Articulation gymnastics Fairy tale “A Fun Walk” Exercises for training the organs of articulation (lips, tongue, lower jaw). Articulation gymnastics: a fairy tale about the tongue Articulation fairy tale bun

Dear colleagues!
I bring to your attention the author's
speech therapy aid that will help
You spend such a mundane
articulatory gymnastics
in a form that is entertaining for children:
read the tale about the kolobok in verse and
perform with animated
characters charge for the tongue.
Working according to this manual, the child
will not notice how time flies.
The lesson will go unnoticed and
Sincerely, Statsenko Larisa Viktorovna

speech therapist-defectologist

The sun rises joyfully
Our day will be bright!
speech therapist-defectologist

Kolobok woke up early...
speech therapist-defectologist

He smiled widely.
He put out his lips like a pipe,
I blew on it lightly.
speech therapist-defectologist

speech therapist-defectologist
Here he is walking happily
He's going to brush his teeth!
(we walk on the table with the fingers of both hands)

speech therapist-defectologist
Top-bottom, right-left
- The bun will clean everything.

He will smile widely
He will call his tongue.
He will put it on his lip,
The pancake will bake quickly.
Five-five-five he will strictly say,
The tongue will punish slightly.
And then he puts it in his mouth.
speech therapist-defectologist

And then he will comb his hair quickly
comb back and forth.
It will be clean and beautiful
our cheerful bun.
speech therapist-defectologist

speech therapist-defectologist
The clock struck nine
Left-right tick-tock!

Time to drink tea with jam.
Mom and Dad are waiting for the boys...
"Hot!" - said our dad.
Everyone blew on the tea.
speech therapist-defectologist
“Oh, how delicious!” – the bun licked his lips.
“And the mushrooms are just a miracle!” –
the tongue admired.

speech therapist-defectologist
We sat and sat...
They separated when they had eaten.

Kolobok is coming into the yard...
He removes snow with a shovel.
There he decorates the Christmas tree.
speech therapist-defectologist

Mom and dad
Paints the walls
house, fence
speech therapist-defectologist

speech therapist-defectologist
Sweeps up the trash in the house,
Cleans windows, floors and tables.

A lot has been done, guys.
A lot has been done, friends.
I'll play today:
I will become a football player.
speech therapist-defectologist

The bun rolled...
He kicks the ball sharply,
He scores goal after goal.
Not a problem suddenly happened:
Mom's vase broke!
What can I say? I don't know?!
Please forgive me!
I'll remove this vase.
I'd better go into the yard.
speech therapist-defectologist

With coming
Happy New Year
speech therapist-defectologist

Raising clear speech in children is the task of parents and teachers. I offer you exercises that can be used for preventive purposes (to prevent incorrect speech sounds), as well as to correct existing speech disorders. And to make learning interesting for your child, they are collected in articulatory tales.

Articulation fairy tale "Teremok"

There is a small house in the forest, a real little house

Puff out your cheeks

This house is very beautiful, with a red tiled roof and a large brick chimney.

Proboscis - stretch your lips forward and rotate them

The house has 3 small round windows with shutters

Window - open the upper and lower teeth

and a large carved door. One day there was a very strong blow

Grin - show your teeth in a smile, while unclenching your teeth

wind. The walls of the house were beautiful.

Paint the walls - use the tip of your tongue to stroke your cheeks

They began to stagger left and right, right and left...

Puff out your cheeks one by one

The floor in the house shook back and forth, back and forth,

Move your jaw left and right

the door closed and opened.

Open your mouth

Even the pipe on the roof swayed,


suddenly the house collapsed and crumbled...

Skinny - suck in your cheeks

The mouse that lived in this house came running, saw what happened, and was upset.

Bite your upper lip with your lower teeth

I couldn’t even say a word out of frustration. The frog friend jumped up and said:

Upper teeth

bite your lower lip

“Kwa-kwa, let’s go, mouse, to live in my house!”

Open your mouth wide

The mouse was happy, smiled and ran after the frog.


Articulation fairy tale "About the gnome"

Once upon a time there was a cheerful gnome with a white beard and a red cap.


He woke up one morning and looked at his watch. “Tick tock, it’s time to get up. Tick ​​tock, time to go for a walk!” - the clock sang.

Watch - part your lips into a smile, move the tip of your tongue left and right

The dwarf jumped up, did exercises: up and down, up and down, he raised his arms,

Move the tip of your tongue up and down

ate delicious jam and went for a walk

Jam - lick the upper lip with the front edge of the tongue, moving the tongue from top to bottom, then pull the tongue into the mouth, towards the center of the palate

Climbed over the fence

Fence - teeth closed. Lips in a smile. Upper and lower incisors visible

rolled down the slide and suddenly saw a beautiful butterfly.

Gorka - lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests on the bases of the lower incisors. The back of the tongue arches, then straightens

A butterfly landed on his nose. The gnome winced, the butterfly didn’t even think about flying away

Wrinkle your nose

The dwarf tried to blow it off his nose. So he played with the butterfly all day.

Tongue shovel, blow on the tip of your tongue

Evening came. The gnome rolled down the hill, climbed over the fence and returned to the house.



Opened the tap, let the water run, listened to her sing her song,

Make the sound s-s-s

washed my face, brushed my teeth,

Brush - use the tip of your tongue to clean the lower teeth

blew out the candle for the night,

Tube - teeth are closed. The lips are rounded and extended forward, as with the sound U

and went to bed.

Shovel - place the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip and hold it in this position

Articulation fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh's Birthday"

Once upon a time there lived Winnie the Pooh.

Fatty - puff out both cheeks

He went out onto the porch, yawned, looked at the sun,

Pull the tip of the tongue towards the nose

on the green grass, on the blue sky, on the flowers by the porch,

Move your tongue up and down

to Piglet's house, to Eeyore's house

Move your tongue left and right

“What wonderful weather!” - Pooh exclaimed and smiled. Then he remembered that today was his birthday. Pooh decided to prepare for the arrival of guests:


painted the ceilings,

Painter - stroke the palate with the wide tip of the tongue, moving the tongue back and forth (from the teeth to the throat and back).

window frames,

Using the wide front edge of the tongue, lick the upper lip, moving the tongue from top to bottom, then pull the tongue into the mouth, towards the center of the palate.

took a sharp clove and

Needle - pull the tip of the tongue forward strongly

nailed his portrait to the wall.

Hammer - with the tense tip of the tongue, tap on the tubercles behind the upper teeth, repeatedly and clearly pronouncing the sound t-t-t - first slowly, then gradually increasing the pace

His home became beautiful and cozy.


Vini baked cookies

Flatbreads - place the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip

Patty - place a wide tongue on the lower lip, then lift the side edges of the tongue and roll it into a patty


bite your tongue

I spread jam on top of it.

Delicious jam

He put the saucers on the table and began to wait for the guests.

Saucer - stick out your tongue. The lateral edges and tip of the tongue are raised, the middle part of the back of the tongue is lowered, bends downwards

“How wonderful it is when guests come to you!” - Pooh exclaimed, smiled and did a magic trick.

The trick is to stick out your tongue. The lateral edges and tip of the tongue are raised, the middle part of the back of the tongue bends downwards. Holding your tongue in this position, blow onto the tip of your nose.

Articulation fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

One winter, Masha went into the forest to sled down the hill. She rolled down once, another time, and went

Hill - the wide tip of the tongue rests on the base of the lower incisors. The back of the tongue arches, then straightens.

Sledge - the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed tightly against the upper molars, the back bends down, the tip is free. The tongue moves back and forth, the lateral edges of the tongue slide over the molars.

walk. She walked and walked and came across a hut.

Fatty- puff out both cheeks

She came in and saw: a large table standing in the middle of the hut,

Fungus - press the wide tongue with its entire plane to the palate (the tongue is suctioned) and hold in this position on a count from 1 to 5-10.

there are cups on it.

Calyx - raise the lateral edges and the tip of the tongue, lower the middle part of the back of the tongue, bend downwards

Masha was a housewife. Masha scolded


pancakes, made lots and lots of flatbreads with thin edges.

Chew the edges of your tongue

Suddenly the door opens and a bear enters.

Open your mouth

Masha got scared and closed her eyes in fear.

Close your eyes

The bear frowned and looked around the house. He saw


the table is tidy, the cups are standing,


pancakes in a plate are cooling with jam,

Delicious jam

The pies are in a bowl, waiting for the owner.


The bear smiled and said: “Don’t be afraid, girl, I’ll take you home!” He put Masha on the sled and took him to the village.


Click your tongue under your upper lip.

Articulation fairy tale "Kolobok"

Once the grandmother kneaded the dough: she kneaded it with her hands, and rolled it out, and stirred it with a spoon.

Chew your tongue

The dough began to rise and bubble. The grandmother rolled a beautiful bun, baked it in the oven and left it on the windowsill to cool.

Coil - the wide tip of the tongue rests on the tubercles behind the lower teeth, the back of the tongue arches, the tongue “rolls out” forward and retracts deep into the mouth.

The bun is lying, resting. Kolobok decided to see what was happening on the street? He opened the shutters and hung his legs onto the street.

The tongue passes over the teeth.


Suddenly, out of nowhere, the Wolf runs. His loud voice scares everyone. “Kolobok, I will eat you!” - the Wolf shouted shrilly.


Bite your upper and lower lips

The Wolf sniffed, moved his nose left and right - it smells delicious


I tried to reach Kolobok with my tongue, the Wolf has a long tongue, it’s about to reach it. But Kolobok turned out to be more agile, he removed his legs, and the shutters slammed and closed. That's how the Wolf's tongue was pinched.

Needle to nose


Bite your tongue



Speech therapist

helps to cope with many problems, including one of the most pressing problems for school education: dysgraphia (grapho - write, dis - disorder) - this is a specific and persistent violation of the writing process.

Symptoms by which dysgraphia can be recognized are specific and repeated errors in writing that are not related to ignorance of grammatical rules. The main feature of these errors is that they are made where writing words would seem to cause no difficulties. For example, a child writes ZUK instead of ZHUK, BOM instead of HOUSE, skips letters (ZOTIK instead of UMBRELLA), inserts extra letters, writes prepositions with words together, etc.

It is not for nothing that parents and teachers of secondary schools call these errors “strange” - only for a specialist ( speech therapist) their peculiar logic and inevitability is clear. How can one explain the appearance of such errors in a letter? Writing is closely related to the process of oral speech. Only on the basis of sufficiently highly developed oral speech can competent writing be formed.

And if the child does not distinguish some speech sounds by ear, in oral speech he replaces some sounds with others (SYSKA instead of BINE), illiterately coordinates words (ON CHAIRS instead of ON CHAIRS, BLUE SKY instead of BLUE SKY, etc.), if at five- For six years he cannot distinguish a sound against the background of a word, determine the place of a sound in a word, or it is difficult for him to distinguish objects and geometric figures by shape and size, then all this will significantly complicate the process of mastering full-fledged writing.

So, it is quite clear that all future difficulties in writing do not “begin” at school. They can be almost accurately predicted already in preschool age.

For this reason, it is very important for parents to take a close look at their child long before entering school, and even better, get examined by speech therapist If at least one of the above-mentioned oral speech deficiencies is identified, systematic training with speech therapist.

Teacher-speech therapist Dranitsyna Tatyana Nikolaevna masters certain methods and techniques for forming those processes that are disturbed in a child, our specialists will do everything possible and necessary to correct them in a timely manner, and therefore to prevent “strange” errors in writing and “twos” in diaries and notebooks.

We will help you raise excellent students!

Your child has arrived at school. You want him to study with interest, joy, and diligence. But have you done everything to ensure that your child is ready for this? Is his speech sufficiently developed? After all, their success in mastering school literacy depends on it.
I offer you verbal games and exercises that help activate the speech development of children. These are games that you can play with children in the kitchen, on the way from school, getting ready for a walk, going to the store, in the country, before bed, etc.

  1. "Word on the Palm". Name in words the objects that are in your pocket, on your palm, on your neck, etc.
  2. "What happens?". Match the adjective and agree with it in gender, number and case with a noun.
    Green -... dol, tomato. Winter -…clothing, fishing. Homemade -...cookies, task.
  3. Tongue twisters- tongue-breakers are necessary for the development of clear articulation and diction.
    The crow missed the little crow. A weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.
  4. "Summarizing words":
    1. The child must name fruits..., furniture..., vegetables..., clothes..., animals...
    2. The child is asked to name in one word: pine, birch, maple - this is...
    3. The child must name the odd one out and explain why. For example, pine - rose - daffodil - carnation.
  5. "Count". Counts everything that can be counted. For example, one apple, two apples, three apples, four apples, five apples... You can add an adjective: one red apple, two red apples...five red apples...etc.
  6. "Say it the other way around". The adult names a word, and the child selects the “word in reverse.”
    Nouns: laughter-..., day-..., cold-..., north-..., etc.
    Verbs: came-…, dived-…
    Adjectives: wide-..., small-..., rich-...etc.
    Adverbs: far-..., high-...
  7. "Pick up a word". The child is asked to choose words for any sound. For example, a fruit whose name begins with the sound A (orange, apricot, pineapple...).
  8. "Big - small". The child is asked to name the object affectionately, for example, spoon - spoon, chair - chair, etc. In fairy tales about wild and domestic animals, these can be the names of young animals, or they can be endearing words: little fox, little cow.
  9. "Guess the riddle". Riddles teach children to think figuratively. Encourage children to guess them as often as possible. For example: A round side, a yellow side, a bun sitting on a bed. What is this? (Turnip). Give children descriptive riddles as well. For example: This is a vegetable that grows in the garden, round, red in color, sweet in taste, put in salad. (Tomato).
  10. "Name which one...". Formation of adjectives. For example, the juice is made from apples, which means it is apple juice; apple jam - apple jam, etc.
  11. "Think and answer". Offer children tasks with a trick, like: What are more in the forest: fir trees or trees?
  12. "Pick up a word". Bird - feathers. Fish - ...Cucumber is a vegetable. Chamomile - …
  13. "Tell a Poem". Memorize poems with your children.
  14. "Tell a story". Read fairy tales to children, talk about the content, role-play fairy tales, draw fairy tale characters.

Corrective work to correct violations of the pronunciation of sounds in preschool children involves the inclusion of articulation exercises during the lesson. This condition is mandatory, since articulatory gymnastics prepares the child’s speech apparatus to produce difficult-to-pronounce sounds, promotes the formation of correct articulatory patterns, which significantly increases the effectiveness of correctional classes.

Daily monotonous performance of articulatory gymnastics by a child in front of a mirror reduces the preschooler’s interest in this activity.

To achieve the best result from the work done, you must constantly maintain the child’s interest in performing a certain type of activity, strive to ensure that he experiences joy and satisfaction from attending classes.

For this purpose, I wrote an articulation fairy tale in verse “How the bun prepared for the New Year.” Based on it, an educational presentation with musical accompaniment and animated fairy-tale characters was developed.

A winter landscape, sparkling snow, a New Year tree, funny characters, the music of bells - all this will captivate the child into the atmosphere of games and fairy tales. Unbeknownst to himself, he will begin to perform articulatory gymnastics with pleasure.

This speech therapy manual is intended for performing articulation exercises, enriching the child’s subject, attributive and predicative vocabulary on the lexical topic “Winter. Winter fun”, as well as for the development of coherent speech.

Read, play, learn and develop!

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"Author's speech therapy manual: "Articulation fairy tale - How the bun prepared for the New Year""

Articulation tale

“How the bun prepared for the New Year”

Speech pathologist-defectologist

Statsenko L.V.

Krasnodar 2016

Dear colleagues!

I bring to your attention the author’s speech therapy manual, which will help you carry out such ordinary articulatory gymnastics in an entertaining form for a child: read a fairy tale about a kolobok in verse and do tongue exercises with animated characters.

Working according to this manual, the child will not notice how time flies.

The lesson will be unnoticed and effective!

Sincerely, Statsenko Larisa Viktorovna

The sun rises joyfully

Our day will be bright!

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

Kolobok woke up early...

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

He smiled widely.

He put out his lips like a pipe,

I blew on it lightly.

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

Here he is walking happily

He's going to brush his teeth!

(we walk along the table with the fingers of both hands)

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

Top-bottom, right-left

  • The bun will clean everything.

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

He will smile widely

He will call his tongue.

He will put it on his lip,

The pancake will bake quickly.

Five-five-five he will strictly say,

The tongue will punish slightly.

And then he puts it in his mouth.

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

And then he quickly combs it back and forth with a comb.

Our cheerful bun will be clean and beautiful.

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

The clock struck nine

Left-right tick-tock!

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

Time to drink tea with jam.

Mom and Dad are waiting for the boys...

"Hot!" - said our dad.

Everyone blew on the tea.

“Oh, how delicious!” – the bun licked his lips.

“And the mushrooms are just a miracle!” – the tongue admired.

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

We sat and sat...

They separated when they had eaten.

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

Kolobok is coming into the yard...

He removes snow with a shovel.

There he decorates the Christmas tree.

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

Helps mom and dad.

Paints the walls, the house, the fence.

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

Sweeps up the trash in the house,

Cleans windows, floors and tables.

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

A lot has been done, guys.

A lot has been done, friends.

I'll play today:

I will become a football player.

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

The bun rolled...

He kicks the ball sharply,

He scores goal after goal.

Not a problem suddenly happened:

Mom's vase broke!

What can I say? I don't know?!

Please forgive me!

I'll remove this vase.

I'd better go into the yard.

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

I'll swing on a swing -

Up and down higher spruce trees.

I'll go sledding

Straight from the hill - once and twice.

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

And when I get tired, I will start drumming loudly.

I'm marching forward

And there’s a whole platoon behind me.

And now I'm on a horse

And no one is afraid of me.

How fun it is to jump -

One, two, three, four, five!

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

Mom came out to the door.

She calls me to the house.

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

Tomorrow will be New Year!

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist

Happy New Year

STATSENKO LARISA VIKTOROVNA Krasnodar speech therapist-defectologist


1 MBDOU kindergarten 5 “Kolobok” Articulation games-fairy tales with preschoolers Consultation for educators Speech therapist teacher: Samoilova Tatyana Sergeevna academic year Chebarkul

2 Articulation games fairy tales with preschoolers A child’s long stay in a preschool institution creates favorable conditions for systematic work on the development of his sound side of speech. But one of the important conditions for solving problems in the sound culture of speech is the full functioning of the articulatory apparatus. It is possible to achieve clear coordinated work of the organs of the speech apparatus by performing special articulatory gymnastics. Articulatory gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing strength, mobility and differentiated functioning of the organs involved in the speech process. Everyone knows that consolidating any skill requires repeated repetition, and in order for children not to lose interest in the work being done, it is necessary to arouse interest, a positive attitude of children towards articulatory gymnastics, create a positive emotional mood, and fairy tales are very well suited for this. Author's fairy tales are tales specially invented for practicing sets of exercises that develop the correct articulatory structure of sounds and for passive articulatory gymnastics. Children like fairy tales and give positive results. Stories with movements tend to be easier and faster to remember because they rely on the principle of activity. You can tell a story and do exercises at the same time. It is useful for children to repeat the fairy tale during evening classes with the teacher. Such consolidation of material in the afternoon can be an additional correctional task for the development of coherent speech. Complexes of articulation exercises, presented in the form of fairy tales and poems, arouse preschoolers’ interest in the organs of articulation and the development of their mobility. Articulatory tales are easy to adapt to the lexical topic being studied, which makes the presentation of the material harmonious and logical. Examples of articulation fairy tales (author Alexandra Krylova): The Adventure of the Greenfrog and the Pig All people know that on the street you need to walk on the sidewalk, don’t trample on lawns, and don’t pick flowers. But the pig goes anywhere. She tramples grass, flowers, and once almost ran over a small frog (example: “frog”). The frog was so frightened that it stretched out its lips with its proboscis (ex. “proboscis”). All she had time to say was qua qua and jumped out of fear into the open window (ex. “window”). The frog hid in the corner of the room behind a spatula (ex. “scapula”), but the spatula turned out to be sharp and sharp like a needle (ex. "needle") The frog bounced off her and landed right on an ancient clock that hung on the wall and ticked: tick-tock, tick-tock (exercise “clock”). The Greenfrog rode on the clock's pendulum, as if on a swing (ex. "swing"). But then she gathered her strength and jumped out into the street. The frog landed right on the pig, who was lying in a dirty puddle, enjoying herself. The pig squealed and, with a frog on its back, rushed through the flower bed like a racehorse (example: “horse”). This is how the adventure of the frog Greenfinch and the pig ended.

3 A story about Antoshka and Timoshka Once upon a time there lived two brothers Antoshka and Timoshka. They were cheerful, mischievous guys, so they often smiled (smile, with tension, revealing their closed teeth, stretched their lips forward like a tube (ex. “tube”), showed their tongues ( smile, open your mouth slightly, put a wide tongue on your lower lip)) and teased each other (slap the wide tongue with your lips, saying “five five five”). They also loved to show off tricks (ex. “trick”) and show off. “I can drink a hundred cups of tea ((ex. “cup”), eat a hundred bagels (ex. “bagel”)) and not burst,” said Antoshka. “And I,” Timoshka boasted, “can eat a hundred jars of jam (example: “delicious jam”) and stand on one leg all day (smile, open your mouth and suck your wide tongue to the roof of your mouth). But then my mother came into the room and said: “It’s not good to brag, it’s better to put away the toys. Time for business, time for fun. It's time to paint the room, I invited a painter (example: "painter"). After the renovation, the boastful boys helped their mother clean up the room. And then Antoshka took the accordion and began to play it (exercise “accordion”, and Timoshka was swinging on a rocking horse (exercise “horse”). Are you guys helping your mother? Puppies also dream. The little puppy dozed off in the sun, and so what dream did the frog Kuzya (ex. “frog”) and the elephant Bonya (ex. “proboscis”) find and bring to the puppy a bone. Seeing the bone, the puppy opened his mouth (open his mouth wide, stick out his tongue (smile, (open his mouth, put it wide) tongue on the lower lip) and bit it (bite the wide tip of the tongue with your teeth, saying “ta ta ta”)). After all, for a puppy, a bone is like tasty jam for children. a bone first from above, sometimes from below (smile, open your mouth, lift the tip of your tongue over your upper teeth, then lower it over your lower teeth, after eating, the puppy lay down on the lawn and began to imagine how he was sailing with friends on a ship (ex. “steamboat”). ).

4 Suddenly a strange sound was heard nearby. It was a turkey Bip (exercise "turkey"). “Dear turkey Bip, please teach me how to say “bl-bl-bl,” too,” the puppy asked. - Of course, only you will need to train your tongue. First, you need to brush your teeth with a tongue (ex. “let’s brush the upper teeth”, then count them (ex. “let’s count our teeth”)). And then, smile, open your mouth slightly and stroke the sky with the wide tip of your tongue, making movements back and forth, like a painter paints the ceiling with a brush (ex. “painter”). The puppy tried very hard to do the exercises, and he succeeded. The puppy and Bip sang the turkey song together (exercise “turkey”). “How great”! thought the puppy and woke up. These are the wonderful dreams puppies sometimes have. On a visit to Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena One sunny summer day, the cheerful hippopotamus Funtik decided to go to visit his friends Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena. And then he thought: “It’s customary to go on a visit with gifts. I’ll treat my friends to ice cream.” But while he was walking, the ice cream began to melt, and Funtik licked it with his tongue (lick the upper lip with the wide tip of the tongue from top to bottom) and did not notice how he licked it all off. Funtik thought: “I’d rather give them a drum.” But on the way, Funtik drummed so hard (ex. “drum” that the drum broke). Then Funtik decided to give them a horse. But first he wanted to swing on it himself. The funnel swayed so much (exercise “horse” that the horse could not stand it and broke). But our Funtik was not upset. He saw a nice fungus (example: “fungus”), but it turned out to be inedible and Funtik threw it away. And then Funtik guessed that Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena would really like the accordion, because they are so cheerful and love to sing songs. Funtik gave his friends an accordion (exercise “accordion”). Both Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena really liked the gift, they smiled cheerfully (ex. “smile”).

5 Cheerful hedgehog Once upon a time there lived a cheerful hedgehog. Every morning, upon waking up, he brushed his teeth (ex. “let’s brush the upper teeth”), then counted them (ex. “let’s count the teeth”). Having finished his morning routine, the hedgehog went for a walk. The hedgehog rode on a swing (ex. “swing”) and a horse (ex. “horse”). Getting hungry, the hedgehog took a basket and went into the forest. There he found a large mushroom (example: “fungus”), brought it home, fried it and ate it. And he felt so good and happy. The hedgehog took his favorite accordion and played it (ex. "accordion"). Then he wanted to learn to march. The hedgehog took the sticks and hit the drum (ex. “drummer”). But out of nowhere, a small mosquito squealed and bit the hedgehog right on the nose. He probably didn't like the rhythmic drum music. And our hedgehog jumped up and began to run around the clearing until he dipped his nose into cold water. This is the story that happened to the cheerful hedgehog. Other articulation tales can be found in the Appendix "Articulation Tales"

A card file of articulatory gymnastics exercises for all age groups. Prepared by: teacher-speech therapist Skrynnikova Olesya Aleksandrovna, Surgut, 2015 Articulation gymnastics complex (junior group)

Articulatory gymnastics as the basis for correct pronunciation For correct pronunciation, you need a strong, elastic and mobile tongue, lips, and soft palate. All these speech organs are made up of muscles. Necessary

Consultation for parents: “Articulation gymnastics. Basic requirements for conducting" Very often, preschool children experience difficulties in mastering their native speech, although in general their mental

Why is articulation gymnastics needed? It is well known that writing is formed on the basis of spoken language, so deficiencies in oral language can lead to poor performance in school. So that the baby learns

In order for a child to speak correctly, you need to work hard, do articulatory gymnastics, and perform gymnastics correctly. The goal of articulation gymnastics is to develop the correct structure of organs

Consultation for parents Articulation gymnastics at home Correct pronunciation of sounds by children is ensured by good mobility and differentiated work of the articulation organs. Develop clear

The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. Recommendations for conducting articulation

Articulation gymnastics Everyone understands why gymnastics for arms and legs is needed. But why train the tongue, since it’s already “boneless”? In reality, everything is not so simple. The tongue is the main muscle of the speech organs,

Articulatory gymnastics as the basis for correct pronunciation For clear sound pronunciation, strong, elastic and mobile organs of speech are needed: tongue, lips, soft palate. All speech organs are made up of muscles. If

It is necessary to follow a certain sequence from simple exercises to more complex ones. At the initial stage, the exercises are performed at a slow pace and in front of a mirror. Number of repetitions of each exercise

Mouth wider Let's open our mouth wide, Like a hungry hippopotamus. You can’t close it, I’m counting to five. And then we close our mouths: The hippopotamus is resting. (O. Perova) Hippos. Let's show how hippos' mouths are wide

Hippopotamus opened his mouth Smile, showing the upper and lower teeth, open his mouth (the distance between the teeth is 2 fingers of the child) hold in this position for 5 seconds. correct bite position. Maintain position

Articulation gymnastics Dear parents! The joint work of teachers and parents helps prepare the child’s articulatory apparatus for the correct pronunciation of those sounds that he speaks poorly,

Compiled by: Anna Aleksandrovna Batalova, teacher-speech therapist MB preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 195” The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus,

Articulatory gymnastics for correcting sound pronunciation. Exercises for the formation of general articulatory motor skills. Exercises for the facial muscles “Pinocchio” - close your teeth, stretch your lips as much as possible

“FROGS ARE SMILING” “SMILE” (“FENCE”) “ELEPHANT” “PROBOSK”, “TUBE” Goal. Develop the ability to hold your lips in a smile, exposing the lower and upper front teeth. Strengthen the lip muscles and develop their mobility.

Articulation gymnastics teacher speech therapist Krapotkina N.V. Formation of articulatory motor skills An important role in the formation of sound pronunciation is played by clear, precise, coordinated work of articulatory

Articulation gymnastics for preschoolers with pictures Many parents believe that it is very important to engage in physical education for preschool children. Do gymnastics with your child every day

Consultation on the topic “Articulation gymnastics in the daily routine of a preschool educational institution” Prepared by: Teacher of the school preparatory group Trifonova N.A. 2015 Recently, almost all preschool children

Note to parents. The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop correct, complete movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. Conduct

Articulation gymnastics (sets of exercises for individual sounds with supporting pictures and poems)

1. “Smile” (“fence”) Smile without tension, so that the front upper and lower teeth are visible. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Make sure that your lips do not turn inward when you smile. 2. “Tube” (“proboscis”)

Why is articulation gymnastics needed? Very often, children of preschool age experience difficulties in mastering their native speech, although in general their mental development is normal. As a rule, such children

Consultation with speech therapist teacher E.I. Vovchuk Articulation gymnastics with pictures Gymnastics for arms and legs is a familiar and familiar thing to us. It’s clear why we train muscles so that they become dexterous,

Advice from a speech therapist to parents: “How to do articulation gymnastics with your child at home?” To achieve the necessary expected positive results from speech therapy sessions for a child with a speech therapist, it is required

Prepared by: Teacher-speech therapist Bunina Olga Vladimirovna MADOU Nizhnevartovsk DS 90 “Aibolit” MASTER CLASS FOR PARENTS “The Tale of the Cheerful Tongue for Moms and Dads” Purpose: - To introduce parents to articulation

When pronouncing various sounds, each organ participating in the speech act occupies a certain position. In speech, sounds are not pronounced in isolation, but smoothly one after another, and the organs of articulation must

Recommendations for conducting articulation gymnastics. Before you start working with your child, you need to know the following rules: You need to choose a set of exercises to master those sounds that are incorrect

But why train the tongue, since it is already “boneless”? It turns out that the tongue is the main muscle of the speech organs. And for him, like for any muscle, gymnastics is simply necessary. After all, language should be enough

Articulatory gymnastics is one of the main techniques of the correction process. Gymnastics for the arms and legs is a familiar and familiar activity to us. It’s clear why we train muscles - so that they become strong,

ARTICULATING GYMNASTICS AT HOME Recommendations for the exercises: Articulatory gymnasts perform sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, the arms

Let's learn articulatory gymnastics together Correct, well-developed speech is one of the main indicators of a child's readiness for successful learning at school. A child with well-developed speech easily enters

ARTICULATIVE GYMNASTICS The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

We correctly pronounce various sounds thanks to the good mobility of the organs of articulation, which include the tongue, lips, lower jaw, and soft palate. The accuracy, strength and differentiation of these movements

A fairy tale about a cheerful tongue based on the book by V.N. Kostygina “TRU-LA-LA”, Articulatory gymnastics. M.: 2000 WINDOW Once upon a time there lived a cheerful tongue. He woke up early in the morning. He opened the window. Looked left, right. Looked down.

Articulatory gymnastics Prepared by speech therapist teacher: Elena Nikolaevna Khomutskaya Why is articulatory gymnastics needed? An important role in the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds is played by clear, precise,

1 ARTICULATIVE GYMNASTICS FOR WHAT? In order for a child to learn to pronounce complex sounds, his lips and tongue must be strong and flexible, hold the required position for a long time, and easily make multiple

General articulatory gymnastics Articulatory gymnastics is a set of exercises, one of which helps improve the mobility of the articulation organs, others increase the volume and strength of movements, and others develop

Articulatory gymnastics using bioenergoplasty Articulatory gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing strength,

Articulation gymnastics “Clock” Tick tock, tick tock The clock goes like this! Left tick, right tick. The clock goes like this! Description: Open your mouth wide. Slowly move the tongue horizontally from the side

Appendix 1: “Hippos” “Snake” “Watch” “Knead the dough” “Brush your teeth” “Pancakes” “Horse” “Painter” “Sail” “Focus” “Mushroom” “Delicious jam” “Cup” “Woodpecker” “Mosquito” "Start the Engine" "Elephant Frog"

Consultation for parents on the topic: “Articulation gymnastics is the key to correct sound pronunciation.” Why is articulation gymnastics needed? Speech sounds are formed as a result of a complex set of movements

Articulatory gymnastics We pronounce the sounds of our native language correctly and clearly thanks to the good functioning of the articulatory apparatus, its mobility and the differentiated work of various organs. In our

Articulatory gymnastics in verse When pronouncing various sounds, each organ participating in the speech act occupies a certain position. In speech, sounds are not pronounced in isolation,

Master class for preschool teachers Topic: Articulation gymnastics - an effective means of correcting sound pronunciation. The purpose of the master class: to develop practical skills among educators to implement

Prepared by teacher-speech therapist M.M. Fedyashkina *The tongue is a muscular organ that consists of 16 muscles, covered with a mucous membrane. *When a person sleeps, his tongue is still in constant motion,

Consultation for parents. Why is articulation gymnastics needed? Prepared by teacher-speech therapist Smagina O.Yu. Gymnastics for arms and legs is something familiar and familiar to us. It’s clear why we train

Articulatory gymnastics (to help parents) Recommendations for conducting articulatory gymnastics! 1. At the initial stage, the exercises are performed at a slow pace, in front of a mirror. - Number of repetitions

IKB im. Kuvaev Children's Clinic 8 Department of Medical Rehabilitation Articulation gymnastics for making sounds Requirements for articulation gymnastics 1. Sequence of implementation: story

Rusakova Lyubov Vladimirovna, teacher-speech therapist Articulation gymnastics for preschool children. Gymnastics for arms and legs is something familiar and familiar to us. It’s clear why we train muscles so that they become

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 5 "Joy" r.p. Bazarny Karabulak, Saratov region. Master class on articulation gymnastics for parents Speech therapist: Gorlanova

MKDOU Toguchinsky district “Toguchinsky kindergarten 2” “Articulation gymnastics for the purpose of correcting children’s speech” Prepared by: teacher speech therapist N.N. Belusheva December, 2017 How are speech sounds formed? IN

Articulation gymnastics for kids. Is it possible to help a little man develop correct, pure speech? Quite. And not only speech therapists, but also parents can do this. One of the most accessible

Speech therapist teacher: Vinokurova D.V. We correctly pronounce various sounds thanks to good mobility and differentiated work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus: tongue, lower jaw, soft palate,

Articulatory gymnastics for sonorant sounds (R, R, L, L) 1. “Smile Tube” (development of lip mobility). Description: Place the upper teeth on the lower ones, stretch the lips in a smile, showing all the teeth, hold

ARTICULATION GYMNASTICS Organs of the articulatory apparatus For clear articulation, strong, elastic and mobile organs of speech are needed: tongue, lips, soft palate. Articulation is associated with the work of numerous muscles,

Articulatory gymnastics for preschoolers 3-6 years old Teacher-speech therapist Grishchenko Olga Vladislavovna Articulatory gymnastics is a set of special exercises for the development of basic movements of the articulatory organs

CONDUCTING ARTICULATIVE GYMNASTICS Good speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Joy" Master class for preschool teachers Topic: "Formation of correct sound pronunciation in children by means of articulatory gymnastics."

FORMATION OF ARTICULATIVE MOTORS An important role in the formation of sound pronunciation is played by the clear, precise, coordinated work of the articulatory organs, their ability to quickly and smoothly switch

Articulation exercises and methods of performing them Alternating “smile” “tube” “Smile” - we keep our lips in a smile. The teeth are visible. “Tube” - teeth closed. The lips are rounded and slightly extended forward.

Articulation gymnastics. Timely mastery of correct, clear speech is important for the formation of a full-fledged personality. Correct, well-developed speech is one of the main indicators

Articulatory gymnastics “Obedient tongue” L/O/G/O Scroll through slides button View contents button Select exercise button “Fence” Start exercise button Perform exercises for now

Articulatory gymnastics for preschool children What is articulatory gymnastics and why is it needed? Articulation gymnastics is a set of exercises aimed at developing mobility, dexterity and accuracy.

“The role of articulatory gymnastics in the speech development of a child” Already from infancy, the child makes a lot of diverse articulatory-facial movements with his tongue, lips, jaw, accompanying these

Branch 3 of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Verkhneketsky kindergarten" of the Verkhneketsky district of the Tomsk region Abstract of a speech therapy fairy tale on speech development in children with OHP

ARTICULATIVE GYMNASTICS Everyone understands why gymnastics for arms and legs is needed. But why train the tongue, since it’s already “boneless”? In reality, everything is not so simple. The tongue is the main muscle of the speech organs,

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 18" Summary of direct educational activities in the educational field "Speech development" for children of the senior group

Articulation gymnastics “The fish moves its lips” Close and open your lips. Articulation gymnastics “Smile” Stretch your lips to the sides without showing your teeth. (hold until 10). Articulation gymnastics

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Educational Center "Success" ARTICULATION EXERCISES Prepared by: Inna Nikolaevna Grishanova teacher-speech therapist Moscow, Troitsk 2016

“WHY ARTICULATIVE GYMNASTICS IS NEEDED.” It is well known that writing is formed on the basis of spoken language, so deficiencies in oral language can lead to poor performance in school. An important role in the formation

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