All sides are far away. Great encyclopedia of oil and gas

-- [Page 6] --

The already somewhat bare lilac bushes were all light, even to the branches. All the flowers moistened with dew could be distinguished from one another. In the alleys, shadow and light merged so that the alleys seemed not like trees and paths, but transparent, swaying and trembling houses. (Narrative, non-declarative, complex, complex with a subordinate adverbial degree related to the predicate “merged” and attached to the main one with the help of the conjunction “so”; the main thing is two-part, distributive, complete, complicated by single subjects, subordinate - two-part, dist., complete, complicated by one-word predicates and definites) To the right, in the shadow of the house, everything was black, indifferent and scary. But on the other hand, emerging from this darkness even brighter was the bizarrely spreading top of the poplar, which for some reason strangely stopped here, not far from the house, at the top, in the bright light, and did not fly off somewhere far away, into the receding bluish sky.

The type of speech is description, the style is artistic, since in the text much attention is paid to epithets that help not only to describe the picture, but also to give it expressiveness.

Indifferent - indifferent (syn.).

Gloom - darkness (syn.).

Scary - 2 syllables.

s /s/ – agree, deaf, tv.

t /t/ – agree., deaf., tv.

r /r/ – agree, call, tv.

a /a/ – vowel, beat.

sh /sh/ – agree., deaf., tv.

n /n/ – agree, call, tv.

o /a/ – vowel, unsound.

The word has 7 letters, 7 sounds.

Vidnitsya - visible (formation of the past tense form using a suffix).

I. Lying (on what?) on the path - noun. II. N. f. – path.

Post.: nar., inanimate., w. r., 1 fold.

III. The sentence contains a circumstance (it was lying (where?) on the path).

I. Lying (on what?) on a circle - noun. II. N. f. - circle.

Post.: nar., inanimate., m.r., 2 col.

Non-constant: in the form of a rectangular pad., units. h.

III. In the sentence - circumstance (lay (where?) on the circle).

I. Everything was (what?) doused - pr. II. N. f. - drenched.

Post: suffering, brief. f., past. vr., owls V.

Non-permanent: in the form of units. h., m.r.

III. In a sentence there is a predicate.

I. Fog (what?) growing - pr. II. N. f. – growing.

Post.: valid, full f., present. vr., nesov. V.

Unposted: in the form named after. pad., units h., m.r.

III. The sentence contains a definition.

I. Bare (how?) several – adv. II. Post: adv. degrees.

Non-fixed: does not change.

III. In a sentence there is a circumstance.

74. 1) The student completed the task as required by the teacher. (Narrative, non-vocal, complex, complex with a subordinate adverbial mode of action; the main thing is two-part, dist., complete, subordinate - two-part, dist., complete.) 2) The princess was as good as it can only be in a fairy tale. (Narrative, non-declarative, complex, complex with a subordinate adverbial degree; the main thing is one-part impersonal, distributive, complete, subordinate clause – two-part, distributive, complete.) 3) The house was so high that its roof was lost in the clouds . (Narrative, non-declarative, complex, complex with a subordinate adverbial degree; main - two-part, dist., complete, subordinate - two-part, dist., complete.) 4) He hit with such force as if the door was steel. (Declarative, non-declarative, complex, complex with subordinate adverbial comparison; main - two-part, dist., complete, subordinate - two-part, non-ext., complete.) 75. Sentence 1 - with adverbial adverbial place, sentence 2 - with subordinate attributive. The 1st subordinate clause refers to the verb (stopped (where?), where the elk stood), the 2nd – to the noun (in the clearing (which?), where the elk stopped).

76. 1) Alexei crawled to where the sounds of cannonade were now quite clearly distinguishable. (Places.) (Pol.) 2) Where the river goes, there will be a channel. (Places.) (Last.) 3) Where the eye could no longer distinguish the field from the sky in the darkness, a light flickered brightly. (Places.) (Narrative, non-vocal, complex, complex with adverbial adverbs, related to the verb “flickered” with an indicative.

pronoun and attached to the main one with the help of allies. the words “where”; the main thing is two-part., dist., complete, subordinate – two-part., dist., complete.) (Ch.) 4) The sky there was purple, warm and gentle and beckoned to where it touched the edge of the green meadows.

(Places.) (M.G.) 5) Go where your free mind takes you. (Places.) (P.) 6) Soon he guessed where he was. (Explanation) (A.G.) 7) The steamer smoothly carried its lights and deck filled with passengers past suburban dacha groves and floods, where the coldish sunset was burning out. (Def.) (Paust.) 8) On the stump where we were sitting, I noticed several figures, carved with an ax and similar to those that I saw during the last excursion to the river. (Def.) (M.-Mak.) 9) When we approached the right bank, they showed me, where I least expected, a narrow path up.

(1st - time, 2nd - places.) Only with the help of roots and branches could one get to the site, from where the path became wider and more shallow. (Def.) (M.-Mak.) 10) Red rays lay like fiery lead along the river where it was hidden under the overhanging bushes. (Places.) (T.) 11) He drove out from where the horses rode into the yard one after another. (Places.) (A.N.T.) 1) [there], (where).

2) (where), [there].

77. 1) The city of Kolomna is located where the Moscow River flows into the Oka. 2) Everyone rushed to where the plane landed. 3) The boat hit the shore with force where the river turned sharply.

78. 1) The motor ship stopped at the shore where there was a suitable pier. (Def.) 2) We did not know where the secret materials were kept. (Explanation) 3) The city of Astrakhan stands where the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea. (Settings.) 79. 1) He always goes where help is needed. (Settings.) 2) We found a place where we can spend the night. (Def.) 3) Where the highway ends, there is a train station. (Settings.) 4) The square appeared, where the crowd was flocking. (Def.) 5) We asked where we should go. (Explanatory) Subordinate clauses of time 80. Sentence 1 – with a subordinate adverbial place, sentence 2 – with a subordinate attributive place. The 1st subordinate clause refers to the main predicate (felt healthy (when?) when the lilac blossomed.), the 2nd - to the noun “morning” (on that morning (which?) when the lilac blossomed).

81. 1) When the manager called me, I froze with fear.

(Ch.) 2) Until the sun rose, it was easy to breathe. (Green.) 3) When the clatter of his horse had already died down, I went to the terrace and again began to look after him. (L.T.) 4) As soon as the destroyers left, we began to put up tents and collect firewood. (Ars.) 5) They went home after the detachment stopped in the city center and began to move into apartments. (N.O.) 6) While I was taking a nap, the moon rose and cast its cold and bright light through the clouds.

(L.T.) 7) He woke up when the sun was already high. (A.G.) 8) They woke up when it was completely light in the hut. (A.G.) 9) While my friend stopped, a large butterfly flashed before my eyes. (Ax.) 82. 1) The next day, as soon as the east turned red, everyone got up. (Ars.) 2) The sailing ship was far from the shore and went even further, to where the sea and sky merged into blue infinity. (M.G.) 3) While the tea was brewing, I managed to take several photographs. (Ars.) 4) Occasionally, when driving past the gorges, I heard water falling from a height and splashing on the stones. (Ch.) 5) As soon as the villain recognized Ruslan, his blood cooled, his gaze went out. (P.) 6) The stranger, when they saw him, turned out to be a man of about thirty, ugly in appearance and not remarkable in any way. (Ch.) 7) At about five o’clock, when the heat subsided, everything came to life. (Gonch.) 8) Makar inaudibly knocked on the window frame with his bent index finger and, when, after waiting a little, he saw Andrei’s face in the twilight light, he waved his hand invitingly. (Shol.) Just - barely, as soon as, as soon as (syn.).

83. 1) As soon as I entered the edge of the forest, I immediately came across wild boars. (Ars.) 2) The kettle had just been hung over the fire, when suddenly one stone became heated and burst, scattering coals in all directions. 3) Nikitin had not walked even two hundred steps when the sounds of a piano were heard from another house. (Ch.) 4) Before I had time to pay my old coachman, Dunya returned with a samovar. (P.) 1st and 2nd sentences - phenomena quickly follow each other, 3rd and 4th - the second phenomenon follows the first, when it has not yet ended.

84. I. 1) Traffic in the city freezes when night falls.

2) When the ship approached, the passengers began to collect their luggage. 3) You should not leave the house until you recover.

II. 1) The driver stopped the car when he saw a red traffic light. 2) When crossing the street, you must always be very careful. 3) After the hike, when the beds were laid out, we discussed the events of the past day for a long time.

85. 1) The tourists decided to make a stop when it began to get dark. (Obvt. time.) 2) Until dawn comes, they will remain in place. (Regional time.) 3) In the evening, when it became cool, we went for a walk. (Regional time.) 4) We read the announcement when the consultation for the exam will take place.

(Explanation) 5) On the shore, where we were so eager, an unpleasant surprise awaited us. (Def.) 6) I came when everything was already coming to an end. (Obv. time.) 86. I. 1) Only in the east, where the sun was now emerging in a fiery glow, do the gray pre-dawn twilight still crowd, paling and melting with every minute. (Settings.) (Kupr.) 2) A gust of wind came from the direction from which we did not expect it at all. (Def.) (Ars.) 3) Carefully, from tree to tree, from stone to stone, I began to move away from the dangerous place and, when I felt out of the shots, I went out onto the path and went back to my squad. (Obv. time.) (Ars.) 2) [noun. + with that], (from where). When?

II. The Dnieper is wonderful in calm weather, when its full waters freely and smoothly rush through forests and mountains. (Regional time) Neither rustles nor thunders. You look and don’t know whether its majestic width goes or doesn’t go... (Explanation) NOT in paragraph 2 - strengthening of negation.

Steppe. In all directions, the land stretched far, far away, level, not covered with buildings, forests, or anything except low growth of wild grasses and sown grain.

The wind in the steppe is like a song, and you can listen to it for hours. During the day, when the sultry air is heavy and restless, all you can hear is the wind.

(Narrative, non-vocal, complex, complex with subordinate adverbial tense with a clarifying meaning related to the word “day” and attached to the main one with the help of the verb “when”; main - two-part, distributive, complete, subordinate - two-part, dist.. complete, complicated by single predicates.) And only in the evening, when the ocean of air washing the earth gradually calms down in transparent silence, other sounds become audible.

There is a lot of life in these desert plains called the steppe. And among the voices of living nature, a new song of machines, which recently burst into the steppe choir, sounds in the endless expanses. There is no corner in our steppes where cars do not penetrate... They have firmly and inseparably entered the steppe landscape.

Wherever you wander through the fields, the crowing of cranes and the singing of larks is echoed by the metallic, softly rumbling song of machines.

Everywhere - 2 syllables.

in [f] – cong., deaf., tv.

s [s] – agree, deaf, soft.

yu [y] – vowel, beat.

d [d] – agree, call, tv.

u [u] – vowel, unvoiced.

The word has 5 letters, 5 sounds.

Song – sing (suffixal).

I. Much (what?) life - noun. II. N. f. - life.

Post.: nar., inanimate., w. r., 3 sk. Non-post.: in the form of genus. pad., units h.

III. There is an addition in the sentence.

I. Machines (what?) – noun. II. N. f. - car.

Post.: nar., inanimate., w. r., 1 fold. Unposted: in the form named after. pad., pl. h.

III. In a sentence - the subject.

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Page 1

Far, far away, in the far West, beyond the sandy deserts, beyond the impassable labyrinth of mountains and gorges along which mountain streams covered with white foam rush, beyond the endless salt marshes in which no life is possible, rise the vastness of the Kunlun Mountains.  

Far, far from me, Someone is singing a cheerful song. And I would like to repeat to her, Yes, a broken chest does not allow.  

Only far, far below is a mountain stream.  

The land stretched far, far away in all directions, flat, not covered with buildings, forests, or anything except low growth of wild grasses and sown grain.  

Of course, this process is far from over and has not yet produced any completely stable results. But this process can never end in a capitalist society, and its results could become sustainable only with the stagnation of the revolution, as a sharp breakdown of the entire old political superstructure. Therefore, we cannot postpone the task of analyzing bourgeois parties, especially since the period of October freedoms, on the one hand, and the period of the First Duma, on the other, have undoubtedly already produced major results that cannot be ignored.  

Her eyes seemed to always be directed somewhere far, far away.  

As I already said, most people work hard and dream of sailing far, far away on their own yacht.  

And if so, then the omnipotent electricity, which carries even human speech on its wings, should endow a person with electric vision - give him the opportunity to see everything that is happening far, far away - behind the mountains, behind the forests, in the sky-high heights and in the world of infinitesimals quantities inaccessible even to the most powerful and long-range optical instruments.  

To the north of Gremyachey Log, far, far behind the ridges of the twilight steppe ridges, behind the logs and ravines, behind the clear forests - the capital of the Soviet Union.  

The Tsar's court, of course, was not able to discover all of the activities of our comrades in this area. But what was discovered showed how much had been done in a short period of several months.  

First of all, let's consider what class elements are grouped around the cadets. The elections provide extremely instructive and valuable material on this issue, which is still far from complete. Something, however, is already emerging and deserves special attention.  

This comparison extremely clearly shows in which direction the development of technology is taking place and directed. Human labor, as culture and technology grows, goes from the rickshaw driver to the carriage driver and goes far, far beyond this extreme point of our example. And in parallel with this, human labor is taking on higher and higher forms. The enslavement of the machine, the role of the slave of the machine, its appendage, its small cog, is becoming a thing of the historical past. And in parallel, man’s power over nature and the productivity of his labor are growing. Comparing a carriage driver with a rickshaw will show this convincingly.  

Wide space visible to the eye; space. It was a beautiful picture: the boundless expanse of fields stretched out in waves to the east and sank somewhere far, far away in the bluish haze of the horizon.  

The imprint of external non-partisanship, the appearance of non-partisanship is inevitably acquired by the entire movement as a whole - but only an appearance, of course. The need for human, cultural life, for unification, for the protection of one’s dignity, one’s human and civil rights covers everyone, unites all classes, gigantically overtakes any partisanship, shakes up people who are still far, far from being able to rise to partisanship. The urgency of immediate, elementary-necessary rights and reforms pushes aside, so to speak, thoughts and considerations about anything further. Passion for the ongoing struggle, a necessary and legitimate passion, without which the success of the struggle is impossible, makes one idealize these immediate, elementary goals, paints them in a rosy light, sometimes even dresses them in a fantastic costume; simple democracy, ordinary bourgeois democracy, is taken for socialism and is included in the department of socialism. Everything and everyone seems to be non-partisan; everything and everyone seems to be intertwined in one liberation movement (in fact: liberating the entire bourgeois society) movement; everything and everyone takes on a light, subtle touch of socialism, especially thanks to the leading role of the socialist proletariat in the democratic struggle.  

When at the end of the stage the tam-tam pianissimo, representing a monastery bell, struck, Mussorgsky gave it a deep and respectful bow. The sounds of the voice float clear, soft and gentle and slowly fade away; the last word of temptation is squandered in such a pianissimo, as if somewhere in the silence of the night, in the complete silence of all nature, the lonely string of an unearthly harp moaned and, fading, its subtle sound swept far, far away and inaudibly melted away. Only the first violins, but pianissimo continue to play the theme. The soprano's high do stunned the surprised audience. Ivan Susanin on Milan, stage. Among the deep silence, the barely audible pianissimo of an organ rushes, like a choir of distant angelic voices. Spasovich, Byronism in Lermontov, XI.  

Goodbye, matchmaker! Say hello to matchmaker Peter!

Happy stay!..

The car starts moving, making its first tracks in the first snow in the village. A red flashlight shines in the darkness for a long time, moving away along the highway...

Collective farmers go home. Near Nikolai Savelich, on the porch of the club, only the supply manager and foremen remain, waiting for outfits for tomorrow. It's good to be outside after a tobacco stupor in the club. Fresh, frost bites your cheeks. The snow creaks under boots on the steps of the porch. A horned moon rises above the barns behind the farm. The last clouds are sliding across the sky, down to the black horizon...

Dyadyushkin gives orders: how many carts to send to the station tomorrow for fuel and mineral fertilizers, how many to go beyond the forest to the mountains, where to send people - some to the barns to crush corn, some to prepare grain for the mill, three people from Dushkin’s brigade to be sent to the threshing floors for straw, and so that they cover Petrenkova’s hut tomorrow. Having shaken off the snow from the porch railing with his hollow overcoat, Dyadyushkin writes a note to the head of the agricultural laboratory, Matvey Spitsyn, who was sent to logging for other purposes. Butenko shines a cigarette at him, lighting it over his notepad.

Give it to someone who will go to the mountains,” Dyadyushkin gives the note to the caretaker. - Let him return home. And in return he can be sent to Yurchenko.

We talked about the weather. The snow began to fall early; each brigade should have prepared a couple more sleighs. If a sled track is established from now on, the removal of timber can be quickly accomplished...

Nikolai Savelich! - says the supply manager Butenko. - But I still sent the girls to the bathhouse today - they cleaned it up and drowned it out. The water must have been still hot; they heated it in the evening. Maybe we should go? It would be nice to freshen up now for the coming sleep. My head is pounding!

To the bathhouse? - Dyadyushkin smiles. - Drowned, you say?.. Yes, the right company has been found. Just everyone who got it at the meeting. So we need to capture Patsyuk too. He sweated the most today. Is Patsyuk here?

“I don’t have it,” Elkin answers. - Left.

“He asked Chichkin something about a pitchfork,” says foreman Dushkin. - “He asks, do you have a pitchfork on the farm?” They were the ones who went to throw away the hay from the barn.

Not otherwise.

They gave the man a job!

Well, now he still can’t come home until Nastya breaks the ice.

That's true. He'll beat you again. Damn - not a woman!

“Here, Nikolai Savelich, is the way things are now,” says Dushkin. - If a husband beats his wife, he will be judged, but the husband’s wife will be fine. He won’t go to the police, he’s ashamed to say: he beat the woman. That's how it goes.

Nikolai Savelich does not answer Dushkin, asks Butenko for a cigarette, lights a cigarette and suddenly, snorting and choking on smoke, begins to laugh. He laughs until he bursts into tears. At the meeting, it was uncomfortable for him, the chairman, to laugh, but here he takes his soul away. Looking at him, the foremen also laugh.

Now we're in trouble!.. Oh, Elkin-Palkin! They gave him a double surname - like a count! Now, look, it will remain so. The only way out for you, Semyon Trofimych: to kill them all with yield, so that there can be no laughter... And grandfather! I found the nail! How is he Patsyuk! In front of Zhinka, in front of people!..

“I thought Nastya would rush to him,” says Dushkin. - That would turn out to be a devil! It’s still risky, just like my grandfather said, you could disrupt the meeting.

Thick male laughter rumbles for a long time in the chilly frosty air.

So what do you suggest, Ivan Grigorievich? To the bathhouse? - says Dyadyushkin, wiping away his tears with the sleeve of his overcoat. - Isn’t it too late? It wouldn't hurt to take a steam bath. So you need to bring clean linen too? Or just to rinse off? Perhaps the Mayakovites will laugh if they find out? A? This is such a people! Kapiton Ivanovich would only get caught in the teeth. He will say: and after the meeting the entire board with the chairman at its head went to the bathhouse.

But how will they know? Night, who will see us here now?

Well, okay, jester take them! Went.

Having locked the doors of the club, Dyadyushkin descends from the porch and, crossing the street diagonally, walks, trampling a path in the snow, to the farm yard, where in the depths of the estate, behind the acacias dusted with snow, the bathhouse is blackened. Following him, in single file, are the foremen and Butenko.

...It’s quiet in the village. Here and there lights are lit in the huts. The collective farmers, returning from the meeting, have dinner and go to bed. From below, from behind the beam, from the crossing, a song can be heard. Many voices sing in chorus. Then the song ends. Heard:



Grandfather Iva-a-an!..

It is the Mayakovites, having gone around the village and going down to the Kuban, calling the ferryman who had dozed off on the other side.

Blind driver

Steppe. The land stretches far, far away in all directions, flat, not covered with buildings, forests, or anything except low growth of wild grasses and sown grain. The sun rules in the shining sky, and the wind blows on the ground, driving waves across the green sea of ​​wheat, swirling dust on the steppe roads.

The wind in the steppe is like a song, you can listen to it for hours. During the day, when the sultry air is heavy and restless, all you can hear is the wind. It covers all the living voices of the steppe. The reeds rustle on the banks of a shallow river quietly floating across the steppe; the wind drives a swell along it against the current, sprinkles the reeds with water dust; roadside grass rustles; the dry weeds on the tops of unplowed mounds ring monotonously, swaying. It seems that the whole world is full of indistinct noise, humming, rustling. The wind burns your face, dries your lips, causes slight pain in your ears, leaving a subtle, barely perceptible smell of wildflowers on your face, hands and clothes. And only in the evening, when the ocean of air washing the earth gradually calms down, other sounds become audible in the transparent silence... Somewhere along the road a chaise is driving, the wheels clicking melodiously, like cymbals, against the axle plates. Far beyond the pass, flocks graze. From there you can hear dogs barking, shepherds shouting, and children crying lambs. The chigiri creaking rhythmically, pumping water in the gardens near the river, and very similar to their melodious, drawn-out creaking, a mother partridge screaming somewhere in the thorns, having lost her brood. Hesitantly, alone, the frogs try out the voices in the swamps in the ravine. The evening roll call of quail is loudly tapped out - one of them will come up to you through the thick grain so close that you will even flinch from the unexpected, loud, audible: “Go weed!”

And in early spring and autumn, the playful, joyful, like a child’s laughter, murmur of cranes, softened by the distance, the cackling of countless lines of wild geese pours from the sky - tender and exciting music, the most beautiful of which, it seems, is not found in nature. Who, having heard the inviting and alarming cry of flying birds high under the clouds, would not stop, raising his head, looking enchanted after distant travelers?..

There is a lot of life in these desert plains called the steppe. And among the voices of living nature, in spring, summer, autumn, day or night, a new song that recently burst into the steppe choir sounds in the endless expanses - the song of machines.

There is no corner of our steppes where cars have not penetrated. Firmly and inseparably, as worthy companions to everything earthly, they entered the steppe landscape. Wherever you wander through the fields, the eternal crowing of cranes and the singing of larks is echoed by the metallic, softly rumbling song of engines. There, tractors plow the fallow, there, having finished work in one place, they pull mobile wagons and equipment to another area, there they begin to mow the yellowing early grain. It gets dark - lights come on everywhere across the steppe. The lights move, the nearby ones quickly, the distant ones barely noticeable, sometimes they hide in the hollows, and again appear on the hillocks. The iron of plows and trailers clangs, the engines sing. By midnight everything is silent, everyone is sleeping, and the tractors are singing.

Tractors appear in the steppe before the earliest migratory birds. There is still snow in the gullies, not a soul is visible in the collective farm field camps, and along the steppe roads there are already painted wooden carriages on wheels - the camp housing of tractor drivers. It’s cold, bitterly cold, a damp, gusty wind beats on the ground. Tractor drivers warm themselves in the carriages near the heated stoves; going outside, they inspect their cars and plows for the tenth time, from time to time they start the engines, warm up the oil - they watch out for the first glimpses of spring, so that, without wasting an hour, they begin to plow the early drying support and burrows.

stone to stone, I began to move away from the dangerous place and, when
felt safe from the shots, went out onto the path and walked towards
back to your squad. ( Obst.time.) (Ars.)
1) [, there, (from),
, |
with which one?
2) [noun + with that], (from where).
3) [

And, (when),
II. The Dnieper is wonderful in calm weather, when it rushes freely and smoothly
through forests and mountains full of their waters. ( Obst.time.) Didn't move -
no, it won’t thunder. You look and don’t know whether he’s coming or not
majestic width... ( Explain.)
(N.V. Gogol.)
NI in paragraph 2 – strengthening of negation.
Voices of the steppe.
Steppe. The land stretches far, far away in all directions,
flat, not covered with buildings, forests, or anything other than
low growth of wild grass and sown grain.
Wind in the steppe like a song and can be listened to for hours. During the day,
when the sultry air is heavy and restless, all you can hear is the wind.
(Narrative.,unvoiced.,complex,complex with adverbial clause
special circumstantial tense with a clarifying meaning
related to the word
« during the day» and attached to the main thing with
power with
.sl. « When»; The main thingtwo-stage.,discord.,complete,add-
two-stage.,discord..complete,complicated one way.predicates-
.) And only in the evening, when the ocean of air washing
the ground, gradually calms down in transparent silence, becomes
Other sounds are also heard.
There is a lot of life in these desert plains, called ste-
I drink. And among the voices of living nature it sounds in endless pro-
stories, a new song that recently burst into the steppe choir
tires There is no such corner in our steppes where they would not penetrate
cars... They firmly and inseparably entered the steppe landscape.
Wherever you wander through the fields, everywhere the crane's murre-
the sound of the larks and the singing of the larks is echoed by the metallic, softly rumbling
the sweet song of the machines.
(V. Ovechkin.)
Everywhere - 2 syllables.
in [f] acc., deaf., tv.
s [s] acc., deaf., soft.
yu [y] vocal, beat
d [d] acc., call, tv.
y [y] open, loud
The word has 5 letters, 5 sounds.
Song – sing (suffixal).
I. Much (what?) life - noun. II. N. f. - life.
Post.: nar., inanimate., w. r., 3 sk. Non-post.: in the form of genus. fallen,
units h.
III. There is an addition in the sentence.
I. Machines (what?) – noun. II. N. f. - car.
Post.: nar., inanimate., w. r., 1 fold. Unposted: in the form named after. fallen,
pl. h.
III. In a sentence - the subject.
88. West of Moscow, on the banks of the Sestra River, is located
Klin, a famous town near Moscow, with which it is connected
the last eight years of the life of the great Russian composer Peter
Ilyich Tchaikovsky. These years were the heyday of his creativity,
when he wrote the ballets Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker,
operas “The Enchantress”, “The Queen of Spades”, “Iolanta”, the Fifth and Sixth
Tuyu symphonies and created many other works.
On one of the cozy quiet city streets there is a house museum
Tchaikovsky. (Narrative.,unvoiced.,simple,two-stage.,discord.,floor-
.) Admirers of the great talent constantly come here
composer, and twice a year, on his birthday and on his death
P.I. The most famous musicians perform Tchaikovsky here
his works.
The sentences in paragraph 2 are connected using the words “house”
(in the first sentence) and “here” (in the second).
Here - 1 syllable.
z [z] – agree, ringing, soft.
d [d] – agree, ringing, soft.
e [e] – vowel, beat.
s [s] – agree, deaf, soft.
b //-/
The word has 5 letters, 4 sounds.

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Sentences containing "far"

We found 50 sentences containing the word "far". Also look at the synonyms for far.
Meaning of the word

  • However, then, in November 1941, there was still time before this meeting. far-far.
  • She seemed to be listening, but I saw that she was at that moment far, far from me.
  • The gustelle stops, I tear off my clothes, throw myself into the water and swim far-far.
  • According to the plot, a soldier of the colonial troops, Jean, arrives in Le Havre, hoping to board a ship and sail away far-far.
  • This connection diverged in thin threads among the many thousands of Moscow students. far-far from Moscow in all directions.
  • At sunset she will find her far-far the sailing prince.
  • Whatever sphere of activity he had to apply his efforts to, Stalin saw in it traces of the bygone far-far forward the shadows of the leader.
  • Ruzsky's army was still far away from the city when the 8th Army, advancing south far forward, forced the Austrians to clear Lviv.
  • Far, far The soul of the Russian people with its aspirations, faith, feelings, tastes and its future was hidden from all this.
  • He looked straight into my eyes, but somehow through me, far-far.
  • And even then, in '94, General Abrahamson counted four things for which we were far-far ahead of the Americans.
  • Doug's dad graduated from medical school and the whole family moved away far-far to Montana, to the Billings Indian Reservation.
  • She takes over you, and the little things in your personal life go somewhere else. far, far.
  • Moreover, Kaminsky really was far not sinless, but it’s already coming out far beyond the stated topic of the book.
  • It seems to me that I am far-far from here.
  • I left Russia, I lead a completely different way of life: there is a different language, different thoughts, different people around me, Russia far, far!
  • Somewhere far-far the winds howled, the sea turned black, and suddenly its dark waters flashed with a bright scarlet light.
  • We drove off far, far, and she, barely visible, still stands and stands alone on the pier.
  • There is no need that far, far not everything that Pestalozzi preached, that Pestalozzi wished for, came true, entered into life: this is no longer Pestalozzi’s fault.
  • How I would like to leave far-far, into the forest, into the wilderness and take a break from all the worries and worries.
  • And then I suddenly find out that somewhere, far-far From me, a naval school arose, where children of my age could enter.
  • I was waiting for him to dive beautifully and swim away far-far, in any case, no worse than the local village seaside boys.
  • These are moments of revelation, when everything is clear and visible far, far.
  • And it would be nice to walk through the forest somewhere now, somewhere far-far, where you can’t hear civilization.
  • With a good man I hide my bitch far-far, until the worst times, and I become tame and flexible.
  • Darcella would start humming a tune, waving her hand, and swim away far-far where there is no pain.
  • You listen now to speeches made four hundred years ago, and you see that far-far, three centuries ahead, these words flew away.
  • You are now far-far, between us there is snow and snow.
  • I felt the blood drain from my face, hands, heart and run away somewhere, far-far.
  • I knew that someday I would leave here, far-far from school and all these girls.
  • On nights like this we left far-far in the field and wandered for a long time in the steppe, inhaling the heady aroma of the fields.
  • Far-far, beyond the endless flat plain, a black speck appeared on the horizon, and it was clearly visible that it was moving.
  • Probably, such a case happened, and perhaps the child really dreamed of going somewhere in a carriage far-far.
  • The world allocates in monasteries far not the best far not ideal people.
  • In principle, Nastya could have sent me right away far-far, but didn't do it.
  • He left in such faded tights every time far-far and never looked back.
  • Suddenly somewhere far-far The long-awaited neighing of a horse was heard.
  • AND far-far a huge street (it began far behind the theater, almost at the station) was closed by the plant.
  • Ribas took a closer look: far-far A carriage was driving along the road.
  • And just somewhere far-far I had a sneaky little thought lurking, what if at the very edge I don’t have enough determination to take this step.
  • Far not all people who got into intelligence used these opportunities and far not everyone met these requirements.
  • And you, dear, I don’t know what to call you by name, far will you go, oh, how far!
  • Like many Chuvash village and rural children, I grew up in far not gentle conditions and far not "clean".
  • Far-far on the other side someone is riding a horse.
  • Oh, if only this day were far-far!
  • They must have realized that I was pointing to the horizon where far-far Russia is located.
  • She was leaving somewhere far-far into deep infinity.
  • But he started thinking, his thoughts now far-far.
  • From the top of the hill it was visible far-far.
  • In principle, Nastya could have sent me right away far-far, but didn't do it.

Source – introductory fragments of books from liters.

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