Vyborg Flight School of Civil Aviation. Vyborg Technical Aviation School of Civil Aviation

The basis of the branch was the aviation school, which was created in 1949 in the city of Pionersk (Kaliningrad region) as a naval aviation technical school. In 1956, the school was relocated to the city of Vyborg, and in 1957 it was transferred to the Air Force. The school studied the MiG-15, MiG-17, MiG-19 aircraft. In 1960, the school was transferred to the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet and began studying Mi-2, Mi-8, Mi-4, Ka-26 helicopters. Since December 2009, it has been transformed into a branch of the University of Civil Aviation. Currently, it is a modern educational complex providing training in three specialties.

Over the years of its activity, the Vyborg branch of St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation has trained more than 2,000 young specialists for military and 15,000 for civil aviation. The educational institution upgraded the skills of 2,500 engineering and technical workers of civil aviation enterprises.

The branch's infrastructure includes: two educational and laboratory buildings, a training aviation technical base; training and production workshops; three gyms; shooting range; stadium; library; museum; a club for amateur artistic activities and leisure activities; dormitory; dining room.

Contact information

  • 188800, Vyborg, st. Puteyskaya, 8
  • From St. Petersburg: by electric train from Finlyandsky Station (metro station “Ploshchad Lenina”); by bus No. 850 from the station. metro station "Parnas" (travel time 2 hours).
  • (813-78) 2-11-89 (admissions committee)
  • (813-8) 2-14-90 director/fax
  • (813-78) 2-49-70 (educational department)
  • [email protected]; [email protected]
  • vatuga.ru
  • www.spbguga.ru

Acceptance of documents

    List of documents:
  • Statement;
  • original or copy of the applicant’s identity document (passport);
  • original or copy of a state-issued document on secondary general (basic general) education;
  • medical certificate in form 086/у.

Educational program

Secondary vocational training

02.25.01 “Technical operation of aircraft and engines”
This specialty provides comprehensive and detailed training for aviation technicians - mechanics in the technical operation of helicopters and aircraft engines. Aviation equipment studied: Mi-8, Mi-8MTV, Mi-2 helicopters.

Assigned qualification: technician

Number of budget places: on the basis of basic general education – 60; based on the average total – 30.

Entrance tests: based on the average score of the following subjects - mathematics, physics, computer science, Russian language

Duration and cost of training:

02.25.03 “Technical operation of electrified and flight navigation systems”
This specialty provides in-depth training for aviation electronics technicians in the operation of aircraft instruments and electrical equipment of aircraft. The cadets study the basics of electrical engineering and electronics, radio navigation, automation and control, and in detail the electrified and flight and navigation systems of the Mi-8, Mi-8MTV, Mi-2 helicopters.

Assigned qualification: technician.

Number of budget places: on the basis of basic general education – 40; based on the average total – 15.

Entrance tests: based on the average score of the following subjects - mathematics, physics, computer science, Russian language.

Duration and cost of training:

Full-time: on the basis of basic general education – 3 years 10 months. (RUB 38,960/year); based on the average total – 2 years 10 months. (RUB 38,960/year).

02/43/06 “Service in transport (air transport)”
This specialty provides knowledge in service activities, management and marketing, planning and functioning of transport services, transport law and air transport service systems.

Assigned qualification: transport service specialist.

Number of budget places: based on the average total – 15.

Entrance tests: based on the average score of the following subjects - mathematics, physics, computer science, Russian language, foreign language.

Duration and cost of training:

Full-time education: based on general secondary education – 1 year 10 months.
Tuition fee: RUB 42,610/year

General information

A scholarship is provided.

There is a hostel.

Military department - deferment.

Branch prestige

Student time at the Vyborg branch of St. Petersburg State University is not limited only to the study of disciplines, lectures, seminars and tests; during this period there is an opportunity to demonstrate oneself and one’s abilities in a wide variety of situations.

Our guys take an active part in sporting events held in the branch, city and region, as part of general cultural development they attend exhibitions and participate in various events in the city.

Vyborg Aviation Technical College of Civil Aviation is one of the longest operating educational institutions in the field of aviation in Russia. Its activity spans more than 65 years. The school is located in Vyborg and is a branch of the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation.

Previously, only future mechanical technicians studied at the college. Since 1993, here you can get a broader education in the field of operation, service and maintenance of aircraft.

Like many modern aviation schools, the Aviation Technical College of Civil Aviation in Vyborg was initially based in another city, namely in the Kaliningrad region. There, in 1949, a school of aircraft mechanics was formed, which three years later was transformed into an aviation school. Here, cadets are trained to work with MiG fighters. In 1956, the educational institution changed its address to the city of Vyborg, where it is located today.

The new school building was in poor condition, so cadets and college employees actively took on its restoration. Eight years later, the reconstruction was completed, and a club for students was built. During the same period, an airfield for training cadets was built, and the range of equipment being studied was expanded.

In 1957, the school came under the direct control of the USSR Air Force. The list of vessels being studied includes the Mi-4 helicopter - at that time a qualitatively new model of aircraft. The year 1960 becomes key for the direction of the school. It is now moving on to training civil aviation technicians. The list of aircraft in operation includes Mi series aircraft and the Ka-26 helicopter. The next two decades are marked by the renewal of the school: it receives its current name, and hangars, helicopter stands and its own aviation technical base appear on the territory of the airfield. A new educational building is being built, where classrooms, laboratories, a library and gyms are located - everything that is required for the quality training of future specialists.

The school's equipment fleet is also expanding, the number of which reaches 30 units. College cadets and teachers actively participate in the life of the educational institution: they construct stands, simulators and assemble the legendary ANT-4 helicopter on their own. The efforts of students and their mentors are reflected in numerous All-Union exhibitions and competitions, where VATUGA’s works receive multiple awards.

In the 1970s, the oil production industry of the USSR in Western Siberia was actively developing, which is why the country urgently needs a large number of specialists in the aviation industry. In this regard, VATUGA is increasing the recruitment of cadets and carrying out retraining of personnel. The 1990s become a test for the entire country, and this fate befalls civil aviation as well. However, the school remains afloat, expanding the specifics of the specializations studied: now future electronics technicians, accountants and vehicle maintenance technicians are trained here.

In the absence of government funding, the college staff independently studies the Mi-8MTV helicopter and publishes a manual on its operation. With the arrival of the new director of the school in 2006, the living conditions for cadets, as well as the educational and laboratory complex, are being updated, and the list of equipment being studied is expanding. Next year the college will become part of St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation as a branch.

Specialties of VATUGA

The Vyborg branch of the University of Civil Aviation provides the opportunity to receive specialized secondary education in the following areas:

  1. Helicopter technician. The duration of study is 2 years 10 months after 11th grade of school and 3 years 10 months after 9th or 10th grade.
  2. Technician (working with electrified and flight navigation equipment of helicopters). The training periods are the same as in the first case.
  3. Air transport service specialist. Here training lasts a year and 10 months after finishing 11 grades of school.

The main units of the equipment being studied are Mi-2, Mi-8T, Mi-8MTV helicopters. You can get education full-time on a budget or paid basis.

How to enter VATUGA

To enter the school, the applicant must appear at the admissions committee within the specified time frame and have the following standard documents with him:

  1. Application for admission in original.
  2. Applicant's passport (both copies and originals can be submitted).
  3. Original or copy of school certificate.
  4. Photos 3*4 cm in quantity of 4 copies.
  5. A certificate from a medical institution in the required form confirming the applicant’s suitability for study in the chosen field.

Since the school is not associated with piloting, a VLEK medical commission is not required. If desired, you can provide copies of vaccination certificates, medical insurance and pension insurance certificates. They may be useful in further training. In the application, the applicant indicates passport details, the chosen specialty and information about his education. The desire to enroll in a paid form of education, if necessary, and the need for a hostel are also clarified.

The selection of applicants is carried out based on the average score in mathematics, physics, computer science and English. If one of the subjects is missing from the report card, its score is counted as zero. Applicants who are not enrolled on a budget can try to enroll on a paid basis. If there is a shortage, you can get into the school until December 1 of the current year. Persons with disabilities and people with disabilities can study at VATUGA, provided that their health condition allows them to study at this college. Foreign citizens can also apply here.

Tuition fees

School tuition is paid every semester. The amount depends not only on the specialty, but also on whether the legal entity or individual pays for the studies, as well as on the citizenship of the cadet. For residents of the CIS and non-CIS countries, the cost of training will be large amounts compared to citizens of the Russian Federation. Legal entities also pay more.

The total cost of one course can range from 39,000 rubles to 57,500 rubles.

Conditions for studying at VATUGA

Today, the Vyborg Technical Aviation School of Civil Aviation boasts more than 15,000 graduates and 1,500 personnel who have undergone retraining within its walls since 1960. The training of cadets is based on a combination of theoretical and practical blocks in the educational program. To master the theory, there is an educational department, where specialized departments are located for each of the school’s specialties.

The mechanical department studies the specifics of operating aircraft and engines. Here students are trained in general humanitarian disciplines, economics and social sciences, study technical specialties in depth and engage in physical education. To teach and control the assimilation of material, cycle commissions have been created at the school - analogues of departments.

The department dedicated to the study of aviation and radio-electronic equipment was created in 1993. Here cadets study the same block of general disciplines and specialized subjects. Cadets studying at the expense of the budget are fully supported by the college: they are given a uniform, food and a place in a dormitory, as well as scholarships. The technical and economic division of VATUGA trains future vehicle technicians and accountants-economists. Here you can also choose a correspondence form of study, but enrollment is not made every year.

Practical classes take place in workshops and at the aviation technical base. Cadets learn how to repair helicopters, inspect them, install and dismantle equipment, etc. Students also learn the specifics of operating equipment and its maintenance. The college has simulators for practicing the necessary skills; there are also laboratories, stands and samples of equipment. As mentioned earlier, a considerable part of the accumulated objects are the results of the efforts of previous generations of students and teachers.

Training base

Prospects for graduates of the Vyborg Aviation School

The last 4 months of cadets’ training are devoted to internships at specialized enterprises. After passing the final exams, they receive a diploma of secondary specialized education in the chosen specialty. Cadets who achieve high academic performance can enter the engineering or command faculty of St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. In addition, you can begin your professional activities. Airline companies annually send applications to the school, where they indicate the number of vacant places in the required categories. Graduates can only get a job on a voluntary basis.

The knowledge gained at the school is enough to, after the necessary training, become a member of a helicopter crew or engage in repair and maintenance of any type of aircraft.

Sports, leisure and life at the Vyborg Technical College of Civil Aviation

Sports activities are given great attention in all educational institutions. Its importance is especially relevant in the training and development of aviation school cadets, because working with aircraft requires endurance, strength and good physical fitness. In VATUGA, for physical education, there are several gyms, a stadium and a shooting range, where shooting championships are regularly held.

For independent work and preparing homework, cadets have access to the school library, where the reading room is located and there is Internet access. This way, students can study not only paper, but also electronic textbooks and manuals, as well as specialized Internet resources. Mass events are held in the club, where 400 people can sit simultaneously. There are clubs and sections based on interests.

Accommodation and study of cadets are key areas in the modernization of the school. Living conditions in the dormitory and canteen are being improved, and the buildings are being renovated. Laboratory equipment is constantly being improved, and the prospect of expanding the model range of the equipment being studied is also being considered.

Celebrating the 65th anniversary of the school

Educational work

The learning process is inextricably linked with the education of future graduates of any age. Its importance lies in the formation of a correct idea of ​​the specialty, assimilation of the principles of professional ethics. Cadets must understand how important and responsible their work will be, love their profession and strive to improve themselves and learn throughout their lives.

So that the above points do not remain just words, teachers and staff of the school in Vyborg carry out a set of measures for educational work with students. First of all, they contact the cadets’ parents, which gives positive results in their studies and behavior. Education of students includes incentives and, in certain cases, punishment.

Particular attention is paid to instilling patriotism and team spirit among cadets. For this purpose, meetings with veterans are organized. Olympiads, excursions, competitions, and meetings with students from other educational institutions are regularly held. This makes it possible to graduate from the walls of the school not only competent workers, but also a comprehensively developed, disciplined personality in the person of each of them.

Graduation ceremony

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