Correspondence faculty of TGASU. Correspondence department

History of the faculty

By the decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, a correspondence department was opened at the Tomsk State Civil Engineering Institute in 1959, which made it possible to train specialists on-the-job (Order of the Ministry of Military Affairs and the SSO SSR No. 88 of July 31, 1959, On the organization of the correspondence department at TISI).

The training of future specialists was carried out in three specialties: “Industrial and civil construction”, “Construction and road machinery”, “Highways”.

At the beginning, a correspondence department was created at TISI, which became part of the evening faculty. In 1961, through the efforts of Anatoly Viktorovich Indeikin (whose good name was later associated with the emergence of the Faculty of Architecture of TSASU), a new structural unit was created - the correspondence faculty. In 1985, the training of specialists was carried out in seven directions. New specialties were added to the first three: “Agricultural construction"; "Water supply and sewerage"; "Cars and automotive industry"; "Economics and organization of the building materials industry."

The first dean of the correspondence faculty was Stanislav Mikhailovich Protodyakonov. The first graduate of the correspondence faculty took place in 1964 and consisted of... 3 people! And really big releases began next year. The largest graduation rate was in 2005 - 1,185 certified engineers across the entire range of specialties.

Today, more than 3,000 students study in 19 specialties at the correspondence faculty. During its existence, the faculty has awarded diplomas of higher education to more than 17,000 graduates. Graduates work in various areas of the construction industry, holding positions from foreman to deputy minister.

Creative spirit, dedication to their work, awareness of the significance of the mission of higher education - these qualities characterize both the staff of the correspondence faculty of TSASU, engaged in organizational and methodological work, and the teaching staff of the university, which transfers all their knowledge to students. All this comes together to ensure high quality education. Which correspondence students receive so that they can then successfully apply theory in practice.

Over its half-century of activity, the correspondence faculty of TSASU has earned the right to consider itself one of the well-known, authoritative and dynamically developing structures in our region engaged in correspondence training of specialists for the construction complex, industry and various sectors of the national economy.

Many graduates of the correspondence faculty have achieved significant heights in construction, industry and all related industries. Over the course of 50 years, the professional and career achievements of those who studied in absentia at TISI and TGASU leave no doubt about the importance and necessity of the faculty.

Directions and profiles of training

Since 2011, the Faculty of Correspondence Studies of TSASU has been conducting training in various programs of higher professional education:

Bachelor's degree (duration of study 5 years);
specialty (training period 6 years);
Master's degree (duration of study 2 years);

* Bachelors (first stage of higher education)

Direction "Construction (270800)"

Training profiles: · Road bridges and tunnels · Highways · Mechanization and automation of construction · Heat and gas supply and ventilation · Industrial and civil construction · Expertise and property management · Water supply and sanitation

Direction "Economics (080100)"

Training profiles: · “Accounting, analysis and audit”

Direction "Management (080200)"

Training profiles: · Economics and management in an enterprise (in the forestry sector) · Economics and management in an enterprise (in urban management) · Economics and management in an enterprise (in construction)

Direction “Land management and cadastres (120700)”

Training profiles: · City cadastre

Direction "Technological machines and equipment (151000)"

Training profiles: · Machinery and equipment of the forestry complex

Direction “Ground transport and technological complexes (190100)”

Training profiles: · Lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment

Direction "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes (190600)"

Training profiles: · Cars and automotive industry · Automotive service Direction "Technology of logging and wood processing industries (250400)" Training profiles: · Woodworking technology

Direction “Technosphere safety (280700)”

Training profiles: · Safety of technological processes and production · Engineering environmental protection


Direction of training for the specialty “Ground transport and technological means (190109)”

Specialty: · Lifting and transport, construction, road facilities and equipment

BB code:

About the university

Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering is a modern university complex with the addition of a secondary vocational education institution, the College of Geodesy and Cartography.

Education at TSASU is based on the principles of the Bologna Declaration, the Hague and Lisbon Conventions. Training is provided in 90 modern areas of training that are in demand on the labor market. Multi-level training is provided, covering the full cycle of personnel training: pre-university training, secondary vocational education, bachelor's, specialty, master's, training of highly qualified personnel, advanced training, additional education programs. An international diploma supplement (Diploma Supplement) is issued. Training is conducted online and remotely. Master's training is provided through a double degree system with foreign partner universities (Double Degree, Joint Degree). The university includes 7 institutes, 26 laboratories, 5 branches, a geodetic testing ground, and a sports and fitness complex.

Science and innovation. 17 scientific schools and directions, powerful scientific and innovative potential is realized by professors of departments and institutes, scientists and experts of the Regional Design Institute, Research Institute of Building Materials, expert centers, teams of the Architectural and Construction Business Incubator. TSASU is part of 9 technology platforms. TGASU scientists are members of two expert councils under the governor of the Tomsk region. Youth science is gaining strength. 12 young scientists of TSUAS became winners of the UMNIK program of the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Field (Bortnik Foundation).

International cooperation. International cooperation at TSASU is one of the main priorities of the comprehensive development program (2013-2017). Agreements have been concluded with more than 20 foreign partner universities. TSASU is a member of two international associations.

Social and sports-creative activities. Our university is the initiator of the construction brigade movement, which gained scale in the 60s-80s of the last century. In the early 2000s, student construction teams were revived. Now the university has 7 special forces that participate in major Russian construction projects: the construction of facilities for the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur region, construction crews work on construction sites of civil and industrial facilities in Siberia.

TSASU has 7 modern dormitories, sports and university clubs. There is a sanatorium, a kindergarten and a summer health camp. In December 2014, our university took fifth place in the final of the all-Russian competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the best dormitory. A total of 300 universities took part in the competition. The competition showed that among universities in Tomsk, as well as among specialized universities of architecture and construction, our dormitories are the best!

The discipline "Physics" is studied by all engineering students

over two semesters.

Students complete 4 tests.

During the session, students listen to lectures and perform laboratory work.

Mastering the discipline is controlled by tests and exams

For Polar Faculty students studying physics

You can complete all assignments, CR and LR, and report for the course remotely.

To do this, log in to the website


Teacher: Starenchenko Svetlana Vasilievna

2. Tests in physics

Part-time students studying physics for two semesters take two tests each semester.

1st semester -1, 2 test

Semester 2 - test 3.4

3. Concepts of modern natural science (CSE)

Discipline "Concepts of modern natural science" (KSE)

studied by students of economic specialties in the spring semester of the first year

By the beginning of the session, students complete 3 tests.

During the session, students listen to lectures and perform 2 laboratory works.

Mastering the discipline is controlled by a test

Instructions for laboratory work in physics workshop

1. Laboratory work No. 11 (volume 2) “Study of the magnetization of paramagnetic materials”

2. Laboratory work No. 1 (volume 3) "Study of light dispersion"

Textbooks and tutorials

1. Dubnischeva T.Ya. Concepts of modern natural science: textbook for universities / T.Ya. Dubnischeva. - Novosibirsk: YuKEA Publishing House, 1997. - 832 p. - M.: Academy, 2003. - 606 p.

2. Physical workshop. Mechanics. Molecular physics. Thermodynamics. T. 1: textbook / ed. S.V. Starenchenko. - Tomsk: TGASU Publishing House, 2009. - 267 p.

3. Physical workshop. Electricity. Magnetism. T. 2: textbook / ed. S.V. Starenchenko. - Tomsk: TGASU Publishing House, 2010. - 212 p.

4. Physical workshop. Wave and quantum optics. T. 3: textbook / ed. S.V. Starenchenko. - Tomsk: Publishing house TGASU, 2011. - 132 p.

5. Starenchenko, S.V. Physics. Fundamentals of molecular physics and thermodynamics: textbook / S.V. Starenchenko, A.S. Taylashev, L.I. Trishkina. - Tomsk: Publishing house TGASU, 2000; 2nd add. ed. 2002. - 102 p.

6. Starenchenko, S.V. Physics. Elements of atomic and nuclear physics: textbook / S.V. Starenchenko, V.B. Kashirin, Yu.V. Solovyova. - Tomsk: Publishing house TGASU, 2000; 2nd add. ed. - 2002. - 106 p.

8. Kiseleva S.F., Koneva N.A., Chernikov M.I. Multimedia textbook on general physics. - Tomsk: Publishing house. TGASU, 2007. 9. Ruzavin, G.I. Concepts of modern natural science: a textbook for universities / G.I. Ruzavin. - M.: UNITY, 2000. - 287 p.

10. Danilova, V.S. Basic concepts of modern natural science: textbook for universities / V.S. Danilova, N.N. Kozhevnikov. - M.: Aspect Press, 2000. - 254 p.

11. Karpenkov, S.Kh. Concepts of modern natural science: a textbook for universities / S.Kh. Karpenkov. - M.: Higher School, 2000.

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