Remember the heroes of Andersen's fairy tales? Heroes of Andersen's fairy tales

The fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen are unique. “Darning Needle” is no exception. This work contains deep meaning. However, there is no sense of edification in it at all. An adult will recognize in the swaggering needle some arrogant, but not very smart young lady. And the child will simply laugh at the misadventures of the unlucky heroine.


The work of the great storyteller did not inspire admiration among his contemporaries. Andersen earned his living by writing plays. However, the writer and playwright’s imagination knew no bounds, so he always created something beautiful. One famous sculptor joked that Hans Christian could write a wonderful fairy tale about any object, even a darning needle. The very next day they read to him a wonderful story about a resilient traveler and an imagineer. The author managed to see magic in the most ordinary things. His creative legacy was appreciated only by his descendants. But now receiving the Hans Christian Andersen Gold Medal means receiving the highest award for achievements in children's literature.

Unique style

All the works of the great storyteller are distinguished by simplicity and clarity. They are often laconic in content, but contain a specific idea. They can be compared to philosophical parables. However, there is also an adventure motive here. After all, lengthy discussions about the imperfections of the world will seem boring to anyone. On the contrary, it’s interesting to watch the twists and turns the heroes get into. The author's favorite technique is to breathe life into an ordinary household item. And it’s good if it’s a tin soldier, and not an old shoe or a darning needle. But even in these objects, it turns out, life glimmers. One has only to look at them from an animated point of view. Why is that thick darning needle stretched out so long? Perhaps she imagines herself too fragile for this impossible world?

Too thin

Of course, the fairy tale “The Darning Needle” is not about sewing at all. It talks about a person who dreams of achieving a high position in society. Probably her origins are quite ordinary. It is not a sewing needle, but a darning needle. But life treats her too harshly. They try to sew up a rough shoe with it, and it inevitably breaks. However, the heroine sees this as confirmation of her own chosenness. Moreover, it is not thrown away. They make a hairpin for a scarf from it, and she also sees a special meaning in this. The needle even begins to show off in front of real pins. Like, her wax head is much larger than a pin's. Arrogance does her a disservice - stretching out too much, she falls out of the scarf. Now its place is in the sewage among the slops. But even here she does not give up. The heroine stubbornly calls herself a brooch, gets acquainted with a bottle shard because it shines, and never tires of criticizing others. Even the hard-working fingers are mercilessly judged because they do nothing but take it out and put it in the box! Next, fate is preparing new surprises for our heroine. One can only envy her self-control and optimism. The young lady is run over by a cart, but it does not break. And she still imagines herself to be like a ray of sunshine - thin and shiny. The author leaves her alone on the dusty pavement, forgotten by everyone and no one needs.

Moral Background

So, the content of Andersen’s fairy tale “The Darning Needle” is clear to everyone. But what about the meaning of this sad story? Maybe if the heroine of the story had behaved more modestly, she would not have had to get wet in the gutter or lie on the pavement? If she sat quietly in a headscarf and didn’t put on airs in front of her neighbors, wouldn’t she be in free flight? On the other hand, it is clear that no adversity can change her absurd character. She sees gold in everything that glitters, calls herself a brooch and communicates exclusively with the same “high-ranking” persons. You need to be more modest, the cunning storyteller hints. And notice the true value of things, without replacing them with empty trinkets. Reflecting on the morality of The Darning Needle, you begin to sincerely feel sorry for some of Andersen's contemporaries. Probably, the witty remarks of the storyteller greatly poisoned the life of the most stupid and arrogant of them.

Fairy tale heroes

The list of heroes is given below:

  • Needle. The main character of the work. She considers herself a very graceful and subtle person. He finds advantages in any situation, but humiliates everyone he encounters in life. In addition, she does not understand the characters around her. For example, a fragment is mistaken for a diamond. However, he also considers himself a real brooch.
  • Fingers. Siblings. Hardworking and friendly guys. They always stay in a line. They don't stand on ceremony with Igla. They want to throw it away after it breaks. They understand that this young lady imagines too much about herself. The fingers have names - Fatty, Gourmand, Lanky, Goldenfinger and Parsley Loafer. During the story, the author emphasizes their importance - after all, unlike a needle, they can do many important and useful things.
  • Bottle fragment. A worthy interlocutor for our heroine. He also considers himself a jewel. For him, shine is the most important thing. Together with Needle, he discusses the falsity and injustice of high society. And this despite the fact that he himself is simply good-for-nothing trash. He moves through life following the wastewater.
  • boys. Hooligans who dig in the street dirt. They called the needle a "thing." And then they stuck it into an eggshell and sent it on its further voyage.

Fairy tale plan

The outline of the fairy tale “The Darning Needle” should include the main events of the work. If you want to make a detailed retelling, then you should not miss a single serious detail:

  1. Once upon a time there was a sewing needle that imagined itself as a darning needle.
  2. They tried to sew up an old shoe with it and it broke.
  3. The cook secured the tip of the needle with sealing wax and turned it into a headscarf pin.
  4. Our heroine imagined herself as a brooch.
  5. Out of pride she straightened up so much that she fell out of her scarf and ended up in the sink.
  6. The needle fell into the sewage and called itself the product of the sun.
  7. She became familiar with the shard of glass because it sparkled.
  8. In her conversation with him, she laughed at the cook and her five fingers.
  9. The water carried away the fragment, leaving the needle alone.
  10. The boys found her and stuck her in an eggshell.
  11. The forgotten heroine was left lying on the pavement.

Using this detailed plan, it will be easy to retell Andersen's fairy tale "The Darning Needle." You can add additional points if you think we have missed something important.


The story “The Darning Needle” will be useful to read for both children and adults. Of course, you shouldn’t give in to difficulties. So our brave young lady knows her worth, even wallowing in sewage mud. But you must always realistically understand your capabilities, never wonder, and also be able to distinguish a real diamond from a piece of glass. Then luck will certainly smile on you. And you will never be forgotten or disappointed.

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Virtuous heroes of Andersen's fairy tales H.-K.

It has long been the custom that in all times and among all peoples, on long winter evenings, when a blizzard howled outside the window and the moon shone dimly from behind the clouds, people listened to fairy tales. They listened to them in villages and farmsteads, sitting comfortably by warm fires, and listened to them in cities by fireplaces. And a magical world appeared before the listeners. It was inhabited by elves and mermaids, sorcerers and goblins, gnomes, giants, Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal.

Nowadays, children listen and read fairy tales more often, but adults also love them. There is nothing to say about children - they fervently believe everything they hear. The fairy tale teaches children inquisitiveness, develops imagination and imagination.

The fairy tale talks about the meaning of life, explains natural phenomena, the properties of plants, animals and birds. A fairy tale tells about fantasy worlds and objects that surround a person every day; it takes you into the world of the unknown. Fairy tales intertwine magic with funny jokes and serious moral teachings.

The Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen wrote many fairy tales.

Not always good-natured and harmless, but often ironic and mocking, he did not hesitate to open people’s eyes to their social and everyday vices.

Over his long life, he created many fairy tales. Bright, unique and fascinating, which extolled the noble qualities of man. And isn’t it about devotion, fidelity, nobility that “The Steadfast Tin Soldier” and “The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep”, “Wild Swans” and “The Little Mermaid”, and many, many other fairy tales tell?

Look at this.

In search of her friend Kai, the courageous girl Gerda from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” wanders along the roads; she ends up among robbers, fights the frost, races on a deer and still achieves her goal: she saves Kai from the evil spell of the Snow Queen. This is the dignity whose name is love, the great power of love, perseverance and courage.

But look, a stalwart tin soldier is floating along a dirty stream in a paper boat. He was not afraid of either the impudent rat or the toothy, menacing fish. Moreover, he will die with his beloved - a paper ballerina - in the fire-breathing mouth of a blazing furnace. The tin soldier will die, but will not betray his duty, for perseverance is the main quality of his nature.

But a porcelain chimney sweep boldly climbs up his ladder, deciding to show the shepherdess doll the starry world of the night sky. What incredible adventures they experience along the way. And yet the chimney sweep’s courage wins.

Let's remember little Eliza in the fairy tale "Wild Swans", who selflessly fights against magical evil spells to save her brothers, who were turned into wild swans by the evil queen. Or the beautiful Little Mermaid, who sacrifices her life in the name of love for a person. Andersen's heroes usually achieve happiness thanks to their wisdom, kindness, and nobility.

But in the poultry yard, the tragic and beautiful story of the ugly duckling, who turned into a beautiful swan, plays out. The storyteller wants to say with this story that the best virtues and talents can be hidden under poor clothes and an unsightly appearance. He is convinced: sooner or later, talent, kindness, strength, courage will win, even if the people who are characterized by them were born in poverty.

The fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” teaches a broad view of the world, teaches us to see the greatness and nobility of the soul, to know the beauty of life, and to love nature. People appreciate and love the tales of this kind, mocking, great storyteller. Andersen always remembered that his duty was to serve the people. He helped people appreciate the beauty of life, love work, kindness, courage and justice.

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On April 2, 1805, in the small Danish town of Odense, Hans Christian Andersen was born into the family of a poor shoemaker, who later gained immortal, unfading fame as the author of wonderful fairy tales.

Critics about Andersen's work

Andersen's first experiments in writing poetry, stories and dramatic works were met by the literary circles of Copenhagen, arrogant and arrogant people, with undisguised anger. They contemptuously called him an upstart, an arrogant, ridiculous son of a shoemaker, from whom no good in literature could be expected. Finding fault with the purely external roughness of Andersen’s language and not delving into his essence creativity and works, critics sought to protect the “noble” society of Denmark from the penetration of people from the people. The gross partiality and insensitivity of literary judges prompted Aedersen to leave his native country and travel extensively throughout Europe. He received recognition abroad earlier than in his homeland. But the time came when literary nobles in Denmark were unable to resist world public opinion, which placed Andersen on the pedestal of a wonderful writer and storyteller.

Life of Christian Andersen

Andersen's life, according to him, is very similar to the fate of the hero of one of his best fairy tales, “The Ugly Duckling.” Life was hard for this “ugly” duckling, who was so unlike other ducklings. “Everyone chased the poor duckling, even his brothers and sisters angrily told him: “If only the cat would drag you away, you obnoxious freak.” And the mother added: “My eyes wouldn’t see you!” The ducks nibbled him, the chickens pecked him, and the girl who gave food to the birds kicked him away.” The poor duckling had to run away from his “home,” but wherever he ran, he was met with ridicule. He endured hunger and cold, and no one sympathized with him or pitied him. With bitterness in his heart, the duckling swam to the majestic swans so that they would peck him to death.

So he bows his head and sees his reflection in the water, but the reflection is no longer of an ugly duckling, but of a beautiful swan. Large swans caressed him, children and adults called him the most beautiful of swans. “He recalled the time when everyone laughed at him and persecuted him. And now everyone says that he is the most beautiful among the beautiful swans. The lilac bent its fragrant branches into the water towards him, and the sun shone so warmly, so brightly... And then its wings rustled, its slender neck straightened, and a jubilant cry burst from its chest: “No, I never dreamed of such happiness when I was still ugly duckling!

Reading this wonderful fairy tale, our children are imbued with a feeling of love and responsiveness to all those who are oppressed and offended, and a feeling of hatred for rapists; They see through a living, figurative example how to treat people with care, how to cruelly and imprudently humiliate another, who, perhaps in appearance, resembles an ugly duckling, but in his heart and talent will turn out to be a beautiful swan. It should be explained to children that Andersen portrayed himself in this fairy tale, and then they will condemn that arrogant, soulless society that persecuted the shoemaker’s son, as everyone around them persecuted the ugly duckling, and will be imbued with love and respect for the famous storyteller, who managed to find life despite all the difficulties mighty swan wings of creativity, beautiful artistic skill.

Images, characters, heroes of Andersen's fairy tales

Rich and varied the world of fairy-tale images, characters, heroes of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen. In this world, a significant place is occupied by fantastic characters, such as the beautiful and gloomy snow queen, the fairy Fata Morgana with her ghostly, ever-changing castle, Ole Lukoje, who closes the eyes of children going to bed.

But more often the heroes of Andersen's fairy tales are children, animals and birds, plants and often inanimate objects, such as toy shepherdesses and a chimney sweep, a simple darning needle, an old street lamp, a bottleneck. Andersen found material for an interesting and instructive tale in the simplest and most inconspicuous object. “It often seems to me,” Andersen writes in one of his letters, “that every fence, every flower tells me: “Look at me, and you will have my story.”

Let's take for example fairy tale "Bottleneck" . What, it would seem, can be said about such an insignificant subject? But under the magic pen of the storyteller, a poetic and instructive story unfolds, a kind of biography of the bottle from the day it was born in a molten furnace until the moment when only the neck of the bottle remained, replacing the poor girl with a flower vase.

The neck remembers how the bottle got its life in the furnace at the glass factory, how the wine sparkled in it when it was a festive, joyful day of the bride and groom, how the bottle traveled across the sea with the groom on the ship, how during a storm the sailor sent in his bottle last greetings to the bride, how she rose high on an airship and was thrown out of there and crashed. But the remainder of it - the bottleneck - still benefits people.

The girl does not have the opportunity to buy a flower vase, she does not even have a lush bouquet - a small flower in a bottle neck brightens up her lonely life.

In a short fairy tale "Five from One Pod" The fate of five peas is told. Each of them wanted to quickly escape from the walls of the pod and do something useful. But, as soon as they were born, three of them were swallowed by pigeons, the fourth fell into a ditch and lay in moldy water, and only the fate of the fifth pea, which rolled into a crack under the window of the attic closet, turned out to be quite happy.

In the crack there was moss and loose soil, allowing the pea to sprout. A sick girl was lying in the closet, and a modest pea flower was a great joy for her. When the girl began to recover, she leaned out of the window and kissed the thin petals of a blooming white and pink flower.

What do Andersen's fairy tales teach?

Andersen's tales imbued with genuine humanism, love for the people, for the simple and especially for the poor, downtrodden and suffering people. These fairy tales teach sensitivity and kindness in dealing with people. The kind and pure heart of a simple person is contrasted in them with the callousness of the proud nobility.

The little heart of the poetic heroine is full of sensitivity, responsiveness, the need to help all the weak fairy tales "Thumbelina" .

Widely known satirical tale "The King's New Clothes" by Andersen . The king ordered an unusual outfit from two deceiving weavers. Every day they demanded the finest silk and pure gold for their work and hid it all. They told the king that they would weave such an outfit that would be visible only to smart people. All the king's entourage, fearing that they would be considered fools, pretended to find wonderful fabric in an empty loom. The king himself agreed with them, because he did not want to be branded a fool. But the deceivers began to “dress up” the king, or rather, pretend that they were dressing him up, since in reality there was no outfit. On the street, noble people feigned admiration: “Oh, what an outfit! What a luxurious robe! How this dress suits a king!” Suddenly some boy shouted: “The king is naked!”, and everyone among the people began to repeat his words, making sure that the king really had no clothes on.

In this fairy tale, the empty grandeur and arrogance of high-ranking nonentities and the hypocrisy and servility of their associates are very graphically and sharply ridiculed. The fairy tale also has a broader meaning as an exposure of all kinds of arrogant narcissism, the arrogance of some people and the sycophancy of others. When a person boasts of his non-existent merits, and his close people, out of servility, agree and flatter him, but in reality it turns out that this person has no special merits; in such cases, they say: “But the king was naked!”

Andersen's fairy tales teach also vigor, cheerfulness and firmness in the fight against difficulties. Hero fairy tales "Flint" The soldier under no circumstances lost his composure. The hero of one of the children's favorites bravely endured many disasters. Andersen's fairy tales "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" .

Andersen's fairy tales provide great food for children's imagination, teach children to observe life, pay attention to unnoticed objects and phenomena and comprehend them.

Andersen's fairy tales are also of great importance for the aesthetic education of children. In fairy tales, the beautiful is not contrived, but taken from life, even if the plot of the fairy tale itself was fantastic.

Many of Andersen's fairy tales are such that they require some explanation for children from adults. This is best done by accompanying the reading of a fairy tale with a brief educational conversation.

Speaking about the merits of Andersen's fairy tales, Chekhov pointed out that they are interesting for both children and adults. Many teachers and parents repeatedly reread Andersen's best fairy tales and experience great pleasure every time.

Conversations with children about Andersen and his fairy tales are always interesting for both children and parents.

Based on materials from an old Soviet magazine...

On August 4, 1875, the world lost the great Danish writer, poet and storyteller Hans Christian Andersen. Everyone knows his fairy tales - from young to old. In memory of the great author, let us remember the most beloved heroes of his fairy tales.

1. The Little Mermaid

The romantic love story of the daughter of the sea king, the little mermaid Ariel, for the earthly prince won the hearts of readers all over the world. The kind and gentle heroine of the fairy tale was loved by everyone for her meek disposition, ability to love and sacrifice herself for the sake of love. In exchange for her beautiful voice, the Little Mermaid received legs from the witch, which helped her get into the human world. Deprived of her voice, the Little Mermaid could not tell the prince that she had saved him from the depths of the sea. Marrying someone else threatened Ariel with death and turning into sea foam. To return to her father and sisters, she had to kill the prince. But the girl sacrificed herself in the name of love. In the capital of Sweden (Stockholm), a monument was erected to this fairy-tale heroine, who became a symbol of boundless love and devotion.

2. Thumbelina

The tiny girl (about the size of a human finger) is perhaps the most popular character in Andersen's fairy tales. Her name has become a household name all over the world - this is how short girls are affectionately called. The sweet and trusting Thumbelina fell in love with readers for her extraordinary kindness, tenderness and incredible fortitude. Despite her small stature, she managed to withstand all adversity and find her happiness. The life-affirming story of this tiny but courageous girl formed the basis of many films and animated films.

3. The Ugly Duckling

He was born in the burdock thicket into a large family of a mother duck. In the poultry yard it turned out that one of the ducklings was ugly and completely different from the rest. The inhabitants of the poultry yard immediately disliked the ugly duckling, which is why they constantly attacked the chick. This story is about how difficult it is to be a “black sheep”, unlike those around you. After going through many hardships and humiliations, the ugly duckling becomes a beautiful swan. Having fulfilled the dream of his hero, the great storyteller gave hope to all those who despaired in life. There is an opinion that this tale is a veiled biography of Andersen himself, who was endowed with an awkward appearance.

4. Snow Queen

Even though this heroine is a negative character, the fairy tale about her breaks all records in popularity among readers. The touching love story of Gerda, who rescued her Kai from the ice captivity of the Snow Queen, is an example of selfless and faithful love, capable of any sacrifice. The snowy heroine of the fairy tale has become a symbol of coldness and inaccessibility, which, nevertheless, can be defeated by the power of goodness and love.

5. Steadfast Tin Soldier

It’s not for nothing that this tin hero without a leg is called persistent. By the will of the evil troll, he has to overcome many obstacles in order to return to the fireplace to his beloved - a beautiful dancer. A boy throws a toy soldier into the fireplace, where it melts. The dancer jumps into the fire after her lover - and both die in the flames. The story of loving toys, so touchingly told by Andersen, does not leave any reader's heart indifferent.

/ / / What heroes personify good and evil in Andersen's fairy tales?

Almost every fairy tale tells about the struggle between good and evil. The fairy tale of the Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen “The Snow Queen” was no exception.

Good in this tale is represented by the image of Gerda and all those characters who helped her. Evil is embodied by the cruel Snow Queen and the treacherous troll.

The fairy tale begins with the fact that a cruel troll created a mirror that turns everything good into bad. This mirror then broke into many pieces. The fragments of this mirror turned people into selfish and callous people. The troll was infinitely happy about this. He and his students liked to laugh at people and make them angrier and more soulless. This lifted their spirits.

The fragment ends up in Kai's heart. takes advantage of the opportunity and takes him into her icy captivity. She often brought small children to her palace to change their character. They became indifferent to everything. For her, it was for fun and relief from boredom. The Snow Queen is used to everyone obeying her. She felt her omnipotence.

A simple girl, devoid of any magical properties, was not afraid to come into conflict with the evil sorceress. – a little girl who is ready to do anything for the sake of friendship. She overcomes various difficulties without sparing her own strength. Whether it’s hard for her or not, she doesn’t stop in the middle of the path and bravely goes until the very end. All in order to save his close friend Kai. Kai is also a representative of good. After all, in fact, his heart is kind and caring. He is able to see something special, unique and beautiful in the most ordinary things. Under the influence of the fragments and the charms of the Snow Queen, he loses the ability to love, but his true face can still be saved. And Gerda does it. But she could not have melted Kai's icy heart without her helpers.

The river and the rose tell Gerda that her friend is alive. The princess and prince share clothes with the heroine and also give her a carriage. The little robber saves Gerda from death. Laplanka and Finka help in finding the castle. Raven and crow show the way to the princess's palace. A reindeer accompanies Gerda on her journey. Even the angels who descend from heaven help the heroine. All of them are good in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”.

There is also an image in the fairy tale of a bewitching old woman who is trying to keep Gerda with her. This heroine can be classified as a negative character - a representative of evil.

Good and evil in the work are opposed to each other. However, the moral of the tale is clear: good always triumphs over evil. The ability to love, make friends and protect yourself and your loved ones will always help you win this difficult battle.

Gerda's tears broke the spell of the evil queen and melted her icy heart. Because in front of the great love of a simple heroine, the strength of the cold sorceress weakens.

Hans Christian Andersen shows that neither age, nor social status, nor the ability to perform magic affects victory. A pure and merciful heart is what a person needs in the fight against evil.

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