World Historical Heritage. Natural and cultural heritage

There are many beautiful buildings, natural phenomena and other unique objects in the world that delight people. And the task of each generation is to preserve this wealth and pass it on to descendants. The most valuable attractions are included in a special list.

About World Heritage Sites

It’s scary to think that descendants won’t see, for example, the Acropolis or Meanwhile, this could happen, if not in the near future, then in a few generations. That is why one of the primary tasks of humanity is to preserve and increase the cultural and natural wealth of the planet.

For this purpose, a special list was created, which includes World Heritage sites located in various countries and regions. There are many of them, they are diverse, and each is unique in its own way.

General information about the list

The idea of ​​a list of the world's most valuable sites was first implemented in 1978, after the UN Convention was adopted six years earlier, declaring a shared responsibility for the preservation of the most significant cultural and natural monuments.

At the end of 2014, the list contained 1007 items. The top ten countries for the number of World Heritage sites are Italy, China, Spain, France, Germany, Mexico, India, Great Britain, Russia and the USA. In total, there are 359 items included in the list on their territory.

There are a number of criteria according to which the list is expanded. They include the uniqueness or exclusivity of a particular place or building from different points of view: its inhabitants, construction, evidence of an important stage in the development of civilizations, etc. Therefore, sometimes you can find objects on the list that are quite unexpected for someone.

Categories and examples

The entire diversity of the World Heritage is divided into three conditional groups: cultural, natural and cultural-natural. The first category is the most numerous, it includes 779 items, for example, the building of the Opera House in Sydney. The second group contains 197 objects, including Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the Grand Canyon. The last category is the smallest - only 31 monuments, but they combine both natural beauty and human intervention: Machu Picchu, Meteora monasteries, etc.

For some reason, people are accustomed to primarily admiring buildings and creations of their own efforts, forgetting about natural beauties. But in vain, because in fact this is also a World Cultural Heritage.

In Russia

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are 26 monuments included in the UNESCO list. Of these, 15 are classified as cultural, and the remaining 11 are natural. They are located throughout the country and include truly unique UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Russia.

For the first time, the Russian Federation added to the list of countries on whose territory there are monuments to human and natural genius in 1990, when the list was also replenished with the Kizhi Pogost and the historical center of St. Petersburg. Subsequently, the World Heritage of Russia was regularly replenished and continues to expand. The list includes nature reserves, monasteries, geological monuments and many other objects. Thus, in 2014, the historical and archaeological complex “Bulgar”, which is located in Tatarstan, was included in the Russian World Heritage List.

Full list

Russia's World Heritage sites are mostly known to many citizens. But someone will also find unfamiliar points that they might want to visit, so it’s better to give a complete list:

  • historical center and monuments of St. Petersburg;
  • Kremlin and Red Square in Moscow;
  • Kizhi Pogost;
  • Veliky Novgorod and its surroundings;
  • white monuments of Suzdal and Vladimir;
  • Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye;
  • Trinity-Sergius Lavra;
  • Komi forests;
  • Lake Baikal;
  • Kamchatka volcanoes;
  • Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve;
  • golden Altai Mountains;
  • basin of Lake Uvs-Nur;
  • Western Caucasus;
  • Kazan Kremlin;
  • Ferapontov Monastery;
  • Curonian Spit;
  • old city of Derbent;
  • Wrangel Island;
  • Novodevichy Convent;
  • historical center of Yaroslavl;
  • Struve arc;
  • Putorana plateau;
  • Lena Pillars;
  • complex "Bulgar".

Another point is related to the political events of 2014 - the ancient city of Chersonesus is located on the Crimean Peninsula, which is also included in the World Cultural Heritage. Russia actually has something to strive for, because there are many more unique objects located on the territory of the country, and each of them may eventually be included in the UNESCO list. In the meantime, it’s still worth learning more about those monuments that are already on this list. It’s not for nothing that they were included there, is it?


Russia is a huge country, the largest on the planet in terms of territory. 9 time zones, 4 climates and a huge number of different zones. It is not surprising that the World Natural Heritage of Russia is quite numerous and diverse - 11 objects. There are huge forests, clean and deep lakes, and natural phenomena of amazing beauty here.

  • Virgin forests of Komi. Considered to be the largest intact forests in Europe. Included in the World Heritage of Russia in 1995. Many species of rare representatives of flora and fauna grow and live on their territory.
  • Lake Baikal. Is the deepest on the planet. Entered the list in 1996. Many species living in the lake are endemic.
  • Volcanoes of the Kamchatka Peninsula. They are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Included in the Russian World Heritage Sites in 1996.
  • Altai. On the list since 1998. Include habitats of rare representatives of flora and fauna.
  • Caucasian Nature Reserve. Located in three constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia and Adygea. On the list since 1999.
  • Central Sikhote-Alin. A nature reserve located in the Primorsky Territory. Many rare species of animals live on its territory. Entered the UNESCO list in 2001.
  • Curonian Spit. This unique object is a sand body stretching across the Baltic Sea for almost 100 kilometers. On the territory of the spit there are a large number of interesting places, for example the famous “Dancing Forest”; the seasonal migration route of many birds also lies through it. Included in the list in 2000.
  • Uvsu-Nur basin. Located on the border of the Russian Federation and Mongolia. The basin was included in the list in 2003 according to the criteria of international scientific significance and the conservation of biological and landscape diversity.
  • Wrangel Island. Divided almost equally between the Western and Eastern Hemispheres. Most of its territory is occupied by mountains. Rare plants grow here, which was also the reason why the site was included in the UNESCO list in 2004 under number 1023.
  • It was listed as a World Heritage Site in 2010. It is home to the migration routes of large populations of reindeer and hosts a unique combination of ecosystems.
  • Lena pillars. At the moment, it is the last World Natural Heritage site in Russia. Was included in the list in 2012. In addition to its aesthetic importance, this object is valuable for the uniqueness of the geological processes occurring here.


Objects of the World Cultural Heritage of Russia, of course, include not only natural monuments, but the results of human labor.

  • Historical center of St. Petersburg. Red Square and the Kremlin in Moscow. The hearts of both capitals were included in the list at the same time - in 1990 - and according to four criteria at once.
  • Kizhi. This unique ensemble of wooden buildings was included in the UNESCO list in 1990. This true wonder of the world not only demonstrates the genius of humanity, but also is in amazing harmony with the surrounding nature.
  • In 1992, UNESCO added 3 more attractions to its list: monuments of Novgorod, Suzdal and Vladimir, as well as
  • The Trinity-Sergius Lavra and the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye, included in the list respectively in 1993 and 1994, are known to everyone for their beauty - many residents of Moscow and the Moscow region regularly visit there.
  • entered the list in 2000, as did
  • Monuments of the city of Derbent in Dagestan - 2003.
  • in Moscow - 2004.
  • Historical center of Yaroslavl - 2005.
  • (2 points), which helped establish the shape, size and some other parameters of the planet - 2005.
  • Architectural and historical complex Bulgar - 2014.

As you can see, the World Cultural Heritage sites of Russia are mostly concentrated in the European part, which is determined by the peculiarities of the development of the territory.


The list of Russia's World Heritage Sites may expand significantly in the coming years. The Government of the Russian Federation regularly offers the UN new applicants, unique and beautiful in their own way. There are now 24 more sites that can be included in the main UNESCO list.

Threat of extinction

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to preserve World Heritage. Russia, fortunately, is not yet in danger of this; all of its monuments included in the list are in relative safety. UNESCO regularly edits and publishes a special list that includes unique sites that are in danger. Now it consists of 38 points. Natural and cultural monuments fall into this “alarming” list for various reasons: poaching, deforestation, construction and reconstruction projects that violate the historical appearance, climate change, etc. Moreover, the worst enemy of World Heritage is time, which is impossible win. And yet, from time to time, monuments are removed from this list, most often due to improvements in the situation. But there are also sad examples when the situation deteriorated so much that objects simply ceased to be included in the World Heritage. Russia has nothing to fear yet, although the environmental situation in some parts of the country may affect many natural monuments. And then, perhaps, the “alarming” list will become relevant for the Russian Federation as well.

UNESCO activities

Inclusion in the list is not only and not so much prestige, but also, first of all, increased attention to the safety and condition of certain objects on the part of a larger number of organizations. UNESCO also stimulates the development of eco-tourism and increases people's awareness of the uniqueness of monuments. Among other things, there is a special fund that finances the support of facilities.

Before we present you with a list of countries with the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, let's figure out what they are.

  • Is a masterpiece of human creative genius;
  • Proves the significant mutual influence of universal human values ​​in a certain historical period or cultural space;
  • Is a unique or exceptional object for a culture and/or civilization, existing or disappeared;
  • Is an outstanding example of architectural landscape design illustrating an important period of human history;
  • Is an outstanding example of traditional human settlement or human interaction with the environment;
  • The object is directly related to historical events, or cultural traditions, religious beliefs, artistic or literary works and is of great global importance.

World Heritage sites are divided into three categories:

  • cultural, i.e. created by man – these are mainly architectural monuments.
  • created by nature - such as rock formations or caves, lakes, rivers and waterfalls
  • mixed, i.e. created jointly by nature and man - for the most part these are various parks and gardens.

Natural objects have their own selection criteria - for example, a natural phenomenon of exceptional beauty and aesthetic value.

There are Native American cultural heritage sites in the United States, such as Taos Pueblo, an ancient Indian settlement. These are also structures created in the 19th and 20th centuries, for example, the Statue of Liberty.

In addition, the United States has several World Heritage Sites created by nature. These include the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park. In total, there are 23 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the United States.

Russia made it into this top thanks to its rich, varied history and colossal territory. Among the cultural heritage sites of Russia are the Moscow, Novgorod and Kazan Kremlins, the historical centers of St. Petersburg and Yaroslavl.

There are also as many as 10 natural heritage sites in Russia, including the famous Lake Baikal and the Golden Altai Mountains.

The United Kingdom has many cultural heritage sites dating in particular from the period of Roman Imperial occupation. Many of them are related to events affecting the global history of Europe. The most famous of them are the Fortified Frontier of the Roman Empire and the Tower of London.

India is the birthplace of the oldest civilizations on earth, which has seen the rise and fall of many empires and royal dynasties, as well as several world religions - Sikhism, Hinduism and Buddhism. India has several world heritage sites created by nature - caves and national parks.

The most famous cultural heritage sites in India are the royal palace of the Taj Mahal and the cave temples located on Elephanta Island.

Mexico was home to two of the oldest civilizations that lived in the New World before the Age of Discovery - the Aztecs and the Mayans. It was also the site of the earliest settlements of European colonists in the New World.

Mexico's World Heritage Sites include the historic city center of Puebla, and the ancient pre-Spanish cities of Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza and El Tajin.

Over the course of its long history, Germany has been both part of the Holy Roman Empire and the center of the German Empire. Hence the large number of cultural heritage sites. The most famous of them are Wartburg Castle and Cologne Cathedral.

As with Germany, the history of France is closely linked to the Roman Empire. At one time, Frankish tribes lived as part of the Empire. Later, however, France itself became a powerful monarchy.

So it is not surprising that many sites in France are classified as World Heritage Sites. First of all, these are Notre Dame Cathedral and the Palace of Versailles.

Of the 45 sites, 3 are located outside of Europe - for example, the Garajonay National Park, located on the island of La Gomera. This is due to the fact that Spain still retained some of the lands acquired during the colonial era.

In Spain itself, the most famous sites are the Roman city walls of Lugo and the Burgos Cathedral

China is home to the world's oldest civilizations and many living and extinct cultures. China has many different cultural heritage sites, including the Great Wall of China.

But there are also a dozen natural heritage sites on Chinese territory. One such place is Karst deposits in South China.

Finally, the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage sites are located in Italy - the birthplace of the Holy Roman Empire, the Christian Empire and most of the Renaissance figures. Among the cultural heritage sites of Italy are the historical centers of Rome, Naples, Florence, Castel del Monte and Villa del Casale.

Advantages and disadvantages of owning UNESCO World Heritage Sites

World Heritage sites make a significant contribution to the tourism industry, and therefore the economy, of the countries that own them. They tend to be the most attractive for tourists visiting these countries.

This means more tourists, which means more money attracted by this industry. However, owning World Heritage properties also comes with significant costs. The government of the country that owns the World Heritage Site has to spend a lot of money on repairs, protection and maintenance of these attractions.

This can create big problems for a given country, especially during difficult economic periods.

Beautiful shots from all corners of our Motherland, depicting UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Russia.

Emblem of the World Heritage project World Heritage (English World Heritage, French Patrimoine Mondial, Spanish Patrimonio Mundial) outstanding cultural and natural values ​​that constitute the heritage of all humanity. In 1972, UNESCO adopted the Convention... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Heritage. Emblem of the World Heritage project World Heritage (English World Heritage ... Wikipedia

There are 27 sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List in India (as of 2008). Contents 1 List 2 Candidates for inclusion in the World Heritage List ... Wikipedia

Outstanding natural and cultural values ​​that constitute the heritage of all humanity. In 1972, UNESCO adopted the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, to which most countries of the world acceded. States on... ... Financial Dictionary

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World Heritage- WORLD HERITAGE, outstanding cultural and natural values ​​that constitute the heritage of all humanity. In 1972, UNESCO adopted the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (came into force in 1975). Ratified the convention... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Outstanding cultural and natural values ​​that constitute the heritage of all humanity. In November 1972, the UNESCO General Conference adopted the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (came into force in 1975, when... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

There are 8 names on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Ethiopia (as of 2008). The overall World Heritage List includes 878 sites. Thus, the share of Ethiopian objects in the world is approximately 1%. In this table... ... Wikipedia


  • World Heritage of Russia. Book 1. Architecture, Alla Sirotkina. The book tells about the cultural monuments of Russia included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Their description and history are given. Each object is represented by at least 25-30 photographs,…
  • World Heritage of Russia. Book 2. Nature. Photo album, Sirotkina A.. The books tell about the cultural and natural monuments of Russia included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The first volume - 14 architectural objects, the second volume - 12 natural objects. They are given...

30 UNESCO World Heritage Sites You Must Visit! The UNESCO World Heritage List includes some of the best preserved sites in the world. In 2013, a further 19 sites were added to the List, 14 of which are of cultural significance and the remaining 5 of natural significance. UNESCO World Heritage Sites are the most interesting places to travel.

To date, more than 980 sites from around the world have been designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Most of these sites are popular tourist destinations and attract large numbers of tourists.

UNESCO has divided World Heritage sites into three broad categories, namely:

– natural heritage sites (nature/landscape created without any human intervention),
— cultural heritage sites (places of cultural/spiritual significance for people)
- places of mixed heritage (places that have elements of both natural and cultural heritage).

Below we have listed 30 of the most beautiful places on this list that are definitely worth a visit!

  • 1. Galapagos Islands

Added to the List in 1978.

Country: Ecuador

Located in the eastern Pacific Ocean, the Galapagos Islands are an archipelago consisting of thirteen islands and six smaller islets. These islands are located at the confluence of three ocean currents. The Galapagos Islands are known for their absolutely stunning marine life, fascinating birds and pristine beaches.

Activities: Apart from cruises to some of the more remote islands of the archipelago, most tourists prefer the Galapagos Islands as they are excellent places for snorkeling and diving.

Best time to visit: mid-June to early September and mid-December to mid-January.

  • 2. Yellowstone National Park

Added to the List in 1978.

Country: United States of America

The park extends over 898,349 hectares. There are more than 300 geysers here (two thirds of the total number of geysers); over 10,000 geothermal sites (almost half of all there are in the world) and fabulous wildlife including bison, grizzly bears and wolves. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the park passes through the US states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho.

Activities: Yellowstone National Park offers numerous activities for tourists, including excursions, horseback riding, camping, fishing, boating and swimming. This is a fantastic place for walking and cycling.

Best time to visit: June to August, if you are a skiing enthusiast, visit the Park from November to February.

  • 3. Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Added to the List in 1979.

Country: Belarus, Poland

The National Park, world-famous as Belovezhskaya Pushcha, is located on the watershed between the Black and Baltic Seas. Some of the most exotic species of broad-leaved trees and evergreens have been preserved here. Moreover, the forest reserve also boasts of a remarkable fauna, which includes some rare species of mammals such as the bison.

Entertainment: all entertainment consists of guided tours and independent walks through the park. Observation of birds and animals listed in the Red Book.

Best time to visit: between March and September.

  • 4. Great Barrier Reef

Added to the List in 1981.

Country: Australia

One of the most famous marine ecosystems in the world is located right here on the Great Barrier Reef. Here is the world's largest collection of corals, including more than 400 different species of coral, along with 1,500 species of fish and about 4,000 species of shellfish. In addition to this, six of the seven species of sea turtles known in the world are found on the Reef.

Activities: The Great Barrier Reef is a paradise for snorkelers and scuba divers.

Best time to visit: June to November.

  • 5. Los Glaciares National Park

Added to the List in 1981.

Country: Argentina

The best place in South America to enjoy views of glaciers. It is a place of exceptional beauty, boasting high mountain peaks and 47 large glaciers.

Activities: Hiking is by far the most popular tourist activity in the region, followed by mountaineering. You can join a boat tour and navigate between the majestic icebergs.

Best time to visit: between October and March.

  • 6.Parks of the Canadian Rockies

Added to the List in 1984.

Country: Canada

This World Heritage Site includes four national parks - Banff, Jasper, Kootenay and Yoho and three provincial parks - Mount Robson, Mount Assiniboine and the Humber - located in the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Alberta. UNESCO World Heritage Sites - These parks are known for their absolutely stunning landscapes, which feature mountain peaks, glaciers, canyons, waterfalls, hot springs and many other impressive sites.

Entertainment: hiking, horse riding, etc. If you are an adrenaline junkie, you can also try some dog sledding across the snowy plains. If you are a history buff, be sure to visit the Burgess Shale fossil site, famous for the fossilized remains of some marine species that existed millions of years ago.

Best time to visit: September to October or May, June for hiking and December or April for skiing.

  • 7. Sundarbans National Park

Added to the List in 1987.

Country: India

Located in the Indian state of West Bengal, the Sundarbans contains the world's largest mangrove forests, covering approximately 1,000,000 hectares. The National Park is home to some exotic and endangered species, including tigers, reptiles, birds and aquatic mammals.

Entertainment: In addition to walks and excursions along forest paths, you can, for example, ride a bicycle to a local village or visit a local school.

Best time to visit: between September and March.

  • 8. Yaku

Added to the List in 1993.

Country: Japan

Located in Kagoshima Prefecture, in the interior of Yaku Island, the park is home to about 1,900 different species and subspecies of plants. This area is home to rare, ancient examples of Japanese cedar (Suji).

Activities: Hiking along forest trails; there are also several white sand beaches where tourists can enjoy snorkeling. Visitors can also bathe in the hot springs, which are located a few kilometers away.

Best time to visit: May, October, November.

  • 9. Brazilian Islands: Fernando de Noronha and Atoll das Rocas

Included in the List in 2001.

Country: Brazil

Fernando de Noronha is an archipelago consisting of 21 islands and several other small islets in the Atlantic Ocean, and Rocas Atoll is the only atoll in the South Atlantic. These two reserves are notable for the fact that tuna, turtles, sharks, as well as several marine mammals are bred here. Bahia de Golfinos beach is popular because you can see dolphins here. Additionally, tropical birds and breathtaking seascape views at low tide make this region outstanding.

Activities: Apart from boat excursions, these places also offer plenty of dolphin watching and diving opportunities.

Best time to visit: April to November.

  • 10. Reunion Island (National Park)

Included in the List in 2010.

Country: France

UNESCO World Heritage Site - The national park covers an area of ​​approximately 100,000 hectares, which is about 40% of the total area of ​​Reunion Island. The place is famous for its subtropical and tropical forests, and is home to various flora and fauna.

Entertainment: hiking, rock climbing and all kinds of excursions, including air excursions.

Best time to visit: May to October; November to April is the cyclone season.

Cultural heritage sites

  • 1.Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel in Philae

Added to the List in 1979.

Country: Egypt

These colossal ancient Egyptian monuments are, one might say, a huge archaeological park, in fact, a great open-air museum. The magnificent structures, which include the Great Temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel and the Sanctuary of Isis at Philae, make a lasting impression.

Entertainment: visiting great monuments, camel ride, visit the Aswan Dam.

Best time to visit: November to February.

  • 2. Shalimar Fort and Gardens in Lahore

Added to the List in 1981.

Country: Pakistan

Located in the city of Lahore in Punjab. Built during the reign of Emperor Shah Jahan, these two masterpieces are major tourist attractions in Pakistan. The fort complex has numerous marble structures: palaces and mosques, decorated with colorful mosaics and gilding. The elegant gardens with numerous waterfalls, fountains and decorative ponds look impressive.

Entertainment: Tourists are allowed to roam freely around the fort and gardens. There are several wonderful restaurants where you can try delicious local cuisine.

Best time to visit: October to April.

  • 3. Vatican

Listed in 1984

Country: Vatican

One of the most sacred places in Christendom, the Vatican is filled with colossal religious and secular buildings and monuments. In the center of the Vatican is St. Peter's Basilica, the largest religious building in the world. The circular square in front of the basilica is surrounded by beautiful palaces and gardens.

Entertainment: Tours of major churches and basilicas throughout the city, as well as the city's many museums. Don't forget to visit the famous Sistine Chapel. Best time to visit: April to June and September to October.

  • 4. Petra

Listed in 1985

Country: Jordan

One of the most famous world heritage sites in the world. Petra is an ancient city located at the junction of the Dead and Red Seas. Strategically, it was located at the crossroads of Egypt, Arabia, Syria and Phenicia, indicating that it was indeed an important settlement in ancient times. Petra is also one of the most important archaeological sites, displaying a subtle blend of eastern and western architectural styles.

Activities: Petra is located high in the mountains and there are several hiking trails that lead to the city. You can also explore the surrounding desert areas on horseback or camels.

Best time to visit: March to May and September to November

  • 5. City of Bath

Listed in 1987

Country: England

Bath is an ancient Roman city located approximately 100 miles west of the English capital.

Entertainment: Bath offers many things to do for tourists. In addition to soaking in the natural hot springs, you can take a tour of the city; the city is surrounded by picturesque countryside, which is best explored on foot.

Best time to visit: April to June and September.

  • 6. Borobudur Temple

Added to the List in 1991.

Country: Indonesia

UNESCO World Heritage Site - Largest Buddhist temple complex in the world. Borobudur is a colossal monument that is located in the central part of the island of Java.

Entertainment: In May you can attend a Buddhist festival, which is held on the occasion of Buddha's birthday. In June, a ballet performance is organized here, which talks about the concept and construction of the temple.

Best time to visit: April to October.

  • 7. Drottningholm Royal Palace

Added to the List in 1991.

Country: Sweden

Literally meaning "Queen's Island", Drottningholm Palace is located on a small artificial island on Lake Mälaren in the suburbs of Stockholm. Here, in addition to the palace, there are royal gardens, a palace church, a palace theater and the famous Chinese pavilion. The palace is certainly one of the finest examples of 18th century Northern European architecture and shows obvious influence from the architecture of the Château de Versailles.

Entertainment: The palace is the residence of the current Swedish royal family, so much of it is not open to public viewing. However, you can still visit some places. Visit the "Great Hall" of the palace, here you can see portraits of various European monarchs. There is a nice cafe next to the garden where you can spend a great day.

Best time to visit: May to September.

  • 8. Angkor

Added to the List in 1992.

Country: Cambodia

Angkor is one of the most important archaeological sites in Southeast Asia. It occupies an area of ​​about 40,000 hectares. The park is an ensemble of remnants of the Cambodian Khmer Empire, which include a number of temples and sculptures. World famous temple complexes: Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom and Bayon.

Entertainment: exploring various temples and sculptures. Take a walk in the desert.

Best time to visit: between November and February.

  • 9. Schönbrunn Palace and Gardens

Included in the List in 1996.

Country: Austria

One of the most outstanding Baroque complexes in Europe. Schönbrunn Palace is located in Vienna and served as the summer residence of the Habsburg emperors from the 18th century until the early 20th century. The magnificent gardens are a wonderful example of European decorative art.

Entertainment: tours of the palace and garden, walks around Vienna, canal cruises.

Best time to visit: May to October.

  • 10. Indian Mountain Railways

Included in the List in 1999.

Country: India

Includes three mountain railways that pass through seemingly impenetrable terrain in the Indian mountains. Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, Nilgiri Mountain Railway and Kalka Shimla Railway.

Entertainment: Ride one of these trains and enjoy fascinating views of mystical mountains, dense forests and complex networks of tunnels.

Best time to visit: Darjeeling Himalayan Road - September to June; Nilgiri road - from February to June; Kalka Shimla road - from April to August and from December to January.

Mixed heritage sites

  • 1. Tikal National Park

Added to the List in 1979.

Country: Guatemala

Set amidst lush, dense jungle, the UNESCO World Heritage Site Parks is one of the most important centers of the ancient Mesoamerican Mayan civilization. Tikal National Park boasts some of the most impressive architectural remains of the Mayan people. Impressive palaces and temples, sacrificial platforms, public plazas, and some fragmented remains of Mayan dwellings.

Entertainment: Visit the Silvanus G. Morley Museum, where you can see various artifacts. Camping and jungle trekking are some of the most popular activities.

Best time to visit: between November and April.

  • 2. Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu

Added to the List in 1983.

Country: Peru

This 15th-century city is located in the middle of a tropical mountain forest, at an altitude of about 8,000 feet. Machu Picchu is the highlight of Peru. This World Heritage site boasts giant walls, ramps and terraces, all built in such a way that it appears as if it has always been part of the natural landscape. In addition, due to its location on the eastern slopes of the Andes, the forests have an extremely rich diversity of flora and fauna.

Activities: Hiking around Machu Picchu, taking a tour of various Inca sanctuaries and caves, learning a bit of local history - some of the stories are really interesting!

Best time to visit: July and August.

  • 3. Goreme National Park and Cappadocia cave buildings

Added to the List in 1985.

Country: Türkiye

The province of Nevsehir in Central Anatolia is famous throughout the world for its remains of the Byzantine period: various residential and underground settlements dating back to the 4th century AD. Erosion processes have shaped the sculptural landscape of the Goreme Valley, and the rock structures of Cappadocia testify to what happens when natural forces and human hands work in opposition to each other.

Entertainment: hiking and excursions, hot air balloon tours. Additionally, Cappadocia is one of Turkey's largest wine regions, so be sure to stop by for a wine tasting at the local wineries.

Best time to visit: April to mid-June and September to November.

  • 4. Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park

Listed in 1987

Country: Australia

Located in the northern part of Australia. The site boasts some impressive geological formations, including the Kata Tjuta rock domes.

Activities: Rock climbing, guided walking tours, camel trekking through the desert, helicopter tour and much more.

Best time to visit: April and May.

  • 5. Meteora (Meteora)

Added to the List in 1988.

Country: Greece

A UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Thessaly, the monastery complex of Meteora is a one-of-a-kind site. It’s amazing how 24 monasteries were built in such inaccessible terrain, at such an altitude, and even in the 15th century. The monasteries boast remarkable frescoes from the 16th century.

Activities: Rock climbing, canoeing, hiking and rafting are the main activities. You can visit one of the nearby villages and try traditional cuisine.

Best time to visit: July to mid-October.

  • 6. Cliff Bandiagara

Inscribed on the List in 1989.

Country: Mali

One of the most impressive places in West Africa. The Bandiagara Plateau in Mopti is not only stunning scenery, but also a place where you can see examples of African architecture. In addition to houses, barns, altars, temples and community centers, the region has preserved centuries-old traditions of the Dogon (people in Mali) in the form of masks, rituals, religious ceremonies and so on.

Entertainment: Visit a local village and buy authentic Dogon crafts. You can ride in a donkey cart.

Best time to visit: November to March.

  • 7. Tongariro National Park

Inscribed on the List in 1990.

Country: New Zealand

The oldest national park in New Zealand. Tongariro boasts spectacular scenery, numerous active but dormant volcanoes and a rich diversity of ecosystems.

Entertainment: Walking around the park is the best way to see all the attractions of this place.

Best time to visit: between November and May.

  • 8. Emeishan and the Giant Buddha in Leshan

Inscribed on the List in 1996.

Country: China

Located in the southern part of Sichuan Province in China, Emeishan is a wonderful place. The mountain features a variety of vegetation and old trees (some over 1000 years old). From the 1st century AD, Buddhists began to build on the top of the mountain, probably due to the tranquility and beauty of the place. Gradually, this place became one of the most sacred places of Buddhism and turned into a center of pilgrimage. A special highlight of this World Heritage Site is the colossal Buddha statue carved into the mountain. This is the largest Buddha statue in the world.

Entertainment: Hiking and hiking are the best things you can do here to experience all the beauty, peace and harmony of this place.

Best time to visit: all year round.

  • 9. Ibiza

Inscribed on the List in 1999.

Country: Spain

Ibiza, better known for its clubbing and nightlife, actually includes two separate worlds. Most of the island is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Numerous prehistoric archaeological sites, outstanding examples of Renaissance military architecture and some Spanish colonial fortifications.

Activities: Explore the beautiful countryside, hiking and parasailing tours are also quite popular. Try traditional Spanish cuisine. Best time to visit: between April and June.

  • 10. Rock Islands, South Lagoon

Inscribed on the List in 2012.

Country: Palau

445 volcanic uninhabited limestone islands that lie in lagoons surrounded by coral reefs are the Rock Islands. There are more than 385 species of coral, a huge variety of marine life and the highest concentration of marine lakes on earth. There are also numerous archaeological remains of villages, burials and rock art that date back over 3,000 years.

Activities: Rock Islands is Palau's most popular snorkeling and diving destination. Visit colorful lagoons and vibrant caves.

Best time to visit: February and March.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites are the most visited places by tourists!

About UNESCO World Heritage

The Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage was adopted at the XVII session of the General Conference of UNESCO on November 16, 1972 and entered into force on December 17, 1975. Its main goal is to attract the forces of the world community to preserve unique cultural and natural objects. In 1975, the Convention was ratified by 21 states, over the 42 years of its existence, another 172 states joined them, and by mid-2017, the total number of state parties to the Convention reached 193. In terms of the number of state parties, the World Heritage Convention is the largest among other international UNESCO programs representative. To improve the effectiveness of the Convention, the World Heritage Committee and the World Heritage Fund were established in 1976.

The first cultural and natural sites were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List two years after the formation of the program. Among natural areas, the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), Yellowstone (USA), Nahanni (Canada) and Simen (Ethiopia) national parks received heritage status. Over the past years, the List has become very representative both in terms of the regions of the planet represented and in the number of objects: by mid-2017, it included 206 natural, 832 cultural and 35 mixed natural-cultural sites in 167 countries. Italy, Spain, Germany and France and China have the largest number of cultural sites on the List (more than 30 each), while the USA, Australia, China, Russia and Canada have the largest number of natural World Heritage areas (more than 10 sites each). Under the protection of the Convention are such world-famous natural monuments as the Great Barrier Reef, the Hawaiian and Galapagos Islands, the Grand Canyon, Mount Kilimanjaro, and Lake Baikal.

Of course, being on a par with the generally recognized world pearls of nature and culture is honorable and prestigious for any object, but at the same time, it is also a great responsibility. To achieve World Heritage status, a property must be of Outstanding Human Value, undergo rigorous peer review and meet at least one of 10 selection criteria. In this case, the nominated natural object must comply at least one of the following four criteria:

VII) include unique natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic value;

VIII) present outstanding examples of the main stages of the history of the Earth, including traces of ancient life, significant geological processes that continue to occur in the development of the forms of the earth's surface, significant geomorphological or physical-geographical features of the relief;

ix) present outstanding examples of important ongoing ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems and plant and animal communities;

X) include natural habitats of great importance for the conservation of biological diversity, including habitats of endangered species that represent an outstanding global asset from a scientific or conservation perspective.

The security, management, authenticity and integrity of a property are also important factors that are taken into account when assessing it before inclusion on the List.

The status of a World Natural Heritage site provides additional guarantees of the safety and integrity of unique natural complexes, increases the prestige of the territories, promotes the popularization of objects and the development of alternative types of environmental management, and ensures priority in attracting financial resources.

World Heritage Project

In 1994, Greenpeace Russia began work on the World Heritage project, aimed at identifying and protecting unique natural complexes that are threatened by the serious negative impact of human activity. Giving natural areas the highest international conservation status to further guarantee their preservation is the main goal of the work carried out by Greenpeace.

The first attempts to include Russian protected natural areas on the UNESCO World Heritage List were made in the early 1990s. In 1994, an all-Russian meeting “Modern problems of creating a system of world and Russian natural heritage sites” was held, at which a list of promising territories was presented. At the same time, in 1994, Greenpeace Russia experts prepared the necessary documents for inclusion in the UNESCO List of a natural complex called “Virgin Komi Forests”. In December 1995, it was the first in Russia to receive the status of a World Natural Heritage Site.

At the end of 1996, “Lake Baikal” and “Volcanoes of Kamchatka” were included in the List. In 1998, another Russian natural complex, the Golden Mountains of Altai, was included in the List; in 1999, a decision was made to include a fifth Russian natural site, the Western Caucasus. At the end of 2000, the Curonian Spit became the first international site in Russia (together with Lithuania) to receive the status of a World Heritage Site according to the “cultural landscape” criterion. Later, the UNESCO List included “Central Sikhote-Alin” (2001), “Ubsunur Basin” (2003, together with Mongolia), “Natural complex of the Wrangel Island reserve” (2004), “Putorana Plateau” (2010) , “Natural Park “Lena Pillars” (2012) and “Landscapes of Dauria” (2017, jointly with Mongolia).

Nominations for consideration by the World Heritage Committee must first be included on the national Tentative List. Currently, it contains such natural complexes as the “Commander Islands”, “Magadan Reserve”, “Krasnoyarsk Pillars”, “Big Vasyugan Swamp”, “Ilmen Mountains”, “Bashkir Ural”, “Protected Kenozerye”, “Oglakhty Ridge” " and "Bikin River Valley". Work is underway to expand the territory of the Golden Mountains of Altai object (by including the adjacent territories of China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan). Negotiations are underway with Finland and Norway about the joint nomination “Green Belt of Fennoscandia”.

Russia, of course, is rich in unique natural complexes that have not been affected by economic activity. According to rough estimates, there are more than 20 territories in our country that are worthy of the status of a World Natural Heritage Site. Among the promising territories, the following natural complexes can be noted: “Kuril Islands”, “Lena Delta”, “Volga Delta”.

Russian cultural sites included in the UNESCO World Heritage List include such recognized historical and architectural monuments as the historical center of St. Petersburg, the Kremlin and Red Square, Kizhi Pogost, Solovetsky, Ferapontov and Novodevichy monasteries, Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye , monuments of Veliky Novgorod, Vladimir, Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Kazan, Derbent, Bolgar and Sviyazhsk, Struve geodetic arc (together with Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova).

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