Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. The largest planets in the solar system

The oceans are, of course, vast, and the mountains are impressive in their size. 7 billion people is also not a small number. Since we live on planet Earth (which has a diameter of 12,742 km), it is easy for us to forget how tiny we truly are. To realize this, all we have to do is look at the night sky. Looking into it, it becomes clear that we are just a speck of dust in an unimaginably vast universe. The list of objects below will help put human greatness into perspective.

10. Jupiter
Largest planet (diameter 142.984 km)

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Ancient astronomers called Jupiter the king of the Roman gods. Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun. Its atmosphere consists of 84% hydrogen and 15% helium with small additions of acetylene, ammonia, ethane, methane, phosphite and water vapor. The mass of Jupiter is 318 times greater than the mass of the Earth, and its diameter is 11 times greater than that of the Earth. The mass of Jupiter is 70% of the mass of all other planets in our solar system. Jupiter's volume can accommodate 1,300 Earth-sized planets. Jupiter has 63 satellites (moons) known to science, but almost all of them are very small and dim.

9. Sun
The largest object in the Solar System (diameter 1,391,980 km)

The Sun (yellow dwarf star) is the largest object in the Solar System. Its mass makes up 99.8% of the total mass of the Solar System, and Jupiter's mass takes up almost the rest. At the moment, the mass of the Sun consists of 70% hydrogen and 28% helium. All other components (metals) occupy less than 2%. The percentages change very slowly as the Sun converts hydrogen into helium at its core. Conditions in the Sun's core, which occupies approximately 25% of the star's radius, are extreme. The temperature reaches 15.6 million degrees Kelvin, and the pressure reaches 250 billion atmospheres. The solar power of 386 billion megawatts is provided by nuclear fusion reactions. Every second, about 700,000,000 tons of hydrogen are converted into 695,000,000 tons of helium and 5,000,000 tons of energy in the form of gamma rays.

8. Solar system

Our solar system consists of a central star (the Sun) and nine planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, as well as numerous moons, millions of rocky asteroids and billions of icy comets.

7. VY Canis Majoris (VY CMa)
The largest star in the Universe (3 billion kilometers in diameter)

The star VY Canis Majoris (VY Canis Majoris) is the largest and also one of the brightest stars currently known. It is a red hypergiant in the constellation Canis Major. Its radius is 1800-2200 times greater than the radius of the Sun, and its diameter is 3 billion kilometers. If it were placed in our solar system, its surface would extend beyond the orbit of Saturn. Some astronomers disagree with this statement and believe that the star VY Canis Majoris is actually much smaller, only 600 times larger than the Sun, and would only stretch to the orbit of Mars.

6. The Largest Amount of Water Ever Discovered

Astronomers have discovered the largest and oldest mass of water ever discovered in the Universe. The giant 12-billion-year-old cloud carries 140 trillion times more water than all of Earth's oceans combined. A cloud of water vapor surrounds a supermassive black hole called a Quasar, located 12 billion light-years from Earth. According to scientists, this discovery proved that water has dominated the Universe throughout its existence.

5. Extremely huge supermassive black holes
(21 billion times the mass of the Sun)

A supermassive black hole is the largest type of black hole in a galaxy, ranging in size from hundreds of thousands to billions of solar masses. Most, if not all, galaxies, including the Milky Way, are believed to contain a supermassive black hole at their center. One of these newly discovered monsters, weighing 21 billion times the mass of the Sun, is an egg-shaped swirl of stars. It is known as NGC 4889, the brightest galaxy in a sprawling cloud of thousands of galaxies. This cloud is located 336 million light years from the constellation Coma Berenices. This black hole is so big that our entire solar system would fit there about a dozen times over.

4. Milky Way
100,000-120,000 light years in diameter

The Milky Way is a closed spiral galaxy with a diameter of 100,000-120,000 light years and containing 200-400 billion stars. It may contain at least that many planets, 10 billion of which may orbit within the habitable zone of their parent stars.

3. El Gordo "El Gordo"
Largest galaxy cluster (2×1015 solar masses)

El Gordo is located over 7 billion light years from Earth, meaning it has been observed since birth. According to scientists involved in the study, this cluster of galaxies is the most massive, hottest and emits more X-rays than any other known cluster at this distance or even further.

The central galaxy in the middle of El Gordo is unusually bright and has amazing blue rays at optical wavelengths. The authors believe that this extreme galaxy was formed as a result of the collision and merger of two galaxies at the center of each cluster.

Using data from the Spitzer Space Telescope and optical images, it was estimated that about 1% of the cluster's total mass is occupied by stars, while the rest is hot gas filling the gaps between stars and visible to the Chandra telescope. This ratio of gas to stars is consistent with results obtained from other massive clusters.

2. Universe
Estimated size - 156 billion light years

A picture is worth a thousand words, so look at this poster and try to imagine/understand how big our Universe is. The mind-blowing numbers are listed below. Here is the link to the full size

Today, scientists know only one large solar system in which our planet is located. It was formed 4.6 billion years ago. Stellar clouds of matter began to thicken in the Galaxy. Because of this, a large amount of thermal energy gradually began to be generated. With the formation of high temperature and density, nuclear reactions began to form, which provoked the formation of various gases and helium. These flows triggered the formation of the star we now call the Sun. The process of its creation took about several tens of millions of years.

Due to the high temperature, star dust accumulated in dense compounds, forming individual planets with its structure. Since the formation of all the planets and satellites of the solar system, no significant changes have been observed.

Heliocentric theory of world construction

In the second century AD, a scientist from Alexandria put forward a hypothesis about the location of our planet. It was from this that all scientists started, until the end of the fifteenth century. According to his theory, our planet was at the very center of the universe, and all other planets, including the Sun, could only rotate around its axis. But only thanks to the painstaking work of Nicolaus Copernicus, this hypothesis suffered a crushing failure. His observations were published only after his death, so the astronomer never received world recognition. His observations were able to prove the fact that the Sun is the center of the system, and all other planets can revolve around it along a given trajectory.

Number of planets in the solar system

Everyone knows that at the moment there are eight planets in the solar system. But until recently, it was believed that Pluto, which was discovered in early 1930, was also part of the solar system. But after much observation and research, it turned out that the planet farthest from the Sun does not rotate along a given trajectory at all. She is constantly in one position and does not move at all. Only with the onset of 2006, at the International Assembly in Prague, was it possible to prove that the dwarf planet is not part of the solar system at all.

The principle of the largest solar system

It is worth noting that the solar system is part of the milky way, which is located in our Galaxy. It is located on its outskirts, and is located at a distance of thirty thousand light years from its central point. The solar system includes the Sun itself, as well as numerous planets, satellites and asteroids that constantly move along a given trajectory.

Planet placement

All planets are divided into two different types. These are the inner and outer planets. The first type includes the four planets that are closest to the surface of the Sun. This:


Their sizes in relation to other planets are not so large, and the surface is covered with a rocky hard crust.

The second type includes giant planets:

These are those planets that mainly consist of a collection of various gases. They are located almost in the same plane. From the North Pole, you can clearly see that the planets move around the Sun in a direction that is opposite to the clockwise movement.

But be that as it may, there are always unexplored areas of space in the universe that can hide huge secrets. Perhaps in a few decades, scientists will be able to reach the most hidden corners.

The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter, shining in the sky with an even, intense light. Perhaps this gas giant was the first planet to appear in solar orbit.

Dimensions of Jupiter

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun

Jupiter is more than 300 times heavier than the Earth and 1.3 thousand times larger. A day on this planet lasts 10 Earth days, and a year lasts 12 Earth years. The force of gravity here is 2.5 times greater than on our planet. If an earthling weighing 50 kg ends up on Jupiter, then there he will weigh 125 kg.


The chemical composition of Jupiter's inner layers remains a mystery - it cannot be determined using modern observational methods, but the outer layers can be studied

In its chemical composition, Jupiter resembles the Sun. It consists of a solid core, helium, and hydrogen. These same chemical elements form the atmosphere of the gas giant, and phosphorus compounds give it an unforgettable orange hue.

Vortexes in the atmosphere

Jupiter, like the Earth, has equatorial, tropical, temperate and polar zones

For Jupiter, atmospheric vortices are a typical phenomenon. As a rule, such whirlwinds last no more than 4 days, but it happens that they drag on for several months. The largest atmospheric vortex on a gas giant is a giant red spot. The rotation speed of this vortex is 400 km/h. Periodically it disappears.

Hurricanes and lightning

The power of Jupiter's lightning is three orders of magnitude higher than that of Earth.

Every decade and a half, strong hurricanes occur on this planet that can destroy everything in their path. Hurricanes are accompanied by lightning that extends for a thousand kilometers. Their intensity is much higher than on Earth.

Moons of the largest planet in the solar system

The largest four moons of Jupiter, shown in the photo, were discovered back in 1610

Scientists have counted more than 65 moons of Jupiter. The most famous of them are Io, Europa, Callisto and Ganymede, named after the mistresses and lovers of the god Jupiter. Ganymede is made of ice, Callisto is made of dark stone, Europa is made of silicate rocks and an iron core, Io is made of sulfur mountains and volcanoes.


Jupiter's rings were discovered only in 1979

Jupiter has four rings: a thin and bright main ring 6,400 km wide and 30 km long, a thick halo ring 20,000 km thick, and two outer rings that resemble a translucent gossamer. All rings, except the halo, are reddish in color, the halo is blue or neutral.

cloud belt

Some researchers suggest that water-hydrocarbon life is possible on Jupiter

Jupiter's atmosphere contains a small percentage of water vapor. Some scientists have suggested that life is possible here and have even modeled three possible life forms: tiny sinkers, huge floaters and predatory hunters. However, this theory is not supported by evidence.

Jupiter is the oldest, largest, most massive, rapidly rotating planet in the solar system with the largest number of satellites and the most powerful magnetic field. There is no good weather on the surface of the planet. Powerful storms and thunderstorms constantly rage here. The high content of ammonia crystals in atmospheric currents gives the gas giant an unusual striped color with shades of white, beige and orange.

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