X. Development of phonemic hearing functions

The letter Z is the ninth letter of the Russian alphabet. It denotes a consonant voiced sound, hard [Z] and soft [Z"].

Words starting with Z: factory, curtains, teeth, hall, hare, snake, icon, umbrella, zebra, fence, race, dawn, law, smell, sew up, link, earth, winter, ash, grain, forget, care, task, note, drought , animal, yawn, gold, zoo

Words with the letter Z in the middle of the word: base, Asia, vase, raisins, hut, Lisa, muse, pointer, tongue, bazaar, sigh, adult, lawn, thunderstorm, goat, lake, season, physics, gasoline, air, newspaper, rodent, benefit, jellyfish, low , impossible, stub, late, train, tires, holiday

Words ending in Z: basin, watermelon, blues, eye, cargo, union, decree, diamond, motto, cruise, cut, sclerosis, climber, frost, locomotive

Several letters Z in a word: arrogant, order, zigzag, stars, putty

How to write the letter Z?
Look at this letter:
She's just like the number three!

The letter Z looks like a V.
Head, tummy too.
Only on the left without a line
You draw the letter Z.

Riddles with the letter Z()
Zebra, are you the horse's sister?
Come play hide and seek with us.
Hide somewhere, in the vines,
In the picture with the letter...

He reveals himself, he closes you.
As soon as the rain passes, it will do the opposite.

Gray in winter and white in summer.

Who's longer than a stocking?
Who has no arms or legs?
Skin like scales
She crawls on the ground.

Poems about the letter Z ()
The bunny is jumping behind the fence,
He hides the letter Z in his paws,
Bunny, bunny, come out,
Give back the letter Z to the kids.

Z is not just a curl,
Z - spring, pretzel, shavings.
I squirm like a snake.
Draw me!

Animals are looking for in the zoo,
The letter Z, in the tall grass,
Aibolit tells everyone,
The hare knows, Z is ringing.

You will find the letter Z in the star,
And in gold and in rose,
Earth, diamond, turquoise,
Dawn, earth, frost.

The clown Gosha gave me lunch
Ficus goat leaves.
She took a bite. So what?
Hocus Pocus! - Letter Z.
Bully Z is big,
Often teases the letter C,
Only S doesn’t offend
The letters Z are of this interest.
The letter Z bought a bell,
And she called him in the morning.
Zaitsev invited her to visit,
I treated them to breakfast.

Tongue twisters ()
The bell is ringing, the bell is calling,
And Zoya needs to go to class.

Zoya's bunny's name is Zaznayka.

A green birch tree stands in the forest,
Zoya caught a dragonfly under a birch tree.

Sonya is a stranger
And Zina is arrogant.
Rose is arrogant
And Zoya is a stranger.

Zina has a lot of worries,
The bunny has a stomach ache.

Frosty winter morning
At dawn the birches ring.

The girl was driving a cart
Baby goat, goat and goat.
The girl overslept in the forest
Baby goat, goat and goat.

Pure talk

Image of the letter Z and words starting with the letter Z

The letter "Z" lived on the floor below the letter "F". Early in the morning she woke up, hummed her favorite song: z-z-z-z, for, zo, zu, zi, ze... And went to wash and brush her teeth.

I must say that every morning the letter “Z” brushed her teeth with new toothpaste. She had a huge collection of toothpastes from all over the world! Because in every country the letter “Z” had friends: boys and girls who also loved brushing their teeth. And they sent the letter “Z” toothpaste for her collection. There was so much pasta in the collection! And fruity, and vanilla, and mint, and with ice cream flavor, different and different.

So, after brushing her wonderful healthy teeth, the letter “Z” went for a walk. She walked through the forest for a long, long time and got lost. She looked for the road, but could not find it. And the letter “Z” went inside the house, on which unfamiliar signs were painted. Inside, a strange stick with a spout (1) came out to meet her and said:

- Hey, where are you going, number 3 (three), come in!

- Oh, sorry, but I’m not the number three, I’m the letter “Z”, you got me mixed up.

- No, you’re number three! – this strange stick did not stop. - And I am number one.

- A! - the letter “Z” guessed, she had heard about this amazing kingdom of numbers, “I know, you are all numbers!” But I came from the alphabet, I just got lost.

- Yes? - Number one was surprised, - then where is our number three?

- Or maybe she also got lost and is now sitting in our house - Alphabet, and everyone confused her with me, with the letter “Z”? Now I’ll call the letter “A” and find out everything! - said the letter “Z”.

She had a phone number that she called.

- Ding, ding, ding.

- Hello, is this the letter “A”? Yes? And this is the letter "Z". What? Do you already have the letter "Z"? No, it’s not me, it’s number three! Oh, what should I do? Everyone got mixed up and confused.

“What, what,” answered number one, “we need to go to you and help out number three.”

“But I got lost and don’t remember the way home!” - objected the letter “Z”.

- But we have a map on which everything is written and all the roads are drawn, how to get to them and how to get to your Alphabet house.

And they took the map and went to look for the house in which the letter “Z” lived. They walked for a long time and finally found a house. There were all the letters and in front of them the number three stood and cried. She told them:

- Yes, I’m not the letter “Z”, I’m a number! Number three!

- Yes, yes! This is me, the letter “Z”! – the letter “Z” ran up and stood next to the number three.

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Slide captions:

LETTER “Z” Project of 1st grade student “A” GBOU Secondary School No. 49 Tihansk Fiona

The letter Z is the ninth letter of the Russian alphabet. The letter Z denotes a sonorous sound, hard and soft. Words starting with the letter Z: HARE, ZEBRA, ZOO, WINTER…. The letter Z in the middle of the words: RUBBER, HOLIDAY, PATTERN... The letter Z at the end of the words: FROST, WHO, STEAM LOGO, WATERMELON... Several letters Z in one word: PUTTY... DESCRIPTION OF THE LETTER "Z"

Look at this letter! It’s just like the number 3. Z is not just a curl, Z is a spring, a pretzel, a shaving.

The letter Z looks like a V. Head, tummy too. Only on the left without a line you draw the letter Z.

You will find the letter Z in a star, And in gold and rose, Earth, diamond, turquoise,


The letter “Z” speaks to the number “Three”: Look, look, dear friend, How, how, how similar we are too! We have common features, You are like me, and I am like you. We look like chicks. Maybe we are twins?

RIDDLES Zebra are you the horse's sister? Come play hide and seek with us. Hide somewhere, in a vine, In the picture with the letter...... The letter walks in a flashy black and white striped skin, Having met a wolf and a fox, It confuses its trail in the forest. The letter reflects our view, It prevents the Knight from looking, Although he doesn’t eat, he chews everything, The sparrow pecks at it.

TONG TWISTERS WHO WILL REPEAT WITHOUT ERROR? A green birch tree stands in the forest. Zoya caught a dragonfly under the birch tree. The girl was carrying a goat, a goat and a goat on a cart. The girl in the forest overslept the kid, the goat and the goat. The beetle was buzzing and very angry, choking with malicious envy.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Project: "Fun alphabet. Letter U."

The "Fun ABC" project is a joint creativity of parents and children. Project materials make it possible to make the lesson more interesting. A project is one of the forms of the system-activity approach....

Project: "Fun alphabet. Letter B."

A project is one of the forms of the system-activity approach. The "Fun ABC" project is a joint project of students and parents. The theme of the project makes it possible to include first-graders in project activities...

Project: "Fun alphabet. Letter P."

A project is one of the forms of a system-activity approach. The "Fun ABC" project is a joint project of parents and students....

Project: "Fun alphabet. Letter L."

A project is one of the forms of the system-activity approach. Project: "Fun ABC" - a joint project of parents and students." It helps to make literacy lessons more interesting and intensive....

Guess the riddle:

This is a strange horse
Like a school notebook
Striped horse
From tail to head.

That's right, zebra. What is the first sound you hear in the answer word? Where else can you find this sound?……

Have you guessed what we will talk about today in our online lesson?

Make a sound [z] and tell me what it is: a vowel or a consonant?... Check the sound [z] voiceless or voiced...

In front of you...

Say these words. What did you notice?...... That's right, in the word hare there is a sound [z]- hard, and in the word zebra [z`]- soft.

That's right, a hare and a zebra. What do you know about hares? What about zebras?

Do you know that...

At first glance, all zebras seem the same, but in fact, each animal has its own stripe pattern, like human fingerprints.

What color are zebras: black with white stripes or white with black stripes? Scientists have proven that the zebra is, after all, black with white stripes.

Striped coloring helps zebras escape from predators and tsetse flies. A herd of zebras is perceived simply as a flash of black and white stripes and is not regarded as a source of food.

Zebras' vision is not very sharp, so they often graze near other animals, such as giraffes or ostriches, which are able to notice the approach of predators earlier.

Do you know that zebras live in every city? What kind of zebra is this? …. Let's remember the rules for crossing the street at a zebra crossing. (The most important rule of traffic rules: you can cross the road only in places where there is pedestrian crossings. Most surface pedestrian crossings are equipped traffic lights. Where there is no traffic light, you must look first to the left and then to the right, and make sure there are no moving vehicles.)

1. Find more words based on the sound [z], and now on [z`]….

2. Find the “extra”

3. Game “Say a word”

I wake up early in the morning

Together with the rosy sun,

I make the bed myself

I do it quickly... (charging).

flutters over the field,

Above the free expanse,

Gets up early

Spring bird... (robin)

I sit, almost crying,

Very difficult... (task)

The roof is covered with fur,

White smoke overhead.

The yard is covered in snow, the houses are white.

At night she came to us... (winter).

On clear nights

A mother and her daughters are walking.

She doesn’t tell her daughters:

- Go to bed, it’s late! –

Because mother is the Moon,

And the daughters... (stars). (E. Serova)

And here is the letter Z.

Look at this letter! She's just like the number 3.
3 is not just a curl, 3 is a spring, a pretzel, a shaving.

1. Look carefully at the letters, find similarities and differences

2. Find the hidden letters Z. Circle them.

3. Name the crossed out letters.

4. Identify the letter in the wrong position. Select a familiar letter.

5. Color the kites with the letter on them Z written correctly. Connect them with strings with a bunny.

6. Add the missing letter element.

7. Which key will fit the lock? Connect the key to the lock.

8. Color both letters in blue on the left side of the picture. Shade the letter according to the pattern in the middle of the drawing. Find the letter on the left side of the picture and color it Z.
9. Connect with the letter Z only those items whose names begin with the sound [ Z].
10. Complete the second half of the letter Z on the left side of the figure. Circle all the letters Z on the right side of the figure. 11. Make the squares on the left side of the picture the same. What is the difference between the two squares on the right side of the picture?

12. Game “Magic chain”

Replacing one letter (any) in words tooth And winter, make up new words.

Tooth – cube – oak – shower.

Winter – Zina – Rina – wound – frame.

13. Game “Typesetter”

Make new words from the letters of this word:

Health - call, thief, ditch, healthy, gaze, nonsense, cart, harm.

14. Game “The letter is lost”

Fill in the missing letters in the words:

I - yk, - ont, - ve - yes, - ebra, - ub.

15. Game “Ladder”

16. Game “From one word”


Answer: 1) enamel, 2) milk, 3) permanent, 4) vertically - canines, horizontally - molars, 5) incisors, 6) dentin.

17. Puzzles

Answer: curtain, Zinaida, knowledge.


Look at this letter:
She's just like the number three.
Z not just a curl,
Z– spring, pretzel, shavings.

Take a pencil of any color and color all the parts of the drawing where the letters appear. Z.

19 . Reading the syllables...

20. We write


Tongue twisters

1. Winter has a lot of worries, the bunny’s stomach hurts.

2. On a winter morning, the birch trees ring from the frost at dawn.

3. The bell rings, the bell rings, and Zoya goes to her class.

4. Zoya’s bunny’s name is Zaznayka.

Proverbs and sayings

1. If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.

2. Health is more important than wealth.

3. Got caught on a stump and stuck there for the whole day.


  • Fun- entertainment, fun.
  • Covenant- advice, instructions given to descendants, followers.
  • Envy- a feeling associated with the desire to possess something that another person possesses.
  • Factory- factory; large industrial enterprise.
  • Reserve- this is a certain territory (maybe a forest, field) that is protected by law due to the habitat of rare or endangered species of animals and plants.

Catchphrases or phraseological units

  • Cast a fishing rod - try to find out something.
  • Cover your tracks - destroy, eliminate something that can serve as evidence of something.
  • Hack on the nose - remember firmly, forever.
  • There are not enough stars from the sky - about a person without talent or gift.
  • Healthy as a bull - about a person of good health.
  • Have at one's fingertips - to know something very well.

The letter Z is the ninth letter of the Russian alphabet. It denotes a consonant voiced sound, hard [Z] and soft [Z"].

Words starting with Z: factory, curtains, teeth, hall, hare, snake, icon, umbrella, zebra, fence, race, dawn, law, smell, sew up, link, earth, winter, ash, grain, forget, care, task, note, drought , animal, yawn, gold, zoo

Words with the letter Z in the middle of the word: base, Asia, vase, raisins, hut, Lisa, muse, pointer, tongue, bazaar, sigh, adult, lawn, thunderstorm, goat, lake, season, physics, gasoline, air, newspaper, rodent, benefit, jellyfish, low , impossible, stub, late, train, tires, holiday

Words ending in Z: basin, watermelon, blues, eye, cargo, union, decree, diamond, motto, cruise, cut, sclerosis, climber, frost, locomotive

Several letters Z in a word: arrogant, order, zigzag, stars, putty

How to write the letter Z?
Look at this letter:
She's just like the number three!

The letter Z looks like a V.
Head, tummy too.
Only on the left without a line
You draw the letter Z.

Riddles with the letter Z()
Zebra, are you the horse's sister?
Come play hide and seek with us.
Hide somewhere, in the vines,
In the picture with the letter...

He reveals himself, he closes you.
As soon as the rain passes, it will do the opposite.

Gray in winter and white in summer.

Who's longer than a stocking?
Who has no arms or legs?
Skin like scales
She crawls on the ground.

Poems about the letter Z ()
The bunny is jumping behind the fence,
He hides the letter Z in his paws,
Bunny, bunny, come out,
Give back the letter Z to the kids.

Z is not just a curl,
Z - spring, pretzel, shavings.
I squirm like a snake.
Draw me!

Animals are looking for in the zoo,
The letter Z, in the tall grass,
Aibolit tells everyone,
The hare knows, Z is ringing.

You will find the letter Z in the star,
And in gold and in rose,
Earth, diamond, turquoise,
Dawn, earth, frost.

The clown Gosha gave me lunch
Ficus goat leaves.
She took a bite. So what?
Hocus Pocus! - Letter Z.
Bully Z is big,
Often teases the letter C,
Only S doesn’t offend
The letters Z are of this interest.
The letter Z bought a bell,
And she called him in the morning.
Zaitsev invited her to visit,
I treated them to breakfast.

Tongue twisters ()
The bell is ringing, the bell is calling,
And Zoya needs to go to class.

Zoya's bunny's name is Zaznayka.

A green birch tree stands in the forest,
Zoya caught a dragonfly under a birch tree.

Sonya is a stranger
And Zina is arrogant.
Rose is arrogant
And Zoya is a stranger.

Zina has a lot of worries,
The bunny has a stomach ache.

Frosty winter morning
At dawn the birches ring.

The girl was driving a cart
Baby goat, goat and goat.
The girl overslept in the forest
Baby goat, goat and goat.

Pure talk

Image of the letter Z and words starting with the letter Z

The letter "Z" lived on the floor below the letter "F". Early in the morning she woke up, hummed her favorite song: z-z-z-z, for, zo, zu, zi, ze... And went to wash and brush her teeth.

I must say that every morning the letter “Z” brushed her teeth with new toothpaste. She had a huge collection of toothpastes from all over the world! Because in every country the letter “Z” had friends: boys and girls who also loved brushing their teeth. And they sent the letter “Z” toothpaste for her collection. There was so much pasta in the collection! And fruity, and vanilla, and mint, and with ice cream flavor, different and different.

So, after brushing her wonderful healthy teeth, the letter “Z” went for a walk. She walked through the forest for a long, long time and got lost. She looked for the road, but could not find it. And the letter “Z” went inside the house, on which unfamiliar signs were painted. Inside, a strange stick with a spout (1) came out to meet her and said:

- Hey, where are you going, number 3 (three), come in!

- Oh, sorry, but I’m not the number three, I’m the letter “Z”, you got me mixed up.

- No, you’re number three! – this strange stick did not stop. - And I am number one.

- A! - the letter “Z” guessed, she had heard about this amazing kingdom of numbers, “I know, you are all numbers!” But I came from the alphabet, I just got lost.

- Yes? - Number one was surprised, - then where is our number three?

- Or maybe she also got lost and is now sitting in our house - Alphabet, and everyone confused her with me, with the letter “Z”? Now I’ll call the letter “A” and find out everything! - said the letter “Z”.

She had a phone number that she called.

- Ding, ding, ding.

- Hello, is this the letter “A”? Yes? And this is the letter "Z". What? Do you already have the letter "Z"? No, it’s not me, it’s number three! Oh, what should I do? Everyone got mixed up and confused.

“What, what,” answered number one, “we need to go to you and help out number three.”

“But I got lost and don’t remember the way home!” - objected the letter “Z”.

- But we have a map on which everything is written and all the roads are drawn, how to get to them and how to get to your Alphabet house.

And they took the map and went to look for the house in which the letter “Z” lived. They walked for a long time and finally found a house. There were all the letters and in front of them the number three stood and cried. She told them:

- Yes, I’m not the letter “Z”, I’m a number! Number three!

- Yes, yes! This is me, the letter “Z”! – the letter “Z” ran up and stood next to the number three.

З, з (called: зе) is the letter of all Cyrillic Slavic alphabets (9th in Russian, Belarusian, Macedonian and Serbian, 8th in Bulgarian and 10th in Ukrainian); also used in the writings of a number of non-Slavic peoples. On its basis, they even formed new letters, such as Ҙ. In the Church and Old Slavonic alphabets it is the 8th in a row, and is called “earth”.

In the Cyrillic alphabet it is designated as (the more ancient - Z-shaped form) and is equivalent to the number 7. In the Glagolitic alphabet it is written as and means the number 9. The Cyrillic form is derived from the Greek letter Ζ, ζ (zeta); Glagolitic, perhaps too (but there are other hypotheses).

The letter Z in pronunciation very long ago coincided with the letter S - “zelo”, which was used much less frequently. With the introduction of the civil font, first (1708) the letter Z (in favor of the letter S) was excluded from the Russian alphabet, but in the 2nd modification of the font (1710) it was restored, and S was excluded. True, both alphabets were used in parallel until 1735, when S was finally removed.


The letter “З” in Russian denotes (before a series of soft consonants and ё, е, и, ь, ю, я) such sounds as whistling sounds [з]/[з`]; is deafened before a voiceless consonant and at the end of a word, respectively, in [s`] / [s] (kuzka [kus'ka], ointment [mas`], tale [skask], ace [tus]). Before hissing ones it is similar to them: for example, lower (read - n[shsh]ii), without a wife (read - be[zh-zh]ena), etc. In combinations zdch, zch is read as sch, i.e., as soft long [shsh`]: star-shaped (read: star[shsh`]aty), cab driver (read: cab[shsh`]ik).

In general, the letter Z is read similarly in other Slavic languages; The differences may mainly be in the smaller distribution of deafening [z] in [s] and in the pronunciation of the combination dz not as 2 sounds, but as a single whole - a voiced affricate, which is paired with a voiceless c.

Prefixes for z/s and their spelling

In general, etymological, Russian orthography makes one of the few concessions to pronunciation when writing prefixes ending in z/s. Their spelling goes back to Old Church Slavonic rules, and has changed several times. In particular, there were the following types of systems.

Russian modern spelling

The prefix c- is unchanged; other prefixes (raz- and niz-, iz- and through- (through), without- and vz- (voz-)) have a z before a voiced consonant and a vowel, and before a voiceless consonant - s. (It is believed that the word “nearby” does not have a prefix, but 2 roots, and therefore does not contradict this rule.)

Russian pre-revolutionary orthography

The prefixes through- (through-), without- and with- do not change; other prefixes (iz-, raz-, niz- and vz- (voz-)) have a consonant and a vowel before a voiced one, as well as before s - z, but before other voiceless consonants - s.

Church Slavonic spelling (from the middle of the 17th century)

The prefixes without-, with-, niz- and through- (through-) never change (only the verb zgarati is an exception, although burn); The prefixes raz-, vz- (voz-) and iz- have z before a voiced consonant and vowel, and before s and sh, but before other voiceless consonants - s. In a number of publications, the zna s does not change before the h and c, but this is formally considered an error.

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