World Wildlife Day. Barguzinsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve

The Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks holiday was established in 1997 on the initiative of the Center for Wildlife Conservation and the World Wildlife Fund.
January 11 was not chosen for this by chance. On this day, in 1916, the first state reserve was formed in Russia - Barguzinsky. The reason for its creation was the catastrophic decline in the fur trade, which required the adoption of emergency measures to preserve fur-bearing animals and, in particular, sable.

A reserve is a form of specially protected natural areas (SPNA) specific to the USSR/Russia, which has practically no analogues in the world. Only in Russia a reserve is not only a protected area, but also a scientific institution.
Protected areas are inviolable, where nature is left to itself, there is no human intervention, only observation is carried out. This is a kind of standard of nature.

Today in Russia there are about 100 nature reserves with a total area of ​​33.55 million hectares (1.58% of the total territory of the country) and 40 national parks with a total area of ​​6.96 million hectares (0.41% of the country’s territory), and they preserve 80% of the species richness of flora and fauna. However, the parks cover almost all natural zones: from the harsh taiga of the Russian North to the snowy peaks of the Caucasus, from the sand dunes of the Baltic Sea to deep-sea Baikal and the mountainous regions of southern Transbaikalia. A national park is an area where human activity is limited for environmental protection purposes. Unlike nature reserves, tourists are allowed into the territory of national parks, and economic activity is allowed on a limited scale.

The system of Russian nature reserves has experienced both ups and downs in its development. But at all times, our conservation work has been and continues to be supported primarily by the boundless enthusiasm of its workers, whose professionalism and dedication have been and remain a guarantee of the preservation of the natural wealth of our country! Just imagine that on a land that has been mercilessly exploited for more than a century due to the fact that in its depths there are rich deposits of coal, iron ore, gold, where metallurgical and chemical enterprises “smoke”, there are still untouched areas of nature. Taiga massifs, clean rivers, glaciers - all this allows us to maintain an acceptable environmental situation in Russia.

Employees of reserves and parks try to protect the genetic fund of flora and fauna, conduct research, and ensure that poachers do not enter protected areas.

On the territory of our planet there are still corners of the world untouched by man. Well, or, as a last resort, places where the influence of homosapiens on nature is minimal. Reasonable people are well aware that their influence on the planet is becoming more destructive from year to year. In order to protect pristine nature and preserve it for posterity, numerous parks and environmental zones appear on the Earth’s territory.

On January 11, all over Russia they will celebrate a special day dedicated to such oases of nature - the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks of Russia. Unfortunately, humanity cannot stop progress and abandon the numerous achievements of modern science and industry, so the only way to protect nature is to create nature reserves and national parks. It’s interesting that nature has been polluted for the last 150 years, but people started thinking about it in the most serious way only in 1997. It was then that, on the initiative of the World Wildlife Fund, a separate Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks was created.

The first nature reserve in Russia was created in 1917, it was the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve. However, according to an unspoken rule, forests, groves, reserves and other places were protected on the territory of the country for centuries. This was done not even out of love for nature or for the sake of protecting its riches, but for the sake of high-ranking officials. Noble people often hunted in such places: princes, kings and those close to them.

But let's go back to the future. According to the decree of the Irkutsk Governor-General, a few months before the 1917 revolution, the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve was created. On the territory of this national park is one of the wonders of Russia - the Valley of Geysers. According to the UNESCO decree, the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve was given the status of a biosphere reserve and it was included in the general global network of similar reserves.

Nowadays, the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve is an integral part of the so-called reserve necklace. Along with the Baikalsky, Baikal-Lena nature reserves and the Transbaikalsky National Park, it is part of the Lake Baikal World Natural Heritage Site.

Some statistics

According to statistics, the existence of nature reserves protects and preserves more than 80% of the world's flora and fauna. On the territory of our country there are more than a hundred nature reserves and about fifty natural national parks. Thus, it turns out that Russia ranks first in the world in terms of the area of ​​reserves and parks. The total area of ​​protected natural areas is more than 200 million hectares. And this is neither more nor less – almost 12% of the entire territory of the country.

Currently, the number of natural areas is increasing, new parks and reserves are appearing. Finally, the state is turning its face to nature and its resources, which are important components of the Russian economy.

"All-Russian Day

reserves and national parks"

“All-Russian Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks” is a relatively young date in the ecologists’ calendar. It began to be celebrated starting from 1997. It was in that year that the Center for Wildlife Conservation and the World Wildlife Fund took the initiative to annually celebrate the “Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks” in the Russian Federation.

The choice of ecologists to hold the “Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks” fell on this date - January 11 - not by chance. It was on this day, in 1916, in Buryatia, that the first state reserve in the Russian Empire was created, called the Barguzinsky Reserve (because it is located on the eastern slope of the Barguzinsky ridge).

In the fall of 1916, Russia adopted the first legal act regulating the procedure for the creation and functioning of nature reserves, “On the establishment of rules for hunting reserves,” and published in the “Collection of Legislation and Government Orders” No. 304 dated October 30, 1916, published by the Government Senate.

On December 29, 1916 (January 11, new style), the first national reserve in the history of the country was created in Russia - Barguzinsky, on the shores of Lake Baikal, which continues to function today. The creation of the reserve took place during the First World War, which indicates the attention of the Russian state to the preservation of protected areas.

Currently in Russia there are about 12 thousand protected areas of various levels and categories, the total area of ​​which is 203 million hectares (including land with inland water bodies - 193 million hectares or 11.3% of the entire territory of the country). At the same time, the most significant natural complexes and objects for the conservation of biological and landscape diversity are represented precisely on the scale of the federal protected area system, which is based on 102 state nature reserves, 42 national parks and 71 state nature reserves.

The system of protected areas of federal significance has received intensive development since 1992: during this time, 28 new reserves, 25 national parks and 11 federal reserves were created in Russia. In general, over the past period of years, the total area of ​​the territories of nature reserves, national parks and federal reserves has increased by almost 80%.

In December 2011, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Concept for the development of specially protected natural areas of federal significance for the period until 2020, prepared by the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources. The concept addresses issues of improving legislation and public administration, economic, financial and personnel support for protected areas, organizing the protection and protection of natural complexes, preserving cultural heritage, developing educational tourism, international cooperation and expanding the geographical network of protected areas.In particular, by 2020 it is planned to create 11 new nature reserves, 20 national parks and 3 federal reserves.

Mother Nature, in the darkness of doubt,

From hour to hour, from century to century,

She was preparing the crown of creations,

I gave birth to you, man,

Giving you a warm smile, ohI taught you how to live,

Cruelly took revenge for mistakes,

So that you don't dare repeat them,

But again and again you were wrong, you lashed the earth like a whip,

You didn't try to figure it out

The fact that you beat. You beat your house.

A land tormented by stress

A war-torn land

The other side of progress

No, it's not her fault

You, man, have the power

That power is reason! Look around, ndon't dig your own grave,

Don't put your life at risk

Raised you from the cradle,

Don't let me push you to the end of the road

Life is defenseless like a child

You are a man, you protect!

Barguzinsky Reserve

In the land of crystal waters, taiga and sables

There is probably hardly a person in Russia who has not heard anything about Baikal. The oldest lake on the planet, the deepest, the cleanest, the most transparent and, in our opinion, the most beautiful. On the north-eastern shore of this “Siberian pearl”, where the picturesque coast turns into the taiga, and then to the peaks of the majestic mountains, where there is crystal clear water, fresh air and forests hitherto untouched by civilization, the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve spreads its possessions. Descending from the slopes of the ridge of the same name to the waters of the lake, the protected spaces are entirely preserved in their pristine beauty and virginity. It was here in 1916 that the modern nature reserve system of our country was born. The reserve completed its initial task - the preservation and restoration of the sable population - by the mid-30s and subsequently moved from target to complex category. And in 1986, as evidence of international recognition of the reserve’s merits not only in the study and restoration of sable, but also in preserving the entire natural complex of this corner of Lake Baikal, it was awarded biosphere status.

In addition, in 1996, the entire territory of the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve became part of the Lake Baikal World Natural Heritage Site. Today, the reserve has a fairly wide range of tasks, including the protection of natural areas, organization and conduct of scientific research, environmental monitoring and environmental education. Its significance in preserving the biodiversity of the Baikal region is great and tangible.

Upper reaches of the Budarman river

Barguzin sable

Asian chipmunk

Prioksko-Terrasny State Natural Biosphere Reserve

  • Creation date

The Prioksko-Terrasny State Natural Biosphere Reserve was created on June 19, 1945 by Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR No. 375.

  • Geographical location

The reserve is located on the left bank of the Oka River, in the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region.

  • Purpose of creation

The purpose of creating the reserve is the preservation and restoration of local flora and fauna, a comprehensive study of nature, the preservation and study of unique steppe plant communities known as the "Oka flora", the breeding and study of the European bison as a rare relict species, the development and implementation of measures for its restoration on territory of the Russian Federation. Since 1978, the tasks of the reserve also include environmental monitoring and environmental education. There is one of the largest background monitoring stations for the natural environment in Russia.

  • Square

4,945 hectares according to the Land Use Act dated November 5, 1975 No. 604 of the Serpukhov District Executive Committee.

  • Convention

In 1978, the reserve was awarded biosphere status (the first in the USSR).

  • Eco-education and tourism

The reserve conducts active environmental and educational work. There is a Museum of Nature; organized tour groups can visit the bison nursery. Numerous schoolchildren and students from Moscow and the Moscow region undergo internships in the reserve.



The history of Ilmen exploration began more than 200 years ago, when it became known in Russia and Europe about the richness and originality of the Ilmen Mountains. Over the years, famous German mineralogists and collectors visited here: I. Menge, A. Humboldt, G. Rose, academicians N. I. Koksharov, P. V Eremeev, A. P. Karpinsky, D. S. Belyankin worked here, V. I. Vernadsky, A. N. Zavaritsky, A. E. Fersman and many others.

Ilmensky State Nature Reserve is one of the first national nature reserves in Russia. According to a decree signed on May 14, 1920 by the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars Ulyanov (Lenin), the Ilmen Mountains were declared a mineralogical reserve.
Since December 1, 1935, not only minerals, but also flora and fauna have been protected in the reserve.
The Ilmensky Nature Reserve is located in the eastern foothills of the Southern Urals on the Ilmensky ridge in the Chelyabinsk region, northeast of the city of Miass.
The area of ​​the reserve is 303.8 square meters. km. The length of the Ilmensky ridge from north to south is 41 km.
In the steppe zone of the Chelyabinsk region, in the territories of the Kizilsky and Bredinsky districts, the reserve has a branch - the Stepnoye forestry, better known as Arkaim.

“Our world is as complex and vulnerable as a spider’s web. Touch one web, and all the others will tremble. And we don't just touch the web, we leave gaping holes in it. Plants and animals have no one to write to, no one to stand up for them except us, people who inhabit this planet with them, but are not its owners.” (Gerald Durrell)

And care for her forever.

Let the winds blow through the plains,

And water flows under the stones,

And the trees soar into the sky,

And the grass sways in the wind.

Let the birds fly in the sky,

And let the animals be heard running...

Pearls and gold leaf -

Just dust compared to what

What do you bring to us through the centuries,

What are you hiding in your depths?

Maintaining a balanced balance,

Distracting from human hardships.

While the whole world continues to celebrate the New Year 2019, and in Russia they are preparing to celebrate their favorite holiday in the old style, the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks is quietly coming. This is a fairly young holiday, and in order not to forget what date to congratulate people who have made caring for the environment their profession, you have to set a reminder about the red day of the calendar in your smartphone. But once you visit one of the environmental sites, this event will definitely become a habit.

A date you need to know and remember!

Experts and astrologers unanimously say that our planet is dying. UNESCO, FAO, WMO, Green Peace and other less official organizations are sounding the alarm. There are calls to protect nature everywhere. Heeding them, you should start small: your yard, city, country. The All-Russian Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks is intended to explain how valuable each contribution made to the common cause is, along with numerous global campaigns and local initiatives. Its essence is not only to remember what date to honor specialists associated with nature conservation. A person is not alone and should always remember this!

In 2019, environmentalists will accept congratulations for the 23rd time and remind them of the need to protect nature on Friday, January 11. There is no official holiday assigned to the date, but it is fixed and chosen for a reason. On this day more than 100 years ago (1917). The first nature reserve opened in Russia - Barguzinsky. It is located on the territory of Buryatia and is named after the Baikal slope:

  • status: biosphere;
  • area: 374,322 hectares;
  • center: Ust-Barguzin village

It is noteworthy that the environmental facility was created during a difficult period when the Revolution and the First World War were raging. Despite the hardships, even during such a period people understood that not only their interests and lives needed protection.

Humane initiatives and responsible activities

The history of the All-Russian eco-holiday dates back to 1997. Then the Center for Wildlife Conservation of the Russian Federation announced its decision to patent the holiday and hold it at the regional level, promoting environmental programs. The founder did not think long about what date to celebrate the celebration, taking as a basis the date when the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve was born - a huge piece of land with rich flora and fauna. The idea was supported by WWF. This is how a day appeared dedicated to the protected areas and national parks of Russia, their creators and those who carry out their difficult watch, caring for them, as well as important and necessary events:

  • educational events, round tables and lectures;
  • reports about careless attitude towards nature;
  • promoting a rational attitude towards natural resources

Traditionally, industry workers, involved civil servants and volunteers are congratulated, because they have something to be proud of. In the Russian Federation, about 12 thousand specially protected natural areas (SPNA) have been formed, which occupy more than 200 million hectares.

Protection of fauna and flora in Russia

The nature of our vast country is diverse and beautiful, but it is increasingly in need of help. The economic structure of the Russian Federation is focused on the extraction of minerals, which negatively affects the environment. A lot has been done to save her:

  • 102 of the world's largest nature reserves have been organized;
  • 42 national parks were built;
  • the work of 71 reserves has been established

Almost 12% of the territory of the Russian Federation is protected by law and will never become an industrial zone. Most of the “islands” not covered by civilization are located in Siberia and the Far East, where virgin forests and habitats of rare animals, birds and plants are still preserved. However, this is not enough to protect all the country’s immense wealth and improve the environmental situation. By the start of 2020, the emergence of 11 more protected areas has been announced. There is a lot of work, and it will be found for everyone who remembers what date to celebrate the day of nature and its defenders or not.

A modern panegyric in honor of the eco-holiday

In verse In prose Short/SMS
I congratulate you on the Day of Nature Reserves,

How much good you do,

Forests and fields, shaggy animals,

Give your love, a lot of warmth.

Let your heart not harden,

From the malice of human and worldly vanity,

With your care you bring into the world,

Lots of warmth, love, beauty!

Reserves and parks,

We must protect everything.

There is no more beautiful Russian nature,

Go around half the world.

We don't always need a holiday,

To protect nature,

Every person can

Clean up, don't litter,

Take care of our nature.

And years later, to you friends,

Thank you! - the kids will say.

How beautiful this world is

Where peace and bliss reign,

Where the streams gurgle loudly,

And no human feet walked.

The lands there are like fairy tales,

The lakes are beautiful and clean,

The land is virgin everywhere,

Don't take your eyes off there.

Let's save it then

Nature is clean and beautiful.

And the protected places

They will give strength to our descendants.

We, people, own the whole world... And since we are intelligent beings, we will not be greedy and leave nature a little freedom in protected places... Today, on the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks, I wish you to get out into nature more often and smile!

The creation of nature reserves and national parks is not just a tribute to nature, from which they take without measure, but also part of the very essence of Homo sapiens, responsible for his affairs... Today, on the day of these islands of untouched nature, I want to congratulate you! May your life be long and prosperous, and may you have time to admire the beauty of nature!

Untouched nature is the main wealth and measure of civilization of any country. Congratulations on the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks! We all came from nature, so let it be with us for many centuries, and we will take care of it as a kind mother who does not spare wealth for children, as a best friend, without whom we simply cannot live!

You save nature, save animals,

You are the defenders of beauty,

Continue this valuable work,

After all, beauty is often in danger.

We celebrate Nature Reserves Day

And we wish the park workers

Patience, good luck, luck

Well, have a good mood!

Reserve path

You and I are going.

We'll be by your side

Let's be together, the two of us.

Reserves day

He will tell us about

That we won't let the shadow in

Partings in the house!

A holiday is a reserved day.

A secret and fabulous day, and magical.

Day of real natural discoveries,

Day of ancient glorious events

We celebrate together now.

Come on, let's open the door to joy!

On the day of reserves, it’s nice for us to remember

Loving native lands without reach

For the meditation of beautiful panoramas,

Aesthetics of the natural landscape!

"Ecological journey"

Event dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks

... You, man, loving nature,
At least sometimes feel sorry for her.
On pleasure trips
Don't trample its fields!
And don't exhaust it to the bottom.
And remember the simple truth:
Don't burn her recklessly
There are few of us - and she is alone!


  • show the importance of nature in our lives;
  • attract students' attention to environmental problems;
  • promote the health and physical activation of children;
  • involve in compliance with healthy lifestyle.


  • promote the formation of interpersonal relationships in the group, team unity;
  • increase the level of environmental culture;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards nature;
  • develop children's cognitive interest;
  • develop interest in sports and healthy lifestyle.

Progress of the game:

All students are divided into teams. Upon entering the office, each student chooses a square of any of the 4 colors offered. Depending on the chosen color, the student sits at a table on which a square of “his” color is located. Each team chooses a captain and comes up with a name for their team.

1 competition “Ecological dates and holidays”

Each team must name the date on which environmental holidays and events are celebrated:

  1. International Earth Day (April 22)
  2. Forest Workers Day (September 18)
  3. International Ozone Layer Day (September 16)
  4. International Bird Day (1 April)
  5. World Water Day. (March 22)
  6. World Day to Combat Desertification and Dehydration (17 June)
  7. World Environment Day (5 June)
  8. World Tourism Day (27 September)
  9. World Animal Day (October 4).
  10. Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks- January 11
  11. World Health Day- April 7
  12. Snowdrop Day- April 19 –
  13. International Day of Homeless Animals August 16
  14. World Pet Day November 30


On the occasion of joint agreements WWF (World Wildlife Fund) with the Wildlife Conservation Center arose the so-called “Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks" This event happened January 11th 1997, and since then the “Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks” has been celebrated annually.

The date of January eleventh was determined for a reason! It was on this calendar day of 1916, in what was then Tsarist Russia, that the first Russian nature reserve called “ Barguzinsky."

Previously, in Rus' only lands (reserves) for lordly and royal hunting were protected. But the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve, opened on January 11, 1916, had sovereign privileges. The purpose of this reserve is to protect and increase the number of Barguzin sable and other living creatures on Lake Baikal.

In the not so distant year one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six, UNESCO assigned the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve the status of a biosphere reserve, which allowed it to join the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. Now this reserve is an integral part of the world heritage and the so-called reserve necklace, consisting of such reserves as Baikal-Lensky, Baikalsky, Lake Baikal itself, as well as the Trans-Baikal National Park.

Our country has about a hundred nature reserves, the area of ​​which exceeds thirty-three million hectares, which is comparable in area to 1.58% of the entire territory of Russia. Also, our vast Motherland has thirty-five national parks, the area of ​​which is equal to seven million hectares. All of the above state-protected zones help preserve about 80% of our country’s wealth in animal and plant terms.

Volga forest-steppe- state naturalreserve V Penza region , in the forest-steppe zone of the MiddleVolga region Russia . The reserve was created in 1989 to preserve zonalsteppes northern type and forest complexes. The reserve includes 5 clusters (sites) located in the western partVolga Upland on the territory Penza region and partially (protected zone) inUlyanovsk region . The total area of ​​the reserve is 8326 hectares. The Volga Forest-Steppe Nature Reserve is an environmental, research and environmental educational institution of federal significance, aimed at preserving and studying the natural course of natural processes and phenomena, the genetic fundvegetable And animal world , individual species and communities plants And animals , typical and uniqueecological systems .

“Volga Forest-Steppe” is the successor of a reserve that previously existed in the Penza region. Upon requestI. I. Sprygina and the Penza Society of Natural History Lovers (POLE), which he headed, in 1919 the “Poperechenskaya Steppe” (with an area of ​​100 dessiatines) was reserved - the third reserve in Russia (after Barguzin and Astrakhan). In 1920, two more reserves were organized: “Sosnovy Bor” (300 hectares) and “Sphagnum swamps” (100 hectares) in the right bank of the Sura River near Penza. These three reserves were taken over by the state in 1924 and the management of the Penza State Reserve of the Main Directorate of Science of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR was organized. In 1925, the reserve included the “Arbekovsky forest-steppe area” (180 hectares) and the “Belokamensky Park” (47 hectares). In 1927, the Zhigulevsky area (2,300 hectares) was included in the Penza Nature Reserve; a little later, some more territories of the Samara region were reserved, and the reserve itself was renamed Sredne-Volzhsky, and in 1937 - Kuibyshevsky. In 1929, the Kuncherovskaya Steppe (300 hectares; Penza region) was included in the reserve, and in 1930 the Kozyavka steppe area (1364 hectares; Orenburg region). The Kuibyshevsky Nature Reserve existed until 1951 (like almost a hundred others, it was liquidated by decision of the Government of the RSFSR); Most of the forest complexes protected by it have not been preserved. Later, in 1957, the reserve regime of the Zhigulevsky site was restored (Zhigulevsky State Nature Reserve named after I. I. Sprygin ). The protected areas of the Penza region came under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of State Farms of the RSFSR and only thanks to the efforts of scientists and nature lovers, in 1965 some of them (“Poperechenskaya Steppe”, “Kuncherovskaya Steppe” and “Belokamensky Park”) received the status of natural monuments and survived destruction . Subsequently, in 1989, the “Poperechenskaya Steppe” and “Kuncherovskaya Steppe” became part of the Volga Forest-Steppe Nature Reserve.

More than860 species of vascular plants , which is 55% of the species compositionflora of the Penza region . Of the vascular plant species in need of protection, there are more than 70 species on the territory of the Privolzhskaya Forest-Steppe Nature Reserve, including 9 species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation (2008):feather grass(Stipa dasyphylla), feather feather grass (Stipa pennata), beautiful feather grass(Stipa pulcherrima), Zalessky's feather grass(Stipa zalesskii), Russian hazel grouse (Fritillaria ruthenica), leafless iris (Iris aphylla), leafless mucosa(Epipogium aphyllum), red pollenhead(Cephalanthera rubra), Neottiantha capulata(Neottianthe cucullata) and 58 species included inRed Data Book of the Penza Region (2002).

"Kuncherovskaya forest-steppe"(1024 hectares) is located on a high plateau and slopes of various exposures on the left bank of the Kadada River (on the border of the Kameshkirsky, Kuznetsky and Neverkinsky districts near the village of St. Chirchim). Characteristic are oak groves, pine forests (artificial plantings) and secondary aspen and birch forests; steppe communities occupy a fifth of the territory and are represented mainly by associations of forb-turf-grass steppe with young Scots pine undergrowth. Floristic richness - 555 species of vascular plants.

"Ostrovtsovskaya forest-steppe"(352 hectares) is located on the right bank of the above-floodplain terrace of the Khoper River (in the Kolyshleysky district, near the village of Ostrovtsy). The modern structure of the vegetation cover is a complex of different vegetation options with a predominance of forests of Tatarian maple and bird cherry, thickets of mesophilic and xeromesophilic shrubs, as well as turf-grass-forb steppe associations, the area of ​​which decreases annually due to the processes of bushing and forestation of the steppe. Floristic richness - 542 species of vascular plants.

"Poperechenskaya steppe"(252 hectares) is located on the plain and slopes of ravines in the upper reaches of the Khopyor River (on the border of the Kamensky and Penza regions, near the village of Poperechnoe). Turf-grass-forb steppe and forb-rhizomatous (ground reed and brome-free) associations predominate; Thickets of steppe shrubs are typical. Floristic richness - 475 species of vascular plants.

"Verkhnesursky forest area"(6334 ha) is located on ancient river terraces in the upper reaches of the riverSurahs(in the northeastKuznetsk district , near the village. Watch). Pine forests predominate (mainly grass-shrub, green moss and lichen; often artificial plantings) and secondary birch forests. Small areas are occupied by aspen, oak and alder forests, as well as lakes, transitional and rafting swamps. Floristic richness - 586 species of vascular plants.

"Pine forest on Kadad"or “Borok” (399 hectares) is located in the left-bank part of the floodplain and above-floodplain terrace of the riverKadada (in the north of the Kameshkir region, near the village of Shatkino). Pine forests (of artificial origin) are typical, less often - oak forests and small-leaved forests that have arisen in their place. Significant areas are occupied by lowland swamps and alder forests. Floristic richness - 530 species of vascular plants

2 competition quiz “Who talks like that” (tasks are printed and are on the tables of each team)

Assignment - remember how the following birds and animals “talk”:


























buzzing, buzzing












squeaks, wings

– dove... (coos);

- capercaillie... (leaks);

– duck... (quacks);

- eagle owl... (hooks);

- goose... (cackling);

- crane... (crows);

- sparrow... (chirps);

– crow... (caws);

- turkey... (clucks);

- fox... (barks);

- bear... (roars);

- goat... (bleats);

- horse... (neighs);

- pig... (grunts);

- deer... (grunts);

- elephant... (blows the trumpet);

- mosquito... (squeaks, wings);

- grasshopper... (chirps);

- bumblebee... (buzzing, buzzing);

- bee... (buzzing, buzzing);

3 "Zoo" competition.
And this is the most fun stage. Here teams are asked to depict animals, birds, insects, while correctly conveying their habits and behavior.
Possible tasks:
Cranes flying south
Storks foraging for food
Duck with brood
Ants on the hunt

4 competition. Draw environmental signs

You all know that behavior on the roads is regulated by traffic signs. But there are also signs that should regulate our behavior in nature. Let's get to know them. Explain to me what the following signs mean.

And now each team must draw an environmental poster within the allotted time (5 minutes).

  1. Don't pick flowers.
  2. You can't destroy anthills.
  3. You must not dig holes or disturb animals.
  4. In the forest, in nature, it is prohibited to make shouting and noise.

Short break (game)

Summer is a wonderful time
The kids are screaming... (Hooray!)
- We have both rivers and forests
Give in the summer...(miracles)
- Who performed the miracle?
In the summer, into a fairy tale... (turned)?
- Who made the whole world like this:
Loud, joyful...(colored)?
- The whole Earth became circled
Bright, colorful... (carpet).
- Where above the dome of heaven
It turns lushly green... (forest).
- And flowers are blooming around
Unprecedented... (beauty).
- Here, greeting the guys,
Bells... (ringing).
- How nice it is for us to run
Along the chamomile... (meadows)!
- Like sunbeams,
Golden... (dandelions).
- Into the world of goodness and beauty
Transform the world... (flowers)!

5th competition “Solve the crossword puzzle”

1 W

2 K

3 P

4 E

5 F

9 B

6 B

7 D

8 N

10 L

11 U

1. The territory where natural components are protected.

2. A book that contains rare and endangered animals, plants and mushrooms that need protection and conservation?

3.What is the name of a Russian writer, a great lover of nature.

4.Science that examines the interactions between humans and the environment.

5.Name a large wading bird with long legs and a long neck, a bird symbol of hope and good luck?

6.Which tree is considered sacred in Rus', a symbol of Russia?

7. Which tree is considered sacred in Chuvashia?
8.Which fish can withstand the most severe frosts and spawn in December?

9.Name an animal that destroys insect pests, especially the larvae of the cockchafer, which brings great benefits to agriculture?

10. Which coniferous tree sheds its leaves for the winter?

11. What birds are depicted on the coat of arms of Novocheboksarsk?

Round 6 “Add a proverb”

Each team is given envelopes with cut cards on which proverbs are written. Participants need to correctly collect proverb cards within the allotted time.

Life is given for good deeds.
A good deed praises itself.

The nightingale does not need a golden cage, but he needs an earthly branch.
The bushes were cut down - goodbye to the birds.

I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.
Spark the carcass before the fire, avert trouble before it strikes.

Groves and forests are the beauty of our native land.
The fate of nature is the fate of the Motherland.

7th competition “Through the mouth of a baby”.

Children's statements about waste are read out. The teams' task is to try to understand what the children meant.

  1. I have a lot of toys made from it.
  • It comes in different colors and is very difficult to break.
  • Items made from it weigh little.
  • When lit, it smells bad and produces a lot of black smoke.
  • It does not decompose on its own in nature.


2. It was invented by the Chinese.

  • We get it from wood.
  • It burns easily.
  • It produces a lot of garbage.
  • People usually draw and write on it.


3. It is made from sand.

  • Most often it is transparent.
  • When it falls, it breaks.
  • If you heat it up, it becomes viscous.
  • Left in the forest, it can become a source of fire.


4 This is something a person can no longer live without.

  • We use this every day.
  • When this gets into the water it creates a lot of foam.
  • It kills fish in the water and plants on the ground.
  • This makes everything cleaner.

(SMS, washing powder).

To take care and protect planet Earth, you don’t have to be poor or rich, tall or short, a scientist or a simple worker, an adult or a child. You just need to listen to the voice of your heart. The future well-being and prosperity of our planet Earth is in your hands, dear guys!

Summing up. Awarding the winners.

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