all outside world. We will call the external world the reality that can be realized by other people. Those. the tree outside the window is visible not only to you, but also to your neighbor Vasya. And you can even chat with Vasya about what kind of tree it is. Its height, the splendor of the crown, the thickness of the trunk, the name, etc. And, most likely, if your neighbor Vasya is not schizophrenic or high, then you and Vasya will see approximately the same thing. Disagreements can only be about the assessment of what you see. This tree may seem tall to you, but low to Vasya.

So what will be included in the outside world? Everything that can be perceived not only by you, but also by other people. It's not just the objects in your room, but your body as well. Other people see your body.

The external world is dealt with by natural sciences, such as physics, chemistry, biology, etc. Here you can do experiments, show their results to other people, and other people can also repeat these experiments and get these results. If two people conduct an experiment with one of the objects of the external world, then each of them sees the same thing as the other.

However, reality is not limited to the outside world. There is a so-called inner world. If the outer world is the same for all people, then each person has his own inner world. Those. There are as many inner worlds as there are people. It is internal because it is located, as it were, inside the psyche of a particular person. The inner world includes everything that can be perceived by a given person, for example you, but cannot be perceived by other people. The inner world includes:

- body sensations;

- emotions and feelings;

The inner world in our society is mainly concerned with the humanities, art and religion. This is psychology, literature, church, music, cinema, etc. Through the medium of melody, the composer tries to convey the entire palette of the emotional state that he feels. Religion talks about the feeling of merging with God. Psychologists are trying to understand the intricacies of a person’s inner world.

All the information that a person receives from the external world and from the internal world together constitute sensory experience of this person. Essentially, your sensory experience is everything you perceive at a given moment in time. Those. everything you see, hear, feel.

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