Classes on dienesha blocks in the middle group. Effective math classes with Dienes blocks: learning in a playful way

Makushina Galina Sergeevna

Teacher of the first qualification category

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 37"

Theme: “Journey to Fairyland”

Target: Develop cognitive and creative abilities


1. To develop children’s skills to encode and decode (read) information about blocks using symbol cards.

2.To consolidate the idea of ​​the properties of geometric shapes: color, shape, size, thickness.

3. Learn to correlate the standard with the standard form (use a substitute object (block)).

4. Develop logical thinking.

5.Develop visual perception and hand-eye coordination.

6. Maintain interest in mathematical activities.

7. Develop cooperation skills and help each other.

Form: subgroup

Methods: verbal (questions, conversation), gaming (imaginary situation, didactic game), research method

Means: Dienesh blocks, Cuisinaire sticks.

Hoops (blue, red, yellow), trays (blue, red, yellow), symbol cards (codes), pictures with a stencil of mugs (half of an A4 sheet), pictures with images of objects, animals for making pictures that decorate the cafe.

Time: 20 minutes

Progress of the lesson:

Stage name. Form.

Stage tasks

Activities of a teacher

Children's activities


  1. 1. Greeting ritual

Creating a positive emotional

mood for the lesson. Forming a sense of self-confidence and group unity

We kick out “I don’t want”, “I can’t” and “I don’t know how”!

We invite “I can do everything”, “I will learn” and “I can do everything”.

We will become wizards if we want,

Let's imagine and create miracles ourselves.

Children enter the group, greet the teacher, stand in a circle and in chorus pronounce the words of the reflective training “The Impossible is Possible”, accompanying the speech with movements


2.Message about the topic of the lesson. Game situation "Train".

Get kids interested and attention

There is a knock on the door: Who came to us? Pinocchio. Guys, Pinocchio invites us to a fairyland. Shall we go with Buratino? How can you travel to fairyland? I propose to go to a fairyland on a magic train.

They stand in a circle, say hello, listen, answer questions.

Let's build a magic train, get into the carriages and go to a fairyland.

We've arrived. All. We found ourselves in a fairyland.

Children line up one after another, pretending to be a train with carriages. They ride to the music.

Who lives in a fairyland?

I suggest turning into wizards. If you want.

Children's answers

Let's try it then! 1.2.3 turn around and turn into a wizard.

That's it, now you are wizards. Look, in fairyland there is a magical material - blocks. But they lie somehow incomprehensibly, they are all mixed up. I suggest you put things in order. How?

Children's answers

3. Statement of the task of sorting the blocks according to three characteristics.

D\i “Separate the blocks into three hoops”

Develop logical thinking

Look, there are three hoops. What do you think is the best way to sort the blocks? After the children’s answers, he makes a conclusion: by color.

(blue hoop - blue, red - red, yellow - yellow),

and how can you sort? Sorted by shape. Look here at all the squares (triangles, circles, rectangles. Children do how else they can be sorted (by size). By thickness.

We've put things in order! Get up, let's see what we got. It's a completely different matter. How we laid out the blocks.

Children make conclusions and arrange blocks by color

(by shape, size, thickness).

4. Statement of the task of decoding blocks.

D\i “Bake cookies”

Develop logical thinking, the ability to find blocks based on given characteristics drawn on symbol cards.

Order has been restored. What are they doing in the cafe? (eat). Fine. What can you eat in a cafe? Where can we get all these sweets?

We are wizards. Don't forget. You named a lot of sweets that can be ordered in a cafe. I suggest baking cookies. We agree! But so that everyone’s cookies turn out differently, Pinocchio prepared these symbol cards. Go ahead, review your clues and choose your cookie block.

(second option: decorate the cakes with berries. Each cake has different shapes: circle, square, triangle and symbol cards, according to which children find berries for their cake).

Answers to questions.

(Cookies, candy, ice cream, cakes)

Children look at their symbol cards (color, thickness, shape) and make a conclusion. From the hoops, children take the necessary shapes (cookie blocks, or berry blocks for decorating a cake) and put them in trays.

5. Statement of the problem.

Creative task.

Well done. The cookies were baked. What are we going to drink? From what? Where can I get them? So we don’t have time to go to the store, we’ve already arrived at the cafe. What can you make tea mugs from?

Children's answers (tea). Children's answers (in circles)

Children's answers (buy in the store). Children's answers (make) Children's answers (from sticks).

6.Independent productive activities of children

D\i “Make a mug from Cuisenaire’s colored sticks”

Implementation of the plan in productive activities

Development of the ability to correlate sticks with a picture on a schematic representation of a mug. (ability to select sticks according to size in the picture)

From colored sticks - that's right.

The teacher helps as needed.

Children work to the accompaniment of soft music (they lay out circles from sticks printed on an A4 sheet of paper).

7.Children’s independent activities

Develop the ability to select blocks according to a given pattern.

Well. They put things in order, baked cookies, made mugs. But something is missing in our cafe, it’s somehow not cozy. How can we decorate our cafe?

How can you decorate? Pinocchio has prepared pictures for you. Now you will choose any picture you like and make an equally beautiful picture from our magic blocks.

Children's answers.

Children, if desired, choose a sample picture (caterpillar, ship, flower, etc.) and blocks, lay out a picture from the blocks (on the sample or next to it).

Let's now admire it from the outside. Guys, when you admire the paintings, you can see it very well from afar, you can’t see small details up close, everyone come here. (holds Pinocchio). Why do you think everything worked out for you? Because you all tried very hard!

We have a good cafe. Do you like

Children's answers

Children do the task


analysis, reflection, farewell.

Develop children's ability to tell stories, consolidate the ability to put their fantasies into words, a coherent story. Practice word formation.

Express your mood in words, feel a sense of satisfaction from the work done

You liked being wizards. What magical things have you done? What did you like most today? Do you remember? What caused the difficulty?

Children's answers.

Description of material:

I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the middle group (4-5 years old) on the topic: “Dyenesha blocks.”

This material will be useful for middle school teachers. This summary develops attention, thinking, and memory. Expands spatial understanding. Motor skills are improved.

Summary of direct educational activities in the middle group for FEMP based on an educational game on the topic: “Denesh Blocks.”

Integration of educational areas: Cognition/Communication/Socialization/Artistic word.

2. Strengthen the ability to show directions: up, forward, back, left, right.

3. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and correctly name a circle, square, triangle, recognize these figures, despite the difference in color and size.

4. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards your neighbor during answers.


Educational: Strengthen the ability to show directions: up, down, forward, backward, left, right.

Speech: Strengthen the ability to distinguish and correctly name a circle, square, triangle, recognize these figures, despite the difference in color and size. Give a complete answer to the teacher’s question

Educational: Cultivate in children a friendly attitude towards a friend; when answering, do not prompt or interrupt.

Demo material: Toy doll Masha. Basket, tray.

Handout: Dienesh blocks: 5 pieces each (large, small) different in color and size.

Methodical techniques:

1. Game situation: The guest doll Masha from the fairy tale Masha and the Bear arrives.

2. Physical minute.

The warm-up begins. We stood up and straightened our backs.

They leaned left and right. And they repeated it again.

(Tilts to the sides.)

We squat by counting. One-two-three-four-five.

This is a necessary job - to train the leg muscles.


And now the hand jerks. Let's do it with us.

(Jerks with arms in front of chest.)

GCD move:

1.- Guys, I want to introduce you to our guest. This is the girl Masha from the fairy tale Masha and the Bear.

Do you remember what happened in this fairy tale? (children's answers)

Masha baked various pies with jam, potatoes, and cottage cheese.

They all turned out to be different sizes, different shapes, and different colors.

All the pies are mixed up, and Masha can’t figure it out.

Let's help her. Masha wants to leave jam pies for the bear (round)

And Masha wants to take the rest of the pies to her grandparents.

Shall we help Masha?

The children sit at the tables.

Everyone has pies in their plates, look at them and tell me what shape they are? Size? Colors?

Now place all the pies (round) for the bear on the tray.

What color pies did you put aside for the bear?

What shape are they?

How many pies do you have?

Now put some big pies for grandma and grandpa in the basket.

What pies did you put in the basket? (large)

What color are they? Forms?

What pies are left on your plates? (small)

How many are there? Do the math.

What color are they? Forms?

Physical exercise.

Now put all the pies in the basket, except the round ones.

What kind of pies did you put in? (square, triangular)

The bear will take these pies to grandpa and grandma.

What did Masha do when she put the pies in the basket?

That's right, she also sat in the basket and put the pies on top.

The bear looked, there was no one, took the basket and went to the village.

What did you like about the fairy tale? What did you learn from playing? Look, Masha baked pies for you too. Masha treats the children. Toptyzhka the bear appears. The guys invited our bear bunny Stepashka to his birthday, but Toptyzhka doesn’t know how to go to visit. Let's build a train together, and then the bear won't be late to visit the bunny.

2.- Build a train of 4 carriages, so that they are arranged from the smallest to the largest carriage.

How many carriages are there on our train?

Not all the guests boarded our train, so let's add one more carriage to the train.

Let's count. How many trailers are there? Count to 5 (ask 2-3 children)

What color is the shortest trailer?

What color is the long trailer?

What color is the trailer in the middle?

What number is the yellow trailer?

What is the smallest trailer?

3. Physical exercise.

4. The bear Toptyzhka came to the bunny Stepashka for his birthday and decided to give him a cake, but let’s help him decorate it. The bear's cake has two tiers.

Place a large “cake” (circle) in front of you. Decorate the large “cake” with 4 small red circles and 3 large squares.

How many small red circles?

How many big squares?

Place a small “cake” in front of you.

Decorate it like this. Place 1 large yellow triangle in the middle and small squares on the edges.

How many small squares?

5. The bear also decided to give cookies to the bunny, but on the way he dropped the box and the cookies broke.

Let's help collect it. There are boxes on your table, and there are broken cookies there.

Collect it and we will give it to Stepashka. (children collect cut squares.)

6. You guys are good friends. Helped the bear Toptyzhka make the bunny Stepashka happy. They had a fun holiday. Let's congratulate Stepashka and play the round dance game "Loaf" with him.

They give him their wishes.

Children, tell me, who came to visit you? What is the name of the fairy tale? What did Masha bake? Did you like the fairy tale?

What did you like about the fairy tale? What did you learn from playing? Look, Masha baked pies for you too. Masha treats the children.

1. Children and the teacher stand in a circle. A leader is selected, who throws the ball in turn to those in the circle and names a number from 1 to 10. The person who caught the ball must name the neighbors of the specified number (the forward count is more by one), (the reverse count is less by one.)

2. Guys, we are now going on the “Journey to the Zoo” bus, but first, in order to take a seat on the bus, you must buy a ticket. The teacher hands out tickets with geometric shapes. Children find chairs with the same geometric shape and sit at the tables.

3. Children work at tables. Each child has cards with images of geometric shapes. Orientation on the sheet.

What is the name of the geometric figure located in the upper right corner?

What color?

What is the name of the geometric figure located in the left corner?

What color?

Find the blue geometric shape;

What is it called?

In what corner is it located?

Name the geometric figure located in the center;

What color is she?

4. Phys. just a minute.

We are walking into a clearing. (walk in a circle)

And we recognize the animals.

Well, more like "One, two, three!"

Quickly show the beast (children freeze in the pose of the beast)

The teacher shows a card with drawn circles.

Jump bunny, as many times as there are circles drawn on my card.

Nod, elephant head as many times as there are circles drawn on my card.

Stomp the bear as many times as the circles are drawn on my card. etc. Children carry out the teacher's task.

5. And now we will continue our journey (work at tables with Cuisenaire sticks.)

Build a ten-car Cuisenaire stick train. The train begins with a large carriage and ends with a small one.

How many cars does our train have in total? (Count to ten straight.)

Tell me, what color is the fourth trailer?

Tell me, what number is the yellow trailer?

What color is the sixth carriage?

What is the order of the black trailer?

What color is the carriage to the left of red?

What number is he? Do the math.

6. Game "In order, stand!"

Before the game, you can count so that the children remember their number. (You can pick up the sticks.) The teacher gives the children sticks from one to ten, and takes one for himself. To the music, children run around the group in a chaotic order. At the teacher’s signal, they stand in a row. The place in the row corresponds to the place of the number (and the size of the stick.) “Get in order!” You can create a problematic situation: the teacher may be in the wrong place. Children, together with the teacher, check the correctness of the task. They consider if something is wrong and correct the error.

Children, tell me, what games did you and I play? What did we repeat? What game did you like?

Why did you like her? What did you learn from playing? I also enjoyed playing with you.

Reading time: 9 minutes

Modern parents have access to many teaching aids with which they can develop their children from a very early age. Dienesh's logic blocks are very popular - a game with pictures, diagrams and special albums. This book helps preschoolers learn the basics of mathematics in a fun way. Find out what the material is and how to work with it.

What are Dienes blocks

This is the name of a special didactic manual for mastering mathematics, developed by a famous Hungarian scientist. Zoltan Gyenes devoted his entire life to this discipline. He strove to make it as understandable and interesting as possible for children. For this purpose, he specially developed the author's Dienesh system for the early development of mathematics by children.

The game manual is a set of 48 geometric shapes. They are represented by elements, among which there are no repetitions. The figures are divided according to the following criteria:

  1. Color. Blue, red, yellow.
  2. Size. Small, big.
  3. Thickness. Thick, thin.
  4. Form. Circle, triangle, square, rectangle.


Dienesh's logic blocks are designed for teaching mathematics in a playful way. Classes with them contribute to the development of memory, attention, imagination, and speech. The child develops the ability to classify material, compare, and analyze analytical information. The optimal age to start classes is 3-3 years. Working with Dienesh's logical blocks will teach your little ones:

  1. Identify the properties of objects, name them, explain what the differences and similarities are, and support your reasoning with arguments.
  2. Think logically.
  3. It's better to talk.
  4. Understand color, thickness, shape and different sizes.
  5. Be aware of space.
  6. Solve educational and practical problems independently.
  7. Persistently pursue goals, cope with difficulties, and show initiative.
  8. Perform mental operations.
  9. Develop imagination, creative and intellectual abilities, fantasy, modeling and design skills.

How to work with Dienes blocks

Classes take place in several stages. Dienesh developed his method taking into account the psychological aspects of young children, so there is no need to be afraid that it will be too complex for the thinking of a preschooler. The following stages of development of mathematical abilities are distinguished:

  1. Free play. The goal is to teach the baby to solve unfamiliar problems using the “trial and error” method, trying out different options.
  2. The baby smoothly switches to playing according to certain rules. As classes progress, basic information becomes familiar, for example, “which shapes are the same.”
  3. Discussion, comparison of the content of mathematical games. It is necessary to select different options with related rules, but different game materials.
  4. Familiarization with the content of numbers. It is recommended to use maps, diagrams, tables.
  5. The last stage is the longest and is suitable for older preschoolers. It should offer different cards with definitions of rules that help to come to specific logical conclusions. Gradually, the baby will become familiar with such concepts as theorem and axiom.

Logic blocks

The figures themselves are the basis of Dienesh’s technique. They provide many exciting educational games for children of different ages. The main purpose of Dienesh blocks is to teach a child to understand the properties of objects. With their help, he will learn to distinguish and combine objects, and classify them. The presence of pictures and special albums will significantly diversify the number of games that you can offer your preschooler.


For classes, images are used that contain symbolic information about the properties of the figure. It looks like this:

  1. The color is indicated by a spot.
  2. The size is the silhouette of the house. A small one is designated as a one-story building, a large one as a multi-story building.
  3. The contours of geometric shapes correspond to the shape.
  4. The thickness is two images of men. The first one is fat, the second one is thin.
  5. In Dienesh's set there are cards with denial. For example, a multi-story building with a cross through it means that the desired figure is “not big,” that is, small.

Sets of cards can be used not only together with Dienesh blocks, but also for independent games. Working with them develops logic, the skill of decoding information using symbols. First, the child should be given the simplest game tasks to get acquainted with Dienesh cards, and then gradually complicate them. A set of images can significantly diversify classes and make them much more interesting.


You will need to purchase several of these benefits, for each age range. They should be selected according to the child’s level of development, and not according to how old he is. at the moment. Sometimes at 3 years old a child has the development of a 5 year old, and sometimes vice versa. The albums contain various games with Dienesh figures, diagrams and drawings according to which you can put them together. You can complicate the tasks yourself, add variety to them, focusing on the child’s reaction.

Dienesha blocks for the little ones

Children from the age of two can practice logical figures. Many simple games have been developed for them. Their main goal is to teach the child to distinguish between the properties of an object and to group objects according to certain characteristics. Such activities will not only be useful, but also interesting for every child. Check out some of the most popular game options.


These are the simplest games for kids who are just getting acquainted with the Dienesh set. Example:

  1. Place the elements of Dienesh in front of the child.
  2. Let him group them according to different criteria. First he selects everything of the same color, then size, etc.

Gradually the game becomes more difficult. Invite your child to sort blocks according to two or more criteria. For example:

  1. Choose yellow rectangular blocks and blue square ones.
  2. Get all the flat figures of the same size.
  3. Choose thin round blocks.
  4. Sort out all the blue triangle shapes.


All children, without exception, adore this creative game. It is very simple, but fascinating. The child is asked to put together different figures from the elements of Dienesh, first according to the diagrams, and then without them, gradually complicating the task. Examples of objects you might be asked to construct:

  • house;
  • table;
  • house with windows;
  • herringbone;
  • shop;
  • stool;
  • sofa;
  • chair;
  • steps;
  • armchair;
  • machine.

Continue the series

The game is aimed at strengthening the child’s knowledge of geometric shapes, size, thickness, and color. Thanks to her, he will learn to find patterns. Task options:

  1. Place the elements of Dienesh on the table in front of the baby so that each next one differs from the previous one in one way. The child independently continues this series.
  2. Lay out a chain of Dienesh figures so that there are no objects nearby that are identical in two respects. Invite your child to continue this series.
  3. Place Dienesh figures in front of the baby by color: red, yellow, blue. He will continue the series, alternating shades in a given sequence.

Feed the animals

Place several of his favorite toys in front of your baby. Let him feed each one a pair of “cookies” (blocks). Offer some conditions, for example, the bear cub should be given only red food, and the kitten should be given square food. This game resembles sampling, but children perceive it much better. It’s rare that any child refuses to feed their pets.

Games with Dienesha blocks for the older group

When the child grows up, he will be able to click the exercises for kids like seeds, and the tasks will have to be complicated. Dienesh's method for preschoolers is designed for children 5-6 years old. The exercises are more complex; not only the cubes themselves are actively used, but also cards and game albums. The tasks are aimed at developing logical thinking in an adult child and the ability to explain the decision made. Study a few games as examples, based on which you can come up with many more exercises.


Give your child any figurine of Dienesh or offer to choose one yourself. Then, from the total mass of blocks, he will take out all those that coincide with the first one in one given property. Once he has mastered the game well, make it more difficult. Let the child select blocks that have two identical properties to the one originally taken. Then you can make the game even more difficult. The child must choose those blocks that do not have a single adjacent property with the first one.


This game is suitable even for several children. Rules:

  1. Each player receives an equal number of blocks. The order of participants is determined.
  2. The first one makes a move with any piece.
  3. The second one places a block that has one of the same properties.
  4. If there is no suitable piece, the participant misses a move.
  5. The first one to lay out all his blocks wins.
  6. The game can be complicated by changing the rules about the properties of the pieces being laid out. For example, you need to respond with a block that has two similar characteristics, etc.

Find the odd one out

The following game will help children learn to group three-dimensional geometric shapes according to various criteria. Rules:

  1. Place three figures in front of the child. One of them should not have a single property in common with the others.
  2. Let the child figure out which block is extra and explain why and how he came to this conclusion.
  3. Make the task more difficult. Lay out 6 blocks. The baby must remove the extra two.

Find a match

This game will appeal to children who have already mastered all the simple tasks well. Rules:

  1. Place several figures in a row in front of your child.
  2. Offer to select a steam room for each according to a specific property.
  3. Make the task more difficult. Let the child try to choose a pair based not on one, but on two or three properties.
  4. You can initially take, for example, 10 paired elements. Place them in a bag. Let the child make the pairs himself, laying out the Dienesh figures in two horizontal rows.


To play the game you will need several large sheets of colored cardboard. They serve as sketches of paintings. To compose the composition, additional cardboard parts are needed. The game teaches you to analyze the shape of objects, compare them, and develops creative and artistic abilities. Rules:

  1. Based on the sketches, the kids must “paint” a picture.
  2. They choose the preparation themselves. It shows schematically where which blocks should be located. Thin ones will only be outlined, and thick ones will be completely painted over.
  3. Let the children select the missing blocks and parts cut out of cardboard to the correct places in the “sketch”.


For this task you need cards with images of objects that will serve as goods, and logical elements. The game “Shop” develops memory, the ability to reason, justify your choice, identify and abstract properties. Rules:

  1. A preschooler comes to a store that has a variety of card products. He has three figures that perform the function of money. You can purchase one item for each.
  2. The child needs to buy an object that has at least one property that matches the money figure.
  3. You can gradually complicate the game by offering new rules.

Let's decorate the Christmas tree

The following game helps develop the skills of ordinal counting and diagram reading. For it you will need an image of a Christmas tree and 15 cards with symbols and blocks. Rules:

  1. The Christmas tree should be decorated with beads in five rows. Each will contain three beads.
  2. The number on the card is the serial number of the position of the thread from top to bottom. The circle painted on it shows which number the bead should go, and below it indicates which element will represent it.
  3. Let the child hang the first row of beads, and then all the lower ones, strictly following the diagram on the card.

Kristina Konova

overview classes with Dienesh blocks in the middle group" Lunar Guest".

GOALS: Development of logical thinking and mental functions, formation of thinking skills and abilities, training children's attention, memory, perception.

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition"(FTsKM, (formation of elementary mathematical concepts, "Physical culture", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Socialization".

Program tasks:

To promote children’s ability to identify only one property (color, shape, size, thickness, compare, classify and generalize objects according to each of these properties.

To develop in children the ability to operate with one property (identify and distinguish one property from another, compare, classify and generalize objects).

To develop the ability to operate with two or even three properties.

Teach children to take an active part in recreating the silhouette in modeling games based on a model. Practice counting by ear within 7.

Continue to teach children to generalize objects by shape, size, color. Develop the ability to help each other and those in trouble.

Material: hammer, numbers from 0 to 7, 3 hoops, typesetting canvas, "Logical Dienesha blocks",screen, laptop, video:soft toy Luntik, Moon; recording the sound of a rocket taking off; candies - sea pebbles.

Stages. Description of the stages.

Stage 1. "Let's fly to the moon on a rocket"

What do they use to fly into space? (on a rocket). Do we have a rocket? (No). But we have geometric shapes. Let's make rockets from these figures (each for himself).

Stage 2. "Guessing the Code"

Guys, our rockets won’t start unless we guess a special code, and this code is encrypted, listen carefully and count the blows of the hammer. And so, attention! We listen silently and count to ourselves.

Stage 3. "Help Luntik"

Let's help Luntik clear the planet of stones. To do this you need to go to the blue crater (hoop) put all the blue figures, and all the circles in the green. We approach one by one, take the stone, name the color, shape, size and say where this stone should be placed.

Our rockets are ready to fly. And now we are with you, children,

We're flying away on a rocket.

Five, four, three, two, one!

(The sound of a rocket taking off)

V. Let's fly! (children get up, and one after another leave the tables, and stand in a large circle, inside of which there are two hoops of different colors, “Logical games” are scattered around Dienesha blocks")

Here we are. We are on the Moon.

Guys, a lot of stones coming from outer space are falling on this planet. Look how many there are!

How are they different? (Color, shape, size, thickness)

Well, guys, let's help Luntik clear the planet of stones. To do this, you need to put all the blue figures in the blue crater, and all the circles in the green one. We approach one by one, take the stone, name the color, shape, size and say where this stone should be placed (I take a big circle and put it in a green hoop, etc.)

Q. Look, was the task completed correctly? (Yes)

Okay, now tell me what shape of stones we have inside the blue crater (inside the blue crater are all the blue figures, etc.)

And the stones, what shape, color and size remained behind the craters (children call).

In order to keep it clean, let's remove all the stones that remain outside into the red crater. (All children clean up)

V. So everything was removed. Now it's order! Well done!

Guys, did you like our trip? (Yes)

What we did during our trip (They helped Luntik clear the planet of stones).

Well done! - Luntik was very pleased. And he prepared a surprise for you, but already on Earth.

V. It’s time for us to return, to our places, my friends!

Starship, starship,

Let's take off.

Returned from flight

We landed on the ground.

Q. Our rocket made a soft landing. Let’s remember what tasks we completed, what interesting and unusual things happened to you.

(Children's answers)

Q. Guys, what planet do we live on? (Children's answers)

The teacher reads a poem. I love you, my Earth, -

Planet of Life - Blue.

Your poplars whisper to me,

how beautiful you are, dropping fluff.

You're all alone under the sun

keep the treasures of the sea,

open spaces of fields; mountains country

gray peaks beckon.

The moon, your companion, no matter how small, -

storm of ebb and flow.

Without further ado, she was able

shorten your run, gusts.

The flourishing of all life on earth -

water has healing power.

From steam, ice in pitch darkness

you brought water back to life.

You can't count your lakes and rivers,

There are no paths to be found in the taiga.

And your master is a man,

makes his duel with fate.

(Luntik - a toy appears)

Guys, for your help provided to me, I brought you a treat! These colorful stones are very tasty and sweet; my mother always buys them for me in the store.

Thank you guys for helping to clear my planet of stones. Goodbye.

In classes with Dienesh blocks, cards are used that contain information in symbolic form about the characteristics of a figure (size, color, shape, thickness):

  • color is indicated by a spot
  • size - silhouette of the house (large, small).
  • shape - outline of figures (round, square, rectangular, triangular).
  • thickness - a conventional image of the human figure (thick and thin).

In addition to cards that depict the properties of a figure, there are cards with the negation of properties: for example: “not blue.”

Cards can be used not only as an addition to Dienesh blocks, but also as independent material for games. Classes with such cards help develop the child’s ability to decipher information about the presence or absence of certain properties of objects based on their symbolic designations. Below are some examples of activities with flashcards.

Introduction to cards

The child is shown a card with one or more properties depicted on it. For example,

  • if a child is shown a “red spot,” then all red blocks must be put aside;
  • “red spot and one-story house” - set aside all the red small figures;
  • “a red spot, a one-story house and a square silhouette” are small red squares - thick and thin, etc.

Game “Find the dog”

Place 8 blocks in front of the child, hide the image of a dog under one. Using cards, make up an answer for the child - under what figure the dog was hiding. To find the dog, the child needs to decipher the properties of the figure shown on the cards (large red circle).

Game “Describe the figure”

Choose any block with your child. You describe the properties of this figure in words, and the child lays out cards with the corresponding characteristics of this figure.

Game “Treat”

The child treats his toys with “cookies” (figures). The cards are placed in a stack face down. The child takes any card from the pile. Finds a “cookie” with the same feature. Looks for another “cookie” that differs only in this attribute. He treats the doll to one “cookie” in his right hand, and another to his left hand.

For example: the “big” card fell out, the child chose a logical figure: a large blue square. Next, the child picks up the second “cookie”: a small blue square. Cookies vary in size.

If the child copes successfully, the task can be complicated - the difference is not in one, but in two, three and four characteristics.

Game “Drawing”

This game uses cards that represent properties and “non-properties”.

Draw a “blueprint” of the castle, with each element indicated by a card. Invite your child to build a castle according to your drawing.

For example:

  • “castle foundation” - two non-blue rectangular blocks;
  • “ground floor” - non-round non-red blocks;
  • “second floor” - yellow non-triangular non-thin blocks;
  • “roof” - red non-square blocks.

Logic cubes

In addition to logic blocks and cards, there are also logic cubes. On the faces of the cubes there are signs of blocks (size, color, shape, thickness), symbols for the negation of signs, as well as cubes with numbers on the faces. Logic cubes, like cards, offer a wide variety of games for children. The game becomes more exciting because it provides the ability to randomly select properties - tossing a die.

In addition, there is a wide variety of albums and study guides with Dienesh logic blocks, which offer ready-made game scenarios. You can purchase them, make them yourself, or download them.

Games with logic blocks of Dienesh for your little ones, see.

Games with logic blocks of Dienesh for children 4-5 years old, see.

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