Intramuscular injection to a child. How to give injections to children

To treat many diseases, the doctor often prescribes intramuscular injections. However, no one wants to visit the hospital several times a day to get an injection, so you need to learn how to do these simple but important actions yourself.

We will tell you in this article how to give an injection in the buttock in order to cause the patient a minimum of discomfort and ensure deep penetration of the medicine.

Anatomical features

Intramuscular administration of drugs is a convenient and common type of treatment. Intramuscular injections should be given to those areas of the body where the largest accumulation of muscle mass is located. In addition, the choice of injection site is influenced by the distant location of blood vessels and nerve endings.

The following areas of the body are suitable in this regard:

  • Hip;
  • Hand;
  • Buttocks.

An intramuscular injection into the buttock is the easiest and most convenient way to administer the medicine. Even a beginner can cope with it.

The fact is that the largest layer of muscles is located in the buttocks, and there are very few nerve endings there, so a person, as a rule, does not experience pain.

After administration of the drug, a depot appears in the muscle tissue. From it, the drug enters the blood vessels through the vessels, and then spreads to all organs and tissues.

Pay attention!

For intramuscular injections, you need to purchase long needles designed for this type of injection, which are inserted almost the entire length. Short needles or improper insertion will allow the medication to penetrate the skin, causing inflammation.

Let's look at how to properly give an intramuscular injection.


Before placing an injection in the buttock, you should carry out some preparatory steps.

  • Wash your hands with soap;
  • If there are special antiseptics, treat your hands with them, wiping each finger;
  • Prepare everything you need to perform the injection: an ampoule with medicine, a blade for opening it, cotton swabs or balls, a disinfectant, a disposable syringe (for adults its volume is 5 ml, for children 2 ml is enough);
  • Determine the area of ​​the buttocks where you will inject the injection.

The last point should be discussed in more detail, since injections into the buttock are given only in a certain area.

The buttock area is visually divided into 4 parts. If it is difficult for you to imagine mentally drawn lines, you can draw zones with iodine.

The injection is placed in the second outer part, since it is the ideal place for these purposes: it has the fewest nerve endings and large vessels. In addition, there is practically no chance that you will hit the sciatic nerve with a needle, and the medicine immediately penetrates into the muscle and not into the fat layer.

The lower injection areas are not suitable and the first part is too close to the spine.

Let's start opening the ampoule.

  • It would be a good idea to read the name to make sure that you are injecting the right medicine and check the expiration dates;
  • Shake the bottle and tap it so that the product sinks to the bottom;
  • Use a cotton swab soaked in alcohol to wipe the thin part of the ampoule;
  • Using a special nail file, sharply swipe the neck of the ampoule several times;
  • Wrap the ampoule with a napkin and press firmly on the neck.

After opening the ampoule, release the syringe from the packaging and, without removing the protective cap, connect it to the needle.

Remove the cap and plunge the needle into the ampoule. Pull the piston towards you and make sure that the medicine fills the syringe evenly.

We place the syringe with the needle up and slowly release the air from it by pressing the piston until drops of the product appear at the tip of the needle. Cover the needle with a cap.

Pay attention!

If the doctor prescribed you an intramuscular injection into the buttock, and the medicine turns out to be a powder, it should be dissolved in a special solution. Which “solvent” to use for a particular product is indicated in the instructions for use.

In this case, you need to act like this:

  • We draw the solution into a syringe;
  • Remove the metal rim on the lid of the bottle with powder;
  • Insert a needle into the rubber cap and let in the solution;
  • Shake the bottle thoroughly so that the medicine is completely dissolved;
  • Turn the bottle over and draw the product into the syringe;
  • Change the needle;
  • We give an injection.

Performing an injection

Having completed all the necessary preparatory steps, we begin to inject the medicine into the gluteal muscle.

Knowing how to give injections correctly is very important, because if the rules for performing injections are violated, complications may arise that will aggravate the patient’s condition.

  • Place the person on their stomach or side;
  • Use a cotton swab soaked in antiseptic to wipe the area where you will inject;
  • Hold the syringe in your right hand;
  • If you are injecting an adult, stretch the skin; if you give an injection, gather the skin into a fold;
  • With a quick and sharp movement, maintaining an angle of 90 degrees, insert the needle ¾ into the marked part of the buttock;
  • Slowly press down on the plunger while injecting the medicine;
  • After the injection, apply a cotton swab soaked in antiseptic to the needle and quickly remove the syringe;
  • Wipe the injection site with a cotton swab, lightly massaging the muscle.

Pay attention!

There are rules that must be followed when administering medication intramuscularly:

  • Do not use a disposable syringe several times;
  • You cannot inject the medicine into the same buttock, they need to be alternated;
  • If you need to give several injections at once, do them in different buttocks or step back a few centimeters from the previous injection.

Separately, I would like to dwell on how to give an injection to a child, because babies are restless and very susceptible to pain.

An injection in the butt of a child is given in the same way as for an adult. However, the important point is the psychological component. The baby needs to be calmed down and placed on your lap. Be sure to make sure your hands are warm. Massage the gluteal muscles to help your child relax. Next, proceed according to the scheme described above.

Unpleasant consequences

We have already figured out how to give injections. When performing them, you should strictly follow the rules mentioned above. After all, if the injection is given incorrectly, the person will face such consequences.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from diseases. It is especially unpleasant and always difficult when a child is sick. Depending on the form and severity of the problem, the doctor prescribes various medications, but they can only act on the disease and help get rid of it if they enter the body.

In more or less mild cases, the baby will, of course, be prescribed syrups, mixtures or tablets, but it happens that the disease turns out to be too serious, which means that without injections treatment will be ineffective and impossible.

If you and your child are undergoing inpatient treatment in a hospital, then, of course, a nurse will do the injections, but what if, due to some circumstances, you have to get sick at home, and it is not possible to call a qualified specialist every day to carry out the manipulation? In this case, it is worth mastering the technique of performing injections on your own, especially since such a skill may come in handy more than once in life.

What are the types of injections for young children: the main types of injections and their features

First of all, it is worth understanding some important nuances and types of procedures.

The process popularly referred to as an “injection” is called “injection” in medical terminology and means the introduction of liquid into the body using a syringe.

The purpose of injections is considered a rather controversial and ambiguous issue, since the achievements of modern pharmacology make it possible today to do without injections in most cases of diseases, including even pneumonia and other equally serious diseases.

The desire to limit the number of injections as much as possible and narrow the range of indications for them is forcing the best pharmacological companies in the world to create new fast-acting drugs that will have the same effective effect as injections, but without the possible unpleasant injection consequences:

  • for example, the risk of infection during manipulation due to violation of sterile conditions is not at all uncommon - we can talk about both banal staphylococcus and such terrible diseases as viral hepatitis B or AIDS;
  • sometimes body tissues react to the injection with severe redness, irritation and swelling, and in addition, if the medicine is administered incorrectly, a hematoma or abscess may form at the injection site, which is fraught with new troubles and problems;
  • if the pills or mixture can simply provoke an allergic reaction, then the injection can cause anaphylactic shock with a fatal outcome;
  • many injections have a whole range of side and specific effects, such as magnesia or hot injections of calcium chloride;
  • drugs in injections are always more expensive than their tablet counterparts, plus - take into account the work of the nurse if for some reason you cannot administer the medicine yourself;
  • after all, not only children, but also adults are afraid of injections, because it is a truly unpleasant and very painful process.

However, even taking into account all the above-mentioned disadvantages of injections, many are still at the mercy of the stereotype, believing that there is no effective treatment without injections, and doctors prescribe them, wanting to play it safe and please demanding patients. Although, of course, there are cases when injection is practically the only way to help.

Therefore, you should not use injections to be on the safe side, because to prescribe injections there must be certain indications:

  • if immediate therapeutic effect is necessary;
  • if a small patient cannot take the medicine due to loss of consciousness / severe vomiting, etc.;
  • the medicine cannot be taken orally because it does not have the ability to be absorbed into the blood or is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the drug will have a stronger effect or its effect will be much longer when administered by injection.

Types of injections

If we talk about types of injections, there are several of them. The following three types are considered the most common.

  1. Subcutaneous administration of the drug (abbreviated as s/c).
  2. Intramuscular injections (IM).
  3. Intravenous administration of drugs and solutions (IV).

The first type of injections is mainly represented by vaccinations. It is used in cases where an immediate effect from the administered drug is not required, since it can only begin to act when it enters the blood, and there are fewer blood vessels under the skin than in the muscle.

To give such an injection, you need to slightly pull and fold the skin on the shoulder, under the shoulder blade, on the thigh or side of the abdomen, and then place the needle between the muscle and the skin and inject the drug under the skin.

The second type is the most common: doctors prescribe intramuscular administration of vitamins and antispasmodics, antibiotics and antipyretics. The popularity of intramuscular injections is also explained by their availability and relatively simple technique, so if you wish, you can and should learn how to do this type of injection yourself.

Intramuscular administration of the drug, as a rule, occurs in the area of ​​the buttocks, that is, in the butt, since it is in the gluteal muscles that there is the most powerful layer of muscle tissue, which has a small number of nerve endings. However, drugs can be injected into both the hip and shoulder.

Intravenous administration of medication requires professional medical training, so it is recommended that such procedures be performed only by nurses and doctors. There are two subtypes of intravenous injections:

  • “jet” injection of medicine with a syringe into a vein - the manipulation is performed at least slowly, but not for long;
  • infusion or administration of a large volume of liquid using a dropper - used in cases where the drug will be more effective when administered slowly and diluted.

In addition, there are some other types of injections: for example, tests for sensitivity to antibiotics or before the introduction of therapeutic serums are done intradermally, and an injection can also be made into the spinal canal (for meningitis) or into the joint cavity (for arthritis), and if necessary local anesthesia, as in the case of dental treatment, the doctor will inject directly into its nerve trunks.

Choosing the right everything you need

Now let's look at the issue of preparing and choosing everything necessary to perform the injection.

So, here's what you'll need to buy at the pharmacy.

  • The medicine your baby was prescribed by your doctor. Be sure to check the expiration date on liquid ampoules or dry powder bottles. Also, be sure to ensure that the dosage matches the prescription.
  • If the drug is not in ampoules, but in the form of a dry powder, then a solvent will still be needed to prepare the injections - this could be lidocaine or novocaine, saline solution or some other agent. Be sure to look in the instructions for the drug to see how and how to dilute it correctly.
  • Syringes - take only disposable ones. As for size, it is necessary to take into account the volume of medicine that will need to be administered, but often a two-milliliter syringe will be enough for children, although sometimes a smaller or larger syringe may be needed.
  • Needles - usually come complete with disposable syringes. You should check whether the needle is suitable for the injection you need, as they are designed for oil injections and for water injections.
  • In order for the needle to go under the skin easily and less painfully, you need to choose it correctly: for a baby under one year old there is no reason to take a syringe larger than one milliliter - they come with the thinnest needles; for children from one to five years old, as mentioned, syringes will be needed a volume of two milliliters with needles measuring 0.5×25 millimeters; for an older child, the same syringe may be suitable or the needle size will be a little larger - 0.6×30 millimeters.
  • You will also need 96% rubbing alcohol as an antiseptic.
  • Don’t forget to prepare sterile cotton wool or cotton balls, and a special file blade with which to open the ampoules.

Getting ready for manipulation

Having prepared everything necessary for the procedure, you can proceed to its actual implementation.

To make this not-so-pleasant process as calm and painless as possible for your baby, you should adhere to some simple but mandatory rules:

  • Before you begin any manipulations, you need to wash your hands well with soap, or better yet, further disinfect them with medical alcohol or alcohol wipes;
  • neither the syringe nor the needle needs to be opened in advance - it is better to print the kit immediately before the injection is given;
  • since it is still unclear to the baby what the meaning and purpose of your preparations are, try to do everything quickly, but carefully and calmly, since chaotic movements or panic can frighten him and prepare him in advance for an unpleasant procedure;
  • Taking an ampoule with medicine, warm it a little in your palm so that the injection is not cold;
  • if there are no special instructions from the doctor, then the injection should be done in the butt, especially since if you are not a professional when it comes to injections, then after injections into the arm or thigh some negative consequences may occur;
  • before giving the injection, it is better to stretch the muscles of the baby’s buttocks with light massage movements that do not cause tension, while your hands should be warm;
  • the procedure should be carried out in a place where both you and the child will be comfortable - keep in mind that the baby should lie on his tummy during the injection, and also make sure that there is sufficiently bright lighting there;
  • Before opening the medicine, check its expiration date again and be sure to check the dosage and name of the medicine with the prescription;
  • The ampoule should also be wiped with sterile gauze or cotton wool soaked in medical alcohol;
  • do not break off, do not beat off and, of course, do not bite off the tip of the ampoule - to open it correctly, use a special file, otherwise there is a risk that small fragments will get inside when opening;
  • using this device, you need to make a small incision / notch on the ampoule along the line of the intended break - that is, just run a nail file along it with pressure several times, but before that, shake the ampoule a little and tap its tip with your fingernail so that the medicine flows down;
  • if you are afraid of cutting yourself, wrap the ampoule with a napkin and press its tip away from you;
  • Having opened the medicine, set it aside for a couple of seconds and use the syringe;
  • unpack it from the piston side and connect it to the needle directly inside the package without removing the protective cap from it;
  • It’s good if the kit contains two needles - the one that is long and coarser, you will pierce the stopper of the bottle with the drug or you can lower it into the very depths of the ampoule, and the other - small and thin - then you will give the injection, the kit should come with them and sterile tweezers, with which you can change the first needle for the second;
  • so, remove the cap from the needle and lower the piston of the syringe with the needle all the way into the ampoule or bottle of medicine, so that no air enters the syringe;
  • slowly and carefully draw in the liquid, pulling the piston towards you;
  • it is better to take a little more medicine than needed, since then you will need to release excess air from the syringe - to do this, make a few clicks on the syringe so that the air bubbles rise up, and, turning it over vertically, gradually press the plunger until a drop of liquid will not appear at the tip of the needle;
  • After this, you can close the needle with a cap.

If the medicine prescribed for your child is not sold in ampoules with liquid, but in bottles with dry powder, then you will need to do the following:

  • all manipulations with preparing the syringe will be the same;
  • taking a bottle of powder, also wipe it with sterile gauze or cotton wool with ethyl alcohol and open the metal cap;
  • then wipe the rubber cap that was under the metal one, pierce it with a needle and introduce the solvent;
  • shake the bottle for a while until the powder is completely dissolved and no grains or lumps remain;
  • turn the bottle upside down and draw the solution into the syringe;
  • release excess air and replace the needle with a cap.

Pediatricians advise carrying out all preparations out of sight of the child, so as not to once again frighten him with incomprehensible medical manipulations. It is better to prepare in another room or in the kitchen, and then come to the baby, who may be distracted by another family member at this time.

How to do an intramuscular injection into the buttock: step-by-step instructions and detailed explanation

When you have already prepared everything, there is no need to gather your strength for a long time and waste time. Your movements should be careful and measured, but fast.

Do not panic under any circumstances, because the entire success of the procedure depends on the accuracy of your actions.

  • Visually divide any of the baby’s buttocks into four identical square-shaped sectors, that is, as if drawing a cross in the middle to make four identical squares.
  • Your task is to inject into the center of the uppermost square or quarter of the gluteal muscle, since it is there that there are no vascular nerve bundles, which, if you get into them, can provoke bleeding, cause pain, numbness of the limb and other unpleasant consequences.
  • Wipe the area where you will inject with a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol.
  • Try to secure the child as much as possible so that he does not accidentally jerk during the injection and break the needle. It’s good if someone from your family helps you - while you administer the medicine, the baby needs to be held, distracted, and comforted.
  • If you give the baby an injection yourself, you can put him on his tummy on your lap and hold him in place with your other hand.
  • After massaging the baby’s buttocks, with your free hand grab the area where you will inject - the upper outermost part of the butt, and gather it into a fold.
  • Then, with a precise and quick movement, insert the needle two-thirds into this thick fold at a strictly ninety-degree angle.
  • Continue to hold the needle perpendicular to the plane of the butt, release the buttock, and fix the syringe in your hand with your index and middle fingers, while keeping your thumb on its piston.
  • Slowly press the plunger and inject the medicine.
  • Press the area on the butt where the needle was inserted with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, and with a quick, clear movement, pull the needle out.
  • Massage the injection site with a cotton swab a little so that the alcohol can disinfect the wound and the medicine can be absorbed faster.
  • Cap the syringe needle and throw away the used syringe.

That's all, the unpleasant procedure is over, but if you do everything correctly, the child should feel virtually no pain.

Injections without painful consequences: how to do it to avoid bumps, bruises and lumps after injections

Even professional doctors have failures - they can also accidentally hit a nerve or vessel, causing pain to the patient, and what can we say about those who are trying to give an injection to their baby for the first time in their life.

The main task of mom or dad in this case is to overcome their own fear and cope with their own naughty nerves. You may want to try practicing on a pillow or dummy first, like medical students do, or ask a nurse to observe your actions and correct them if you make mistakes.

Well, in order to minimize the discomfort and pain of the procedure, try to take into account the following nuances:

  • use modern three-component syringes with a rubber seal on the piston;
  • do not insert the needle slowly and gradually - by doing this you will only prolong the pain and agony, remember about sharpness, speed and clarity of movements;
  • but the medicine needs to be injected really slowly - the more carefully and smoothly you inject the liquid, the less likely it is that bruises and lumps will form after the injection;
  • rapid administration of the medicine is allowed only if the child is hysterical and breaks out;
  • alternate sides of the butt - one day stab into the upper right square, and the next - into the left;
  • give injections at a distance of at least one to two centimeters from each other;
  • if your baby is prescribed oil injections, then do not forget to warm them up a little in warm water before use, and when you insert the needle into the butt, pull the syringe plunger slightly towards you;
  • the appearance of blood may indicate that you have hit a blood vessel directly - try to carefully change the depth of the injection or its direction;
  • Massage your child’s buttocks regularly so that the medicine is better absorbed and lumps do not form;
  • if lumps or bruises do appear, warm the problem areas with a heating pad and draw an iodine net on the baby’s bottom;
  • you can smear the cones with Heparin ointment; Levomikol and Traumeel S also help;
  • There are also folk remedies for dealing with seals - some apply a plate of thinly sliced ​​unsalted cheese to them, others - cabbage leaves with honey.

How to calm a child and persuade him to carry out the procedure?

However, the procedure will work best if you first agree with the baby and prepare him mentally for what is about to happen.

Initially, the child does not know what an injection is, how unpleasant or painful it is, scary, etc. However, many parents use the medical topic as the main intimidation of their child, telling him that if he does not eat porridge / he will behave well lead or obey, then you will immediately call a doctor who will inject you with a syringe with a huge needle.

Do you think that after such colorful descriptions the baby will be afraid of all the people in white coats and their terrible weapons - injections? Well, of course yes.

Of course, you will not be able to explain to a newborn or one-year-old baby that this procedure is vital or very necessary for him, that after the injection his tummy, arm or head will stop hurting, that after this he will become healthy again and you can go for a walk / to a cafe for ice cream / to visit or another place desired by the baby. However, from the age of two, all this can and should be said to the child, correctly setting him up for the procedure.

Buy your child a toy doctor's kit, read him a fairy tale about the kind and wonderful doctor Aibolit, play in the hospital with him - let him give injections himself and give medicine to his animals, dolls or cars. At the same time, explain what could be the “cause of illness” in the toys: unwashed hands, swimming in cold water, overeating ice cream, etc.

You can give a joint injection - you to the baby, and he to his favorite bear, “one-two-three”. Some parents try to distract the baby during the procedure with new toys, interesting cartoons or other maneuvers.

Do not deceive your child by telling him that an injection is not painful or scary at all, because, firstly, he is really scared, and secondly, it still hurts. You also cannot hide from a baby with a syringe and try to inject him on the sly or in his sleep - in this case, stress and nervous shock from the procedure can simply lead to unpredictable consequences.

It is also not allowed to scold or reproach the baby in front of strangers, to humiliate and shame him for being afraid of an injection or crying. The child expects support and help from you, especially during an illness, and if you also inflict an additional portion of pain, shame and fear on him, then he will generally withdraw into himself, stop trusting you, and the memory of this will remain with him for the rest of his life. life.

Do not restrain a struggling and hysterical baby by forcibly trying to give him an injection, unless this is vitally necessary. It is better to postpone the procedure and first try to calm the child down, talk to him, look for an individual approach, create a comfortable environment, and only then try again.

According to medical statistics, every fifth adult resident in the post-Soviet space has an insurmountable fear of injections. This problem is called “trypanophobia” and is considered a specific disorder.

One of the factors in its appearance and progression is precisely the negative experience from childhood. Therefore, try to do everything possible so that your baby understands the need for injections and is able to cope with his fears and overcome them.

After completing the procedure, be sure to praise your little hero for enduring everything with steadfastness.


Intramuscular injection is one of the simplest medical procedures. However, even this requires compliance with certain rules. If you have patience and confidence, then you will definitely succeed. Try to respect your child, love him - always and no matter what. And may you need the skill of giving injections as rarely as possible, and may the children grow up healthy!

Quite often, cases arise when a doctor prescribes medications that are available by injection. Undoubtedly, in a medical institution, an experienced physician will easily administer the required dose of medicine to you, and he will not have any questions about how to inject an injection into the buttock. But what if the injections are prescribed for home use?

Of course, in this case you can find a nurse you know and ask her for help, but sometimes this is simply not possible. What to do then? How to give injections in the buttock yourself?

Acquiring the necessary funds

Before starting a course of injections, you must purchase them. Medicines are usually available in liquid form and are ready for use. Carefully study the doctor's prescription, determine the dosage you need and only then purchase the product.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes antibiotics by injection. In this case, you will have to pre-mix the solution with the powdered medicine. Always pay attention to the expiration date of the drug and storage method. If it is indicated that the medicine should be refrigerated, then this instruction must be strictly followed.

In addition to medicines, you will need syringes. They come in different volumes: from one milliliter to twenty. Choose the one that best suits your injection volume. Consider the number of ampoules. You cannot inject intramuscularly with the same instrument twice.

Preparing the medicine

When you have purchased the necessary products, you must correctly open the ampoules and draw the medicine into the syringe.

Before injecting into the buttock, open the syringe and insert the needle into it. When carrying out manipulations, your hands must be perfectly clean. To do this, wash them with soap or treat them with a disinfectant.

Open the ampoule by filing the neck a little with the special file supplied, then break the glass with a sharp movement away from you. Carefully lower the syringe needle into the glass container and draw up the solution.

If you need to mix a liquid with a medicine in the form of a powder, then insert the needle into the package with the bulk product through the rubber cap. After this, press the plunger and pour water for injection into the flask. Mix the medicine thoroughly and put it back into the instrument.

Before the injection

So, the syringe with the medicine is ready. How to give injections in the buttock correctly?

First, make sure there are no air bubbles inside the tool. If they are, then they must be removed. To do this, lightly tap the wall of the syringe with your fingernail. After this manipulation, all the air will gather at the top, and you, lightly pressing the piston, will release it.

How to properly give injections to a child’s buttock?

If your baby has been prescribed a course of injections, then you can easily administer it yourself. When purchasing a syringe, give preference to special children's devices. If your child is very young, then it is quite possible to take an insulin syringe. Its needle is much shorter and thinner compared to a standard instrument. However, it must be remembered that such a device is not suitable for an adult. The needle simply will not reach the muscle, and you will inject the drug under the skin.

Visually divide the buttock into four parts. If this is your first time giving an injection, you can draw a dividing grid in order to accurately hit the right place. For the child it will be a game and fun, and it will help you.

It is necessary to select the upper right segment of the outer part of the parva buttock (or the left - for the left). It is into this that the medicine will be injected. Moisten the cotton wool with an alcohol solution (you can use regular vodka or alcohol-containing lotion). After this, remove the cap from the syringe needle and make sure again that all the air has been released. Lightly knead the area required for injection with your fingers and squeeze it. Insert the syringe needle with a sharp movement and make an intramuscular injection into the buttock.

Some medications (for example, vitamin preparations) are quite painful when administered, so the syringe plunger must be pressed slowly, gradually introducing the drug.

How to properly give injections in the buttock of an adult?

The injection is administered to an adult slightly differently than to a child. You still have to divide the buttock into four parts and select the appropriate segment. After this, wipe the skin with cotton wool and an alcohol solution and lightly knead the surface of the body.

If, when injecting a child, the buttock area needed to be squeezed a little, then for an adult the opposite is true. Gently stretch the skin where the injection will be made. With a sharp movement of your hand, insert the needle approximately two-thirds of the way. Gently press the plunger and pour in the medicine.


Sometimes situations arise when it is not possible to ask someone to give the injection. In this case, you can easily carry out this procedure yourself.

Prepare the medicine in a syringe and cotton wool with a disinfectant. Sit on the sofa, turning slightly to one side. Determine the area required for injection and wipe it with cotton wool. After this, similarly to the previous methods, insert the syringe perpendicular to the skin. Place your hand in a comfortable position and carefully pour the medicine into the muscle.

How to remove the syringe after an injection?

Once the medication is completely injected, you need to remove and dispose of the syringe properly. Take the cotton wool that was used for disinfection before the injection in one hand. Gently but firmly remove the needle from the skin and quickly apply cotton to the wound. After this, you must leave a disinfectant cloth on the injection area. This is necessary so that the smallest drops of blood do not stain your clothes.

If you are giving an injection to a baby, then in this case it is better to replace the alcoholized cotton wool with a clean gauze pad or cotton pad. Otherwise, you risk causing a burn to the baby.

When injecting yourself, you will not be able to simultaneously pull out the needle and place cotton wool on the injection area. In this case, you must quickly remove the syringe and place the tissue on the desired area. In this case, a few drops of the medicine may come out. There's nothing wrong with that. Most of the drug is in the muscle.

Disposal of available materials

After the injection, you must close the syringe needle with the cap and place it back into the package. Injection ampoules must also be placed in a plastic bag. You can then throw these items in the trash.


Now you know how to correctly give injections in the buttock of an adult, a child and yourself. Even if an experienced nurse comes to your aid, it will be useful to know the process of carrying out this manipulation.

If you give an injection to a baby, never lie to him and say that it will not hurt at all. Tell him you'll have to be patient a little. And if the child has endured all the trials, praise and encourage him.

Never show your baby that you are afraid. All your movements must be confident. Do not show the syringe to your child. Try to prepare the injection out of his sight.

The ability to give injections may never be useful to you, however, knowing the principle of operation, you will always be in an advantageous position.

Be healthy and don't get sick!

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Unfortunately, situations where a mother is forced to undergo “express training” in the technique of intramuscular injections are not uncommon. Some cannot leave their sick child in the hospital, some simply do not have a hospital nearby, and another mother is not able to pay for the services of a nurse. This is where the question arises - how to give injections to a child. By the way, this “talent” can come in handy in the most unexpected situations. Therefore, let us remember...

What is needed for injections in the butt of a newborn - we prepare for manipulation.

First of all, we buy at the pharmacy everything you need for injections:

  • The drug itself . Naturally, prescribed by a doctor, and only in the dosage that corresponds to the prescription. Checking the expiration date is mandatory. It is also worth matching the contents of the ampoule and the description in the instructions (must match).
  • Medical alcohol.
  • Sterile cotton wool.
  • Syringes.

Choosing the right syringe for injections for a child:

  • Syringes- only disposable.
  • Needle for intramuscular injection usually comes with a syringe. Make sure that the needle included in the kit is suitable for injection (they are different for water and oil injections).
  • Choosing a syringe with a needle depends on the age and size of the baby, the drug and its dosage.
  • The needle should go under the skin easily, Therefore, we choose it correctly - so that the injection, instead of intramuscular, does not end up being subcutaneous, and then we do not have to treat the lump. For babies up to one year: syringes for babies 1 ml. For children 1-5 years old: syringes – 2 ml, needle – 0.5x25. For children 6-9 years old: syringe – 2 ml, needle 0.5x25 or 0.6x30

Find in advance a place where it will be more convenient to give the baby an injection: the lighting should be bright, the baby should be comfortable, and so should you. Before you unpack the syringe, once again check the dosage and expiration date of the medicine, name of the drug.

Preparing for intramuscular injection to a child - detailed instructions.

  • First, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. and wipe them with medical alcohol.
  • Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, the injection is given into the gluteal muscle. . Determining the “point” for the injection is not difficult: mentally divide the buttock (and not the whole butt!) into 4 squares and “aim” at the upper right square (if the buttock is right). For the left buttock, the square, accordingly, will be the upper left.
  • Let's keep calm otherwise, the baby will instantly feel your panic, and it will be very difficult to give an injection. The more confident and relaxed you are and, most importantly, the baby, the easier the needle will go in.
  • Wipe the ampoule with alcohol , dry cotton wool or a piece of sterile gauze. We make an incision on the ampoule - along the line of the supposed fracture. For this, a special nail file is used (usually included in the package). It is strictly forbidden to beat off, break off, or “bite off” the tip of the ampoule without this tool - there is a risk that small fragments will get inside.
  • Unpacking a disposable syringe from the piston side.
  • We connect it with a needle, without removing the protective cap from the needle.
  • If the medicine is in an ampoule – in dry form, dilute it, according to the instructions and doctor’s prescription, with water for injection or another drug prescribed by the doctor.
  • Remove the cap from the needle and dialing the required amount of the drug into the syringe.
  • Be sure to remove air from the syringe. To do this, lift the syringe with the needle up, lightly tap the syringe with your finger so that all the air bubbles rise closer to the hole (to the needle). We press the piston, expelling the air out.
  • If everything is correct – a drop of the drug will appear on the hole of the needle. Remove the drop with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol and put on the cap.

Advice: We carry out all preparatory manipulations so that the baby does not see them - do not frighten the baby in advance. We leave the prepared syringe with the medicine (and with the cap on the needle) on a clean saucer on the shelf/table and only then call/bring the child into the room.

Intramuscular injection technique for young children - video on how to give an injection to a child.

  • Use warm hands to massage your buttock “for an injection” - gently and gently to “disperse the blood” and relax the gluteal muscle.
  • Calm the baby, distract him, so that he wouldn't be scared. Turn on a cartoon, call your dad dressed up as a clown, or give your baby a toy syringe and a teddy bear - let him also “give an injection” at that very moment - one-two-three. The ideal option is to distract the baby so that he does not notice the moment when you raise the syringe over his butt. This way the gluteal muscle will be more relaxed, and the injection itself will be less painful and quicker.
  • Wipe the injection site with cotton wool (a piece of gauze) moistened with alcohol - from left to right.
  • Remove the cap from the syringe.
  • With your free hand, gather the desired gluteal “square” into a fold (for adults, injections, on the contrary, stretch the skin).
  • Fast and sharp, but controlled movement insert the needle at a 90 degree angle. We insert the needle to a depth of three-quarters of its length. The injection is intramuscular, so when you insert the needle to a shallower depth, you reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug and create “soil” for the appearance of a subcutaneous lump.
  • Thumb - on the piston, and with the middle and index fingers we fix the syringe in the hand. Press the plunger and slowly inject the medicine.
  • Next is the place where the needle was inserted , lightly press with cotton wool soaked in alcohol (prepare in advance), and quickly remove the needle.
  • Use the same cotton wool to press the hole from the needle. , lightly massaging the skin for a few seconds.

Don’t forget to draw a funny picture for your baby iodine mesh on the butt(at the injection site) so that the medicine is better absorbed, and regularly massage the buttock, to avoid the "bump".

And most importantly– praise your baby, because he withstood this procedure with dignity, like a real fighter.

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There are times in life when a child needs to give an intramuscular injection on his own. This could be an emergency, when the ambulance is late, and the baby needs help here and now. A foreign country, an inconvenient daily routine, financial difficulties - all this can become a serious incentive for a mother to learn how to give injections to her child. In addition, it is not difficult to do, the main thing is to follow all the instructions.

Preparing for the injection

During your consultation with a doctor, ask your doctor whether it is possible to replace the injection with a different form of medicine. After all, instead of intramuscular medications, you can use a suspension. If the dosage form can be changed, do so. An injection is extremely stressful for a child, and if you can avoid it, do so.

Often, injections are prescribed if the immediate effect of the drug is needed. The medicine administered by injection acts faster, is better absorbed, and does not damage the walls of the stomach. When writing a prescription, check the dosage of the drug. If you do not fully understand the technique of mixing the medicine, ask that the first injection be given in front of you. Carefully monitor the healthcare provider - does the medicine need to be diluted, if so, what should the medicine be diluted with - novocaine or the anesthetic lidocaine?

After you know what and how to do, you can begin to carry out the procedure yourself. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap or rub them with alcohol. All preparations should take place in the next room, under no circumstances in front of the child. This can frighten and agitate your baby.

For children under three years old, you need to take small syringes, no more than two cubes. They have a thinner needle, which means the injection will be less painful. If for some reason you need to inject a large amount of the drug, you can buy thin sterile needles separately and use them. For the injection you will also need medical alcohol and sterile cotton wool. It is better not to replace alcohol with vodka, since the alcohol concentration is lower there.

So, with clean hands you need to open the ampoule with the injection solution. Many ampoules have a special notch. If it is not there, the pack of ampoules should have a special small file with which you can make this notch. To avoid getting cut by thin glass, use cotton wool to open the cap. After this, open the syringe, insert the needle into place and draw up the solution. Then add it to the bottle containing the powdered medicine. There is no need to open the bottle completely, just pierce the rubber cap with a needle. Then let the medicine dissolve completely and shake the bottle.

If you are giving the injection to a child, make sure that they experience as little pain as possible. To do this, you need to take a second needle, because the first one becomes blunt when piercing the rubber cap. If you do not plan to use a second needle, do not remove the syringe needle after injecting the injection solution. Let the syringe stick out from the bottle. And after the powder has completely dissolved, draw the dissolved medicine into the syringe.

Then place the syringe vertically with the needle up and lightly tap it to expel any air bubbles. If a small part of the air enters the muscle along with the medicine, it’s okay.

How to prepare your child for an injection

For a young child, an injection is a kind of punishment. Unbearable pain that you must help him overcome. Don’t deceive your baby, don’t say that it won’t hurt. Especially if such a procedure is to be performed for the first time. Tell your baby that it will hurt a little, but mom will be there and support you. Tell your baby that the injection is similar to a mosquito bite - you just need to be patient a little.

You can buy your child a medical kit with a syringe and other medical supplies in advance. Show your child how to check the necks of dolls with a spoon, how to give an injection to a bear, and how to treat toys. Under no circumstances should you frighten a child with a doctor, an injection, or a hospital. The doctor should be a friend, a savior for the child, who helps him get rid of the disease.

Giving an injection in a hysterical environment is extremely undesirable. If the baby kicks, does not allow himself to be given an injection, or does not want to hear anything, leave the child for half an hour. At this moment, the mother should calm him down, hug the baby, and show that she is nearby. Do not make fun of your baby’s fears under any circumstances, do not tell others, they say, imagine, but Vasya is afraid to give an injection, well, what kind of man is he?! This undermines your trusting relationship with your baby.

Promise your child that after the injection, mom will definitely give him candy, give him a new toy, or read his favorite book. And under no circumstances deceive him - keep your promise.

  1. Before the injection, it is better for the child to take off his pants so that the elastic does not squeeze the buttocks and legs.
  2. Even though the child has calmed down, he must be held. During the procedure, he may twitch, this will lead to unpleasant consequences. It will be better if you give the injection with an assistant who will hold the child. It is important to secure the baby's arms and legs.
  3. If the mother has enough experience and the child is young, the injection can be done without an assistant. To do this, you need to put the baby on your knees and fix his legs between your knees.
  4. Lightly massage the baby's buttocks with a few movements. This will allow him to relax a little.
  5. Mentally divide the baby's buttock into 4 parts. The injection should be given in the upper outer quarter of the buttock.
  6. Wipe the injection site first with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. Quickly but firmly and carefully insert the syringe into the designated area at a right angle. The needle should go in halfway or a little more. It is not necessary to squeeze the child’s skin, because the syringe is small and there is no chance of touching the periosteum.
  7. Make sure that the child does not become hysterical, calm him down. If he squeezes his buttocks, the muscles may break the needle. Do not show your child your fear, it affects his condition. Show that you have confidence in the process.
  8. Whenever possible, administer the medication slowly. This way it is better absorbed, and after the injection there are no lumps or lumps left. However, if the child cries a lot, do not prolong the procedure and try to finish it as soon as possible.
  9. After the medicine is injected, carefully remove the needle and wipe the injection site with a cotton swab and alcohol.
  10. Hug and reassure your child. He has endured a great trial that must be rewarded!

If the course consists of several injections, you need to alternate the buttocks. After the procedure, do not forget to throw away needles and broken ampoules - the child can harm himself with them.

Dangerous! If a needle breaks during the procedure, call an ambulance immediately.

How to prepare a child for an injection in a clinic

Sometimes it happens that it is not you who should give the injection to your child, but the doctor at the clinic. Most often this is a vaccination. How to prepare a child for this?

When going to a medical facility, you do not need to tell your child that you are only going for a certificate. Do not deceive the baby - the thread of trust between mother and baby is so easy to break, and it will be very difficult to restore it. Tell your child that he needs to get a shot so he doesn't get sick. If he is given just one injection, he will be protected from various dangerous diseases.

Don't say that the injection will be painless. Tell the baby that the injection hurts a little, but he is so strong and brave that he is not afraid of anything. If a child is nervous, do not laugh at him, be understanding of his feelings.

Doctors who give vaccinations usually treat children well and know how to establish contact with them. Such classrooms often contain toys that can distract the child. Let your baby relax and look at new toys. Give him time and only then proceed with the procedure. After the injection, tell your child how proud you are of him.

Remember, the right approach develops a child’s competent attitude towards medical procedures. Do not scare him with doctors and injections, do not deceive the baby, do not show your own fear. And then giving the child an injection will not be difficult.

Video: how to properly give an injection in the buttock

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