All-Russian library campaign of a single day of action. Day of Environmental Knowledge

The threat of environmental disaster is one of humanity's global problems. False ideas about the inexhaustibility of resources and a pragmatic attitude towards all living things have put the existence of people, animals and plants at risk. Realizing the danger of the current situation, UN members in 1992 established a holiday date: April 15 - Day of Environmental Knowledge.

Ecology (Greek: “science of habitat”) is the study of the interaction of people with other creatures and the environment. Also distinguished is human ecology, which studies the problems of population, physical and mental health of homo sapiens, and human capabilities.

Environmental knowledge

Ecological is knowledge about the properties, diversity of objects and natural phenomena. This does not mean ideas about how organisms work, live, and reproduce, but the search for optimal ways to maintain favorable living conditions for all inhabitants of the planet.

Basic knowledge of ecology is necessary for each of us to learn how to protect the environment. That is why April 15, the Day of Environmental Knowledge, is a date that is significant for all people on Earth.

Development of ecology as a science

Primitive man considered himself part of the world, completely dependent on the elements, so he was forced to observe what was happening around him and make elementary generalizations. The first knowledge about the patterns occurring in nature was not scientific in nature, but contributed to the survival of people. Scattered facts gradually formed into a system.

Purposeful exploration of living beings began in the Ancient World. The first source telling about the lifestyle of fish, animals, and birds was Aristotle’s work “Histories of Animals.” The author paid close attention to the relationship between the lifestyle of our little brothers and their habitat. Similar questions were also considered in the works of Theophrastus and Pliny the Elder.

Great interest in the study of the environment was shown during the Renaissance. Scientists actively analyzed the flora and fauna of their homeland and other lands discovered by great travelers. The first environmental experiment was set up. The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of atmospheric pressure on the lifestyle of animals.

Later, the influence of environmental factors on organisms was studied by Carl Linnaeus, J. Buffon, J.B. Lamarck, scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The term “ecology” was first proposed. Ecology took shape as an independent scientific knowledge by the beginning of the 20th century. The further development of the doctrine of the interaction of the organism and the environment is associated with the names of K.A. Timiryazeva, V.V. Dokuchaev, F. Clemens, V.N. Sukacheva.

A new methodology of science was developed by V.I. Vernadsky. The scientist introduced the concept of “noosphere,” by which he meant the state of the biosphere, formed under the influence of the mental. The driving force for the further development of life on Earth is the mind, which is prescribed the restructuring of the “living shell” of the planet in the interests of humanity.

Environmental problems began to be seriously considered in the sixties of the twentieth century. Decades later, the Day of Environmental Knowledge began to be celebrated. The organizations develop the scenario for April 15 (list of celebrations) themselves.


Since 1996, the project “Days of Environmental Protection from Environmental Hazards” has been launched annually in Russia. Targeted work with the population begins on April 15. The Day of Environmental Knowledge is also the first day of the action.

For about two months, students receive lectures and practical classes on environmental issues. Schoolchildren defend natural history projects, organize exhibitions, travel to visit zoos, young naturalists' stations, and nature reserves. Adults speak at conferences and seminars and report on the implementation of state environmental programs. So, April 15 (Ecological Knowledge Day) at the Smolensk Zoo begins with classes on the topic “Man and Nature.” The staff of the institution strive to form an understanding among the younger generation that man is the only creature capable of preventing a catastrophe. Teachers and employees of the institution gather at the final conferences.

No less interesting is happening (April 15) at school. Enthusiastic teachers gather students for class hours, conduct environmental lessons, organize events, organize master classes on making birdhouses, planting trees, cleaning the territory, and offer to test the degree of personal interest in saving the planet.

On the Day of Environmental Knowledge (April 15), events are held with the aim of developing an ecocentric type of consciousness in people. In the XIX-XX centuries. the thinking of scientists and ordinary citizens was anthropocentric. The attitude towards the environment at that time corresponded to the statement of the hero I.S. Turgenev about nature as a workshop and man as a worker. In the aspect of environmental knowledge, human life is considered not from the point of view of “what the environment gives me,” but from the point of view of how to interact with other beings so that everyone can feel good.

Environmental forecasts

Realizing the danger of environmental disaster, scientists create various scenarios for the development of life on Earth. Some people believe that the civilization of the future will become completely technogenic. Some people are close to the ideas of waste-free production, limiting resource consumption, and exploring other planets. Despite conflicting views, most experts agree on one thing: correcting the situation is impossible without greening technologies and human lifestyles.

The biosphere will exist without people, but the existence of homo sapiens without the biosphere is impossible. This should be remembered on April 15 (Environmental Awareness Day), as well as on all other days of the year.

Global projects

International environmental programs were first discussed in 1972 at a conference under the auspices of the UN in Stockholm. The first global project was monitoring. Observation of fresh water, forests, mountain systems, deserts, etc. is carried out at stations around the world.

Since 1986, the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program has been operating, the projects of which include the determination of climate change, patterns of chemical and biochemical processes, and analysis of the results of interaction between ecosystems. Close attention is paid to the features of biocenoses of the past and forecasting. Fruitful cooperation between specialists from different countries leads to positive results.

In the Year of Ecology, the Russian State Library for Youth and the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, announced an event in the format of a single day of action “Day of Environmental Knowledge”, timed to coincide with the International Day of Environmental Knowledge 15 April.
All libraries in Russia were invited to participate in the Action, ready to celebrate this day by holding public eco-educational events. During the Year of Ecology, different formats and opportunities, audiences and the creative energy of librarians helped demonstrate the enormous potential of Russian libraries in environmental education. As part of the Promotion, an All-Russian competition for the best event was also held. Almost 1,500 libraries from 73 regions of Russia from Kaliningrad to Khabarovsk Territory registered to participate in the event.
The libraries of the Mariinsky Central Library actively participated in the All-Russian library campaign of a single day of action “Day of Environmental Knowledge”.
Environmental education of readers is one of the priority areas in the activities of city and district libraries. Significant experience has been accumulated here in working with materials on environmental topics and promoting them to the reader. At the same time, its most diverse forms are used: from traditional book exhibitions to the organization of events and marathons.
Such an environmental marathon called “A Good Footprint on the Earth” was announced as part of the All-Russian library campaign of a single day of action “Day of Environmental Knowledge”. 20 branch libraries of the Mariinsk Library took part in it.
The eco-marathon took place in three stages. Before the start of the events announced in libraries as part of the marathon, a single flash mob called “Do we want to be friends with nature?” took place everywhere.
The flyers that librarians handed out to passers-by contained information about the irreversible consequences of thoughtless human intervention in the natural world and the environment. These alarming facts speak for themselves: if we want to be friends with nature, we must use its resources rationally and not destroy what surrounds us.
The second stage of the marathon included holding events in the libraries of the Central Library. These were environmental games, quizzes, tournaments, competitions, travel games, ecology lessons, oral journals, promotions - this is not a complete list of forms of work that were actively used in libraries.
At the third stage of the marathon, another flash mob was organized in libraries with the same name, but with a different emphasis. It sounded like this: “We want to be friends with nature!” Librarians and volunteers distributed flyers to residents of the city and region with information about how our region is fighting environmental pollution, what events are being organized to plant trees, clean up river banks from garbage, etc.
The eco-marathon, held in the libraries of the Central Library, had a certain information resonance. The report on its conduct was reflected on library resources, the website of the Administration of the Mariinsky Municipal District, the website of the Department of Culture of the Administration of the Mariinsky Municipal District, the resources of partner organizations - the Department of Youth Policy and Sports, the Department of Education of the Administration of the Mariinsky Municipal District, in the district newspaper “Forward”, etc. d.
Based on the results of the eco-marathon, a virtual map “Good Footprint on Earth” was created, which included a photo report on the events held in the libraries of the Central Library.
A total of 26 events were held, attended by 744 people, mostly children, teenagers and young people.
In the City Library. V.A. Chivilikhin held an information hour for high school students “Let's save nature - save ourselves.” At the event, they discussed the ecological state of the World Ocean, the problem of fresh water sources, air pollution, and the reduction of forests. The Day of Environmental Knowledge continued with the flash mob “Do we want to be friends with nature?” Schoolchildren, together with librarians, handed out colorful flyers to passers-by with an appeal to take care of the surrounding nature. The participants of the action wanted to once again remind people that we are inextricably linked with nature, and our lives and the lives of subsequent generations depend on how we treat it.
As part of the All-Russian library campaign of a single day of action “Day of Environmental Knowledge,” employees of the model library for children and youth held an intellectual-ecological ring “Beautiful World, Living World” among students of three schools.
The guys competed in various competitions on environmental topics, worked with natural history literature, answered questions about the flora and fauna of the Kemerovo region, and analyzed various situations concerning the environmental situation in Kuzbass and Mariinsk.
On the same day, librarians visited the fifth-graders of Gymnasium No. 2, for whom they conducted an environmental game “The Planet is a Home. We live in it." The guys, divided into teams, answered environmental questions, explained the rules of behavior in the forest, and came up with slogans for the action “Primroses” and “Against the burning of dry grass.”
Librarians of the city library-branch No. 4 visited a kindergarten, where, together with the children, they staged a fairy tale about colors “Who is in charge?” Children read poems about nature, did creative work, and got acquainted with children's books on ecology.
City library branch No. 47 together with the school took part in the “We are for a clean city” campaign. Deputy of the Mariinsky Council of People's Deputies T. A. Bakhteeva addressed the children with a welcoming speech. Then the participants of the action, armed with brooms, rakes, and garbage bags, went to their areas. Someone cleaned the school yard, someone cleaned the streets adjacent to the school. As a result of the action, the guys collected about 70 kg of various garbage.
As part of the eco-marathon, the library held an environmental and local history lesson “Travel on the map of Kuzbass.” Taking a virtual trip by train, the children visited the stations “Istoricheskaya”, “Prirodnaya”, “The Most, the Most...” and others. At the end of the event, the librarians presented the children with literature that will help them expand their knowledge about the region in which they live - the majestic and the unique Kuzbass.
Employees of the Suslov Model Library organized an environmental landing “Your Footprint on Earth.” Together with members of the JUNIOR club, librarians cleared the children's playground of debris. Everyone was able to make their own contribution to the improvement of the village.
After cleaning the area, schoolchildren distributed leaflets to residents calling on them to maintain cleanliness and order on the streets, near houses and in public places.
Young readers were invited to the Malopeschanskaya rural library, for whom a correspondence trip was organized along the “Reserved Path of their Native Land.”
On April 15, the “Ecological Patrol” propaganda team, organized by the Blagoveshchensk Rural Library, spoke to students of a local school. Participants of the propaganda team called on the children to restore order in the villages in which they live: Blagoveshchenka, Koleul, Oboyanovka, Tenguly. Organize cleanup days together with adults to clean up the area around their homes, on the streets, near the school. Then the children were shown slides with photographs of nature reserves in the Kemerovo region, their flora and fauna.
On the same day, members of the propaganda team visited public places in the village, where they held a conversation with the adult population to familiarize themselves with the responsibilities of homeowners for cleaning their territories and removing garbage.
The Kirsanov Rural Library celebrated the “Day of Environmental Knowledge” with a very interesting and unusual event. The head of the library, T.V. Aponchintseva, offered her readers the intellectual game hat dibate, which translated into Russian means “hat discussion.”
The topic for discussion was set seemingly simple: “Cat or dog? That’s the question!” But the reasoning on it was all the more interesting. The guys prepared for the discussion in advance. They came up with questions or tasks, wrote it all down on paper and put it in a hat. We split into two teams and exchanged hats. Team members took turns answering questions, completing various tasks, and the Council of the Wise monitored the accuracy of the answers. The game turned out to be very interesting, especially since the team captains were the cat Matroskin and the dog Sharik from the well-known Prostokvashino. The guys received not only a lot of interesting information, but also a lot of positive emotions.
An environmental action was held at the Krasnoorlovsk Rural Library: “Ecology – Safety – Life!”
Its main goal was to formulate in readers ideas about the positive and negative impact of man on nature, that the Earth is our home, and man is part of nature. The action began with a flash mob: “Do we want to be friends with nature?”
The children who gathered in the library that day listened to information about the environmental problems of the Mariinsky district and Kuzbass.
The action ended with the distribution of leaflets among village residents with calls to preserve and protect the environment.
The Kalinin rural library invited sixth-graders from a local school to a reserved lesson “Let's save the house in which we live.”
An electronic presentation “National Parks and Nature Reserves” was prepared for the children, dedicated to the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas in Russia. The children played with interest the environmental lottery “Take care of your planet”, organized by library staff, and also got acquainted with the books presented at the exhibition “Earth is our home”.
An environmental lesson “Let's save our native nature!” was held in the 2-Pristanskaya rural library. (based on materials from the Red Book of the Kemerovo region). Seventh-graders from a local school were invited to the lesson. The children were presented with a slide presentation “The ABC of endangered species of animals and plants of the Kemerovo region.” They got acquainted with some animals and plants listed in the Red Book, discovered new names of birds, insects, fish, and read poems about nature conservation.
At the environmental hour “Visiting Grandfather, a Nature Scientist,” which took place in the Pervomaisk Rural Library, the head of the library, T. N. Vasilyeva, invited young readers and their children to go to visit Grandfather, a naturalist. Grandfather talked with them about the importance of caring for nature, the importance of plants in human life, and the life of animals and birds. In a fun and playful way, young readers were told about the protection of forests, rivers and lakes, and caring for animals and plants. The children answered environmental quiz questions and played environmental games.
Young readers of the Primetkinsky Rural Library were invited to an educational hour “Primroses - the smile of spring.” They solved riddles about primroses, read poems dedicated to snowdrops, anemones, primroses, crocuses, lungworts, chives and other equally attractive flowers. The children were very interested in the librarian’s idea to create a snowdrop with their own hands. Everyone did a great job and were pleased with the work done. The hand-made flowers turned out to be no worse than living primroses.
Summing up the results of the All-Russian library campaign of a single day of action “Day of Environmental Knowledge” in the libraries of the MBUK “Central Library of the Mariinsky Municipal District”, it can be noted that properly organized work in this direction is bearing fruit. Librarians use a sufficient number of different forms of activities in their practice. All these forms are constantly in development, meeting the needs of readers, new, non-traditional forms appear, and old ones are modified, especially when using new information technologies. The number of users interested in the topic of ecology and nature is increasing, the collection of natural history literature is being replenished, including library publications, which leads to an increase in book distribution.
It can be stated with full responsibility that libraries have managed to find their place in the general system of environmental education and enlightenment, put their existing potential into action and make a certain contribution to the formation of the environmental culture of the population, including children, adolescents and young people.

April 15 marks a vital holiday for the Earth itself - the Day of Environmental Knowledge. The call of the UN Conference on this day in 1992 directed all governments to qualitatively improve universal environmental education. Humanity constantly mercilessly harms nature, like a madman, destroying the habitat - the only one possible for itself.

April 15, 1996 marked the start of the all-Russian movement “Days of Environmental Protection from Environmental Hazards”. People are planting green spaces, clearing water bodies, and developing springs. The movement ends on June 5, World Environment Day. The primary goal of all environmental activities is to convey the most important idea: “Nature must be protected so that humanity can survive” - to every person.

We have enough environmental problems
Probably everyone in the world knows this!
That’s why we need to remember more often
About the fact that you can’t pollute your House!
We must quickly find solutions
To protect the Earth from pollution,
We need to keep the planet clean,
To finally touch your dream,
Imagine: clean air, no litter,
There are crystal seas, rivers, lakes all around!
And neither animals nor people suffer!
I hope that someday this will be the case!

Nature must be respected
Nature needs to be protected
We need to love nature
And, of course, know everything about her!

Let's not pollute the forests
Lakes, mountains and glades,
Let's keep it beautiful
Our planet is without flaw!

We will not offend animals,
And we will love the environment!
Nature must be respected
Otherwise, we will destroy her!

Today is the Day of Environmental Knowledge. This is an important date that reminds us of the need to remember the planet on which we live and make sure that it remains suitable for this. A day for us to be mindful of air, water and soil pollution. Let this day not be in vain.

Ecological knowledge,
Like air, humanity needs
They are worthy of our attention
Environmental laws are important!

I congratulate you on this holiday, brothers,
I urge you to protect nature,
I wish you clean water and air,
So that there is something to pass on to descendants!

Environmental knowledge
It's time for you and me to raise
Nature is our heritage,
We need to preserve it
On this holiday we need to understand,
That everything depends only on us,
Let's begin to cherish and treasure
Our planet now!

About environmental issues
People must know
So that you and I are literate,
You need to study the issue carefully.

That's why this day came
It is dedicated to environmental knowledge,
And we will become more aware now,
The specialists made every effort.

Environmental knowledge
We all need them, without them there is no way,
If you are environmentally savvy,
You won't get into trouble anymore.

I want to protect nature
Always maintain cleanliness
A worthy inhabitant of the planet
I sincerely wish to be.

Happy Environmental Day to you
Congratulations to knowledge,
Laws of ecology
I want everyone to learn.

So that the true price
Did you know nature
Environmental protection
It was valued among the people.

To take care of the planet,
Our common home with you,
Forests, fields and rivers,
To be protected in it.

So that you can breathe easily
Our native planet,
To clean the Earth
We left it to the children.

Environmental knowledge
We desperately need, friends,
They are the key to peace and prosperity
the entire universe and the entire country.

I urge you to take care of nature on holiday,
Pay close attention to the environment
So that only a bright and beautiful land
We had to live with you, brothers.

Let's take care of the world around us,
Nature is our temple and our elixir!
To take care of the environment,
We will comply with strict laws!

Don't burn the grass, don't cut down the forests,
Do not pollute the seas and skies,
Let us preserve this House for our descendants,
To live joyfully and comfortably in it!

We must keep the planet clean
We, the people, always support!
Otherwise, you know, there will be trouble,
If we destroy our house!

Let's take care of the forest and animals,
Let's not throw rubbish around our feet!
The game, believe me, is worth the candle,
After all, there is no other way to life!

Ecological culture
Learn, people, my advice!
Otherwise, on your own skin
We will experience hundreds of troubles!

The RosEcology company offers a full range of research in the field of eco-analytical monitoring and environmental control. We conduct environmental studies on various parameters, identifying harmful factors, the content of organic and inorganic compounds. An environmental assessment is the only way to verify safety or confirm the presence of harmful factors. Based on the results, effective and prompt measures can be taken.

Our work is to provide the following services:

  • conducting environmental studies and measurements;
  • provision of legally binding test reports;
  • providing recommendations that solve customer problems.

We have an environmental laboratory with modern equipment. The employees have extensive experience and specialized education; they immerse themselves in the work process as much as possible. Environmental analysis is carried out in compliance with current standards and methods. Thanks to accreditation and compliance with the necessary stages of work, the results are used to provide regulatory authorities or as evidence in legal proceedings.

A timely examination helps solve a complex problem, clean soil, water or air from harmful impurities. Laboratory research allows you to select a site with optimal parameters for agricultural, personal or industrial needs.

When performing environmental analysis, the RosEcology company is guided by the following features:

  1. Research of any complexity is carried out. Employees cope with multi-stage checks thanks to extensive experience and technological equipment.
  2. We consult on environmental issues. When you call, you will receive advice from an expert, not an operator. The results can be clarified; environmental studies are accompanied by detailed recommendations.
  3. No approximate or intermediate results are provided. The exact data is indicated in the final protocol without changes and only after completion of the verification stages.
  4. For urgent orders, results are possible on the same day if the verification is carried out according to a minimum number of indicators and the sample is provided correctly.
  5. Experts solve customer problems. They have deep knowledge that solves complex problems. Not only the absence or presence of harmful factors is checked, but also soil indicators are identified to increase productivity.

Our environmental laboratory contains modern equipment and test systems necessary for inspections of any complexity. We have the necessary permits and accreditation from the Federal Accreditation Service. Environmental studies are carried out in the laboratory according to any parameters.

Full support is provided in the judiciary. If a trial is planned in which an expert opinion is needed, protocols are provided in accordance with all registration rules. Additional research is promptly carried out if the judge requests new information. This allows you not to delay the process and provide only objective information.
When conducting environmental studies, a full-scale inspection is provided. If necessary, the sample can be tested for a single indicator or for a wide range of substances. We will analyze the composition of water, air and soil.

Regular inspections are especially important in manufacturing plants, where the environmental and work environment is not always good. This is necessary not only for the products produced, but also for the safety of employees, as well as passing the appropriate checks. In this case, environmental assessment in the laboratory is the main stage. It is performed on the basis of a service agreement and includes predetermined checks.

After identifying harmful factors, additional checks are carried out. They are also required when moving to a new place of residence to ensure health safety. THIS is important both when buying an apartment in a new building, and when moving to a house where other people previously lived. Harmful finishing materials or chemicals that act over a long period of time could have been used.

By contacting RosEcology, you will receive a full environmental analysis depending on the task and legal requirements. The company works with individuals and enterprises of various levels to assess working conditions. The service is provided both in residential premises and in enterprises with complex equipment. The work depends on the goal set by the client. If a substance is known that can have negative consequences, testing is carried out in relation to it. But a full check is more effective, as it allows you to identify additional impacts.

To get started, send a preliminary application or contact an employee to clarify the details of the work. With cooperation, you can hope for reliable results and minimal deadlines. Environmental analysis in the laboratory is the key to complete reliability and accurate measurements.

If you need accurate and reliable research results at a reasonable price, we will be glad to see you among our clients!

Every year in many countries around the world it is celebrated. It dates back to 1992, when at the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro, where environmental problems were discussed, the enormous importance of environmental education of the population of all countries of the world in the implementation of survival strategies and for the sustainable development of mankind was emphasized.

In our country, this holiday has been celebrated since 1996 on the initiative of public environmental organizations and marks the start of the annual all-Russian campaign “Days for Protecting the Environment from Environmental Hazards,” which ends with World Environment Day.

The main goal of today's holiday is to promote environmental knowledge and the formation of an environmental culture of the population, informing the public about the state of affairs in the field of environmental safety and the state of the environment, as well as educating and training a citizen who knows how to think environmentally.

The importance of environmental education in the modern world is no longer in doubt and in many countries it is a priority area of ​​training and education. After all, activities to create an ecological culture among the population and respect for the natural environment are the key to a safe future for all humanity.

The term “ecology” (from the Greek “oikos” - house, shelter and “logos” - science, teaching) was first introduced in 1866 by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel. In the modern understanding, ecology is the science of the relationships of organisms with each other and with the environment. Therefore, in order to achieve a reasonable balance between the growing needs of humanity and the dwindling capabilities of the planet, while maintaining the already deteriorating state of nature, everyone in our time must have a minimum set of environmental knowledge and ways of carefully interacting with the outside world.

Environmental education and enlightenment have received international recognition as the most important means of solving environmental problems. The program of the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, announced by the UN for 2005-2014, also included the task of developing environmental education throughout the world, which remains relevant today. These issues are reflected in a number of international scientific conferences, which Russia has also joined.

In our country, environmental education and training is one of the priority areas of work of educational institutions. After all, the future of the entire planet depends on the ecological culture of the younger generation. Of course, solving global environmental problems is only possible through joint efforts at the national and global level, but even one specific person can improve the ecology of their place of residence.

In honor of today's holiday, many universities, schools, libraries and scientific institutions in different cities of Russia are holding various conferences, seminars, exhibitions, holidays, round tables and other events dedicated to issues of ecology and environmental protection. In most cases, these events are organized by educational institutions of all levels in close cooperation with authorities, the public, cultural institutions and the media. An important role is also played by the involvement of everyone in various environmental projects and global environmental events that take place in many regions of Russia.

It is also important to note that the Day of Environmental Knowledge is significant not only for those involved in environmental awareness and education, but also for all inhabitants of our planet, because we are talking about a safe life in the future for all of us. Instilling an environmental culture today is the key to preserving the health of future generations!

We have enough environmental problems
Probably everyone in the world knows this!
That’s why we need to remember more often
About the fact that you can’t pollute your House!
We must quickly find solutions
To protect the Earth from pollution,
We need to keep the planet clean,
To finally touch your dream,
Imagine: clean air, no litter,
There are crystal seas, rivers, lakes all around!
And neither animals nor people suffer!
I hope that someday this will be the case!

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