Psychologist seminars with teachers at the preschool. Workshop “Effective interaction between teachers and pupils of preschool educational institutions”

Participants: preschool teachers: presenters, consultant - educational psychologist, “guests” in the studio - teachers.

1 presenter. Good afternoon The program “The Domino Principle” is on air.

2 presenter. Good afternoon A consultant - educational psychologist - takes part in our program.

1 presenter. For successful teaching activities, a teacher must be able to take communicative positions depending on with whom and when he comes into communicative contact.

2 presenter. When communicating with children and their parents, work colleagues, the management of a preschool institution, members of their families, and depending on the situation, the teacher takes certain communicative positions: “above”, “equally”, “under”.

1 presenter. The topic of our meeting today: “Games that are played..., or communication games for teachers.”

2 presenter. Today we will analyze the main situations in which the teacher finds himself and describe the psychotechnical side of the implementation of communicative positions. In this case, the main attention will be paid to special exercises aimed at developing internal means that will help the teacher correctly navigate the situation.

1 presenter. Every educator knows how difficult it is to have a conversation with some parents who take a defensive position and try to justify their own non-interference in the upbringing of the child.

2 presenter. From others we hear: “The kindergarten should educate, not us.”

1 presenter. But sometimes parents ask: “The child does not listen to us. Help".

2 presenter. In any of these cases, the teacher should strive for a constructive dialogue with parents. Meet our first guest.

The circle talks about ethics

And he knows a lot about design.

He will sing, dance - everything is for you!

Grandfather Khalimon is just great!

1 guest. Good afternoon I have 10 years of work experience. I could always find a common language with each group of parents regarding the upbringing and education of children. This year I just can’t establish interaction with the parents of my students.

1 presenter. And what does this mean, please tell us in more detail.

1 guest. First case. The mother of one boy tells me that her son is constantly bullied by other children in the group. I decided to “play along” with my mother. Suddenly, without even suspecting it, I began to make excuses: that, you know, I have 20 of them and it’s quite difficult to give them all due attention. But I will try to prevent this from happening again. In this case, I did not feel a response. We failed to cooperate.

2 presenter. Tell me, please, have you had any other cases of misunderstanding between parents?

1 guest. Yes, they were. Here's another example. Mom came and I started saying that... She began to complain about the lack of time: “We come home from work late, we have to do things around the house, and also do homework with the elder.” I felt sorry for her, reassured her, and promised to do something. This is where our interaction ended. Now I don’t know how to act so that cooperation with parents takes place at a higher level.

1 presenter. Thanks for your interesting story. Now I would like to hear the opinion of the audience. What mistakes, in your opinion, did Elena Alexandrovna make?

A discussion is taking place.

2 presenter. As we have already said, our guest today is an educational psychologist. Tell our teachers how to act in a situation where it is necessary to establish cooperation with parents?

Educational psychologist. The main goal of communicating with parents is to take on the full brunt of the correction and not to make excuses or aggressive actions, but to unite with the parents to help the child. What needs to be done for this?

In the first phase of communication with your parents, you resist its emotional impact. To do this, you need to find a neutral state, hold out for 10-15 minutes, during which the parent will express his complaints to the kindergarten and to you personally. Feeling your neutral position, the parent will gradually “cool down.” Now I will briefly describe to you the method of conducting a constructive dialogue developed by American specialists.

  • Discuss the problem, not the child’s personal qualities.
  • Consider the personal interests of parents.
  • Look for options.
  • Don't trust genetics.
  • We are together, not against each other, but against the problem.

1 presenter. Thank you. We hope that your advice will help not only our guest, but also all the teachers present.

2 presenter. Our next guest:

The wallpaper is glued - a sight for sore eyes!

Approach each work with inspiration.

Meet our guest Tatyanka!

Valeology fan!

Good afternoon They say about you that you are very professional. I can't imagine what problems you might have.

2nd guest. Thank you for your kind words. Yes, in fact, for me, kindergarten is home. I love my job very much and devote almost all my time to it. Perhaps this is my problem.

2 presenter. Do you want to say that you don’t have any problems at work? But still, what happened?

2nd guest.. Recently, my husband began to behave aloof. I don’t understand the reasons for his behavior. Everything is in order in the house: I strictly control the children, they are obedient, and perform their household duties well.

1 presenter. What is your husband's job?

2nd guest. He is a military man.

1 presenter. So, maybe he is having difficulties at work?

2nd guest. No, he says everything is fine. I don’t even know what can be done to restore our relationship with my husband and save the family.

2 presenter. I think that many of you have encountered a similar situation. How can this be? Let's think together about how to prevent this from happening. What is the reason for this behavior of the husband, and often the children?

A discussion is taking place.

2 presenter. What will an educational psychologist tell us about this?

Educational psychologist. Extensive experience in advisory work allows us to highlight some typical mistakes that teachers make in their family life.

In their relationship with their husband, they often also strive to teach and educate, as in kindergarten. They treat their husband as one of their students and constantly educate him, considering themselves a kind of moral and ethical standard.

When communicating with their own children, teachers make two main pedagogical mistakes. In one case, an overworked and overtired mother does not “get around” to her own children, and they grow up without receiving proper attention. In another case, on the contrary, children are excessively “educated”: at home by their mother-teacher, at school by teachers’ demands to conform to a certain “child of a teacher” model.

1 presenter. What happened in our guest’s family? Why did this situation arise?

Educational psychologist. Everything here is much simpler than you think. The fact is that the husband was psychologically tired of the clarity, organization and plannedness of family life. Since his work is very clear and standardized, he especially needed freedom, peace and relaxation at home. And Tatyana Iosifovna, not understanding this, organized something militarized at home. Therefore, the husband did not rest at home, but was in constant tension.

1 presenter. How to avoid these mistakes?

Educational psychologist. You need to control your psychological state and be able to change it in time when you come home from work. If you manage to stop being a teacher and turn into a soft, warm, “simple” woman who loves her loved ones, then the necessary words and actions will come by themselves. Of course, there are also some psychotechnical exercises that will help relieve stiffness, tension, and excessive self-control.

Exercises are being carried out« Head», « Hands».

Educational psychologist. And one more simple piece of advice. As you approach home, try to forget about work. Think about your family, your loved one. Think about what good things you had and still have, remember how you met him, how he gave you flowers for the first time. When you approach the door of your apartment, smile, throw off the burden of your profession, stop being a teacher. When the husband opens the door, he will see a calm, loving woman.

1 presenter. Thank you, Natalya Yuryevna, for your help. And now we invite you to relax a little and play with us. “Our meeting is just a song. We all need to sing it together!” We tell you a line from a song, and you guess it and perform the verse.

  • “...what makes you rich without money” (Galkin, Pugacheva).
  • “... because you are walking along the alley” (“Old Maple”).
  • “... the river begins, and what about friendship...” (“Smile”).

2 presenter. They sang beautifully! And now we invite the last participant in our program.

Here is building 2 - Lyudmila Shot.

He will tell you how a raccoon lives.

A poet about bunnies, about little mice,

About hedgehogs, about bear cubs.

3rd guest. Good afternoon Without much preamble, I’ll go straight to the problem that has been bothering me for several days now. One of my colleagues talks to me very dryly. I turned to her with a request to replace me for one day. She refused me rather rudely and is now acting very distant. To my question “What happened?” She doesn’t really tell me anything, just “Learn to talk.”

1 presenter. How did you ask her to help you out?

3rd guest. I don’t even remember anymore.

1 presenter. You know, we asked your colleague what happened. She said that your request sounded something like this: “Come to me tomorrow for the second shift,” i.e. most likely not as a request, but as an instruction or order.

What happened in this situation, dear colleagues? What in Lyudmila Anatolyevna’s behavior caused her colleague’s indignation and dissatisfaction?

Viewers' opinions.

Educational psychologist. The answer here is completely obvious: the inadequacy of the communicative position. The position of “above” is unacceptable at work, in communication with a colleague.

Yes, indeed, for many it is not easy to quickly move from a position “above” to a position “equal” immediately after communicating with children. I offer you an exercise that will help you feel the positions “above”, “equal” and choose the most acceptable one for yourself.

Exercise in progress« Pressure».

Educational psychologist. And one more practical piece of advice: when communicating with a colleague, try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. This is one of the most important factors in the internal desire for full dialogue.

1 presenter. Thanks a lot.

2 presenter. So, today we talked about the main mistakes that we make when communicating with people nearby. We hope that our practical advice has helped you rethink some aspects of your life. Finally, I would like to wish you: “Love each other!”

1 and 2 presenters. Respect each other! Goodbye!

A psychological workshop for preschool teachers was prepared by N. Bocharova

Workshop for teachers "Methods of self-regulation"

Borisova Ksenia Sergeevna, educational psychologist, MBDOU d/s No. 61, Kiselevsky urban district.
Description: The profession of a teacher is associated with large expenditures of physical, intellectual and mental energy, and mastering methods of self-regulation is necessary to manage one’s condition, the ability to resolve problem and conflict situations, and gain new meanings during crisis periods of one’s life. At this workshop, preschool teachers will become familiar with quick and effective ways to relieve internal tension and self-regulation techniques. The material will be useful to preschool educational psychologists and educators.
Target: relieving emotional stress to strengthen the psychological health of the teacher.
introduce quick and effective ways to relieve internal tension and self-regulation techniques;
create favorable conditions for productive work on yourself.
Participants: a group of teachers from 10 to 12 people.
Duration–1 - 1.5 hours.

Progress of the lesson

1. Introductory part.

Music is playing. Participants enter the office and choose a colored strip of paper to determine their mood and well-being. They sit in a circle.
Psychologist: The principle of insufficiency occupies a large place in our lives. We don't have enough time to meet, caress and pay attention to each other. We run all the time, hurry, do not notice each other. Let's stop this running for a moment and talk to each other.
– Perhaps something has been bothering you lately?
– Or do you feel tired?
– Or even minor events throw you off balance?
If you answered “yes,” then today we should talk about the fact that nature has endowed humans with the ability to self-regulate, that is, no one else, but only you yourself can manage your emotional state.
To begin fruitful work, let’s see what mood and well-being you have prevailing. The psychologist comments on the meaning of the chosen color. Cards “Color Meaning” (Appendix 1)

2. Information part

“Natural ways of regulating the body and self-regulation”

Psychologist: Human nature is such that he strives for comfort, to eliminate unpleasant sensations, without thinking about it, without knowing what scientific words it is called. These are natural methods of regulation that turn on by themselves, spontaneously, in addition to a person’s consciousness, which is why sometimes they are also called unconscious.
You probably use many of them intuitively. This includes long sleep, delicious food, communication with nature and animals, a bath, massage, movement, dancing, music and much more. Unfortunately, such means, as a rule, cannot be used at work, directly at the moment when a tense situation has arisen or fatigue has accumulated. Are there any techniques that can be used during work? Yes. To begin with, it is important to understand what natural mechanisms for relieving tension, relaxing, and increasing tone you have.
Brainstorming “Ways of self-regulation in situations of stress”
Work in micro groups.
Why does a teacher need self-control?
How do you deal with negative emotions?
The following natural methods of regulating the body are distinguished:
- laughter, smile, humor;
- thinking about good, pleasant things;
- various movements such as stretching, muscle relaxation;
- observing the landscape outside the window;
- looking at indoor flowers, photographs and other pleasant or dear things to a person;
- mental appeal to higher powers (God, the Universe, a great idea);
- “bathing” (real or mental) in the sun’s rays;
- breathing fresh air;
- reading poetry;
- expressing praise or compliments to someone just like that.
Psychologist: And specialists who deal with the problem of regulating emotional states and neuropsychic tension use special techniques to manage them. They are called methods of self-regulation (or methods of self-influence), emphasizing the active participation of a person in them.
Self-regulation is the control of one’s psycho-emotional state, achieved by a person’s influence on himself with the help of words, mental images, control of muscle tone and breathing.
As a result of self-regulation, three main effects can occur:
- calming effect (elimination of emotional tension);
- recovery effect (weakening of symptoms of fatigue);
- activation effect (increased psychophysiological reactivity).
Timely self-regulation acts as a kind of psycho-hygienic means that prevents the accumulation of residual effects of overstrain, promotes complete restoration of strength, normalizes the emotional background of activity, and also enhances the mobilization of the body's resources.

3. Practical part

“Introduction to a bank of methods of self-regulation and self-influence”

Psychologist: Breathing control is an effective means of influencing muscle tone and emotional centers of the brain. Slow and deep breathing (with the participation of the abdominal muscles) reduces the excitability of the nerve centers and promotes muscle relaxation, that is, relaxation. Frequent (chest) breathing, on the contrary, ensures a high level of body activity and maintains neuropsychic tension.
1-2 exercises are performed. (Appendix 2)

Psychologist: Under the influence of mental stress, muscle clamps and tension arise. The ability to relax them allows you to relieve neuropsychic tension and quickly restore strength. In your free moments, rest breaks, master the consistent relaxation of different muscle groups. Since it is not possible to achieve complete relaxation of all muscles at once, you need to focus on the most tense parts of the body.
1-2 exercises are performed. (Appendix 3)

III. Methods associated with the impact of words.
Psychologist: It is known that “a word can kill, a word can save.” The second signaling system is the highest regulator of human behavior.
Verbal influence involves the conscious mechanism of self-hypnosis, and has a direct impact on the psychophysiological functions of the body.
The wording of self-hypnosis is constructed in the form of simple and brief statements with a positive focus (without the particle “not”).
Self-orders. A self-order is a short, abrupt order made to oneself. Use self-command when you are convinced that you should behave in a certain way, but have difficulty doing it. “Talk calmly!”, “Be silent, be silent!”, “Do not succumb to provocation!” - this helps to restrain emotions, behave with dignity, and comply with ethical requirements and rules of working with clients. Formulate a self-order. Repeat it mentally several times. If possible, repeat it out loud.
In many situations, it is advisable to “look back” and remember your successes in a similar situation. Past successes tell a person about his capabilities, about hidden reserves in the spiritual, intellectual, and volitional spheres and instill confidence in his abilities.
- Remember a situation when you overcame similar difficulties.
Formulate the text of the program; to enhance the effect, you can use the words “exactly today”:
“Today I will succeed”;
“Today I will be the calmest and most self-possessed”;
“Today I will be resourceful and confident”;
“It gives me pleasure to conduct a conversation in a calm and confident voice, to show an example of restraint and self-control.”
- Mentally repeat the text of the program several times.
Self-approval (self-encouragement).
People often do not receive positive assessment of their behavior from others. This, especially in situations of increased neuropsychic stress, is one of the reasons for increased nervousness and irritation. Therefore, it is important to encourage yourself. In case of even minor successes, it is advisable to praise yourself, mentally saying: “Well done!”, “Clever girl!”, “Great job!” Find opportunities to praise yourself at least 3-5 times during the working day.

IV Methods associated with the use of images.
Psychologist: The use of images is associated with an active influence on the central nervous system of feelings and ideas. We don’t remember many of our positive feelings, observations, and impressions, but if we awaken the memories and images associated with them, we can relive them and even strengthen them. And if with words we influence mainly consciousness, then images and imagination give us access to powerful subconscious reserves of the psyche.
To use imagery for self-regulation, try the following:
- Specifically remember situations, events in which you felt comfortable, relaxed, calm, these are your resource situations. Do this in three basic human modalities. To do this, remember visual images, events (what you see: clouds, flowers, forest); auditory images (what sounds do you hear: birds singing, the murmur of a stream, the sound of rain, music); sensations in the body (what you feel: the warmth of the sun's rays on your face, splashes of water, the smell of blossoming apple trees, the taste of strawberries).
- If you feel tense or tired, sit comfortably, if possible, closing your eyes; breathe slowly and deeply; remember one of your resource situations; relive it, remembering all the visual, auditory and bodily sensations that accompanied it; stay inside this situation for a few minutes; open your eyes and get back to work.
Imagine a conflict situation, observe what sensations arise in your body. Often in such situations, a discomfort occurs behind the sternum (pressure, compression, pulsation). Close your eyes, look with your inner gaze at the sternum area and imagine a raging “sea of ​​fire” of emotions. Now visually smooth this sea with your hand to a smooth mirror. How do you feel now? Try again.
Of course, the misfortunes of loved ones, social disasters, failures at work, and one’s own mistakes cannot but upset a person. But such failures should not be considered irreparable disasters.

V Ways to activate the resource state.
Psychologist: Being in a resourceful state, you will be able to act much more effectively in a conflict situation, while maintaining both your health and the health of others. For example, you are driving in a vehicle in a great mood, suddenly you brake suddenly and a massive man steps on your foot. What are you doing? (we get out of the situation kindly and with humor.) And now you are endlessly tired, your bags are weighing down your arms. Your foot has been stepped on. How do you react? (We scream, we get offended, we get angry, we even shed a tear.) What is the difference? In a resourceful state.
The following is an exercise that will help activate your resources. Remember that skills and abilities arise through repeated repetition. When you feel anxious and angry, you are more likely to act impulsively and do things that are actually the opposite of what you really want.
So let's take a few minutes to put ourselves in the state most suitable for achieving a positive result, that is, a state of peace.

Relaxation exercise “Sage from the Temple”
The exercise is performed to quiet music that encourages reflection.
Psychologist: Make yourself comfortable, take the position that seems most comfortable to you. Close your eyes and do not open them or move until the end of the exercise.
Your body begins to gradually relax. You feel the tension in your muscles disappear. With every spoken word, every muscle of the body is increasingly filled with a feeling of peace and pleasant lethargy. Your breathing is even and calm. The air calmly fills the lungs and leaves them easily. The heart beats clearly and rhythmically. Turn your inner gaze to the fingers of your right hand. The fingertips of the right hand seem to touch the surface of warm water. You feel the pulsation in your fingertips. There is a feeling that the hand is gradually immersed in warm water. This magical water washes your right hand, relaxes it and rises up your arm... To the elbow... Even higher... Now your whole hand is immersed in a pleasant warmth, relaxing...
Fresh, renewed blood runs through the veins and arteries of the right arm, giving it rest and nourishing it with new strength... Breathing is even, calm. The heart beats clearly, rhythmically... And now your gaze turns to the fingers of your left hand.
(The text above is repeated in its entirety for the left hand. At the end, be sure to give instructions regarding breathing and heart.)
Turn your attention to your feet. The feet relax. They feel a pleasant warmth, reminiscent of the warmth of a fire burning in a fireplace. It feels as if your feet are standing on a fireplace grate. Kind, gentle warmth rises up the legs, giving life-giving relaxation and rest to the muscles... Tension disappears... And now the leg muscles relax - from the tips of the fingers to the thigh... Breathing is even, calm. The heart beats clearly, rhythmically...
There is another source of heat in our body. It is in the solar plexus area. It’s like a little sun saturates your internal organs with its life-giving rays and gives them health, helps them function better...
The muscles of the abdomen and chest straighten and relax... A pleasant, relaxing warmth spreads throughout the body, which creates a feeling of peace and relaxation... Tension in the shoulders, in the cervical region, in the lower part of the back of the head disappears... You feel how the tension accumulated here dissolves and disappears... Goes away... Breathing is even and calm. The heart beats clearly and rhythmically...
Now your mind's eye turns to your face. Facial muscles relax. Tension disappears from the cheekbones... From the jaws... The lips collide soft and supple... The wrinkles on the forehead are smoothed out... The eyelids stop trembling... They are simply closed and motionless... All the muscles of the face are relaxed... A light cool breeze washes your face... It is pleasant and kind - this air kiss... The air brings you its healing energy... Breathing is smooth and calm. The heart beats rhythmically...
Your body enjoys complete peace. Tension subsides, dissolves, goes away... Fatigue disappears... You are filled with a sweet feeling of rest, relaxation, peace... Peace, filling you with new strength, fresh and pure energy...
Imagine yourself standing in a clearing in a summer forest. Thick grass rises to your knees, flower petals touch your feet. There are trees around, their leaves rustling in a warm breeze. The sun's rays create a bizarre mosaic of light and shadow. You can hear the whistling of birds, the chirping of grasshoppers, the crackling of branches. You enjoy the aroma of herbs and flowers. Curly lambs in the blue summer sky foretell excellent weather.
You cross a clearing and go deeper into the forest. There is a narrow path under your feet. She is barely noticeable in the grass. Apparently, it is not often walked on. You are slowly walking through the forest and suddenly see through the treetops the roof of a building of unusual architecture. You are heading towards this building. The trees recede and you find yourself in front of an amazing structure. This is a temple. He stands far from the bustle of cities and street crowds, from the pursuit of illusory happiness. This temple is a place of peace and tranquility, a place for reflection and deepening into oneself. Several wide steps lead up to a heavy oak door. The sun's rays play on the gilded patterns decorating the door. You go up the steps and, holding the golden handle, open the door. It gives in unexpectedly easily and silently. Inside the temple there is twilight and pleasant coolness. All sounds remain outside. There are ancient paintings on the walls. There are shelves everywhere, on which there are many books, strange tomes, scrolls. Opposite the door through which you entered is a large oak table, behind which sits an old man in snow-white clothes. His kind and wise eyes are fixed on you.
Come closer to the old man. This is a sage who knows all the innermost secrets of the world, events of the past and future. You can ask him about what worries you, and perhaps you will get the answer you have been looking for for so long...
Perhaps the elder wants to give you something. Please accept his gift with gratitude.
Temple visiting hours are ending. Thank the wise man for meeting you...
You leave the temple and close the door behind you. It's still a sunny day here outside. You go down the steps and again emerge onto the forest path, along which you return to the clearing where your journey began. You stop, take one last look at the landscape around you... and are transported here again, to this room...
Now I will start counting from 7 to 1. With each subsequent number you will begin to emerge more and more from the state of relaxation - until the moment when I call the number 1 and you will become rested, cheerful, full of new strength and energy.
(From this moment, the presenter’s voice should also become more cheerful, sonorous, and emotional. However, there is no need to rush here.)
So, 7... You feel the sensation of your own body returning to you... Lethargy and apathy are receding. You begin to return to your normal state. 6... Your muscles are filled with strength and energy... You are still motionless, but a few moments will pass and you can easily get up and start moving... 5... A state of calm remains, but it begins to be filled with a feeling of strength and the ability to act... Relaxation is replaced by composure... 4... You feel that they have finally come to their senses and are ready to become active. Vigor and energy fill you more and more. 3... Move your feet. You fully feel your legs and are able to easily tense your muscles. Move your fingers. Slowly clench your fingers into a fist. 2... Without opening your eyes, turn your head. You are calm and confident. 1...Opened our eyes. We got up. Don't do it too quickly.

The presenter asks the participants to draw an object that the sage gave them, or the most memorable image. Participants and the facilitator then interpret the symbols presented in the pictures. Participants in the case share their impressions.

4. Final part.

– The most useful thing for me was...
- I liked it...
- I would like to change...
Thank you everyone for your work!

1. Shitova E.V. Practical seminars and trainings for teachers. Issue 1. – Volgograd, 2009
2. Ezhova N.N. Workbook of a practical psychologist. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2005
3. Semenova E.M. Emotional stability training. – M., 2005


Appendix 1
Brief description of the psychological meaning of colors:
Yellow- bright positive feelings, interest, desire to communicate, cheerfulness.
Red- activity, both positive (joyful) and negative (aggressiveness), excitement.
Blue- calmness, some coldness, need for pleasant communication.
Green- persistence, sometimes stubbornness, confidence, the desire to realize one’s desires, the need to understand the world.
Violet- sensitivity, dependence, need for emotional contact, mobilization.
Brown- tension, antipathy, guilt.
Grey- indifference, fatigue, weakness, passivity, desire to be alone.
Black- negativism, expression of protest, rejection.

Appendix 2
I. Methods related to breathing control.
Breath control.
While sitting or standing, try to relax your body muscles as much as possible and focus on your breathing. On the count of 1-2-3-4, take a slow deep breath (while the stomach protrudes forward and the chest is motionless); for the next four counts, the breath is held; then exhale smoothly on a count of 1-2-3--4--5-6; again delay before the next inhalation on the count of 1-2-3-4. After just 3-5 minutes of such breathing, you will notice that your state has become noticeably calmer and more balanced.

Breathing technique "Pushinka"
Imagine that there is a piece of fluff hanging in front of your nose at a distance of 10-15 cm. Breathe only through your nose and so smoothly that the fluff does not flutter.

“Ball” breathing technique.
Close your eyes and imagine a light ping pong ball. Inhale - and the ball slowly and smoothly rises from the center of your abdomen to your throat. Exhale - and the ball also slowly falls down. Inhale - the ball slowly rises up, exhale - gently falls down.

Appendix 3
II. Methods related to controlling muscle tone and movement.
Exercise to relax various muscle groups.
Sit comfortably, if possible, close your eyes; breathe deeply and slowly; walk with your inner gaze throughout your body, starting from the top of your head to the tips of your toes (or in reverse order) and find the places of greatest tension (often these are the mouth, lips, jaws, neck, back of the head, shoulders, stomach); try to strain the places of the clamps even more (until the muscles tremble), do this while inhaling; feel this tension; sharply release tension - do this while exhaling; do this several times. In a well-relaxed muscle, you will feel the appearance of warmth and pleasant heaviness. If the clamp cannot be removed, especially on the face, try smoothing it out with light self-massage using circular movements of your fingers (you can make grimaces).

Exercise “Vessel with liquid”.
Take a comfortable position. Close your eyes and begin to imagine that a stream of warm, viscous, golden or silver-colored liquid begins to flow into your heels through the soles of your feet (or from the top of your head). Your body is an empty vessel into which this liquid is poured from the outside with pleasant sensations of warmth and heaviness. These ideas must be accompanied by real sensations of warmth and heaviness. The muscles become sluggish and relaxed.

Exercise “Wave of Relaxation”.
Take a comfortable position, imagine that a wave of relaxation is flowing along your body. It is very reminiscent of a sea wave rolling over you when you sit on the seashore. Only the sea wave flows around you, and the wave of relaxation passes right through you. Pass several waves of relaxation through yourself, and all the muscles of your body will weaken, become sluggish and soft. At first, until you achieve a stable sensation of a wave of relaxation passing through your body from top to bottom, this exercise should be performed while sitting or lying down. Then these sensations can be evoked in any position.

Speech by a teacher-psychologist at a seminar-workshop for heads of preschool educational institutions in the region. “Increasing psychological stability and performance.”

Description: Development is part of the training. It will be useful for educators - psychologists, educators, teachers. The training can be called health-improving and developmental, since participants perform a number of exercises to work with their body, which they can then do independently. And games create a fun atmosphere, increase team cohesion and restore efficiency.

Training: We increase psychological stability and performance.

Target:- relieve tension and fatigue, organize playful interaction between seminar participants.
- Teach training participants exercises to relieve stress and restore performance;
- Create a fun and friendly atmosphere in the group;
- Activate the creative activity of seminar participants and set them up for further work in groups.
Number of participants: 16 - 20 people.
Psychologist: We know that every year the load on the intellectual, psycho-emotional, and information spheres of teachers increases. Therefore, it is necessary to increase your psychological stability and master ways to maintain and restore performance.
I want to show you several exercises for emotional self-regulation and increased performance.

1. Ear massage
Grasp the auricle completely with your fingers and make circular movements back and forth. Are your ears burning? So, you do everything right - 8 times.
2. During the working day when tired and stressed
Clasp your hands behind your back. Tighten your arms and back, stretch, relax your shoulders and arms. Release tension from your hands. Clasp your hands in a “lock” in front of you. Stretch, straining your shoulders and arms, relax, shake your hands. While stretching, the “happiness hormone” - endorphin - enters the body.
Cheerfulness is guaranteed.
3. And of course, smile.
A smile transmits nerve impulses to the emotional center of the brain. The result is a feeling of joy and relaxation. Try to smile and hold the smile for 10-15 seconds.
But if someone is not very good at smiling out of nowhere, then I suggest playing a game that guarantees a feeling of joy for the rest of the day!
(The seminar participants had already been divided into two groups by the previous seminar leader).
I propose that one group go to the center of the hall and form a line. The second group remains on the ground as observers for now.
Communication occupies a large place in our daily lives - we communicate in everyday life and communicate a lot at work. And very often we are afraid or misunderstood. And now this group will demonstrate their experience in nonverbal communication!
This game is called "Damaged phone - 1"
Purpose of the game:– establishment of effective methods of interpersonal communications in the process of transmitting information, verbal and non-verbal means of communication.
Please turn your back to me. Participants stand in a column one at a time. The leader stands at the end of the column. Thus, all participants have their backs turned to him. With a tap on the shoulder, he invites the participant in front to turn to face him. Then he shows some object (matchbox, pistol, toy car, ball, etc.). The first participant turns to face the second and also with a tap on the shoulder asks him to turn around and shows the object, the second passes it to the third, the third to the fourth, and so on. The last participant names the object. Condition: everything is done silently, only with gestures, you can only ask to repeat the movements. Participants should not turn around until the previous participant taps him on the shoulder.
Business game "Damaged phone - 2"
I invite the participants of the second group. The essence of this game: now all the participants, except one, will go out the door, and to the participant who remains here, I will read a certain text, which he will have to retell to the next participant, etc. At the end we will compare the final result with the original. In this exercise, you can use the main means of communication – speech.
Team task:“Transmit text with minimal distortion from one participant in the game to another.”
Volunteers leave the audience and wait to be invited by the presenter. While the volunteers are outside the audience, the presenter explains to the first participant and observers from the other group the rules of the game, which are that the volunteers will enter the audience one at a time and listen to the story that he has prepared, and then retell to the next volunteer everything that he I remember. Participants and observers should not prompt the volunteer. Their task will be to monitor how information is distorted when transmitted from one person to another. When the last volunteer enters the audience and conveys the information received, the presenter again reads out to everyone the text that was offered to the audience at the very beginning of the game. At the end of the game, you can have a discussion and analyze how information is transmitted from one person to another, how it can be distorted (including by the media), and, in general, whether gossip, rumors and myths should be believed.
A Chukchi who moved to the city writes a letter to his homeland: “Hello, brother! I write slowly, because... I remember that you can't read fast. I'm fine. In the house where I live there is a washing machine, but it’s a strange one, however. I loaded the clothes into it, pulled the chain... and the seething began. And suddenly everything disappeared. This week the weather is good - it rained only twice: first for three days, then for four days. My wife will soon have a child, but we don’t yet know whether it’s a boy or a girl, so it’s still unclear whether you’ll become an uncle or an aunt. Goodbye, your big brother.
P.S. I wanted to send you some money in a letter, but I already sealed the envelope.”

This material contains practical methods and techniques aimed at developing teachers’ ability to independently maintain psychological health, which is the basis of professional longevity.



Workshop “Preserving the psychological health of teachers”

Target: create conditions for teachers to develop the ability to maintain their own psychological health, which is a prerequisite for professional longevity.


  1. introduce teachers to health-saving technologies for preserving psychological health.
  2. show and practice techniques for relieving muscle tension based on working with your own body;
  3. development of communication skills of teachers;
  4. relieving emotional stress among teachers.

Equipment, materials: markers, scissors, newspaper clippings, pencils, Whatman paper, paper, pens.

Preliminary work:selection of newspaper clippings about health, writing letters for relatives and close teachers.


I. Introductory and organizational part:

Teachers sit in a circle. Good afternoon, dear teachers. At the beginning of our lesson, I ask you to think and for each letter of the word HEALTH, name what it gives us.

Z – significance, wonderful well-being.

D – longevity, kindness, trust.

O – charm, charm

R – joy, determination

B – faith, admiration, inspiration.

E – naturalness.

II. Theoretical part

Time places increased demands not only on the personal qualities of teachers, but also on the level of their physical and mental health. A healthy and spiritually developed teacher receives satisfaction from his work, has a high level of efficiency, activity, creativity, strives for improvement, and prolongs professional longevity.

Pedagogical activity is saturated with various kinds of tense situations and various factors associated with the possibility of increased emotional response.

The adverse effects of stressful factors or situations cause double stress in a teacher: information stress (associated with information overload, the need to quickly make decisions with a high degree of responsibility for the consequences) and emotional stress (characterized by the emergence of emotional reactions in the teacher).

The 16th century French philosopher M. Montaigne said: « To enjoy your own profession means to be a Master of your craft. To be a Master is to live in harmony with yourself and the world. The path to mastery is like climbing a mountain with full buckets of water... How to keep the buckets full while climbing to the top? How to preserve the joy of life, optimism, brightness of feelings, richness of emotions, fulfilling the great mission of the Teacher, the Teacher - the master? In your opinion, how can this be done? (discussion with teachers).

III. Practical part

We have repeatedly said that psychological health depends only on the person himself. Every person has ups and downs, without them there is simply no life. And, of course, each person chooses for himself the methods of self-regulation and mood for activity.

I offer you several such exercises.

Exercise “Don’t drop the vase”

Imagine that you are carrying a heavy vase with a large bouquet. To avoid dropping the vase and ruining the bouquet, your arms are extended forward. Holding the vase like this is uncomfortable, hard, and your hands become strained.

Tighten your fingers and fully tighten both arms. Tighten it up even more! Hold it like this. It’s hard for you to hold your hands in this position, but you can’t drop the vase. Your arms are tense from your fingertips to your shoulders. Carefully place the vase on the floor and place your hands on your knees. The arm muscles are relaxed. Rest. Listen to your feelings. Your hands are heavy, pleasantly relaxed and warm.

It often happens that a person feels a feeling of heaviness in his soul and thinks about something negative. This exercise helps you get rid of negative information.

Exercise "Cat"

Let's remember how a cat behaves when rushing at prey. Let's show how the cat released its claws (demonstration). Hold your fingers outstretched and bent at the joints for as long as possible. My hands became tense and stiff. Feel how tiring and unpleasant this state is. And now the cat has removed her claws! The hands calmly fell to the knees, the fingers relaxed. Record your sensations in a relaxed state. How do you feel when you are tense? When relaxing?

Color therapy

We know that color has a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional state, let us rest and look at the many bright colors in our world, remember the positive moments of our life and relax(musical color therapy with relaxation text overlay)How did you feel? What were you thinking about in that moment of relaxation?

Exercise to practice expressiveness of intonation

Due to the variety of activities of a teacher, it happens that we cannot always construct our statements, distracting from the main thoughts. Our intonation affects the quality of information perception and the level of intensity of its memorization. Let's work on intonation.

1) Say the same phrase in completely different ways: “I am healthy, successful, calm»








Methods of maintaining health with finger exercises. She is recommendedJapanese acupressure specialist Yoshiro Tsutsumi. This exercise is for those who have decided to return themselves to working condition, to become a cheerful person, full of ideas and inspiration.

  • Rub your palms together until they warm up, and then place them on your face. We close our eyes and feel relaxed.
  • Lightly irritate the points around the eyes with your fingertips, alternately clockwise (one minute).
  • We massage the eyebrows, alternating pressure from weak to medium and vice versa.
  • Massage the tips of your little fingers thoroughly for 2 minutes each.

Now I suggest you change your profession a little andbecome journalists. To do this, I propose to distribute roles. We have an editor, a journalist-interviewer, an artist-designer who designs the front page of our newspaper, and journalists. Your task is to create a small magazine or newspaper, come up with its name, come up with the name of the columns, after designing the newspaper, it is given to the editor and printed. Newspaper about teacher's health

Another psychological technique that is so safe and universal that psychologists recommend it as “homework” to their clients. It will help you let go of some feelings and emotions that make you uncomfortable, respond to them and become aware of them. This technique is effective for losses, breakups, resentments, guilt and other “social” feelings.

It can be used whenever you think you need it.

Letter writing technique.

You need at least 15 minutes of free time. At this time, no one should tug or disturb you. Dedicate this time exclusively to yourself and this exercise.

Have a few blank sheets of paper and a pen ready. It is best to write by hand rather than typing on a computer. This way the effect is better.

Focus on your feelings and who is “to blame” for them. On the person they are associated with. Stay in this for a while.

Now start writing. Contact this person and write everything you want to tell him right now. The main task is to express your feelings. The less censorship and control there is in your writing, the better. Swearing, ultimatums, accusations, angry reproaches, and name-calling are acceptable and encouraged. Whatever you want to say right now, even if you don't usually say anything like that in life. Remember that this is not just a letter, but a psychological technique. The more you open up, the better it will work.

Phrases like “you should have” or “I demand that”, “you owe me”, “I hate you” and so on are welcome.

Focus on treating the person. Don’t go into lengthy thoughts about “how” or “about what”. For example, if the reason for writing a letter is betrayal, you should not argue that “cheating undermines trust in couples and, according to research, blah blah blah.” Write “you are a goat, I believed you, and you are a male!”

It is important to address the letter to a person. Address your statements to the person. Tell him how you feel. What he should have done, what he should do now. Call him all the words you want. It is important to “breathe out” the letter. And a good exhalation is one that lasts until the end.

When you feel that there is nothing more to say, put down the pen. Now re-read letter. Re-read as many times as you see fit. Live through the emotions that have spilled out until they lose their power. And then destroy the letter. Two methods of destruction are recommended:

  • Burn. (Remember about fire safety);
  • tear into small pieces and flush down the toilet (remember the wrath of the plumber).

The methods are equivalent - choose any. The main thing is never, under any circumstances,do not give this letter to the addressee! This is very dangerous. If you really need it, then it’s better to tell him the contents later. The letter itself is solely an expression of your emotions, and not a personal message for communication. You need to understand this.

I will ask you to write a “Letter to Your Health” today.Discussion of writing letters, what feelings and emotions arose.


“A woman came to God and asked for a lighter cross, otherwise her life was too difficult: her children were not happy, her husband was not treating her properly, and there were problems at work. God offered her a choice, took her to a warehouse where there were visible and invisible crosses. The woman held one - it seemed heavy, another one was also heavy, she tried all the crosses in turn and, approaching the exit, noticed a small cross. The lady was very happy, this cross suited everyone, and she firmly pointed out her choice to God. To which the Almighty answered her: “So this is your cross, you chose your cross!”

Dear women, I know that each of you bears your difficult cross with dignity, but each of you wants the world around us to be even better and even more favorable to us. First of all, love yourself and don’t let anyone doubt that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!

I am very grateful to everyone for taking the time and taking the time to come to class today. I would like to wish you health, women's happiness, tender Love, open smiles and Inner Harmony to you and your loved ones.

I have prepared letters for your loved ones. Give them to your relatives to read.

Electronic literature

Good afternoon.

I am very glad that my letter is now in your hands. I won't take up much of your time. I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for your support and always being there for your loved one.

After all, the profession of _________________________________ is complex and requires balance, calmness and love for children.

Wonderful, professional teacher. She will always come to the rescue and support you in difficult situations. This is also your merit.

For every person, his family is important and ___________________________________ is no exception.

It is in his family that a person feels needed, loved, happy and, of course, finds new strength for professional activity.

I wish your family prosperity and well-being, so that you always find the right words and love each other.

Educational psychologist

TO: relatives and friends


FROM: teacher-psychologist MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 16” Varushkina M.V.

Methodological development

Workshop for educators “Communication between teachers and parents in preschool educational institutions”

Target: increasing the competence of educators in matters of communication with parents.

One of the most important tasks of modern education is to establish partnerships with parents. They presuppose a high level of mutual trust and the ability to organize a constructive dialogue and determine ways to effectively help children. Without partnership, even the most qualified teacher using the most modern methods will not achieve much success. What needs to be done first? To begin with, the teacher must overcome personal barriers (this is especially typical for a novice teacher, if any.

Relaxation. Exercise for tensing and relaxing arm muscles “Playing with sand”

Instructions. Pick up imaginary sand in your hands. Clench your fingers tightly into a fist and hold the sand in your hands. Sprinkle sand on your knees, gradually opening your fingers. Shake sand from your hands, relaxing your hands and fingers. Let your arms fall powerlessly along your body (too lazy to move your heavy arms). Note. Repeat the sand play 2-3 times

Exercise “I wish you. »

Purpose of the exercise: to develop the skill of friendly communication with parents.

Execution procedure: sitting in a circle, compliment the training participant sitting next to him as one of the parents of the (“special” child) of his group.

At the end, the presenter can note that the best compliment for parents is kind words about their child. In addition, the teacher’s ability to identify a good quality in each child indicates his competence in the eyes of parents.

Exercise Analysis

1. How did you feel when expressing your wishes?

2. Were you able to give a compliment when addressing a parent rather than a work colleague?

3. What difficulties did you encounter while completing the task?

Exercise "Choose a phrase"

The presenter’s word: “The teacher is responsible for the consequences of what he says. In order for speech to have a positive impact on parents, you need to choose phrases that exclude the triggering of psychological defenses in parents.”

Instructions. Educators are invited to find in the proposed list:

1) five “unfortunate” phrases that should not be used;

2) “undesirable” phrases and semantic (“desirable”) pairs to them.


Instructions: Highlight, in your opinion, “unsuccessful” phrases in red. Use an arrow to indicate “undesirable” phrases paired with “desirable” ones so that the arrow goes from the “undesirable” phrase to the “desirable” one.

Sorry if I interrupted.

I would like.

You might be interested to know.

You want.

As you know.

Although you don't know it.

Of course you already know.

After completing the exercise, there is a discussion and comparison with the correct answers:

“Unsuccessful” phrases: “Sorry if I interrupted…”, “I would like to hear again…”, “Let’s quickly discuss with you...”, “Please, if you have time to listen to me...”, “And I have There’s a different opinion on this matter...”

“Undesirable” phrases paired with “desirable” ones:

“I would like...” – “Do you want...”;

“You probably haven’t heard about this yet...” - “You’ve probably already heard about this...”;

“I find it interesting that...” – “You will be interested to know...”;

“I have come to the conclusion that...” – “I think your problem is that...”;

“Although you don’t know this...” – “Of course, you already know...”;

“You, of course, don’t know about this yet.” – “As you know.”

Memo "Famous phrase"

Instructions. Teachers are given a memo containing well-known quotes that reflect the rules of communication and behavior with a “difficult” parent.

Memo for teachers

"Fundamental Rules of Communication"

Don't criticize others - why do you need other people's shortcomings? Be satisfied that they are not yours.

To find a common language, you should bite your own a little.

To avoid problems with problem people, never create a one-on-one situation. In the presence of others, the “problematic” are no longer so problematic!

The more you take into account the needs of your interlocutor, the more he will (automatically) satisfy your own.

Confidence in your knowledge gives you strength.

If you see a face without a smile, smile yourself.

The more "ballast", the more difficult communication becomes.

If your interlocutor behaves incorrectly when communicating with you, never repeat his behavior in response. Be tactful and calm, let him see his impartial behavior.

Psychologist: our lesson has come to an end. I would like to give you the booklets “Communication between teachers and parents in preschool educational institutions.” I would also really like to know your opinion about today’s communication training. And for this I would like to ask you to fill out this table.


Sorry if I interrupted.

I would like.

You probably haven't heard about this yet.

You might be interested to know.

I'd like to hear it again.

What I find interesting is that...

I came to the conclusion that...

You want.

I think your problem is this.

Let's quickly discuss it with you.

As you know.

Although you don't know it.

Please, if you have time, listen to me.

Of course, you don't know about this yet.

But I have a different opinion on this matter.

Of course you already know.

You've probably heard about this.

Please provide feedback on the workshop by filling out the table.

Evaluation criteria Number of points

Physical comfort

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