Lesson applique large and small balls. Lesson notes on the application "Ball" (junior group 1)

Integration of educational areas:

"Social and communicative development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"


Develop children's imagination and creativity;

Consolidate knowledge of colors, size and shape of a given object;

Strengthen the ability to correctly hold a brush in your hand;

Arrange parts in a given order;

Develop color perception.

Methods and techniques

Practical: observation, application, physical. just a minute;

Visual: showing techniques;

Verbal: teacher’s story, questions.

Materials and equipment: ½ album sheet, cut out circles of different sizes - large, medium and small, brush, liquid glue, cloth.

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities

- Motor

Phys. just a minute.

- Cognitive and research


- Communicative


- Artistic and aesthetic (Application).

Educational activities.

IN : - Hello guys! Today in our lesson we will be doing appliqué.

And the topic of our lesson is called: “Big and small balls”!

Let's remember what shape the ball has?

IN: - That's right guys!

What size are the balls?

- That's right guys, you guys are great at knowing everything!

Guys, please look, you have circles of different colors and different sizes on your plate. Our task today is to arrange them on a sheet of paper in decreasing order. The way I did it! (The teacher shows the children a finished sample of glued circles on a sheet of paper in decreasing order).

Children listen to the teacher, answer questions, look at the sample.

Interest, preparation for work.

Physical moment.

"Bear Cubs"!

The cubs lived in the thicket,

They turned their heads,

Like this, like this, like this

The cubs were looking for honey.

Together they rocked the tree:

Like this, like this, like this.

And then they danced

They raised their paws higher,

Like this, like this, like this, like this!

(Children perform a variety of movements.)

Perform all movements correctly.

IN : - Now guys, it's time for us to put on our aprons and get to work!

- Together with me, take a large red circle in one hand and coat it on the other side with a brush dipped in glue. Let's glue it first on one side of the sheet, and now again, together with me, take a blue circle, which is smaller than the large circle, and glue it next to it. You see, guys, our balls seem to be shrinking.

Look guys, how interesting and beautiful our balls are!

(Children listen to the teacher, repeat the application order).

Children follow the sequence of work correctly.

(When finishing work, they put their work places in order.)

The children were happy with their work!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 27, Yurga”

Lesson in 1st junior group No. 5 “Dwarves”.

Artistic creativity. Application.


Prepared by: Solovyanenko L.Yu.

G. Yurga

Application "Ball"

Target. Strengthen the ability to stick multi-colored balls of different sizes and colors from colored paper. Arouse positive emotions from work.


Educational: consolidate the idea of ​​a geometric figure - a circle; consolidate gluing techniques.

Developmental: develop speech, memory, attention, thinking.

Educational: continue to instill in children responsiveness, sympathy for fairy-tale characters, and create a desire to help them.

Material and equipment:

balls large and small;

large and small basket;

a sheet of white cardboard with a drawing of a kolobok blank (for each child);

cut out circles from double-sided colored paper (for each child);

glue, brushes, napkins (for each child);

soap bubbles;

audio recording.

Preliminary work:

1.Reading the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

2.Look at pictures and illustrations on this topic.

3. Didactic games to consolidate knowledge “Big - small”, “What color?”

4.Consolidate knowledge about the geometric figure “Circle”.

5. Introduce Pal/i “Ball”

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the group. There are balls of different colors and sizes in a large and small basket. (Small balls are in a small basket, large balls are in a large basket).

Educator: Guys, what is this? (Balls ). There are so many of them. And how different they all are, so beautiful and colorful! Big and small!

(Children pick up a ball)

    Individual work:

Questions: What color is the ball? What is it, big or small?

(For a child who doubts the answer, I say what color and size of the ball it is and ask him to repeat.)

Do you want to play with them?(Yes).

    P/i “My funny ringing ball” is being held

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you start galloping to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Can't keep up with you.

Children throw the ball and then catch it. I suggest collecting the balls. Place them in a basket of the appropriate size. Check with the children that all the balls are in their basket.

There's a knock on the door.

Educator: It seems that someone came to us.

(Opens the door and the toy “Kolobok” appears).


Hello guys! (Children greet the kolobok).

Educator: Kolobok, why are you so sad? The “Kolobok” guys told me in my ear that he wanted to play, but he didn’t have any balls. Shall we help him have fun? On your table there are multi-colored circles - balls and everything you need to stick them on. This must be done beautifully - so that the balls surround our bun. Then he will become cheerful.

    Shoot/and “Ball” is carried out

What a bouncy ball!

Clench your hands into a fist

He's ready to take off at a gallop!

It just begs to be played! It just begs to be played!

Rotate your fists in one direction, then the other.

It will be difficult to hold on!

Unclench your fists

The ball jumped and jumped,

It's in our hands again!

We connect the fingers of both hands alternately, forming a ball inside the palm.

Educator: Look guys, our bun is cheerful and smiling! Now he will have fun playing with balls. Says thank you for the beautiful, colorful balls. And he also has a surprise for you.

A game is played with soap bubbles and fun music "Alvin and the Chipmunks".

Kolobok says goodbye to the children.

Result: Who came to visit us today?(gingerbread man) What did we do for him?(balls). What shape does the ball resemble?(circle).


    E.A. Yanushko. Application for young children (1-3 years old). Methodological manual for educators and parents. – M.: Mosaic-Sintez, 2006-64с

    E.N. Lunkina. We are raising a 2-3 year old child. M., 2008

    M. D. Makhaneva. Play activities for children from 1 to 3 years old. M., 2008

    Internet resources.


directly educational activities

By applications for children of the younger group.

Educational field: artistic creativity

Subject: "The balls are rolling along the path."

Target: introduce children to the rules of sticking.


Learn to lay out ready-made figures on the background and stick them, applying glue to the paper not from the colored side, but from the reverse side, pressing the part tightly to the paper;

Develop practical skills, fine motor skills, eye; mental processes;

Cultivate accuracy in work; desire to help a friend.

Integration of educational areas: socialization, communication, safety, cognition, physical education.

Preliminary work:playing with a ball while walking; reading the poem “My merry ringing ball”; drawing “Big and small balls” (in free time from GCD).


demo -sample, display equipment, image of a gnome;

dispensing - sheet with background; preparing balls for work; equipment for application; balls according to the number of children.


Introduction to the game situation.

Foxes with a background lie on the tables in front of the children, colored side down.

Guys, do you like to play? (Yes)

Do you want to play now? (Yes)

- Before we start the game, let's agree howwe will play: everyone must participate in the game, we play together, we give to each other say.

Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes)

Then listen to my tale.

In one fairy-tale country there was a small, magical forest. In this fairy-tale forest, various trees and flowers grew, small bunnies, bears, squirrels, birds and other fairy-tale forest inhabitants lived. But the most important inhabitants of this magical forest were little gnomes who never offended anyone, who worked, played and had fun with pleasure. But there was one gnome in this forest - his name was Vasya, who differed from the others in that his work was not as good as his friends. Because of this, the gnome Vasya was upset and sick. And then his friends decided to help him. Having learned that our group is called “Gnomes” and that very friendly, helpful and cheerful guys come here, they decided to send the gnome Vasya to study with us. Dwarf Vasya happily agreed and now he is our guest.

Say hello to the gnome Vasya.(Put up an image of a gnome. Look at the gnome a little with the children).

Are you ready to help our new friend?

Then sit down at the tables, close your eyes, and like in a fairy tale, the gnome Vasya will come to each of you.(Remove the gnome image)

Turn over the sheet that lies in front of you, do you see our new friend there, the gnome Vasya? (Yes)

Gymnastics for hands “Magic glasses”:

In order to see our new friend the gnome Vasya as best as possible, I suggest you make magic glasses like these from your fingers and look at the gnome through them.(Children make rings from their fingers, place them against their eyes, and look at the image through “magic glasses”)

Dwarf Vasya loves to have fun, walk and roll different balls along the path.

Guys, it seems to me that our new friend is a little sad. Why do you think? (The gnome has no balls, he has nothing to play with)

What to do? How can we cheer him up? (Give him balls)

Motivational game with the creation of a problem situation:

- You have balls on your trays. What size are they?

- Take them and put them on the path: first the largest one, then the smaller ones and the smallest one.

But suddenly the wind blew and the balls rolled off the path. What to do, because it is not convenient for a gnome to play in the grass.

Finding a way out of a problem situation:

- We'll have to stop playing.

- What can be done to prevent balls from rolling off the path and onto the grass? (You need to glue the balls onto the track)

Step-by-step work of children together with the teacher:

Let's help Vasya the gnome with me and stick balls on the track.

Take the largest ball and place its white side on the oilcloth. Take a brush, dip it in a jar of glue, remove excess glue on the edge of the jar and coat the white side of the ball with glue like this - from the middle to the edges. Then place the brush on the stand. Take the ball with both hands and glue it to the track, blot off any excess glue with a napkin. This is how we glued the biggest ball onto the track.

While working, do not swing the brush around, otherwise you may hurt your friend; If you get glue on your fingers, do not put them in your mouth, but wipe them off with a napkin. After work, you can wash your hands with soap.

Now stick the remaining balls onto the track yourself.

Independent work of children.

During the children’s independent work, the teacher ensures that the children use the appliqué equipment correctly; If necessary, helps those children who have difficulties in work.

Physical education minute:

I'll take

The ball is big

I'll pick you up

Over your head

I'll arch my back

I'll throw the ball.

To summarize:

Who did you meet today? (With the gnome Vasya)

What does the gnome Vasya like to play? (In balls)

What balls did you give to the gnome? (Big and small)

Did you like the game? What did you like most?

You did your best, the gnome Vasya says thank you and will be very glad to meet you again.

Summary of a modeling lesson in the second junior group on the topic: “Balls.”

Program content.

Educational task: learn to sculpt round objects - balls.

Technical task: learn to sculpt round-shaped objects - a ball, by rolling a lump of plasticine with circular movements of the hands.

Developmental task: to develop speech and thinking.

Educational task: use plasticine carefully.

Educational space: the presence of a variety of balls in the sports corner, conducting the outdoor game “Catch the Ball”.

Teacher training . The day before, play games with balls: roll, catch, throw. Clarify the shape - the ball is round, like a ball.

Vocabulary work . Ball, round, roll into a ball, small ball, big ball.

Equipment . Balls large and small, a poem, clay, boards, wet wipes.

Progress of the lesson.

I read a poem to the children:

My cheerful, ringing ball

Where did you start galloping?

Yellow, red, blue,

Can't keep up with you.

I invite children to play with balls, roll them, hold them in their hands. I show the children a large and a small ball, and ask which ball is big and which is small. I'm refining the shape of the ball.

The doll Katya comes to visit the children.

"Hello guys!" - says Katya.

Guys, Katya is very sad. She lost all her balls and now she and her friends can't play.

Let's help the doll Katya! Let's make a lot of balls for her and her friends!

I show the children how to make a ball: put a lump of plasticine on one palm and roll it with the other. I comment on all my movements. Then I ask the children to repeat the movements in the air (without plasticine).

Children, divide the plasticine into parts.

I check if everyone did it correctly.

Now place a lump of plasticine in your palm and roll the other one.

Children make balls by rolling a lump of plasticine with the palms of both hands over the board.

Guys, look how many balls you got.

Larisa Nikolaevna Meshcheryakova
Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the second junior group “Big and small balls”

Target classes:Develop children's imagination and creativity. Reinforce knowledge of colors, size and shape of a given object. Tasks:1) Strengthen the ability to correctly hold a brush in your hand. 2) Arrange the parts in the given order. 3) Develop color perception.

Handout material. Landscape sheet A4 format. Cut out circles of different sizes - big,medium and small. Brush, liquid glue, cloth.

Progress of the lesson.

IN:- Hello guys! Today on our lesson we will be with you, study appliqué. And the theme of our classes are called:"Big and small balls"!Let's remember what shape the ball has? Children:round! IN:- That's right guys! What size are they? balls? Children:-big and small!IN: -That’s right guys, what a great fellow you are, you know everything! Guys, please look, you have circles of different colors and different sizes on your plate. Our task today is to arrange them on a sheet of paper in decreasing order. Just like I did! The teacher shows the children a finished sample of glued circles on a sheet of paper in decreasing order. Guys, before we go to our workshop and become creators of our common cause, let’s stretch our fingers a little!

Physical moment. "Bear Cubs"!

The cubs lived in the thicket,

They turned their heads,

Like this, like this, like this

The cubs were looking for honey.

Together they rocked the tree:

Like this, like this, like this.

And then they danced

They raised their paws higher,

Like this, like this, like this, like this!

IN:- Now guys, it’s time for us to put on our aprons and get to work!

IN:- Together with me, let's take it in one hand big circle is red and coat it on the other side with a brush dipped in glue. Let's glue it first on one side of the sheet, and now again, together with me, take a yellow circle, which is smaller big mug and glue it next to it. You see guys, our balls seem to be decreasing. Well, now guys, let’s take with me the last green circle, it’s the smallest of all the circles, now we’ll coat the circle with glue on the back side and glue it next to the yellow circle. Look guys, how interesting and beautiful we turned out! balls! Do you know what they look like? At the traffic light! Guys! Only in diminutive order!

IN:- Guys, did you like it? class?


IN:- I'm glad! And now guys, it’s time for us to return to our garden to tell other guys about our balls that we made together in our workshop!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the GCD “Big and Little Stars” in the second junior group Approximate outline of GCD. Topic: “Big and small stars” Priority area: cognitive development Integration of educational ones.

Abstract of the GCD for the application “Big and small apples on a plate” for the second junior group Goal: Teach children to stick round objects. Strengthen ideas about the differences in size of objects. Objectives: 1. Educational.

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge of the differences in size of objects. Fix the correct gluing techniques (take a little glue on the brush.

Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the first junior group “Eminent handkerchiefs” Goal: acquaintance with the folk toy - matryoshka. Objectives: 1. Teach children to recognize and name the popular Russian folk toy - matryoshka.

Summary of a lesson on applique in the second junior group: “Flower - seven-flowered” Purpose: To consolidate the ability to admire the beauty of spring nature.

Goal: Expand children's understanding of space and rockets. Objectives: - Teach children to compose an image from details. - Learn correctly.

Preliminary work on creating an application: Examining willow branches, observing the process of willow buds opening, reading a fairy tale.

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