Forbidden archeology linguo wave genetics. P

The main work of P. Garyaev is “Wave Genome” (1994), a monograph representing a compilation of his previous articles. The scientific community does not recognize Garyaev’s work, since to this day there is not a single experimental proof of his ideas.

The so-called “title of Doctor of Biological Sciences” was “assigned” to him by the non-state Higher Interacademic Attestation Commission, and not by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia. P. Garyaev is a member of the public organization RANS, the public organization RAMTS, the public organization New York Academy of Sciences, but is neither an academician of the state RAS (he is not on the list of members of the RAS), nor an employee of the “Department of Theoretical Problems” of the RAS (there is no such thing in the RAS department), nor an employee of the “Wave Genetics Laboratory” of the Institute of Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (there is no such laboratory at the IPU RAS).

As of 2010, there is only one article on the topic of “wave genetics”, peer-reviewed and published in a Russian-language scientific journal. Garyaev’s work on the topic of the “wave genome” was not published in foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals. P. Garyaev’s early publications in Soviet peer-reviewed scientific journals are not related to the “wave genetics theory”, which he has been actively developing since the 1990s. In the mid-90s, P. Garyaev published works on the problem of creating a DNA laser, which are not directly related to the theory of “wave genetics”. Garyaev's contribution to foreign pseudo-scientific activities is limited to reports at conferences.

The main ideas of P. Garyaev

According to Garyaev:

  • most of the information is contained in DNA in the form of a wave (which wave exactly - in different texts the author writes differently, usually insisting on acoustic, but mentioning optical, torsion and others);
  • DNA is able to perceive information, including emotions, from vocal speech;
  • a DNA molecule is capable of transmitting information (for example, about its cell) via a wave path into a laser beam (or other “carriers”; the transmission technique is not disclosed in Garyaev’s works) and receiving such information that can cause morphogenetic and physiological effects, for example, recovery (Sympathetic magic);
  • after the death of living beings, starting with a cell and even individual DNA, their phantom remains for 40 days, capable of influencing other bodies and fields (in particular, Garyaev’s fundamental experience, according to him, was that the scattering spectrum of DNA was preserved and after the DNA has been removed from the device);
  • a child can carry hereditary information from a man (male) who is not his father, but who was the mother’s sexual partner in the past (telegony).

Criticism of Garyaev's works


P. Garyaev's experiments were criticized in a number of sources, where he was accused of ignoring the norms of conducting experiments accepted in science and of ignorance of the fundamentals of the relevant disciplines.

False citations and references to authoritative “co-authors”

  • A. A. Polikarpova (Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language, Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University, Head of Laboratory). In the bibliography for the work “Wave Genetics as a Reality,” Garyaev refers to the materials of the QUALICO-94 conference, which contain two supposedly joint reports by Garyaev, Polikarpov and co-authors. However, among the works of A. A. Polikarpov there is not a single one written in collaboration with Garyaev. Abstracts for only one of the two mentioned reports were submitted to the conference, and Polikarpov was not named in the list of co-authors and generally gave his own separate report.
  • L. S. Yaguzhinsky (Doctor of Biological Sciences, head of the department of Moscow State University, head of the laboratory of the Research Institute of Physics and Biology). In numerous online publications, Garyaev refers to the work of Garyaev P.P., Kokaya A.A., Mukhin I.V., Tertyshny G.G., Tovmash A.V., Leonova-Garyaeva E.A., Yaguzhinsky L. S., Muldashev E. R. “Experimental wave immunity and wave genetics.” According to people familiar with him, Yaguzhinsky denies involvement in this text.

Garyaev’s works also contain false references to other people’s scientific works. For example, on page 131 of the book “Wave Genome” (1994) it is stated that, according to the textbook by Grosberg and Khokhlov, the “most frequently used” model is the Rose-Zimm model, and on page 153 a formula is given with reference to the same textbook. In fact, both this statement and the formula are absent in the textbook by Grosberg and Khokhlov.

Errors in Garyaev's works

Although the formula on page 153 of The Wave Genome (1994) is plausible, it is not “calculated in terms of the Rose-Zimm model” as stated in the text, and is not relevant to polymer dynamics. In addition, the work contains mathematical errors, e.g. in formulas (15-16) on page 92, where indices 1 and 2, variables x and t, coefficients k and? are mixed up. In addition, the letter c (representing the speed of light) is present in both lower and upper case.

Publications by P. Garyaev


  • P. P. Garyaev. Wave genome. M: Public benefit, 1994. ISBN 5-85617-100-4
  • P. P. Garyaev. Wave genetic code. M: PUBLISHING CENTER, 1997. ISBN 5-7816-0022-1
  • P. P. Garyaev. Linguistic-wave genome: theory and practice. Kyiv: Institute of Quantum Genetics, 2009. ISBN 978-966-16-4822-6


Garyaev P.P. Structure and physicochemical properties of pyocin R. Moscow State University, 1969. Dissertation (Ph.D. in Biology)

P. Garyaev did not defend his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences.

Articles and materials on the wave genome theory

The only publication by P. Garyaev on “wave genetics” in a peer-reviewed scientific journal:

  • P. P. Garyaev, A. A. Kokaya, I. V. Mukhina, E. A. Leonova-Garyaeva, N. G. Kokaya “The influence of electromagnetic radiation modulated by biostructures on the course of alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus in rats,” BEBiM, vol. 143 No. 2 (2007), p. 155.

There are articles written by Garyaev in collaboration with G. Shipov and A. Akimov.

  • Berezin, A.A.; Garyaev, P.P.; Gorelik, V.S., et al. “Is it possible to create a laser based on information biomacromolecules?” Laser Physics, vol. 6 (1996), issue 6, p. 1211-1213.
  • A. M. Agaltsov, P. P. Garyaev, V. S. Gorelik, I. A. Ramatullaev, V. A. Shcheglov “Two-photon-excited luminescence in genetic structures.” Quantum Electronics, 1996, Vol. 23, No. 2, p. 181-184.

Articles in scientific journals (not related to the wave genome theory)

  • P. P. Garyaev, V. S. Gorelik, E. A. Kozulin, V. A. Shcheglov “Two-photon-excited luminescence in the solid phase of DNA,” Kvant. Electronics, 1994, 21 (6), 603-604.
  • Garyaev P. P., Latysheva N. N., Poglazov B. F. Physico-chemical properties and amino acid composition of pyocin R and its components. DAN USSR, 1969, vol. 187, N 4, p. 931-934.
  • Garyaev P. P., Poglazov B. F. Study of the structure and physicochemical properties of pyocin. Biochemistry, 1969, v. 34, issue 3, pp. 585-593.
  • Garyaev P. P., Poglazov B. F., Kozlova L. S. Study of spherical structures induced in Pseudomonas aeruginosa together with pyocin R. Biochemistry, 1970, v. 35, issue 2, pp. 303-311.
  • Garyaev P. P., Deyanova S. A., Petrova N. D., Poglazov B. F. Isolation of biopolymers from soil, Biochemistry, 1971, v. 37, issue 5.
  • Garyaev P. P. Function and structure of bacteriocins and rapidosomes Advances in modern biology, 1972, v. 70, issue 2(5), pp. 166-181.
  • Garyaev P. P., Kharchuk O. A., Poglazov B. F. Study of the denaturation of some structural viral proteins by the optical rotation dispersion method. Biochemistry, 1972, v. 37, issue 6, pp. 1210-1214.
  • Garyaev P. P. Methods for isolating organic substances from soil in relation to the purposes of exobiology. Izv. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1972, ser.biol., vol.5.
  • Garyaev P. P., Vladychensky A. S., Deyanova S. A., Kaloshin P. M., Poglazov B. F. Isolation and purification of individual organic substances from sod-podzolic soil and volcanic soil. Soil Science, 1973, No. 4, pp. 134-141.
  • Kharchuk O. A., Garyaev P. P., Pustovoit V. I., Poglazov B. F. Study of the structure of the BOM-3,4 protein by the optical rotation dispersion method. DAN USSR, 1973, v. 211, no. 1, p. 245-248.
  • Garyaev P. P., Zakharkina G. A., Wichert A. M. Level of enderpins in the myocardium, adrenal glands and hypothalamus of suddenly deceased people. Cardiology, 1980, v. 20, no. 8, p. 58-61.
  • Zerschikova T. A., Garyaev P. P., Khoperskaya O. A. Modification of the mutation of periodic albinism in the clawed frog. DAN USSR, 1988, v. 298, no. 3, p. 739-741.


P. Garyaev appeared on television, radio and films:

  • in the REN TV channel program “Secret Stories” in 2009;
  • in the program of the TVC channel “Department X” in 2008;
  • in the ORT channel film “Wave Theory of DNA”;
  • in the film “Slavic Habits” of the “Games of the Gods” project;
  • in the film “Who Rocks the Cradle” (Lennauchfilm, 2001);
  • on Radio Russia in the program “Unknown Planet”, 2006.
  • in the Orthodox documentary film about the dangers of abortion “Russian Cross”

Links to P. Garyaev and his theory

P. Garyaev and his “wave genome theory” are mentioned in some publications.


  • in the book by E. Muldashev “In Search of the City of the Gods”, vol. 3, “In the Embrace of Shambhala”, 2004, ISBN 5-7654-3334-0 - where P. Garyaev is called “a brilliant Russian scientist”;
  • in an interview with G. Tsareva on the radio “Voice of Russia” (program “From Heart to Heart”, 2007), where she referred to Garyaev’s stories about the DNA phantom;
  • on the website of the Academy of Trinitarianism, where Garyaev’s works and articles referring to them are published;
  • foreign authors Richard Alan Miller, Iona Miller and Burt Webb refer to the works of Garyaev’s group in the review “Quantum Holography”.

By critics:

  • in the bulletin “In Defense of Science” of the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Bulletin No. 4, 2008), where both Garyaev’s theory and the journal of the Higher Attestation Commission, which published his article, are criticized;
  • At the conference “Scientific Journal in Russia,” the head of the Higher Attestation Commission, M. P. Kirpichnikov, called P. P. Garyaev’s article in the journal BEBiM “a frank example of pseudoscience.”

Who produces genetically modified food and develops ethnic weapons and why?

Pyotr Garyaev - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences - explains how genetics and linguistics can be related? Why did the American geneticist Nierenbreg receive the Nobel Prize? How did the spread of genetically modified foods begin? What genetic error led to the appearance of incorrect proteins, pseudoenzymes and poisonous substances? Why does transgenic soybean cause tumors? How is the genetic code similar to speech? How dangerous is ambiguity in genetics? How does context disambiguate code? Why is it hidden from us that genetically modified food is dangerous for the body and it is gradually destroying humanity? Who wants to create ethnic weapons using genetics? How are geneticists who tell the truth persecuted? Why is linguistic-wave genetics fraught with mortal danger? How to make sure that it brings only benefits?

Petr Garyaev: The word “linguistics” is not accidental; I would like to highlight this part a little, because it is very important. The fact that we transmit such genetic information is actually linguistic when we talk about genes, protein genes, but in addition to protein genes, there are also other genes. Let's focus on protein genes. Their synthesis is described by the triplet model of the genetic code, for which Nirenberg received the Nobel Prize in 1968. He developed it together with Francis Crick, who, in turn, also received the Nobel Prize together with Watson for the double helix of DNA. What Nirenberg did, he received the Nobel Prize without Crick, because they don’t give the Nobel Prize twice. Maybe it's good because it's good for Scream, why? Because in fact, this triplet model of the genetic code, which explains the biosynthesis of proteins, is incorrect. In the sense that it contains a strategic error, and since it contains a strategic error, it means that it is generally incorrect. What did this lead to? These mistakes, they are not forgiven by nature, this has led to what is now being done in massive quantities all over the globe, genetically modified food is spreading almost all over the globe. This model is based on the principles of amino acid coding, and proteins are made up of amino acids. Each amino acid must be encoded by its own codon. A codon is a triplet of nucleotides, and it encodes amino acids, there are 64 such codons. It turned out that 32 of them are synonymous, that is, several different codons encode the same amino acid, this is redundancy, this is good, this is normal. But the second half, 32 codons, they are very strange, because initially they are, as it were, dual, they simultaneously initially encode two different amino acids, and this contradicts the code model. Do you understand what's going on? Because it was postulated by Nirenberg and Crick that the genetic code is unambiguous. Each codon, or even several, codes for one amino acid, but it is never, as they believed, that one codon codes for two different amino acids. In fact, if you look carefully at the table of the genetic code, it is absolutely clear even to a 10th grade student, when I was at school, I paid attention, and when I was at the university, I ran to the teachers and said, look at the table of the genetic code, there half of the codons, everything is fine there, but half codes ambiguously, two different amino acids, this is death for the body. I still could not understand why death did not happen. They tell me that protein synthesis is proceeding normally, organisms are living, and that you are suffering so much about this means everything is fine. I say, the model itself, it implies ambiguity. So, this coding ambiguity is removed by what? Very simply, with context. What are these ambiguous codons? This is the same as the word “scythe”, “raid”, “boxing” and so on, that is, a word that has two meanings, ambiguous words, and you will never understand what kind of scythe you are talking about, either it’s a girl’s braid, or it’s a scythe used to mow grass. You will understand only when you read the entire sentence. I saw a beautiful girl who had a magnificent golden braid, her hair was beautiful, the braid was light brown and so on. It is clear what kind of braid we are talking about. Or I saw a man mowing the grass with a good scythe, he had a scythe in his hands, a well-honed scythe. It is clear that the braid is different here. Context removes ambiguity. So, in the genetic code and this is its speech-like nature, it works on contextual orientation. That is, a protein is a synthesizing apparatus, when it reads a gene in the form of informational DNA, and there are structures that work, they are called ribosomes, we will not go into details, a completely separate huge topic, but I will say it anyway. These same ribosomes that read messenger DNA and synthesize proteins, they encounter such ambiguous codons from time to time, and they must decide which braid we are talking about, a girl’s braid or a scythe that is used to mow grass. The ribosome reads the entire text, that is, the context, and understands the meaning of the ambiguous codon, and gives it an accurate and definite meaning. And now the unambiguousness arises, which Crick and Nirenberg talked about, but it arises after the act of reading the informational DNA occurred; this was discarded by Nirenberg, even when they discovered this effect, when they have the same codon encoding a triplet at the same time two amino acids: phenylalanine and licine. They say this is a phenomenon for us, the molecular nature of this phenomenon is not clear to us. You see, although these are brilliant people, both Nirenberg and Crick, they were lying here. You see, if this is not clear to you, then why do you claim that the code model is unambiguous? It is ambiguous, and this is a strategic mistake.

How is this related to genetically modified food products, you might ask? I will answer, when they introduce transgenes, foreign genes, for example, into corn, into wheat, into tomatoes, anywhere, that is, the contextual landscape changes, if you introduced a transgene, your contextual landscape changes, and then the meanings of these same codons are ambiguous, they can change indefinitely, and this is chaos, this is semantic chaos in protein synthesis. This means that incorrect proteins are obtained, and incorrect proteins can acquire the functions of pseudo-enzymes, toxic substances, and so on, and so on. And when a person eats genetically modified food with such incorrectly synthesized proteins, the likelihood that he will get poisoning or a metabolic breakdown increases sharply, because there are pseudo-enzymes that work completely incorrectly, and this is a tragedy for the body. This is what happened, with Ermakova, for example, she demonstrated that if we feed, for example, tangenic soybeans to rats, they develop a tumor the size of the rat itself. Do you understand what this led to? This semantic chaos occurs when the genetic apparatus operates as a structure that works with texts, and if the text is read incorrectly, incorrect reading occurs because the meaning of these same homonym codons changes, and incorrect proteins arise. Here you go, as a result of a tumor in rats, they don’t write about people, because all the work that has been done in this area, which proves that genetically modified food is dangerous for humanity, is removed and blocked. And Ermakova was simply thrown out of the Academy of Sciences, that’s it, the person is without a job, because genetically modified food means billions of dollars in the pockets of the scoundrels who do it, and they are gradually destroying humanity. Here is another negative aspect of a misunderstanding of the work of the genetic apparatus, its linguistic, textual part.

But that's not all the troubles. It turns out that when transgenes are introduced, the topological structure of the chromosomes changes, and the chromosome is a liquid crystal, and when a foreign gene is introduced there, the topology of the liquid crystals of DNA changes, in a particular case of such iconic topologies is a hologram. An embryo, it begins to develop, it should grow arms, legs, eyes, and so on, and so on, in a certain order, in a certain place, and so on, and if not, then it turns out to be freaks. So, the calibration of the space of an organism that develops from an embryo is carried out by holograms that are located in our chromosomes, do you understand what’s the matter? If you violate the structure of the holograms, then you get a freak, these are the freaks that come from transgenic plants, animals, and so on, and then we absorb them along with food, we change our own metabolism, we change it in a very bad direction, in the direction of that we may develop pathologies such as cancer, allergies, and so on, and so on. But I repeat, all this data is blocked in every possible way, not published, researchers who prove this are persecuted. Unfortunately, linguistic-wave genetics is being pursued in the same way, although it brings obvious benefits, it can also bring harm, I have said this many times, this is potentially the most terrible weapon that you can think of, and, moreover, it is very cheap, and which will work , because it works on spinor effects, on torsion fields, and torsion fields know no barriers, and you can (11:01) give it all over the globe. Just as we destroyed, killed Arabidopsis plants, or weeds can be killed, this is a good use, in the same way you can destroy the wheat crop, for example, from the enemy and from yourself too, because it will work in both directions, so this is a deterrent, protection from a fool. If you wanted to make a genetic weapon, destroy the enemy’s wheat or barley, and so on, and so on, then you will do the same for yourself, you see, that’s the point. And the danger is still enormous, all over the world they are trying and working to create ethnic weapons. For example, the Jews want to destroy the Arabs, let's come up with this thing just for them. Firstly, all races are mixed, so this is quite difficult to do, but even if ethnically pure groups, it is theoretically possible to develop such a weapon, but for this you need to understand real genetics, and real genetics are not understood.

The word... A sound that lives for a split second and disappears in space. Where is he? Go look for those sound waves. The word... An almost immaterial phenomenon. It seems there is nothing to talk about. People noticed a long time ago that “an evil word can kill,” and a kind word “is also pleasant for a cat.”

One of the hypotheses that explains this influence of sounds is the idea of ​​the informational properties of water. Under the influence of sounds, including human speech, water molecules (and our body consists of approximately 80 percent of it) begin to line up into complex structures. And depending on the rhythm (and, as some researchers believe, on the semantic load), these structures can heal or, conversely, poison the body. But, unfortunately, there is a huge distance between knowledge and observance of known elementary simple rules, day after day, forming indelible deposits over time. If the dust can be wiped away, then the consequences of a thought or word can never be destroyed by anyone. They will lie there until the deadline, and someday the backlash, as they say, will begin to act.

Today, scientists have received new confirmation of the importance of rhythms in the life of nature, including humans. For example, the response to the rhythm, sound and emotional structure of the word “hello” always turns out to be positive. It is also indicated in the holy scriptures that the world began with a secret - that is, again with a word, that is, a word is a secret containing great meaning. Only a small part of the mystery of sound is known to people. Infrasound can scare, ultrasound can heal. What is “mat”, foul language, what danger do they pose to the person uttering them? Few people think about the fact that sound is not just a certain set of sound waves, but a carrier of information. A long word does not necessarily convey more information than a short one. Everything depends not only on what sounds the word consists of, and not even on their order in the word, but on what the informative capacity of this sound is.

There are words more terrible than gunpowder,
Than a shell over trench ditches
I advise people in quarrels
Be careful with your words.

The world is built on this basis
And quite seriously, in general:
About any rash word
You will regret it sooner or later.

Be patient with words,
Don't take the rumors into account.
After all, they leave wounds,
Like from small but sharp fragments.

At different poles there are words of creation and words of destruction, words of prayer and words of abuse. The former heal and improve the essence of man, the latter cause illness and reduce us to the level of creatures living only by animal instincts.

Petr Goryaev came to the conclusion that some human words have not an energetic, but an informational effect on DNA. The strength of the effect depends mainly on the content of the communicated text. Thus, hereditary programs were damaged when researchers said something terrible - for example, badmouthing the plant from which the DNA drug was obtained. And then they conducted the opposite experiment. Through their drug, scientists “blessed” wheat seeds killed by radioactive irradiation with a power of 10 thousand roentgens. The result exceeded all expectations: confused genes, broken chromosomes and DNA strands fell into place and grew together. The killed seeds came to life and sprouted. And in the control group they remained dead. Finally, scientists “blessed” healthy wheat grains through the apparatus. As a result, they, unlike the control group, began to grow rapidly. It would seem that there is a huge distance between plants and people. But other studies have shown that the genetic apparatus of all living beings operates according to universal laws. And the same information influences cause very similar effects in plants, animals and people.

Scientists are confident that slander and “blessing” sent through the apparatus would cause changes in human DNA similar to those that occurred in plants. But in principle, scientists have not discovered anything new. After all, their apparatus reproduces and enhances people’s ability to influence the programs of heredity with words. This human ability has been known since ancient times. Prayers awaken the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus, and curses damage it. Through the prayers of many saints, hopelessly ill people were healed. The blessing of the saints extended over several generations. Zombification, slander, maternal curses, which can deprive a person of will, health, and even life itself, have the word as their main tool. The maternal curse has always been considered the most powerful in terms of the results achieved, because no one can remove it from a person except the one who uttered it.

Wave geneticists say: the human genetic apparatus is far from indifferent to what its owner thinks, listens or reads. For any information can be imprinted into the so-called wave gene. In other words, with whom a person behaves, he will ultimately acquire hereditary programs. At the same time, the DNA machine is not able to discern from whom you are receiving information, be it a live interlocutor or a TV screen. Any spoken word is nothing more than a wave genetic program that can very significantly change your entire life.

DNA molecules are able to exchange this information using acoustic and electromagnetic waves. But the most amazing thing is that scientists caused many miracles with words. Scientists have created a device that translates human words into electromagnetic vibrations that can influence the molecules of heredity - DNA. And it turned out that some words cause a mutagenic effect of monstrous power. Chromosomes become distorted and torn, genes change places. As a result, DNA begins to develop unnatural programs that are replicated by the body, passing on self-destruction programs to the offspring. According to experts, these strange words caused a mutagenic effect, similar to that produced by radioactive irradiation with a power of 30 thousand roentgens! It’s scary to even think what would happen to a person after such verbal treatment, if 50 roentgens is considered a lethal dose for him.

Fortunately, these experiments were carried out on the seeds of the Arabidopsis plant. Almost all of them died. And the survivors became genetic monsters, unable to program the development of healthy organisms. Such monsters get many diseases that are inherited in a more severe form. The offspring completely degenerates after a few generations. But what surprised scientists most was that the mutagenic effect did not depend on the strength of the effect. They pronounced the words in a loud voice, sometimes in a quiet voice, and sometimes whispered barely audibly, but the results were the same. Maybe the device amplified the energy of sound vibrations? Except: it was powered by two Orion batteries, which are usually used to charge a flashlight. For an effect of 30 thousand roentgens, you need to create a voltage thousands of times greater than these batteries can provide.


Often, at first, a person, in passing, without knowing it out of ignorance, “sows” evil around himself, not only desecrating his own lips, but also pouring dirt into the ears of those around him, without even realizing it. Below is the “Tone Scale” - a scale of emotional, energetic state - health potential. Zero is death. Tone 40, when a person can control others with his thoughts. Tone 30 “postulates”. What he energetically postulated will come true. Tested many times. “Boredom 2.5” is the energy state when you are lying in bed and need to go to work. You lie there and know that you will be punished, but you lie there! This state can (as when measuring temperature) be taken as a reference point. What is below boredom is not a completely adequate person. These are diseases. You can’t “reach out” to a person with any offers to help him. This is a disease zone. You need to “raise” him above boredom, then he will “hear” you. A person does not get sick above the tone of “enthusiasm.”


40.0 - Serenity of being: fulfillment of (being) intentions (controls others)
30.0 - Postulates a person plans (postulates) and his plans come true miraculously (a teacher, book or money appears on time)
22.0 - Games
20.0 - Actions
8.0 - Joy, delight! (creation)
6.0 - Aesthetics (admiration)
4.0 - Enthusiasm (not sick)
3.5 - Fun, vivacity
3.3 - Strong interest
Z.0 - Conservatism
2.9 - Average interest
2.8 - Satisfaction
2.6 - Lack of interest, not interested
2.5 - Boredom
2.4 - Monotony, routine, monotony
2.0 - Antagonism
1.9 - Hostility
1.8 - Pain, irritation
1.5 - Anger and anger (liver disease, arthritis)
1.4 - Hatred
1.3 - Indignation, indignation
1.2 - Lack of empathy, lack of sympathy
1.15 - Hidden resentment, hidden protest, unexpressed indignation (cancer)
1.1 - Hidden hostility, nihilist, revenge
1.02 - Anxiety, restlessness (stomach ulcer)
1.0 - Fear (sore throat)
0.98 - Despair
0.96 - Horror
0.94 - Numbness
0.9 - Empathy
0.8 - The need to appease (gives higher tones - selectively) reconciliation, selective appeasement
0.5 - Grief, sadness
0.375 - Atonement for guilt (the need to appease - nothing can be denied). Compensation for damages, indiscriminate cajoling
0.3 - Unworthy, undeserved
0.2 - Self-deprecation self-flagellation (diabetes)
0.1 - Victim (depends on the opinions of other people)
0.07 - Hopelessness, hopelessness, loss of hope
0.05 - Apathy, lethargy, indifference
0.03 - Useless
0.01 - Dying
0.0 - Death of the body


From the Holy Scriptures: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” And this is not an exaggeration.

“Pleasant speech is like the honey of the honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones,” says the Book of Proverbs. And swearing is clearly condemned in the Bible. According to the law of Moses, anyone who scolded his parents could be punished by death.

We often forget, or maybe we don’t want to know, how saving a word of mercy and love can be, and how destructive even a carelessly spoken evil word can be. American researchers have found that people who are constantly scolded are susceptible to colds, gastrointestinal disorders, candidiasis, bladder diseases, etc.

The impact of words on human physiology was proven at the beginning of the last century by psychoneurologist V.M. Bekhterev. And research by K.I. Platonov confirmed that a word can cause physiological reactions similar to environmental influences. If a person utters a swear word to another, then it not only offends the one to whom it was said, but also causes harm to the one who said it. Scientists claim today that swear words “explode” in the human genetic apparatus, as a result of which mutations occur that lead to degeneration.

Pyotr Garyaev and Georgy Tertyshny, scientists from the Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, have invented a device that translates human words into electromagnetic vibrations. And the latter, as is known, influence the molecules of DNA heredity. According to their research, DNA perceives human speech. Words have an informational effect on them. As it turned out, swear words can cause a mutagenic effect in a living cell, similar to radioactive radiation!

Scientists conducted experiments on Arabidopsis seeds. Almost all the plants died. And those that survived turned into genetic freaks, incapable of reproducing healthy offspring.

P.P. Garyaev says: “Of course, by irradiating Arabidopsis seeds with “cursed” waves, we predicted the result. But what happened simply horrified us. The power of swear words that fell on the poor plant was like... irradiation of 40 thousand roentgens. From such a blow, DNA chains broke, chromosomes disintegrated, genes scattered and got mixed up. Of course, most of the seeds died, and those that survived... it would have been better if they had not survived. Their genetic apparatus began to develop unnatural programs, which resulted in monstrous mutations that caused severe plant diseases and premature death.”

After several generations, the offspring completely degenerated. Well, as you know, the genetic apparatus of all living organisms works according to the same laws.

The results of research in the field of wave genetics suggest that the human body is far from indifferent to what its owner thinks, listens, reads or says. For all perceived information is reflected in the wave genome. At the same time, the human body does not understand from whom you receive information, from a live interlocutor or from the TV screen. Any spoken word acts as a wave genetic program that can have a significant impact on people's behavior and lives. Even if you read, information reaches cell nuclei through electromagnetic channels.

Quite recently, scientists came to an unexpected discovery: the DNA molecule consists not only of genes responsible for the shape of the face: ear, eye color, etc., but mostly of encoded texts. Moreover, these texts occupy 95–99 percent of the total chromosome content! And only 1–5 percent is occupied by the notorious genes that synthesize proteins. The main part of the information contained in chromosomes remains unknown to us.

According to scientists, DNA is the same text as the text of a book. But it has the ability to be read not only letter by letter, and line by line, but also from any letter, because there is no break between words. By reading this text with each subsequent letter, more and more new texts are obtained. You can read it in the opposite direction if the row is flat. And if a chain of text is unfolded in three-dimensional space, like in a cube, then the text is readable in all directions. It is constantly moving, changing, because our chromosomes breathe, sway, generating a huge number of texts. Work with linguists and mathematicians from Moscow State University showed that the structure of human speech, book text and the structure of the DNA sequence are mathematically close, that is, these are really texts in languages ​​still unknown to us. Cells talk to each other, just like you and me - the genetic apparatus has an infinite variety of languages. Man is a textual structure - concludes Pyotr Petrovich.

Our chromosomes implement the program for building an organism from an egg through biological fields - photon and acoustic. Inside the egg, an electromagnetic image of the future organism is created, its social program is recorded, its destiny, if you like. This is another unexplored feature of the genetic apparatus, which is realized, in particular, with the help of one of the varieties of the biofield - laser fields capable of not only emitting light, but also sound. Thus, the genetic apparatus manifests its potencies through holographic memory. Depending on the light with which the holograms are illuminated - and there are many of them, because many holograms can be recorded on one hologram - one or another image is obtained. Moreover, it can only be read in the same color in which it is written. And our chromosomes emit a wide spectrum, from ultraviolet to infrared radiation. That's why they can read each other's holograms. As a result, a light and acoustic image of the future new organism appears, and in progression - all subsequent generations.

The program that is written on DNA could not arise as a result of Darwinian evolution - to record such a huge amount of information requires time that is many times longer than the existence of the Universe. It’s like trying to build a Moscow State University building by throwing bricks.

Genetic information can be transmitted over a distance; a DNA molecule can exist in the form of a field. A simple example of the transfer of genetic material is the penetration of viruses into our bodies, such as the Ebola virus. This principle of the “immaculate conception” can be used to create some kind of device that allows it to be introduced into the human body and influence it from the inside.

“We have developed,” says Pyotr Petrovich, “a laser based on DNA molecules. This thing is potentially formidable, like a scalpel: it can heal, but it can kill. Without exaggeration, I will say that this is the basis for the creation of psychotropic weapons. The principle of operation is this. Lasers are based on simple atomic structures, and DNA molecules are based on texts. You enter a certain text into a section of the chromosome, and these DNA molecules are converted into a laser state, that is, you influence them so that the DNA molecules begin to glow and make a sound - talk! And at this moment, color and sound can penetrate another person and introduce someone else’s genetic program into him. And the person changes, he acquires different characteristics, begins to think and act differently.


Lately I've been scared to be around people. From all sides one can hear swearing, as if there are no other words in the Russian language. The press from time to time arranges discussions about whether it is good or bad to swear. Meanwhile, scientists give an unambiguous answer to this: swear words “explode” in the human genetic apparatus, as a result of which mutations occur, which generation after generation lead to degeneration.

Researchers have invented a device that translates human words into electromagnetic waves. And they are known to influence DNA heredity molecules. A person swears incessantly - and his chromosomes tear and bend, genes change places. As a result, DNA begins to develop unnatural programs.

This is how the program of self-destruction is gradually passed on to the offspring. Scientists have recorded: swear words cause a mutagenic effect, similar to that produced by radioactive irradiation with a power of thousands of roentgens.

The irradiation experiment was carried out for many years on the seeds of the Arabidopsis plant. Almost all of them died. And those that survived became genetic freaks. These monsters, having suffered many diseases, passed them on to inheritance. After several generations, the offspring completely degenerated.

Interestingly, the mutagenic effect did not depend on the strength of the word; they could be pronounced either loudly or in a whisper. On this basis, scientists concluded that certain words have an informational effect on DNA.

The exact opposite experiment was also conducted. Scientists “blessed” seeds killed by radioactive irradiation of 10 thousand roentgens. And so the confused genes, broken chromosomes and DNA strands fell into place and grew together. The killed seeds came back to life.

You say: “Well, why are you comparing people to plants!” But the fact of the matter is that the genetic apparatus of all living organisms works according to universal laws.

The ability of people to influence heredity programs with words, confirmed by researchers, has been known to believers since ancient times. From patristic literature we know how often, thanks to the saints, the hopelessly sick were healed and the dead were raised from the dead. Moreover, the blessing of the righteous extended not only to a specific person, but also to his offspring.

The word is a mutual instrument. Let's remember the Gospel. The Apostle Peter accused Ananias and his wife Sapphira of concealing part of the money they received for the land. Hearing the words of accusation, Ananias and Sapphira fell lifeless.

A skeptic will doubt how ordinary words can influence the hereditary program. The fact is that the idea of ​​a genetic apparatus consisting only of chemical substances is outdated.

In fact, in order to build a living mechanism from DNA, much more complex programs are needed, which should contain the lion's share of all hereditary information. The new science, “wave genetics,” whose author is Pyotr Petrovich Goryaev, testifies: a gene is not only a cell. The human program is encrypted in the so-called “junk” part of DNA. And not only in chemical substances, but also in physical fields that form around chromosomes and have a holographic structure. All information about the past, present and future of the organism is contained in a collapsed form at each point of the wave genome. DNA molecules exchange this information using electromagnetic waves, including acoustic and light waves. Today, scientists have learned to “pump” DNA with light and sound energy. It was as if hidden pages of genetic texts were illuminated and read. By launching certain genetic programs, they stimulate the body's reserve capabilities. As a result, hopelessly ill people recovered and dead plants came to life. A person can cause such miracles precisely through prayers.

Scientists have come to a stunning conclusion: DNA perceives human speech. Her “ears” are truly adapted to picking up sound vibrations. Pushkin once wrote to his wife: “Don’t spoil your soul by reading French novels.” Our contemporary will only smile at this order of genius, but in vain. Molecules of heredity receive both acoustic and light information: silent reading reaches cell nuclei through electromagnetic channels. One text heals heredity, while the other traumatizes it. Prayer words awaken the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus. The curse destroys wave programs, which means it disrupts the normal development of the body.

Pyotr Garyaev believes that with the help of verbal thought-forms a person creates his genetic apparatus. For example, a child who has taken a certain program from his parents begins to be rowdy and use foul language. Thus, he destroys himself and his environment - both social and psychological. And this “snowball” rolls from generation to generation.

So the genetic apparatus is not at all indifferent to what we think about, say, what books we read. Everything is imprinted into the wave genome, that is, the wave genetic program, which changes the heredity and program of each cell in one direction or another. So, a word can cause cancer, or it can cure a person. Moreover, DNA does not determine whether you are communicating with a living person or with a character in a television series.


Prayer is a certain numerical and sound code-signal for contact, which each person must find and feel for himself. Our words and thoughts are capable of spinning torsion fields in a positive direction, and thus influencing the information image of the icon in front of which we pray. Therefore, with the right prayer, we can get into direct contact with GOD. For, by changing the information of our consciousness, we influence the information of matter, the information of the external world and information connections. Prayer, in order to be real, true, must be a cry of the heart, for it is the voice of our soul, ready to communicate with God. From a psychological point of view, prayers, when repeated many times, develop the ability to concentrate attention and thereby bring order to one’s thoughts and feelings.

However, bright, high moments, when the soul rushes to heaven, when we ourselves feel the need for prayer, do not happen often, because faith does not come to anyone immediately, and not everyone has knowledge. Therefore, sometimes it seems that there is no trace of GOD, that the world is cold, cruel and devoid of any Light. Then you need to send a prayer to GOD asking him to help your souls find faith. Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh says: You must treat your soul like a mother holding a capricious child in her arms and telling a fairy tale. At first the child does not pay attention to her, but then begins to listen... . After all, it is the soul that comes into contact with God!

In our prayers there is often a desire for something: health, protection, wealth, success in activity, good luck in some particular matter, etc. At the same time, we feel that God is high above us, while we are below. We look to Him and cry to Him, we ask and then wait, but we do not know when and to what extent God will fulfill what we ask Him for in our prayers. Sometimes we offer him a deal: “Lord! I give You my prayer, so please help me." But if prayers are predominantly of a supplicative nature, this indicates that the spiritual essence of a person has not yet been developed. It is not surprising that such prayers often fall short. Only that person can achieve success in prayer who perceives his life as the greatest gift of God, as an opportunity for spiritual improvement, as a step towards the divine. And the purpose of prayer for him is not the acquisition of some earthly blessings, but the harmonization of the human soul and the accumulation of love for the Creator. In this case, prayer purifies the mind, which is always subject to doubt, anxiety, restlessness, constantly attacked by bad thoughts and bad impulses. When we pray, a purification takes place in our minds, and purity increases our ability to perceive God.

The question arises: how to pray? There are no exact words or phrases in any church tablets. Any prayer written down in prayer books is only a diagram that a person can change, supplement and improve. Ultimately, the effect of prayer is determined by the torsion field that is created by your thoughts, words, and emotions. Prayers may not be church prayers, the main thing is that the necessary thoughts and words come from the depths of the heart. But church prayers definitely cause the appearance of torsion fields that have a positive effect on external information connections. Therefore, using them, a person does not make mistakes. A prayer read over a candle is especially effective. When a prayer is read over a candle, sound vibrations cause plasma (fire) vibrations and it transforms them into electromagnetic and torsion waves that ascend to God. Moreover, prayers cause the opposite effect - God's Grace descends on a person, which heals the soul and body.

Indeed, a correctly read prayer has a strong healing effect on the body and on changing the situation around. A prayer of gratitude addressed to God has a significant effect. But how often do we turn to God with words of gratitude?

When there is no strength to bear the cross,
When the melancholy cannot be overcome,
We raise our eyes to heaven,
Saying prayer day and night,
So that the Lord may have mercy.

But if, after grief
Happiness will smile on us again,
Do we thank you with tenderness,
With all my heart, with all my thoughts
Are we God's mercy and love?
K.R. (Grand Duke Kostantin Romanov), 1899

1. Here is what Omraam Mikael Ayvakhanov writes about the prayer of gratitude: The biggest mistake people make is their ingratitude. They only know how to object, demand, scream, and be indignant. But what did they do to have the right to demand? Nothing. That is why Heaven closes to them and leaves them entangled in difficulties. Do you know how many billions and billions of entities, elements, particles are involved just in keeping you alive? No! And you are always unhappy, indignant. Learn to be grateful! Right tomorrow morning, when you wake up, thank Heaven that you are in good health. Say: Thank you, Lord, for today You have given me life and health again so that I can do Your will. When Heaven notices such a rare phenomenon - the ability to give thanks, repeating: “Thank you, Lord! Thank you Lord!”, Heaven is amazed, delighted and sends all blessings.” In general, the effect of prayers has been very well researched.

2. Moscow researchers from the Department of Theoretical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, under the leadership of Academician P. P. Garyaev, conducted a study of the influence of prayers on plants. We started with curses. For the study, we took the seeds of the Arabidopsis plant, which is very well known to biologists. The results of the effects of curses on the plant simply stunned scientists. Verbal treatment of Arabidopsis turned out to be similar to irradiation of 40,000 roentgens. From such a dose, DNA chains and chromosomes were broken, genes were scattered and mixed up. Most of the seeds died, and the survivors began to develop monstrous mutations. Moreover, it turned out that the results do not depend on the volume of spoken words. The researchers shouted, spoke, whispered - in any case, the destructive effect was the same. It was not caused by the power of sound, but by the meaning of what was said, that is, by those torsion fields that arose when pronouncing curses.

In order to test the healing power of prayers, scientists conducted another experiment. Wheat grains that received a dose of 10,000 roentgens, in which DNA, chromosomes and genes were torn and mixed up, were subjected to blessings and prayers. And they sprouted and began to develop normally, although in the control group a huge number of seeds died.

“We came to the conclusion,” said Pyotr Petrovich Garyaev, that human words can be saving. Curses damage, prayers heal the body and Soul. Words affect not only those about whom they are speaking, but also all listeners who are nearby at that moment. And you yourself will be healthy to the extent that good prevails over evil in your thoughts and deeds, which are inextricably linked with each other.” With our words and thoughts, we set an information program for our cells, influencing them with positive or negative torsion fields.

The newspaper “Arguments and Facts” (No. 18, 2004) under the title “Chasing Old Age Away” published an interview with academician P. P. Garyaev given to correspondent Yu. Tutina. It should be noted that Petr Petrovich Garyaev is an amazing scientist who, despite the “active war” of fellow geneticists, persistently moves forward, makes new amazing discoveries related to energy-informational influences, and creates the science of the future today.

“A group of like-minded people and I created a device that allows us to “teach” the body’s cells to rejuvenate, to recover from many diseases that are still considered incurable, for example, cancer, diabetes, HIV infection...” At the same time, he has been conducting an experiment on his body for ten years, introducing information about youth and health into it. And thanks to this, at 62 years old, he looks and feels 30-35 years old, no more.

“- Outwardly you look great. What do doctors say about your health? “They said I was as healthy as an ox.” “–– Your device is not yet available to the public. Maybe you can give us some basic advice on neutralizing all the “charms” of civilization? – Science has long found a simple way. These are prayers. They awaken in the genetic apparatus the reserve mechanisms that our distant ancestors developed.” Academician Garyaev about prayer. “Have you ever wondered why the number of cancer patients is growing in the world? Why are there so many HIV-infected people? Yes, all because of our excessive civilization. The constant impact on organisms of man-made noise and the most terrible electromagnetic environment around the globe. Cell phones that generate noise fields that penetrate the natural information processes of the cerebral cortex... This is how we lead humanity to degeneration. Moreover, we cannot refuse abuse. But swearing is a mutation of verbal genes.”

Knowing the power of prayers, we, the authors of the book, urge you, from the moment you read these words, every day in your prayers to ask the Creator, the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, so that They remove all obstacles to the widespread introduction of the Grabovoi and Garyaev devices into treatment practice on good for all who suffer! To do this, you need to add the words to your prayer: “Lord! Make sure that the equipment of Grabovoi and Garyaev, capable of curing cancer, AIDS, diabetes, and other incurable diseases, appears in our hospitals!” Let's appeal to the Higher powers to break through the routine that nothing else has an effect on. There are many of us, and the Lord will definitely help us!

So, prayers! A person can pray to an image created in his imagination. And not necessarily in church. The main thing is that the prayer is emotional, sincere, with good words that twist the torsion fields to the right. The power of words on a person cannot be underestimated. Academician Grabovoi states: When I say the words “immortality” or “resurrection” on an audio recording, the vibration destroys the cancer cell. It turns out that these words are positive.

3. At a recent world conference entitled “The latest achievements of the science of consciousness”, held at the University of Arizona in the USA, theses were published by St. Petersburg scientists, Doctor of Biological Sciences and Candidate of Medical Sciences, President of the St. Petersburg Association of Psychopuncture, Head of the Laboratory of the Psychoneurological Institute. . V.M. Bekhterev Professor V.B. Slezin and Candidate of Medical Sciences I.Ya. Rybina. These theses, which have aroused considerable interest among scientists from many countries and scientific directions, speak of the discovery of a unique phenomenon - a special state of a person during prayer.

Laboratory staff conducted, in particular, such an experiment. They recorded electroencephalograms (EEG) of 7 students of the Theological Academy. Professor Slesin says: “We were shocked by what we saw. We saw a gradual slowdown in the rhythm of brain biocurrents - finally only slow delta rhythms remained (with a frequency of 2-3 Hz). This state of consciousness occurs in an adult only during so-called “slow” sleep, and during wakefulness - only in infants up to two months. Probably, the words of Christ: “Be like babies and you will be saved...” can also be attributed to the state of the brain.

The EEG picture of the most diligently praying student of the Theological Academy showed a complete shutdown of the cerebral cortex, although he was conscious! After praying, he calmly said: “Okay, that’s enough...” - and the rhythm of the electrical impulses of his cerebral cortex returned to the usual alpha (8-12 Hz) and beta rhythms (13-30 Hz)... We saw that a connection appears during prayer with something, apparently, that we cannot know through the means of science. We have reached the border of the knowable world, then our Newtonian space ends.”

“- Valery Borisovich, what prompted you to discover this phenomenon?

– For many years, in the practice of treating functional neurotic disorders, that is, neuroses, the method of self-hypnosis, or, as we also call it, meditation, has been used. This method, according to experts, gives good results. We decided in our laboratory to study what processes occur in the cerebral cortex. They took an EEG and found that during meditation, arousal mechanisms are activated in the cerebral cortex. And at one fine moment we asked ourselves: what happens to the brain when a person prays? Some followers of various schools of yoga claim that meditation is the same prayer, the same communication with God.

This is far from the case, as we found out in our research. For the purity of the experiment, we invited the abbot of one of the monasteries and recorded his EEG during prayer. The result shocked us. We found that in a fully conscious, prayerful state of an Orthodox clergyman, the EEG showed a complete shutdown of the cerebral cortex... The man sat and prayed, but he completely lacked an electrical impulse, indicating the work of the cerebral cortex. That is, we observed a state of complete brain shutdown with clear consciousness. We called this phenomenon the fourth state of man. Before our discovery, science knew three states of human consciousness: wakefulness, slow and fast sleep, which differ from each other in the nature of electrical impulses in the cortex. Now we have become aware of another condition - a complete shutdown of the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex with full consciousness.

– Valery Borisovich, I had the opportunity to meet one amazing woman, a parishioner of the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, who told an amazing story from her life. She was dying of cancer in the hospital, the doctors gave up on her, but she was haunted by the thought of the fate of her children... And she began to cry out to God day and night and ask to heal her for the sake of the children... And a miracle happened - she recovered, recovered, raised her children and, naturally, constantly thanks the Lord... What do you think is the secret of the healing properties of prayer? For a believer - God heard and healed - this is clear. And for a materialist scientist?

– Research shows that the electroencephalograms of wakefulness and REM sleep are identical. We have now discovered that there is a complete shutdown of the cortex during both slow-wave sleep and prayer. It turns out that the prayer state is just as characteristic and necessary for the human body as the three previously known to us. Indeed, in a person’s LIFE, transitions from one state of consciousness to another are observed, there are systems of inhibition, shutdown... When in a person’s life, by his will, the fourth physiological state of the brain necessary for him is absent, then, apparently, some negative processes occur. After all, please note that a characteristic feature of the ascetics of the church, the elder monks, is a peaceful state of soul...

– Yes, during the service the priest more than once proclaims: “Peace be with you!” That is, he wishes us a peaceful state of mind...

– Apparently, without introducing into practice the state of prayer, this peaceful structure in the soul is difficult for us to achieve. Hence the healing properties of prayer.

– Is every prayer accompanied by exactly this state of the cerebral cortex? Have you had the opportunity to study brain activity during prayer among representatives of other faiths and religions?

– We recorded the EEG of a Catholic priest. Here we did not observe such a complete shutdown of the cortex, although the trend persisted. He himself admitted that Orthodox Christians are stronger prayer books, and that only here the practice of (continuous) Jesus Prayer has been preserved among monastics. We invited a Muslim clergyman, a representative of the Protestant Church, but they did not respond to our proposals. During real prayer, there is a departure from reality, which leads to the destruction of pathological connections. By moving away from the world, from images of pathology, a person contributes to his recovery. The fourth state is the path to harmony. Our research has given us the opportunity to make some more discoveries. So, we found out that despondency and rock music lead a person away from the state of harmony, also causing electrical impulses in the cerebral cortex that are close to an epileptic seizure.

– Can we say that the fourth state resists the destructive force of modern mass culture?

– Since we live on planet Earth, where, as we have found out, there are four physiological states of a person, then they should all alternate in a person’s life. The absence of one of them disrupts the harmonious development of a person, leading him to degradation and illness. Therefore, I dare to say that the fourth state allows or helps a person to remain human!”

So, prayer puts a person into a special state in which he gets in touch with the Creator. Moreover, scientists have found that such a state is as necessary for a person as, for example, sleep. It is quite possible that we need a peaceful state of soul because our soul at this moment communicates with God. She is at home. Like during slow sleep, when our soul goes to its spiritual world. But for such contact to occur, you need to be able to pray!

4. At the 4th International Congress “Bioinformatics. Bioinformation and bioenergy information technologies" - "BEIT-2001", held at the Altai State Technical University named after. I. I. Polzunov in 2001, a report was presented by A. Ivashkin entitled “Prayer - a declaration of love for the Creator - the path to spiritual health and earthly longevity.” The report presented the results of two years of research into the impact of prayers on humans and a proven method of prayer.

The proven prayer technique is given below. Experiments show that it is best to begin turning to the Creator after a person has been contemplating the starry sky for thirty to forty minutes. This very effectively takes you away from earthly worries.

First. Before starting prayer, the patient must remove the slightest claims, resentments, aggression towards the Creator, and feel love for Him in his heart.

Second. You can start with the prayer “Our Father”, then you can improve the text. What they ask for; in prayer?

The first is love for the Creator.

The second is humility before the fate given by the Creator.

Third, patience when moving towards the Creator. And no human values ​​and earthly goods. “For your heavenly Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” One should ask the Creator to remove the aggression of deceased relatives towards Him, so that the aggression of living relatives will be removed.

Fourth. A direct appeal to the Creator with repentance for the evil done and a declaration of love for Him.

Fifth. Prayer for children, grandchildren and descendants up to the fifth, fifteenth and thirtieth generation. Depending on how much your subconscious mind tells you. To ask the Creator to remove the aggression that comes from the future, to repent for not being able to stop the release of aggressive feelings into the future, to ask for forgiveness for the aggressive emotions of descendants.

Sixth. Prayer for the community. Removing aggression towards the society in which the person praying lives.

Seventh. It is important to end with the words: “Everything is the will of the Creator,” glorifying Him.

The most important aspect of the effectiveness of prayer as a means of stopping, blocking consciousness is the following. Each appeal to the Creator should be carried out in the mode of holding your breath. For breathing, along with sex and food, is the main clue to human values. Therefore, the effect is achieved precisely by denying the most important measure of human values ​​- breathing.

It is best to pray in the morning, immediately after waking up, and in the evening, before going to bed. But you can and should turn to the Creator throughout the day.

The above-mentioned methodology for improving energy-informational processes, bringing them into harmony with surrounding systems, in resonance with the divine matrix of the future, has been tested on many students of the republican club "Nature. Man. Health". Feedback from patients is the most positive... After a year of painstaking work on oneself, a person notices beneficial changes, and they are maintained in him for a very long time.”

Here I would like to draw attention to the process of holding your breath. Of course, it is possible to explain the effectiveness of this process’s influence on prayer, as the author of the technique does.

But the physical essence of such an effect is as follows. Man, as a part of nature, is created from elementary particles and atoms with spins. Each elementary particle creates its own torsion field, each cell, as a union of elementary particles, atoms and molecules, creates its own torsion field. Accordingly, each individual organ and the entire human body as a whole create their own torsion fields. As modern science has established, the general torsion field of a person has a right rotation, and only one in several million can have a left torsion field. A person can influence his torsion field: change the direction of rotation and its intensity, intensity, and thereby change the external torsion field that we emit. The most powerful means of influencing a person’s torsion field is to change the rhythm of breathing. For example, by changing the rhythm of breathing during inhalation and exhalation (that is, changing the ratio of carbon dioxide and oxygen), we can ensure that the radiation of the right or left torsion field predominates, although in the normal state we have a right field. Thus, holding your breath while exhaling for one minute doubles the intensity of this field, and holding your breath while inhaling changes the sign of the field. This means that by changing the radiation of our torsion field, we informationally influence the information of matter, the information of consciousness and the information of the external world. Breathing exercises alone (without prayer) already provide a strong healing effect, and the presence of prayer allows us to contact the person we are addressing directly, through information from the outside world. I would like to add the following recommendation to the above methodology. Before reading the “Our Father” prayer, take a breath and, holding your breath, quickly say the word “Lord!” 20 times. After this, exhale slowly. In general, I would like to emphasize that the Subtle World exists around us and it is no longer possible to ignore it; it is no longer possible to live the way we lived before, hearing nothing and seeing nothing. We have already reached the limit. We, humanity, civilization can only be saved by spirituality, contact with the Subtle World. We must live according to God's laws!

Correct prayer connects a person with the Creator. Prayer strengthens our closeness to the Creator. The power of prayer and the aspiration of the person praying can lead a person to a meeting with GOD!

P. Garyaev WAVE GENETICS AS REALITY with comments


Garyaev P.P.
Institute of Quantum Genetics

The pain sensitivity of human consciousness on planet Earth is pathologically low. Wars and ethnic massacres, poverty and disease are perceived as inevitable. The ecology of the human environment also falls into the same list of misfortunes. There is also a fairly calm reaction here. Something is actually being done. But more is said. Our article is also part of a series of numerous warnings about the dangers of anthropogenic pollution. But our warning is of a special kind and concerns the work of the genetic apparatus of all organisms on Earth, including humans. And here a lot has already been said about genetic monsters that are being born in ever-increasing quantities, and about mutagens, and about the Chernobyl stain. This has become habitual. You won't get through anything. They also predicted the end of the world right in a month or two, they even named the numbers, and nothing, they were alive. Maybe our special kind of warning will be calmly read by an indifferent eye - it’s somewhere out there, it’s not about me. About you, about all of us Living. From Bacteria to Man.

Let's start with dry scientific data. The euphoria of the first decades regarding the discovery of the structure of the double helix of DNA and the deciphering of the genetic code somehow disappeared imperceptibly. It turned out that genetic code, on which so much hope was placed, gave only one modest achievement, explaining how proteins are synthesized. But the genes responsible for the production of proteins are one thing, and the genes that determine the spatiotemporal structure of biosystems are completely different. And this other, most important thing, again eluded the researchers.
At the same time, such phenomena of the genetic apparatus became a strange separate reality, which had to be either accepted and explained, or classified as “paranormal” and, depending on the baggage of scientific conscience, interpreted as “pseudoscientific” or tried to understand at least something.
After the discovery of the structure of DNA and a detailed consideration of the participation of this molecule in genetic processes, the main problem of the phenomenon of Life - the mechanisms of its reproduction - remained essentially unsolved. The gap between the microstructure of the genetic code and the macrostructure of biosystems has not been closed; it is still not clear how the spatiotemporal structure of higher biosystems is encoded in chromosomes.
It’s not true, researchers are well aware of the limited information encoded in genes and how and through what mechanisms differentiation of developing cells occurs, despite the fact that each of them contains the same genetic information. Researchers are well aware that the main influence is exerted by the environment and surrounding tissues.
And even the discovery of DNA homeoboxes, which radically influence the formative acts of embryogenesis, only more clearly highlighted what A.G. once warned about. Gurvich, believing that the load on genes is too high, and therefore it is necessary to introduce the concept of a biological field, “... whose properties... are formally borrowed... from physical concepts” (A.G. Gurvich, 1944. Biological field theory, p. 28). Such an elementary field will be “...the field of the chromosome equivalent.” And further: “...chromatin retains its “activity”, i.e. it is the carrier of the active field, only in a non-equilibrium state” (ibid., p. 29). Here one can see the anticipation of not only the electromagnetic (light) field generated by chromosomes, which was correctly proven much later, but also the concept of a nonequilibrium state of chromosomes was anticipated as a precursor to the idea of ​​laser pumping of DNA in vivo, also experimentally demonstrated decades later (F.A. Popp, 1989, Bioelectromagnetic information ).
Simultaneously with A.G. Gurvich, our other scientific predecessor - A.A. Lyubishchev, realizing the futility of seeing a potential organism only in genes, as purely material structures, wrote: “... genes are neither living beings, nor pieces of a chromosome, nor molecules of autocatalytic enzymes, nor radicals, nor a physical structure, nor a force caused by a material carrier; we must recognize the gene as an immaterial substance...but potential"; "... the relationship between heredity and chromosomes is similar to the relationship between matter and memory... Genes in the genotype do not form a mosaic, but a harmonious unity, like a chorus...; chromosomes... are recognized as a maneuverable structure." “Genes are an orchestra, a choir.” (A.A. Lyubishchev, 1925. On the nature of hereditary factors., p. 105, 119, 120). Here we also see a powerful prediction of the future awareness of the phenomena of Living matter, such as a multidimensional understanding of genetic memory, associated with the theory of physical vacuum (G.I. Shipov, Theory of physical vacuum, 1993) and our work on axion-cluster-sound and soliton phantoms DNA and their distant translation.
So, several “authorities” are cited, and the following feint is made: on the one hand, it is admitted that these authorities then only foresaw, but did not prove anything, and on the other hand, the article relies on them as the truth. As later evidence confirming the foresight, several short publications are given, the meaning of which is not conveyed to the reader, but which, in themselves, are not evidence of any kind. These are a typical example of fraud, used by literally all mystical theorists.
In addition, there have already been so many thorough critical analyzes of the “works” of such an authority as Shipov (here is a collection that you can use to get your bearings: Torsion Theories), that to refer to it now means to count on the illiteracy of the reader.
Here, the anticipation of epigenesis using sign structures such as musical notation and the subordination of the genome to the fundamental laws of beauty (musical-light-acoustic component of the work of the chromosomal continuum) However, there are no “fundamental laws of beauty”. These are a purely mystical concept. There is no beauty in nature. It exists only in our soul. What one considers beautiful is disgusting for another. This is associated with a personal value system and is based on the common features of the ethnic group. There are so many works on this (for example, see the collection) that such a statement looks simply primitive.. We now see the flexibility of chromosome construction in the phenomenon of mobility of dispersed genes and in the results of our work on the nonlinear dynamics of DNA. Thus, our research grew from the seeds of brilliant ideas born in Russia, but undeservedly forgotten or discredited. However, such work would be difficult to do if in the last twenty years Academician V.P. Kaznacheev and his school did not prepare the appropriate general theoretical and experimental basis for the development of A.G.’s ideas. Gurvich and A.A. Lyubishcheva. This scientific direction was formed as a result of many years of fundamental research on the so-called mirror cytopathic effect, which is expressed in the fact that living cells separated by quartz glass exchange strategic regulatory information These studies have been refuted so many times (the arguments are in Criticism of Phantom and Photo-Information Ideas) that it is simply ridiculous to revive it again.. After these works, the existence of a sign wave channel between the cells of biosystems no longer raises any doubt. - it should be added: among mystical scientists like Garyaev. Yu.V. Dzyan Kanjen actually repeated the classical experiments of the school of V.P. Kaznacheev, but at the level of macroorganisms, using equipment that reads and transmits gene-biosign biofield information from the donor biosystem to the acceptor biosystem. However, these fundamental properties of biosystems did not have a theoretical interpretation.

It was to be give a physical and mathematical formalism how clumsy for a scientist! :) Can anyone tell me what it means to “formalize m”? But sorry, this is no longer relevant... and a theoretical and biological basis, reflecting the subtle mechanisms of distant wave information contacts of this kind in the space-time of the biosystem, as well as beyond its borders. It is sometimes important to “give” an impressively sophisticated “scientific” phrase, and it doesn’t matter that it has no physical meaning! It was also necessary to develop these experiments and their methodology. We tried to solve these problems to some extent. The following goals were set:
1) Show the possibility of a dualistic interpretation genome work eukaryotes at the levels of matter and field again such carelessness of expression :) within the framework of physical and mathematical models, connecting formalism and phenomena Soliton formation in DNA using the example of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam return phenomenon and holographic memory of the chromosomal continuum as a biocomputer. That's it, enough to find fault with the blatant negligence of the syllable-thoughts with which Garyaev's texts are replete. I will not pay attention to this further, although no scientist who truly understands the natural phenomena he writes about is capable of allowing such a thing to happen in his presentation.
2) Show the possibility of normal and “anomalous” modes of operation of the eukaryotic genome using phantom-wave image-sign matrices, as well as endogenous and exogenous semiotic-linguistic components.
3) Find experimental evidence of the correctness of the proposed theory of wave figurative and figurative-linguistic matrices of the genome a.

The result of the research should have been a new understanding of the work of the genome and higher biosystems, synthesizing the ideas of the material and wave levels of its functions, which could give more developed worldview ideas about the phenomenon of Life as a cosmo-planetary phenomenon. It was necessary to go in the direction of creating a methodology and soft regulatory entry into previously unknown semiotic-semantic material-wave layers of the genome and higher biosystems for the purpose of treatment, creating hybrids, prolonging life, forming the human body as a harmonious and resistant to unfavorable factors structure. Another strategic goal in creating artificial DNA logic wow!!! Sorry, I couldn't resist... devices (biocomputers) using wave (holographic and soliton) principles of memory, comparable in mechanisms and capabilities to genetic.
In this regard, a theoretical analysis of some difficult-to-interpret life-form phenomena was begun. Such unusual and incomprehensible phenomena include the so-called. phantom effects of genetic material, which we have experimentally studied and which can be considered as one of the types of epigenetic field memory of biosystems at the molecular level. This memory of the genome a, which is realized simultaneously as an associative-holographic and as a memory of the aftereffect of DNA, gives other versions of the work of chromosomes that complement the already known mechanisms, and transfers the problem of biological morphogenesis to other epistemological plans. This problem is considered in theoretical, biological and physical and mathematical aspects. The existence of a geno-semiotic sector of the work of the chromosomal continuum is postulated, in which a dualistic splitting of the semantic series of DNA occurs into the levels of matter (replicas of RNA and proteins, sign topologies of chromosomes) and field (sign acoustics and electromagnetic radiation of the genome).
Any scientist with at least some understanding of the issue will say that the written paragraph is complete and meaningless nonsense. Those. there is nothing so complicated in it that it could escape understanding :) but it has a completely absurd meaning in the combinations of terms used, although to the untrained eye everything looks exactly like “serious scientific works” are written. By the way, regarding phantom and holographic ideas, you can see the comments to another article by Garyaev: Fact or phantom? .
Based on this, the coding hierarchy of the chromosomal apparatus of eukaryotes can be represented as follows.
SUBSTANCE: chromosomal DNA as a one-dimensional coding structure - triplet genetic code; “speech” fractals are polynucleotide sequences that are longer than codon triplets and encode at the “verbal”-figurative level. Chromosomal DNA as a multidimensional structure of iconic (also encoding at the figurative level) topological forms of a liquid crystal, a special case of which are the holographic lattices of the polynuclear coherent continuum of the genome a. FIELD: (as well as quasi-consciousness): “ideal” or “semantic” (figurative) series of speech-like fractal polynucleotide sequences of chromosomal DNA, the subject of generation and “understanding” of which is the genome as a biocomputer; As is usually the case with mystics, at first what is written in quotation marks gradually takes on just such a meaning. And in this case, the mind-blowing endowment of the genome with verbal and conscious properties begins.
Figurative electromagnetic and (or) acoustic structures, “read” from the polynuclear holographic continuum by the genome a and setting the spatiotemporal parameters of the biosystem.

In this regard, (a) the information relationships between the system of extracellular matrices, the cytoskeleton, the protein-synthesizing apparatus and chromosomes are examined in detail from a new perspective, taking into account the author’s experimental data on the isomorphic wave states of these biostructures, (b) the contribution of endogenous physical fields to biomorphogenesis. Discussed no, it is presented ready-made :) the role of endogenous physical fields in the embryogenesis of biosystems from the point of view of solitonics and holography, and the idea of ​​isomorphic-homomorphic mappings at the level of field functions of the genome with its ability to spatio-temporally encode the structure of the organism was put forward. For this purpose, physical and mathematical models are proposed that formalize the ideas of the wave functioning of the genome of higher biosystems to describe the holographic memory of the chromosomal apparatus and the process of soliton formation within the framework of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam return phenomenon. A formal model of the holographic mechanism of the phantom leaf effect is derived as an implementation of previously unknown mechanisms of epigenetic memory in the genome of higher biosystems.

Next comes a text that cannot be called meaningless and is sharply different in style from the previous one, as if it were written by another person who is well versed in his narrow specifics:
Another model of DNA memory is also considered, implemented through the functioning of DNA solitons, for example, breathers, the internal vibrational structure of which is a multiplex static-dynamic hologram reflecting the given spatio-temporal status of a developing or regenerating organism. The formalism of this version, which develops the presented purely holographic version of biomorphogenesis, follows from the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem, which arose as a result of a computer study of the dynamics of oscillations in chains of nonlinearly coupled oscillators. It turned out that, contrary to any expectation, the energy of the initial disturbance of the extreme oscillators in such chains was not thermolized, but, having been distributed over higher harmonics, was then reassembled into the spectrum of the initial disturbance. As the number of oscillators in the chain increased, the pattern of energy return remained unchanged. This problem is called the Fermat-Pasta-Ulama (FPU) return after E. Fermi, D. Pasta and Z. Ulama, who were the first to study this problem. Subsequently, the return of the FPU was experimentally discovered in long electric lines with nonlinear elements, in plasma, and also in the dynamics of waves in deep water. A remarkable property of the return of the FPA turned out to be the presence of “memory” in its spectrum to the initial conditions of its active modes. This task can be considered from a slightly different aspect.
To do this, the model of the dynamics of electron density waves in the DNA molecule changes slightly. Both single polynucleotides of the DNA double helix are considered in the form of two chains of connected oscillators having the same frequency w, equal to the frequency of beats between periodic oscillations of the electron density in the structure of complementary nucleotide pairs. Such chains of oscillators can be described by the Klein-Gordon equation. The proposed model indicates the possibility of the existence around a DNA molecule in the chromosomes of a continuum of spherical solitons (breathers), which can integrally display the sign (code) structure of the chromosomal continuum and move beyond the DNA and cell nuclei or perform oscillatory movements relative to the equilibrium position. The breather continuum, shifting in the liquid crystalline space of the chromosomal continuum of groups of cells and tissues, can record in its internal vibrational structure the static-dynamic holographic lattices of the total genetic material. In turn, such lattices can be considered exogenous in relation to the biosystem and (or) endogenous acoustic and (or) electromagnetic fields, which will result in the formation of wave fronts that play the role of regulatory, in particular marking, field structures necessary for the self-organization of the biosystem in own space-time. But at the same time, it is somehow forgotten that all the information, presumably, should be at the level of each individual cell, and not as a whole in the holographic profile of the tissue. And here there is one serious argument against: the amount of information that can constitute a fragment of a hologram is always less than the entire hologram, in proportion to their ratio. This is so, and nothing can be done about it. Therefore, the following happy guess (not following from the logic of reasoning) is clearly reckless.
We believe that, in general, the genome of multicellular biosystems operates as a soliton-holographic computer that produces a system of wave-shaped structures, i.e. static-dynamic models of a biosystem that is both relatively stationary and dynamic.
In terms of the primary theoretical analysis of the proposed hypothesis, we obtained the results of mathematical modeling of solitons (breathers, kinks) on DNA within the framework of the Englander-Salerno-Maslov model with its development in relation to the types of excitations of solitary waves and the influence of DNA sequences on the modulation of solitons.
The formalism introduced by Salerno is based on the position that the rotational movements of DNA bases around the sugar-phosphate backbone in the representation of the sine-Gordon equation model the nonlinear dynamics of a chain of elastically coupled pendulums, each of which, as an oscillator, is represented by a canonical pair containing genetic information (nucleotide sequence) in the form some potential function. It reflects the specificity of hydrogen bonds between base pairs. Since the AT pair has a double hydrogen bond and the GC pair has a triple hydrogen bond, a simple rule is obtained for creating a chain corresponding to the DNA sequences, i.e. it is possible to fix the ratio between the strength of the potential functions of AT and GC pairs as 2:3, while the ratio between anharmonicity (nonlinearity determined by the rotation of the bases) and dispersion (sugar-phosphate elastic tensions) is found as a free parameter fixed in the experimental data. As a result, we discovered that different sections of natural DNA behave differently in relation to the soliton wave excited on them. In addition, unlike Salerno, we probed natural and arbitrary DNA sequences with breather-type solitons.

The Salerno model considers the degree of freedom, which characterizes the rotation of the bases in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the B-form DNA helix around the backbone of the molecule. Such rotational dynamics play an important role in the functioning of DNA, since in certain cases it leads to the opening of hydrogen bonds of complementary pairs bases and their exposure to the sphere of influence of external ligands. Rigorous theoretical calculations and experimental data based on the kinetics and equilibrium states during hydrogen-deuterium exchange in solutions of DNA and synthetic polynucleotide duplexes enabled Salerno to propose a realistic model for the opening of coherent, mobile DNA segments. Such extended (10 base pairs or more) open regions of DNA can represent thermally activated (at physiological temperatures of biological systems) soliton torsional excitation of the double helix. The model for this excitation (motion) assumes that each base forms a pair with a complementary (sterically compatible) base with identical hydrogen bonds, which form elastic inhibitory forces. At the same time, anharmonicity of these connections is formed, because the alternation of double and triple bonds in natural DNA sequences is heterogeneous.

As one of the DNA sequences in which soliton waves were excited according to Salerno, we took the c-region at the 3" end of the avian sarcoma virus, containing 1020 nucleotide pairs (ASV, strain Schmidt-Ruppin B. We present characteristic patterns of soliton distribution in one-dimensional space DNA strands depending on time with excitation of polynucleotide sections in the region of the 600th and 650th base pairs. A shift of excitation by only 50 pairs leads to a sharp change in the trajectory of the wave along the DNA in time: in the region of the 600th pair the soliton is motionless, but in the region of the 650th makes complex oscillations with a specific spectral composition. Note that the sites where solitons are triggered carry a certain functional load in the regulation of protein synthesis: in the region of the 600th base pair there are two T1 termination codons, and in the vicinity of the 650th pair there is Rep. -sequence in combination with two T1 stop codons. A similar phenomenon can be observed in the sequence of the v-mos oncogene of the mouse sarcoma virus (Mo-MuSV, 1547 nucleotide pairs). In the regions of the 1000th and 1200th pairs, the spectral composition of soliton vibrations along the DNA chain differs sharply, but in this case it is difficult to make any connection between its behavior and regulatory codons, since there are none in these DNA regions. However, the sequence of nucleotides itself, as is clear from Salerno’s work, as well as from the above examples, determines the behavior of soliton excitation.

Do other types of solitons respond to nucleotide sequences? Since for one of the varieties of solitons, the so-called. breathers (bions), it is known that they can move uniformly, accelerate or slow down near inhomogeneities, it would be logical to expect that inhomogeneities in the form of alternating AT and GC pairs in DNA would also modulate the trajectories of breathers in time. Indeed, when we took a DNA section of 259 nucleotide pairs (5"-3" ends) from the same avian sarcoma virus, we found that the initiation of a breather with a certain initial speed in the central region of the selected polynucleotide segment causes modulations in its behavior - a change in trajectory in time. This phenomenon was also verified in a model experiment. For this purpose, 240 nucleotide pairs were used, in which 120 AT pairs followed the 120th GC pairs, forming a barrier. Excitation was carried out at this barrier, i.e. at the interface between the AT and GC arrays. Immediately after the initiation of the breather, the latter was reflected from the GC array, moved towards the end of the chain towards the AT array, reflected from the end of the chain (AT and GC ends are fixed), and again reflected from the GC array. Then everything was repeated. If we took a homogeneous sequence of 240 Hz pairs, then the breather remained motionless. Modulations in the behavior of the breather were also discovered when a soliton wave was excited in different zones of the studied DNA region from the avian sarcoma virus.

We developed the DNA perturbation model in the sense that we introduced local excitations of certain DNA sections, in contrast to what Salerno did, introducing boundary conditions in the form of elastic rotation of all nucleotides to the right of the beginning of soliton initiation. The DNA chain perturbations we specified were varied in both shape and amplitude. Using certain initial conditions, it was discovered that breather-like waves arise on natural and artificial DNA segments even without an exact solution of the sine-Gordon equation for the breather.
Above, the idea of ​​“reading” by solitons the primary structure of DNA and higher levels of its organization was discussed more than once purely speculatively. In this part of the work, this idea receives certain physical and mathematical support. Although soliton waves in DNA are considered under extremely simplified conditions, without taking into account the influence of “water” structured on the polymer, which, in terms of topology, symmetry and metrics in its fractal structures, should repeat the architectonics of DNA (Bulyenkov, 1992) and somehow accept soliton excitation and, probably, transport it along the aqueous cell-intercellular continuum.
Within the framework of the mathematical experiments carried out, an obvious inverse problem was also identified - if solitons carry out “memorization” of DNA structures in their amplitude-trajectory modulations, then it is natural to consider it practically possible to generate this information beyond the DNA, which correlates with our experiments on the distant transmission of wave morphogenetic signals. In mathematical terms, this should be reflected in the form of a relay and a soliton sequence of nucleotides (at the level of large blocks) in an adequate (human-readable) form.
If it is the structure of DNA that determines the “information” of “holograms”, which, in turn, determines the appearance of the organism, then, given that the genes of many creatures differ in a very small part from each other, where does such a difference in the shape of the field arise (namely about the shape Are we talking about) oscillators? That is, judging by the example of “phantoms”, such fields directly and physically reproduce the shape of the organism. But organisms of very different shapes (flies and humans) have surprisingly identical genes, in which only certain sections carry specific information. Something is deeply wrong here! This is despite the fact that it is already fully understood through what mechanisms and phenomena different regions of genes determine the shape of the organism during development.
Next again comes Garyaev’s careless “syllable”.

Do solitons really exist in DNA and proteins? We have made attempts to detect nonlinear waves of this kind on these biopolymers in vitro using photon correlation spectroscopy. Effects were discovered that, in a number of ways, correspond, in particular, to the process of spontaneous soliton formation within the framework of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam return phenomenon. For this purpose, the method of correlation laser spectroscopy of animal DNA was used. It was discovered that during the transition from a dilute DNA solution to a semi-dilute one, abnormally long damping oscillations are recorded density DNA gel continuum What causes the fluctuations? Mechanical excitation of the environment??. The weakly damped oscillations disappear as we move from a half-dilute to a dilute solution and as a result of a decrease in the length of the DNA fragments. These data confirm the assumption that the phenomenon of self-organization of wave ( acoustic) Now it’s clear: if it’s jelly, then it’s trembling for a long time! :)if diluted, the trembling quickly subsides! processes in DNA can be expected only under such physical conditions when cooperative processes play a significant role at the level of the macromolecular continuum of DNA molecules, approaching the structure of chromosomes.
The more the structure of DNA solutions differs from the architectonics of DNA in chromosomes (in the experiments presented, these are short polymer fragments), the less significant are the collective long-range (on the scale of the macromolecular extent of the polynucleotide) interactions between DNA chains, so important for the epigenetic functions of the genome a. The key link in these experiments is the clear registration for DNA of the fact that was previously discovered for agarose and collagen, namely the practical undamped vibrations of biogels and periodic repetitions of autocorrelation functions of laser light scattering intensity is this a simple comparison of mechanical vibrations in the medium and electromagnetic fields?. This allows us to consider nonlinear dynamics of this kind for DNA and other information biopolymers as a manifestation of soliton properties within the framework of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) return phenomenon.
The nonlinear dynamics of DNA, its hydrodynamic behavior and acoustics are extremely sensitive to external physical influences in vitro - enzymatic restriction, dilution-concentration, heating-cooling, ultrasonic treatment, weak mechanical influences, irradiation with an infrared laser field -a new type of field, unknown to science!, electromagnetic field of a FPU generator with a broadband spectrum. These and similar factors can and should, to one degree or another, influence the genetic apparatus in in vivo conditions, distorting the normal epigenomarking functions of chromosomes, which is also confirmed in our experiments. Regarding data on circular supercoiled and linearized plasmids. A sharp difference in diffusion coefficients for plasmid DNA was discovered, which is important for understanding the mechanisms of controlled “piloting” and precise “landing” of DNA transposons (plasmid analogues) within the liquid crystalline superviscous and superdense continuum of chromosomes of higher biological systems. This task is within the framework of a general and unsolved problem of molecular biology - the problem of self-organization of intracellular, intercellular and intertissue structures, their “mutual recognition”. It is clear that knowing the wave, hydrodynamic and other mechanisms of precise piloting which now appeared out of nowhere such important transposons for humans as oncogenes and the reverse transcriptase genome of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, we will be able to correct them in the necessary direction, eliminating pathogenesis. No less significant is the fact of the discovery of nonlinear DNA dynamics with signs of soliton behavior similar to the FPU return phenomenon. This also contributes to the understanding of the principles of macromolecular and supramolecular mutual recognition in the space of the organism along the line of soliton resonance long-range interactions and makes the attempt to give a new version of the work of the eukaryotic genome discussed above more realistic.

It seems significant that we discovered the previously unknown phenomenon of DNA aftereffects and phantom DNA memory, which pose the problem of new types of memory in the genome a. Perhaps this phenomenon is closely related to the so-called. phantom leaf effect (PLE) and phantom DNA memory (fpDNA or fDNA), which will be discussed below, and also, probably, with the memory of the cerebral cortex such dashing comparisons! with complete ignorance about the organization of brain memory by Garyaev.. But if for FLE and associative cortical memory we and others have given physical and mathematical models in terms and concepts of holographic and soliton processes, then fpDNA is a far from clear phenomenon and requires deeper research and careful interpretation. At the same time, it is important to establish: is fpDNA biologically active and genetically significant, including in FLE? In our theoretical model, PLE received a physical and mathematical formalism and a biological interpretation, but regarding the fpDNA itself, realized in isolated preparations of cell nuclei and pure DNA, our ideas are exclusively speculative. Our research in this area provides evidence in favor of the regulatory role of fpDNA, acting directly and directly on the DNA itself, modulating its dynamics in the composition of cell nuclei. We recorded this effect during dynamic laser light scattering on preparations of highly purified nuclei from chicken erythrocytes.
The experiments were carried out in such a way that first, control measurements of background light scattering were made for 1 hour in the absence of cell nuclei. The background values ​​of autocorrelation functions (ACFs) were 600-900 arbitrary units, which is close to the dark current values. Preparation of suspension of native or physically modified donor nuclei from chicken erythrocytes (UC) with a concentration of 50 mg/ml in highly purified glycerol were poured into a 12x12 mm cuvette in an amount of 1 ml and placed in the cuvette compartment of the MALVERN spectrometer. The time spent by the UC in the cuvette compartment during the ACF measurement process was about 10 minutes. After this, the cuvette compartment was considered exposed to UC, and fpDNA was tested within the cuvette compartment of the spectrometer based on the ACF modulations of the original (control) UC-acceptor preparation used as a probe test. As a result, the effect of a DNA phantom on a DNA acceptor placed in an area that was exposed to a hermetically sealed UC donor preparation was discovered. The effect manifested itself in a sharp change in the nonlinear dynamic behavior of the acceptor DNA, similar to the donor DNA.
Were we talking about physically modified nuclei or altered DNA? And what is this vague “dynamic behavior effect”? What exactly was it? There is no data to draw any conclusions. All that remains is to believe what conclusions the author himself will draw from this, which, apparently, was planned.
What is phantom DNA memory (fpDNA, fDNA)? After removing the DNA sample from the cuvette compartment of the Malvern spectrometer, the laser beam continues to scatter in the “empty” area of ​​the cuvette compartment in approximately the same way as would have been the case if probing of the previous DNA sample had continued, but with a significantly lower signal and a specific ACF shape in the form trapezoid with modulated tips. Again, there are no details to understand the essence. The author wants to say that the laser beam was scattered directly in space, in the place where the cuvette was?? Let him tell that to the suckers :) Such an experiment is so easy to reproduce that any researcher can check it. But for now there is silence.
Why did the phantom remain in the place where the cuvette was, and not accompany it? So, no matter where the cuvette is moved, it leaves behind some completely material trace capable of scattering a laser beam? Maybe we are just talking about the vapor left over from the cuvette?

This effect of a DNA phantom (fDNA) after a single hour-long exposure to a DNA preparation lasts about a month or more and then gradually disappears or goes beyond the resolution of the equipment, but can be reproduced again. Similar phenomena were observed by other researchers (Allison et al, 1990, Maromolecules, v.23, 1110-1118) and called it the “MED-effect” (Mimicing Effect of Dust), i.e. Effect Simulating Dust. It was also detected by correlation laser spectroscopy and also on DNA preparations, more precisely, on restriction DNA fragments of a strictly defined length. In these experiments, as well as in ours, DNA behaved in an “anomalous” way: probing photons diffracted not only on DNA molecules but also on “foreign” dust-like particles that were obviously not in the solution, which was specially ensured before introducing drugs into the solvent DNA. This effect, which has not been commented on in any way, greatly complicates the authors’ attempts to explain the dynamic behavior of DNA from the standpoint of the seemingly well-developed theory of polymers in aqueous solutions. It seems that in this case, light scattering occurred not only on real DNA fragments, but also on DNA phantoms left by the armoring molecules of this superinformational biopolymer. Unlike our experiments, these DNA phantoms were recorded in an aqueous solution, while we recorded this phenomenon in the air phase of the cuvette section of the spectrometer.

In direct connection with genome phantoms, we have obtained results on the distant translation of an artificial signal from DNA to DNA, possibly with the participation of fDNA. Registration of artificial signals was carried out using correlation spectroscopy of photons diffracted by DNA acceptor preparations. It is possible that the key mechanisms of fDNA formation, their information structure and methods of long-distance transfers are associated with the generation of DNA microleptons (axions) produced by all bodies and carrying information about them. First, you need to prove the existence of such purely hypothetical particles, which has so far been done by convincing Vera such as Shipov. The idea of ​​microlepton alienations makes it possible to explain the phantom formation of DNA as an axion analogue of Mandelstam-Brillouin light scattering by hypersound - go nuts! There's no other way to say it!, in which coherent photons diffract by acoustic vibrations this is the wildest ignorance :) you can diffract on specific particles, but you can’t diffract “on sound” :) macroclusters of microleptons reflecting the epigenetic-sign dynamics of DNA. The other side of the phenomenon under study goes to hypothetical vacuum energy-information structures, since axions are contenders for the primary elementary particles generated by vacuum (G.I. Shipov, Theory of Physical Vacuum, 1993). So many years have passed, but the legend is still alive in the minds, which do not regret noticing anything around: neither Shipov’s anecdotal punctures, nor actually developing field theories. Okay, Garyaev doesn’t need to read about superstrings, but he must have at least a little intuition and understand that such childish babble spewed out by Shipov cannot be called science.
But for those who are still interested, please: Superstrings, Vacuum, quanta, matter

However, the phantom memory of DNA and its spatial transpositions remain quite exotic, and their adequate interpretation is a matter of the future. Closer to real physics are wave processes in DNA that fit into well-formalized concepts of solitonics, for example, the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) return properties.
Based on physical and mathematical models of the phenomenon of FPU return, we were able to create a model of wave processes in DNA using a radio-electronic device - the so-called. FPU generator (authors A.A. Berezin and others). We used it to transfer supergenetic information from Xenopus laevis embryos to cultured early gastrula ectoderm tissue of the same species of biosystem. This demonstrates the distant (from 20 cm to 2 m) translation of a morphogenetic signal in the form of a soliton field, triggering cytodifferentiation, histo- and morphogenesis of biological tissue in a mode similar to its presence as part of a full-fledged egg. The control “clean” field of the FPU generator was neutral with respect to the embryonic tissue-acceptor. Once again, independent methods confirmed the postulate of Gurvich - Lyubishchev - Kaznacheev - Dzyan Kanjen about the biofield level of gene information. In other words, the dualism of the combining unity “wave-particle” or “matter-field”, accepted in quantum electrodynamics, turned out to be applicable in biology, which was predicted at one time by A.G. Gurvich and A.A. Lyubishchev. Gene-substance and gene-field do not exclude each other, but complement each other. This is natural and logical, since living matter consists of non-living atoms and elementary particles, which combine these fundamental properties in a “paranormal” way, but these same properties are used by biosystems as the basis for wave energy-informational “metabolism.”
But this seems like a pure lie, against the backdrop of the admission just made that the mechanism of recording genetic information itself is not yet clear, and “the phantom memory of DNA and its spatial transpositions remain quite exotic, their adequate interpretation is a matter of the future.” Again, there are no details of the experimental methodology and the results obtained. All that remains is to believe the author.
Any common sense suggests that such fantastic results should change everything :)

There is another hypostasis of sign processes in the genetic apparatus of higher biosystems, associated with its quasi-speech characteristics, as well as with the genetic attributes of word formations in natural human languages. It turns out that the development of languages ​​and human speech is subject to the laws of formal genetics (see, for example, M.M. Makovsky, Linguistic Genetics., M., Nauka., 1992). This is how any odious material is enthusiastically accepted as truth! However, a simple comparison shows that language, regardless of heredity, can be acquired in childhood. There are so many peoples, so many languages, and everything is constantly changing. And is this included in the genetic information? All those languages ​​that our ancestors used???
Essentially, DNA “texts” (quasi-speech) and people's writing and their conversations (true speech) perform the same managerial, regulatory functions, but on different fractally spaced scales. So now we are experiencing primitive reasoning about the functions of human speech :) DNA works at the level of the genome of the organism, human speech is used at the scale of the social organism. We managed to move away from the previous metaphorical use of linguistic concepts in relation to DNA, when the terms “words”, “tests”, “punctuation”, “grammar” were used without justification. This shift has been facilitated by the successful application of fractal theory to DNA sequences and the structure of human texts. It turned out that DNA and human speech have an identical strategic fractal structure. This was not revealed by the logic of the experiments. This is the insight of an author carried away by fantasy. This probably somehow correlates with the fractal structure of the soliton acoustic and electromagnetic FPU field generated by the chromosomal apparatus of higher biological systems. It is for this reason We were able to register control effects on plant genomes caused by specially transformed human speech, which interacts with DNA in vivo. And here it is - a living and direct connection: how a conclusion arises from fantasy, as if following from an experiment (which, of course, is kept in the strictest confidence and is not described). This is what is called mysticism. It turns out that the spoken words are familiar to the genome and it reacts to them! So there is no need to prevaricate, saying that “we have managed to move away from the previous metaphorical use of linguistic concepts in relation to DNA, when the terms “words”, “tests”, “punctuation”, “grammar” are used without justification.”
This result is of great methodological importance for the analysis of such a symbolic object as DNA texts, and the genome as a whole, since currently the symbolic structure of the genome is known only at the level of the triplet genetic code. Other information areas of this object have not yet been studied. Biology still has a long way to go before the picture of the iconic series of the genetic apparatus becomes relatively clear. However, already now the methodology we propose allows us to compare various natural DNA and RNA sequences with an assessment of the degree of their similarity and difference, as well as the degree of relative complexity of their sign structure. The same ideology probably applies to the analysis of human speech. If we are right in our logical and experimental constructions, then in general, new strategic motives are opening up in understanding thinking and consciousness through its reflection in sign (semantic) series at different levels of organization of Living matter - at the level of human speech (the highest form of consciousness) and quasi-speech of genetic molecules (quasi-consciousness of the genome a). This fits well with the ideas of Chomsky (Chomsky N., Essays on Language. N.Y., 1975), who postulates universals that underlie any language and which are combined into a “universal grammar.” Such a “universal grammar,” according to Chomsky, is innate, i.e. has genetic determinants. This is an extremely important circumstance, which once again suggests a possible relationship between the sign structures of DNA and speech formations. To some extent, we confirmed this position by showing the relationship between the DNA fractal and human speech. This is adequate to Chomsky's idea that the deep syntactic structures that form the basis of language are inherited from generation to generation, providing each individual with the opportunity to master the language of his ancestors. But any black man can easily master the Chinese language if he is brought up by it :) Oh, yes, there is an excuse for such a case: the transmission of renal information at a distance :) The fact that a child masters any language is explained precisely by the fact that the grammars of all languages ​​are fundamentally the same. The essence of human language is invariant for all people.
Which is completely wrong. For example, the grammar of languages ​​that use hieroglyphs is completely alien to our language. I'm not talking about the verbal functions of animals. They also have their own languages, which carry exactly the same function of communication among the species as human ones. But people easily learn to understand the sounds of animals, just as animals begin to understand the meaning of individual words when they live among people.
Based on work in linguistic genetics and our own research, we believe that this invariance extends deeper, reaching the macromolecular meaning of chromosome structures. And there is certain experimental confirmation of this that we have obtained and which leads to practically very significant methodological approaches for soft regulatory entry into previously unknown semiotic areas of our genetic apparatus. This is necessary to create the preconditions for modifying one’s own evolution and, possibly, the evolution of the entire biosphere of the planet. At the same time, such a perspective requires a morally and ethically balanced approach, since arbitrary adjustments here can lead to the rapid self-destruction of humanity and all Life on Earth. In connection with the development of the ideas of wave (and “speech”) genetics, a system of strictly defined prohibitions in experiments in this emerging field of knowledge, similar to that existing in genetic engineering, is needed.
Isn't it an extremely wide range of studies? This is not found anywhere else among true scientists, but it is very typical of those who, considering themselves superior to others, gallop in all directions, hastily preparing and interpreting the results (in the direction of what they want, of course).
The idea of ​​a quasi-verbal or, what is the same thing, figurative level of DNA code functions (in the limit - the chromosomal continuum of a biosystem) provides a way out of the limited functional field of the triplet genetic code, which does not explain how the spatio-temporal structure of the organism is encrypted in the genome. The ultimate goal of the proposed analysis is to identify symbolic units of various levels and understand their semantics in the functional space of DNA-PROTEIN, which, at least for enzymes, is extremely heterogeneous (active center, recognition sites, architectonics of hydrogen-hydrophobic forces of self-organization of the peptide chain). The multilingual metabolic “conversation” between the informational biopolymers of the cell and their functioning as a result of the exchange of linguistic biosignals presupposes two mutually correlated levels of this exchange - material and wave. The material level has been well studied (template copying of DNA-RNA-Proteins, antigen-antibody interaction, self-assembly of cellular structures), and the closely related wave level has been studied to a lesser extent.
In the latter case, the situation is not so simple, but no less significant. Electromagnetic and acoustic protein radiation kind of Brownian, or what?, nucleic acids, membranes and cytoskeleton are well known. It seems that this is a wave level of information contacts of the cellular-tissue space, bringing metabolic processes into the field dimension with its own linguistic specificity and regulation.
The bioinformation flows under consideration, linked to the metabolism and energy, are not limited to the division of sign series into matter and field, but are multiplied many times over by the fractal nature of these series. the concept of “fractal” has become somehow magical among the mystics and is being shoved into all holes, although it does not carry anything so significant and important. For example, in the acoustic-electromagnetic component of DNA signal functions, the fractal nature of the soliton field is observed, which is formally described by equations within the framework of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam return phenomenon. This further complicates the semantic analysis of protein-nucleic acid and other information contacts of biological structures. It can be assumed that in living cells there is a hierarchy of material-wave sign structures, where the conventional gradation “letter (phoneme) - morpheme - word - sentence...” determines the fractal nature of these structures. And what is a “word” on one scale, can only be a “letter” on another, larger scale, etc.
Another difficulty relates to the concept of "reading frame". A shift by one letter (or a slight change in phase, polarization, frequency) can completely change the meaning of the readable text (perceived image), not to mention the fact that the texts themselves, for example, in the same DNA sequences can be written in different languages . And, nevertheless, the proposed logic of working with metabolic bioinformation is inevitable if we want to understand the essence of the phenomenon of life. The above does not apply exclusively to the known triplet genetic code. It is convenient as a starting position when the primary level of DNA polycodes, the level of material-matrix gene signals, constituting 1%-5% of the total mass of genomic DNA, has been deciphered. The remaining large part of the DNA, which exists in the understanding of most geneticists as “garbage”, probably carries strategic information about the biosystem in the form of potential and actual wave signals of soliton, holographic and other figurative-sign, including, possibly, speech. similar structure.

Probably, in direct connection with all the considered “anomalous” properties of the genome of higher biosystems, there is a phenomenon of a special kind that requires close attention. This is the problem of the origin of Life and, in particular, on Earth. Another field of research and irrefutable conclusions! It has been discussed for a long time. There are many assumptions. We adhere to the hypothesis of panspermia, but not in the version that certain spores, the ancestors of all life forms, were brought to Earth. It seems to us that the process of natural evolution of the abiogenically emerged “primary soup” of organic molecules - the precursors of RNA, DNA, proteins and other essential components of biosystems was combined with the act of introducing exobiological information into the first nucleic acids. And this information was speech-like. “In the beginning was the word...” And these words were fractal The fractal flight of the author’s imagination is already becoming indecently primitive, like the three turtles on which the world rests. There is no point in trying to show here the many absurdities and inconsistencies that arise from such assumptions, such as the fact that this code turned out to be suitable for viruses, which have nothing to do with the “word”., conditionally starting with the triplet code, which is the simplest language with a 4-letter alphabet. Then there was a translation into the 20-letter alphabet of proteins and into higher languages ​​in the spirit of the ideas discussed. In general, the hypothesis of the artifact of the primary language of DNA has been widely discussed, starting with the pioneering work of V.I. Scherbak, who showed the artificiality (introduction from outside) of collective symmetries of the genetic code, the probability of evolutionary origin of which is close to zero (Scherbak V.I., 1988. The Co-operative Symmetry of the Genetic Code. J.Theor.Biol. 132:121-124).
We agree with this position not only because of its beauty and elegant method of proof, where parameters such as nucleon ratios in amino acids and the degeneracy of the genetic code are used as reference units of theoretical analysis, but taking into account our own experimental results. The latter are as follows (in more detail about them - Gariaev P.P., 1994, DNA and Supreme Intellect, IMPACT.- (in press); Gariaev P.P., 1994, In vitro-in vivo DNA conjugation with brain activity and the supreme intellect, Creation Recearch Society Quarterly. (in press); Garyaev P.P., 1993, Monograph, VINITI, 15.12.1993.
Together with the laboratory of L.M. Porvin created a system for recording artificial (“intelligent signals”) by DNA molecules in vitro using the method of correlation laser spectroscopy of donor DNA in combination with a certain algorithm of appeal to the field of “vacuum consciousness” according to Shipov (G.I. Shipov, 1993, Theory of physical vacuum ). In control experiments, standard acoustic vibrations of DNA were recorded in the form of sinusoidal temporal autocorrelation functions, the spectral composition of which has been well studied (see the list of references). As a result, the states of the DNA acceptor were recorded in the “reception mode” of a hypothetical exobiological “message” mediated by special equipment located approximately 30 kilometers from the DNA acceptor. Like all other “experiments”, this one is entirely on the conscience of the author. Because there is no way at all to judge either his methodology or even his essence. The artificiality of external signals received by DNA acceptor molecules is obvious; moreover, the obvious similarity of their trapezoidal shape with similar signals of DNA phantoms is noteworthy, which, presumably, is not accidental. However, the “semantics of lexical units” of both fDNA and DNA acceptor requires further research.

In some sense, this observation is in good agreement with our experiments on the translation and verbal information of a human operator into the plant genome through the soliton structures of the electromagnetic field of the FPU generator (see Literature: Garyaev et al., 1994, Verbal-semantic modulations ...). This correspondence is observed in the fact that the genome (DNA) of higher biosystems (in this case, wheat and barley seedlings were used) accepts (recognizes) sign field structures synthesized by human consciousness and displayed in the structure of the carrier soliton field. In other words, we have created a situation in vivo with the introduction of wave information into the genome, similar to that which we observed in vitro during the acceptance of an “exobiological” signal by DNA molecules. It is noteworthy that in vivo, not only the adequacy of the response of plant genomes to the semantic charge of codes was recorded, but also its invariance with respect to language, which corresponds to Chomsky’s theory (Chomsky N, Essays on Language. N.Y., 1975) about universality of all grammars, and also illustrates our idea that DNA “texts” and human speech are close, at least in relation to their own fractal structures. It automatically follows that the anthropogenic electromagnetic “smog” surrounding our planet is dangerous precisely because of the high probability of accidental synthesis of electromagnetic analogues of “harmful” lexical structures used by the wave genome of the inhabitants of the Earth. The artificial influence on the DNA acceptor, mediated by an instrument complex 30 kilometers from the registration site, was reproduced by us in the short-range version, when the introduction of signals was regulated in the immediate vicinity of the DNA acceptor at a distance of 2-3 meters.

If such “modes of reception” by DNA molecules of “semantic solitons” from humans and exobiological signals from the hypothetical “field of consciousness” according to Shipov are not the result of an experimental error, a unique situation arises when it is necessary to recognize as real some Intelligent manipulations with the gene pool of the Earth that were either carried out at the dawn of evolution, or are carried out now. The Earth's biosphere is a testing ground for exobiological influences at the level of wave genes with a speech-like structure. This is a dire warning. The home of planet Earth is populated not only by its living beings, but also by a subtle information structure, perhaps alien to them. The study of the wave quasi-intelligent attributes of the Genome of Higher Biosystems and the associated methodology of information contacts with it automatically leads us and has already partially led us to the understanding of a new potentially dangerous supergenolanguage on a global scale, and, consequently, to its use.
For whose purposes?
Now it’s clear that Garyaev is essentially just a mystic hiding behind science :)
CONCLUSIONS which at first were largely assumed, but by the end acquired the status of irrefutable :)

1) There are wave languages ​​in the genome of eukaryotes, similar to human ones.
2) Morphogenesis of higher biological systems occurs using material-wave matrices of the genome, which functions as a soliton-holographic computer.
3) There are phantom DNA memory mechanisms in vitro-in vivo.
4) Uncontrolled manipulation of wave genes poses a global danger.

The style and terminology used do not make it possible for those who do not have special training to meaningfully understand the essence, although it is for them that the text is interspersed with ready-made conclusions that they can only believe in, hypnotized by the “scientific style”. Experts immediately see the unsubstantiated and far-fetched nature of the conclusions, but even if they decided to figure it out themselves using the stated experiments, nothing would come of it due to the fact that there are no methodological descriptions and, most often, even sufficient descriptions of the effects themselves. There are only ready-made conclusions.
Considering that they are talking about “pioneering”, revolutionary results, it is necessary to talk about particulars very carefully and convincingly for specialists, and not with the expectation of pop music.

Within the framework of the problem under discussion, the following author's works have been published and prepared for printing:
1) Garyaev P.P., Tatur V.Yu., Yunin A.M., 1988, A new approach to the evolution of the Living and the noosphere, Clause of the noosphere, part 1, Moscow, “Noosphere”, pp. 286-292.
2) Garyaev P.P., Chudin V.I., Berezin A.A., Yalakas M.E., 1991, Chromosomal biocomputer, Doctor, N4, pp. 30-33. Publishing house "Medicine".
3) Garyaev P.P., Vasiliev A.A., Berezin A.A., 1991, Genome as a holographic computer, HYPOTHESIS (independent scientific journal) N1, N1, 1991-1992, p.24- 43; 49-64.
4) Gariaev P.P., Chudin V.I., Komissarov G.G., Berezin A.A., Vasiliev A.A., 1991, Hologrphic Associative Memory of Biological Systems, Proceedings SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Optical Memory and Neural Networks., v.1621, p. 280-291. USA.
5) Garyaev P.P., Gorelik V.S., Moiseenko V.N., Poponin V.P., Chudin V.I., Shcheglov V.A., 1992, Raman scattering of light on lattice modes of nucleoside triphosphates. Brief reports on physics. Physical Inst. RAS, N1-2, p.33-36. Moscow.
6) Garyaev P.P., Grigoriev K.V., Vasiliev A.A., Poponin V.P., Shcheglov V.A., 1992, Study of the fluctuation dynamics of DNA solutions by laser correlation spectroscopy.
Brief reports on physics. Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, N11-12, pp. 63-69. Moscow.
7) Agaltsov A.M., Garyaev P.P., Gorelik V.S., Shcheglov V.A., 1993, Spectra of nonlinearly excited luminescence in nucleoside triphosphates.
Quantum electronics, vol. 20, N4, pp. 371-373.
8) Garyaev P.P., Grigoriev K.V., Dzekunov S.V., Shcheglov V.A., 1993,
Nonlinear dynamics of plasmid DNA. Brief reports on physics.
Physics Institute RAS., N9-10., p.
9) Trubnikov B.A., Garyaev P.P., 1993, Semiotics of DNA. Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute", IAE-5690/1, Moscow, 27 p.
10) Garyaev P.P., Gorelik V.S., Kozulin E.A., Shcheglov V.A., 1994, Two-photon excited luminescence in the solid phase of DNA. Quantum electronics.
11) Trubnikov B.A., Garyaev P.P., 1994, Genome as a computer, Nature. (in print)
12) Gariaev P.P., 1994, DNA and Supreme Intelligence, IMPACT.(in press)
13) Gariaev P.P., 1994, In vitro-in vivo DNA conjugation with brain activity and the supreme intellect, Creation Research Society Quarterly. (in press)
14) Garyaev P.P., 1994, Fractality of DNA and speech, Dokl. Ross. Ak. Sci. (prepared for printing)
15) Gariaev P.P., Poponin V.P., 1994, Anomalous phenomena in DNA interaction with electromagnetic radiation: vacuum DNA phantom effect and its possible rational explanation., Creation Research Society Quarterly. (in press).
16) Maslov M.Yu., Garyaev P.P., Polikarpov A.A., 1994, Fractal representation of natural and genetic languages. Materials "QUALICO-94" (Second International Conference on Qantative Linguistics). Russia, Moscow, Moscow State University, September 20-24, 1994.
17) Maslov M.Yu., Garyaev P.P., Polikarpov A.A., Shcheglov V.A., 1994, Fractality of DNA “texts” and speech. Materials "QUALICO-94" (Second International Conference on Qantative Linguistics). Russia, Moscow, Moscow State University, September 20-24, 1994.
18) Petrov N.B., Maslov M.Yu., Garyaev P.P., 1994, Evolutionary analysis of RNA texts of 18S ribosomal RNA. (in press).
19) Garyaev P.P., Vnuchkova V.A., Shelepina G.A., Komissarov G.G., 1994, Verbal-semantic modulations of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam resonances as a methodology for entering the command-like structure of the genome a. Journal of Russian Physical Thought., N1-4, pp. 17-28.
20) Garyaev P.P., 1994, The crisis of genetics and the genetics of the crisis., Russian Thought., N1-6, pp. 46-49., M., ed. "General benefit."
21) Garyaev P.P., 1994, Wave genome. Ed. No. Benefit. 279 p.
22) Agaltsov A.M., Garyaev P.P., Gorelik V.S., Rakhmatullaev I.A., Shcheglov V.A., Two-photon-excited luminescence in genetic structures. Quantum electronics. (in press).

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