Chekhov, analysis of the work, thick and thin, plan.

Analysis of the work

The genre of the work “Thick and Thin” is a story. It displays the distinctive features of Chekhov's style: capacity, conciseness, expressive details, rapid development of the plot, brevity and precision of language.

Even at the very beginning of his creative career, Chekhov wrote not just funny or amusing stories, his work shows the life of ordinary people, with their joys and tragedies. He describes all this with his usual humor. Without inventing anything unrealizable, Chekhov seems to hold up a mirror to his contemporaries, hoping that “those who have eyes will see.” Such is the story “Thick and Thin”.

From the very first lines, the writer gives a succinct description of his characters - “thick” and “thin”. This seems to be a characteristic of their social status. And since Chekhov tells us about Russia in those times when society was ruled by veneration and a rigid social hierarchy that determined human behavior, such a description is really enough, and even names are not important.

Chekhov using his subtle

humor, makes fun of people who grovel before a position. In the story, the image of the “little man” evokes laughter, pity and even a feeling of disgust. It is noteworthy that it is these people, uncritically accepting social norms, who humiliate themselves, voluntarily taking the position of “small”.

The plot is the meeting of Tolstoy and Tonkoy at the station. Development is communication between friends, they each talk about their lives. Climax - Thin learns that Tolstoy has risen to “the rank of Privy Councilor.” Denouement - Tolstoy is annoyed that Thin is groveling before him.


1. Two friends meet at the station.

2. Conversation of school friends.

3. Change in Thin’s behavior after he found out what position Tolstoy holds.

4. Annoyed, Tolstoy leaves. Thin and his family are pleasantly surprised by the meeting.


  • thick and thin analysis
  • Chekhov thick and thin analysis
  • story analysis thick and thin
  • Analysis of the work thick and thin
  • thick and thin chekhov analysis

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Literature lesson in 6th grade

Topic: "Analysis of A.P. Chekhov's story "Thick and Thin"

Objective of the lesson: development of the following universal educational actions in students through a system of productive tasks for the study of literary text

Planned results:

Cognitive -analysis of an epic work (summarize, prove, draw conclusions, make logically sound judgments),

Semantic reading of the text (with highlighting factual, semantic, subtextual information)

Communication-expression of one’s opinion in an educational monologue, dialogue, polylogue, arguing it, confirming it with text facts

Conscious use of speech means in accordance with the communication situation and the communicative task

Personal -reasonably evaluate the actions of literary heroes, based on universal moral values

Be aware of your character traits, interests, goals, positions, your ideological choices in relation to the actions of literary heroes

Tasks: introduce the personality of A.P. Chekhov according to the memoirs of his contemporaries; practice the skills of expressive reading of a literary work by role (dramatization); reveal the concept of “humor” in the stories of A.P. Chekhov.

Technologies : technology for developing critical thinking

Lesson progress

1. Introductory speech by the teacher and setting the goal of the lesson.

A.P. Chekhov is a great master of artistic expression. He is a master, because he can say a lot with a word, a detail, a remark, a stroke. He makes us laugh and sad at the same time. Chekhov's laughter, kind and cheerful, sometimes becomes ironic and sad. Analyzing the story “Thick and Thin,” we will draw a conclusion about what makes A.P. Chekhov laugh and be sad, identify ways to create a comic situation, examine the writer’s artistic expression, and draw up a psychological portrait of our heroes.

The story “Thick and Thin” is humorous, but it doesn’t make me laugh, it makes me sad. Why? Maybe because when I try to mentally imagine a meeting with one of my classmates in twenty years, I am very afraid that it will be similar to the meeting of Chekhov’s heroes.

Two former classmates met at the Nikolaevskaya railway station. I am sure that A.P. Chekhov spied this scene in life. Meeting classmates is a common occurrence.. And because this often happens in real life, it becomes very sad. A.P. Chekhov’s story was written in the 19th century, but the content its forever. Why? We must come to this by becoming familiar with the content of the story.

III. Working with the textbook

(Reading the story “Thick and Thin” by role.)What mood did you feel after reading it? (sadness, sadness, pity, regret)

Before you begin reading by role, pay attention to the following points. At the beginning of the story, as in a theater poster, Chekhov introduces the characters.

By what means of literary reading does the actor show the author’s attitude towards the characters in the work? (This is intonation, timbre of voice, rhythm of speech, strength and emotional coloring of sound.)

In the episode of the meeting of former classmates, the phrase is heard: “Both were pleasantly stunned,” and at the end (finale) of the story: “All three were pleasantly stunned.”

In what case does the phrase convey the real state of the characters, and in what case does it convey the author’s irony? Why? (Sample answer.“Both were pleasantly stunned” conveys the real state of the two heroes, who were truly delighted to meet; the phrase in the finale is the author’s irony towards a subtle, groveling friend who has reached a high position.)

"Challenge" stage

Work in pairs.

Drawing up “thick and thin” questions and discussing them.

What questions caused admiration or difficulty?

Examples of “thick and thin” questions:

Stage "Comprehension"

Work on the content of the work and compiling a table.

Thick and Thin. Let's find synonyms for this opposition. (Poor and Rich)

Could the story be called “Poor and Rich”? Why is the name chosen by A.P. Chekhov the best?

Fizminutka 1). Imagine yourself as the heroes of the story, var. 1. - these are “thin”, and 2 vars are “thick”. Using facial expressions and gestures, try to portray the joy of your meeting.

1 var utters the exclamation of the fat man: “Porfiry, is that you?”

2 var. laughs like the thin one in the first part: “Ho-ho-ho”

Let's say you are staging a play or a movie based on a given story, and selecting actors to play the main characters. What tasks will you set for yourself in finding actors, what instructions will you give them? To become a director, you must present to the actors your vision of the hero, and be able to draw up a psychological portrait.

- How do you understand the expression “psychological portrait”?

What else, besides describing the appearance of the lit. hero, it can include?

Psychological portrait of a literary hero

(facial features, behavior (intonation, voice strength, vocabulary)

Look, figure,

Pose, facial expressions,

Gestures, clothes)

And now we must reveal how, and by what means, a psychological portrait is created in Chekhov’s story “The Thick and the Thin.” To do this, we will visit the workshop of a word artist and try to comprehend the stylistic features of the story.

Psychological portrait of heroes (approximate table, which will be compiled after analyzing the content of the questions)


Thin traits:

In relation to fat: humiliation, deference, servility, willingness to humiliate oneself, self-abasement, veneration of rank, groveling, ingratiation, fear of power. Servility.

In relation to yourself: Complete lack of self-esteem.

Questions and tasks for studying the text:

  • Can we say that the work is based on opposition?
  • How does Chekhov describe Tolstoy? What do the description details say?(independent, rich, happy with life).
  • What details are most significant in describing the subtle? Working with the word “laden.” What do the description details say?(poor, insecure person)
  • What feelings do the characters experience when they meet?
  • How is the speech of the subtle different?
  • Determine the climax of the work.
  • What does the word “petrified” mean? What visual means does Chekhov use to create this situation?(metaphor)
  • Why didn’t the fat man object and leave?
  • What human qualities does Chekhov ridicule in the story?(stupidity, cowardice, insincerity, veneration, etc.)
  • What is the idea of ​​the work?(exposing sycophancy, servility, servility)

Methods of humorous storytelling:

1) surprise; 2) inconsistency; 3) hyperbole.

Let's try to find surprise and inconsistency in the text of Chekhov's story.

(The very development of the situation is unexpected: a meeting of two school friends, opposed to each other in size, one of whom, having learned about the rank of his friend, instantly transforms)

Inconsistencies: the speech of the subtle one does not correspond to the situation in any way. For some reason, he repeats several times that his wife is a Lutheran, and begins to tell how much he sells cigarette cases. The friends' delight at the meeting does not correspond to the childhood memories that Porfiry talks about.
We see an excellent example of inconsistency when we return to the paragraph describing the transformation of the subtle: “... his face was twisted in all directions with the broadest smile; it seemed as if sparks were falling from his face and eyes.” The face is distorted by something sour (later we read about “respectful acid”), when we talk about a wide smile, it usually sounds like this: “... his face broke into a smile.” Sparks usually fly from hitting your forehead against something, and it can be painful. The face twisted into a smile - an exceptionally accurate characteristic not so much of the subtle facial expressions as of his double-mindedness, duplicity.

Hyperbole: “The friends kissed each other three times and looked at each other with eyes full of tears,” “the fat one asked, looking enthusiastically at his friend,” “The wife’s long chin became even longer...”, “The thin one shook three fingers, bowed with his whole body and giggled like a Chinese: “Hee-hee-hee.”

3. Summing up. Reflection stage. Compiling a syncwine.

Option 1 – Thick

Option 2 – Thin

1 line (topic) – noun (or word as a noun)

Line 2 (description of the topic in a nutshell) – adjectives.

Line 3 (description of an action within this topic in three words) – verbs.

Line 5 (synonym for the first noun) – one word, on a philosophical generalized or emotional-figurative level, repeating the essence of the topic.


1) Write a story in 1st person about a meeting with a former classmate, told by a fat man.

2) Depict the heroes of the story in the form of fruits, vegetables or any objects or animals, reflecting not only their appearance, but also their internal state.

Making marks.

Lesson topic: “A.P. Chekhov. The story "Thick and Thin"

Purpose of the lesson: acquaintance with the work of A.P. Chekhov.

Tasks: give the concept of heroes - antipodes;

repeat literary terms: satire, humor, pseudonym, story;

develop the ability to analyze a work of art based on text;

to cultivate positive qualities in children using the examples of literary heroes and the lives of writers.

Equipment: books with the story “Thick and Thin”, handout cards for work, notebooks, PC, presentation.

Lesson progress.

I. Class organization.

I would like to begin today’s lesson with the following words: “..He is an incomparable artist. YES, yes, exactly: incomparable... Artist of life. And the dignity of his work is that it is understandable and akin to not only every Russian, but every person in general. And this is the main thing... He took from life what he saw... and if he took something, he conveyed it amazingly figuratively and clearly to the last detail.”

Who do you think these words are about?

That's right, this is all said about the great talent of Russian literature - A.P. Chekhov.

Today you have to get acquainted with his life and work. You yourself will try to discover the writer’s work by working in 3 groups, completing the tasks I suggested, and analyzing the work.

Red - “I’m not in the mood to work, it will be difficult for me to work with the teacher today”; blue – “I want to work, I will try, but I’m not sure that everything will succeed”; green – “I am committed to work, I will work at full capacity. I want to know and learn new things.”

(colors - stripes on the table in front of each child; meanings on the poster, on the board.

I am glad that you are ready to work with me, I wish you success.

II. Learning new material.

1. Prepare short stories about the life and work of A.P. Chekhov, using materials:

Group 1: Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was born on January 29, 1860 in Taganrog. The writer's grandfather and father were serfs. Grandfather, a capable and strong-willed man, managed to redeem himself and his family from serfdom. The father was the owner of a grocery store.

But in 1867, business began to deteriorate, the shop was closed, and the family moved to Moscow. Anton stayed in Taganrog with his brother Ivan. The future writer studied at the gymnasium and at the same time earned a living by giving private lessons.

Group 2: In 1879, Chekhov graduated from high school, moved to his family in Moscow and entered Moscow University at the Faculty of Medicine, from which he graduated in 1884.

The first publication of his works took place at the beginning of 1880 in the magazine “Dragonfly”. He further collaborates in the magazines: “Alarm Clock”, “Spectator”, “Cricket”, “Russian Satirical Leaflet”. His stories were called talented: “Chameleon”, “Death of an Official”, “Horse Name”, “Intruder”.

Group 3: These are his early stories, and then he writes a lot of plays for production on the stages of various theaters. The plays were successful not only in Russia, but also abroad. Chekhov became famous during his lifetime. He was considered “Pushkin in prose.” He was always sincere in his works. The language of his works is amazing.

However, he lived a short life; in 1904, the writer passed away.

One person from the group answers.

    The answers are the stories of the groups.

    Conversation on reading:

Which work by A.P. Did you read Chekhov at home?

What genre is this work?

What is a story?

(Find the definition in task No. 2 of the handout).

How do you find the story: funny, sad, funny and sad at the same time?

In literature there are concepts: humor and satire. Let's deal with them. (task No. 2 R/M).

What is humor?

What is satire?

Remember: we said: “laughter can be good” and “laughter can be evil”?

How does this relate to the concepts of humor and satire?

At the end of the lesson we will have to draw a conclusion: is this a humorous story or a satirical one?

Tell me again, what is the name of the story?

What technique did Chekhov use in the title?

What is antithesis?

(Find the definition in task No. 2)

    Determine which character this description is about:

Group 1: A) “... I had just had lunch at the station, and his lips, coated with oil, shone like ripe cherries. He smelled of sherry and orange blossom.”

Group 2: B) “I just got out of the carriage and was loaded down with suitcases, bundles and cardboard boxes. He smelled like ham and coffee grounds.”

Group 3: B) “I serve, my dear!” I have been a collegiate assessor for the second year now and I have Stanislav...”

Is there an antithesis in these passages? Where? Give examples.

(R/M task 3)

5. " Learn something new!»

When heroes are depicted as you call them now, they are called antipodean heroes.

What are heroes - antipodes?

Find out in task No. 4. R/M.

- Antipodes are heroes opposed to each other in a work.

Write the definition in your notebook.

6. Working with text.

Group 1: A) A pleasant and unexpected meeting. Prove it with text.

Group 2: B) Talk about life. Changes in the behavior of heroes. Prove it with text.

Group 3: B) Parting of “friends”. The behavior of the heroes. Prove it with text.

7. Which of the heroes would you attribute the following characteristics to?

A) “- the habit of bending one’s neck in front of the authorities;

Instinct of lackeyness;


B) “- sincerely glad to meet you, it doesn’t matter to him who his friend is;

The important thing for him is that this is a childhood friend;

Dear memories of the past."

8 . Vocabulary work.

Chekhov is a master of words. The words he uses help convey the era depicted and the character of the heroes. Do you agree with this? Let's prove it. Let's complete task 6.

- Read and tell us what the new words mean:

Lutheran– a follower of Lutheranism (Lutheranism is the largest branch of Protestantism, based on the teachings of Luther).

Orange blossom– tincture from the flowers of the orange tree (orange is a citrus tree, as well as a juicy aromatic fruit), used as eau de toilette.

Department- department of a ministry, a higher government institution.

Nobleman- a noble and wealthy dignitary, that is, a major official occupying a high position.

Sherry- a variety of strong grape wine.

Dushunok- a sweet, pleasant person.

    Checking the completion of individual tasks.

- Match the words and their meanings with arrows:

Nikolaevskaya railway A person who loves to dress up

smartly dressed, dandy

State-owned Military or civilian uniform

Dandy Respect for elders in rank

official position

Uniform The first railway between

Moscow and St. Petersburg

Reverence State

Awe Deepest respect

- Individual task.

Find an explanation for each verb from A.P.’s story. Chekhov's "Thick and Thin".

9. “Are you an attentive reader!”

Group 1: A)

What was the thin one's name?

What was the fat man's name?

Thin One's wife's name?

The name of the thin son?

Nickname for the thin one in the gymnasium?

Tolstoy's nickname in high school?

Group 2: B) - Who is Herostratus?

Why and why was Tolstoy teased so much at school?

Group 3: B) – Who is Ephialtes?

Why did the thin one get such a nickname?

10. Let's conclude:

Satirical or humorous work?

What does the story make fun of?

III. Homework: prepare for extracurricular reading: Chekhov’s “Death of an Official,” role-based reading.

IV. Lesson summary.

Any story by A.P. Chekhov is being raised. Chekhov said: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, and his thoughts.” For this, a person must cultivate good qualities for himself. In a letter to brother Nikolai, they wrote what it means to be “well-mannered people.” Choose what is most important from your point of view:

Well-mannered people (from a letter from A.P. Chekhov to his brother Nikolai)

    “They respect the human personality, and therefore are always condescending, gentle, polite, accommodating...”

    “They are not only compassionate towards beggars and cats. They are sick at heart."

    “They respect other people’s property, and therefore pay their debts.”

    “They are sincere and fear lies like fire.”

    “They do not humiliate themselves for the purpose of arousing sympathy from others.”

    "They are not vain."

    “If they have talent in them, they respect it.

    “They cultivate aesthetics in themselves.”

Reflection - Choose what you think about today's lesson.

 During the lesson I worked actively / passively

 I am satisfied/dissatisfied with my work in class

 The lesson seemed short/long for me

 I wasn’t tired / tired during the lesson

 My mood has become better / has become worse

 The lesson material was clear/not clear to me


interesting / boring easy

In Chekhov's work “Thick and Thin,” analysis is impossible without certain knowledge about the era in which the writer lived and worked. In the 6th grade, students are not yet sufficiently familiar with the work of A.P. Chekhov, and in literature lessons they may need additional information when analyzing the work. All the necessary information is contained in our article: composition, theme and idea, plot and genre, history of creation and criticism.

Brief Analysis

Year of writing– 1883.

History of creation- the story was written at the end of the 19th century “on the topic of the day”, touches on the most pressing problems of society. The plot is taken by the writer from a situation or history of his immediate surroundings, rethought and artistically reworked.

Subject– servility, veneration of rank, slavish thinking and worldview.

Composition– Chekhov’s “Thick and Thin” has a classic composition with a small peculiarity: the beginning and development of events are more voluminous, the climax and denouement are laconic, dynamic and especially expressive.

Genre- story.

Direction– critical realism.

History of creation

In 1883, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote the story “Thick and Thin.” The very title of the work gives a hint of facelessness, and therefore the generalization of the images of the main characters. What served as the basis for the plot is not known for certain, perhaps an incident from the life of the writer or an anecdotal situation told in literary circles. It is important that the realism of the plot is well founded. Chekhov, as a doctor, saw all the ills of his contemporary society and tried to reveal and make public the problems, thereby curing people of the most terrible vices.

It is known that in the draft version, the fat one was the direct boss of the thin one and accidentally offended him. In the final version, the former childhood friends are not connected by official relations, but the thin one fawns over the fat one “out of habit,” and not out of necessity. Critics received the story positively; it was favorably received and noted as a worthy “artistic reflection of the vices of society.” The title of the story is built on an antithesis; antonym-adjectives express the absolute opposite of the heroes of the work not only physically, but also spiritually. Theme and idea in the story are interconnected and almost identical: the slave living in each of us must be defeated by ourselves. This, according to literary scholars, is the essence of Chekhov’s work.


Analysis of the work allows us to draw the following conclusions: the author conventionally designates a society of “thin” and “thick”. “Subtle” ones subserviently to high ranks, this is their usual system of relations with the world, they cannot imagine any other interaction with people. The essence of their life is to divide people into higher and lower.

“Fat” people are used to living simply and easily, without looking at others, without noticing ranks and positions, they see people. Life has been too kind to them and has nurtured a healthy relationship with society. Chekhov emphasizes that once both main characters were children, they lived carefree and were equal to each other. They played pranks, had fun and had the same opportunities in society.

It was the service hierarchy that made the subtle person a morally “unsound” person. And he raised his child and instilled in his wife his servile views. To understand what the story teaches, it is enough to pay attention to the ending of the story. Main idea- to cause disgust for servility and servility as the lowest ideology in the world. A logical conclusion arises: all people are different, but self-esteem is the basis of personality.


The composition of the story is traditional for the small genre. Analysis of the text “Thick and Thin” in terms of compositional structure is simple, but has a number of significant points.

The peculiarity of the composition is that the beginning and development of events occupy most of the volume of the narrative, and the climax and denouement are dynamic, like a shot.

The entire work is based on opposition, and not only the images of the main characters. If at the beginning the author talks about Tolstoy’s delicious breakfast, then at the end he dryly comments on the character’s condition (the expression on Tolstoy’s face made him vomit). The work is based on a dialogue between two comrades interspersed with descriptions of the characters’ facial expressions. Occasionally, images of Thin's wife and son appear, who change their behavior in accordance with new facts that emerge during the conversation.

Main characters


A Chekhov story is more than a standard short text with one plot line. It was Anton Pavlovich who made this genre legendary. In addition, Chekhov’s story is a surprisingly instructive genre, morality is always on the surface, there is no hidden meaning. To understand the work, just read the text.

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