Volkov - meaning and origin of the surname. Volkov: origin of the surname and famous noble families

The Brovkin family in the novel
"Peter the Great"
Ivan Brovkin, Alexey Brovkin
And the rest of the Broquins

Father - Ivan Artemyevich Brovkin. Children: Alexey, Gavrila, Artamon, Yakov, Alexandra
The Brovkin family in the novel “Peter the First” is an illustration of how Peter’s principle “from now on, nobility is to be counted by fitness” allowed smart and hardworking people to free themselves from servile dependence and rise high up the social ladder.

The courtyard of Ivan Artemyevich Brovkin was considered prosperous. He had a horse, a cow, and four chickens. But poverty followed. The horse has rotten harness. Due to hunger and arrears, his eldest son Alyosha had to be given to the boyar Vasily Volkov into eternal bondage.

Alyosha runs away from his owner because they “promised to drive him into the ground up to his shoulders” and becomes a friend of Alexander Menshikoia. Menshikov, having gained confidence in the tsar, continues to take care of Alyosha, and one day brings him to Peter. Alyosha looked like a sedate young man, dressed in a clean shirt, new bast shoes, and canvas foot wraps. Alyosha showed the king “drumming dexterity” and was enlisted in the first company as a drummer. “That’s how Alek-Sashka ended up with his own hand in the battalion.” And for the second time Menshikov helps Alyosha out, frees him from Volkov’s servile dependence, when the latter inadvertently says: “The Tsar is not my pointer!”
Atesha first gave his father three rubles. Ivan Brovkin bought a heifer (one and a half rubles), a sheep (thirty-five kopecks), four piglets (three altyns each), adjusted the harness, installed new gates and rented eight acres of land from the peasants for spring crops, giving a ruble in money, a bucket of vodka and promising a fifth sheaf of the harvest. “The man got to his feet.” The Volkonsky manager freed him from corvee. Then Alyosha gave his father money to build a mill.

Alyosha became his own man under Peter. Soon he becomes a senior bombardier, then Peter's orderly. Fulfills Peter's instructions to recruit soldiers, participates in military battles, and rises to the rank of lieutenant colonel.

All members of the Brovkin family are characterized by hard work, perseverance, a lively mind, and a desire to achieve more in life.

Alyosha “...took the white officer’s scarf from fate with his teeth.” Own company farm Alexey Brovkin He led strictly, his soldiers were well-fed, he ate from the soldier’s cauldron, he didn’t hurt the soldiers in vain, but he didn’t make mistakes.

Father made great use of both Alyosha’s money and his position. At first he began to rent meadows and arable land from Volkov. Brovkin's cattle walked in separate herds; he took the animals to Preobrazhenskoye to the royal table. The whole village bowed to the waist, everyone owed him, ten men worked for him under bondage records. Alyosha introduces his father to Menshikov, and for two hundred rubles he introduces him to Lefort, from whom he receives a letter to supply the army with oats and hay.

During the campaign against Azov, he supplied oats and hay without stealing, and Peter handed over all the contracts to him. Ivan Brovkin now he is the main provisioner for thirty regiments, the “soon to be rich.” Many eminent merchants were in his business and as clerks. He built a new brick house on Ilyinka. Ivan Brovkin's reputation is strengthened after he warns Romodanovsky about the campaign of four regiments of archers against Moscow. Your capital Ivan Brovkin used for the construction of factories: cloth factories, sawmills and others. Through Menshikov, he achieved the right to take convicts from Romodanovsky prisons to his factories.

All the sons of Ivan Brovkin work tirelessly. Yakov serves in Voronezh, he became a navigator; Gavrila studied in Holland. Peter entrusted Yakov and Gavrila with the construction of Piterburgh on the site above the mouth of the Fontanka (barns, piers, strengthening the shore with piles). When Peter himself prepared the drawings of the Kronshlot bastion, Yakov convinced Peter to make the height of the bastion higher. Love arises between Gavrila and Princess Natalya. Artamon knows French, German, Dutch, helps his father in household matters, and becomes a translator in the Ambassadorial Prikaz. It is no coincidence that at the beginning of the construction of St. Petersburg, only three people grew cabbage near their houses: Menshikov, Alexey Brovkin and Bruce.

A large place in the novel is given to Alexandra. Menshikov told Peter that Alyosha’s sister was a fiancee. Peter betrothed Alexandra to the nobleman Vasily Volkov. At social receptions (at Lefort's) she immediately attracted the attention of foreigners. She learned three foreign languages, played the harp, and could “read a book at night.” She studied the history of Puf-fendorf, the translation of which was written by Artamon. Alexandra's adventurism manifested itself when leaving Vyazma, although everyone warned her about robbers. During the attack, Alexandra grabbed a pistol from her husband’s sheepskin coat and shot at the robber. This saved the Volkovs. She also had a beneficial influence on her husband, who, following her, began to study history. Vasily Volkov took his service abroad very seriously. In The Hague, Alexandra is with the Russian after Matveev. She writes poetry. “Cavaliers fight with swords because of her, and some are killed.” She is going to the court of Louis the Fourteenth.

The father carefully watches over the children. He pays for the maintenance of Alexandra’s yacht and redeems Alyosha from captivity.


  • 1 Origin and history of the family
  • 2 Description of coats of arms
    • 2.1 Coat of arms of the Volkov family
    • 2.2 Coat of arms of Life Campanian Larion Spiridonovich Volkov
    • 2.3 Coat of arms of Fyodor Grigorievich Volkov
    • 2.4 Coat of arms of the Volkov family, descendants of Semyon Afanasyevich Volkov
    • 2.5 Coat of arms of the Volkov family, descendants of Andrei Fedorovich Volkov
  • 3 Famous representatives of the Volkov noble families
  • Notes


Coat of arms of the Volkov family (descendants of Grigory Volk)

Life-Campanian coat of arms of Larion Spiridonovich Volkov

Coat of arms of Fyodor Grigorievich Volkov

Coat of arms of the Volkov family (descendants of Semyon Afanasyevich Volkov)

Coat of arms of the Volkov family (descendants of Andrei Fedorovich Volkov)

Volkovs- ancient Russian noble families.

1. Origin and history of the family

Among the seventy-two noble families of the Volkovs, approved on personal merit, there are several ancient families. The oldest of them descend from a “noble” Lithuanian Gregory Volk, who arrived in Russia at the beginning of the 16th century. In the 16th and 17th centuries, many Volkovs served as governors, stewards, solicitors, ambassadors, and clerks.

  • Descendants of Gregory Volk - Gregory And Vasily Mikhailovich Volkov for the Moscow siege in 1618, they were granted estates in the Yaroslavl district. This is the oldest branch of the Volkovs, descendants of Grigory Volk, descended from Vasily Ivanovich Volkov, recorded in part VI of the genealogical books of the Vologda, Kostroma, Novgorod, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yaroslavl provinces (Gerbovnik, I, 70).
  • Abram (Avram) Vasilievich Volkov, Yaroslavl landowner who participated in the 1634 siege of Smolensk. His son Alexey and grandson Andrey killed near Lesnoy (1707 or 1708). Of the latter's grandchildren Alexey Andreevich, who died in 1796, was Governor-General of Tobolsk and Perm (1788). Apollon Andreevich(1739-1806) - senator. Sergey Apollonovich, died in 1854, trustee of Moscow University. Yuri Aleksandrovich Volkov, a writer, belongs to the same branch. This genus is included in the VI part of the genealogical book of the Vologda, Kostroma, Moscow, Poltava and Yaroslavl provinces.
  • Descendants of Gregory Volk, descended from Andrey Fedorovich Volkov, posted in 1680, who was granted estates in Mosalsky and Meshchovsky districts (1685) for his service in the war with Turkey. His great-grandson, Volkov, Ivan Fedorovich, major general, distinguished himself during the assault on Izmail. This genus is included in the VI part of the genealogical book of the Simbirsk, Moscow, Novgorod, Kherson and Tambov provinces (Armorial, VII, 136).
  • Other descendants of Gregory Volk originate from Semyon Afanasyevich, who owned estates in Ruza district since 1628, and was located in 1626. Recorded in part VI of the genealogical books of the St. Petersburg and Moscow provinces (Armorial, VII, 64).
  • Pravotarkh Kudeyarovich, who owned an estate in Suzdal district (1628-1631), and his grandchildren Peter, Andrei and Ivan Sergeevich, is recorded in the VI part of the genealogical books of the Vladimir and Kostroma provinces.
  • The Volkov family, descended from Ivan Grigorievich Volkov, steward and governor in Saransk (1686 or 1689) and his descendants are included in Part I of the genealogical book of the Saratov province.
  • The ancestor of the family Avvakum Volkov, landowner of Shatsk district (1719). His descendants are included in the VI part of the genealogical book of the Moscow province.

In the Lithuanian-Russian provinces the surname Volki, the representative of this family was the founder of the ancient Volkov family Grigory Pavlovich Volk, was common. There is an ancient noble family of the Wolves of the Truba coat of arms in the Minsk, Vilna, Mogilev and Kovno provinces. One of the common ancestors of the Volki family was the elder of Pensky near Olshana, Mikolay Volk. This Wolf of the Truba coat of arms ("Lords, glorious and brave Wolves") left two sons, Fyodor and Nikolai. Pomeranian voivode Nikolai Volk from Lanevichi became the progenitor of the Volkov-Lanevsky family, attributed to the Korczak coat of arms. Fyodor Volk is the grandfather of Grigory Pavlovich Volk, who went to “Tsar Vasily V”. For this departure, the relatives of Grigory Volk who remained in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania were subjected to "infamy" and only the great-grandson of Grigory Volk - boyar Levon Grigorievich Volk, for faithful service, received in 1553 the right to estates in the Rechitsa povet from Anna Bona (Bona Sforza d, Aragon - Grand Duchess of Lithuania), confirmed in 1562 by the Charter of King Sigismund Augustus, the descendants of Leon Grigorievich began to be called Volk-Leonovich. According to family legend, the ancestor of the ancient Lithuanian noble family of Volkov was a descendant of Vseslav the Magician, Prince Vit of Polotsk, whose name was Volk.

The noble families of the Volkovs, belonging to the new, distinguished nobility, are included in the II and III parts of the genealogical book of 22 provinces. By the highest permission, the offspring of the brother of the famous founder of the Russian theater, Fyodor Grigorievich Volkov, was approved in the hereditary nobility.

2. Description of the coats of arms

2.1. Coat of arms of the Volkov family

The shield, which has a silver field, depicts three black trumpets tied together with a gold cord, and under them a ring. The shield is topped with an ordinary noble helmet with ostrich feathers. The cover on the shield is red, lined with gold. Lakier notes this coat of arms as a variation of the Polish coat of arms of the Pipe - the ring, instead of the middle, is placed specially under the pipes. Among the noble families using this coat of arms, the surname Wolf (Polish. Wolk).

The coat of arms of the Volkov family is included in Part 1 of the General Arms of Arms of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 70

2.2. Coat of arms of Life Campanian Larion Spiridonovich Volkov

The shield is divided perpendicularly into two parts, of which on the right, in a black field between three silver pentagonal stars, a golden rafter is depicted, with three burning garnets of a natural color marked on it. On the left side, in a golden field, there is a black wolf looking back with its tongue out. The shield is crowned with an ordinary noble helmet, on which is superimposed a grenadier cap with ostrich feathers, red and white, and on the sides of this cap two black eagle wings are visible, and on them are three silver stars. The mantling on the shield is black, lined with gold on the right side and silver on the left.

Larion Spiridonov, son of Volkov, while in the Life Company, according to the Named Blessed and Eternal Glory worthy of the memory of the Empress Elisavet Petrovna, 1741, December 31st day, the Decree was most mercifully granted with his legitimate children born from this date and henceforth born and their offspring in noble dignity, and on the 12th day of December 1748, a Diploma, a copy of which is kept in the Heraldry.

Volkov's coat of arms is included in Part 3 of the General Arms of Arms of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 120

2.3. Coat of arms of Fyodor Grigorievich Volkov

The shield, which has a red field, has two silver rafters connected horizontally in the middle and a silver rose above them. The shield is topped with an ordinary noble helmet with a noble crown on it and three ostrich feathers. The shield lining is red, lined with silver.

Volkov's coat of arms is included in Part 5 of the General Arms of Arms of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 139

2.4. Coat of arms of the Volkov family, descendants of Semyon Afanasyevich Volkov

The shield is divided into four parts, of which in the first, in a red field, two silver swords are placed crosswise, with the pointed point up. In the second, in a golden field, there is a black wolf standing on its hind legs, facing to the right. In the third, a golden horn is depicted in a blue field and a tree of natural color is depicted under it in a silver field. In the fourth part, in a red field, there is a silver tower with three battlements. The shield is crowned with a noble helmet and crown, on the surface of which two deer antlers are visible. The border on the shield is gold, lined with green.

The coat of arms of the Volkov family is included in Part 7 of the General Arms of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 64

2.5. Coat of arms of the Volkov family, descendants of Andrei Fedorovich Volkov

In the shield, divided in two, in the upper half, in a red field, two silver swords are placed crosswise, with the pointed point up. In the lower half, two silver towers are placed in a blue field. The shield is topped with a noble helmet and a crown with ostrich feathers. The border on the shield is gold, lined with blue. The shield is held by two lions.

The coat of arms of the Volkov family is included in Part 7 of the General Arms of Arms of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 136

3. Famous representatives of the Volkov noble families

  • Volkov, Alexander Alexandrovich (Lieutenant General) (1778-1833) - Lieutenant General
  • Volkov, Alexander Andreevich (1736-1788) - king of arms
  • Volkov, Alexander Apollonovich - chamberlain of the court, leader of the nobility of the Yaroslavl province
  • Volkov, Alexey Andreevich (1738-1796) - lieutenant general, Perm and Tobolsk governor.
  • Volkov, Apollon Andreevich - lieutenant general,
  • Volkov, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1776-1820), Russian major general
  • Volkov, Dmitry Vasilievich (1718-1785) Chief of Police of St. Petersburg 1778-1780
  • Volkov, Ivan Fedorovich (1748-1823) Major General, commander of the Voronezh Hussar Regiment
  • Volkov, Platon Stepanovich - leader of the nobility of the Vologda province
  • Knights of the Order of St. George IV class:
    • Volkov, Alexander Alexandrovich; Major General; No. 4192; December 25, 1828
    • Volkov, Alexander Grigorievich; colonel; No. 9086; November 26, 1853
    • Volkov, Anton Petrovich; Major General; No. 4323; December 19, 1829
    • Volkov, Grigory Gavrilovich; colonel; No. 3451; November 26, 1819
    • Volkov, Grigory Fedorovich; Prime Major; No. 1034; November 26, 1793
    • Volkov, Ivan Grigorievich; captain 1st rank; No. 6759; December 3, 1842
    • Volkov, Ivan Fedorovich; lieutenant colonel; No. 496; November 26, 1787
    • Volkov, Karl Fedorovich; colonel; No. 9098; November 26, 1853
    • Volkov, Mikhail Kirillovich; captain; No. 9245; November 26, 1853
    • Volkov, Nikolai Apollonovich; staff captain; No. 2979; October 17, 1814
    • Volkov, Nikolai Petrovich; lieutenant colonel; No. 10060; November 26, 1857
    • Volkov, Pyotr Apollonovich; colonel; No. 8198; November 26, 1849
    • Volkov, Pyotr Gavrilovich; major; No. 3745; November 26, 1823
    • Volkov, Pyotr Lukich; captain; No. 237 (197); November 26, 1774
    • Volkov, Semyon Alekseevich; colonel; No. 7755; November 26, 1847
    • Volkov, Sergey Ivanovich; Major General; No. 9641; November 26, 1855
    • Volkov, Timofey Alekseevich; lieutenant colonel; No. 6496; December 5, 1841
  • Vasily Volkov, “the son of a Moscow service nobleman” - a character in the novel “Peter I” by A. N. Tolstoy, husband of Alexandra Brovkina


  1. Polovtsov A. A. Russian Biographical Dictionary. - www.rulex.ru/xPol/index.htm
  2. Encyclopedic Dictionary of F. A. Brockhaus and I. A. Efron. In 86 volumes with illustrations and additional materials, St. Petersburg, 1890-1907
  3. Part 1 of the General Arms of Arms of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 70 - gerbovnik.ru/arms/70.html
  4. Part 3 of the General Arms Book of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 120 - gerbovnik.ru/arms/420.html
  5. Part 5 of the General Arms Book of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 139 - gerbovnik.ru/arms/739.html
  6. Part 7 of the General Arms Book of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 64 - gerbovnik.ru/arms/974.html
  7. Part 7 of the General Arms of Arms of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 136 - gerbovnik.ru/arms/1046.html

When writing this article, material was used from the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron (1890-1907).

This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed 07/11/11 15:11:04
Categories: Noble families of Russia, Volkovs.
Text is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.

/ / / The image of Sanka Brovkina in Tolstoy’s novel “Peter the Great”

Sanka Brovkina is one of the female characters in Alexei Tolstoy’s novel “,” which plays a significant role in the work.

The appearance of this heroine is very expressive, as evidenced by the following words in the description: beautiful, plump, dark blond braid as thick as an arm, blue eyes with shaggy eyelashes, a raised nose, arrow-shaped eyebrows, even teeth behind a gentle mouth and a bright blush on the cheeks.

Sanka's character is not flexible: she snaps at her father, does not listen to her husband's opinion and his advice. Having decided to go to Paris, Alexandra drives everyone crazy by talking about her idea.

Sanka is arrogant. She herself recently left an ordinary hut, but she is already pretentious and pretending to be an important person in front of the daughters of boyar Buinosov. Although the heroine quickly gets bored with this game, and she behaves naturally and simply.

Alexandra Ivanovna Brovkina is the imprisoned daughter of the Tsar. She supports him at the moment of farewell to Lefort, however, as much as is typical of her nature.

Sanka is frivolous and is not at all averse to flirting with other people’s men. She often twirls in front of the mirror, knowing that she is beautiful and many people like her. And although her husband sincerely loves her, Alexandra herself has not yet experienced these feelings; her fiery soul longs for romantic adventures. Having decided to cheat on her husband, she gets into a scandalous story and gets out of it only thanks to the same Volkov, who patiently accepts his wife’s behavior.

Her frivolity affects not only her honor, but also her life. Sanka finds himself in a dangerous situation, in the hands of robbers. And all because she again disobeyed her husband and acted in her own way.

Although this is where her persistent character manifests itself. Sanka's determination, resourcefulness and presence of mind also help him deal with robbers on the road.

Alexandra Ivanovna Brovkina had one dream - to dance with the European king, and it comes true on the pages of the novel. Sanka dances with the ruler of Poland - August. This female seducer conquers her heart too. But in moments of emotional tossing, her mother’s eyes appear before the heroine, and she rejects August’s love.

Sanka finally understands that her husband is the Russian ambassador, and stops listening in fascination to the speeches of the spy Atalia.

She and her husband have been living in The Hague for some time, Sanka is the owner of a carriage, a two-masted yacht and thoroughbred horses. True, these pleasures are secretly paid for by her father, Ivan Artemyevich. Sanka's house is always full of guests, for whom she plays the harp. And this cannot but please the father.

Alexandra Ivanovna becomes a European socialite, lives according to all accepted customs, sends her portrait to her father, asking him to hang it in the dining room. On the canvas, Sanka is reclining on a dolphin, wearing what her mother gave birth to, and her face still has the same sly smile.

But life in a foreign land is still not so wonderful, it draws her back to her homeland: she admits to her brother that she would like to eat plenty of gooseberries and swing on a swing. Nothing can tear your own, dear one out of your soul, you can’t overshadow it with any luxury or position in society.

On the obelisk to the dead residents of the village of Nakhabino (near the stadium), among dozens of surnames, the names of the five Volkov brothers are carved: Ivan, Andrey, Fedor, Nikolai, Dmitry. In the village in the New Town microdistrict there is a street named after the Volkov Brothers. There is a memorial plaque on multi-storey building No. 1 of this microdistrict. The names are carved on it: Ivan Sergeevich, Andrey Sergeevich, Fedor Sergeevich, Nikolai Sergeevich and Dmitry Sergeevich. All of them died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Today, May 6, a rally is being held near this house in memory of the brothers who gave their lives for peace on earth.

The street named after the Volkov Brothers in the village of Nakhabino appeared 14 years ago. According to the decree of the head of the Nakhabinsk administration dated June 21, 1996, it was decided to assign this name to the new street in the New Town microdistrict.
...The large family of Ksenia Nikitichna and Sergei Konnovich Volkov moved to Nakhabino from the city of Kimry, Kalinin region (now Tver) in the 20-30s of the last century. There were five children in the family: Ivan, born in 1912, Andrey, born in 1914, Fedor, born in 1919, Nikolai, born in 1922, and Dmitry, born in 1925.
Ivan and Andrei Volkov were called to the front in the first days of the war. Soon a letter arrived from Ivan in which he reported that he was near Smolensk. There was no more news about Ivan.
Andrey Volkov was a scout. On June 1, 1943, while carrying out his next mission, he and a group of scouts were surrounded. They shot back to the last bullet. After the war, mother Ksenia Nikitichna received a letter from her son’s friend, who told her about Andrei’s death.
Fyodor Volkov met the Great Patriotic War while on active service in one of the tank units of the Red Army near Lvov. Just before the war, Ksenia Nikitichna received a letter from him. It contained the following lines: “I have two months left on my valid term. I’ll be there soon, mom.” But this was not allowed to come true: in the battle, Fyodor Volkov burned alive in a tank.
Nikolai Volkov was drafted into the army when the fascist invaders approached Istra. He, like his older brother Andrei, was a scout. After successfully completing one of the most difficult tasks, the command sent him home for a day. However, Nikolai never had time to visit Nakhabino; ​​he received an order to go behind enemy lines. He did not return from this reconnaissance...
At the beginning of the war, Dmitry Volkov was 16 years old. Getting to the front and helping his brothers in the fight against the Nazis was his main task. He went to the military registration and enlistment office again and again, asking to join the active army. When he was refused again, he fled to the front. The train in which he was traveling to the front was bombed by the Nazis from the air.
All the years of the war there was no news from the brothers, but relatives believed that the children were alive, and the fact that there were no letters meant that there was a war going on.
The Volkovs received their first funeral for Andrei, who died in battle on June 1, 1943, in the winter of 1945. This was a crushing blow for Sergei Konnovich. He soon died, ordering his wife to wait for the rest of the children, the war was about to end, and they would definitely return.
After May 9, when the soldiers began to return from the front, Ksenia Nikitichna went to the station and met every train coming from the west. Only in the fall of 1945, on one day, the postman brought four funerals! They stated that Ivan, Fedor, Nikolai and Dmitry went missing in different months of 1942.
Ksenia Nikitichna Volkova, in spite of everything, waited and believed that her sons would be found, but she did not wait. She died in 1975.
In the Museum of Military Glory of Nakhabino Gymnasium No. 4 there is a stand telling about the Volkov brothers. Schoolchildren are proud of their fellow countrymen-heroes.
Such is the tragic story of the large Nakhabin family, only one family out of millions. The memory of the soldiers of the Volkov Motherland is alive and will live.


P.S. Traditionally, on the eve of Victory Day, an open volleyball tournament in memory of the Volkov brothers was held in the urban settlement of Nakhabino.
The women's stage of the tournament brought together four participants. The winner was the “Dedovsk” team, the second place was taken by the KMZ team, and the third place was taken by “Zorkiy” (both from Krasnogorsk).
Eight teams took part in the men's stage, four from Nakhabino. Team “Pchelki” won, second place went to KMZ (both teams from Krasnogorsk), team “Nakhabino” won third place.

The family was included in the 3rd part of the noble genealogy book of the Kazan province as determined by the Kazan noble deputy assembly dated December 21, 1820, approved by the decree of the Heraldry dated August 31, 1843.
1 Nikolai Vasilyevich, born in 1765 (?), from the nobility, in 1788 - corporal, staff captain, in 1798 - warden of the First Kazan Men's Gymnasium, in 1804 - collegiate assessor, in 1808 - court councilor, in 1812 - adjutant of the chief 1 of the Kazan military militia, dismissed in 1814 due to the disbandment of the militia, collegiate adviser, lives in the village of Shikhazda, Kazan district, married to a pupil of ensign Grigory Semenov (?), behind him in the city of Kazan is a wooden house, in the village of Shikhazda, Kazan district . 30 souls of peasants, for the wife 47 souls of peasants.
1/1 Tatyana Nikolaevna, born in 1806 (?).
1/2 Maria Nikolaevna, born in 1807 (?).
1/3 Nikolai Nikolaevich, born in 1811 (?), staff captain, candidate for the post of assessor of the noble guardianship, followed by him together with his brother Peter in the village of Shikhazda, Kazan district. 61 souls of peasants and 489 dess. land.
1/4 Vasily Nikolaevich, born in 1812 (?).
1/5 Avdotya Nikolaevna, born in 1814 (?).
1/6 Alexandra Nikolaevna, born in 1815 (?).
1/7 Pyotr Nikolaevich, born in 1819 (?), lieutenant colonel.
1/8 Nadezhda Nikolaevna, born 08/26/1825.
1/9 Glafira Nikolaevna, born 07/16/1827, followed by her in the village of Shikhazda, Kazan district. 18 souls of peasants and 65 dess. land.
Basis: Alphabetical list...- P.18; ORRK NBL KSU. Storage unit 402. C.Z. T.1.L.69-69 vol.; ON RT. F.114. Op.1. D.744. L.35 rev.; F.350. Op.1. D.1167. L.17 vol., 199 vol.-200, Op.2. D.85. L.153 ob., D.395. L.91-96 vol.; F.407. Op.1. D.47. L.4 rev., D.50a. L.Z ob., D.57. L.5 rev., D.61. L.4 rev., D.70. L.4 rev., D.78. L.4 rev., D.110. L.4 vol., D.126. L.4 vol., DL41. L.4 vol., D.206. L.4 rev., D.210. L.Z ob., 4 ob., D.234. L.4 vol., D.239. L.4 vol.

The family was included in the 3rd part of the noble genealogy book of the Kazan province according to the definitions of the Kazan noble deputy assembly dated 12/28/1811, 10/29/1851, approved by decree of the Heraldry of 03/05/1853.
1 Fedor (Feodor) Ivanovich, born in 1769 (?), from the nobility, staff doctor, in 1811 - obstetrician in the Kazan medical board, court councilor, in 1825-1828 - Kazan district leader of the nobility, translated a book on smallpox vaccination into Tatar , published at his own expense and donated to the Kazan Order of Public Charity, lives in Kazan, is married, and according to the 5th revision, 6 souls of peasants.
1/1 Sergei Fedorovich, born in 1808 in the village. Ulanov, Sviyazhsk district, graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Kazan University, in 1827 - clerical minister, in 1843 - state councilor, official of the Kazan provincial post office, in 1847 - Sviyazhsk district marshal of the nobility, married to the daughter of Lieutenant Colonel Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Berstel of the Lutheran faith, marriage concluded on June 11 .1834 in the Post Office Church in St. Petersburg, behind it in the city of Kazan there is a stone house, in the village of Sobakino, Kazan district. generic 131 soul male sex and acquired 4 souls of peasants, for a wife in Kazan province. acquired 6 souls of peasants, died 10/01/1847.
1/2 Dmitry Fedorovich, born in 1808 (?).
1/3 Peter Fedorovich, born in 1811 (?).
1/1/1 Marya Sergeevna, born 05/11/1835.
1/1/2 Olga Sergeevna, born 02/08/1840, baptized in the Church of Dmitry Selunsky at the Tver Gate of the Nikitsky Cathedral in Moscow.
1/1/3 Yulia Sergeevna, born 03/01/1842, baptized in the Pyatnitskaya Church in Kazan
1/1/4 Sergei Sergeevich, born 03/28/1843, baptized in the Church of the Intercession in Kazan, married to Ekaterina Matveevna.
1/1/5 Konstantin Sergeevich, born 08/02/1846, baptized in the Church of the Intercession in Kazan.
1/1/6 Vladimir Sergeevich, born 05/17/1848. 1/1/4/1 Maria Sergeevna, born 01/12/1874.
1/1/4/2 Natalya Sergeevna, born 11/28/1879. 1/1/4/3 Sergei Sergeevich, born 01/09/1883.
1/1/4/4 Ekaterina Sergeevna, born 02/01/1890.
Basis: Alphabetical list...- P.18; ORRK NBL KSU. Storage unit 402. C.Z. T. 1. L.67-68 vol.; ON RT. F.350. Op.2. D.30. L.114-115, D.442. L.37-37 ob.; F.407. Op.1. D.659. L.191 rev.-193; F.897. Op.1. D.5. L.22.

The family is included in the 3rd part of the noble genealogy book of the Kazan province according to the definitions of the Kazan noble deputy assembly dated 08.08.1788, 31.10.1791.
1 Samson Ivanovich, born in 1737 (?), from the nobility, in 1781 - court adviser with the rank of land colonel, adviser to the Kazan Chamber of Civil Court, lives in Kazan, married to the daughter of a merchant Maria Stepanovna (Stepanova), followed by him in the city . Kazan house, bought by 4 men. and 4 wives gender of the soul of the peasants.
1/1 Pavel Samsonovich, born in 1771 (?), lieutenant.
1/2 Gavrila Samsonovich, born in 1773 (?), ensign.
1/3 Alexander Samsonovich, born in 1775 (?), ensign.
1/4 Elizaveta Samsonovna, born in 1777 (?).
Reason: ON RT. F.350. Op.2. D.390. L.11-13 vol.; F.407. Op.1. D.659. L.186 rev.-187.

The family is included in the 6th part of the noble genealogy book of the Kazan province as determined by the Kazan noble deputy assembly dated June 26, 1795.
1 Ivan Maksimovich, born (?), from the Smolensk gentry, collegiate adviser, adviser to the Kazan Chamber of Criminal Court, lives in Kazan, married, followed by 12 peasant souls according to the 4th revision.
1/1 Dmitry Ivanovich, born (?).
1/2 Peter Ivanovich, born (?).
Reason: ON RT. F.350. Op.2. D.407. L.39 rev.-41.

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