Interesting questions for children 6-7 years old. Quizzes for children in kindergarten

Training logical thinking (for children 5-7 years old)

Find a pattern and match the word.

Bird - feathers. Fish - ... (scales)
Cucumber is a vegetable. Chamomile -...
Teacher - school. Doctor -...
Table - tablecloth. Floor -...
Morning - breakfast. Evening -...
Man - hands. Cat -...
Fish-water. Bird -...
Red - stand. Green - ...
Autumn - rain. Winter -...

Who is this? What is this? Guess who or what is being talked about.

Green, long, juicy. (cucumber)
Brown, clubfooted, clumsy. (bear)
Cold, white, fluffy. (snow)
New, interesting, library. (book)
Small, gray, shy. (mouse)
White-trunked, tall, slender. (birch)

Choose words that have opposite meanings.

Black and white.
Big -...
Funny -...
Wide -...
High -...
Kind -...
Cold -...
Good -...
Thick -...
Solid -...
Smart -...
Fast -...
Healthy -...
Bitter -...

Choose words that have opposite meanings:

Day - night.
Winter - ...
North -...
Cold - ...
A lot -...
Beginning -...
First - ...
Welcome -...
Joy - ...
Far - ...

Answer the questions. Name different professions.

Who cooks dinner?
Who builds houses?
Who writes poetry?
Who sings the songs?
Who treats children?
Who sews the clothes?
Who paints the pictures?
Who paints the walls?
Who flies into space?
Who drives the car?

Think and solve logical problems.

1) Which is heavier: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?
2) Which lasts longer: a year or 12 months?
3) Marina and Tanya drank different juices - grape and apple. Marina did not drink apple juice. What juice did Tanya drink?
4) Kostya and Artem were wearing jackets of different colors: blue and green. Kostya was not wearing a blue jacket. What color jacket was Artem wearing?

Think and solve logical problems. Explain your answers.

1) Who will swim to the shore faster - ducklings or chickens?
2) Who will reach the flower faster - a butterfly or a caterpillar?
3) Mom has a cat Fluff, a daughter Dasha and a dog Sharik. How many children does mom have?
4) Four eggs are boiled for four minutes. How many minutes does it take to cook one egg?
5) Who will moo louder, a rooster or a cow?
6) How many mushrooms can be grown from spruce seeds?
7) Three sparrows sat on the water, one flew away. How many are left?
8) What is the best and fastest way to pick a watermelon from a tree?

Listen to the stories and answer the questions.

1) Vova woke up in the morning, ran to the window and exclaimed in surprise: “Mom, it was raining outside at night!” How did Vova guess that it was raining, since he was fast asleep at that time?
2) Looking out the window, Vera said to her mother: “Mom, you need to dress warmly, there is such a strong wind outside!” How did Vera guess that there was a strong wind outside?
3) An ant descends from the mountain, and a donkey meets it. The donkey asks the ant: “Please tell me, ant, what kind of grass is on the mountain?” “So tall and thick,” answered the ant. The donkey was happy and climbed the mountain, but no matter how hard he tried to pluck the grass with his lips, he just couldn’t. “The ant deceived me,” thought the donkey. What do you think, did the ant deceive the donkey?
4) The cat Vaska and his owner are sitting in a boat. The owner casts a fishing rod and says:
-Catch, big, big fish!
And Vaska quietly mutters:
- Little catch, little one!
Why does he say that?

Think and solve problems.

1) Nastya had 4 ribbons. She cut one of them into two equal parts. How many ribbons does Nastya have?
2) Geese were walking around the yard. Sasha counted 6 paws on all the geese. How many geese were walking in the yard?
3) Several birds were sitting on a branch. They only have 8 wings. How many birds were sitting on the branch?
4) Two friends played chess for 3 hours. How long did each of them play?

Read funny poems.

All kids need to know:
Two plus two, of course... (five?)

Everyone in the whole world knows:
Fingers on the hand... (four?)

All the guys know for sure:
Cats are very loud...(bark?)

Our kitten gallops deftly,
He really loves...(carrots?)

Our Seryozha is very smart,
He always laughs...(sad?)

They took the cat's fish,
Should he say... (thank you?)

Quizzes for children in kindergarten

(questions with answers for preschool educational institutions)

Children's questions about fairy tales (with answers)

1.I fulfilled three wishes,

But the old man's punishment
Three mistakes for the old woman
I took everything back (Goldfish)

It was made from dough,
I wasn't afraid of anyone.
But the Fox fell into the clutches
Thick round (Kolobok)

He brought it to the forest and left it under the tree.
Tears freeze in the cold,
But the fairy tale has an unprecedented ending -
Nastya was saved by the real one (Morozko)

The animals lived together in the house
I just didn’t realize
They let the bear go in vain -
Collapsed (Teremok)

Grandma is old, grandma is ancient,
Black cat, bone leg,
In Russian fairy tales, the villain is the first.
Children, this is (Baba Yaga)

2. Give the children five cards with images of fairy-tale characters. For example, if there are 25 guys, then there will be 25 cards, five of the same for several guys. On the cards:

Zmey Gorynych
Koschey the Immortal
The Little Humpbacked Horse

It's better to sign the cards.

The teacher asks questions, and the children must raise a card corresponding to a particular character instead of answering. Questions:

1. Which fairy-tale character has three heads?
2. Who can breathe fire if he gets very angry?
3. Who ate little porridge as a child and remained thin and angry throughout his long, long life?
4. Who can’t be killed unless you find a needle and break it?
5. Birds stealing children for Baba Yaga?
6. Which fairy-tale character helps the evil old woman, flies through the air and is covered with feathers?
7. Which character loved his brother very much and warned him not to drink water from a puddle?
8. A brave girl who was not afraid to follow her brother to Baba Yaga?
9. Which character eats oats and can jump over a high mountain?
10. Who saved Ivanushka from death in a cauldron of boiling water?

It’s better to ask questions randomly to “confuse” the guys a little.

Math quiz for kindergarten preparatory group

"The Adventures of the Cat Masha and Her Kittens"

1.Our cat Masha is a great mother
She has four daughters and one more son
Girls and boys, bend your fingers
How many kittens does she have? (five)

And now another puzzle about the cat Masha and her kittens. Masha has five kittens. Three of them are red, like fox cubs, the rest are gray. How many gray kittens does Masha have? (two)

Two kittens drink milk, one plays. How many kittens sleep? (two)

3. A huge dog came running,
He is bigger than the cat Masha,
And let him outgrow Masha,
She'll show him!
The kittens were very scared:
Two people hide their noses under the porch,
And three remained on the grass.
I’ll ask the kids a question:
How many animals are there in the yard? (seven - a dog, a cat Masha and five kittens)

4. Mistress of the cat Masha
Gave the task -
So that she catches mice,
Twice as fast.

Masha caught five mice. Three kittens also caught a mouse each, but two were unlucky - they didn’t catch anything. How many mice were caught in total?

5. The cat Masha has five kittens. The children came up with the idea of ​​hanging bows around their necks, but they argued which ribbons were more beautiful - blue or red. In order not to quarrel, the children decided that they should prepare ribbons of two colors at once. How many ribbons, red and blue, will the children need to prepare?

6. A game for children’s knowledge of basic geometric shapes.


The cat Masha climbed onto the roof to watch her playing kittens from above. The roof was shaped like this (shows “house” with his hands). What shape does the roof look like? (triangle)

The kittens were playing with a ball. What shape does the ball resemble? (circle)

Suddenly the ball bounced, jumped and hit the window! What shape does the window resemble? (Rectangle or square)

The grandmother looked out of the window and began to swear at the kittens: “Oh, you are so and so!” But she quickly forgave them and took a saucer of milk out into the yard. What shape does the saucer of milk resemble? (circle)

Grandfather came from the store and brought a box with a cake (shows a rectangle with his hands, because cakes can be round). What shape does the box resemble? (rectangle)

Target: summarize students’ knowledge on the topic “Fairy Tales” using the works of Russian, Soviet and foreign writers, as well as Russian folklore.

Tasks: development of coherent speech, word creation, auditory and visual attention; consolidate knowledge of one- and two-digit numbers; arouse interest in competitive games; development of teamwork skills; relieving emotional stress; correction of fears.

Materials: magnetic board, illustrations for fairy tales, 4 baskets, cubes, a toy fox, wooden mushrooms, sheets with outlines of raspberries (coloring pages), cut-out color pictures for fairy tales or large puzzles, candies for treating children.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales in groups, theatrical activities based on fairy tales.


Children enter the hall to the song “Visiting a Fairy Tale.” They sit down on chairs.

The teacher enters with the boy Ivanushka.

  • Hello guys! Today brother Ivanushka came to visit us and he needs our help. Tell me, Ivanushka, what happened?
  • Baba Yaga bewitched my sister Alyonushka and she cannot find her way into her fairy tale. Do you know what fairy tale I'm from? What fairy tales are your favorite? Why?

Children's answers.

Educator: A fairy tale can teach us a lot, it can force us, it can simply amuse us, create a good mood, because in fairy tales good always triumphs over evil. Well, guys, let's help Ivanushka?

Children: - Yes! Yes!

– To do this, you need to go on a journey through fairy tales and cope with all the challenges that you will encounter along the way! And you will also find treacherous questions prepared by Baba Yaga. If you find the answers to them, the witchcraft will disappear, and Alyonushka will return to Ivanushka! Are you ready? Let's divide into 2 teams and hold a competition: the first team is “Well done”, and the second is “Dares”. The first competition is a warm-up. Just let's agree that the team to whom I ask the question will answer and not shout!!! So, warm up.....

Didactic game “Guess the fairy tale”

The grandmother loved the girl very much.

I gave her a red cap.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood.)

Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round side, ruddy side

Rolled... (Kolobok.)

My father had a strange boy,

Unusual - wooden.

But the father loved his son.

What a weird one

Wooden man

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key?

He sticks his long nose everywhere.

Who is this?.. (Pinocchio.)

Cinderella's feet

fell down by accident.

She was not simple,

and a crystal... (Slipper.)

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Little children? (Kids from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids.”)

Near the forest, on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs.

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three bears.)

The nose is round, with a snout,

It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what extent?

Friendly brothers look alike.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three little pigs.)

Treats small children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good doctor... (Aibolit.)

  • And the road is far

And the basket is not easy

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie.

(Masha and the Bear)

  • There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water -

In the hoof hole!

(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.)

The team that wins the competition receives a cube, which we put in a basket. Whoever has the most cubes wins.

1 competition."Fairy"

Educator: And now I invite one person from each team.

Children stand on both sides of the leader, the leader has an outstretched palm, and on it is a cube. Explanation of the task. The presenter reads a short excerpt from a fairy tale, the children quickly remember what kind of fairy tale it is and whoever remembers first quickly takes the cube from the presenter’s palm. The competition continues two or three times. The teacher reads several excerpts from fairy tales.

“They brought milk, eggs, cottage cheese and began to feed the fox. And the fox asks to be given a chicken as a reward.” (“The Snow Maiden and the Fox.”)

“... The cat heard... The cat came running... Its back is arched, its tail is a pipe, its eyes are burning, its claws are extended. Well, scratch the fox! The fox fought and fought, but the cockerel let go.” (“The cat and the rooster.”)

. ... The wolf looked around, wanted to call the fox for help, but there was no trace of her - she ran away. The wolf spent the whole night fumbling around the ice hole - he couldn’t get his tail out...

(“The Fox and the Wolf.”)

Now the cold winter has come, frosts have begun to creep in; The ram - there is nothing to do - comes to the bull: “Let me warm up, brother.” - “No, ram, your fur coat is warm; you'll survive the winter anyway. I won’t let you in!” (“Winter quarters of animals.”)

2 competition."Mushrooms for the Chanterelle"

There is a knock at the door (one of the adults helps to do this).

Educator: Someone is coming to visit us. She opens the door, a costumed fox comes in, or we take out a toy fox, and they ask her: “Why did you come running to us, fox?”

“Yes, she ran through the forest, with her little box,

and there were forest mushrooms in the box, she tripped, fell, and scattered the mushrooms.”

The presenter gives baskets to one of the participating teams and scatters mushrooms (you can cut colored mushrooms out of paper and scatter them on the floor, whoever collects more in their basket faster) counts, gives a cube, and the fox with mushrooms is escorted out the door.

3 competition."Berries for a bear"

Educator: Guys, you all have ever gone to the forest with adults (emphasize that, of course, you can’t go into the forest alone), but one girl went to pick berries and got lost, came across a hut in the forest. (Remember what kind of fairy tale, what the girl’s name is, who lived in the hut - the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”).

Educator: Do you know that the bear was angry with Masha, because she was able to deceive him? Let's appease the bear so that he doesn't get angry or offended, let's give Misha a treat.

Again, one of the teams goes out, the presenter offers to color the berries that Misha loves so much, who is most likely to color (use the contours of the berries on sheets of paper attached to a magnetic board). The winner gets a cube.

Dynamic pause “The fairy tale will give us a rest”

A fairy tale will give us a rest.

Let's take a rest and hit the road again!

Malvina advises us:

- The waist will become an aspen,

If we bend over

Left and right ten times.

Here are the Thumbelina words:

- So that your back is straight,

Get up on your toes

It's like you're reaching for flowers.

One, two, three, four, five.

Little Red Riding Hood's advice:

- If you jump, run,

You will live for many years.

One, two, three, four, five.

Say it again:

One, two, three, four, five.

The fairy tale gave us a rest!

Have you rested?

On the road again!

(Children repeat the described movements.)

4 competition."Correct the mistakes"

Educator: There are mistakes in the names of the following fairy tales. Find them. I will call each team in turn a changeling. Be careful.

* “Cockerel Ryaba” - “Chicken Ryaba”.

* “Dasha and the Bear” - “Masha and the Bear”.

* “The Wolf and the Seven Lambs” - “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids.”

* “The Cockerel and the Pea Seed” - “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed.”

* “Ducks-swans” – “Geese-swans”.

* “A fox with a saucepan” – “A fox with a rolling pin.

* “At the command of the fish” - “At the command of the pike.”

* “Zayushkin’s house” - “Zayushkin’s hut”.

5 competition."Collect a picture"

On the trays there are cut-out pictures for fairy tales. I call one child at a time from the team, the children must put together a puzzle and name the fairy tale encrypted in the picture.

Educator: Well done, guys! You know fairy tales well and helped sister Alyonushka find her way into her fairy tale and meet her brother. Thank you.

Ivanushka thanks the children and leaves to meet his sister.

Now let's summarize.

We count the cubes, name the winner, and treat the children to candy.


To everyone celebrating their birthday! Today is declared the day of test riddles and mysterious tests. After passing a series of tests, you have the opportunity to receive souvenirs. Each player who answered correctly receives a card that must be kept. At the end of the holiday, whoever has as many cards as possible will receive as many souvenirs. (or commands)

1. The code word is encrypted in the secret script of the pirates. For a while. The first one wins.
Here is a piece of paper with the "Pirate Secret Book":

2. Solve puzzles against time. A total of 15 minutes is given.

Answers to children's puzzles:

Paris. Carpenter. Age
Austria. Magpie. Motherland
Point. Task. Showcase
Knitwear. Hare. Beans
Family. Fashion. Wall

3.Guess who scattered the letters (isograph drawing).

4. I believe it or not.
For each correct answer we put a + on whoever has the most + card.

1. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)
2.Does Australia use disposable school boards? (No)
3. Was the fountain pen invented in Ancient Egypt? (Yes)
4. Was the ballpoint pen used only by military pilots at first? (Yes)
5. In Africa, fortified pencils are produced for children who tend to chew on anything? (Yes)
6.Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (No)
7.Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)
8. If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)
9. Is it true that spiders feed on their own web? (Yes)
10. In one Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz. (No)
11. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)
12.If you put a flounder on a chessboard, it will also become checkered. (Yes)
13.Spartan warriors sprayed their hair with perfume before battle. (Yes, this is the only luxury they allowed themselves)
14. Do mice grow up and become rats? (No, these are two different orders of rodents)
15.Can some frogs fly? (Yes, in the tropical forests of Asia and Africa)
16.Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)
17.Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with fluid)
18.Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)
19.Do people still wash themselves with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)
20.Can bats receive radio signals? (No)
21.Can't owls roll their eyes? (Yes)
22.Is moose a type of deer? (Yes)
23. At night, do giraffes use echoes to find the leaves they feed on? (No)
24. Are dolphins small whales? (Yes)
25. Does rhinoceros horn have magical powers? (No)
26. In some countries, fireflies are used as lighting devices? (Yes)
27.A monkey is usually the size of a kitten? (Yes)
28. Was Scrooge's lucky coin worth 10 cents? (Yes)
29.Duremar was selling frogs? (No, leeches)
30. Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)
31.Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)
32. Are most turnips grown in Russia? (No, in America)
33. An elephant, meeting an unfamiliar relative, greets in the following way - puts its trunk in its mouth? (Yes)
34. Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)
35. In medicine, is the diagnosis of “Munchausen syndrome” given to a patient who lies a lot? 36. (No, such a diagnosis is given to a patient who has a constant desire to be treated)
37.The height of the Little Humpbacked Horse is two inches? (No, three)
38. First place among the causes of death from accidents in Japan in 1995. borrowed high heels? (Yes, almost 200 Japanese women died from falling from high heels)

5.Ribbon competition

The presenter invites an equal number of boys and girls to go on stage. They stand around him. The presenter has as many ribbons in his fist as there are participants. The ends of the ribbons hang freely in different directions, but their middles are mixed up. A bow is tied at one end of each ribbon. The presenter invites all participants to take hold of these ends; the girls need to choose those ends on which bows are tied. On the count of “One, two, three,” the presenter unclenches his fist, and all participants disperse around the hall. The first couple to unravel wins. Thus, each ribbon “tied” the pair with its ends. (They have cards).

6. CHAIN ​​OF WORDS - for a while - who has more

Let's name a word. At the same time, we begin to write a verbal chain in which each subsequent word must begin with the last letter of the previous one. For example: table - spoon - watermelon - tooth...

The one who writes the most words in 3 minutes wins.

7. Intellectual (comic questions). 3 minutes (+) whoever has more and who answers faster and correctly wins +

1. Which note is needed for compote? (Salt)
2. Which composer's name resembles a hunter's shot? (Bach)
3. Is it possible to bring water in a sieve? (You can have a piece of ice)
4. Which wheel does not spin in a car while driving? (Spare)
5. Who speaks all languages? (Echo)
6. What kind of fabric can’t you make a shirt from? (From the railway station)
7. Which wing never flies? (car fender)
8. Equilateral rectangle? (Square)
9. What Russian word consists of three syllables and indicates 33 letters? (Alphabet)
10. Paper bag? (Envelope)
11. Why do village children like to walk barefoot? (On the ground)
12. What happens to the crow when it turns 7 years old? (The eighth will go)
13. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
14. How do day and night end? (Soft sign)
15. Which clock shows the correct time twice a day? (Faulty)

8. DISCOVERER for speed and more

First, the competition participants are invited to “discover” a new planet - inflate balloons as quickly as possible, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants: quickly draw little figures of people on the balloon with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner!

9. Compose the correct poem command speed and correctness


10 Who else can you see?

11. “Pass the orange” 5 minutes
This is a very famous game. For those who haven’t played, try it, it’s very interesting!
The guys line up and pass an orange or an apple, not with their hands, but with their chins. Whoever drops the orange is out, and the game starts over. And so on until there is only one winner left.

12 Bilboke up to 5 points, once - and pass it around. Whoever scores 5 points first wins.

Several people play. You need to throw the ball up and catch it in a glass or mug. For this - one point. They catch the ball one at a time until they miss. The one who misses passes the billboke to the next player. The winner is the one who first scores the agreed number of points.

All participants are divided into two teams. The first team comes up with a clever word and then says it to one of the players on the opposing team. The task of the chosen one is to depict the hidden word without making a sound, only with gestures, facial expressions and plastic movements, so that his team can guess what was planned. After successfully guessing, the teams change roles. After some practice, this game can be complicated and made much more interesting by guessing not words, but phrases.

14 Each table is given an envelope in which a beautiful postcard is cut into various geometric shapes. The task is to collect a postcard. (You can “restore” a landscape picture, a portrait of a writer). 10 minutes


Under the dictation of the presenter, we write in a column:

The player fills out the task

Title of a literary work
Poetic line

After this, the presenter names a letter (let’s say m), and each player must write the writer’s surname, the name of the city, etc. next to it. with the letter m. The one who completes it first wins.


This game is played by two or two teams. Each player (or team) writes ten words of five letters on a piece of paper, but not the whole word, but only its three middle letters. After this, the players exchange pieces of paper and everyone must add a letter to the left and to the right, so that they get a word.

For example: -tva- decoction, -ate- kater. The one who manages it first wins.


In this game, one of you will take on the role of leader. The presenter writes 20 words on a piece of paper in advance - singular common nouns in the nominative case. Let him prepare two or three of these twenty: experience shows that they will like this game and will want to repeat it, especially since the first round will be like a test.
When the game time comes, the presenter will give everyone a blank sheet of paper and a pencil and say something like this: “Draw the sheet into twenty cells. I have a list of twenty words. I will name the first word and count to three. During this time, you must be in the first cell, make a drawing symbolizing the concept contained in this word.
The game is that based on your drawings you will then have to, when you fill in all 20 cells, reproduce the very words that these drawings mean. It is clear that here you need a quick reaction: in three seconds to find and capture some characteristic detail. So, if the word hare is named, it is enough to draw two long ears; a few stripes will tell you that I named the tiger. When all the cells are filled with drawings, write captions for them. Whoever can reproduce the most words is the winner."
As players become more comfortable with the game, you need to introduce them to more difficult tins to graphically depict.

For example: laziness, health, braggart.

The most interesting thing in this game is looking at the drawings of other players.

18.Number of players: any. Optional: ribbon, ring

Thread a ribbon into the ring and tie the ends. Participants in the game stand in a circle and pick up a circular ribbon with a ring so that it is inside. The driver stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes.
Participants begin passing the ring along the ribbon. On command, the driver opens his eyes and tries to guess whose hand the ring is in. If you didn't guess correctly - a penalty point. At this time, the players imitate passing the ring, all at once. The participant whose ring was found stands in the center and the game continues again. At the end the results are summed up.
The driver with the fewest penalty points wins.

"We all sang songs"
The host reads the definition of the children's song, and the guests, guessing, sing it.

- a song about a part of the land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from constantly eating tropical fruits (“Chunga-changa”);
- a song about a heavenly-colored vehicle (“Blue Car”);
- a song about how bad weather conditions cannot ruin the holiday (“We will survive this trouble”);
- a song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and at the same time takes sunbathing (“I’m lying in the sun”)
- a song about a plant that grew up in the wild and was cut down by a peasant (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”);
- a song about how fun it is to march with a group (“It’s fun to walk together”);
- a song about a small creature whose color resembles a certain vegetable (“A grasshopper sat in the grass”).

20. Competition "The Big Picture"

Teams participate in the competition. For the competition you will need whatman paper, there should be as many of them as there are teams. You also need to prepare markers (one marker per participant). Teams stand along one line, at a distance of 3-4 meters from it there is a Whatman paper on the table, each team has its own table. Each participant is given one felt-tip pen, everyone has a different color. At the presenter’s signal, the first participants run to the Whatman paper and within 30 seconds begin to draw a picture. When 30 seconds have passed, the presenter says change, and the players change, the second participant runs. Thus, all participants take turns drawing a picture. The team with the most beautiful picture wins.

21. Game "Smile of the Cheshire Cat"

This game is similar to the famous games "What? Where? When?" and "Brain Ring". The name of the game was given due to its resemblance to the Cheshire Cat, which disappeared in parts. The game involves two teams with the same number of players. Each team is asked one question. If the players answer correctly, then one of them leaves the game (“disappears”), if the team cannot answer, the turn passes to the other team. The winner is the team that was the first to “disappear” completely. The winning team can be presented with small toy cats as a prize.

22. Competition "Attentiveness will not hurt"

Up to 20 people can participate in the competition. Participants must complete the leader’s tasks in reverse. For example, if the presenter says that you need to raise your hands, you need to lower them. The participant who does what the leader says, and not the opposite action, is eliminated. Thus, the number of participants is gradually decreasing. The most attentive participant remains. Examples of presenter tasks: raise your arms, jump, lean to the left, sit down, raise your left arm, cross your arms, raise your head, bend forward. The number and options of tasks are selected individually.

23. Competition "Trace in History"

You will need: sheets of paper, markers. Two teams are recruited. Each team is given a sheet and markers and chooses a captain. Both captains leave or are blindfolded. the remaining team members are given half a minute to leave their “mark” on a piece of paper - make a fingerprint, sign, leave an imprint of lipstick, even a sole, anything, the main thing is that each participant takes part in this (except for the captains). After half a minute, the captains are given these “creations” and they must guess where the footprint of each member of their team is. For every mistake there is a penalty point. The team that scores fewer penalties wins.

Is your child going to first grade in a couple of months? He is already so mature and independent. Soon he will begin to gnaw on science and absorb knowledge... Many mothers are very worried whether the baby is ready for school, whether it will be difficult for him there. The issue of a child’s readiness for school is very important, since the first impression of school and the subsequent desire or reluctance to attend it, as well as success, depend on readiness. Experts (teachers and psychologists) will help you find out how ready your child is for school. At the same time, psychological readiness for school is a very important aspect, so you should not neglect it.

Today we invite you to check the general erudition of your “less than five minutes” student, his general level of thinking, and his horizons. To do this, we offer a list of 35 questions that a 6-year-old child should answer:

  1. What is your name? What's your last name? Surname?
  2. How old are you, how old will you be in a year, and in 2 years?
  3. When is your birthday?
  4. What's your mom's name? Full name with surname and patronymic.
  5. What's dad's name? Full name with surname and patronymic.
  6. When is your mom's birthday? (it is enough to name only the month)
  7. When is your dad's birthday? (it is enough to name only the month)
  8. Where do your parents work? By whom?
  9. What country do we live in?
  10. What is the name of the city where you live?
  11. Give your address, mom or dad's phone number.
  12. What to do if you suddenly get lost?
  13. What to do if you cut yourself?
  14. How much does a loaf of white (gray) bread cost?
  15. Do you smell gas in the apartment? What to do?
  16. What to do if you offended a friend?
  17. Where is the ice thicker - near the shore or in the middle of the reservoir?
  18. Why can't we, visitors, feed the animals at the zoo?
  19. What day is it today? What will it be like tomorrow? What was it like yesterday?
  20. Name the seasons.
  21. How are squirrels and crows similar and different?
  22. How to call it in one word: pear, rose, nettle, oak?
  23. Why do they lower the barrier before the train leaves?
  24. What time is it now?
  25. What time do you go to bed?
  26. What is the name of a baby cow, sheep, or horse?
  27. Why does a car need brakes?
  28. What do a hammer and an ax have in common?
  29. What is the difference between a nail and a bolt? How to distinguish them?
  30. Name 5 domestic and 5 wild animals.
  31. Name 5 cities.
  32. What types of transport do you know?
  33. What is the difference between an old person and a young person?
  34. Why play sports?
  35. Why go to school?

It is worth paying attention if the child cannot answer most of these questions. Perhaps he should study some more, or perhaps he does not understand what is being asked, or perhaps he simply does not want to answer... If only a few questions remain without the correct answer, then your 6-year-old has a broad outlook and has a fairly high level of erudition .

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