East European Plain, geographical location. Absolute height of the East European Plain

one of the largest plains on our planet (second largest after the Amazon Plain in Western America). It is located in the eastern part. Since most of it is located within the borders of the Russian Federation, it is sometimes called Russian. In the northwestern part it is limited to the mountains of Scandinavia, in the southwestern part - and other mountains of central Europe, in the southeastern part -, and in the East -. From the north, the Russian Plain is washed by waters and, and from the south by, and.

The length of the plain from north to south is more than 2.5 thousand kilometers, and from west to east - 1 thousand kilometers. Almost the entire length of the East European Plain is dominated by gently sloping plains. Most of the country's major cities are located within the territory of the East European Plain. It was here that the Russian state was formed many centuries ago, which later became the largest country in the world by its territory. A significant part of Russia's natural resources is also concentrated here.

The East European Plain almost completely coincides with the East European Platform. This circumstance explains its flat terrain, as well as the absence of significant natural phenomena associated with movement (,). Small hilly areas within the East European Plain arose as a result of faults and other complex tectonic processes. The height of some hills and plateaus reaches 600-1000 meters. In ancient times, the shield of the East European Platform was at the center of glaciation, as evidenced by some landforms.

East European Plain. Satellite view

On the territory of the Russian Plain, platform deposits lie almost horizontally, making up lowlands and hills that form the surface topography. Where the folded foundation protrudes to the surface, hills and ridges are formed (for example, the Timan Ridge). On average, the height of the Russian Plain is about 170 meters above sea level. The lowest areas are on the Caspian coast (its level is approximately 30 meters below the level).

Glaciation left its mark on the formation of the relief of the East European Plain. This impact was most pronounced in the northern part of the plain. As a result of the passage of the glacier through this territory, many arose (Pskovskoe, Beloye and others). These are the consequences of one of the most recent glaciers. In the southern, southeastern and eastern parts, which were subject to glaciations in an earlier period, their consequences were smoothed out by processes. As a result of this, a number of hills (Smolensk-Moscow, Borisoglebskaya, Danilevskaya and others) and lake-glacial lowlands (Caspian, Pechora) were formed.

Even further south is a zone of hills and lowlands, elongated in the meridional direction. Among the hills one can note Priazovskaya, Central Russian, and Volga. Here they also alternate with plains: Meshcherskaya, Oksko-Donskaya, Ulyanovskaya and others.

Even further south are the coastal lowlands, which in ancient times were partially submerged under sea level. The flat relief here was partially corrected by water erosion and other processes, as a result of which the Black Sea and Caspian lowlands were formed.

As a result of the passage of the glacier through the territory of the East European Plain, valleys were formed, tectonic depressions expanded, and even some rocks were polished. Another example of the influence of the glacier is the winding deep peninsulas. When the glacier retreated, not only lakes formed, but also concave sandy depressions appeared. This happened as a result of the deposition of a large amount of sandy material. Thus, over many millennia, the multifaceted relief of the East European Plain was formed.

Russian Plain

On the East European Plain there are almost all types of natural zones found in Russia. Off the coast in

The article reveals the relief features of the East European Plain. Indicates coincidences with landscapes characteristic of the Russian Plain. The material explains why seismological or volcanic manifestations are not so characteristic of this territory.

Relief of the East European Plain

The Russian Plain, located on the East European Plate, is formed by peaks whose height above sea level is 200-300 m.

It almost completely coincides with the East European Platform, and this allows us to assert that the relief of the Russian Plain is identical to the East European plain relief formation.

Rice. 1. Russian Plain on the map.

The formation of the relief of the Russian Plain is mainly explained by its belonging to the Russian Platform plate and is characterized by an extremely stable regime and low amplitude of current tectonic movements.

The average height is 170 m, and the maximum is 479 m. It is localized in the Ural part. The following areas are distinguished within the plain:

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  • central;
  • northern;
  • southern

The central part is represented by a strip of successive highlands and lowlands of significant size.

The complete absence or insignificance of such natural manifestations as earthquakes or volcanism can rightly be considered features that are characteristic of these territories.

The northern region is represented by low plains with minor elevations. These are the watersheds of two oceans.

The southern plain region is occupied by lowlands.

Within the borders of Russian territory, only the Caspian Lowland can be noted.

Rice. 2. Caspian lowland on the map.

The relief of the East European Plain is represented by a platform type. This is due to tectonic specificity, which is characterized by heterogeneity of structure. The largest forms of hills and lowlands, common on the flat plane, owe their appearance to tectonic processes.

The Russian Plain is one of the largest plains in the world by area. Among all the plains of Russia, only it opens to two oceans.

Glaciers had a significant impact on the formation of the flat relief. They participated in the creation of moraine and outwash type plains.


The natural resources of the territory are represented for the most part by the largest iron ore deposits, among which is the Kursk magnetic anomaly.

Rice. 3. Kursk magnetic anomaly on the map.

The deposit's reserves correspond to 57.3% of all ore reserves of the state. The ore rock occurs in the Kursk and Belgorod regions. The nature of the occurrence of fossils makes it possible to carry out open-pit mining, which has a significant impact on the nature of the black earth zone of the Russian Plain.

Chemical raw materials on the Russian Plain are represented by phosphorites, potassium and rock salts. The construction orientation of the fossils is expressed by chalk formations, marl, cement and fine-grained sands.

Kaolin clays are used in the porcelain and earthenware industry. Basically, they are mined in the Tver and Moscow regions.

On the territory of the plain there are deposits of hard and brown coal.

What have we learned?

We found out what natural resources the area in question is rich in. We found out what percentage of the iron ore reserves located in the Kursk magnetic anomaly falls on the state. They clarified what was the main reason in the process of relief formation of the East European Plain. We found out which of the flat areas directly faces two oceans.

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For centuries, the Russian Plain served as a territory connecting Western and Eastern civilizations along trade routes. Historically, two busy trade arteries ran through these lands. The first is known as the “path from the Varangians to the Greeks.” According to it, as is known from school history, medieval trade in goods of the peoples of the East and Rus' with the states of Western Europe was carried out.

The second is the route along the Volga, which made it possible to transport goods by ship to Southern Europe from China, India and Central Asia and in the opposite direction. The first Russian cities were built along trade routes - Kyiv, Smolensk, Rostov. Veliky Novgorod became the northern gateway from the “Varangians”, protecting the security of trade.

Now the Russian Plain is still a territory of strategic importance. The capital of the country and the largest cities are located on its lands. The most important administrative centers for the life of the state are concentrated here.

Geographical position of the plain

The East European Plain, or Russian, occupies territories in eastern Europe. In Russia, these are its extreme western lands. In the northwest and west it is limited by the Scandinavian Mountains, the Barents and White Seas, the Baltic coast and the Vistula River. In the east and southeast it neighbors the Ural Mountains and the Caucasus. In the south, the plain is limited by the shores of the Black, Azov and Caspian seas.

Relief features and landscape

The East European Plain is represented by a gently sloping relief, formed as a result of faults in tectonic rocks. Based on relief features, the massif can be divided into three stripes: central, southern and northern. The center of the plain consists of alternating vast hills and lowlands. The north and south are mostly represented by lowlands with rare low altitudes.

Although the relief is formed in a tectonic manner and minor tremors are possible in the area, there are no noticeable earthquakes here.

Natural areas and regions

(The plain has planes with characteristic smooth drops)

The East European Plain includes all natural zones found in Russia:

  • Tundra and forest-tundra are represented by the nature of the north of the Kola Peninsula and occupy a small part of the territory, slightly expanding to the east. The vegetation of the tundra, namely shrubs, mosses and lichens, is replaced by birch forests of the forest-tundra.
  • Taiga, with its pine and spruce forests, occupies the north and center of the plain. On the borders with mixed broad-leaved forests, areas are often swampy. A typical Eastern European landscape - coniferous and mixed forests and swamps give way to small rivers and lakes.
  • In the forest-steppe zone you can see alternating hills and lowlands. Oak and ash forests are typical for this zone. You can often find birch and aspen forests.
  • The steppe is represented by valleys, where oak forests and groves, forests of alder and elm grow near the river banks, and tulips and sages bloom in the fields.
  • In the Caspian lowland there are semi-deserts and deserts, where the climate is harsh and the soil is saline, but even there you can find vegetation in the form of various varieties of cacti, wormwood and plants that adapt well to sudden changes in daily temperatures.

Rivers and lakes of the plain

(River on a flat area of ​​the Ryazan region)

The rivers of the “Russian Valley” are majestic and slowly flow their waters in one of two directions - north or south, to the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, or to the southern inland seas of the continent. Northern rivers flow into the Barents, White or Baltic seas. Rivers in the southern direction - into the Black, Azov or Caspian Seas. The largest river in Europe, the Volga, also “flows lazily” through the lands of the East European Plain.

The Russian Plain is the kingdom of natural water in all its manifestations. A glacier that passed through the plain thousands of years ago formed many lakes on its territory. There are especially many of them in Karelia. The consequences of the presence of the glacier were the emergence in the North-West of such large lakes as Ladoga, Onega, and the Pskov-Peipus reservoir.

Under the thickness of the earth in the localization of the Russian Plain, reserves of artesian water are stored in the amount of three underground pools of huge volumes and many located at shallower depths.

Climate of the East European Plain

(Flat terrain with slight drops near Pskov)

The Atlantic dictates the weather regime on the Russian Plain. Western winds, air masses that move moisture, make summers on the plain warm and humid, winters cold and windy. During the cold season, winds from the Atlantic bring about ten cyclones, contributing to variable heat and cold. But air masses from the Arctic Ocean also tend to the plain.

Therefore, the climate becomes continental only in the interior of the massif, closer to the south and southeast. The East European Plain has two climatic zones - subarctic and temperate, increasing continentality to the east.

September 13, 2012

The most valuable thing any country owns is its territory along with the population living there. As for our country, as you know, it occupies 1/6 of the land surface, being the largest state in the world. The territory where our people live is called the East European Plain and is the second largest in area after the Amazon, located in South America. In the northwestern part, our plain is limited by the Scandinavian mountains, and from the north it is washed by the waters of the Barents and White Seas. As for the southwestern part, the border here is the Sudetenland region of the Czech Republic, as well as the mountains of Central Europe. From the south it is limited by the waters of Azov. Black and Caspian seas. In the east, the Russian Plain, as it is often called in our country, is closed by the Ural Mountains. In general, the East European Plain has a length from north to south of about 2.8 thousand kilometers, and from east to west - about 1.2 thousand.

Most of its territory is dominated by a gently flat type of relief, where most of the natural resources of our state are located. A great advantage for all of us is that our plain is almost completely combined with the Eastern European platform, as a result of which significant natural disasters and catastrophes associated with earthquakes, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions and so on rarely occur here. In some places there are small hills and plateaus, the height of which can reach up to 1000 meters in some places. It is noteworthy that during the last ice age, the Baltic Shield was the center of glaciation, as evidenced by some forms of preserved relief that bear the imprint of glaciation.

The East European Plain has its own platform deposits, which lie horizontally, making up hills and lowlands that form the topography of the overall surface. It is noteworthy that in some places such a folded foundation comes to the surface, sometimes forming ridges and hills. Examples of such places are the Timan Ridge and the Central Russian Upland, while in other places the terrain is mostly calm. On average, the height of the plain above sea level is 170 meters, but there are also places where the lowlands are 30-40 meters below sea level. Many coastal lowlands, many thousands of years ago, partially sank under the water of the washed seas, as a result of which, as a result of water erosion, the relief was slightly adjusted. Examples of such lowlands are the Caspian and Black Sea lowlands, where one can observe a characteristic slope towards the world ocean.

The East European Plain is rich in deep rivers, which belong to the basins of two oceans: the Atlantic (Neva and Western Dvina), as well as the Arctic (Pechora, Northern Dvina). Other rivers flow into the Caspian Sea, which has no connection with the world's oceans, having a closed water area. Here flows not only the most famous, but also the longest river in Europe, glorified in songs - the Volga.

The mineral resources of the East European Plain are rich in oil and coal reserves, but as a result of intensive mining, a gradual depletion of these natural resources is already observed today. The main part of the country's energy resources comes from the Siberian zone, which has the largest oil deposits in the world. If we talk about the natural zones of this plain, then most of it is located in the temperate climate zone, in which there are both coniferous and mixed forests. In general, forest reserves on the territory of the Russian Plain are also quite extensive.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be said that the geographical position of the East European Plain is very favorable, since it has the most favorable conditions for human habitation. The absence of natural disasters, as well as extreme heat, and a good climate led to the emergence of centers of civilizational and cultural development of modern people. It is for this reason that we should be grateful to nature for endowing our country with such wonderful living conditions and rich natural resources.

Source: fb.ru


1. Determine the distinctive features of the geographical location of the European part of Russia. Please rate it. Show on the map the main geographical objects of the East European Plain - natural and economic; largest cities.

The European part of Russia occupies the East European Plain. In the north, the East European Plain is washed by the cold waters of the Barents and White Seas, in the south by the warm waters of the Black and Azov Seas, and in the southeast by the waters of the world's largest Caspian Lake. The western borders of the East European Plain are bordered by the shores of the Baltic Sea and extend beyond the borders of our country. The Ural Mountains limit the plain from the east, and the Caucasus Mountains partially from the south.

Geographical objects - Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Valdai Upland, Donetsk Ridge, Malozemelskaya tundra, Oka-Don Plain, Volga Upland, Caspian Lowland, Northern Uvaly, Smolensk-Moscow Upland, Central Russian Upland, Stavropol Upland, Timan Ridge.

The rivers Akhtuba, Belaya, Volga, Volkhov, Vychegda, Vyatka, Dnieper, Don, Zap. Dvina, Kama, Klyazma, Kuban, Kuma, Mezen, Moscow, Neva, Oka, Pechora, Svir, North. Dvina, Sukhona, Terek, YugOzeraBaskunchak, Beloe, Vygozero, Ilmen, Caspian Sea, Ladoga, Manych-Gudilo, Onega, Pskov, Seliger, Chudskoye, Elton.

Large cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Ufa, Perm, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don.

Ancient Russian cities: Veliky Novgorod (859), Smolensk (862), Yaroslavl (1010), Vladimir (1108), Bryansk (1146), Tula (1146), Kostroma (1152), Tver (12th century), Kaluga (1371 ), Sergiev Posad (XIV century), Arkhangelsk (1584), Voronezh (1586).

2. What do you think are the characteristics that unite the East European Plain given the enormous diversity of its landscapes?

The East European Plain is united by a single tectonic basis (Russian Platform), the flat nature of the surface, and the distribution of a temperate climate, transitional from marine to continental, over most of the territory.

3. What is the uniqueness of the Russian Plain as the territory most inhabited by people? How has its appearance changed as a result of the interaction of nature and people?

The main characteristic feature of the East European Plain is the well-defined zonality in the distribution of its landscapes. On the coast of the Barents Sea, occupied by cold, heavily waterlogged plains, there is a narrow strip of tundra zone, giving way to forest-tundra to the south. Harsh natural conditions do not allow farming in these landscapes. This is an area of ​​developed reindeer husbandry and hunting and commercial farming. In mining areas, where villages and even small towns arose, industrial landscapes became the predominant landscape. The northern strip of the plain is the least transformed by human activity.

In the middle zone of the East European Plain, a thousand years ago, typical forest landscapes prevailed - dark coniferous taiga, mixed, and then broad-leaved oak and linden forests. In vast areas of the plain, forests have now been cut down and forest landscapes have turned into forest fields - a combination of forests and fields. The best pasture and hayfields in Russia are located in the floodplains of many northern rivers. Forest areas are often represented by secondary forests, in which coniferous and broad-leaved species have been replaced by small-leaved trees - birch and aspen.

The south of the plain is the boundless expanse of forest-steppes and steppes stretching beyond the horizon with the most fertile black earth soils and the most favorable climatic conditions for agriculture. Here lies the main agricultural zone of the country with the most transformed landscapes and the main stock of arable land in Russia.

4. Do you think that the fact that it is the historical center of the Russian state played a special role in the economic development and development of the Russian Plain?

The role of the center of the Russian state definitely influenced the development and development of the Russian Plain. It is characterized by dense population, the greatest variety of economic activities, and a high degree of landscape transformation.

5. In the works of which Russian artists, composers, poets are the features of the nature of Central Russia especially clearly understood and conveyed? Give examples.

In literature - K. Paustovsky “Meshcherskaya Side”, Rylenkov’s poem “Everything in a Melting Haze”, E. Grieg “Morning”, Turgenev I.S. "Notes of a Hunter", Aksakov S.T. “Childhood years of Bagrov the grandson”, Prishvin M.M. - many stories, Sholokhov M.M. - stories, "Quiet Don", Pushkin A.S. many works, Tyutchev F.I. "Evening", "Noon", "Spring Waters".

In music - to G. Ibsen's drama "Peer Gynt", K. Bobescu, "Forest" from the suite "Forest Tale", "Where the Motherland Begins" (music by V. Basner, lyrics by Matusovsky).

Artists - I. N. Kramskoy, I. E. Repin, V. I. Surikov, V. G. Perov, V. M. Vasnetsov, I. I. Levitan, I. I. Shishkin.

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