Man is not only a biological being, but also... Prove that man is not only a biological but also a social being

Man is a social being and only in society can he realize himself. A person’s life in itself is social, because he has to constantly interact with people both at home and at work. Actually, when he lives and develops in a social environment, and social factors play a huge role in his development.

What makes a person a social being?

Man emerged from the animal world thanks to the main social factors - work and collective activity, communication, speech and thinking, as well as morality. But it was labor that played the main role in the development of man. Collective work led to close relationships between team members, and then to group interaction, including concern for others. All this created a need for communication; speech appeared, which contributed to the development of thinking. And thinking made it possible to enrich speech with new words. Thanks to language, accumulated experience was passed on from generation to generation, multiplying and preserving human knowledge.

A person initially possesses specific human qualities, but it is society that completely introduces him into this world, filling his behavior with social content. As a result of active language acquisition, upbringing, training, and mastering cultural values ​​throughout life, conscious mental phenomena are formed.

Only a person is characterized by social characteristics that he owes to society:

  • tool production activity,
  • consciousness and ability to think,
  • social needs (communication, friendship, affection, love),
  • (morality, religion, art),
  • creativity, creation,
  • social and political activities,
  • activities that allow us to transform the world around us,
  • practical understanding of one’s activities.

The acquisition of social qualities by a person is carried out in the process socialization. This means that the traits inherent in a particular personality are the result of mastering cultural values ​​characteristic of a particular society, and at the same time the embodiment of the internal capabilities of the individual.

Man is inseparable from society, and society itself is what the people who form it are. Society acts as an expression, design and consolidation of the inner human essence, the way of its life. A person exists as a person solely thanks to society, in it he is formed and through his activities shapes the society in which he lives.

When a person mastered the culture of making tools, arranging homes and reproducing food, he began to depend on upbringing and social conditions. Actually, the formation of inherent human qualities outside human society has become impossible.

Thanks to upbringing, traditions, technical, scientific and cultural information, a person is enriched by the experience of many people who lived before him. This is how a special form of connection arises between generations - continuity, as a result of which the experience accumulated over a specific human life does not disappear along with the person, but joins the universal culture.

The value of a person for society is determined by his socially significant qualities, which together characterize him as a person, but one can only become a person in society. An example of the fact that a person as an individual cannot exist outside of human society is children - Mowgli. Having ended up in animal communities for several years for various reasons, they returned to people, but it took them years to adapt to this social environment.

Man, like any other biological species, was formed in the process of evolution and is the result of the interconnected action of its driving forces. He came out of nature and remains part of it. The human body develops according to laws common to all living beings. To maintain viability, it needs food and oxygen. Like all living organisms, it undergoes changes, grows, ages and dies. The process of reproduction in humans proceeds similarly to this process in living nature, and the basis for the transmission of characteristics of a species by inheritance are genetic patterns that are universal for all living things.

However, the human body is not yet a person in the social sense. A child completely isolated from other people will not learn to speak, his thinking will not develop. A person becomes a person only when he develops and lives in a social environment. This indicates that man, as a qualitatively new phenomenon in nature, the only species on Earth, has gone beyond the limits of biological evolution. However, the role of society in the life of higher vertebrates cannot be underestimated. Predator cubs, separated from their parents, cannot learn to hunt. The social environment and family play a huge role in the training of animals, and social factors play an even greater role in the development of the human psyche.

A person develops a special form of communication between generations, not related to genetic mechanisms - the continuity of traditions, culture, science, knowledge. All this became possible thanks to the development of abstract thinking, speech, and work activity. The experience accumulated by a person in his individual life does not disappear with him, but flows into universal human culture.

In the first stages of anthropogenesis, natural selection was of decisive importance. Under its influence, the morphological features of the organization of the human type (brain, hands, upright posture) were formed. At the same time, first there was a selection of individuals more capable of making primitive tools for obtaining food and protecting from enemies. Then selection expanded its scope, its object became not only individual individuals, but also better organized entire groups (families or several families) and even entire tribes.

Having mastered the culture of making perfect tools, reproducing food, and arranging homes, man isolated himself from unfavorable climatic factors to such an extent that he escaped the strict control of natural selection and became largely dependent on social conditions and upbringing. Outside human society, the very formation of specific human qualities has become impossible. Thanks to education and the transfer of various scientific, cultural, and technical information, a person receives what was conquered by his ancestors and is enriched by the experience of millions of people who lived before him.

Thus, the formation of man is, first of all, the formation of society. Anthropogenesis is inseparable from sociogenesis; together they constitute a single process of formation of man and society - anthroposociogenesis, in which the leading side is sociogenesis.

the signs that we inherited from our parents are called....... . The signs that distinguish us from animals are called....... . Without... a person cannot

reveal your ability to show talent. Man differs from animals in that he is not only a child......... but also........

The world around us: The traits that we inherited from our parents are called ____________. Signs that distinguish us from animals

are called____________________. Without________ a person cannot reveal his abilities or show his talent. Man differs from animals in that he is not only a child of _______________, but also of __________.

give a translation of this text into the Tatar language (Since ancient times, man and nature have been closely interconnected. Having proclaimed himself the king among all living beings,

man has forgotten that he himself is a part of nature, the crown of its creation. And instead of gratitude, he continues to behave very aggressively. It's no secret how harmful human activity is affecting the world around us today. A blasphemous, consumerist attitude towards the treasures of the planet can have truly catastrophic consequences. Huge areas of forests are cut down every year, but forests are the lungs of the planet, and their destruction leads to a decrease and sometimes to the disappearance of various species of animals and plants.
Tons of waste are dumped into the water, and it is dangerous not only to drink, but even just to swim in it. The air is poisoned by the exhaust of millions of cars and toxic emissions from factories. There is such smog over the cities that at night it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the stars in the sky. It is a consolation that there are still ecologically clean areas untouched by “civilization”; these are nature reserves. Man forgets that the reserves in the bowels of the planet will one day run out, and continues to predatoryly extract minerals. And this despite the fact that scientists have long been talking about the possibility of using the energy of the sun, wind, tides. It seems that everyone has forgotten that man cannot exist outside of nature. After all, he lives on the earth, eats its fruits, breathes air, drinks water. And yet he cares so little about preserving his habitat! I would like to remember that in ancient times people treated nature very carefully. We can judge this from the fairy tales, myths, legends, songs, proverbs and sayings that have come down to us. It is very important that modern children have the opportunity to join this treasury. And I believe that family and school play a leading role in this. In childhood, parents introduce the child to the environment, teach them to treat it with care, and take care of animals and plants.
We need to remember how much joy the world around us gives us: a blossoming bud, the rustle of rain, the shine of the sun, the greenness of foliage, and how can you not love and cherish it?)

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