Lesson "Transport: air, land, water."

To the couch potato by the river
I brought two hands
I adjusted it to my sides
And swam across the water surface.
Answer: Oars

He doesn't hide from the wind,
And, with his chest out, he rolls.
Answer: Sailboat

A white goose is swimming -
Wooden belly
The wing is linen.
Answer: Yacht

The giant city walks
To work in the ocean.
Answer: Ship

What a miracle house, guys!
There are a lot of passengers in it.
The mustache touches the wires,
It's called transport.
Answer: Trolleybus

Four wheels
rubber tires,
Motor and brakes.
And what is this?
Answer: Cars

There's a house going down the street
It takes everyone to work.
Not on chicken thin legs,
And in rubber boots.
Answer: Bus

In space through the thickness of years
An icy flying object.
His tail is a strip of light,
And the object's name is...
Answer: Comet

Here's a steel bird
Aspires to heaven
And it is driven by a pilot.
What kind of bird?
Answer: Airplane

On a winding path
The sun grows on a leg.
As the sun ripens,
There will be a handful of grains.
Answer: Sunflower

There is a beautiful chest,
You can't touch him - he's silent,
But once you turn the handles,
He will start talking and singing.
Answer: Radio

Crawling along the ceiling and chewing on the light bulb. Who?
Answer: Ceiling lamp gnawer

A man went to sea and got caught in a storm. He was carried to an island where there were no men, and only girls lived. In the morning he woke up covered in ropes at some ritual and found out that they wanted to kill him. And he asked for the last word. After he told him, the girls made him a boat, gave him food, water and sent him home. What did he say?
Answer: let the ugliest one kill me
Pointed Diana

With claws, not a bird, it flies and swears.
Answer: Electrician falls from pole
Semykina Sonya, Moscow

Two brothers can't separate
To the door at night, on the road in the morning.
Answer: Boots

In a sheepskin coat with a red sash and a wonderful bag.
Answer: Santa Claus
Yakimenok Angelina

In which word does the letter Y appear 6 times?
Answer: Vylysypydysty
Serebrov Zhenya, Severouralsk

Listen, two brothers were walking and found 3 oranges. They didn’t cut, didn’t saw, how did they divide it equally?
Answer: Went with Lusha
Sparrow Katya, Abakan

God has it, the king doesn't,
Boris is in front, and Gleb is behind,
The woman has two, but the girl has none!
Answer: Letter b
Nastya), Rostov-on-Don

In Africa there lived a black man and a black wife. The time has come for her to give birth. They called an ambulance, the woman gave birth in the car. The child was white, his teeth were also white. What's wrong?
Answer: People are not born with teeth
Gretskaya Vitalia

There is a chest at the bottom of the sea. It has everything, except one thing. What's missing from it?
Answer: Voids
Zateishchikova Liza, Moscow

A 9 letter word with 6 consonants in a row.
Answer: VZBZDNut
Kuznetsov Pavel, Elektrostal

One morning, a man notices that one of the tires of his car is completely out of air. Still, he gets into the car and drives 150 km to his client. After the visit he returns back. Although he did not inflate the tire, he was able to drive his car without any problems. Why could he drive a car?
Answer: The flat tire was on the spare wheel
Khramova Nastya

Cold in summer, hot in winter.
Answer: Battery
Anel Rakhimova

Which word has 3 letters l and three letters p?
Answer: Parallelepiped
Ilyicheva Lelya, Samara

It can be wooden or liquid. What are we talking about?
Answer: Chair
Lukyanov Alexey, Stavropol

He doesn’t walk down the street, doesn’t look out the window, doesn’t ask anyone, but he knows everything. Whoever opens it understands everything.
Answer: Dictionary
Bulycheva Olesya, Saransk

On one island there is an apple tree with a boy, and on the other there is a hospital with a grandmother. Bridge between the islands. The boy needs to bring 2 apples to his grandmother, but the bridge can only support one boy and one apple. After the boy passes, the bridge will collapse. And there are sharks in the water. How can he move the apples?
Answer: The boy on the bridge will juggle
Shchetinin Kirill, Zelenograd

Three women were standing at a bus stop eating ice cream. The first licked, the second sucked, and the third chewed. Which one is married?
Answer: The one with the wedding ring

My first syllable is rightfully reputed to be the most agile of all -
He is very quick with his hand, his foot and his swing;
My second syllable is the fruit of a circle of decisions -
Her with the diameter of legal relations.
My third syllable is an abstractly named man,
No skin color, no last name, no rank.
Putting them together, you form a being,
Which one you would rather die than kiss.
Answer: Scorpio
Pashnina Dasha, Khabarovsk

What is a pronoun letter?
Answer: Letter I

Everything is like stars through,
And if you take it, it’s like water ones.
Answer: Snow
Ligator Yuri

You dropped a ring in your coffee. How to get it without getting your hands wet if you have nothing and you can’t spill the coffee?
Answer: Coffee beans
Mega Mashustik, Moscow

He yells and screams and doesn’t let me sleep.
Answer: Child
Kovylin Sasha, Samara

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Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Goal: expand understanding of modes of transport; introduce air, land, and water modes of transport, as well as the professions of people whose work is related to these modes of transport.

Materials and equipment: Photographs of air, water, land transport; presentation "Transport"; CD with music - "Song of Friends" by S. M. Mikhalkov, song "Clouds" from the film "Tryam! Hello!" (Words by S. Kozlov, music by V. Shainsky), song "White Ships" from the film "Cardboard Clock Square". Authors: Yakhnin L., Shainsky V..

Note: this lesson can be divided into 3 by mode of transport.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Guess the riddles:

There's a house going down the street
It takes everyone to work.
Not on chicken thin legs,
And in rubber boots. (Bus)

Soars up without acceleration,
Reminds me of a dragonfly.
Takes flight
Our Russian: (Helicopter)

Without asking the ford,
I boldly climb into the water -
At any depth
Always up to my waist. (Ship)

Well done! You have solved all the riddles. Name the answers again (bus, plane, ship). How can you call all this in one word? (transport). Well done!

Today we will go on a trip with you and learn everything about transport, what it is like, why and what it is needed for. Let's go! (children stand up like a train).

2. Main part.

I stop "What is transport for?"

Let's answer the question of our first stop. (to transport people and goods).

What professions do people drive cars? (driver, chauffeur). Trains and electric trains? (driver).

II stop "Ground transport".

  1. What kind of ground transport do you know? (bus, trolleybus, tram, truck:).
  2. Guys, what kind of transport goes underground? (underground).
  3. Why is this transport called ground transport? (because he walks on the ground).
  4. What brands of cars do you know?
  5. What types of trains are there? (fast, freight, passenger).
  6. Where are cars made? (at a car factory).

Now we divide into two teams (the children come up with the name of the team and commander).

We solve riddles (the team receives a star for the correct answer).

What's rushing and hissing there?
And the wheels knock:
- Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu!
I'm flying on rails. (Train)

Where does this happen?
What is the earth above your head? (Metro)

Drinks gasoline like milk
Can run far
Carries goods and people.
You know her, of course? (Car)

Early in the morning outside the window
Knocking, and ringing, and chaos -
Along straight steel tracks
There are different houses. (Tram)

A house is driving along the asphalt,
There are a lot of kids in it,
And above the roof are the reins -
He can't live without them. (Trolleybus)

What were the riddles about? (about ground transport)

3. Physical education minute.

Traffic light.

The traffic light has three colors.
They are clear to the driver:
Red light - no way through.
Yellow - be ready for the journey,
And the green light - roll.

(Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center. The teacher shows in turn a red, yellow or green traffic light signal. On red - children squat, on yellow - they stand up, on green - they run in a circle, on yellow they stop).

4. Main part (continued).

III stop "Air transport".

Guys, what kind of air transport do you know? (plane, helicopter:).

  1. Why is transport called air? (because he flies through the air).
  2. Why is air transport needed? (To transport people and goods faster).
  3. Who flies the plane? (pilot).
  4. Where do planes land? (airport, airfield).

Guess the riddles (for the correct answer - an asterisk).

There are no wings
But this bird
It will fly and land on the moon. (Rocket)

Floats boldly in the sky,
Overtaking birds in flight.
Man controls it.
What's happened? - : (Airplane)

It's crackling, not a grasshopper,
It's not a bird that flies,
It's luck, not the horse. (Helicopter)

Well done! What transport are the riddles about? (about air)

5. The game "Flies - does not fly."

(The teacher calls the vehicle if the airborne children show “wings”, and if not, stomp their feet)

Helicopter, metro, airplane, rocket, tram, bus, trolleybus, satellite, parachute, boat.

6. Main part (continued).

We swam forward (children pretend that they are swimming). The song "White Ships" from the movie "Cardboard Clock Square" is playing. Authors: Yakhnin L., Shainsky V. <Приложение3>

IV stop "Water transport".

  1. What is the name of a vehicle that moves on water? (water).
  2. What water transport do you know? (ship, boat, steamer:).
  3. Who controls the ship? (captain).
  4. What is the name of the place where ships sail? (port).
  5. Where can you find water transport? (sea, river, ocean:).

Guess the riddles.

At sea, in rivers and lakes
I swim, agile, fast.
Among the warships
Known for its lightness. (Boat)

First the tree was felled
Then they drilled his insides,
Then they provided me with spatulas
And we were allowed to walk along the river. (Boat)

Little horse
Transports one hundred people. (Ferry)

He doesn't hide from the wind,
And with his chest out, he rolls. (sailboat)

The house floats underwater
Brave people live in it,
Even under polar ice
This house can float. (Submarine)

A white goose is swimming -
Wooden belly
The wing is linen. (Yacht)

Well done! What kind of transport were the riddles about? (water)

7. Game "The third wheel".

(for the correct answer - an asterisk).

8. Final part.

Counting stars for each team. Awarding the winners with certificates.

  • What new have we learned today?
  • What did you like most?

1) Clarification and systematization of the dictionary.

2) Development of coherent speech and creative imagination.

3) Systematize children’s ideas about water transport.

4) Development of analytical abilities and grammatical skills.

5) Development of sound analysis skills, familiarization with sound [ R].



Municipal preschool educational institution

Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 42

Istrinsky municipal district

Summary of educational activities for the speech development of children in the senior group

Topic: “Water transport”

Prepared and carried out


Sorokina N.V.


Program content:

  1. Clarification and systematization of the dictionary.
  2. Development of coherent speech and creative imagination.
  3. Systematize children's ideas about water transport.
  4. Development of analytical abilities and grammatical skills.
  5. Development of sound analysis skills, familiarization with sound [ R].

Material for the lesson:Paintings depicting a seascape, reproductions of paintings by Aivazovsky, pictures depicting water transport, walnut shells, plasticine, toothpicks, strips of colored paper.

Progress of the lesson:

I Children stand next to the teacher. The teacher asks a riddle:

Swims bravely through the waves,
Without slowing down,
Only the hum of the car is important.
What's happened?

V-l shows the children a model of the ship.

Today I want to tell you about transport that travels only on water. Sit down at the tables and we will continue our lesson.

II - How many of you guessed the name of a vehicle that moves only on water? (Water transport).

What is it for? (To transport people and goods.)

Name the types of water transport. (Ship, boat, yacht, cutter, submarine, passage, etc.)

Who controls the ship, steamboat, motor ship? (Captain.)

Who helps the captain steer the ship? (Sailors.)

What is the name of the place where ships sail? (Port.)

What is a lighthouse for?

What are sails, lifebuoys, and anchors for?

Where can you find water transport? (In the sea, river, lake, etc.)

I want to tell you that the cook on a ship is called a cook, the youngest sailor is a cabin boy, the rooms are cabins, the windows are portholes, and the stairs along which passengers climb onto the ship are a gangway.

III "Guess the riddle." Guys, I’m now going to tell you riddles about water transport, you listen carefully and guess what the riddle is about. (As you solve the riddles, the teacher shows pictures with answers.)

Without asking the ford,
I boldly climb into the water -
At any depth
Always up to my waist.

To the couch potato by the river
I brought two hands.
I adjusted it to my sides
And swam across the water surface.
(Oars and boat)

The giant city walks
To work in the ocean.

It is not the swimmer who helps the swimmer to swim.
Not cunning, but blinking, blinking.

Runs quickly in the wind
Without oars or motor.

He doesn't hide from the wind,
And with his chest out, he rolls.

If he lies at the bottom,
The ship will not run into the distance.

I dived and lie at the bottom,
I keep the court chained.
And obedient ships -
Neither here nor there.
Once I get on board -
The ships will rush along the waves
Racing with the wind.
The sailors are happy with me.

What is it that melts in the haze?
Does it fly like a bird on the waves?
The watch changes the sails,
Keeping his nose to the wind...

A steam locomotive without wheels!

What a miracle locomotive!

Has he gone crazy? -

He went straight across the sea!


Well done, guys! All the riddles have been solved!

IV Physical education minute.

Children stand in a circle. With the words of the teacher, the children depict the actions of the captains.

"Three Captains"

Three brave little ones

They were transported on a boat

Three unprecedented watermelons

From an unknown land.

They turned the steering wheel themselves,

They themselves plowed the sea,

We looked from the bridge ourselves,

We were stranded ourselves,

They cooked the borscht themselves,

They ate and praised themselves,

And they worked miracles -

They blew the sails themselves.

(Children take their seats.)

V Working with natural materials. "Sailing Boat"

I suggest now that you make a sailing boat. Move the trays towards you, take a walnut shell and a piece of plasticine. The plasticine should be placed on the bottom of the shell and smoothed a little. Then you need to take a toothpick and put a strip of colored paper on it, this will be your sail. Stick the resulting sail into plasticine, and you have a sailboat.

VI - A ship part made of iron (which one?) - iron, made of steel - steel, made of cast iron - ..., made of plastic - ..., made of wood - ..., made of leather - ..., made of canvas - ..., made of aluminum - ....

Say the sound [ R ] and tell us what he is like.

Listen carefully to the words I say. If you hear the sound [ R ], then clap your hands, and if you don’t hear the sound, then there is no need to clap.

Sail, anchor, boat, lighthouse, porthole, ship, sailor, captain, gangway.

VIII - What kind of transport were we talking about?

What have you learned about water transport?

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