Introductory words with examples. Introductory words and phrases: definition, categories by meaning

Introductory words and combinations- these are words and combinations of words that express the speaker’s attitude to the content of a sentence or to the way of expressing this content, which are not members of the sentence and are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence. Introductory sentences can also perform the same function.

Classes of introductory words by meaning


Introductory Components


1. Evaluation of what is being reported in terms of reliability, etc.:
1.1. Confidence, authenticity Of course, of course, indisputably, undoubtedly, without a doubt, certainly, indeed, in fact, truly, of course, of course, truly etc. Undoubtedly , someone is sucking the life out of this strange girl who cries when others in her place laugh (Korolenko).
The heroine of this novel, goes without saying , there was Masha (L. Tolstoy).
Really , since my mother died... I was very rarely seen at home (Turgenev).
1.2. Uncertainty, assumption, uncertainty, assumption Probably, it seems, as it seems, probably, in all likelihood, right, tea, obviously, perhaps, perhaps, it is visible, apparently, as it seems, it is true, maybe, it should be, it seems, I think, I believe, it is necessary to believe, I hope , in some way, in some sense, suppose, suppose, let's say, if you want, one way or another etc. She,maybe , still drinks coffee and cookies in the morning(Fadeev).
Life,Seems , hasn't started yet(Paustovsky).
Free bread,visible , I liked it(Mezherov).
And he dreamedit might happen , approach in a different way, knock at the window as an expected guest, dear(Tvardovsky).
I have a headache.Must be , to bad weather(Chekhov).
2. Different feelings:
2.1. Joy, approval Fortunately, to happiness, to joy, to the joy, to the pleasure of someone, what is good, what is even better etc. Fortunately , Alekhine left the house an hour earlier and caught the ship sailing to Frankfurt(Kotov).
Here,to Petya's indescribable admiration , an entire metalworking workshop has been set up on an old kitchen table(Kataev).
2.2. Regret, disapproval Unfortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately, to the shame of someone, to regret, to annoyance, to misfortune, as if unfortunately, as if on purpose, by a sinful act, what is even worse, what is offensive, alas etc. I,Unfortunately , I must add that in the same year Pavel passed away(Turgenev).
2.3. Surprise, bewilderment Surprisingly, amazingly, amazingly, amazingly, strangely, strangely, incomprehensibly etc. Naydenov,to Nagulny's amazement , in one second he shrugged off his leather jacket and sat down at the table(Sholokhov).
2.4. Fear The hour is uneven, God forbid, whatever happens etc. Just look at it , the oar will rip out and he will be thrown into the sea(Novikov-Priboy).
2.5. General expressive nature of the utterance In conscience, in justice, in essence, in essence, in soul, in truth, in truth, in truth, one must tell the truth, if the truth is to be told, it is funny to say, to say in honor, between us, speaking between us, there is nothing to say in vain, I confess, except jokes, actually etc. Followed himTruth , some weaknesses(Turgenev).
I,I confess , I don’t really like this tree – aspen...(Turgenev).
Nothing offends me moredare I say , does not offend as much as ingratitude(Turgenev).
3. Source of message According to someone, according to someone, in my opinion, according to you, according to someone, according to someone, according to rumors, according to a proverb, according to legend, from the point of view of someone, I remember, one can hear, they say, they say, as one can hear, as I think, as I think, as I remember, as they say, as they believe, as is known, as was pointed out, as it turned out, as they said in the old days, in my opinion etc. At Pesotsky's,They say , apples as big as your head, and Pesotsky, they say, made his fortune from the garden(Chekhov).
Calculation,in my opinion , was mathematically accurate(Paustovsky).
Twenty years ago Line Lake was such a wilderness that,according to foresters , not every bird dared to fly there(Paustovsky).
4. Order of thoughts and their connections Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, so, therefore, therefore, thus, on the contrary, on the contrary, for example, for example, in particular, in addition, in addition, to top it all off, in addition, moreover, on the one hand, on the other hand, however, by the way, in general, in addition, therefore, the main thing, by the way, by the way, by the way etc. On the one side , the darkness was saving: it hid us(Paustovsky).
Forest air is healing, it lengthens life, it increases our vitality, and,finally , it turns the mechanical and sometimes difficult process of breathing into pleasure(Paustovsky).
So , the next day I stood in this room behind the doors and listened to how my fate was being decided(Dostoevsky).
5. Assessing the style of expression, manner of speech, ways of forming thoughts In a word, in one word, in other words, in other words, directly speaking, roughly speaking, in fact, in fact, in short, in short, more accurately, better to say, directly to say, easier to say, so to speak, how to say, if I may say so, what's called etc. In a word, Storeshnikov was thinking more and more strongly about getting married every day.(Chernyshevsky).
In short, this is not a master in science, but a worker(Chekhov).
We got up and went to push to the well, or rather, to the fountain(Garshin).
6. Assessment of the measure, the degree of what is being said; the degree of commonality of the facts stated At least, at least to one degree or another, to a large extent, as usual, as usual, it happens, happens, as usual, as always, as it happens, as it happens, as it happens sometimes etc. Talked to meat least as army commander(Simonov).
Behind the counteras usual , Nikolai Ivanovich stood almost the entire width of the hole...(Turgenev)
Happens , my luckier luck(Griboyedov).
7. Drawing the interlocutor’s attention to the message, emphasizing, emphasizing Do you see, know, remember, understand, believe, listen, allow, imagine, imagine, can imagine, believe, imagine, admit, believe, believe, not believe, agree, notice, do me a favor, if you want to know, I remind, we remind, I repeat, I emphasize what is important, what is even more important, what is essential, what is even more significant etc. You were afraidadmit it , when did my fellows throw a rope around your neck?(Pushkin).
Imagine , our young ones are already bored(Turgenev).
We,if you want to know , we came to demand(Gorbatov).
Where is this?let me , was(Pavlenko).

A summary of the material and exercises in the video below (

Introductory words, phrases and sentences

1. Introductory words and phrases are not members of the proposal. With their help, the speaker expresses his attitude to the content of the statement (confidence or uncertainty, emotional reaction, etc.):

Unfortunately, he didn't have watercolors(Soloukhin).

Introductory sentences can also perform the same function.

For example: Me,dare I say , fell in love in the house(Turgenev) – the structure is a definite personal one-part sentence; In life,did you know , there is always room for exploits(M. Gorky) – the structure is a two-part sentence; We,if you want to know , we came to demand(Gorbatov) - in structure, a conditional one-part clause.

In writing, introductory words, phrases and sentences usually separated by commas.

Classes of introductory words by meaning

Meaning Introductory Components Examples
1. Evaluation of what is being reported in terms of reliability, etc.:
1.1. Confidence, authenticity Of course, of course, indisputably, undoubtedly, without a doubt, certainly, indeed, in fact, truly, of course, of course, truly etc. Undoubtedly, someone is sucking the life out of this strange girl who cries when others in her place laugh (Korolenko). The heroine of this novel, goes without saying, there was Masha (L. Tolstoy). Really, since my mother died... I was very rarely seen at home (Turgenev).
1.2. Uncertainty, assumption, uncertainty, assumption Probably, it seems, as it seems, probably, in all likelihood, right, tea, obviously, perhaps, perhaps, it is visible, apparently, as it seems, it is true, maybe, it should be, it seems, I think, I believe, it is necessary to believe, I hope , in some way, in some sense, suppose, suppose, let's say, if you want, one way or another etc. She probably still drinks coffee and cookies in the morning.(Fadeev). Life, it seems, has not yet begun(Paustovsky). Apparently the free bread was to your liking(Mezherov). And he dreamed, perhaps, to approach by a different route, to knock at the window with the expected guest, dear(Tvardovsky). I have a headache. Must be due to bad weather(Chekhov).

2. Different feelings:

2.1. Joy, approval Fortunately, to happiness, to joy, to the joy, to the pleasure of someone, what is good, what is even better etc. Fortunately, Alekhine left the house an hour earlier and caught the ship sailing to Frankfurt (Kotov). Here, to Petya’s indescribable admiration, an entire metalworking workshop has been set up on an old kitchen table.(Kataev).
2.2. Regret, disapproval Unfortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately, to the shame of someone, to regret, to annoyance, to misfortune, as if unfortunately, as if on purpose, by a sinful act, what is even worse, what is offensive, alas etc. Unfortunately, I must add that in the same year Pavel passed away(Turgenev).
2.3. Surprise, bewilderment Surprisingly, amazingly, amazingly, amazingly, strangely, strangely, incomprehensibly etc. Naydenov, to Nagulny’s amazement, in one second swept his leather jacket off his shoulders and sat down at the table(Sholokhov).
2.4. Fear The hour is uneven, God forbid, whatever happens etc. Just look, the oar will be torn out and thrown into the sea (Novikov-Priboy).
2.5. General expressive nature of the utterance In conscience, in justice, in essence, in essence, in soul, in truth, in truth, in truth, one must tell the truth, if the truth is to be told, it is funny to say, to say in honor, between us, speaking between us, there is nothing to say in vain, I confess, except jokes, actually etc. True, he had some weaknesses(Turgenev). I admit, I don’t really like this tree – aspen...(Turgenev). Nothing offends me more, I dare say, offends me more than ingratitude.(Turgenev).
3. Source of message According to someone, according to someone, in my opinion, according to you, according to someone, according to someone, according to rumors, according to a proverb, according to legend, from the point of view of someone, I remember, one can hear, they say, they say, as one can hear, as I think, as I think, as I remember, as they say, as they believe, as is known, as was pointed out, as it turned out, as they said in the old days, in my opinion etc. Pesotsky, they say, has apples as big as his head, and Pesotsky, they say, made his fortune from the garden(Chekhov). The calculation, in my opinion, was mathematically accurate(Paustovsky). Twenty years ago, Linevoe Lake was such a wilderness that, according to foresters, not every bird dared to fly there(Paustovsky).
4. Order of thoughts and their connections Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, so, therefore, therefore, thus, on the contrary, on the contrary, for example, for example, in particular, in addition, in addition, to top it all off, in addition, moreover, on the one hand, on the other hand, however, by the way, in general, in addition, therefore, the main thing, by the way, by the way, by the way etc. On the one hand, the darkness was saving: it hid us (Paustovsky). Forest air is healing, it lengthens life, it increases our vitality, and, finally, it turns the mechanical and sometimes difficult process of breathing into pleasure(Paustovsky). So, the next day I stood in this room behind the doors and listened as my fate was decided(Dostoevsky).
5. Assessing the style of expression, manner of speech, ways of forming thoughts In a word, in one word, in other words, in other words, directly speaking, roughly speaking, in fact, in fact, in short, in short, more accurately, better to say, directly to say, easier to say, so to speak, how to say, if I may say so, what's called etc. In a word, Storeshnikov was thinking more and more strongly about getting married every day.(Chernyshevsky). In short, this is not a master in science, but a worker(Chekhov). We got up and went to push to the well, or rather, to the fountain(Garshin).
6. Assessment of the measure, the degree of what is being said; the degree of commonality of the facts stated At least, at least to one degree or another, to a large extent, as usual, as usual, it happens, happens, as usual, as always, as it happens, as it happens, as it happens sometimes etc. Talked to me at least like an army commander(Simonov). As usual, Nikolai Ivanovich stood behind the counter, almost the entire width of the opening...(Turgenev) It happens that mine is luckier(Griboyedov).
7. Drawing the interlocutor’s attention to the message, emphasizing, emphasizing Do you see, know, remember, understand, believe, listen, allow, imagine, imagine, can imagine, believe, imagine, admit, believe, believe, not believe, agree, notice, do me a favor, if you want to know, I remind, we remind, I repeat, I emphasize what is important, what is even more important, what is essential, what is even more significant etc. Were you afraid, admit it, when my fellows threw a rope around your neck?(Pushkin). Imagine, our young people are already bored(Turgenev). We, if you want to know, we came to demand(Gorbatov). Where was this, please?(Pavlenko).

- these are words that are part of sentences, but are not members of the sentence. These words express an attitude and assessment of what is happening. Let's look at the categories of introductory words:

  • a) assessment from the point of view of reliability (unlikelihood, uncertainty, assumption)
  • b) different kinds of feelings (joy, sadness, surprise, fear, the general essence of the statement)
  • c) the source of the message
  • d) thoughts and their relationship
  • e) ways to formulate various thoughts, manner of speech and assessment of the style of expression
  • f) assessment of what is happening and what is being said, mentioned
  • e) attracting the interest of the interlocutor, focusing on what is happening

a) of course, undoubtedly, true, in fact, of course, I believe, probably, it seems, perhaps, probably, suppose, we hope, suppose.

EXAMPLE. It looks like it's going to rain soon.

In fact, this hat suited her very well.

Suppose chickens do not fly, but then can they be called a bird?

b) fortunately, joyfully, unfortunately, unfortunately, as if on purpose, unfortunately, strangely, to surprise, God forbid, in good conscience, in fairness, essentially, in truth, to tell the truth, between us, I confess , essentially speaking, it depends, in essence, to your liking, to be honest, to say the least.

EXAMPLE. Fortunately, the ship reached the shore on time and the traders managed to unload the cargo before midnight

God forbid if everything happens as the shaman predicted.

To tell the truth, I'm not very brave.

c) in my opinion, in my opinion, in yours, in your opinion, according to rumors, according to legend, I remember, I can hear, they say, everyone is talking, and how I can hear, I think, I believe, as I remember, how everyone is saying, as everyone knows, as it was indicated there, as it turned out, as they said before, in my opinion, they say.

EXAMPLE. In my opinion, it is not a good idea to jump down without a safety net.

As I remember, ice cream in those days was sold for three kopecks, no more.

d) firstly, on the other hand, thirdly, and therefore, therefore, so, thus, finally, on the contrary, for example, in particular, for example, in addition, on the contrary, on the one hand, secondly, by the way, therefore, by the way, the most important thing, by the way, by the way, will be said.

EXAMPLE. Finally, the film ended.

By the way, it was very fun and original.

So tomorrow she will become his wife?

e) in a word, in other words, roughly speaking, in fact, in short, better to say, easier to say, what is called more correctly, so to speak, more correctly said, if it is possible to put it that way, in short.

EXAMPLE. In short, he didn’t like her gift and left, slamming the door loudly.

In short, he didn't have to persuade her.

If it is possible to put it this way, it was not a blue sky, it was a magical pearl sky.

f) at least, to a large extent, according to custom, it happens, as always, and as it happens, as usual, it happens, as usual, as everything happens.

EXAMPLE. At least Aunt Nadya tried to persuade him to stay at least for a day, but Konstantin, as usual, did not even listen to her.

As always, when he came to visit, Sashka was silent and carefully looked at those around him, drawing conclusions.

e) you know, notice, remember, believe, understand, listen, listen, allow, imagine, can you imagine, believe me, imagine , you admit, you will believe, will you believe, will you not believe, will you agree, do me a favor, if you want to know, I remind, we remind you, I repeat, I emphasize what is even more important, what is quite significant, what is important, which is very significant.

EXAMPLE. You know, hot stars are blue, and they look so beautiful from below.

Girl, let me carry your red heavy suitcase?

Take my word for it, I saw, I saw this green monster!

in Russian they can be used both with and without prepositions. In order not to confuse introductory contexts with sentence members, it is necessary to remember that any question can be posed to a sentence member. The introductory word was never part of the sentence. It is recommended to remember that the introductory context can easily be removed and removed from the sentence. Don't forget that introductory words can appear at the beginning of a sentence. Same in the middle. They must be separated by commas. If the context is at the beginning of the sentence, then a comma is placed after the word. If the introductory context is in the middle of a sentence, then the context is separated by commas on both sides. It is recommended to remember the rule when a homogeneous member of a sentence that is located after the introductory words and therefore And which means is not separated by commas - a comma is not placed after these introductory contexts.

Another thing to remember is one rule:

— a dash is placed if the introductory context in the form of a phrase represents an incomplete construction. Then, instead of a comma, a dash is placed.

EXAMPLE. Mister didn’t want to wake her up so early for two reasons: on the one hand, she went to bed very late yesterday, and on the other, he liked to watch her sleep.

— a dash is also placed before the introductory context as an additional sign, provided that the word is located between two parts of a complex sentence and can be meaningfully attributed to the first or last part.

EXAMPLE. The kitten disappeared - probably a little girl with red bows took him home.

— a dash is also placed before the introductory context after the comma. And provided that the part of the sentence behind the context summarizes what was said in the first part.

EXAMPLE. Madame asked with particular curiosity who had watered the flowers this morning, who had cleaned the dust from the statue, who had trimmed the bushes in the courtyard - in short, she had not forgotten any of the staff.

- if introductory words are quite common, then they can be highlighted with a dash.

EXAMPLE. It now seemed to her that it was not easy to suspect Mitka of stealing sweets.

Are not introductory words: suddenly, here, even, simply, at the beginning, as if, since then, little by little, once, decisively, as if, as if, ultimately, after all, approximately, after all, exclusively, meanwhile, supposedly , to top it all off, even, approximately, hardly, decisively, exclusively, almost, therefore, hardly, almost, precisely, moreover, as if, by decree, as if, by decision, just, by advice, by proposal, besides.

Meaning Introductory Components Examples
1. Evaluation of what is being reported in terms of reliability, etc.:
1.1. Confidence, authenticity Of course, of course, indisputably, undoubtedly, without a doubt, certainly, indeed, in fact, truly, of course, of course, truly etc. Undoubtedly, someone is sucking the life out of this strange girl who cries when others in her place laugh (Korolenko). The heroine of this novel, goes without saying, there was Masha (L. Tolstoy). Really, since my mother died... I was very rarely seen at home (Turgenev).
1.2. Uncertainty, assumption, uncertainty, assumption Probably, it seems, as it seems, probably, in all likelihood, right, tea, obviously, perhaps, perhaps, it is visible, apparently, as it seems, it is true, maybe, it should be, it seems, I think, I believe, it is necessary to believe, I hope , in some way, in some sense, suppose, suppose, let's say, if you want, one way or another etc. She probably still drinks coffee and cookies in the morning.(Fadeev). Life, it seems, has not yet begun(Paustovsky). Apparently the free bread was to your liking(Mezherov). And he dreamed, perhaps, to approach by a different route, to knock at the window with the expected guest, dear(Tvardovsky). I have a headache. Must be due to bad weather(Chekhov).
2. Different feelings:
2.1. Joy, approval Fortunately, to happiness, to joy, to the joy, to the pleasure of someone, what is good, what is even better etc. Fortunately, Alekhine left the house an hour earlier and caught the ship sailing to Frankfurt (Kotov). Here, to Petya’s indescribable admiration, an entire metalworking workshop has been set up on an old kitchen table.(Kataev).
2.2. Regret, disapproval Unfortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately, to the shame of someone, to regret, to annoyance, to misfortune, as if unfortunately, as if on purpose, by a sinful act, what is even worse, what is offensive, alas etc. Unfortunately, I must add that in the same year Pavel passed away(Turgenev).
2.3. Surprise, bewilderment Surprisingly, amazingly, amazingly, amazingly, strangely, strangely, incomprehensibly etc. Naydenov, to Nagulny’s amazement, in one second swept his leather jacket off his shoulders and sat down at the table(Sholokhov).
2.4. Fear The hour is uneven, God forbid, whatever happens etc. Just look, the oar will be torn out and thrown into the sea (Novikov-Priboy).
2.5. General expressive nature of the utterance In conscience, in justice, in essence, in essence, in soul, in truth, in truth, in truth, one must tell the truth, if the truth is to be told, it is funny to say, to say in honor, between us, speaking between us, there is nothing to say in vain, I confess, except jokes, actually etc. True, he had some weaknesses(Turgenev). I admit, I don’t really like this tree – aspen...(Turgenev). Nothing offends me more, I dare say, offends me more than ingratitude.(Turgenev).
3. Source of message According to someone, according to someone, in my opinion, according to you, according to someone, according to someone, according to rumors, according to a proverb, according to legend, from the point of view of someone, I remember, one can hear, they say, they say, as one can hear, as I think, as I think, as I remember, as they say, as they believe, as is known, as was pointed out, as it turned out, as they said in the old days, in my opinion etc. Pesotsky, they say, has apples as big as his head, and Pesotsky, they say, made his fortune from the garden(Chekhov). The calculation, in my opinion, was mathematically accurate(Paustovsky). Twenty years ago, Linevoe Lake was such a wilderness that, according to foresters, not every bird dared to fly there(Paustovsky).
4. Order of thoughts and their connections Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, so, therefore, therefore, thus, on the contrary, on the contrary, for example, for example, in particular, in addition, in addition, to top it all off, in addition, moreover, on the one hand, on the other hand, however, by the way, in general, in addition, therefore, the main thing, by the way, by the way, by the way etc. On the one hand, the darkness was saving: it hid us (Paustovsky). Forest air is healing, it lengthens life, it increases our vitality, and, finally, it turns the mechanical and sometimes difficult process of breathing into pleasure(Paustovsky). So, the next day I stood in this room behind the doors and listened as my fate was decided(Dostoevsky).
5. Assessing the style of expression, manner of speech, ways of forming thoughts In a word, in one word, in other words, in other words, directly speaking, roughly speaking, in fact, in fact, in short, in short, more accurately, better to say, directly to say, easier to say, so to speak, how to say, if I may say so, what's called etc. In a word, Storeshnikov was thinking more and more strongly about getting married every day.(Chernyshevsky). In short, this is not a master in science, but a worker(Chekhov). We got up and went to push to the well, or rather, to the fountain(Garshin).
6. Assessment of the measure, the degree of what is being said; the degree of commonality of the facts stated At least, at least to one degree or another, to a large extent, as usual, as usual, it happens, happens, as usual, as always, as it happens, as it happens, as it happens sometimes etc. Talked to me at least like an army commander(Simonov). As usual, Nikolai Ivanovich stood behind the counter, almost the entire width of the opening...(Turgenev) It happens that mine is luckier(Griboyedov).
7. Drawing the interlocutor’s attention to the message, emphasizing, emphasizing Do you see, know, remember, understand, believe, listen, allow, imagine, imagine, can imagine, believe, imagine, admit, believe, believe, not believe, agree, notice, do me a favor, if you want to know, I remind, we remind, I repeat, I emphasize what is important, what is even more important, what is essential, what is even more significant etc. Were you afraid, admit it, when my fellows threw a rope around your neck?(Pushkin). Imagine, our young people are already bored(Turgenev). We, if you want to know, we came to demand(Gorbatov). Where was this, please?(Pavlenko).

2. In terms of their grammatical correlation, introductory words and constructions can go back to different parts of speech and different grammatical forms:

  • nouns in various cases with and without prepositions;

Without a doubt, for joy, fortunately etc.

  • adjectives in short form, in various cases, in the superlative degree;

Right, guilty, the main thing, in general, the most important thing, the least.

  • pronouns in indirect cases with prepositions;

In addition, besides, meanwhile.

  • adverbs in the positive or comparative degree;

Undoubtedly, of course, probably, in short, more accurately.

  • verbs in various forms of the indicative or imperative mood;

I think, believe me, they seemed to say, imagine, have mercy.

  • infinitive or combination with an infinitive;

See, know, admit, funny to say.

  • combinations with participles;

To tell the truth, in short, to put it roughly.

  • two-part sentences with a subject - a personal pronoun and a predicate - a verb with the meaning of expression of will, speaking, thought, etc.;

For as long as I can remember, I often think.

  • impersonal offers;

It seemed to her that we all remember it well.

  • vaguely personal proposals.

This is how they thought about him, how they usually talked about him.

That's why it is necessary to distinguish between introductory words and homonymous forms and constructions.

Pay attention!

Depending on the context, the same words act either as introductory words (hence, not members of the sentence), or as members of the sentence. In order not to make a mistake, you should remember that:

A) you can ask a question to a member of a sentence;

b) the introductory word is not a member of the sentence and has one of the meanings listed above;

V) the introductory word can usually (but not always) be removed from the sentence.

Compare the sentences given in pairs:

ThisTruth (Dostoevsky). – Is it true , sometimes... it's not much fun to wander along country roads (Turgenev).

During the summer he Maybe to become attached to this weak, talkative creature, to get carried away, to fall in love (Chekhov). – You,Maybe , they thought that I was asking you for money!(Dostoevsky).

Listen, we right went? Do you remember the place? (Kassil). – Donkey shouts: we,right , we'll get along if we sit next to each other(Krylov).

In a number of cases, the criterion for distinguishing between introductory words and sentence members is the possibility of adding the word speaking .

He,By the way , never came(“by the way”); You,actually , it would be possible not to come("as a matter of fact"); Briefly speaking , useful book("in short"); Return to what was saidin truth , I don't want to(“in truth”)

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