Library and Information Center. Monitoring the supply and mechanisms for purchasing textbooks for educational organizations in the Perm region

Calculation of indicators for educational expenses Decrees of the Government of the Perm Territory dated October 7, 2013, dated September 25, 2015 732-p “On approval of calculated indicators for budget expenditures of the Perm Territory...” In accordance with paragraph 9 of part 3 of Article 28 of the Federal Law of 29 December 2012 273-F3 “On Education in the Russian Federation” the determination of the list of educational literature necessary for mastering the educational program, including teaching aids, falls within the competence of the educational organization FMZ rub. Including for textbooks, rub. FMZ rub. Including for textbooks, rub. village I Determined by educational organizations II III city I II III

Monitoring of the book educational fund of school libraries, the “Bibliologist” system Users of the system: Librarians and other specialists of educational organizations; Methodists - specialists of territorial education departments Specialists of the Ministry of Education of the Perm Territory Operator - IRO PC, address - create and maintain an up-to-date database of OO textbooks have access to a variety of parameters describing the OO base (number of textbooks, their distribution among FPU points, number of subjects and etc.) automatically generate a request for the purchase of textbooks, based on the real needs of the organization. Possibilities of using the “Bibliologist” system for an educational institution

Monitoring parameter Value at the end of the previous monitoring Value at the end of the current monitoring Dynamics Actual number of textbook copies purchased, pcs Actual amount spent for the purchase of textbook copies, rubles Actual available number of textbook copies, pcs Percentage of textbook provision Available reserve of textbooks, pcs Textbook supply for NGOs of the Perm region

Group 1 - territories that have a sufficient number of textbooks and are striving to replenish the fund Municipality Value at the end of the previous monitoring Value at the end of the current monitoring Dynamics of the % provision of textbooks 1. Yurlinsky Kudymkarsky Zvezdny Krasnovishersky Kuedinsky Kizelovsky Gremyachinsky Cherdynsky Okhansky

Group 2 – territories that have an insufficient supply of textbooks at the end of school. year and took measures to provide textbooks by the beginning of the year. Municipality Value at the end of the previous monitoring Value at the end of the current monitoring Dynamics of % provision of textbooks 1. Osinsky Berezovsky Ilyinsky Gornozavodsky Karagaisky Aleksandrovsky Dobryansky Kungursky Perm Perm

Group 3 – territories with an insufficient supply of textbooks at the end of school. years, showing dynamics in the provision of textbooks, but did not fulfill the requirements of the Law on Education in the Russian Federation Municipality Value at the end of the previous monitoring Value at the end of the current monitoring Dynamics of % provision of textbooks 1. Krasnokamsky Kochevsky Berezniki Solikamsk Lysva Chusovskoy Chernushinsky

Group 4 – territories that have an insufficient supply of textbooks at the end of school. years and not taking measures to solve the problem Municipality Value at the end of the previous monitoring Value at the end of the current monitoring Dynamics (% provision of textbooks) 1. Chastinsky 85 0

Group 5 – territories with a sufficient stock of textbooks at the end of school. years, but received negative dynamics in the supply of textbooks Municipality Value at the end of the previous monitoring Value at the end of the current monitoring Dynamics of % provision of textbooks 1. Gainsky Uinsky Kishertsky Kudymkar Usolsky Suksunsky Bolshesosnovsky Sivinsky Yusvensky Kungur Ordinsky Elovsky Kosinsky Bardymsky Solikamsky Ochersky Vereshchaginsky

Group 6 – territories with an insufficient supply of textbooks at the end of school. years and showed negative dynamics Municipality Value at the end of the previous monitoring Value at the end of the current monitoring Dynamics of % provision of textbooks 1. Nytvensky Tchaikovsky Gubakha Oktyabrsky

Problems identified by the results of monitoring the provision of textbooks in September-October 2015: Lack of control over filling out monitoring forms Territory of Registered Institutions Data published Data not published 1. Kuedinsky 2012 (60%)8 (40%) 2. Sivinsky 148 (57%) 6 (43%) 3. Bardymsky 1712 (71%) 5 (29%) 4. Tchaikovsky 2520 (80%) 5 (20%) 5. Kungur 1411 (79%) 3 (21%) 6. Chernushinsky 2320 (87 %)3 (13%) 7.Gremyachinsky 64 (67%)2 (33%) 8.Kizelovsky 108 (80%)2 (20%) 9.Perm (99%)2 (1%) 10.Bolshesnovsky 1211 ( 92%)1 (8%) 11.Karagaisky 1514 (93%)1 (7%) 12.Vereshchaginsky 2019 (95%)1 (5%) 13.Nytvensky 2019 (95%)1 (5%) 14.Alexandrovsky 109 (90%)1 (10%) 15. Yurlinsky 109 (90%)1 (10%)

Purchase of OO textbooks excluded from the FP of textbooks (in particular, the Balass publishing house - the School 2100 system) Monitoring parameter Value at the end of the current monitoring Actual number of copies of the textbook purchased, pcs Actual amount spent for the purchase of copies of the textbook, rubles Actual number of copies of the textbook Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 29, 2014 “On the federal list of textbooks” Organizations have the right for 5 years to use previously purchased textbooks recommended (approved) for use for the 2013/14 academic year (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2012 . N 1067). Thus, if the main program involves the use of textbooks not included in the federal list, then you can complete the study of the subject using those purchased before this list came into force

Information on the purchase of textbooks excluded from the FPU, by territory Municipality Actual number of copies of the textbook purchased, pcs. Amount actually spent to purchase copies of the textbook, rub. 1. Perm Berezniki Kudymkar Kungur Solikamsk Aleksandrovsky Berezovsky Gornozavodsky Karagaisky Krasnovishersky Kasnokamsky Kungursky 8240 Municipality Actual number of copies of the textbook purchased, pcs. Amount actually spent to purchase copies of the textbook, rub. 13. Nytvensky Oktyabrsky Ordinsky Osinsky Perm Sivinsky Solikamsky Tchaikovsky Chastinsky Cherdynsky Chernushinsky

The regulatory framework for the purchase of textbooks Part 7 of Article 18 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” has been approved. The procedure for the formation of a federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education; Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 5, 2013 N 1047 “On approval of the Procedure for the formation of a federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education” (as amended from) ; order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 253 “On approval of the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education”; letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; dated April 29, 2014 “On the federal list of textbooks”; order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2009 N 729 “On approval of the list of organizations publishing textbooks that are allowed for use in the educational process in those with state accreditation and educational institutions implementing educational programs of general education" (as amended, approved. Order of January 13, 2011 No. 2); letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2015 “On the direction of recommendations” (standard for security in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard).

Activities aimed at creating conditions for providing educational organizations of the Perm region with textbooks in 2016. Fair “Education and Career” Seminars, webinars held jointly with publishing houses: November 18, 2015 “Implementation of the requirements of the historical and cultural standard in a single educational and methodological complex : content aspects and methodological features. Electronic form of the textbook as a new tool for organizing a modern history lesson" (Publishing house "Drofa") November 24, 2015 "Topical issues of control and assessment activities in primary school in the light of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO" (Publishing house "VENTANA-GRAF") December 08, 2015 Webinar “MK on the history of Russia (grades 6-10) in preparation for the final certification of grades 9 and 11” (Publishing house “Drofa”) December 09, 2015 Webinar “Formation of educational instruction in history lessons using textbooks on the history of Russia (Publishing house “ Bustard")

Timing for monitoring the supply of textbooks 1. March 2016 - planned purchases 2. June 2016 - actual purchases (readiness for the academic year) 3. October supply of textbooks in the school. year

Proposals for the purchase of textbooks from the publishing houses “Vlados” and “Russkoe Slovo” in 2016: Conditions: Maintaining the cost of textbooks when ordering in 2015 Directing a centralized order for the Perm Territory based on applications from public organizations Stages: 1. Sending an information letter with attached price lists of publishing houses 2. Preparation of an application for textbooks from public organizations and sending it to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory (deadline - until December 11, 2015) 3. Transfer of a consolidated application from the Perm Territory to publishing houses 4. Preparation by publishing houses of state contracts with each public organization (deadline - until December 31 2015) 5. Delivery of textbooks before August 20, 2016 with an agreed payment schedule

The basis of every library is its collection. The library fund for children is a unique phenomenon. The children's library collection is collected in public mass libraries, and in scientific and special ones. There are currently 4.4 thousand children's libraries operating on the territory of the Russian Federation. The main contingent of subscribers are schoolchildren. The largest libraries have collected hundreds of thousands of volumes in their collections. Up to two and a half thousand books, dozens of magazines and newspapers, and hundreds of multimedia documents are published annually for children in our country.

School library collections have much in common with children's library collections. They are united by contingent and goals. However, the children's library is an organic part of the school; With its funds, it primarily performs an educational and auxiliary function, helping students master the fundamentals of science, offering them a wide selection of books to help with the curriculum and extra-curricular reading, and offering the teaching staff reference and information, educational, methodological and scientific-pedagogical literature.

Throughout the academic year, the school library coordinates the information work of readers and provides educational and methodological literature from the library’s collections. Maximum access to information and cultural values ​​is achieved through the use of library and information resources of the library on various media. As it becomes available, an information fund is formed, additional literature is selected according to the individual requests of readers, which contributes to the developmental function of the school library. A library environment focused on nurturing cultural and civic awareness helps develop students' creative potential in extracurricular activities. Information work at the subscription and in the reading room takes place in the form of providing reference literature, conducting reviews of new acquisitions during class hours and extracurricular activities, and compiling recommended literature lists for new acquisitions. School libraries also provide services based on the introduction of information technology and computerization of library and information processes.

The purpose of the school library is to contribute to the implementation of the main directions of the school’s work throughout the school year and the development of individual talent for self-determination, based on the socio-pedagogical opportunities of additional education. The collections of school libraries must satisfy the needs of the student, both in the literature necessary for the learning process, and in fiction and additional scientific literature. Satisfy the needs of the teaching staff for teaching materials and manuals. acquisition of children's library collection

School libraries are experiencing great difficulty in stocking. New books do not arrive systematically, in a limited assortment and in small quantities. Another problem in stocking a school library is the fact that the library receives literature in the quality and quantity determined by the Ministry of Education, and cannot order exactly the literature they need. There is a big shortage in school libraries of reference books, encyclopedic publications, popular science literature for students, and pedagogical literature for teachers.

School libraries are trying to introduce technical advances into their work, and the collection of a modern school library includes not only printed materials, but also non-traditional types of publications stored on electronic media. Global and local computer networks are also widely used in school libraries.

Libraries of educational institutions, as a rule, have basic textbooks from the Federal List, which limits the choice of teachers and students and makes it difficult to implement variable curricula and elective courses. Subscribers to school libraries are not only students, but also the entire team of teachers and methodologists. Libraries control and direct the process of working with textbooks.

For a school library, the most important thing is to complete the fund of programmatic works of art for high school students, and literature for additional reading for a child fades into the background, and is more related to the problems of stocking children's libraries. It is very difficult for philologists to conduct literature lessons without a work, given that many students willingly get acquainted with the publication in full. School library collections are extremely underfunded. In most regions, according to many studies, the stocking of school libraries looks deplorable, if they are stocked at all.

Sociological research has found that many people are only familiar with the school library. She remained the first and only for them. A student's first acquaintance with the school library occurs in the first or second grade. Often, this is where the student’s communication with libraries ends.

The problem of stocking the school library requires an urgent solution. School libraries are actively looking for ways to solve the funding problem, looking for sources of funding outside the budget. The problem of stocking a school library is known to everyone and is partially solved through gifts from parents, school guests, authors and publishers. Library staff try exhibitions and events to attract others to their problem. If this method does not turn into an extortion, but is carried out on a voluntary basis, it is also educational and patriotic in nature.

Students are involved in solving the problem of acquiring a children's library collection. Subbotniks are held to collect waste paper. In this way, the library can usually receive very small amounts and, accordingly, a small supply of new books. In most such cases, the library barely covers the acute shortage of reference publications or subscribes to several periodicals for children, based on the considerations that children's periodicals are cheaper than new children's books, if we keep in mind the price-quantity ratio.

As a result of such volunteer work to collect waste paper, new publications appear in the school library stock, without material costs. It is also necessary to note the educational value - the child feels proud of the benefits brought, interest in the library and self-esteem increases. Publications that are not suitable due to their condition or content are handed over as waste paper; as a result, the library receives, although not a lot of money, but the opportunity to replenish the fund with the necessary publication.

School libraries are trying in every possible way to provide students with textbooks and manuals, literature necessary for a full-fledged learning process. As for the textbook stock, exchange between city schools and issuance for temporary use are actively used. The exchange method is very common, since the free library has the opportunity to to some extent satisfy students with the necessary publications. Exchange of textbooks, as a rule, only partially alleviates the problem of shortage of textbooks. It happens that a textbook is in short supply, or vice versa - the school lacks copies of the textbook, which was only in its fund, and it is impossible to get it in exchange or on loan. Nevertheless, some part of the problem can be solved in this way. But the problem of transporting books arises, and if the school cannot find a car, then these trips fall on the shoulders of librarians.

Great efforts are being made to bring the actual appearance of the library collection to the desired one that students need, which today should include (in addition to the usual printed resources) e-books, audiobooks, open source software, streaming media, disks, digital video and much more. is expanding.

School libraries, as well as children's libraries in general, are trying to independently overcome the problem of lack of funding to complete the collection. He is looking for solutions in every possible way. Involves students, graduates, parents of students, teachers and the public in solving the problem. They turn to public organizations in order to convey their problems to the masses. As sad as it sounds, all the efforts made are not enough to solve the problems with stocking school libraries, and parents of students are forced to partially independently provide their children with textbooks and the necessary teaching materials. Teachers and educators, in turn, purchase materials to conduct a full-fledged learning process.

Head of the Department of Professional Development of Teachers, IRO PK

Instructions for entering statistical data from monitoring the book educational collection of school libraries

I.Entrance to the Cabinet.

We go to the resource at www. edulib. iro. perm. ru

In order to enter the Account, you must enter your login and password. If your organization registered on the site last year, but you forgot your login and password, use the “Remember Password” service. To do this, click on the appropriate link under the login and password entry fields:

If you have forgotten your login (the system did not find it in the registered database), please call technical support at . ATTENTION!!! There is no need to re-register your organization! Registration will only be approved for unregistered organizations!!! We go into the account by entering the Login-Password specified during registration in the authorization field. We get to the Personal Account.

The work of entering information consists of three stages:

Stage of formation of the Institution’s textbook base; The stage of entering information about each textbook from the Institution’s database. Publication of data.

II. Entering statistical data.

1. Stage of formation of the Institution’s textbook database

Attention! To begin with, it is recommended to review the existing databases. To do this, go to the menu item Data for monitoring-Edit OU database . If no new textbook titles have been received, and all the necessary textbooks are already in the database, then we skip the Stage of forming the Institution’s textbook database. they are available

Click on the item Data for Monitoring, then point by point Add a textbook to the OU database . A search form has appeared for the textbook you are interested in in the general database of textbooks.


Attention! If you simply click on the Search button without selecting any of the fields, the system will display a complete list of textbooks in the Database.

Attention! There is no need to fill in all the fields, one or two are enough, for example, Author of the textbook.

If the textbook you are interested in is in the list, click the button Add to OU database , if the textbook you need is missing, search again.

Comment. The most convenient way to search is by the name of the author of the textbook.

Repeating steps 1-3, create a database of textbooks for your institution. To edit the Institution's textbook database, click on the menu item Edit the database of OU textbooks. Repeat step 2.

To remove a textbook from the institution’s database, click on the button Remove from database to the right of the textbook title.

2. Stage of entering information about textbooks.

Click on the item Data for Monitoring, then point by point Edit the database of OU textbooks

Enter the search parameters you need and click the button Search . The system will display a list of textbooks that meet the search criteria.

Attention!!! Ongoing monitoring is carried out ONLY for textbooks available at your school BASIC in general education subjects. Having selected the desired textbook for which you need to enter credentials, click on the button Statistics. The form for entering monitoring data for the selected textbook is loaded.

If data were entered for this textbook in 2015 (previous monitoring), then this data will be displayed in column No. 3. Attention!!! Editable fields are marked with buttons And + . By clicking on the buttons, enter the required values ​​for the edited fields. The values ​​of the remaining fields will be calculated automatically. Attention!!!. Fields “The number of copies of the textbook actually purchased within the framework of the purchase plan of the previous monitoring” And « The actual amount spent for the purchase of copies of the textbook within the framework of the purchase plan of the previous monitoring" for ongoing monitoring NOT FILLED IN, they will be active in the next (autumn) monitoring. Attention!!! Fields 9-14 are active only for textbooks whose coverage percentage is less than 100% Attention!!! To enter a value in a field « Average cost of a copy of a textbook, rubles" You must refer to the price lists of textbook publishers (suppliers). The necessary links will be posted on the site. When you have finished entering, click on the button Save

Repeat steps 2-11 for all textbooks from your institution's Database.

3. Stage of publication of data for the reporting period.

Click on the item Reporting periods , further – Current reporting period . The page will present the time frame allocated for monitoring in this reporting period.

To save the data and report it to higher authorities, click on the button Publish data for the reporting period.

Library and Information Center

"Through reading good books, raise an honest, kind person,

smart, hardworking, a true patriot of his homeland"

During the school year, the school library develops in students the need for constant self-education, fosters responsibility, and pays attention to the promotion of literature to help school programs. It also develops and supports in children the habit and joy of reading and learning, the need to use the library throughout the entire school period.The school library is the first information center for our students. This is where the skills of independent search, critical evaluation and comparison of information obtained from various sources are acquired: both traditional (books, magazines, newspapers) and non-traditional.

The school library operates according to a plan approved by the school administration. The main activities of the library are:ensuring the educational process and self-education through library information and bibliographic services for students and teachers;training readers in the use of books and other media, search, selection and ability to evaluate information;formation of aesthetic, environmental culture and interest in a healthy lifestyle.

Goals school library work:

1.Creation of a unified information and educational space of the educational institution; organizing comprehensive library and information services for all categories of users, ensuring their free and safe access to information, knowledge, ideas, and cultural values

2. Nurturing civic consciousness, assistance in the socialization of students, development of their creative abilities

3. Organization of systematic reading.

Based on these goals and guided by the Laws of the Russian Federation “On Librarianship”, “Regulations on the School Library”, the following tasks were set for the school library: tasks:

Providing the educational process with teaching aids, working to preserve the fund;

Training readers in the skills of independent use of all library library resources;

Improving traditional and mastering new library technologies.

Individual work is carried out with students, differentiated service to library users has improved, the book collection is being organized taking into account changing reader interests, and the most complete and rapid access to information resources is provided.Throughout the school year, students' reading activity is analyzed.When surveying elementary school students, it turned out that children are more interested in watching cartoons or playing on the computer than reading books. Preference is given only to entertainment magazines, computer and TV.The same picture is observed in high schools, where preference is given to the computer. In grades 5-8 these are games and a small percentage of computer use for preparing reports and messages. In addition to games, grades 9-11 use a computer both to prepare messages in lessons and to read program fiction in an abbreviated form.

I would like to note that, despite such quality indicators, there are still many children who enjoy going to the library and reading books. Primary schoolchildren are very fond of the periodicals “Murzilka”, “Children’s Encyclopedia”, “Funny Pictures”, “In the Animal World”, “Young Naturalist” and others. Extracurricular activities carried out in the reading room of the school library play a significant role in promoting the book.

Quiet Reading Hours are held throughout the school year when the class is invited to the library for a reading lesson. In this library lesson, students can choose a book to read, and in some lessons the librarian reads a book aloud to discuss it with students.

Reader Services

Reader services in the school library are carried out according to a plan approved by the school administration. The work is carried out taking into account the sections of the school-wide plan. The main activities of the library are:

Ensuring the educational process and self-education through library information and bibliographic services for students and teachers;

Teaching readers how to use books and other media, search, select and evaluate information;

Formation of aesthetic, environmental culture and interest in a healthy lifestyle.

The library systematically maintains a “Work Diary”, which takes into account information about the number and composition of readers, the volume of issued publications and their distribution among library classification departments.

In order to prevent the safety of textbooks, the librarian conducts conversations with school students. Primary school teachers provide great assistance in preserving and caring for textbooks. Raids are systematically carried out to ensure the safety of textbooks among middle-level students.At the end of the school year, textbooks are handed over to grades according to schedule.

Basic forms of individual service

    conversation when registering for the library,

    conversation when issuing documents,

    conversation about what you read;

    analysis of reader forms,

Conversations about books read are held systematically. Recommendation conversations are also held when choosing a book, mainly for elementary school students, to help in choosing an interesting book (depending on the students’ age, reading technique, interest, etc.). After such conversations, the children read with great interest and ask for help in choosing books. In addition, all library events include conversations about books and reviews on the topic of the event. When preparing library lessons, assignments are given to read books on the topic of the lesson. Technology provides great assistance in conducting library lessons. This is a computer through which interesting information is found, and a search for illustrations via the Internet to create presentations, which allows you to talk interestingly about writers and books. Using a multimedia device, cartoons based on the works of children's writers are shown, then these works are read, then a discussion takes place and a comparative analysis is carried out, which is more interesting: a book or a cartoon. Most often, children came to the conclusion that the book was more interesting than the cartoon.

The most important activity of the library is disclosure of the fund through exhibitions.

The library organizes various exhibitions both for anniversaries and significant dates, as well as for various months. There are also permanent book exhibitions, which are regularly updated with newly received literature:

When selecting material for these exhibitions, the librarian tries to tell not only the history of the holiday, provide interesting facts, but also offer literature from the exhibition and talk with readers. Particular attention is paid to exhibitions dedicated to anniversaries. Readers are offered a short biography of the writer, his books are exhibited, and quizzes are held. During the year, the following events were held for library users:

  • “Library, book, me - together a friendly family” - introducing first-graders to books and the library;
  • Exhibition dedicated to the 185th anniversary of the birth of L.N. Tolstoy “I tried to write for the people”;
  • Exhibition dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of B.V. Zakhodera “My Imagination”;
  • Exhibition for Animal Protection Day “This buzzing, crawling, flying world”;
  • Exhibition dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of V.P. Krapivin “Tales about ships, wings, or on a visit to V.P. Krapivin”;
  • Exhibition for the Day of National Unity “Sons of the Fatherland who liberated Russia”;
  • Exhibition dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the birth of N.N. Nosov “Entertainers and Dreamers of N. Nosov”;
  • Loud reading in the library reading room - “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”;
  • Loud reading in the library reading room - “The Scarlet Flower”;
  • Exhibition dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of A. Solzhenitsyn “Solzhenitsyn: thinker, historian, artist”;
  • Exhibition and presentation for the 110th anniversary of A.P. Gaidar “Honour, banner, truth...”;
  • Exhibition for the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Leningrad “The Saved World Remembers”;
  • Exhibition dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of V.P. Chkalov “Moscow - North Pole - Vancouver”;
  • Class hour for Defenders of the Fatherland Day “And they carried courage like a banner”;
  • Opening of Children's Book Week with a theatrical performance “Book for Joy and Reading”;
  • Quiz “Let's read together, let's play together” based on the stories of V. Bianchi;
  • Literary hour “I know that my name will be happier than me” for the 205th anniversary of the birth of N.V. Gogol;
  • Exhibition for Aviation Day “I like the way he said: “Let’s go!”
  • Exhibition for the Day of Slavic Literature “The Origins of Russian Literature”;
  • Library lesson “When a writer draws a book himself,” etc.

All events conducted by the library are aimed at literary, historical, and tolerant education of schoolchildren, promoting patriotic, moral, aesthetic education, and forming an attractive image of books and reading. After such events, visits to the library and the lending of literature increased. Reading aloud, quizzes, literary and musical compositions, and literature reviews continue to be popular today.

Environmental education of schoolchildren is also one of the areas of work of the school library. Working with books about nature and its protection, one always sees rich educational and cognitive potential.

Legal education - an important area in the work of a school library. It is aimed at students’ ability to defend and know their rights and responsibilities, respect others, and use the capabilities of the state’s legal system. During the academic year, book exhibitions “With the Law on “You”” and a conversation “The Law is One for All” are held.

Moral education - This is a process that contributes to the formation of moral feelings (conscience, duty, responsibility, citizenship, patriotism), moral character (patience, mercy), moral position, moral behavior. We educate and develop all this through the following activities:“Life is worth living”, “Teenager to teenager about the dangers of alcohol”, “Smoking is the main threat to health”, drug addiction: problem and solutions (a series of events using ICT).

Work with the library collection is carried out throughout the academic year.

To ensure accounting when working with the fund, the following documentation is maintained:

  • book of summary accounting of the library collection;
  • book of summary accounting of the educational fund;
  • inventory books;
  • folder “Acts for write-off”;
  • textbook accounting file;
  • invoices for textbooks by grade;
  • logbook for the issuance of textbooks by grade;
  • reader forms.

The fund is arranged according to the LBC tables. Entries in documents are made in a timely and accurate manner. Outdated and unusable literature is written off in a timely manner.The issue of books on subscription is recorded - from 1st to 11th grade - in special reader forms, and is reflected in the Library Diary.

Fiction Foundationis in the public domain of readers. The library is stocked with popular science, reference, industry, and fiction literature for children:

Primary school age (grades 1-4);
middle school age (grades 5 - 8);
senior school age (grades 9 - 11);
periodicals taking into account modern tasks of the educational process, as well as textbooks and teaching aids.

The arrangement is carried out by age groups (grades 1-4; grades 5-8, grades 9-11) in accordance with the LBC tables for school libraries.Literature for students in grades 1-4 is arranged according to thematic headings: “My native Stavropol region”, “Memory scorched by war”, “For a living planet”, “Our children’s favorite writers”, “Books for all times”. Valuable literature, as well as books available in a single copy, are arranged on a separate shelf for use in the reading room.

The textbook fund is located in the book depository. The arrangement is made by class. As new textbooks arrive, the textbook file is updated and edited.

Orders are being placed for textbooks for the next academic year. The leaders of the Moscow Region and the school administration, the head, participate in the formation of the order. school library.

In order to prevent the safety of textbooks, the librarian conducts conversations with child readers on loan, and with class teachers during class hours. Raids are systematically carried out to ensure the safety of textbooks. At the end of the school year, textbooks are handed over by grade according to schedule. The school website contains a “List of Textbooks”.

The results of the fund's movement are summed up. Certificates are compiled on educational and methodological support for the school's educational process.

The received books are processed and processed: they are registered, recorded in the CSU, and stamped. A notebook for issuing textbooks is maintained.

Work is underway to preserve the fund: particularly valuable publications (dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books) are stored on a separate shelf. Once every six months, the librarian checks the safety of the book collection. Once a month, readers' forms are checked in order to control the timely return of issued books to the library, and appropriate work is carried out with debtors. In case of loss of library books, readers will compensate for the damage. The library has a reading room where students work with valuable publications.

Throughout the year, the school library provides assistance to teachers and class teachers in holding public events and classroom hours. A selection of literature, scripts, poems is made; book exhibitions are being organized.

The library promotes reading. Tries to achieve systematic reading, instills interest in periodicals, and works with the active readership.

Information for students

Rules for using the library.pdf

Review of books for teenagers.pdf

Recommended list of books about the Great Patriotic War.pdf

Recommendation list for children 7-9 years old.pdf

Recommended reading list for middle school children..pdf

Appeal to parents and students regarding the safety of textbooks.pdf

Documents regulating the work of the library of a general education institution


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