Is it possible to read other people's thoughts. Everyone has innate superpowers! Intuition and its reasons

Every person can develop telepathic abilities, since this is inherent in our nature. But for some, such development takes only a few months, while for others it will take many years. Why is this happening?

In many ways, the speed of progress depends on how regularly the neophyte practices, on his perseverance, as well as natural inclinations. In any case, only those who work on themselves achieve success, so let’s get started. Point one - peace, as an exchange of information and energy. I hope you have long been familiar with the concept of “metabolism”, and now it’s time to get acquainted with the concept of “energy exchange”.

Telepathy is nothing more than energy-information exchange, but before you learn to read people’s thoughts, you must improve your own body and accumulate a sufficient amount of energy (in India it is called prana). Without the appropriate amount of prana, telepathic communication is simply impossible.

Exercises to accumulate prana

You will need to use your imagination, as well as use a special breathing system developed by Indian yogis. You should lie on the bed or sit in a comfortable chair, and place your hands on your stomach in the solar plexus area (manipura - chakra area). Feel your pulse. You need to breathe as follows - inhale for 4 heartbeats, then hold your breath for 2 beats, exhale for 4 heartbeats and again hold your breath for 2 beats.

As you inhale, you should imagine how prana rushes out and is absorbed by your body. Prana can be imagined as rays of light, running ants, etc. The important thing is not what you imagine, but how clearly this image is preserved in your mind.

As you exhale, imagine how the absorbed prana flows into the solar plexus area. If this exercise is performed correctly, then after a while you will feel prana - it can manifest itself as warmth or vague movement. Well, even though you haven’t yet figured out how to learn to read minds, the foundation has already been laid. Now is the time to move on to point two - using the accumulated prana. And this energy can be used for many things - from treating all kinds of diseases to establishing energy-informational connections with other people.

Application of prana - how to make this energy work

So, we have accumulated prana, now we should spend it on something. First, we will learn the method of transferring prana to other people to heal minor illnesses. You can’t count on curing serious illnesses - only saints can do this, but eliminating headaches is quite possible. To do this, you should put your hands on the sore spot and imagine how a powerful concentrated flow of prana flows from you to the person you are helping. One important condition - you should not have it in relation to your patient. And one more thing - at the end of the procedure, shake your hands to throw off the negativity.

Psychic Breathing

Now you have to learn how to learn to read people's minds. To sharpen your perception, do the following exercise: as you inhale, imagine how the air penetrates the smallest pores of the body, and carries the hair with it, causing it to fit more tightly to the body. As you exhale, imagine air coming out of your pores and causing your hair to rise.

After several workouts, your sensitivity will noticeably increase and you will feel this movement. This exercise is called “psychic breathing”. According to V. Ser Bin Terro, author of the book "Development of Telepathic Abilities", regular practice of "psychic breathing" allows you to achieve a state of samadhi - a kind of trance, during which a person.

Switching consciousness

Those who have learned to read people's thoughts know that the most important thing for a telepath is complete self-control. Otherwise, the acquired power can break out under the influence of random emotions and cause harm, both to others and to the telepath himself. Train your mind to control your emotions by doing the following exercise:

Concentrate your attention completely on any thought that does not cause you any emotion. The subject for reflection can be anything - the weather outside, abstract philosophical topics, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is no emotions. Then switch your consciousness to any subject that causes a strong emotional reaction - work matters, relationships with loved ones, or a new thing that you passionately want to acquire. Then switch back to neutral thoughts.

By mastering this exercise, you not only prepare for your first telepathic experience, but also gain control over your emotions. Think how pleasant it will be to learn to banish negative thoughts with one effort of will.

How to learn to read minds - first experience

Remember your friends and acquaintances, choose the most worthy person from them. Imagine what you could do nicely for him, how you could help. Search until you feel the connection has been made. This feeling manifests itself in different ways: for some it is a hot wave running through the body, for others it is a chill in the lumbar region.

Then visualize a clear image of your friend, imagine that he is listening. If you want to ensure two-way communication, then also draw your image and “give” it to a friend. The connection has been established - you can start communicating. But if you only ask and ignore counter questions, the connection will be interrupted.

Mandatory requirements: you should enter into telepathic communication only in a state of good physical well-being, as well as complete emotional calm. Failure to comply with these conditions may harm you or the person you are talking to. The consumption of alcohol and even caffeine is also prohibited.

Unlocking our full potential

Don't think that after learning how to read minds you will want to stop at . Information can be received not only from people, but also extracted from the energy information field of the earth. To do this, you need to completely free your consciousness from extraneous thoughts, do “psychic breathing,” and then focus on the information you want to know. Gradually, new thoughts will begin to arise in the consciousness - this is information extracted from the energy-information field.

Another way to obtain information is to pick up any object in your hand, send a stream of prana into it, and then return the prana back. At the same time, images will begin to appear in your consciousness - the object transmits accumulated information to you. I often used a similar method.

The danger of telepathy

In conclusion, it remains to be said that developing telepathic abilities is not the safest activity. A person who has revealed his energy potential bears full responsibility for its use (do not forget about karma - the law of cause and effect). It is not acceptable to use telepathic practices for personal gain or as a means of settling scores with one’s enemies. That is, of course, you can use your abilities as you want, but retribution will inevitably follow for the harm caused. The question “how to learn to read minds” is directly related to another question - “how to properly use the acquired power.”

The ability to read a person’s thoughts would also be very useful in the business sphere - to know what a business partner or boss at work is thinking about. It is believed that reading thoughts at a distance is a branch of extrasensory perception, an ability from the realm of the supernatural. But there is also an opinion that telepathy is an information exchange of energy, so with some training you can develop this ability.

1. Energy storage

To learn telepathy, you must first feel the internal forces of your body, accumulating energy. To do this, you need to perform the following breathing exercises:

  • Completely relax in a comfortable position.
  • Place your hands on your stomach to feel the location of your pulse.
  • At 4 heartbeats, take a deep breath, hold your breath for 2 beats, for the next 4 beats, exhale, then pause for 2 beats.
  • At the same time, you need to concentrate and imagine the flow of energy. Try to mentally see how a stream of solar rays rushes from space and is absorbed by your body, and then spreads over it.
  • If you perform the exercise correctly, you will soon feel a warmth or slight shiver spreading from the abdomen and lower back throughout the body.

2. Mental breathing training

This concentration technique is aimed at sharpening perception and developing sensitivity.

  • Take a deep breath and mentally imagine how oxygen penetrates the smallest pores of the skin, carries along the hairs on the body and forces them to press against the skin.
  • As you exhale, imagine how the air in the reverse movement slightly lifts your hair.

By training your perception, you will notice how you learn to see the world around you in a new way and respond to the slightest changes in the mood and thoughts of your interlocutor, as well as tune in to the flow of information coming from people.

3. Switching consciousness

The next stage will be training to manage your own emotions. To develop telepathic abilities, complete internal self-control is necessary, otherwise the acquired energy can escape out of control under the influence of emotions and will have a destructive force.

  • Concentrate your thoughts on a neutral object or phenomenon that does not evoke any emotions - the weather outside the window, a flower in a vase, philosophical reflections.
  • Then switch your thoughts to something that pushes you into violent emotional reactions - problems at work, a quarrel with a loved one, a loss of your favorite team, a noisy neighbor.
  • After a few minutes, try to suppress your emotions and think about a neutral subject again.

By doing this exercise, you will learn complete control over your emotions, which will be useful in any life situation.

4. First experience of mind reading

  • Choose the person closest to you spiritually from your environment.
  • Imagine that you want to help him and mentally ask him what he needs now.
  • Visualize in your mind the image of your friend as accurately as possible, imagine as if you are calling him, and he is listening. Once you feel a connection has been established, you can reach out to your interlocutors and receive responses.

5. Develop yourself

The capabilities of the human brain are limitless. Information can be received not only from other people, but also from the accumulated energy information field of the earth. Develop meditation techniques and different ways of concentration. By freeing the stream of consciousness, you will gain access to information from the world around you.

Thought is the most beautiful and at the same time not fully understood essence of human nature. The ability to think rationally turned us from monkeys into humans; it is this ability that distinguishes us from the animal world.

So can ordinary people learn to read other people's minds using the unlimited power of their cognition?

What is verbal and non-verbal communication?

Contact between people is carried out through verbal and non-verbal communication. Our speech and the information we receive through our hearing organs refers to verbal communication. But some people tend to tell lies. When talking with another person, we are not always able to understand how sincere he is with you and the people around him.

Non-verbal means of communication or sign language will help you understand your interlocutor much better. Even the most skilled liars are not able to control the natural movements of their face and body one hundred percent. With the help of gestures, you can easily recognize a person’s true thoughts and control any situation. Sign language is very difficult to fake, if you can recognize it, then you will learn to read other people's thoughts.

Sign language

A person makes most gestures unconsciously. It is easy to lie with a word or facial expression, but no one is able to completely control all the movements of their body. Basic gestures to help read minds:

Deception- covering your mouth with your hand, rubbing your nose, dimples on the chin or lower eyelid with your finger. If the interlocutor is lying, then it is difficult for him to control the left side of the body. This may include erratic movements of the left leg or left hand, involuntary twitching of the left side of the face, or raising one eyebrow higher than the other.

Interest- wide open eyes, slightly open mouth, slight tilt of the body forward towards the speaker.

Sympathy- women straighten their hair and clothes, men put their thumbs in the waistband of their trousers.

Boredom, apathy- drooping eyelids, random drawing or sketching on a piece of paper, constant glances at the clock.

Uncertainty- arms crossed on the chest.

Fear- change in complexion, increased heart rate, slow breathing, lack of air.

Gestures have multiple meanings, so they should be studied together. So, if a person smiles with just his lips, it may be a fake smile. A sincerely disposed interlocutor must have a smile reflected in his eyes.

Intuition and its reasons

People with well-developed intuition have a greater chance of learning to accurately guess other people's thoughts. The reason is Delta waves, which are activated in most people during sleep, contribute to the restoration of the body and the formation of the hormone of youth.

For some people, delta waves are active during the daytime. Usually such people have increased intuition. How to increase Delta wave activity? To do this, you need to get a good night's sleep, exercise, yoga, and self-hypnosis.

How to learn to guess thoughts from a distance?

Everyone is able to learn to guess the thoughts of others from a distance. If you have the desire and patience, then you can do the impossible and definitely achieve a positive result. Thoughts are invisible, they are a kind of waves that have a certain frequency. By training your brain, you can learn to catch such waves and guess the thoughts of your interlocutors. For classes you will need a volunteer assistant.

Do the following:

Be patient and prepare yourself for the process to be long.

Try to relax as much as possible. Abstract from all the sounds, smells, and sensations around you. Imagine, for example, that you are lying on the warm ground and looking into. Start with at least ten minutes of exercise every day. You can also try this using some meditation techniques.

Then learn to manage your thoughts, try to simply block them. Your head is quiet, calm, your thoughts slowly fly into space, and you glide after them across the endless expanses of the endless sky.

Sit opposite your assistant and ask him to first think about a fact known only to the two of you.

Continue to push away the flow of your thoughts and imagine that you are your exercise partner. Try to catch the wave of his thoughts. If you feel a push from the outside or some unusual pressure, you have succeeded! Stop the experiment, talk to each other, then evaluate the result.

People have always strived to learn how to read the thoughts of people around them. This is still relevant in our time. For example, a jealous wife would really like to read the thoughts of her beloved husband. Many people have a desire to read the boss’s thoughts. In this case, this article will be very helpful. Every person has telepathic abilities, you just need to develop them. Some people need several months to do this, while others may need years of training. It depends on the person’s natural inclination, perseverance, and regularity of exercise. Success can be achieved through hard work.

How to learn to read other people's thoughts

There are various psychological techniques that allow you to capture a person’s mood:

  1. The eyes can tell a lot, so they need to be given the most attention if you want to learn how to read minds. Look closely at the pupils of your interlocutor. If a person is in a positive mood, when he is excited or happy, his pupils are dilated. You need to pay attention to a person's pupils if you want to know whether he likes you or not. If the pupils dilate, this is a sign that he likes the subject of conversation. This means your point of view will be received positively.
  2. To learn how to read minds, you need to study body language: the movement of arms and legs, the tilt of the head, gestures, timbre of voice, etc. If the person you are talking to agrees with you, but fidgets and twitches, he probably does not like you conversation, or he is worried about something else. You can easily understand the mood of the interlocutor during a conversation by the tone of his voice.
  3. To learn how to read minds correctly, you need to use projection. If you know your interlocutor well and his individual characteristics, you can easily predict his reaction to a situation or some objects by imagining yourself in his place. Try asking yourself what you would do if you were in his place, and you will be able to read his thoughts.

Mind reading technique

Reading thoughts at a distance or telepathy is an energetic exchange of information. People who have mastered telepathy skills have developed many training programs. If you study all the recommendations and systems, you can conclude: by mastering a few principles, you can learn to read minds. The main thing is the ability to feel the energy of the Earth’s information field or prana.

The method of training to receive prana is as follows:

  1. You need to relax, take your mind off things, forget about everything that worries you.
  2. Sit in lotus position. With this pose, internal energy is concentrated.
  3. It is necessary to imagine the energy that is floating around, then let this energy in, absorb it, merge with it. You can imagine energy in the form of heat that penetrates inside, or in the form of bright rays of the sun.

As soon as you can accept information energy, you can begin to train telepathic abilities, which will help you learn to read minds. This will require an assistant who will have to convey the thought to you, and you must accept and read it. It is necessary to enter into a telepathic connection when you are feeling well and emotionally calm. Do not consume caffeine or alcohol before your session.

Mind reading training looks like this:

  1. You and the assistant should sit opposite each other and assume the lotus position.
  2. Tune in to accept the information energy into which the assistant’s thoughts will be transformed. If you practice persistently, the energy of the assistant will easily penetrate your mind, then transform into words.

By developing insightful observation and using these techniques in practice, you can understand the psychology of people and learn to read other people's thoughts.

The ability to read other people's thoughts shocks and frightens people. If you do everything correctly, you can fool your friends with the help of simple tricks, and they will think that you have some kind of magical power. You might even be able to put on a little show. The main thing is to use this technique for good purposes!


Part 1

How to understand people's reactions
  1. First, choose the right person for this trick. You know that usually magicians, comedians and other performers choose a couple of people from the audience with whom they then put on a show? This person is not chosen by chance! The entertainer, as it were, “scans” the audience in just a minute, choosing the right person. Some people are too closed and unresponsive, others are too flighty and flighty. For the methods in this article to work, you need to choose someone who is passionate but level-headed and who seems expressive.

    • Choose from your group of friends someone you feel most comfortable with. In addition, he should be a person who reacts openly to any ideas and events, and should be easy to understand. There is no point in performing such a trick with a quiet and reserved person who is difficult to understand.
  2. You need to know how most people answer questions. People, whether you like it or not, usually react according to the same pattern. When a question or situation arises, we often have the same answers and solutions. If you know what most people respond or do in a certain situation, you can perform a telepathic trick on those who don't know it. So, below are some basic examples:

    • If you ask a person to choose any number from 1 to 10, most people choose the number 7.
    • If you ask someone to name a color quickly (within a couple of seconds), most people choose red.
    • If you give the person a little more time (about 4 seconds), they might choose blue.
  3. “Reflect” the actions of your interlocutor. To get a person to open up to you and be honest, you can try to “mirror” their actions. In other words, try to repeat some of the person's movements and gestures, as well as various details in his behavior. If a person keeps their hands in their pockets and seems a little shy, put your hands in your pockets and be a little shy. If a person is expressive and open, be emotional and open too. This way you can be “on the same page.”

    • If the person you choose to focus on is a friend or good acquaintance, this simplifies the situation. However, some people become withdrawn when you tell them you can read their minds. This gives them a sense of security, which makes it easier for you.
  4. Learn to recognize lies. A simple way to turn lying into a mind-reading game is to ask the person a series of questions, of which only one answer is true. Let's say you ask a friend to guess a number and always answer you “no”. If you can detect a lie, you will impress your friend with your abilities!

    • Let's say your friend agrees to answer you “no” to your question about the hidden number. All the answers seem about the same to you, except for the answer to the number “6”. You might have thought that at that moment his answer sounded more tense, his eyes were darting, and he seemed a little nervous. In this case, most likely, he really guessed the number “6”.
  5. Observe muscle reactions. Just as a person's body can betray his lies, it can also betray his thoughts. Place your hand lightly on his back or shoulder (tell him it helps you focus if you like) and begin your trick. As soon as the thought you are about to read comes into your interlocutor's head, you will most likely feel that his body tenses a little or something changes.

    • Let's say you told a friend to wish for a letter of the alphabet. You are going to sing the alphabet song to guess the letter. As soon as you reach the desired letter, you will notice how his body tenses. Then you can calmly tell him the letter he wished for. Watch how stunned he will be! His mind didn't react, it was all about his body's automatic reaction.

    Part 2

    How to master telepathic tricks
    1. Try to give your friend the answer you need. Most mind reading tricks are based on this trick. To force a person to say the answer you need, you need to plant the necessary thought in the consciousness of this person, as if voicing the correct answer in advance. Here's an example:

      • You want your friend to answer "red" when you ask him about his favorite color. Before you ask this question, try focusing on a few other things: “How are you? How is YOUR family? Oh really? I just recently rewatched my FAVORITE movie. This COLOR suits you. I'm going to buy a new RED car."
    2. Learn the Gray Rhino of Denmark technique. There are several tricks, and if your friends do not know about them, you can easily play them, surprising them with your magical abilities. Try the "Grey Rhinoceros from Denmark" trick. So, tell your friend to do the following:

      • Let him choose a number from 1 to 10.
      • Let him multiply this number by 9.
      • Add two digits in this number (if you get one digit, it’s okay).
      • Now you need to subtract 4 from this number.
      • Encrypt this number with letters: “A=1, B=2 and so on.
      • Tell him to think of a country that starts with that letter.
      • Have him take the third letter of the country's name and think of an animal that starts with that letter.
      • Now let him come up with the color of this animal. Then ask your friend why he thinks of the Gray Rhino of Denmark.
      • This works for most people, but not everyone. It's just math. In the end, you will get 5, that is, the letter “D”. There are many options when it comes to animals, but most people think of the rhinoceros.

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