Questions about the zoo in English. In the zoo - At the zoo

Every city has one or more zoos. For a while, people think that a zoo is no useful purpose. If I were faced with this issue, I would think that zoos are useful. In the following discussion, I would like to reason and provide evidence to support my viewpoint.

The first reason is that zoos are often used as places to preserve the endangered species, such as the giant pandas and tigers. It is the conservation of animals that is the most important function of a zoo. With the advances in reproductive technologies, which assist in breeding captive animals, the zoo has become the most important place for animal conservation. Thanks to zoos, certain species of animals have been saved from extinction. Such animals are bred in captivity and when they are ready to survive in the wild, are reintroduced to their original habitat - in the rain forests of Brazil, for instance.

In the second place, children can obtain direct knowledge about a variety of animals by visiting zoos. They can see what a tiger is like, hear various sounds of birds and tell one animal from another. If there is no such a place, how can they make contact with animals? They may never have a chance to see various animals even though they learn many from books. When I was a little girl, I liked animals very much, especially birds.

In summary, I believe that a zoo has some useful purposes to serve: to preserve the endangered species, to educate the public about wildlife, and for its visitors to have fun. So a zoo of course is a useful place for us and we should have them.


Every city has one or more zoos. Often people think that a zoo has no useful purpose. I would say that zoos are beneficial. In the following discussion, I would like to provide evidence to support my point of view.

The first reason is that zoos are often used as conservation sites for endangered species such as giant pandas and tigers. Conservation of animals is the most important function of a zoo. With the development of reproductive technologies that help in breeding animals in captivity, zoos have become the most important places for animal conservation. Thanks to zoos, some animal species have been saved from extinction. Such animals are bred in captivity, and when they are ready to survive in the wild, they are released back into their original habitat - in tropical forests Brazil, for example.

The second thing is that children can gain knowledge about various animals by visiting zoos. They can see the tiger, hear various sounds birds and distinguish one animal from another. If there is no such place, how can they come into contact with animals? They will never see different animals, even if they learn a lot from books. When I was a little girl, I really loved animals, especially birds.

Overall, I think a zoo has some useful purposes: conservation of endangered species, education of the public about wildlife, a place to have fun. So the zoo is of course a useful place for us and we should preserve them.

I live in a big city. There is a wonderful 200 in my city. I like to go there with my parents. There are a lot of funny animals in it. They are elephants, lions, crocodiles, giraffes, monkeys, tigers, and others. There are a lot of different birds, too. Lion is my favorite animal. It is the king of animals. I like to go to the zoo very much.


  1. Is there a zoo in your city?
  2. Do you like to go to the zoo?
  3. What animals are there in the zoo?
  4. What is your favorite animal?

Words and expressions:

wonderful- wonderful
different birds- various birds
the king of animals- king of beasts

At the zoo (translation)

I live in big city. There is a wonderful zoo in my city. I love going there with my parents. There are many funny animals there. These are elephants, lions, crocodiles, giraffes, monkeys, tigers and others. There are also many different birds there. Lion is my favorite animal. This is the king of beasts. I really like going to the zoo.


  1. Is there a zoo in your city?
  2. Do you like going to the zoo?
  3. What animals live in the zoo?
  4. What's your favorite animal?

That be about + infinitive is used to express an action that should or should have taken place in the near future, but its implementation was prevented by another unexpected action.

In English Translation into Russian
Zoo Zoo
A zoo is a place where various animals, reptiles, mammals, insects and birds are kept. Sometimes you can see rare species of animals there. Usually zoos don’t contain domestic or farm animals, but sometimes there are children's areas with such creatures, as donkeys, mini-horses, sheep, geese, pigs, rabbits and even pheasants. These are secluded areas where children can pet and feed animals. A visit to the zoo can be both entertaining and educational. There we can learn new facts about animals’ lives. Due to rapid urbanization and deforestation many species cannot live in their natural habitat anymore. That’s why zoos and reservations exist. Opinions on advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in the zoos differ. Some people think that zoo is a perfect place for animals, as they are always fed, well-treated and live in good conditions there. Besides, people are happy to have a chance to see wild, beautiful and exotic animals in live, to learn more about their behavior and lifestyle. From the other hand, animals have to live as close to their natural habitat as possible, for example, near forests, rivers, savannahs, jungles, safari, etc. in this respect, open zoos or wildlife reserves are much better. They usually occupy vast expanses of land and let the animals move around instead of sitting in a cage. These areas are protected and supervised by the government. Thus, animal preservation, as well as pros and cons of the zoo are a frequent topic of discussion.A zoo is a place where various animals, reptiles, mammals, insects and birds live. Sometimes you can see rare animals there. Typically, zoos do not keep domestic or farm animals, but sometimes there are playgrounds with creatures such as donkeys, mini-horses, sheep, geese, pigs, rabbits and even pheasants. These are separate areas where children can pet and feed the animals. A visit to the zoo can be both entertaining and educational. There you can learn new facts about the life of animals. Due to rapid urbanization and deforestation, many species can no longer live in their natural habitat. This is why zoos and nature reserves exist. Opinions vary about the advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos. Some people think that a zoo is an ideal place for animals, since they are always fed, cared for and live in good conditions. In addition, people are glad to have the opportunity to see wild, beautiful and exotic animals in person and learn more about their behavior and way of life. On the other hand, animals should live as close to their natural habitat as possible, such as near a forest, river, savannah, jungle, safari, etc. In this regard, open zoos or sanctuaries are much better. They typically occupy large areas of land, allowing the animals to move around instead of being confined to a cage. These areas are under government protection and control. Thus, animal conservation and the pros and cons of zoos are a frequent topic of discussion.

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Visiting zoo is always an event that gives you lots of emotions. Seeing the animals you could see only in the pictures is breathtaking. I like all the animals there. First of all I head to see the giraffe as it is really interesting to watch it. I try to give it some bread and touch it. But I'm not always lucky.

I like watching penguins. These creatures are so funny that you never get tired of watching them. I like snakes. It may seem that it is too boring watching the silent and not usually moving animal, but it bewitches me with it calmness.

Seeing white bears is the moment I expect the most. If I am lucky, I can see big bears with their babies and that’s what I love. I like seeing how they play, eat and take care of each other.

I can never leave without seeing lamas. These animals are so adorable that I fell in love with them from the first sight. I am very happy to have ones in the zoo in my town as it is not usual to have this kind of animal.

There are now petting zoos, where you can touch the animals, and spend time near them not just watching outside the cage. There are rabbits, goats, porcupines, turtles, guinea pigs, lemurs, little deer, raccoons and many others. Now children adore this type of zoos.


A visit to the zoo is always an event that gives a lot of emotions. Seeing animals you've only seen in photographs is breathtaking. I love all animals. First of all I go to see the giraffe as it is really interesting to watch him. I try to give him some bread and touch him. But I'm not always lucky.

I like watching penguins. These creatures are so funny that you will never get tired of watching them. I like snakes. It may seem too boring to look at an animal that is silent and usually does not move, but I am fascinated by their calmness.

What I always look forward to is seeing polar bears. If I'm lucky, I get to see big bears and their babies. And that's what I like. I love watching them play, eat, and take care of each other.

I can never leave without seeing the llamas. These animals are so adorable that I fell in love with them at first sight. I'm very glad that they are in the zoo in my city. Because usually these animals are not in zoos.

Now there are petting zoos where you can touch animals and spend time with them, not just watching from outside the cage. There are rabbits, goats, porcupines, turtles, guinea pigs, lemurs, roe deer, raccoons and many others. Nowadays, many children love this type of zoo.

Useful expressions with translation:

to give lots of emotions- present many emotions

tohead to see- head over to have a look

to bewitch smb with sth- to fascinate someone with something

to take care of each other- take care Friend O friend

to leave without seeing - leave without looking

to fall in love with smb from the first sight- fall in love V whomThat With first glance

petting zoos- petting zoos

get tired of - get tired of

A Zoo is a place where animals are kept and maintained for a look by the common man. Here in a Zoo, birds of different varieties are also maintained. The purpose of a zoo is to show us, common people like varieties of animals and birds that exist the world over people who may never be able to see these creatures get a simple chance to see them.

A visit to the zoo, increases general knowledge, and at the same time with an achievement, we also get entertainment. A zoo is a place which children especially like to visit.

Last Sunday I visited Delhi zoo to see the animals and birds kept in this place. It is one of the largest Zoos in the country. It covers a vast area of ​​about 35 acres. It is located near the old fort (purana qila) and is a place of great attraction. It is always crowded by thousands of people and children every day. It is a beautiful and natural place consisting of many kinds of trees.

Apart from plants, bushes and grassy grounds in the Zoo, there are many animals and birds, which come from many countries of the world. There we saw beautiful birds with multi-colored feathers. There were pelicans, Siberian crane, peacocks, peahens, sparrows, Nightingales, Kingfishers, etc.

We saw the cranes, storks, ducks and swans swimming in the pond. Some birds were singing, chirping and whistling. We were very amused to see various kinds of monkeys, gorillas and baboons. I was very delighted to see my favorite animals, which included tigers, lions, leopard and cheetah. There were also many elephants, giraffe, rhinoceros, hippopotamus and crocodiles in the zoo.

The other attraction of the zoo was stags, deers, hares, antelopes and rabbits. The most entertaining were the playful chimpanzees. They were showing various tricks and we all enjoyed their acrobatics. It was a thrill to see lovely golden fishes swimming in the water.

We visited the entire huge expanse of the area covered by the zoo, and saw all the cages of animals and birds but the best area I liked was the natural habitat created for the lion. He has a huge den like home made in a deep cave in a huge rock. Near his home, there is an open space for the lion to move about freely. Near his home there is also a huge pond filled with water for the lion to drink water.

The atmosphere created is just like the jungle we visualize to be where the lion is supposed to live. This area gives us a very clear picture of what a jungle is, and we also find it very easy to underst and the living condition of a lion in the jungle. It teaches more than any book could, as, we see the lion itself and the surroundings as they are.

The other area of ​​the zoo that I liked was the setting made for the monkeys of different kinds and sizes and colors. Some are black and skin color while others are just plain skin color. I do wonder why most of the children visiting the zoo were crowding at this area. It appeared as though the monkey was a high attraction for all of them. I also liked the area very much, and we had a lot of fun in this place. It was such fun seeing all size monkeys jumping from tree to tree with such ease. Huge and very fat monkeys were seen jumping with as much ease as the small and thin ones. How they ate the mustard and fruits thrown to them by the children was the most interesting sight to watch.

After seeing the zoo, we felt tired and hungry. We sat under a tree and ate our tiffin. After sometimes, we returned to our school. We thanked our teacher for such an enjoyable trip we leant many things about the animals. I saw some animals for the first time, which I had seen earlier only in pictures.

My visit to the zoo was great fun and with it. It was also very educational and informative. A zoo helps us to learn so much without visiting the natural habitats of animals and birds.

Essay in English - zoo with translation

A zoo is a place where various animals, reptiles, mammals, insects and birds are kept. Sometimes you can see rare species of animals there. Usually zoos don’t contain domestic or farm animals, but sometimes there are children’s areas with such creatures, as donkeys, mini-horses, sheep, geese, pigs, rabbits and even pheasants. These are secluded areas where children can pet and feed animals. A visit to the zoo can be both entertaining and educational. There we can learn new facts about animals’ lives.

Due to rapid urbanization and deforestation many species cannot live in their natural habitat anymore. That’s why zoos and reservations exist. Opinions on advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in the zoos differ. Some people think that zoo is a perfect place for animals, as they are always fed, well-treated and live in good conditions there. Besides, people are happy to have a chance to see wild, beautiful and exotic animals in live, to learn more about their behavior and lifestyle.

A zoo is a place where various animals, reptiles, mammals, insects and birds live. Sometimes you can see rare animals there. Zoos usually do not keep pets or farm animals, but sometimes there are playgrounds with creatures such as donkeys, mini-horses, sheep, geese, pigs, rabbits and even pheasants. These are separate areas where children can pet and feed the animals. A visit to the zoo can be both entertaining and educational. There you can learn new facts about the life of animals.

Due to rapid urbanization and deforestation, many species can no longer live in their natural habitat. This is why zoos and nature reserves exist. Opinions vary about the advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos. Some people think that a zoo is an ideal place for animals because they are always fed, well cared for and live in good conditions. In addition, people are glad to have the opportunity to see wild, beautiful and exotic animals in person and learn more about their behavior and way of life.

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