Conclusions on the practice of a student teacher. Report on teaching practice

When studying at a pedagogical university comes to its logical conclusion, all students have to put into practice the knowledge acquired over the years of study. As in any university, in order to receive the coveted diploma, students have to write and defend, but in order to receive admission to defend, first of all, they need to submit a report on teaching practice.

The place of pre-diploma can be either high schools, technical schools, colleges or other universities. At this time, students have to apply all their theoretical knowledge so as not to lose face and show their best sides. A report on teaching practice is the last step that needs to be overcome on the path to independent work as a teacher. The experience gained is very important for the student to become a real specialist.

It is important to understand that teaching practice is not only about conducting lessons and communicating with schoolchildren or students, but also about keeping records in special diaries, drawing up reports, and consulting with teaching methodologists. A report on teaching practice at school has its own nuances, since, among other things, it also requires drawing up a calendar of extracurricular activities, etc. Teaching at a university has its own characteristics.

In order to compile a complete report on teaching practice that will comply with all accepted standards, you should prepare a workbook, a pedagogical diary, and a description of the class, the student, and one student. First of all, you need to get to work. On it you need to indicate your data, the name of the teacher with whom you completed your internship, and the name of the internship supervisor.

It is also necessary to give a brief but meaningful analysis of the entire practice. Here it is worth mentioning what new knowledge and skills were acquired, how difficult it was to establish contact with students. Don’t forget about the moments that caused the most difficulties in your work, as well as the actions taken to get out of the current situation. It is important to indicate whether assistance was provided by the teacher.

A report on teaching practice at a university is compiled in almost the same way as at school. Here, too, it is necessary to keep a pedagogical diary, note in it the results of work with the experimental class, and analyze the activities of students. Also, one should not lose sight of such an important part of the work as collecting information and data necessary for writing

A report on teaching practice cannot be complete without compiling a profile for the selected student and the entire class. You must include a workbook with a summary of all lessons taught. The main text of the report is written based on these records. Also attached is a testimonial for the intern, written by the teacher with whom the internship is taking place. It is certified by the seal of the school director. The internship report is submitted to the university immediately after completion and no later than on the 10th day.

Report from student intern E. V. Pinchuk on teaching practice

In the period from February 14 to March 12, I, Ekaterina Vladimirovna Pinchuk, underwent teaching practice at gymnasium No. 10 in Gomel.

Section I. Educational work on the subject

I attended 6 lessons of the Russian language and literature, of which: lessons on learning new material, combined lessons, a lesson on consolidating the material learned, a lesson on monitoring and correcting knowledge, skills and abilities. The following methodological techniques were used in these classes: blitz survey, frontal survey, conversation, teacher’s word, reproductive and analytical questions, written and oral tests, work with a textbook, conversation with survey elements, vocabulary dictation, commented dictation, test dictation, creative dictation , punched cards, cards with an individual task, introductory speech, instant knowledge testing (dictation in the diagram), verbal drawing, oral illustration, final questions, working with an algorithm and a table. All of the above methodological techniques were used by me in subsequent work.

I taught lessons in 6 “A”, “B” and “C” classes. All classes demonstrated satisfactory discipline. The performance of classes is reflected in gradations of letters, from the first to the highest - “A”, “B”, “C”. Overall, achievement is above average in all three classes. In my practice, there were no significant problems with establishing discipline in the above-mentioned classes; equally, the level of academic performance fully satisfied my requirements, allowing me to implement any planned lesson in each of the classes.

I taught 12 lessons during the entire period of practice. Such types of lessons as studying new material, combined lessons, lessons on consolidating the material studied, and lessons on generalizing and systematizing knowledge were present in my practice.

2 test lessons were held: Russian language, topic: “Spelling not with adjectives”, Russian literature, topic: “M. Yu. Lermontov. Lesson-presentation." These lessons were rated very highly.

Preparation for the upcoming lessons took place according to the following algorithm:

1. Consultation with a teacher-methodologist on preparing the upcoming lesson.

2. Understanding the content of the lesson being prepared using the curriculum, textbooks and other teaching aids.

3. Clear definition of the topic, goals and objectives.

4. Development of a detailed lesson plan.

5. Selection of necessary educational and visual aids.

6. Special work on mastering (memorizing) the content of the lesson plan through its repeated active reproduction.

7. Three or four times “playing” the content and all methodological elements of the lesson.

I used this algorithm to the fullest. In my opinion, there cannot be the most effective elements here: they stem from each other, one point is not possible without the other.

I used Makarenko’s pedagogical ideas, namely: any child who is offended or spoiled by the abnormal conditions of his life can correct himself, provided that a favorable environment is created and the correct methods of education are applied. In practice, I did not put pressure on class 6 “A” student Maxim Lyuty, despite the fact that I was warned about regular bad behavior. I adopted the psychological ideas of P.F. Kapterev, namely: we can say that the child works most mentally when he feels the most... The second moment of thought processes - the processing of the received sensation - is weakly expressed in children, because children do not conditions necessary for it. To vigorously carry out these moments, a significant and systematized stock of ideas is already required. In practice, it was used as follows: the teacher’s word about the similarity of sensations associated with weather phenomena and mental and emotional experiences, thus revealing the essence of the artistic technique of landscape. The methodological technique of oral illustration is also a bridge between the empirical and the rational in the lesson. As for the main methodological principle that I use, this is Buslaev’s requirement for teaching methods: “raising forms to clear consciousness.” In practice, this credo was implemented by me as a thorough explanation of one or another linguistic fact and subsequent implementation of exercises with comments and explanation.

I had the opportunity to work in parallel classes, and I realized this opportunity. The attitude toward working in parallel classes was positive. When conducting a lesson a second time using one outline plan, it allows you to correct the shortcomings of the prepared plans, in particular the sense of time frame. A specific example would be conducting a literature lesson on the topic: “A.S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”.” In the first lesson, I did not have time to comment on the homework, ask final questions, or say the final word. In subsequent lessons this problem was solved.

In the process of conducting training sessions, I acquired the following professional and pedagogical skills: planning my work to guide the educational and extracurricular activities of students, the ability to distinguish between science and an academic subject, carry out didactic processing of scientific material and teaching material; mentally put yourself in the position of a student; find contact, common language and the right tone with different people in different circumstances; win over students,, if necessary, rebuild relationships with the team and individual students, find an individual approach to them.

I attended 13 lessons of student interns. The lessons were analyzed by me in the practice diary.

In my educational work with students, I encountered such difficulties as lack of preparation and lack of discipline. I was quite well prepared for practice in my subject, psychology, pedagogy and methodology. My suggestions for improving this training: regarding the methodology of teaching Russian literature, it is necessary to introduce and decipher such a concept as working with a textbook, and I also consider it necessary to teach, first of all, standard lessons, and lastly, non-traditional, innovative ones.

Section II. Educational work according to class management

6 “A” class, in which I did my internship in classroom management, is distinguished by maturity, intelligence, discipline, resourcefulness, and readiness to experiment. During the observation, and also taking into account the results of the “Sociometry” analysis, we can say that the class is quite friendly, relatively cohesive (GCI = 0.58). The features of the class have had a positive impact on my extracurricular work: students are always happy about any event, treat important class topics with respect and seriousness, and are easily ready to rearrange their schedules for an unscheduled event.

The educational work of the class teacher included: visiting and analyzing the lessons of other teachers in the assigned class for the purpose of general acquaintance with the class, academic performance, and discipline of students; visiting and analyzing extracurricular activities in order to perceive samples of teaching activities; studying student performance using the class log; working with a class asset; visiting and analyzing extracurricular activities conducted by student trainees of the subgroup; carrying out their educational activities; analysis of the class teacher's educational work plan.

Team unity is a leading educational task that was solved in the process of practice. The results are satisfactory: boys and girls, who predominantly communicate with classmates of the same sex, are less embarrassed to enter into friendly contact between classmates of the opposite sex.

I held an extracurricular event on the topic: “What are our boys made of? What are our girls made of? The leading educational task was reflected in this event. Relationships between girls and boys have improved in the classroom. This event was a test, rated by the class teacher as 10 points. While conducting extracurricular activities, specifically, I learned to look for an individual approach to some students.

Individual work was carried out with students - a conversation. She had a positive influence on their upbringing. We mainly talked about the causes of conflicts within classes. The students discovered something for themselves, realized something.

The skills and abilities in classroom management that I acquired: communication skills with children, organizational skills, creating a general favorable psychological climate in the team, assisting students in the formation of communicative qualities, analyzing and assessing the level of education of students and the entire class staff, studying and analysis of the development of the classroom team.

Among the difficulties that occurred in classroom management practice, I would include

The establishment of optimal teacher-student relationships and the formation of moral meanings and spiritual guidelines in students, this is due to the lack of authority at my current age.

Section III. Psychological and pedagogical study of students

The specific work that was carried out on the psychological and pedagogical study of students was as follows:

1. Visiting and analyzing lessons in an assigned class in order to collect factual material about academic performance, discipline, attitude towards the subjects being studied, etc. for writing a psychological and pedagogical description.

2. Conversations with subject teachers and the class teacher about the student being studied

3. Conversations with the student being studied, the active members of the class, separate groups of students on various issues of study, participation in the life of the school and class, interpersonal relationships of students, etc.

4. Observations of the student being studied as a whole in various situations.

5. Observations of an individual student during his own educational work.

6. Conducting surveys and testing the student being studied. Recording the results.

7. Studying the student’s progress data using the class register.

Methods of studying students that I used in practice: observation, conversation, method of analyzing products and performance results, questionnaire, sociometry, Eysenck’s personality questionnaire, Philips’ method of diagnosing the level of school anxiety, method of competent assessments and independent characteristics, self-esteem research using the Dembo method Rubinshtein, differential diagnostic questionnaire E.A. Klimova.

The factual material based on the results of the methods carried out is reflected in the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student of the 6th “A” class of Mantsurovsky Roman. In general: quiet, modest phlegmatic, passive, stable, with a low level of anxiety, purposeful, average level of development, above average academic performance.

Section IV. Development of professional and pedagogical personal properties and qualities

At the beginning of my practice, I felt shortcomings in my personal qualities regarding temperament and endurance. During the practice period, work on these shortcomings bore fruit: no external expression of negative emotions.

The practice had a positive impact on the development of my professional and personal qualities and properties.

Section V. General conclusions and proposals

The quality and efficiency of practice is at the highest level. The degree of mastery of pedagogical skills as a whole has progressed significantly; some components can only be honed (communication with the class, individual approach to students), while others can be developed (lack of fear of the class, rate of speech, literacy).

To improve university preparation for teaching, the following suggestions: discussion with students of real situations and affairs of modern schools. The proposals for improving the practice itself are as follows: it is necessary to increase the duration of practice, in particular the starting passive stage.


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Characteristics of a 4th year student of the Faculty of Philology and Journalism of IKBFU. I. Kant
Lavrenchuk Natalia Stanislavovna

Lavrenchuk Natalya Stanislavovna completed her teaching practice at MAOU Gymnasium No. 22 in Kaliningrad from February 13 to March 7, 2013.

During the period of internship at school, she taught Russian language lessons in 7th grade “G” according to the S.I. program. Lvova and V.V. Lvov.

Natalya Stanislavovna demonstrated good knowledge of Russian language teaching methods and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. In the process of work, I used different methods of presenting material: individual, group, written and oral. Each lesson was systematically covered from class to class on the basis of outline plans prepared on the basis of a teaching aid and textbook. Conducted 6 Russian language lessons in 7th grade “G” on the topics: “Adverbs in the text”, “Adverbs in phrases and sentences”, Generalization on the topic “Adverbs”, “Preparation for the test dictation”, “Service parts of speech. Pretext". She also gave two lessons on speech development. The test lesson was on the topic: “Generalization about adverbs.”

Natalya Stanislavovna proved herself to be a diligent and responsible teacher. She managed to attract the class's attention to the subject of the Russian language and maintain an atmosphere of internal discipline and goodwill. The students took an active part in the dialogue with the teacher: they worked at the blackboard, answered questions, and did their homework. Natalya Stanislavovna paid special attention to the development of students’ speech in the lesson on “Preparation for a concise presentation.” She showed active participation in the formation of students’ creative thinking. Conducted a group analysis of social activity and class success.

Natalya Stanislavovna always responded to the teacher’s requests, providing assistance in organizing the work of the class during the forced absence of the teacher.

The student completed the teaching practice in full.
The rating for teaching practice is 5 (excellent).

Director of MAOU Gymnasium No. 22 N.N. Spiegel

Teacher of Russian language and literature A.A. Konyukhova

Report on the completion of teaching practice
Lavrenchuk Natalya Stanislavovna from 02/22/2013 to 03/7/2013.

During my internship, I learned to systematically organize a lesson plan, manage time rationally, and freely navigate the educational material during the lesson. A very important test for me was maintaining inner peace and developing stress resistance. Since there were several emotionally charged situations in the relationship between the class and the teacher, I needed to keep myself in a calm and confident state of mind in order to pull myself together and teach classes. Another very important skill that I have worked on developing is holding the attention of the audience. I think that I managed to “once again” awaken the children’s interest in the Russian language. I hope that I was able to repeat and explain to the children the material on the topic “adverbs” and “functional parts of speech” in a clear and accessible form, and attract their interest in the development of creative thinking when performing a summary of the text. Practice became an excellent opportunity for me to review previously studied theoretical material.

Report on teaching practice

Trial lessons in elementary school”

The most important phenomenon in

school, the most instructive

the most living thing

an example for the student is

the teacher himself.

A. Diesterweg

I, Ivanchik Olga Gennadievna, gave trial lessons at school No. 11 in Lida in class 3 “B” with teacher Olga Olegovna Novikova.

Throughout the practice I:

Developed the ability to manage students’ independent activities.

Armed myself with the ability to reasonedly analyze the lessons taught.

I learned to correctly form and define goals and objectives, building the most important stages of the lesson.

Mastered the skills of planning a lesson topic.

I learned to choose the right methods and techniques at each stage of the lesson, contributing to the development of independent and creative thinking.

From the first day we began giving lessons at school, and also observed the lessons taught by the other trainees. Olga Olegovna received us warmly and throughout the practice she showed us how to treat children, gave useful advice on conducting lessons, and we, in turn, learned how to give lessons correctly. We listened, observed all this and wrote analyzes of the lessons, and at the end of each analysis we made a conclusion about the lesson conducted, its structure, the behavior of the children and their activity.

In the first days of practice it was difficult for us, since we did not yet know the children and their level of development. Giving the first lessons in this class, we were afraid that the children would not understand the way we presented the material, we behaved insecurely, and were afraid of not meeting the deadline. Although not everyone was able to give a good lesson right away, we tried and improved. The teacher was a great help to us. She gave us advice, directions, and pointed out our mistakes. During the lesson, she sometimes corrected some of the trainees.

Each of the trainees in their lessons tried to give the children as much knowledge as possible and presented the material in a form that was interesting for children. Every lesson taught by the trainees was somehow interesting to the children. The trainees tried to conduct their lessons in an accessible, interesting way.

The lessons were well organized, important points in the lesson were clearly emphasized, and visual aids were used in each lesson.

The effectiveness of using visual aids in the classroom is evidenced by the results of students’ knowledge, which in most cases we were satisfied with.

We are convinced that the teacher must be in control of the situation that occurs in the lesson, and the attitude towards children must be respectful. Good nature and optimism on the part of the teacher play an important role. In turn, we tried to find and develop creativity in children, this mainly manifested itself in drawing and Russian language lessons.

Physical exercises played an important role in the lessons. They contributed to the preservation and strengthening of students’ health and the formation of

healthy lifestyle. We also taught healthy lifestyles in physical education classes.

All lessons were individual in their own way. The lessons were structured methodically correctly, we achieved our goals during the lesson, skillfully handled the children, and mastered the necessary material. They did everything to interest the children, and to ensure that not a single child sat idle.

Maria Dubeiko gave an interesting lesson on the Belarusian language. The lesson was conducted in the form of a trip.

High-quality visual material was used. Masha felt confident in the lessons and had a good command of the material

Olga Zakharevich always felt confident and clearly presented the necessary material, so everything was clear to the children. There was always discipline, the children did not make noise. I really liked the lesson on literary reading that Olya Zakharevich gave. At the beginning there was a crossword puzzle, the answers to which were fragments from read fairy tales. The lesson presented interesting material about the biography of the writer. Olya held an exhibition of the author’s books and a conversation with the class about the works they had read. Each child read a lot of fairy tales and worked actively in the lesson. They shared their impressions and spoke very emotionally. It was clear that the children enjoyed reading the stories.

Ivan Ambrazhuk was always confident in his lessons. The children worked actively, as interesting tasks were selected that were accessible and understandable to the children. Ivan had a particularly bright and memorable lesson in fine arts. In this lesson, Ivan tried to show all the beauty of the nature around us. The topic was: “Drawing flowers from life.” Therefore, during the lesson, the children talked about the appearance of flowers, their varieties and their role in human life. Vanya tried to give examples from his own life, that is, he connected the lesson with an environment close to each child, namely with the world that surrounds each child in everyday life. The lesson was conducted in an interesting way, various types of work were used: composing proverbs and explaining their meaning, listening to riddles and answering questions about them, children remembering songs that contain lines about flowers. At the end of the lesson there was an exhibition of works.

Each of us tried hard during the lessons. But it should also be noted that the children also tried. The children behaved well, treated us with respect and perceived us as teachers. At each lesson, physical education sessions were held, the children were monitored for proper seating, and their health was monitored.

With every day spent at school, we began to feel more confident, communicated more freely with children, and they got used to us.

On the last day of practice, when we said goodbye to the students, they did not want to let us go, they told us to come again.

The lessons conducted organized the educational activities of students in the classroom, taking into account the psychological and pedagogical patterns, individual and age characteristics of each student. Methods and techniques corresponded to the content of the material, goals, and objectives of each lesson.

Appropriate use of visual aids. Using ways in the classroom that help increase the creative and cognitive activity of students. Development of observation, accuracy, discipline, logical thinking. The sequence of using tasks and exercises to develop skills and abilities.

As for me, before practice I set myself some goals and objectives, namely:

The fact that the main goal of practice is the formation of professional traits. During the practice, the following tasks are solved:

Consolidation, deepening and enrichment of methodological and special knowledge, their application in solving specific problems;

Formation and development of professional skills;

Development of professional personal properties and qualities (ability to show restraint; tact; humane attitude; culture of communication, etc.);

Fostering sustainable interest, love for the profession and the need for self-education;

Development of a creative and research approach to professional activities;

Familiarization with modern professional experience.

For all the lessons I taught, I received good grades (9 and 10).

I really like teaching fine arts lessons, because it is in this lesson that children can create, come up with something new, fantasize, children have the opportunity to reveal their abilities and express themselves.

But I especially liked giving lessons in mathematics. The children worked so actively that they even managed to solve additional tasks. The whole class raised their hands, everyone wanted to be at the blackboard.

As for Russian language lessons, the children’s favorite task was finding and correcting errors in poetry.

All my lessons included visual material, and the lessons were conducted in the form of travel or research - the teacher praised me for this, she liked the visuals (drawings, diagrams) that I used in the lesson.

This practice has given me a lot. I realized that how we teach children is how they will behave in the future. After all, a child is a mirror that reflects both family and education received at school.

There is no need to scold children, you need to select tasks to interest them.

I think that the internship role is an indispensable experience for further professional growth. It shows the student a clear example and allows him to develop skills for further development in the profession of TEACHER. I want to end my report with the words of L.N. Tolstoy:

“Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has the inner confidence that he is, must be and cannot be otherwise. This confidence is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices a person makes to his calling.”

Stage 1: Study of the educational institution, class, students; formulation of the purpose of educational work.

From February 2 to March 22, she underwent teaching practice as an assistant class teacher and English teacher at the A.V. Koltsova with in-depth study of English in grade 5 “A”. I got acquainted with class and school documentation (class magazine, annual curriculum, school curriculum). I got acquainted with the class. At the first meeting, I conducted a self-presentation and survey in order to identify the children’s creative abilities, interests, motives, etc. According to the survey, I was able to collect the information necessary for further acquaintance and communication with the class. In my opinion, the following data turned out to be very important for me:

There are 22 children in the class, of which 11 are boys and 11 are girls. Most of the children were born in 1998. They have been studying together for 5 years. In general, children are raised in prosperous families. There are two excellent students in the class, 10 good students, and 10 C students. Most children go to music school and play several musical instruments. 1 boy attends the boxing section, the rest of the boys and girls take an active part in school Olympiads in physical education.

In the first week of teaching practice, I was not an active participant in the teaching process, but was just an observer. According to my observations, children are active in the lessons, but they do not always perceive the material to the extent that is required of them. This is explained by the fact that children do not know how to work together. According to testing to identify the level of school motivation, which I conducted with schoolchildren, it turned out that half of them did not develop it. This rather stems from the periodic failure of schoolchildren to attend classes due to illness. The English teacher constantly has to catch up with children who were sick, which creates the impression of monotony. In general, students know each other well and relations between them are friendly. They are very active during breaks.

Class teacher Tatyana Alekseevna Zavalina is an experienced teacher and master of her craft, and enjoys unquestioned authority among students.

In general, according to sociometric data, the class structure is as follows: “Stars” (2), “Preferred” (7), “Neglected” (11), Isolated” (2). There are no “rejects” in the class.

As such, the groups are poorly expressed. Most students are united in their groups of 2-3 people.

After the first acquaintance with the class, I tried to use different communication styles in my work (authoritarian, democratic, liberal), but the most productive for this class, contingent and age of students turned out to be the authoritarian style of communication and only with some students the democratic one.

Based on the analysis of the results of observations, conversations with the class and the class teacher, I identified the following goals of educational work in this class:

1) Development of educational motivation in schoolchildren

2) Organization of productive interaction with the class

Based on the results of self-analysis, I came to the conclusion that the leading tactic for organizing productive interaction with the class would be dialogic communication on the part of an adult.

Stage 2 – search for content, forms, and types of pedagogical activities to achieve the goal.

To achieve productive interaction with students, I used a person-oriented approach in education, within which the subject-subject relationship between teacher and student prevailed. The focus of the person-centered approach is the unique, holistic personality of a growing person, who strives for maximum realization of his capabilities (self-actualization), is open to the perception of new experiences, and is capable of making conscious and responsible choices in a variety of life situations. The key words of the person-oriented approach in education are “development”, “personality”, “individuality”, “freedom”, “independence”, “creativity”. It was towards them that I sought to direct the pedagogical process.

In her work at the English language lesson, she used individual (in the process of developing monologue speech - retelling texts in the lesson), group (development of dialogic speech) and collective forms of teaching (discussions on the topic of a healthy lifestyle). The educational complex, through which students learn the English language, allows the use of all of the above forms of education. The educational complex includes: Student's book (Textbook for 5th grade schools with in-depth study of the English language. Vereshchagina, Afanasyeva), Work book (workbook for the textbook), Reader (reading book), audio disc.

I consider my main task in the classroom as a teacher to be to help students master the current educational material in English as successfully as possible.

For the purpose of personality-oriented education, I tried to develop the cognitive interest of students, form logical and systematic thinking, and reflection.

To achieve the goals, I relied on the following principles:

Scientific principle ( tried to present the material in a logical sequence, as concisely and accessiblely as possible )

The principle of visibility. She encouraged the use of tables, charts, graphs, pictures in the English lesson, in her work she used multimedia presentations in the English lesson on the topic “Indirect Speech”, used presentations when semantizing new vocabulary, and during extracurricular activities.

The principle of systematic reflection . When working on mistakes, she invited students to analyze their own mistakes and answers in class.

The principle of targeted training in group work skills in joint activities, cooperation, partnership, dialogical communication from the position of an “Adult”. I tried to diversify the types of group work in the lesson for the most effective learning of the material. When working in collaboration, I tried to encourage children to jointly solve a problem, taking into account the opinion of each student, thereby developing school motivation, motivation in learning English; work in partnership was carried out in the development of dialogical speech (dialogues on everyday topics), where students acted as communication partners, playing different social roles. During dialogical communication from the position of an “Adult,” I established close emotional contact with students, observed their reactions, behavior, and habits.

At this stage, I tried to analyze my activities as a teacher and came to the following conclusions:

1) In the first week of teaching practice, I managed to convey the readiness for cooperation, but I was not able to organize it fully. As I described above the features of this class, the children are not used to working productively together. The children are accustomed to the authoritarian style of communication of their teacher, so the opinions of each other as a team or group do not play a role for them in their work, the leading role belongs to the teacher.

Communication from the position of an adult at first was a somewhat blurry idea for me, the parent’s position dominated to a greater extent, however, having studied each student more closely, I was able to find an approach to each one, more formally approaching the student not just as a child, but as a student-subject of pedagogical activity ,an active participant in the pedagogical process.

She achieved student activity in different ways: by striving for distance and rigor, on the one hand, on the other hand, she used various pedagogical methods. The method of communicative attack turned out to be the most successful when introducing new educational material. Students willingly answered questions asked of them and expressed their opinions on the topic healthy lifestyle.

Speech behavior had a huge impact on contact and cooperation with students. Questioning intonation, expressions of surprise, admiration, and indignation in the voice were reflected in different ways on the behavior of students. Along with speech behavior, various pedagogical techniques and incentives played an important role. Encouraging incentives and praise incentives turned out to be the most effective in the pedagogical process. During the lesson, I invited the student to learn a dialogue and give 3 A's if he told it in pairs with different students. He took it quite well. seriously and instead of one dialogue, I learned 3, which was not required at all. However, in some cases it was not possible to do without coercive stimuli. Quite complex grammatical material on the topic “Indirect Speech” required special attention on the part of the students, and on the part of the teacher, quite strict control over performing exercises on this topic.

At this stage, I was planning to hold an event dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. The form of this event is a class hour on the topic “Siege of Leningrad” in 5th grade.


1. Getting to know the history of your country

  1. Fostering patriotism, a sense of pride for your country, for your people.


1. Introduce the children to the concept of blockade;

2. Introduce us to a terrible period in the life of our country based on videos.

3. Arouse in children a sense of compassion and pride for the resilience of their people during the siege of Leningrad and throughout the Great Patriotic War by showing multimedia presentations with photographs on military topics.

The topic of the event turned out to be very relevant for students, since the school held a month dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the victory from February 1 to March 1. At the event, students showed interest in this topic. During the class hour, I used audio and video materials for clarity, where I presented most of the information on this topic. I tried to keep my speech to a minimum, making logical transitions from one video to another. The goal of my speech was to generalize as much as possible, to focus attention on the most important points, to encourage children to perceive this topic, relying more on the visual image. The tempo of speech and intonation are aimed at compassion for all victims of the siege of Leningrad; vivid emotionality gives birth to memorable images of participants in the Great Patriotic War in the imagination of children.

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