Anomalous zones of the Kaluga region. Checking information about the anomalous zone in the Medyn region

A visit to this cache is an extreme undertaking.
The visitor bears all responsibility for possible negative consequences!

It has long been known that there are places on our planet where people have never settled. Our distant ancestors, for example, in the places of proposed construction, usually tied pieces of raw meat to trees. If after a few days the meat had hardly spoiled, they began to build a dwelling on this site, but if it rotted faster than usual, they quickly moved out of there.

Modern researchers of paranormal phenomena call such zones anomalous, and popularly they are called lost places. Zones can arise in a variety of places, and the reasons for their occurrence can be associated with human activity or with the influence of unidentified flying objects, or even with the manifestation of parallel worlds. By and large, no one still knows how, where and why anomalous zones arise. Only one thing is known: within such zones, patterns that are not yet known to science constantly or from time to time appear. In any case, there is always a chance to encounter the unknown.

Three anomalous zones are known in the Kaluga region. This is the vicinity of the villages of Ogarkovo, Nikitskoye and Shchigry. A small area located near Ogarkovo is known for the fact that even experienced travelers begin to get lost in it, although there is an excellent landmark there - a road along which there are oak trees.

South-west of the Zikeevo railway station there is another “unclean” place. People living here claim that they have noticed many times in the sky unidentified flying objects of various shapes: disc-shaped, triangular, pyramid-shaped, cigars... Sometimes it seems that the one who created these UFOs set up something like a training ground near Shchigra , where you can test (or simply demonstrate to amazed eyewitnesses?) your inventor’s imagination. Light atmospheric phenomena are also observed here, reminiscent of either faint northern lights or lightning. One day, something resembling festive fireworks appeared in the skies, but since it happened in the dead of night, few saw the anomaly.

Nikitskoye is a small village in the north of the Kaluga region, not far from which a rather large anomalous zone was discovered, in which all the phenomena noted in Ogarkovo and Shchigra manifest themselves, and even moreover, a few kilometers from Nikitskoye there is a forest that one would like to call enchanted. The tree trunks here seem to be deliberately bent, mutilated by some evil giant, the grass does not grow, and the chirping of birds is not heard. Dead forest, scary! Residents of the surrounding villages do not go there. However, if someone, having gotten lost, suddenly ends up here, then he remembers this for a long time with fear. There are no animals in the forest, but mysterious entities that do not resemble either humans or animals suddenly block the path of a lost mushroom picker, scaring him almost to death. Several years ago, a summer resident who came from Moscow wandered into an “enchanted” forest and saw a bluish fluffy ball rolling between the trees towards her. Having rolled to the woman’s feet, the ball, as if in a fairy tale, turned into a shaggy old man with red, watery eyes. The summer resident screamed wildly, and the old man, immediately taking on the image of a ball again, continued on his way. Later, the poor girl said that she did not want to go into the forest, it immediately seemed scary and unfriendly to her, but some unknown force, which was impossible to resist, drew her into the thicket.

By the way, researchers of anomalous zones also noted that at the entrance to them, some especially sensitive people feel anxiety, they begin to have a headache, weakness, and sometimes shortness of breath... It is as if the zone does not want to accept those who are “unsympathetic” to it. Someone, on the contrary, feels an irresistible desire to enter the zone, and sometimes stay in it forever, and she does not resist this.

Once in the zone, people cannot always move around it without hindrance. 18-year-old Victor S., who was vacationing near Nikitsky last summer, learned that specialists in anomalous phenomena had arrived in the “enchanted” forest. Being very inquisitive by nature, Victor persuaded the members of the expedition, and they, however, without much desire, took him with them. Miracles began literally on the first day. The “Paranor-babies” walked freely through the forest, drawing up a map of the area and making the necessary measurements with the help of instruments, but from time to time an invisible wall seemed to grow in front of Victor, which he could not overcome. It all happened as follows: Victor walked a few meters after one of the expedition members, and suddenly a strange sound reached his ears, reminiscent of the chirping of grasshoppers. The sound became increasingly louder, and at some point the guy literally hit his forehead against an invisible barrier blocking his path. At that same moment, the “chirping” ceased. The researcher, who was walking ahead, passed this place unhindered and, as it turned out later, did not hear anything unusual. Soon Victor, as soon as he heard the “chirping of grasshoppers,” slowed down his steps and, stretching out his arms in front of him, carefully began to search another road. Sometimes he managed to continue his journey, but it also happened that he had to return to the camp: the zone stubbornly suppressed the stranger’s walks.

Then, having already left the Kaluga region, Victor recalled that in the zone he used to be “attacked by tetanus”; he was suddenly overcome by weakness and indifference. Having sat down somewhere under a tree, the guy could, without looking up, look at one point, then with an effort he averted his eyes, but his gaze returned to the same point after some time, the expedition members, noticing that something was wrong with Victor, measured his biofield using a frame. It is known that a healthy person in a calm state is surrounded by a uniform field, shaped like an egg. Having measured the biofield of their volunteer assistant, the “anomalous” people were horrified - it was “perforated” in many places. It seemed that the zone had decided to either get rid of the uninvited guest or simply destroy him. After consulting, the researchers almost forcibly escorted Victor to the village - he said that he must definitely stay, although he could not explain why. Only when he was outside the zone did the guy seem to wake up and, quickly packing his backpack, went home

However, those who remained in the zone did not regret it; they managed to pamper the researchers with the miracles for which they, in fact, came. At night, not far from the fire, with peripheral vision one could see strange whitish creatures in loose clothes. Ghosts Maybe before, once upon a time, there was a cemetery in these places? But as soon as you tried to focus your gaze on the ghostly entity, it immediately disappeared. Therefore, it was not possible to photograph any of the mysterious “aliens”.

One day in the middle of the night, one of the “paranormalists,” Nikolai, was lying in a tent, listening to the rustling sounds of the forest. The forest, although it was dead, clearly had some inhabitants in it. The full moon was shining, the dark shadows of the trees stood motionless on the walls of the tent. And suddenly heavy footsteps were heard nearby, and on the tent wall a black shadow of some strange creature appeared - a large head seemed to have grown into narrow shoulders, the frail body was clearly not strong enough to cargo. Nikolai held his breath, watching what was happening. And then the incredible happened: the sound of retreating footsteps was heard, and a black shadow remained on the tent, as if stuck.

If Nikolai had not been studying anomalous zones for many years, he would probably simply be speechless. But in search of paranormal phenomena, he traveled throughout the former Soviet Union and knew that similar cases occur sometimes, for example, in the Perm anomalous zone. Therefore, he calmly watched as the shadow of the creature, “sticking” to the tent, gradually became paler and, finally, disappeared completely. “Sticking” shadow is one of the phenomena of some anomalous zones that we can still observe, but not explain

The Nikitsky zone has still been very little explored. However, the observations that specialists were able to make in it are very valuable. People who have visited those places say that from time to time they begin to feel the approach of danger.

It seems like there’s a block of ice hanging over your head, which is bound to inevitably fall on your head,” says Sergei N, who visited the zone as part of an expedition. “At such a moment, you feel only one desire - to run away from here as far and as quickly as possible. I would have done that, but before It happened that I was the only one who felt danger, sometimes several people felt danger. Usually, when the anxiety became especially strong, somewhere in the depths of the forest a sound arose, reminiscent of the roar of some animal. This roar grew and finally became so loud that we covered our ears. Having reached its highest point, the roar fell silent, and our sense of danger passed. One of the signs of an anomalous zone was the presence of strange objects in it. Members of the expeditions that examined the Kaluga anomalous zones discovered in one of the caves located in those places, a mysterious object of unknown origin. It was located in a stone monolith about 200 million years old! And this is not the first discovery, the purpose of which is impossible to unravel. By the way, the presence of strange objects there is one of the signs of anomalous zones.

An attempt to uncover the secrets that the anomalous zones of our planet offer us is an extremely tempting and, in general, noble endeavor. However, we want to warn you: an unprepared person, armed only with his own enthusiasm, may well become not a researcher, but a victim of a lost place. The punishment for a frivolous attitude towards the zone can be terrible.

The text is almost entirely taken from the site.
You can read about other Anomalous Zones.
Now, you probably understand why the cache is an extreme point?

It all started with a visit to Tianik Shimonovo. If you read carefully, you will not miss the words of the local farmer Boris that the road to the south to Nikitsk is difficult and dangerous and he himself only goes there on a tractor, and he does not recommend that we go there either. Later, after searching the Internet, I found information about the Nikitsk Anomalous Zone. What if this is exactly IT. After all, on the General Staff Nikitsk is referred to as the village of Nikitskoye. True, 10 kilometers to the west there is another Nikitskoye, but it’s already a village. Some discrepancy was discovered here - 4-5 km, as the location of the NAZ is described, there are no forests from Nikitsk. And only after digging through various Cosmopoisk forums, I discovered information that NAZ is located 2-5 km north of the village of Nikitskoye. And this already points almost exactly to an “enchanted” forest. Well! So be it, let's go and check it out.

A short trip that was organized spontaneously on an unremarkable Saturday

Since ancient times, there have been places that our ancestors tried to avoid and under no circumstances wander into forbidden thickets. And if you wander into such a thicket and remember their name - the old-timers are wandering here, strange clouds are flying in the sky, and maybe a glow will appear late at night. In general, bad places. Strange and ruinous.

Well, in modern realities, such places are overgrown with “urban legends”, which most often have no basis in real facts and remain so. Residents of megacities do not want to believe in all sorts of anomalies, enchantments and other paranormal things. In addition, the inhabitants of the Off Road Opposition forum ( thought in a similar way, which we decided to join. Well, at the same time, provide all possible assistance and ride the “short” track with two of our crews.

We didn’t see any beauties as such during this ride, because our task was to calmly, without fuss and haste, travel the entire route, explore possible ambushes, fords and impassable obstacles, so as not to drag the entire column of those who wanted to go along dead-end branches and impassable thickets. In general, the trip turned out to be just like that - calm and unhurried, when the main goal was not to “collect” a large number of waypoints, but to simply overcome a given route, looking at the beauty all around along the way.

The start of the trip was very traditional, our greetings were short and businesslike, and the congestion on the M1 leaving Moscow turned out to be unexpectedly low, so we were able to get on the road to covering 80 kilometers quite quickly. Overcoming these 80 kilometers was not memorable, and in the Mozhaisk area we went onto regional roads in the direction of Vereya in order to reach the border of the Moscow and Kaluga regions through it.

The roads as a whole and in general did not stand out as anything remarkable. In the first half of the journey, in general, everything was quite simple and good - the weather was pleasing with bright summer sun (although it was nominally still spring), the sky was blue, and the roads were dry.

But then the asphalt creeping under the wheels was replaced by a grader rolled with crushed stone, potholes began to appear more and more often, wet puddles in ruts pressed into the soft spring soil were replaced by dry field roads covered with a hard sandy crust. As they say, we don’t have bad roads, but good off-road conditions in the right season.

> We were surrounded by dandelion fields all day

> The roads winded among the hills of the Kaluga region

> Periodically we dived into the lowlands

> Sometimes they looked for shortcuts

Along the way we encountered one shallow ford, several slightly more serious puddles, a few slopes, ravines and other various terrain obstacles. As a result of overcoming all this beauty, we got out onto a good well-rolled grader along which we got to the second part of our route for today.

> A small ford on the way

>And the road continues to wind through the dandelion fields

> We make short stops to take good shots

Actually, this particular part of the route passed three kilometers east of the Nikitsky anomalous zone, so the main task of the journey was to determine the passability and the possibility of passing the shortest route to the desired place.

> The starting point from which the main adventure began

> Often you have to visually control the trajectory of the machine

> Periodically we pull each other when cars pull up

> Externally dense soil is instantly saturated with water after the first car passes

> The track is very narrow, so you have to give commands to the pilot from afar

> Thanks for the science to Lena Nemodny, who taught the pilot and navigator how to work correctly, and in general thanks for the fact that thanks to his lessons we were able to drive in and out

> Extraction of our hippopotamus in one of the pits

The further path through the forest was not very easy. Periodically pulling each other with dynamic slings, carefully maneuvering between ruts and swamps, we crawled almost to the exit from the forest, but a log of quite decent thickness blocked our way. Actually, just before this place, we “dropped” our hippopotamus onto the inter-rut, and with a particularly successful press on the gas pedal, it couldn’t stand it and the cross of the front cardan broke - this is entirely my fault, because during the last maintenance I was not at all puzzled by the injection knot, for which I and our team paid.

Our behemoth has become rear-wheel drive, ahead of us lies a treacherous slippery 90-degree turn to the right over two deep ruts, a log blocking the road, 200 meters before leaving the forest - not the worst scenario, we thought. After half an hour of walking from the log to our hippopotamus, a storm hit the surrounding area and the forest where we were swarming. A real, serious storm, with strong gusts of wind, rain and broken branches flying from the trees. We were in a forest area, our hippopotamus was still hanging in a suspended state on the inter-rut track, and the weather was only getting worse. Dividing our problems as the complexity of the solution increased, we pulled the hippopotamus off the inter-rut, cut the log with two axes (we both had chainsaws on hold - what a “well done” we are) and began the journey to evacuate from the forest. In general, somehow this last short jerk did not stick in my head at all, so we came to our senses when we were standing at the edge of the forest, and behind us the forest road from which we had left was dark.

The further path was given to us with extraordinary ease. The road to civilization seemed like a mere trifle to us compared to what we had in the forest. As a small gift, we met a local resident, Maxim, who, looking at us with great surprise, told us that where we came from, no one had driven there for a long time, except for logging equipment, and even that had not set foot there for a couple of years. And in general, it’s very surprising that we drove there. In order not to be too proud of ourselves, we said goodbye and began to taxi out onto the grader in search of a place for a small lunch, which turned into dinner, bringing ourselves and the cars into divine form.

> The first tree we met as we left the forest

> A small picnic on the side of the road

> Pilots and navigators also indulge in rest

>The navigators are sadder than usual

The road home was a little longer, because on the way it turned out that our severed cardan couldn’t just lie in place and it definitely had to separate somewhere. For us, separating the cardan was fraught with all the oil leaking out of the transfer case, so we stopped all efforts of the cardan and carefully tied it to the bend of the exhaust pipe and drove home in this form. We jumped onto the highway near the village of Yurlovo, where we were several years ago on a winter trip around

Nikitskaya anomalous zone

It has long been known that there are places on our planet where people have never settled. Our distant ancestors, for example, in the places of proposed construction, usually tied pieces of raw meat to trees. If after a few days the meat had hardly spoiled, they began to build a dwelling on this site, but if it rotted faster than usual, they quickly moved out of there.

Modern researchers of paranormal phenomena call such zones anomalous, and popularly they are called lost places. Zones can arise in a variety of places, and the reasons for their occurrence can be associated with human activity or with the influence of unidentified flying objects, or even with the manifestation of parallel worlds. By and large, no one still knows how, where and why anomalous zones arise. Only one thing is known: within such zones, patterns that are not yet known to science constantly or from time to time appear. In any case, there is always a chance to encounter the unknown.

Three anomalous zones are known in the Kaluga region. This is the vicinity of the villages of Ogarkovo, Nikitskoye and Shchigry. A small area located near Ogarkovo is known for the fact that even experienced travelers begin to get lost in it, although there is a wonderful landmark there - a road along which there are oak trees.

South-west of the Zikeevo railway station there is another “unclean” place. People living here claim that they have noticed many times in the sky unidentified flying objects of various shapes: disc-shaped, triangular, pyramid-shaped, cigars... Sometimes it seems that the one who created these UFOs set up something like a training ground near Shchigra, where You can test (or simply demonstrate to amazed eyewitnesses?) your imagination as inventors. Light atmospheric phenomena are also observed here, reminiscent of either faint northern lights or lightning. One day, something resembling festive fireworks appeared in the skies, but since it happened in the dead of night, few saw the anomaly.

Nikitskoye is a small village in the north of the Kaluga region, not far from which a rather large anomalous zone was discovered, in which all the phenomena noted in Ogarkovo and Shchigra manifest themselves, and even moreover, a few kilometers from Nikitskoye there is a forest that one would like to call enchanted. The tree trunks here seem to be deliberately bent, mutilated by some evil giant, the grass does not grow, and the chirping of birds is not heard. Dead forest, scary! Residents of the surrounding villages do not go there. However, if someone, having gotten lost, suddenly ends up here, then he remembers this for a long time with fear. There are no animals in the forest, but mysterious entities that do not resemble either humans or animals suddenly block the path of a lost mushroom picker, scaring him almost to death. Several years ago, a summer resident who came from Moscow wandered into an “enchanted” forest and saw a bluish fluffy ball rolling between the trees towards her. Having rolled to the woman’s feet, the ball, as if in a fairy tale, turned into a shaggy old man with red, watery eyes. The summer resident screamed wildly, and the old man, immediately taking on the image of a ball again, continued on his way. Later, the poor girl said that she did not want to go into the forest, it immediately seemed scary and unfriendly to her, but some unknown force, which was impossible to resist, drew her into the thicket.

By the way, researchers of anomalous zones also noted that at the entrance to them, some especially sensitive people feel anxiety, they begin to have a headache, weakness, and sometimes shortness of breath... The zone seems to not want to accept those who are “unsympathetic” to it. Someone, on the contrary, feels an irresistible desire to enter the zone, and sometimes stay in it forever, and she does not resist this.

Once in the zone, people cannot always move around it without hindrance. 18-year-old Victor S., who was vacationing near Nikitsky last summer, learned that specialists in anomalous phenomena had arrived in the “enchanted” forest. Being very inquisitive by nature, Victor persuaded the members of the expedition, and they, however, without much desire, took him with them. Miracles began literally on the first day. The “Paranor-babies” walked freely through the forest, drawing up a map of the area and making the necessary measurements with the help of instruments, but from time to time an invisible wall seemed to grow in front of Victor, which he could not overcome. It all happened as follows: Victor walked a few meters after one of the expedition members, and suddenly a strange sound reached his ears, reminiscent of the chirping of grasshoppers. The sound became increasingly louder, and at some point the guy literally hit his forehead against an invisible barrier blocking his path. At that same moment, the “chirping” ceased. The researcher, who was walking ahead, passed this place unhindered and, as it turned out later, did not hear anything unusual. Soon Victor, as soon as he heard the “chirping of grasshoppers,” slowed down his steps and, stretching out his arms in front of him, carefully began to search another road. Sometimes he managed to continue his journey, but it also happened that he had to return to the camp: the zone stubbornly suppressed the stranger’s walks.

Then, having already left the Kaluga region, Victor recalled that in the zone he used to be “attacked by tetanus”; he was suddenly overcome by weakness and indifference. Having sat down somewhere under a tree, the guy could, without looking up, look at one point, then with an effort he averted his eyes, but his gaze returned to the same point after some time, the expedition members, noticing that something was wrong with Victor, measured his biofield using a frame. It is known that a healthy person in a calm state is surrounded by a uniform field, shaped like an egg. Having measured the biofield of their volunteer assistant, the “anomalous” people were horrified - it was “perforated” in many places. It seemed that the zone had decided to either get rid of the uninvited guest or simply destroy him. After consulting, the researchers almost forcibly escorted Victor to the village - he said that he must definitely stay, although he could not explain why. Only when he was outside the zone did the guy seem to wake up and, quickly packing his backpack, went home

However, those who remained in the zone did not regret it; they managed to pamper the researchers with the miracles for which they, in fact, came. At night, not far from the fire, with peripheral vision one could see strange whitish creatures in loose clothes. Ghosts Maybe before, once upon a time, there was a cemetery in these places? But as soon as you tried to focus your gaze on the ghostly entity, it immediately disappeared. Therefore, it was not possible to photograph any of the mysterious “aliens”.

One day in the middle of the night, one of the “paranormalists,” Nikolai, was lying in a tent, listening to the rustling sounds of the forest. The forest, although it was dead, clearly had some inhabitants in it. The full moon was shining, the dark shadows of the trees froze motionless on the walls of the tent. And suddenly heavy footsteps were heard nearby, and on the tent wall a black shadow of some strange creature appeared - a large head seemed to have grown into narrow shoulders, the frail body was clearly not strong enough to cargo. Nikolai held his breath, watching what was happening. And then the incredible happened: the sound of retreating footsteps was heard, and a black shadow remained on the tent, as if stuck.

If Nikolai had not been studying anomalous zones for many years, he would probably simply be speechless. But in search of paranormal phenomena, he traveled throughout the former Soviet Union and knew that similar cases occur sometimes, for example, in the Perm anomalous zone. Therefore, he calmly watched as the shadow of the creature, “sticking” to the tent, gradually became paler and, finally, disappeared completely. “Sticking” shadow is one of the phenomena of some anomalous zones that we can still observe, but not explain

The Nikitsky zone has still been very little explored. However, the observations that specialists were able to make in it are very valuable. People who have visited those places say that from time to time they begin to feel the approach of danger.

It seems like there’s a block of ice hanging over your head, which is bound to inevitably fall on your head,” says Sergei N, who visited the zone as part of an expedition. “At such a moment, you feel only one desire - to run away from here as far and as quickly as possible. I would have done that, but before It happened that I was the only one who felt danger, sometimes several people felt danger. Usually, when the anxiety became especially strong, somewhere in the depths of the forest a sound arose, reminiscent of the roar of some animal. This roar grew and finally became so loud that we covered our ears. Having reached its highest point, the roar fell silent, and our sense of danger passed. One of the signs of an anomalous zone was the presence of strange objects in it. Members of the expeditions that examined the Kaluga anomalous zones discovered in one of the caves located in those places, a mysterious object of unknown origin. It was located in a stone monolith about 200 million years old! And this is not the first discovery, the purpose of which is impossible to unravel. By the way, the presence of strange objects there is one of the signs of anomalous zones.

An attempt to uncover the secrets that the anomalous zones of our planet offer us is an extremely tempting and, in general, noble endeavor. However, we want to warn you: an unprepared person, armed only with his own enthusiasm, may well become not a researcher, but a victim of a lost place. The punishment for a frivolous attitude towards the zone can be terrible.

Mysterious places in Russia Shnurovozova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Nikitskoye (Kaluga region)


(Kaluga region)

On the northern outskirts of the Kaluga region in the Medynsky district there is a small village of Nikitskoye, in the vicinity of which there is an anomalous zone that has a strange, depressing effect on people. The village itself has a reputation for witchcraft in the area, and residents of neighboring villages say that in Nikitskoye, in almost every house there lives, if not a healer, then a witch, or not a witch, then a sorcerer.

About 5 km from the village, behind a swamp, there is a dark forest with grass covered with thick moss, in which anomalous phenomena occur. Everyone who comes to this mysterious forest for the first time notices the twisted, strongly curved tree trunks, but what amazes people even more is the almost complete absence of animals and birds in the forest: no paw prints are visible, no noise or whistling is heard. However, someone’s invisible presence in the forest is constantly felt, especially since the strangeness does not end there.

One of the Moscow residents, having come to stay in the village, decided to go to the mysterious forest to pick mushrooms. She was struck by a strange atmosphere that seemed to lure her into the thicket. Walking deep into the forest, the woman suddenly saw a fluffy ball or ball rolling along the path - either an animal unknown to science, or a goblin, or some other unknown creature. However, it scared the Muscovite so much that she ran away from the forest as fast as she could. Then terrible visions tormented her at night for several more years.

Later, researchers who arrived from the capital tried to study the forest, but the group was driven away by a monstrous roar, more like the rumble of an airplane than the cry of an animal. At the same time, the entire sky was covered with a dense curtain of black thunderclouds and large hailstones fell to the ground. When the researchers returned to Nikitskoye, local residents unanimously confirmed that they had not seen any dark clouds, much less thunderstorms, either over the village or in the surrounding area.

There were other attempts to explore that forest, but usually people were overcome by the desire to leave that place as quickly as possible because of the danger in the air. The researchers noted that this feeling is quite difficult to convey in words, but the anxiety felt is comparable to as if standing under a large block of ice that could collapse down at any moment.

The leader in the number of anomalous zones in Russia remains the northwestern region of the country: Karelia, Vologda, Kaluga. One of the Vologda zones is located in the very north of the region near the village of Verkhovye. According to Vologda researcher Viktor Brunov, in this place the compass stops working and the clock stops or goes wrong.

Moreover, in the evenings, people heard footsteps, some dark shadows approached the tent, which then turned pale and dissolved in the air, strange lights were observed in the air, and sometimes, when trying to go deep into the forest, an invisible wall seemed to grow in front of the researchers, which was impossible to cross. After a long stay in the forest, healthy people began to complain of headaches, attacks of numbness, weakness and the indifference that covered the whole body, which happens before freezing. Thus, being alone in this forest for a long time is dangerous - the anomalous zone seems to pull in those trying to pass into it and never let go. Nevertheless, the study of the Kaluga Forest continues, and who knows what other mysteries and surprises this fabulous enchanted forest has in store for new generations of scientists.

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Tula region On the territory of Tula and its environs there are many ufological and other anomalous phenomena, which researchers explain by the presence of many geoactive zones. Thus, within the city there is a place with an area of ​​no more than a few square meters under

From the author's book

Yaroslavl region In Yaroslavl, according to statistics, mortality has increased significantly in recent years. It is known that the entire historical part of the city stands on old burial grounds. Every now and then human bones are found in different places. For example, when laying the foundation

From the author's book

18.3. Area of ​​research 1. Kabbalah does not touch upon such concepts as the essence and abstract form of the ten Sefirot, but deals only with matter in them and its forms, since form is the carrier of matter. The essence of man, as such, without material embodiment, is not perceived ,

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