Sayings about Friday are cool and funny. Funny statuses about Friday

Don't wait until you graduate from college, when children are born. Stop waiting until you start working, when you retire, when you get married, when you get divorced. Don't wait for Friday evening, Sunday morning, buying a new car, a new apartment. Don't wait for spring, summer, autumn, winter. Minutes of happiness are precious, it is not the final destination of the journey, but the journey itself. Work - not just for money, love - not in anticipation of parting. Dance without paying attention to the looks. The worst mistake you can make is to spend your entire life chasing goals, not noticing how your life is passing you by.

I like casserole and apple juice for breakfast,
I'm afraid of heights, that's why I hate flying
A pebble beach is not the same, I always choose sand!
I have VSD, and Tonginal saves me,
I don’t like drinking coffee, but I like to smell it,
I hate football, but I watch the final with enthusiasm,
That's basically all you need to know about me.
I don't paint my eyes, I'm allergic to mascara,
I hate washing dishes and wiping dust,
In July I make pear jam myself,
That's basically all you need to know about me
I'm not a very good cook, but I cook excellent borscht,
I invite you to try it! Maybe Friday at five?
I'm no better than others, but I love you very much,
That's basically all you need to know about me

she tidied up
yourself brilliant
before plunging into the abyss
night avenue.
looked in the mirror
she liked it.
if not for one circumstance:
- no, soul,
you will stay at home today.
Don't know,
keep yourself busy with something
read it
draw something, knit something,
in the end
turn on the TV.
I can't take you with me.
I really want to sin.

By the way,” said the White Queen, lowering her eyes and nervously wringing her hands, “last week on Friday there was such a thunderstorm!” That is, I wanted to say - on Fridays!
Alice was surprised.
“We,” she said, “never have more than one Friday at a time!”
- What squalor! - the Red Queen snorted. - Well, we have six, seven Fridays a week!

The first day of the week is after the day off, the second is before work, the third is work, the fourth is after work, and the fifth is before the day off. The third day ruins everything!

I really want to work, but no, tomorrow is a day off. As luck would have it!

Friday the 13th is the day of the gathering and coven of witches, kikimors, hedgehog grandmothers, mermaids, furies, harpies, gorgons, shrews, Valkyries and other evil spirits. And International Women's Day, for some reason, is still in March.

Friday cannot be a work day, otherwise Muslims will be offended, Saturday is a non-working day so that the Jews do not get upset, we don’t work on Sundays in order to respect Christians, on Mondays we should refuse to work so as not to annoy the Russians, it’s already hard for them.

The end of the work week makes you think about drinking, the beginning of the work week makes you think about its end.

Robinson wanted to be friends with Saturday or Sunday, but problems with alcohol did not give him the opportunity to afford such a luxury.

Friday and Saturday with Sunday are days off for all those who are circumcised, praying to the east and making the sign of the cross.

Always give 100% at work! 12% on Monday, 23% on Tuesday, 40% on Wednesday, 20% on Thursday and 5% on Friday.

I love walking through cemeteries: there, at least, you meet silent people who will not contradict anyone (Louis de Funes)

Friday comes before Saturday. Armenian proverb

On Friday the 13th, witches, kikimores, hedgehog grandmothers, mermaids, furies, harpies, gorgons, vixens, Valkyries and other evil spirits get together and have a Sabbath. Just don’t confuse Friday, March 13th and March 8th...

Friday evening is also Saturday. Igor Karpov

He who jumps on Friday cries on Sunday. Ukrainian proverb

Payday on Friday is a blow to the liver

Unfounded fears tend to come true

He who dances on Thursday cries on Friday. Ukrainian proverb

Cinema news: secret cemetery of Jackie Chan's stunt doubles discovered

How long will our success at work interfere with our happiness in our personal lives?

Comrade director, I brought my fiancé so that he can see how old, bald and ugly you are!

Thursday is a little Friday, and Friday can be considered a day off.

To make the weekend come faster, you need to start drinking on Thursday...

Rumors that I swear are complete bullshit.

Our deposits are secret - no one knows whether they will be returned

It's Friday, the workday ends

Black cats have a day off on Friday the thirteenth.

Monday morning began, as always, unexpectedly - after Friday evening.

You shouldn't look for a reason to drink on Friday. Friday is already a reason.

Journalists are divided into those who are corrupt and those whom no one buys.

The only thing worse than Friday the 13th is Monday the 16th. Unknown author

Wipe away the melancholy and sadness, comrade - Friday has come!

On Friday, most often you want to drink. On Monday I most often want Friday.

An ideal technique should withstand a direct hit from the dumbest user...

A pleasant surprise is always better than an expected nuisance

Last Friday evening, Ukrainian scientists found a previously unknown reason...

Young people who turned 27 this year are cursed by order of the Minister of Defense

Doing something useful on the weekend is only possible if you marked Friday incorrectly.

Friday is a traveler for the nursery, and then - sweating and singing

No, the country will not become poor with fools... (M. Zadornov)

Einstein was right: weekends are relative.

For me, Friday is like a diagnosis. And if 7 Fridays happen in my week, it will become chronic. Olga Khamkova

Better a good Monday than a bad Friday.

On Friday, most often you want to drink. On Monday I most often want Friday

Only on Friday afternoon do you understand: in principle, you can live.

Friday is driver's day. And it’s Friday – it’s a sucker!

You need to live as if every day is Friday

Only on Friday afternoon do you understand: in principle, you can live

Friday – work is in full swing in the land of fools...

Thoughts from a hangover: Yesterday was Friday, tomorrow is Saturday... God, what about today?..

It is difficult to protect the liver from bad ecology. Especially on Fridays

Now I suddenly realized that this work week consisted of two Mondays and two Fridays...

Fools die on Fridays, and who else will die when there are two weekends ahead.

There were no signs of trouble. It was an ordinary day, Friday the 13th... Unknown author

It is especially bitter to realize that you are unemployed on a Friday evening.

Always give 100% at work! 12% on Monday, 23% on Tuesday, 40% on Wednesday, 20% on Thursday and 5% on Friday.

When a woman has seven Fridays a week, a man has not a single day off.

Don't be angry with her. She grew up without a mother... And on Fridays without a father...

On Monday I always feel like Robinson Crusoe. I really miss Friday.

As soon as higher education becomes paid, it ceases to be higher

The words “drunkard” and “Friday” are surprisingly close in meaning and spirit... Alexey Kalinin

Stumps of the week: bondage, fool, series, devil on top, prickly heat, freedom, limpness (the last two are useless, the rest are difficult).

Is your wife a boss? Today is Friday!..

Friday is not Saturday, the morning cannot be avoided.

Respect your neighbors! Don't die on Friday!

If before a guy driving a new foreign car was a real kid, now, girls, be careful: if a guy driving a new foreign car, he has a 5-year loan on him...

I love Monday - only three days until Friday (Aron Vigushin)

For some, Friday the 13th is an ordinary day, and for others it is an ordinary day, like Friday the 13th. Stepan Balakin

May Friday be with you, every working day!!! Unknown author

Is there anyone who doesn't like Friday? Perhaps not, Friday is almost everyone’s favorite day. The work week is over, and the weekend is ahead, a great opportunity to relax and have fun. Since Friday is everyone’s favorite day, it deserves our attention. We offer you a selection of aphorisms and sayings about Friday, set yourself “Friday” statuses, let them remind you that the long-awaited weekend is coming.

Of all the days of the week, Friday is the most loved. Not even Saturday or Sunday, but Friday. Because there are two whole days of weekend ahead. No matter how hard the work week is, on Friday evening everyone finds the strength to start the “Rest” program. The worst thing is Monday: the realization that the weekend has flown by and you need to work.

Everyone loves Friday, even stores have sales on Friday. The day of huge discounts is called Black Friday, this is perhaps the happiest day of the year for shopaholics, after all, on Friday sales you can buy branded items at a discount of up to 90%.

However, Friday is not always so welcoming; on the 13th it can also be insidious. Friday the 13th is endowed with mystical properties; the most mysterious and inexplicable events occur on this day. But for absent-minded people, Friday the 13th is a joy. Of course, there is something to attribute your clumsy actions to. Whatever you do on this day, and whatever happens, it is easiest to blame Friday the 13th.

You shouldn't look for a reason to drink on Friday. Friday is already a reason.

And every occasion, as you know, needs to be washed)))

Pyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! - the ass screamed and dragged me in an unknown direction...

If only I could bring it back before Monday...)))

Friday evening: your whole life is ahead of you!

Monday morning: your whole life is behind you)))

Only on Friday afternoon do you understand: in principle, you can live.

Understanding this goes away on Monday morning...)

Friday has arrived. I want to do a mischief, so much so that I feel ashamed at least until Wednesday...

What about Thursday? Let's do it until Thursday, there's no point in doing any mischief)

Friday... The losers are online, the rest are all offline.

But the losers won’t have a headache on Saturday))

Friday may be a small holiday, but it is permanent!

And most importantly, everyone celebrates it, regardless of place of residence and religion)

There were no signs of trouble. It was an ordinary day, Friday the 13th...

Black cats were running everywhere...)

Friday jokes

You can't work on Friday: Muslims have a holy day. You cannot work on Saturday: it is a holy day for the Jews. You cannot work on Sunday: Christians have a holy day. You can't work on Monday: Russians have a hard day.

Admit it, what do you have on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday? We urgently need to unload the week!)))

— Until what time will you be busy this Friday?
— This Friday I’m busy until Monday!

Friday and weekend are one!)

I worked hard today, and realized that today was Friday only when at 4 o’clock, shouting “Whoever is last is a sucker!” The director ran away.

Indeed, I've worked hard, usually you're the first to run away screaming like that...)))

You are late for work for the fifth day in a row. What conclusion do you want me to draw? - That today is Friday.

If I hadn’t been late, you would have been lost in days...)))

Today is Friday the 13th and witches will be flying around the city... mainly in Porshe, Lexus, Infinity.

All white power will fly on the subway...

The Friday dream is the most common among the working population. It starts on Monday and continues four days a week.

In general, it’s not a job, but a complete dream!

Pensioner Petrova named her daughter Friday, so as not to forget when “Field of Miracles” happened.

Along the way, she named her son Leonid, so as not to forget the name of the presenter...)

I don't understand how Friday the 13th can be a bad day. It's Friday!

Only Monday can be unlucky, no matter 13 or 23...)

Cool statuses

Friday traditionally began with a light dinner on Thursday and ended with a hearty breakfast on Monday.

What about lunch then, was it Tuesday?)

On Friday the 13th, witches, kikimores, hedgehog grandmothers, mermaids, furies, harpies, gorgons, vixens, Valkyries and other evil spirits get together and have a Sabbath. Just don’t confuse Friday, March 13th and March 8th...

Oh, I forgot that this is not the same holiday, I almost congratulated my wife on Friday the 13th!)

Monday morning began, as always, unexpectedly - after Friday evening.

Why are there Saturday and Sunday in the calendar, but I don’t have them?)))

We all work according to the Robinson Crusoe method - we are waiting for Friday!

Unlike Robinson Crusoe, she comes to us without any delay!

Friday, she is no longer a worker, but not yet a vacationer - in a word, a waiter.

But when she becomes a vacationer,

Thursday. I look at the clock - 16.00. I can barely restrain myself from shouting - Hurray! It's Friday in Vladivostok!

Once the New Year reaches us from Vladivostok, that means Friday will arrive!

That's it for the list of "What's the scariest thing?" ends...)

Yesterday was Friday, tomorrow is Saturday, and then what about today?


I love Monday - only three days until Friday.

And I absolutely love Thursday!)

People are having fun, Friday is coming to us!

If everyone is friendly and happy, it means that today is Friday!)

Payday on Friday is a blow to the liver.

Payday on Monday is a blow to self-control and conscience...)

The soul looked forward to Friday with admiration, and the liver and kidneys looked forward to Monday with horror.

If you start drinking green tea, your soul and liver will become one!)

The only thing better than Friday is Saturday.

Better than Saturday - only next Saturday!

Let everything in life pass by, except Fridays, money and intimacy.

It’s just that the money goes away with Friday...)

For 90% of people, their main dream is the arrival of Friday...

The remaining 10% are simply still very young and don’t know what Friday is...)

When you’re the only one in the queue on Friday evening who doesn’t buy alcohol, you just feel some kind of isolation from your native people...

Funny statuses about Friday

A large collection of funny statuses, aphorisms, quotes and poems about Friday.

P Weather forecast for Friday: cloudy, precipitation in the evening in the form of alcohol, sex possible.


N The food is moving at a snail's pace. But on Friday night the snail turns into a Ferrari.


IN Friday at 17:56 a letter arrives via the internal office mailing list marked “important”: “in four minutes a corkscrew will be needed.”


IN Friday evening I'll treat myself to a spa treatment. I'll come and go to sleep!


X Good thing it's Friday! Too bad it's only morning...

P Friday night!!! The brain screamed and took its ass off in an unknown direction...


P Friday the 13th is better than any Monday.

ABOUT It's especially bittersweet to realize you're unemployed on a Friday night

P Friday much can you drink?

P Friday night Smile Smiler.

N Hello, Friday. I crawled to you

TO If you start on Friday, that’s how you’ll spend the day off

WITH The worst day is Friday the thirteenth before working Saturday.

U We have only two real holidays - New Year and Friday.

U When I get home from work on Friday, I try not to run...


IN Friday evening you will understand that, in principle, you can live.


P Monday - Anti-Friday
Tuesday - Late Friday
Wednesday - Little Friday
Thursday - Big Friday
Friday - Good Friday
Saturday - Broad Friday
Sunday - Deep Friday


H Thursday I look at the clock - 16.00. I can barely restrain myself from shouting - Hurray! It's Friday in Vladivostok!


P rimeta: If you go to bed on Friday wearing boots, then on Sunday morning for some reason you will have a headache.


N Are people really so unhappy and brainless that they look forward to Friday just so that, freed from monotonous slavery, they can spend the evening in front of the TV with a can of beer in their hands?


TO Friday ready! There is a note with my address in my pocket... Just in case, a passport...


N and on the horizon - Friday,
the week has flown by
That's how life is -
just one moment
and as if blown away by the wind.


R Obinzon was happy about Friday even before it became mainstream.


AND Life begins on Friday evening... The rest of the time is survival.


IN Friday it’s hard to offend me -
On Friday I will forgive a lot.
I love any time of year
At the hour when Saturday is just around the corner.


IN Friday I promise myself not to go online on the weekend, but to go for a walk with friends, go to a cafe. But waking up on Saturday I realize that I have no friends, and no money for a cafe either.


TO Every Friday the number of people satisfied with their lives increases by a couple of billion. This effect lasts until Monday.


I I'm sitting on a bench
and I look around me.
What do I see, friends?
Friday is all around me!


WITH Today is FRIDAY, and tomorrow is a day off! I'm in a new dress, I'll go for a walk with you!


H What is snow for me, what is heat for me, what is vermouth on tap for me, when my friends are with me!


X already Friday the 13th can only be Friday the 8th of March!
Married man.


Z Arplata on Friday is a blow to the liver. Payday on Monday is a blow to self-control and conscience...


I-Friday! The world loves me so much!
I go on adventures after work
I am Friday, I am dance, laughter, I am feast:)
I'm warming up for a short Saturday!


P YATNITSA is a severe test for nerves and health. Nerves on this day are spent waiting for the end of the working day... Health - after you have waited!


P Friday... The losers are online, the rest are all offline. But the losers won't have a headache on Saturday...

E If on Friday evening you feed your conscience to its full with promises that from next Monday you will definitely begin a new bright, sinless life, then your conscience will sleep sweetly all weekend without disturbing you even once.


WITH From Friday to Monday we scatter our time and waste millions of money.


WITH no matter how much you pay the employee, he still waits for Friday


N what... FRIDAY... let's drink beer according to common sense?


WITH Today the sky is cloudy again with rain,
People hide under umbrellas from bad weather,
Dirty, wet, like chickens -
But happy ones... Because it's Friday!


IN We are all just kids pretending to be professionals at work, but in reality we are waiting for Friday to be ourselves!


N The arcologist sent me to a psychiatrist after I stated that I would stop drinking not on Monday, but on Friday evening...


G Lord give me the strength not to get drunk! And if I get drunk, then make sure I don’t dance; if your strength isn’t enough and I still start dancing, at least try to make sure I don’t sing! And if this fails, break the YouTube server to hell!


I I worked hard today, and realized that today was Friday only when at 4 o’clock, shouting “Whoever is last is a sucker!” The director ran away.


P For some reason I don’t want to do anything on Friday. Although on other days I also want to, but on Friday I want to do nothing especially strongly.


WITH Fishing “Friday” and “control” are incompatible.


Z I wanted something tasty - probably beer.


H a bowl of chocolate with marshmallows,
Enjoying the series with Jon Snow.
Friday, it happens like that
It's a pity that Monday is coming quickly...


-P o Fridays, what are you doing at home?
- Absent.


P WARNING: Excessive consumption of... Alcohol. makes YOUR Friday... AWESOME.


IN We are all Friday-philes and Monday-phobes.


IN our days, the Strugatsky brothers would not write “Monday begins on Saturday,” but “Friday ends on Sunday.”


With Today is Friday and tomorrow
and tomorrow is Friday again
Yes, I'm tired of it as much as I can
Robinson shouted capriciously


P on Fridays I walk around like a rock star... well, a very poor rock star who was kicked out of the band a long time ago for drunkenness...


WITH Today is Friday the 13th and witches will be flying around the city... mainly in Porshe, Lexus, Infinity.
All white power will fly on the subway...


TO end of the week - Friday has arrived,
And tomorrow will be a day off.
After all, the work has already rubbed a callus
And hemorrhoids came out of the seat...


M Friday dreams are the most common among the working population. It starts on Monday and continues four days a week. In general, it’s not a job, but a complete dream!


N and nothing excites the imagination like Friday.


ABOUT Friday was great! The Russian folk skating on police bobbies was especially memorable!


P congratulations on the national holiday
Grace comes to people's homes
- What kind of holiday?
- Friday today!
It's a shame citizens don't know!


B I won't drink anymore. I definitely won’t because of you. I won't do that much. Never. Until Friday...


WITH Monday to Friday
our life is a complete mess.
And it's a different story
from Friday to Monday.


WITH old age is when Friday comes and you feel like “so what.”


M not today it's fun from the very morning!
After all, today is FRIDAY - time to rest!
All matters have been postponed. Really, I'm not kidding!
I'll relax with my girlfriends and move mountains!


TO Friday ready! My mobile is charged, my balance is topped up, there’s a note in my pocket with my address...


M We were born to celebrate Friday
It’s also an honor to spend Saturday.
And don’t forget to meet Sunday -
We have to continue living all week.


P Friday night... Olya was reading Pushkin, Tanya was doing cross stitch, Sveta and Ira were playing chess, Alena was playing solitaire, and all because Valya didn’t make it to the store before 21:00...


AND let them repeat that I am a drunkard, and let them talk all sorts of nonsense. It will definitely be Friday, in spite of all the bosses!


P The government wants to ban the sale of alcohol on Friday. Why, almighty ones, ban Friday itself. NaH she is so needed...


- WITH If only the working day would end!
- I wish it was Friday!
- It would be summer soon!
- Why did life pass so quickly?


P rimeta: If your wife doesn’t talk to you in the morning, it means yesterday was Friday.


P Friday is when everyone on social networks exchanges not cups of coffee, but glasses of beer!


R working is a waste and thinking is lazy.
Bream with beer is waiting and can’t wait...
“And the day lasts longer than a century”
which is called Friday!


P The plan for the week “Wait for Friday” is completed! Now you can rest with a clear conscience.


ABOUT Dean the wizard told me a secret that you can turn Thursday into Friday by simply buying a bottle of vodka in the supermarket...


P Friday is when the contrasting SOUL of our life became WARM...


IN It's nice to drink on Friday... On other days too. It’s not a matter of days at all...


P Yatnitsa or Pitnitsa - that is the question

P the plaintiff comes unnoticed - on the night from Friday to Monday...

N You shouldn't look for a reason to drink on Friday. Friday is already a reason.

WITH Is it any coincidence that the words “drunkard” and “Friday” sound similar?

P Yatnitsa is a mourning day of farewell to the working week. Therefore, you can understand people who sometimes get drunk from grief.

AND Friday came... And asked:
- Is there a reason? What if I find it?

IN Friday night the girls should be drinking...

U ra! It's finally Friday, Saturday and Sunday!

IN People's holiday - FRIDAY!!!

IN On Fridays, I most often feel like drinking. On Monday I most often want Friday.

WITH anonymous words Friday:
1) Pitnitsa
2) Tyapnitsa
3) Friday

P Friday! It's time to experiment with the body

P On Fridays I return late, at four o'clock on Saturday. And I immediately want to sleep.

U went to meet the weekend!

Z apoy is when you have seven Fridays in a week.

IN The Friday toast at work should be short, otherwise there will be no time left for rest!

N New anti-alcohol campaign - turning off ICQ and social networks on Fridays to complicate communication between drinking buddies...

P Friday is a pig day.

P Why is it that everyone’s contact statuses about Friday are related to alcohol, that no one goes to the theater or cinema on Fridays anymore?
Of course they go, but after drinking heavily before...

E If you don’t leave work now, Pyatnizzo will pick you up!

IN This is how we live: from Friday to Friday...

P Yatnitsa is a holiday that is usually celebrated on Saturday and Sunday. On Monday it is customary to wait for Friday in the morning, and on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday they especially wait for Friday, trying to postpone all important matters until next week

D The ear looked forward to Friday with admiration, and the liver and kidneys looked forward to Monday with horror.

IN Friday night? Drunken parties, noisy parties in a club, roads, light flirting, alcoholic eclipse. Well, what about me? I'm rolling around the apartment on a chair...

IN It seems like we come to work to work. But Friday confidently proves the opposite...

U There are more and more Fridays this week...

P The first person to enjoy Friday was Robinson Crusoe.

T I just got ready for work - and suddenly it’s Friday again, rest again... It’s always like this!

T You are late for work for the fifth day in a row. So today is Friday.

P Only those who study on Saturday don't like Friday

Z hello Friday, sorry Saturday, I probably won't remember you

P Yatnitsa may be a small holiday, BUT IT IS WEEKLY!!

T ore to protect the liver from bad ecology. Especially on Fridays

E it can happen to anyone! A box of vodka attacked two men on Friday and took their entire salary!

P Friday... the squirrels are watching you

WITH Tarin Russian holiday "Friday"....celebrated for 3 days

P Friday is the long-awaited day of choice. Fresh from the shower or steamed from the refrigerator!!!

WITH Fishing “Friday” and “control” are incompatible.

IN Last Friday evening, Ukrainian scientists found a previously unknown reason...

T Only on Friday afternoon will you understand: in principle, you can live

E If you start walking on Friday evening, then the week will be eight days: five working days and three weekends

Cool poems about Saturday and Sunday

Who doesn't love Friday? Probably only those who study or work on Saturdays. For everyone else, this day of the week is the last working day, and therefore the first day off. From this day on, people begin to celebrate the weekend. Some celebrate to the point that they only wake up on Monday. Start preparing for the end of the work week at the very beginning. Choose a cool status about Friday and publish it on your social network page. You can choose directly on this entertainment portal. Here we have posted statuses only about Friday, so you don't have to search all over the Internet for a funny status. To publish or send to friends as moral support.

I worked hard today, and realized that today was Friday only when at 4 o’clock, shouting “Whoever is last is a sucker!” the director ran away

The soul was waiting for Friday with admiration, and the liver and kidneys were waiting for Monday with horror.

Monday morning began, as always, unexpectedly - after Friday evening.

We all work according to the Robinson Crusoe method - we are waiting for Friday!

It is difficult to protect the liver from bad ecology. Especially on Fridays

Cool status about Friday: Only Saturday is better than Friday

The scribe comes unnoticed - on the night from Friday to Monday...

If you have a pack of cigarettes in your pocket and a bottle of red wine in your bag during class, then Friday starts with a bang.

This can happen to anyone! A box of vodka attacked two men on Friday and took their entire salary!

Yesterday was Friday, tomorrow is Saturday, and then what about today?

On Thursday I drank, on Friday I drank, on Saturday I drank, and on Sunday I slept, but I dreamed that I drank!

Thursday is good because after Friday comes Saturday. Remember this on Wednesday =))

If earlier people dreamed of reaching the stars, now for many it is enough to hold out until Friday evening

Cool status about Friday: Let everything in life pass by, except Fridays, money and intimacy.

I won't drink anymore. I definitely won’t because of you. I won't do that much. Never. Until Friday...

On Friday, I promise myself not to go online on the weekend, but to go for a walk with friends, go to a cafe. But waking up on Saturday I realize that I have no friends, and no money for a cafe either.

If you start drinking on Friday evening, then the week will be eight days: five workdays and three weekends.

Eh, it’s not in vain... It’s not in vain that Robinson called his friend Friday, otherwise all Saturday and Sunday, and Saturday and Sunday - and you could get drunk as hell!

Is it a coincidence that the words “drunkard” and “Friday” sound similar?

You are late for work for the fifth day in a row. What conclusion do you want me to draw? - That today is Friday.

Friday! It's time to experiment with the body.

Pensioner Petrova named her daughter Friday, so as not to forget when “Field of Miracles” happened.

Thoughts from a hangover: “Yesterday was Friday, tomorrow is Saturday... God, what about today?..”

Only on Friday afternoon do you understand: in principle, you can live.

I don’t drink anymore... finally! - What's wrong? - I returned from work on Friday, tired as a dog. I decided to stay at home, dived under the covers and drank a whole bottle of cognac. - So what? - I was later seen in three restaurants wearing that blanket...

I ask you to consider the conscience lost from Friday to Saturday invalid.

Cool status about Friday: When leaving work, I try my best not to run...

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