Nanai language. Nanai language

NANAI LANGUAGE(outdated name - Gold). Belongs to the southern (Nani) subgroup Tungus-Manchu languages .

The Nanai language is of the suffixal-agglutinative type. There are 42 vowels in vocalism (according to V.A. Avrorin ), which come down to 6, contrasted by long-shortness and nasal-non-nasal, and 12 diphthongs; Consonantism has 18 consonants. The emphasis is musical and forceful; main patterns: synharmonism, assimilation, absence of [r] at the beginning of a word, palatalization of consonants before front vowels, confluence of consonants in the middle of a word. The structure of the sentence is nominative-possessive (subject in the nominative case, izafet), the word order is relatively fixed. There is no agreement between the definition and the defined. Typically a two-part simple sentence with elimination of the subject-pronoun (personal), as well as a complicated one (with participial and gerund phrases). Complex sentences are relatively rare, represented by non-union, complex and complex sentences (with conjunctions and allied words).

Native speakers - Nanais. According to 1989 data, 4,821 people consider the Nanai language their native language ( Khabarovsk region ), fluent - 567 people; in the Russian Federation in 2002, 3,886 people indicated proficiency in the Nanai language.

The Nanai language includes 3 dialects, each with 3 dialects. The Upper Amur dialect includes the Right Bank Amur, Sungari (in China, about 1.4 thousand speakers), Bikin (Ussuri) ( Primorsky Krai , about 300) and Kururmi (Khabarovsk region, about 250) dialects; to the Middle Amur - Sikachi-Alyansky, Naikhinsky and Dzhuensky (Khabarovsk and Nanaisky districts, about 5.2 thousand); to the Lower Amur - Bolognese, Econian and Gorinsky (Khabarovsk Territory and Sakhalin region , about 2.3 thousand). Dialects are characterized by phonetic and lexical features; differences in morphology are insignificant.

The literary Nanai language is based on the dialect of the largest group of Nanais - the Naikhinsky dialect of the Central Amur dialect. There is limited television and radio broadcasting in the Nanai language (Khabarovsk Territory), and a newspaper is published. In places of compact residence of Nanais, their native language is taught in preschool institutions, primary schools (primers, reading books, language and mathematics textbooks have been published); the Nanai language is taught at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen (St. Petersburg), Khabarovsk State Pedagogical University.

The Nanai language is one of the most studied Tungus-Manchu languages ​​of the southern branch. The dictionaries were compiled by T.I. Petrova and S.N. Onenko . Grammatical descriptions are made V.A. Avrorin , T.I. Petrova, O.P. Sunikom, A.P. Putintseva, L.I. Sem. In the field of syntax, the fundamental works are the works of V.A. Avrorina. The folklore of the Nanais is presented in a volume in the series “Monuments of folklore of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East.”

Lit.: Petrova T.I. Essay on the grammar of the Nanai language. L., 1941; Avrorin V.A. Essays on the syntax of the Nanai language. L., 1948; It's him. Grammar of the Nanai language: In 2 volumes; M.; L., 1959; 1961; It's him. Syntactic studies on the Nanai language. L, 1981; Sunik O.P. Kururmi dialect // Research and materials on the Nanai language. L., 1958; Gortsevskaya V.A. Essay on the history of the study of Tungus-Manchu languages. L., 1959; Nanai-Russian dictionary. L., 1960; Sem L.I. Essays on dialects of the Nanai language. L., 1976; Onenko S.N. Nanai-Russian dictionary. M., 1980; Russian-Nanai dictionary. M., 1986; Pilsudski B. Nanai (nanai) dictionary. Stezew, 2000.

NANAI LANGUAGE(outdated name - Gold). Refers to the south. (Nanian) subgroup of the Tungus-Manchu languages. N.ya. – suffixal-agglutinative type. Vocalism has 42 vowels (according to V.A. Avrorin), which are reduced to 6, contrasted by long-shortness and nasal-non-nasal, and 12 diphthongs; Consonantism has 18 consonants. The emphasis is musical and forceful; basic patterns: synharmonism, assimilation, absence of [p] in the beginning. words, palatalization of consonants before vowels before. row, a confluence of consonants in the middle. words. The structure of the sentence is nominative-possessive (subject in im. p., izafet), the word order is relatively fixed. There is no agreement between the definition and the defined. Typically a two-part simple sentence with elimination of the subject-pronoun (personal), as well as a complicated one (with participial and gerund phrases). Complex sentences are relatively rare; non-union, complex sentences are represented. and difficult to understand (with conjunctions and conjunction words).

Native speakers are Nanais. According to 1989 data, Nanai is considered the native language. – 4821 people (Khabarovsk territory), fluent – ​​567 people; in the Russian Federation in 2002, ownership of N.Ya. indicated by 3886 people.

N.ya. includes 3 dialects, each with 3 dialects. To the Upper Amur. dialect include the right bank. Amur, Sungari (on the territory of China, about 1.4 thousand speakers), Bikin (Ussuri) (Primorsky Krai, about 300) and Kur-Urmi (Khabarovsk region, about 250) dialects; to Middle Amur. – Sikachi-Alyansky, Naikhinsky and Dzhuensky (Khabarovsk and Nanai districts, about 5.2 thousand); to the Lower Amur. – Bolognese, Ekon and Gorinsky (Khabarovsk Territory and Sakhalin region, about 2.3 thousand). Dialects are characterized phonetically. and lexical features, differences in morphology are insignificant.

Based on lit. N.ya. lies the talk of the most numerous. groups of Nanais – Naikhinsky Middle Amur. dialect. On N.ya. There is limited television and radio broadcasting (Khabarovsk Territory), and a newspaper is published. Compact in places. Nanai residents are taught their native language in preschools. institutions, beginning school (primers, reading books, language and mathematics textbooks were published), teaching N.Ya. is conducted in the Russian state. Pedagogical University named after.  Herzen (St. Petersburg), Khabarovsk State. Pedagogical University

N.ya. - one of the most studied Tungus-Manchus. languages ​​of the south branches. The dictionaries were compiled by T.I.  Petrova and S.N.  Onenko. Grammar. descriptions made by V.A.  Avrorin, T.I.  Petrova, O.P.  Sunikom, A.P.  Putintseva, L.I.  Sem. In the field of syntax, the fundamental works are the works of V.A.  Avrorina. The folklore of the Nanai people is presented in a volume in the series “Monuments of folklore of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East.”

Lit.: Petrova T.I. Essay on the grammar of the Nanai language. L., 1941; Avrorin V.A. Essays on the syntax of the Nanai language. L., 1948; It's him. Grammar of the Nanai language: In 2 volumes; M.; L., 1959; 1961; It's him. Syntactic studies on the Nanai language. L, 1981; SunikO.P. Kur-Urmi dialect // Research and materials on the Nanai language. L., 1958; Gortsevskaya V.A. Essay on the history of the study of Tungus-Manchu languages. L., 1959; Nanai-Russian dictionary. L., 1960; SemL.I. Essays on dialects of the Nanai language. L., 1976; Onenko S.N. Nanai-Russian dictionary. M., 1980; Russian-Nanai dictionary. M., 1986; Pilsudski B. Nanai (nanai) dictionary. Stęszew, 2000.

Writing: Language codes GOST 7.75–97: ISO 639-1: ISO 639-2: ISO 639-3: See also: Project: Linguistics

Nanai language- language of the Nanai. Such names are also found in the scientific literature Nanai language and the Nanais, like the Golds, Hozens (Hezhe, Hezen), Tazy.

Genealogical affiliation

The first attempt to classify the Tungus-Manchu languages, based on the classification of tribes, was made by L. I. Shrenk [Shrenk 1883: 292]. He identified four groups of Amur Tungus tribes:

  1. Daurs and Solons - Tungus tribes with a strong Mongol admixture;
  2. Manchus, Golds, Orochs - the southern branch of the Tungus-Manchu tribes;
  3. Orochons, Manegirs, Birars, Kilis;
  4. Olchi, Orok, Negidal, Samagir.

Thus, the Nanai tribes (Golds) in this classification are included in the same group with the Manchus and Orochs. All classifications of Tungus-Manchu languages ​​that existed in the 20s of the 20th century were based on the division into southern (Manchu) and northern (Tungus) subgroups, while some languages ​​(including Nanai) in various classifications are classified either as northern or to the southern subgroup. According to V.I. Tsintsius, such a division is not fundamental and is only of an auxiliary nature [Tsintsius 1949: 17].

V. A. Avrorin proposed dividing the Tungus-Manchu languages ​​into “three equally independent subgroups”: northern Tungus, including Evenki, Negidal, Solon, Even; southern Tunguska - Nanai, Ulch, Oroch, Orok, Udege; the former southern Tungus-Manchu language should be renamed Manchu (or “Western”) and Manchu and Jurchen included in it [Avrorin 1961: 2].

The distribution area of ​​the Kur-Urmi dialect is the basins of the Kur and Urmi rivers, Khabarovsk rural district of the Khabarovsk Territory, village. National evidence, p. Kukan, s. Dogordon, s. Hail et al.;

The area of ​​the Bikin dialect is the Pozharsky district of the Primorsky Territory [Sem 1976: 24];

The distribution area of ​​the Sungari dialect is the border areas of the Ussuri basin in the Chinese province of Heilongjiang [Stolyarov 1994]. There, the Nanai (known as Hezhe, 赫哲族) live in Tongjiang (同江) and Fuyuan (抚远) counties in Jiamusi Urban Prefecture and in Raohei (饶河) County in Shuangyashan Urban Prefecture.

There is reason to believe that on the territory of Russia, the Nanai language is best preserved in the Nanai district of the Khabarovsk Territory due to a closer and more proactive language community, which is working on the publication of books in the Nanai language and textbooks of the native language, as well as due to the national status of the Nanai region.

Dialect division

There are several classifications of dialects of the Nanai language. The first classifications were less detailed; they paid more attention to identifying areas than to the criteria for delimiting dialects. An example of such a classification is the classification by N.A. Lipskaya-Walrond in the Far Eastern Encyclopedia (1927), which distinguishes 7 dialects:

  1. Sungari dialect - from village. Mongolia to the village Morhoko.
  2. Verkhneamursky dialect - from s. Morhoko to the lake Eni on the right bank of the Amur.
  3. Ussuri dialect - from s. Batsa on the right bank of the Amur, along the Ussuri and its tributaries.
  4. Urminsky dialect - from s. Isaki on the left bank of the river. Urmi and S. Susu Daptuni.
  5. Kursk dialect - from villages. Jarmya (modern Jarmen) on the river. Tunguska to the confluence of the river. Kura from the river Urmi.
  6. Central Amur dialect - from s. Jarmya along the Amur to the village. Yes (modern Dada)
  7. Nizhneamursky dialect - from s. Yes to s. Kemri sat down opposite. Sukhanovo [Quoted from: Sem 1976: 21].

In the 20s XX century, which marked the first period of study of the Nanai language, the area of ​​settlement of the Nanai people was much more extensive than in our time, and those dialects that had not yet been recorded by researchers apparently disappeared, remaining without names. In later dialectological classifications, the geography of the area of ​​the Nanai language sharply narrows; many Lower Amur and Ussuri dialects remained unexplored.

The next period of research into the Nanai language, linguistic itself, began in the late 40s, after an almost twenty-year break. The number of dialects in classifications is growing. If N.A. Lipskaya-Walrond identifies only 7 dialects, then in subsequent classifications there are up to 10 of them.

According to the classification of O.P. Sunik, “the Nanai language forms two adverbs that fall into a number of dialects”:

A) Central Amur - Sakachi-Alyan, Naikhinsky, Bolognese, Juensky, Garinsky dialects;

b) Upper Amur - Kur-Urmi, Bikinsky, Right Bank Amur, Sungari, Ussuri dialects [Sunik 1962: 23];

In the classification given in the “Grammar of the Nanai Language” by V. A. Avrorin, the Nanai language is divided into three adverbs: Sungari(or Upper Amur), Amur(or Lower Amur) and Kur-Urmi, which are also divided into a number of dialects. The main differences from the classification of O. P. Sunik concern the Amur and Upper Amur dialects: V. A. Avrorin considers the Bolognese and Dzhuen varieties of the language as sub-dialects of the Naikhin dialect and identifies a third, Kur-Urmi, dialect, while O. P. Sunik considers this variety language as the Kur-Urmi dialect [Avrorin 1955: 7-8].

In the classification of L. I. Sem, the dialect structure is presented differently: instead of two dialects (Middle and Upper Amur), as in O. P. Sunik, and three dialects (Amur, Sungari and Kur-Urmi), as in V. A. Avrorin The Upper, Middle and Lower Amur dialects are distinguished, which are divided into a number of dialects:

a) Upper Amur dialect: Right Bank Amur, Sungari, Bikinsky (Ussuri), Kur-Urmi dialects;

b) Central Amur dialect: Sikachi-Alyansky, Naikhinsky, Juensky dialects;

c) Lower Amur dialect: Bolognese, Econian, Gorinsky dialects [Sem 1976: 24].

L.I. Sem unites dialects that V.A. Avrorin divides into Sungari and Kur-Urmi dialects, which coincides with the classification of O.P. Sunik, who also combines these dialects into one dialect. But neither O.P. Sunik nor V.A. Avrorin distinguishes the Lower Amur dialect. In the classification of O.P. Sunik, emphasis is placed on the morphological and phonetic differences of the Upper Amur dialects from all others. At the same time, there are no such significant differences between the Lower and Middle Amur dialects. V. A. Avrorin’s classification emphasizes the differences between the Kur-Urmi and Sungari dialects. In turn, L.I. Sem draws attention to the features of the dialects of the Lower Amur dialect, which nevertheless distinguish this dialect from the Middle Amur dialect.

It should be noted that among modern speakers of the Nanai language (representatives of the Middle and Lower Amur dialects) there is a leveling and mixing of dialect features due to extensive migrations of the population and the system of teaching the Nanai language, based on the Naikha dialect, therefore dialectological differentiation of modern language data is very difficult.

Sociolinguistic situation

According to [Stolyarov 1994], the total number of Nanais in the world is 11,883, of which 8,940 Nanais live in the rural areas of the Khabarovsk Territory. However, there are only about 100-150 native speakers of the Nanai language left in the Khabarovsk Territory. Throughout the entire territory of the Khabarovsk area of ​​distribution of the language, the share of the indigenous Nanai population is on average no more than 30%; There are practically no national Nanai villages left - in only three villages (Dzhuen, Ulika Natsionalnoe, Dada) Nanais make up more than 90% of the population, in other settlements this figure is much lower (data source - “Information on settlements, areas of residence and economic activities of indigenous small peoples of the North and Far East of the Russian Federation according to the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia for the Far Eastern Region as of 01/01/2002").

As can be seen from these data, the situation for preserving the language is unfavorable: native speakers are scattered across different villages and are often isolated from each other.

The Nanai language continues to function in the sphere of everyday communication among people at least 40 years old. Having a sufficient command of their native language, people 40-50 years old prefer Russian when communicating with people their age or younger, using Nanai mainly to communicate with older people over 70 years old.

The Nanai language is taught in secondary schools. The weekly teaching load and duration of training are not the same: there is a standard program for teaching the Nanai language, which is used in 7 villages. In addition, in the village. Belgo, s. Lower Khalby and village. Verkhnyaya Ekon has introduced an experimental program for teaching the Nanai language with an increased teaching load. The standard load is 1-2 hours per week; The duration of training varies in different schools (from 4 to 10 years, starting from 1st grade). In schools with an experimental program, the language is taught from grades 1 to 9 with a larger teaching load.

In Nanai language classes, textbooks, collections of fairy tales and fiction in the Nanai language are used. Sometimes, at the initiative of teachers, folklore audio recordings are also used. However, there is an obvious lack of training and support materials, teaching technologies, and difficulties in creating motivation in children. Textbooks of the Nanai language are built on the model of textbooks of Russian as a native language, in which the emphasis is not on teaching the language itself, but on theoretical/practical grammar. This model is not adequate in a situation where students do not speak the target language. In addition, existing educational materials are focused primarily (or only) on the development of reading skills, while the number of printed publications in the Nanai language does not exceed one or two dozen, and these are collections of folklore or works of art of the historical and biographical genre, published in a very limited edition. Teaching oral speech is not carried out sufficiently and is not supported by teaching aids.

In general, the Nanai language is almost completely displaced from all spheres of communication by the Russian language. To preserve the language in the modern situation, emergency measures are required.


The first texts in the Nanai language were written at the end of the 19th century (Cyrillic was used). In the early 1930s. A Latin-based script was developed for the Nanai language. C - an alphabet no different from Russian began to be used. It has recently been reformed and changed somewhat.

Selected bibliography

Domestic works

  • Avrorin V. A. Grammar of the Nanai language, vol. 1. M.;L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1959.
  • Avrorin V. A. Grammar of the Nanai language, vol. 2. M.;L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1961.
  • Putintseva A.P. Morphology of the Gorin Nanai dialect. L, 1954.
  • Putintseva A.P. On the industrial vocabulary of Gorin nanai // Scientific notes of LGPI. - L., 1969. P. 383.
  • Sem L. I. Essays on dialects of the Nanai language: Bikinsky (Ussuri) dialect. L., 1976.
  • Stolyarov A.V. Nanai language // Red Book of Languages ​​of the Peoples of Russia: Encyclopedic Dictionary-Reference Book. M., 1994.
  • Stolyarov A.V. Nanai language: sociolinguistic situation and prospects for preservation // Minor peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East. Problems of conservation and development. St. Petersburg, 1997.
  • Sunik O.P. Kur-Urmi dialect. L.,. 1958.

Foreign works

  • Doerfer, Gerhard. Das Kur-Urmische und seine Verwandten. Zentralasiatische Studien, 7 1973 // 567-599. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.
  • Doerfer, Gerhard. Ist Kur-Urmisch ein nanaischer Dialekt? Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher, 47 1975 //51-63.
  • Jun, An. Hezheyu Jianzhi. Beijing: Minzu Chubanshe, 1986.
  • Kazama, Shinjiro. Naanaigo no itchi" ni tsuite. Hokudai Gengogaku Kenkyuuhookoko 5. Sapporo: Faculty of Letters, Hokkaido University, 1994.
  • Zhang, Yang-chang, Bing Li, and Xi Zhang. The Hezhen Language. Changchun: Jilin University Press, 1989b.

Nanai texts

  • Avrorin V. A. Materials on the Nanai language and folklore. L., 1986.
  • Nanai folklore: Ningman, siokhor, telungu. Novosibirsk, 1996.
  • Samar E. Manga pokto. Difficult trails. Khabarovsk, 1992.
  • Samar E. Kondonkan dalamdini. Kondonsky elder. Khabarovsk, 2000.
  • Passar A. Mi urehamby ningmansal. Tales of my childhood. Khabarovsk, 2002.
  • Hodger A. Mihorangoari. Worship of nature. Khabarovsk, 2000.
  • Marshak S. Ya. Twelve months. Dean duer bia (translated by S. N. Onenko). Khabarovsk, 1990.
  • Beldy G. Nayni: Poems. Khabarovsk, 1980.
  • Kazama, Shinjiro. Nanay Texts. Publications on Tungus Languages ​​and Cultures 4. Center for Language Studies, Otaru University of Commerce: Otaru, Japan. 1993.
  • Kazama, Shinjiro. Nanay Folk Tales and Legends 2. Publications on Tungus Languages ​​and Cultures 8. Faculty of Education, Tottori University: Tottori, Japan. 1996.
  • Kazama, Shinjiro. Nanay Folk Tales and Legends 3. Publications on Tungus Languages ​​and Cultures 10. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies: Tokyo. Japan. 1997.
  • Kazama, Shinjiro. Nanay Folk Tales and Legends 4. Publications on Tungus Languages ​​and Cultures 12. Chiba: Chiba University. 1998.


  • Onenko S. N. Russian-Nanai dictionary (over 8,000 words). L., 1959.
  • Petrova T.I. Nanai-Russian dictionary (about 8,000 words). L., 1960.
  • Onenko S. N. Nanai-Russian and Russian-Nanai dictionary: a manual for secondary school students (more than 3,600 words). L., 1982.
  • Onenko S. N. Dictionary Nanai-Russian and Russian-Nanai: a manual for secondary school students (about 4,000 words). L., 1989.
  • Onenko S. N. Lotsa-Naanai Khesekuni. Russian-Nanai dictionary (about 5,000 words). M., 1986.
  • Onenko S. N. Nanai-Locha Hesekuni. Nanai-Russian dictionary (12,800 words). M., 1980.
  • Kile A. S. Nanai-Russian thematic dictionary (spiritual culture). Khabarovsk, 1999.

The meaning of NANAI LANGUAGE in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary


- one of the Tungus-Manchu languages. Distributed in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories of the RSFSR and along the river. Songhua in China. Number of speakers St. 5.9 thousand people in the USSR (1979, census) and approx. 1 thousand people abroad. Middle Amur stands out. Nare-Chve, Sungari, Ussuri and Kur-Urmi dialects, which some scientists combine into two dialects (V.A. Avrorin), others into one (O.P. Sunik, L.I. Sem); at the same time, Sem identifies a third - Upper Amur - dialect, including in it a number of goiors from the Middle Amur dialect. G. Dörfer considers Kur-Urmi a special language, more different from N. Ya. than the Ulch and Orok languages. In the system of vocalism, in addition to six short vowels - i, i, u, o, e, a - and the corresponding long nek-rymn, researchers also distinguish diphthongs as special phonemes, as well as nasalized short and long ones formed by ch. arr. when reducing a finite -n base. In a number of layers with the vocalism of the non-front row, instead of and there is a wide o, which is also found in the Negidal language and only sporadically in Ulch. and Manchu. languages. For consonantism N. I., as well as for consanguinities. ulch. and orc. languages, characterized by initial r- (<*ph) и х- (<*kb); t в позиции перед i во мн. случаях переходит в с, напр. притяжат. суффикс 3-го л. мн. ч. -ci<*-ti. В морфологии имеет место утрата различия инклюзивной н эксклюзивной форм 1-го л. мн.ч. в притяжат. именных н личных глагольных окончаниях. В падежной системе форму, отличную от ульчско-орокской, имеет де-зигнатив (назначит, падеж) на -go/ -gu. В синтаксисе отсутствует согласование определения с определяемым. В основу сложившегося в сов. время лит. Н. я, лег найхин. говор среднеамур. 322 НАНАЙСКИЙ наречия. В СССР а 1931 создана письменность Н. я. на основе лат., с 1963 — на основе рус. алфавита, . Петрова Т. И., Очерк грамматики нанайского языка, Л., 1941; С у и и к О. П., Кур-урмийский дналект, Л., 1958; А в р о-ри и В. А., Грамматика нанайского языка, т. 1—2, М. —Л., 1959—61; его же. Синтаксич. исследования по нанайскому языку, Л. 1981; Сем Л. И.. Очерки диалектов нанайского языка, Л., 1976; Doerfer G., 1st Kur-Urmisch em nanaischer Dialekt?, «Ural-Altaische Jahrbucher», 1975, Bd 47. О н е н к о С. Н., Нанайско-рус. словарь, М., 1980.^ И. В. Кормушин.

Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what the NANAI LANGUAGE is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    language (the old name is the Gold language), the language of the Nanai people living in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories of the RSFSR, between the rivers. Sungari and...
    belongs to the Tungus-Manchu languages. Writing in the Russian Federation based on Russian...
  • LANGUAGE in Wiki Quotebook:
    Data: 2008-10-12 Time: 10:20:50 * Language is also of great importance because with its help we can hide our...
  • LANGUAGE in the Dictionary of Thieves' Slang:
    - investigator, operative...
  • LANGUAGE in Miller's Dream Book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    If in a dream you see your own tongue, it means that soon your friends will turn away from you. If in a dream you see...
  • LANGUAGE in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    a complex developing semiotic system, which is a specific and universal means of objectifying the content of both individual consciousness and cultural tradition, providing the opportunity...
  • LANGUAGE in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - a complex developing semiotic system, which is a specific and universal means of objectifying the content of both individual consciousness and cultural tradition, providing...
  • LANGUAGE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • LANGUAGE in the Encyclopedia Biology:
    , an organ in the oral cavity of vertebrates that performs the functions of transportation and taste analysis of food. The structure of the tongue reflects the specific nutrition of animals. U...
  • LANGUAGE in the Brief Church Slavonic Dictionary:
    , pagans 1) people, tribe; 2) language, ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Bible Encyclopedia of Nikephoros:
    like speech or adverb. “The whole earth had one language and one dialect,” says the writer of everyday life (Gen. 11:1-9). A legend about one...
  • LANGUAGE in the Lexicon of Sex:
    multifunctional organ located in the oral cavity; pronounced erogenous zone of both sexes. With the help of Ya, orogenital contacts of various kinds are carried out...
  • LANGUAGE in Medical terms:
    (lingua, pna, bna, jna) a muscular organ covered with a mucous membrane located in the oral cavity; participates in chewing, articulation, contains taste buds; ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ..1) natural language, the most important means of human communication. Language is inextricably linked with thinking; is a social means of storing and transmitting information, one...
  • LANGUAGE in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • LANGUAGE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    1) natural language, the most important means of human communication. Language is inextricably linked with thinking; it is a social means of storing and transmitting information, one...
  • LANGUAGE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    2, -a, pl. -i, -ov, m. 1. Historically developed system of sound, vocabulary and grammatical means, objectifying the work of thinking and being ...
  • NANAI in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , oh, oh. 1. cm, Nanais. 2. Relating to the Nanai people, their language, national character, way of life, culture, as well as...
    MACHINE LANGUAGE, see Machine language...
  • LANGUAGE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    LANGUAGE, natural language, the most important means of human communication. Self is inextricably linked with thinking; is a social means of storing and transmitting information, one...
  • LANGUAGE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    TONGUE (anat.), in terrestrial vertebrates and humans, a muscular outgrowth (in fish, a fold of the mucous membrane) at the bottom of the oral cavity. Participates in…
  • NANAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NANAI LANGUAGE, belongs to the Tungus-Manchu languages. Writing in Russia is based on Russian. ...
    languages"to, languages", languages", language"in, language", language"m, languages", language"in, language"m, languages"mi, language", ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    languages" to, languages", languages", language" in, language", languages"m, languages"to, languages", language"m, languages"mi, language", ...
  • NANAI in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana" ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, Nana"ysky, ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    - the main object of study of linguistics. By Ya, first of all, we mean natural. human self (in opposition to artificial languages ​​and ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
    1) A system of phonetic, lexical and grammatical means, which is a tool for expressing thoughts, feelings, expressions of will and serves as the most important means of communication between people. Being...
  • LANGUAGE in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language.
    "My Enemy" in...
  • LANGUAGE in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    Weapon …
  • LANGUAGE in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    dialect, dialect, dialect; syllable, style; people. See people || the talk of the town See spy || master the tongue, restrain the tongue, ...
  • NANAI in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • NANAI in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1) Related to the Nanai, associated with them. 2) Peculiar to the Nanai, characteristic of them. 3) Belonging...
  • NANAI in Lopatin's Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • NANAI in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • NANAI in the Spelling Dictionary.
  • LANGUAGE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    1 movable muscular organ in the oral cavity that perceives taste sensations; in humans, it is also involved in articulation. Licking with the tongue. Try it on...
  • LANGUAGE in Dahl's Dictionary:
    husband. a fleshy projectile in the mouth that serves to line the teeth with food, to recognize its taste, as well as for verbal speech, or, ...
  • LANGUAGE in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    ,..1) natural language, the most important means of human communication. Language is inextricably linked with thinking; is a social means of storing and transmitting information, one...
    language (book language obsolete, only in 3, 4, 7 and 8 characters), m. 1. An organ in the oral cavity in the form of ...
  • NANAI in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    and Naneisky, Nanaisky, Nanaisky. Adj. To …
  • NANAI in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    Nanai adj. 1) Related to the Nanai, associated with them. 2) Peculiar to the Nanai, characteristic of them. 3) Belonging...
  • NANAI in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • NANAI in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    adj. 1. Related to the Nanai, associated with them. 2. Characteristic of the Nanais, characteristic of them. 3. Belonging...
  • USSR. POPULATION in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    The population of the USSR in 1976 was 6.4% of the world population. The population of the territory of the USSR (within modern borders) changed as follows (million people): 86.3 ...
  • HODGER GRIGORY GIBIVICH in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (b. 1929) Nanai writer. The stories “Seagulls over the Sea” (1958), “Emoron Lake” (1960); the trilogy "Wide Cupid" (1916-71), the novel "Gaichi" (1978) depict life...

According to the Nanai language

Main name in Russian: Nanais. Self-name - nanai, nani.

Name and self-name options

There are several options for the self-name of the Nanais: hede nay, bira guruni, monai etc.

Genetic affiliation

Nanai language (orb. golden) is the language of the southern (Amur) group of Tungus-Manchu languages. The closest ones are Ulch and Orok languages.

Geography of language distribution

The bulk of the Nanais live in the Khabarovsk Territory: in the Nanaisky, Amursky, Komsomolsky, Solnechny, Ulchsky and Khabarovsk rural areas, as well as in the Primorsky Territory: in the Pozharsky and Olginsky districts, in addition, in the Poronaisky district of the Sakhalin region. In China, the Nanais are settled in the province of Heilongjiang (between the Songhua and Ussuri rivers).

Language contacts

In the 19th century - early 20th century there were lively contacts with the Chinese language (especially among the Bikin Nanais), and in the last century with Russian.

Number of native speakers

According to 1999 data, the number of Nanais was 11.5 thousand people. (according to Goskomsever - 12023 people)

Availability of dialects

There are three dialects: Upper, Middle, and Lower Amur. The Upper Amur includes the Right Bank Amur, Sungari (both on the territory of the People's Republic of China), Bikin, and Kur-Urmi. Middle Amur includes: Sikachialian, Naikhinsky, Dzhuensky, Lower Amur: Bolognese, Ekonsky, Gorinsky dialects. The Naikhin dialect with the largest number of speakers is the most fully described - 4 thousand people.

Linguistic characteristics of the language

Phonetic patterns: harmony and reduction of vowels, assimilation of consonants. 6 vowel phonemes, 18 consonants. The stress usually falls on the last syllable.

Nanai language is a typical language agglutinative-suffixal type. Morphemes are arranged in a certain order: root + suff. word formation + suff. derivational formation + suff. mixed word formation (number, indirect accessory, person/impersonality of participles, tense and mood of the verb, etc.) + suff. relational formation (case, possessiveness, person, verb number, etc.) + suffixal particles.

Noun has the categories of number (singular and plural), possessiveness (personal and impersonal), subjective assessment, person/non-person. Declension can be simple (seven cases) and possessive (personal-possessive and reflexive-possessive).

Adjective morphologically unchangeable. It is divided into qualitative (can take an excretory form), quantitative and relative.

Numerals are divided into quantitative and ordinal.

Pronoun is divided into categories: personal, reflexive-possessive, reflexive, attributive, demonstrative and interrogative.

Verb: actual verbal forms, participle, gerund (simple, denoting single-subject actions with the main and possessive, denoting both single- and multi-subject actions with the main). Negative forms are synthetic and analytical.

Adverbs are divided into categories: qualitative, quantitative, degree, place, time.

Distributed interjections And imitations.

Function words are divided into postpositions, conjunctions and particle words.

Syntactic structure– typical for the Tungus-Manchu languages. The word order in a sentence is S-O-V. The definition precedes the defined. Simple sentences are the most common. Complex sentences are characterized by a non-union connection, a simple juxtaposition of two simple sentences, or constructions with participial, verbal-nominal and participial phrases (otherwise with a dependent predicate) corresponding to subordinate clauses in the Russian language are used

Sociolinguistic characteristics of language

Legal status, current state of the language

Nanai language is the titular language of the Nanai district of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Writing and spelling

Refers to newly written languages. In 1931, a unified northern alphabet based on the Latin script was approved, replaced in 1933 by the Cyrillic alphabet. The first Nanai alphabet was created half a century earlier by Russian missionaries A. and P. Protodyakonov based on Russian graphics. They also translated several books of religious content into the Nanai language, and also published samples of Nanai folklore.

Social functions of language

Everyday communication among older people. Once every two months a page is published in the Nanai language in the regional newspaper in the village. Trinity radio broadcasts in the Nanai language. Since the beginning of the 90s. Broadcasts are conducted on Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur television.

History of language learning

One of the first, and therefore of interest, attempts to describe the grammatical structure of the Nanai language is the work of A. Brylkin, published as an appendix to Volume I of R. Maack (1861). A significant contribution to the study of this language was made by the missionaries A. and P. Protodiakonov, who collected valuable material. In 1900, V. Grube’s Gold-German dictionary published materials on the Nanai and Ulchi languages, recorded and processed by K.I. Maksimovich (1827-1891). I.A. Dobrolovsky recorded a small number of speech samples of the Sungari Nanais, as well as a dictionary and grammatical notes. Some of them were published by V. Kotvich in 1909. In 1906-07. Nanai materials during expeditions were recorded by K.D. Loginovsky. In 1933, in the famous work of L.Ya. Sternberg published a Nanai-Russian dictionary and a short grammatical note. In the same year, “Grammar Tables” compiled by T.I. were published. Petrova. Two articles by A.N. are published. Ulitin, the first provides the text of the fairy tale with a grammatical analysis, the second attempts to analyze the self-name of the Nanais. In 1935 T.I. Petrova published a short Nanai-Russian dictionary with a grammatical essay attached. In 1941, “Essay on the Grammar of the Nanai Language,” written by her, was published. The candidate and (published in two volumes) doctoral dissertations of V.A. were devoted to the problems of the Nanai language. Avrorina, he also wrote a number of articles on this language. He paid a lot of attention to the Nanai language and O.P. Sunik. Some Nanai dialects received a special description: Gorinsky (A.P. Putintseva), Kur-Urmisky (O.P. Sunik), Bikinsky (L.I. Sem). The work of M.A. is devoted to the issues of Nanai folklore. Kaplan (Kaplan 1957). S.N. dedicated his life to the study of his native Nanai language. Onenko and N.B. Kiel, who left many interesting works.

Sample Nanai text

Dehi Morin

Eyi asi ǯuerke:n balǯhachi, em boado. Tui balǯi: tui bi:, tui balǯi: doachia-tani eǯini – tenii. Dolbo-gadal then: koi dolbo-gdal eugui tami. Beyumbe beichi:, siagoyi wa:chaini-goani. Asini-tani: tui ǯoogdo biini-goani emuchke:n picte-de: ana:l-da. Tui bimi, tui balǯimi em modan-gola eǯini chimi: to:kokhani. Puǯin-teni:, tey udeveni, ǯo: do:vani o:sira:silkochigora:.

Recorded by S. Kazama from N.B. Geiker (Kazama 2002).


Forty horses

Husband and wife lived. The husband hunted from early morning until late evening, while his wife was in the house. One day, after the husband went out, the wife went out into the yard, and a horse appeared. The horse said, “The devil has arrived again and killed your father. Although we were 40 horses, the devil had already eaten several of us. If he eats us all, he will come to you. Therefore, I think you and I will run away. Tell your husband this." The wife made a hole in the pan so that she would not forget what the horse said.

Language learning specialists

  • Stolyarov A.V., Ph.D. Head department of the Russian Bible Society. St. Petersburg, st. Mayakovsky, 40. e-mail: [email protected]
  • Zaksor L.Zh., teacher at the Nanai Institute of Northern Peoples. St. Petersburg, Stachek Ave., 30
  • Kazama Shinjiro, Japan. Tokyo. University of Foreign Languages.

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