Questions for self-reflection. Should I always be right or happy? Which way does the door open?

1. Do you often complain about “not feeling well”, and if so, what is the reason?

2. Do you find faults in other people at the slightest opportunity?

3. Do you often make mistakes in your work, and if so, why?

4. Are you sarcastic in conversations? Are you being offensive?

5. Do you consciously avoid anyone, and if so, why?

6. Do you often suffer from indigestion? If yes, for what reason?

7. Does life seem aimless to you and the future hopeless?

8. Do you like your profession? If not, why not?

9. Do you often feel sorry for yourself, and if so, why?

10. Do you envy those who are superior to you?

11. What do you devote the most time to - thinking about success or failure?

12. Do you gain or lose self-confidence as you age?

13. Do you learn from mistakes?

14. Do you allow relatives or friends to make you feel anxious? If so, why?

15. “Soaring in the clouds” and “losing in spirit” - do you have these states and do they often change places?

16. Who has influenced you the most? What is the reason for this?

17. Do you put up with negative or discouraging influences if it can be avoided?

18. Do you take care of your appearance? If so, when and how?

19. Do you know how to “drown” your worries, loading yourself up with work so much that you no longer have time for them?

20. Would you call yourself a “spineless weakling” if you let others think for you?

21. Do you neglect cleansing your body until constipation makes you irritable and angry?

22. How often do you suffer from avoidable worries, and why do you put up with them?

23. Do you turn to alcohol, drugs or cigarettes to “calm your nerves”? If so, why don't you use willpower instead?

24. Does anyone “pick on” you? If yes, for what reason?

25. Do you have a main goal, and if so, what is it and what is your plan to achieve it?

26. Do you suffer from fears? If so, which ones exactly?

27. Do you have a method of protecting yourself from the negative influences of others?

28. Do you use self-hypnosis to achieve a positive state of mind?

29. What do you value more: the possession of material values ​​or the ability to control your own thoughts?

30. Do you easily succumb to outside influences contrary to your judgment?

32. Do you face unfortunate circumstances head on or try to evade responsibility?

33. Do you analyze your mistakes and failures in order to learn from them, or do you think that you should not do this?

34. Can you name your three main weaknesses? What do you do to get rid of them?

35. Do you feel ready to sympathize with those who share their worries with you?

36. What from your daily experiences helps you achieve your personal goals?

37. Does your presence tend to have a negative effect on others?

38. What habits of other people annoy you the most?

39. Do you always form your own opinion or allow yourself to be influenced by others?

40. Have you learned to bring your consciousness into a state that allows you to protect yourself from negative impacts and influences?

41. Does your profession inspire faith and hope in you?

43. Does religion help you maintain a positive state of mind?

44. Do you consider it your duty to share the concerns of others? If so, why?

45. If you agree that “a fisherman sees a fisherman from afar,” what did you learn about yourself by studying your friends?

46. ​​Do you see a connection between the people you constantly communicate with and your troubles?

47. Is it possible that a person you consider a friend is actually your worst enemy due to his negative impact on your mind?

48. By what signs and criteria do you decide who is useful to you and who is harmful?

49. Are the people around you mentally superior or inferior to you?

50. How much time out of 24 hours of the day do you give:

a) your work,

c) rest and entertainment,

d) acquiring useful knowledge,

d) idleness?

51. Which of your friends:

a) inspires

b) alarming

c) discouraging?

52. What is your biggest worry? Why are you experiencing it?

53. When you are given free advice, do you accept it without question or analyze its motives?

54. What do you want most? Are you going to make your wish come true? Are you ready to subordinate all other desires to this? How much time do you spend every day making this wish come true?

55. Do you often change your intentions? If so, why?

56. Do you always finish what you start?

57. Do other people's successes, titles, college degrees, or wealth influence you?

58. Does what people think or say about you influence you?

59. Do you please people because of their social or financial status?

60. Who do you consider to be the greatest living? In what ways is this person superior to you?

How much time have you spent researching and answering these questions? (It takes at least a day to analyze all the questions and answer them.)

If you answered all of these questions truthfully, you know more about yourself than most people. Study these questions carefully, return to them weekly for several months, and you will be amazed at the amount of very important knowledge about yourself that you will gain by simply answering these questions truthfully. If you are unsure of your answers to certain questions, seek advice from those who know you well, especially those who have no reason to flatter you, and try to see yourself through their eyes. The impression will be amazing.

If you feel some tension, something is bothering you, or just physical and mental fatigue has accumulated, then try to take a little break from everyday problems and spend a little time on introspection. Sometimes, with the help of simple psychological techniques, you can independently find the causes of mental discomfort, solve internal problems, and relieve unnecessary anxiety.

Non-existent animal

Take a piece of paper and quickly, without much thought, draw an animal that does not exist in nature. Put everything that comes to your mind on paper. Now carefully begin to examine every detail: his head, legs, arms, body parts, tail, horns, wings (if any).

What are they? If your head is turned right– you are focused on future plans if left– you keep looking back at the past. If some detail stands out too much, then in this area you have a corresponding feature.
For example, big mouth- you are talkative, huge ears– the opinions of others are important to you, large head– you are a rational person, you value thought and action.
Horns, claws, needles- you are trying to protect yourself from something or someone, or you have accumulated a lot of irritation and...
Feathers– you are prone to self-decoration and demonstrative behavior.
Mane, wool, some kind of hairstyle, braids- they talk about your sensuality, the desire to emphasize your gender, your sexual role.
Big, big paws– you “stand firmly on your feet” in the sense of life, are guided by business and are confident in the future.
If the legs are small or absent, then you “flutter through life”, you have no clear plans for the future.
Wings, tentacles, long fluffy tails, luxurious mane- these are signs of “self-distribution”, you have many interests and you want to participate in everything, show yourself everywhere.
Pipe-raised tail– you are confident in yourself and your actions, tail down, tucked- you doubt your actions, you are ashamed of something.

The more details in your drawing, the clearer and more colorful it is drawn, the more energy and optimistic mood you have. When your “animal” is drawn with strokes, like a sketch, it has no body parts, the lines are weak, light - this means that you are very tired, have lost your sense of self-confidence and want to remove yourself from life’s problems.

Write yourself a letter

If you are worried about any problem or situation, you cannot find a way out, form your behavior in it or your attitude towards it, “write letters.” To begin, prepare five different sheets of paper: white, brown, green, yellow and blue. Of course, you may not have such sheets on hand at home, so you can use the appropriate colors of pencils or felt-tip pens; instead of white, take a regular black pen.

On a white sheet you should describe the situation as dryly and formally as possible, even if it looks like a summary of incidents in a newspaper or an investigator’s report. For example, “on such and such a date such and such an event occurred...”

On brown boldly describe all your negative thoughts and emotions about this - act as if you are a hopeless pessimist and whiner.

Yellow Page is intended for the positive - be a notorious optimist on it, write all the most joyful and good things about the situation, even if your revelations look like “the ravings of a madman.”

On a green leaf you creatively express your problem - it could be a poem, an epigram or a drawing.

And finally the blue leaf- here you must try on the role of a sage - draw clear and serious conclusions, try to give yourself advice and instructions. As a result, the blue sheet will contain the solution to your problem, and the rest simply helped you look at the situation from different points of view.

Dream Analysis

The world is the work of our subconscious, which, like a huge conveyor belt, absorbs all our daytime experiences, impressions, thoughts, processes them and gives them back in night pictures. In the plots of your dreams, you can find your true attitude to the problem and discover ways to solve it, which your unconscious has already begun to work through. Therefore, try to remember or write down your dreams for the last period of your life (1-2 weeks). Now work with them.

Try to associate any object of your dream: a person, situation, setting, place or object. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about it, what is it like, what is it connected with in your fantasies or, conversely, in real life? The main thing is not to try to follow logic and not to “pull one another by the ears.” “Float” freely, even if your thoughts are completely absurd - the most valuable thing is that these are exactly your thoughts and this is exactly how your unconscious worked when it disguised something important under the picture of a dream. This method of “free association”, proposed Freud, very effectively brings to the surface everything we need to understand what our caring minds are hiding.

When a sufficient number of dreams have accumulated (from 5-10 to infinity...), take them apart piece by piece - like a construction set. Highlight the main ones that are significant in your opinion or repeated: situations, characters, objects. Now carefully follow their fate, how they change in subsequent dreams, what happens to them.
If it's a person: what does he look like, how does he behave, what does he say, what happens to him, how do you feel about him?
If this is a situation or event, then what emotions do you experience each time, who else appears or leaves in it, how does it end?
If it is an object, setting or some place, then what events does he participate in, is there always someone else next to him or something that changes over time?

The repetition of dreams indicates that the problem has not been identified or solved, that its roots are not visible to you and lie deeper than you can see. And your task is to unravel this tangle and get to the truth. Pay attention to people and - in dreams they can personify aspects of your personality, symbolize your unfulfilled desires; by reincarnating in them, you can perform actions that are not typical for you in life.

For example, you see a lion attacking your brother - but in fact you are just offended by him, and there is hidden aggression in you. Periodically return to your dreams, reread them, compare them, look at them from the point of view of new events in your life.

Check your self-esteem level

Answer ten questions and find out how you feel about yourself. Choose the statement that is closest to you. The scores are indicated in brackets; write them down after each question and then add them up.

1. How often are you tormented by thoughts that you shouldn't have?
say or do something?
a) very often (1),
b) sometimes (3).

2. If you associate with a brilliant and witty person, you:
a) try to defeat him in wit (5),
b) you will not get involved in the competition, but will give it its due and leave the conversation (1).

3. Choose one of the opinions that is closest to you:
a) what many people think is luck is actually the result of hard work (5),
b) successes often depend on a happy coincidence of circumstances (1),
c) in a difficult situation, the main thing is not perseverance or luck, but a person who can approve or console (3).

4. You were shown a cartoon or parody of you. You:
a) laugh and be glad that there is something original in you (3),
b) you will also try to find something funny in your partner and make fun of him (4),
c) be offended, but don’t show it (1).

5. Are you always in a hurry, don't have enough time, or do you take on tasks that exceed the capabilities of one person?
a) yes (1),
b) no (5),
c) I don’t know (3).

6. You choose as a gift for a friend. Buy:
a) perfume that you like (5),
b) perfume that you think your friend will be happy with,
although you personally don’t like them (3),
c) perfume that was advertised in a recent TV show (1).

7. Do you like to imagine different situations?
whom you behave completely differently than in life?
a) yes (1),
b) no (5),
c) I don’t know (3).

8. Does it bother you when your colleagues (especially younger ones) are more successful than you?
a) yes (1),
b) no (5),
c) sometimes (3).

9 Do you enjoy talking back to someone?
a) yes (5),
b) no (1),
c) I don’t know (3).

10. Close your eyes and try to imagine three colors: red, yellow and blue, which one is closest to you?
a) blue (1),
b) yellow (3),
c) red (5).


50-38 points. You are happy with yourself and confident. You have a great need to dominate people; you like to emphasize your “I” and highlight your opinion. You don't care what people say about you, but you yourself tend to criticize others. The more points you have, the more suitable the definition is: “You love yourself, but don’t love others.” You have one drawback: you take yourself too seriously and do not accept any critical information.

37-24 points. You live in harmony with yourself, you know yourself and you can trust yourself. You have a valuable ability to find a way out of difficult situations, both personal and in relationships with people. The formula for your attitude towards yourself and others can be expressed in the words: “Happy with yourself, happy with others.” You have a normal, healthy life, you know how to be a support and a source of strength for yourself and, most importantly, not at the expense of others.

23-10 points. Obviously, you are dissatisfied with yourself, you are tormented by doubts and dissatisfaction with your intelligence, abilities, achievements, your appearance, age, gender... Stop! Who said that loving yourself is bad? Who inspired you that a thinking person should be constantly dissatisfied with himself? Of course, no one demands self-satisfaction from you, but you must accept yourself, respect yourself, and maintain this fire within yourself.

      • If you can answer all these questions honestly, you will know yourself better than the vast majority of people. Just don't rush to answer right away. Study the list first and reflect on it for a week. Then come back to him and start answering. Write down your answers on paper and re-read them from time to time (once or twice a month). If something has changed, write the new answer in different ink. In six months you will realize that you have learned so many new and valuable things about yourself that you could not have learned in your entire previous life. If you notice that your mind begins to fuss, dodge and avoid answering in every possible way (or start making excuses), then something is preventing you from answering honestly. Consult with those who know you well and ask them to evaluate you from all these points. Try to look at yourself through the eyes of another person. Rest assured: the result will stun you!

Questions for self-reflection on Napoleon Hill

If you want to understand what your consciousness is, then answer the following questions honestly for yourself. Read them aloud, loud and clear, so that you can hear your own voice. Be aware of all the thoughts and emotions that arise in you as you read all these questions.

If you can honestly answer all the questions, you will know yourself better than the vast majority of people.

You can download the finished printed form here:

  1. How often do you complain about feeling unwell, and if this happens all the time, what is the cause of the disorder?
  2. Do you find fault with other people with or without reason? How often does this happen?
  3. Do you often make mistakes in your work, and if so, why?
  4. Do you use sarcasm and toxic remarks when talking to other people? Do you miss the opportunity to “insert a pin” and step on a sore spot?
  5. Are there people you know that you avoid? If yes, for what reason?
  6. Do you suffer from any stomach disorders? How often?
  7. Doesn't life seem meaningless and useless to you? Are you looking to the future with sadness and doom? If so, why?
  8. Do you love your job? If not, then why are you still doing this?
  9. Do you often feel sorry for yourself? What is the reason for this pity?
  10. Do you envy those who are superior to you in some way?
  11. What do you think about more often - SUCCESS or DEFEAT?
  12. Have you learned over the years to learn from your failures?
  13. Do you feel that mistakes, failures, miscalculations and defeats have given you invaluable experience that will be useful to you in the future?
  14. Do you allow your friends or relatives to upset you? If yes, for what reasons?
  15. Do you sometimes have your head in the clouds and experience bouts of despair? If yes, how often?
  16. Who do you know influences you the most? Do you like this person? Can you define him as a positive person?
  17. Do you succumb to depressing circumstances or do you try to overcome them as quickly as possible and with the least loss?
  18. Are you taking care of yourself? If you don't care about your own appearance, then why?
  19. Do you know how to treat depression with “occupational therapy,” that is, immersing yourself in things so much that you simply have no time to worry?
  20. Are you often called a “spineless weakling” because you let anyone push you around?
  21. Are you neglecting hygiene?
  22. How often do you worry about avoidable worries, and why do you allow yourself to worry about trifles?
  23. Do you try to calm down with alcohol, pills, drugs or cigarettes? If so, why don't you use willpower instead of all these means?
  24. Do they often make comments to you or scold you? If yes, then for what reason?
  25. Do you have a SPECIFIC MAIN PURPOSE in life? If so, is there a plan to achieve it? Do you follow this plan or put it off until later?
  26. Do you suffer from one of the six main types of fear? From which ones exactly?
  27. Do you have any means of protecting yourself from outside negative influences?
  28. Do you use self-hypnosis to tune your mind into a positive mindset?
  29. What is of greatest value to us: material wealth or the ability to control our consciousness?
  30. Are you easily influenced by outside influences? Do you allow yourself to be persuaded or do you always have enough determination to insist on your own?
  31. Did you have any valuable experiences today?
  32. Do you give up in the face of circumstances, try to overcome them, or avoid responsibility?
  33. Do you think about all your mistakes and miscalculations and try to extract a grain of benefit from them?
  34. Name three weaknesses (or character traits) that prevent you from living and moving forward. What are you doing to get rid of them?
  35. Do people often come to you for sympathy or to share their problems and difficulties?
  36. Whose mistakes do you learn from? Do you learn from the mistakes of others or do you prefer to make your own mistakes?
  37. Are you having a negative influence on other people?
  38. What habits of other people annoy you the most?
  39. Do you have your own opinion on any issue or do you use ready-made judgments?
  40. Can you say that nothing can knock you out of the saddle?
  41. Does the work you are doing have any spiritual meaning?
  42. Do you feel spiritual forces within yourself that help you cope with any fear?
  43. Does the religion you practice support your self-confidence?
  44. Do you often take on someone else's responsibility? If so, why?
  45. Do you recognize the truth of the saying “Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are”? If so, what would you say about yourself based on your friends?
  46. Is there any connection between the people who surround you and the events that happen to you?
  47. Is it possible that the person you think is your friend is actually your worst enemy?
  48. By what criteria do you evaluate who is useful to you and who is not?
  49. How would you determine the intellectual and personal level of the people in your immediate circle? Do you consider them higher/lower than your own level of intelligence?
  50. How long does it take you:
  51. work
  52. dream;
  53. in entertainment and recreation;
  54. study;
  55. doing nothing?
  56. Who among your friends:
  57. inspires you the most;
  58. warns you most;
  59. bothers you the most;
  60. helps you the most?
  61. What are you most worried about? Why do you allow this?
  62. When you are given unsolicited advice, you: 1) accept it with gratitude; 2) analyze what was said and then decide what to do; 3) recommend that the adviser mind his own business.
  63. What do you DESIRE most?
  64. Are you doing anything to make your desire come true?
  65. Can you sacrifice all other benefits for this one desire?
  66. Do you have a plan to make your wish come true?
  67. Are you following this plan? How much time do you devote to this every day?
  68. Do you tend to change your decisions? If yes, what makes you do this?
  69. Do you finish everything you start?
  70. Are you impressed by the wealth, status, titles and titles of other people?
  71. Is it important to you what people think of you?
  72. Do you try to please people only because of their social or financial status?
  73. Which living person do you consider your hero? Are you trying to imitate this person?
  74. How much time have you devoted to studying and answering all these questions?



If you can answer all these questions honestly, you will know yourself better than the vast majority of people. Just don't rush to answer right away. Study the list first and reflect on it for a week. Then come back to him and start answering. Write down your answers on paper and re-read them from time to time (once or twice a month). If something has changed, write the new answer in different ink. In six months you will realize that you have learned so many new and valuable things about yourself that you could not have learned in your entire previous life. If you notice that your mind begins to fuss, dodge and avoid answering in every possible way (or start making excuses), then something is preventing you from answering honestly. Consult with those who know you well and ask them to evaluate you from all these points. Try to look at yourself through the eyes of another person. Rest assured: the result will stun you!

And their brightest sides are revealed. If you want to spend the next five to ten minutes with interest, then start the tasks.

Test one: dark forest

Prepare for the test. Get rid of unnecessary thoughts from your head, focus on breathing, relax. The first part of the test is very important, it is similar to meditation, because your imagination must be tuned to its maximum. You need complete silence and privacy. Do not read the transcript of your ideas about the situation that we will now describe.

YOU are walking along the road. Try to imagine this road well in every detail. What is around you, what is in the distance, what is on the sides, what is behind. Suddenly, you realize that you are walking near a dark forest in which the trees grow so densely that you can see absolutely nothing. The road ends. Now you can only go left or right. You choose a side. Now you are in the forest. You carefully walk around the trees, listening to every sound. You move forward for some time until you come to a small clearing.

A wild beast appears in this clearing. You feel scared, but suddenly you notice that in the clearing there is also a magical door that should lead to a quiet and peaceful place. Now you have to make a choice - either move very slowly and secretly and try to remain unnoticed, or run or take a decisive step towards the door. You grab the door handle and try to open it.

There is no reasonable ending to this story, so you need to leave it on that note. So, what do we get? Try to remember a few important points. Each of them is very important.

1. First, remember what time of day it was.

  • if it was a dark night, then you are a consistent person, you have developed logic;
  • if you had a twilight, then you are a very creative person;
  • if you imagined the day, then you are very creative in your endeavors and like to solve everything through trial and error.

2. What was around the road? This will show what your communication is like, how developed it is.

  • a deserted place means that you are inclined to communicate, you are not used to limiting yourself;
  • if there are a lot of different objects around you, then you lack communication, love, friendship.

3. Which way did you go?

  • if you went to the left, then you are a person with developed mathematical abilities;
  • If you choose the right side, you are likely to like art more than numbers. You are a sensual person.

4. Now let's see how broadly you think. How big was the clearing?

  • a large clearing indicates that you know how to think broadly and quickly find a way out of any situation;
  • a small clearing indicates that your thinking is closed. You rarely notice important details.

5. Was the wild beast big or small?

  • A small beast means that you are an optimistic and self-confident person;
  • A large beast suggests that you are a pessimist or a realist, but see problems as much more difficult than they really are. You like to exaggerate.

6. Obviously, moving towards the door signifies your courage. Everything here is predictable. You either sidestep the problems or take risks.

7. Where did the door appear?

  • if she was to your left, then you need to think about pressing problems in life;
  • if it was in the middle, then you should plan more things for the future, and not leave everything for later;
  • if the door is on the right, then you need to think about spiritual troubles. You are worried about love troubles.

8. What kind of handle did you have on your door?

  • A round pen signifies your desire for diplomacy. You love to solve problems in a way that everyone wins. You don't want to offend anyone;
  • a handle that is flat and moves up or down is an indicator of a selfish person. Your actions are aimed at personal gain, you are a purposeful person, but in life you have problems because of this.

Test two: round room

Imagine that you are in a perfectly round room. Imagine everything down to the smallest detail. For now, you only have a door leading into this perfectly round room. You are inside. Now you will need to slowly fill the room with things. Before this, imagine that you are there, you feel absolutely everything. There are no windows or anything in the room yet. You are standing. Your senses are maximally heightened. Remember this moment.

Now a window appears in the room, through which you can see what is outside the room. Now you've been here long enough and are finally about to leave. Go to the door. Open it. You are outside.

Test answers:

1. Was there light in your room when there was no window yet?

  • If there was, then this means that your life is aimed at creating favorable conditions for your existence. You don't wait, you act.
  • If not, then you prefer to adapt to external environmental conditions. For example, until you need new knowledge, you will not receive it. Until you have a sharp need for something, you will be within your comfort zone.

2. What color was your room when the lights turned on?

  • Dark - you are wise and generous. You listen to the advice of others.
  • Light - you are an open person, but selfish. You prefer to learn from mistakes.

3. Where was the door in relation to you?

  • Side or front doors are chosen by those who are used to solving their problems themselves. You know what you want, when you want it, and why you want it. Most likely, you have a specific goal in life.
  • If the door was behind you, then this indicates that you prefer not to see your problems. You like to go with the flow and enjoy a carefree life.

4. How many things have you imagined?

  • If your room has become saturated with furniture, then you want more. You are ambitious in life and constantly work on yourself.
  • If your room remains empty, then you are used to being content with what you have. You are a modest person by nature.

5. Where did the window appear?

  • If it appears on the left, then you get to know the world through other people's experience, studying other people's mistakes.
  • If it appears on the right, then the empirical path is closer to you, that is, the trial and error method. You yourself try to follow some path, without requiring help from anyone.

6. What's outside the room?

  • If there is a city outside your window, then you are sociable and always strive to make new acquaintances. You feel good in a team, in a company.
  • If there is nature outside the window, then you love privacy. You don't trust people, even your loved ones. You are an introvert.
  • If there was nothing outside the window, then you are a closed person. This isolation is to your detriment.

7. Which way does the door open?

  • If the door opens inward, then you are looking for the reasons for your problems only in yourself, you are self-critical, and do not give in to difficulties.
  • If the door opened in the opposite direction from you, then difficulties constantly enter your life. Your life is a mess, but you like it. Everything suits you. This ambiguity provokes you to move forward.

These two tests were compiled by experienced psychologists. With high precision, they help you understand your weaknesses and strengths. These tests will help you ask the right questions to yourself, they will help you. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Personal growth begins with self-analysis. Ask yourself these 50 questions and answer them, so you will understand what is stopping you from achieving your goals in life. Every year we make promises and are full of hope to change our lives. Most of these plans end up shelved or forgotten before we even finish celebrating.

“Our vision becomes clear only when we look inside our hearts. He who looks outside dreams in a dream; “He who looks inside himself awakens,” wrote Carl Jung.

The habit of a constant, deep level of introspection helps you become successful and happy. If you want to achieve the best results, look within yourself instead of trying to control and manage external circumstances.

How to look inside yourself? You can start with the questions below.

The discoveries you make (and you will make them if you dig deep enough and stay true to yourself) will help you get what you want most in life.

So, get ready to learn something more about yourself, get started and don’t delay.

50 questions for deep self-analysis:

1. How do I define success?

2. Does this definition include all the important aspects of my life?

3. What are my top three values ​​and how do they apply to my line of work?

4. Do I consider these values ​​when I conduct business or make important decisions?

5. Do I like how I treat the most important people in my life?

6. Do I feel and express enough gratitude and appreciation for everything I have?

7. Are my stress levels too high?

8. What three things can I do regularly to reduce stress? What's stopping me from doing this?

9. What do I most often ignore?

10. What three things do I want to pay more attention to in the coming year?

11. Can I be a better listener?

12. Do I listen carefully to other people's suggestions before rejecting them?

13. If I had a magic wand, what three wishes would I make?

14. Do I have any negative expectations or fears about achieving success?

15. If I asked the people I respect most to describe my leadership skills and positive qualities, what five would be among the most common responses?

16. If I ask these same people to list areas that I need to improve, what will they name?

17. What are the three main areas where I could make money that I am not devoting enough time and attention to?

18. Apart from lack of money, what prevents me from gaining freedom to develop my business?

19. What is the single most important change I should make in 2018?

20. What do I need to build my own successful business?

21. What can I do to get the opportunities I need to grow?

22. If I'm truly honest with myself, how strong is my self-confidence? Is my self-esteem stable? How confident am I of my own worth?

23. Are there things I can do to improve my life, but I don't have the confidence to take the necessary steps? Why?

24. What do I risk if I venture outside my comfort zone?

25. What am I risking by not deciding to do this?

26. On a scale of 1 to 10, how optimally am I taking care of myself?

27. What is the one, achievable commitment I can make to take better care of myself?

28. What is something that gives me pleasure that I don’t do often enough (or not at all)?

29. Are there relationships in my life that I would like to improve or fix?

30. Are there depressed, negatively-minded people in my environment?

31. Am I receiving enough support from friends, family, and mentors to achieve my personal and professional goals?

32. What is the most amazing accomplishment I achieved in the last year?

33. Do I appreciate and celebrate my victories, even small ones?

34. Do I remain a victim of experiences or beliefs that I don’t want to give up?

35. Is there anyone around whom I feel angry or resentful?

36. What subconscious benefit makes me hold on to these feelings?

37. In what areas of my life and/or business do I feel most vulnerable?

38. What am I most proud of? Do I approve of myself and my actions?

39. If someone observed my actions and decisions, would my values ​​and beliefs be obvious to them?

40. Do I express appreciation and gratitude to my friends, colleagues and everyone who supports me?

41. Do I get easily irritated or angry at people who do things their own way and not the way I would like them to?

42. Do I recognize that there is more than one way to achieve the same result as mine, or even better?

43. Shouldn't I trust people more? Am I trying to control everything too much?

44. Do I think life is hard or the situation will never improve?

45. When was the last time I laughed heartily?

46. ​​Do I feel guilty about not spending enough time with my children—or with other people important to me?

47. Am I confident that my business is growing, or do I have doubts about it?

48. What am I most afraid of? How likely is it that the worst-case scenario will come true?

49. Do I live with passion for something that is important to me?

50. Am I willing to ask (and in some cases pay) for the support I need?

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