What will happen to the earth in 10 years? Supersonic aircraft will appear

People have always been interested in what the future will be like. The answers are quite simple, and below we look at the next 50 years.

How can we know what the future will be like?

To understand the future, you need to know the past. What brought us to the present and what has changed over time. The world has changed a lot over the past 150 years, but people's basic needs remain the same as they were 150 years ago. This is food, sleep, procreation, the desire to be respected and loved. Will this change in the next 150 years? No.

What discoveries have changed the world over the past 150 years?

Let's forget for a moment about the gadgets that people use for entertainment and list those that really affect our daily lives: telephone, electricity, radio, television, computer, cars and the ability to communicate via the Internet. Of course, people have made a huge number of discoveries that have made our lives easier, for example, in the field of medicine, the production of faster transport, etc.

In general, the discoveries of the last 150 years have encouraged people to strive for freedom, communication, control over time and the world. Since there is still much to be done in this area, it will remain the focus of attention for at least another 150 years.

But why do we need to predict the future?

Forecasting the future is important for two reasons; firstly, we need to start thinking about what kind of future we want for ourselves and our descendants, and secondly, we need to know what decisions to make today so that they will give the best result in the future.

Will there be flying cars in the future like we've all seen in pictures and movies?

Flying cars are an example of a future scenario that has been described by writers and screenwriters for a long time. It's a great and exciting idea, but is it realistic? First, we must understand whether we need this? Weigh the advantages and disadvantages". Then we need to think about the current transport system, the cars moving on the ground and the transition to a new type of system. To make this a reality, we need two parallel systems: a transport system for flying cars, running simultaneously with a regular transport system. Even if flying cars are suitable for urban traffic, huge investments will be required from cities to implement this idea, and for citizens the purchase of a flying vehicle will be ruinous. And even if there are more advantages, in practice it will be very difficult to cope with all the problems that arise. So in the next 50 years, a road system for flying cars may not appear.

Now let's talk about virtual worlds. In the future, will we need to travel somewhere for weekends or vacations, or will we be able to enjoy virtual travel?

Perhaps in the future we will be able to feel the sand between our toes, feel the ocean salt on our lips, hear the sound of the surf and smell the seaweed while lying in our bed at home. However, we cannot fool the mind. No matter how real the sensations are, you will still realize that it is not real. That's the whole difference. You can tell someone now that you saw the Egyptian pyramids because you saw them in pictures, but you will never have the feeling that you actually saw them in person. So even if such an invention is possible and affordable, it will never replace the real feeling of traveling.

So what will the future be like?

In the next 50 years we will see a transition from an oil-dependent society; more developed medical field; first steps towards the creation of artificial intelligence; continued space exploration; perhaps improving the living conditions of low-income people; problems with climate change and new discoveries that will make life a little easier and more interesting.

So what can we do to make our future great?

So, as you know, the winner in life is not the person who has the most money at the time of death, but the one who sleeps peacefully at night. Someone who treats themselves and those around them well, listens, loves, respects, and helps others when they need it. That's what will matter when you go to bed in 50 years, and hopefully you'll sleep soundly.

10 years is an insignificantly small period of time on the scale of the Universe. Which, by the way, is about 13.75 billion years old, according to generally accepted opinion. However, even such a small amount of time may be enough to restore order on Earth. With the general desire of the authorities and society, of course. And, as you know, there are about 7.3 billion people living on the planet. And despite the fact that the topic of the Earth and its future contains a huge number of nuances, many continue to worry about the question of what will happen to our world in 10 years.


We all see very well what has been happening on the planet in the last few years politically and socially. The issue of destroying a large terrorist organization, which is strictly prohibited in the Russian Federation and in many other civilized states, is especially acute now.

Relations between countries, sanctions, establishing contacts with the United States - this, in turn, is for the most part of interest to residents of the Russian Federation. Especially the last one. Many are worried about the relationship between the major powers - the United States and Russia. There were even jokes around the world that it was not so much the residents of this country as the citizens of the Russian Federation who were more worried about the outcome of the elections in America.


However, all these worries are understandable. After all, diplomatic relations aimed at maintaining friendly contact, peace and security between states were established between the United States and Russia a very long time ago - in 1807. And no one wants two major powers to be at odds, even if only behind the scenes.

Of course, it is difficult to judge what will happen in the political arena in 10 years. There are good forecasts, but there are also extremely pessimistic comments (people, unfortunately, are accustomed to the bad). But, if you believe the primary sources, which are directly the presidents of the powers, a global “reset” of relations between states is planned, and in a positive direction. Nothing gets done quickly, so we just have to wait.


No less pressing is the question of what will happen to society in 10 years. In this case, most forecasts are also negative. There are countless reasons.

Firstly, the number of early pregnancies is increasing, which, as we know, happen unplanned and not out of love. Consequence: young parents without education and work, who have not taken a worthy place in society, with a child to whom they cannot give anything. The result: the number of members of society who do not have the opportunity to realize themselves is growing. Accordingly, the lower class expands.

Secondly, every day our world becomes more and more modern. This is good, but people forget what it means to work and develop. Take, for example, the same children. They master the computer before they begin to speak normally, practically do not read, and become educated too early in topics that are not appropriate for their age. Of course, this is not exactly what happens in all cases. It all depends on the parents. But this has already been discussed above.

Thirdly, labor is gradually being automated. Many are sure that the future of the planet lies with cars. A significant component of society opposes this statement. Time will tell how it will be. But the fact that modern inventions have made our life more comfortable is a fact that reassures us.

Specific forecasts

Now we can move on to the topic of Strategic Forecasting. This is an intelligence and analytical company from the United States that has been making forecasts for the future for more than 20 years. And we already have something for the near future.

What will happen in 10 years on the international political arena? If Strategic Forecasting is to be believed, the White House will make more restrained decisions regarding global issues. Analysts believe that US resources will also weaken.

Stagnation is predicted for Germany. Stagnation of production, difficulties in trade, an increase in the number of unemployed, a decrease in wages and the general standard of living - all this, according to Strategic Forecasting, awaits one of the most developed countries in Europe and the world. It's hard to believe. However, what will happen in 10 years is still unknown. Maybe the predictions will come true.

By the way, China will also face similar problems. It is possible that the number of problems will increase due to the uneven development of regions.

Possible prospects

If you believe the forecasts of Strategic Forecasting, then in 10 years Europe will be split into 4 parts. There will be the British Isles, Scandinavia, and Eastern and Western Europe. Analysts believe that formally the “cradle of ancient civilizations” will remain united. However, political and economic integrity is not in sight.

Analysts, predicting the future of the planet, also assure that close cooperation between the United States and Turkey is not excluded. Seems strange? Not at all, this will be facilitated by the chaos reigning in the Arab world, which, by the way, does not plan to subside in the near future.

Analysts did not deprive Poland of their attention either. The future of this country in 10 years, in their opinion, will be more than successful. We will be able to see rapid economic growth, which will give Poland the opportunity to become one of the leading countries in Europe. And Japan, in turn, will take a leading position among the maritime powers in Asia. If Strategic Forecasting's forecasts come true, our planet will look very interesting in 10 years.

Strategic Forecasting about Russia

Naturally, the notorious analytical company did not ignore our country in its forecasts. What will happen to Russia in the near future, according to researchers?

The main forecast is political disintegration, which is the disintegration of a single whole into several parts. And to be more precise, a change in the form of government. And this is always a lot of stress. Especially for such a huge state as the Russian Federation. And, according to Strategic Forecasting, this process will become the main cause of the crisis of the next decade.

But these are not all assumptions regarding what will happen to Russia in the near future. Analysts suggest that the former Soviet republics, which have maintained strong ties with our country, will overestimate their relations with the Russian Federation. Belarus is already demonstrating a warming of its position towards the West. Armenia, in turn, questioned good relations with the Russian Federation after a new outbreak of armed conflict with Azerbaijan over Analysts note that the confrontation escalated, most likely, because the Russian Federation was at that moment dealing with conflicts in Syria and Ukraine.

Water resources

Well, it’s worth taking a break from politics and moving on to an equally pressing problem. The environment is now in an extremely deplorable situation. And the blame, again, lies with the people. Numerous deforestation, construction of factories that emit harmful substances into the atmosphere, water pollution... The list of problems can be endless. And, given the enormity of what is happening, what will our planet be like in 10 years?

The forecasts are disappointing. In the coming years, the situation can still be kept under control. In 10 years, more than half of the countries will experience water shortages that are more than serious. And in 25 years, the entire Middle East will face a global crisis. It will turn out to be so large-scale that the phrase “catastrophic thirst” is more suitable.

Not long ago, the UN said that by 2030, humanity's need for drinking liquid will exceed existing supplies by 40%. The main reasons lie in the intensive growth of the population (what demographic problems are we talking about?) and the decrease in underground resources.

About natural phenomena

A group of scientists from the UK, conducting research under the leadership of Andy Challinor, also made disappointing conclusions regarding ecology. The Earth in 10 years, in their opinion, may face global warming. And the process will begin in Africa. A rapid deterioration in fertility indicators is coming. For a country like Africa, this phrase is not just a bad forecast. This is a sentence that threatens hunger.

Sharp climatic changes instantly affect the harvest. According to scientists, corn will be the first to suffer. And this will happen in the near future - in 2 years. Then the problem will affect other varieties of cereals. Scientists propose to start creating new types of nutritious plants. But this is, to put it mildly, a slow process. But global warming is just around the corner. But, fortunately, this is just an assumption, albeit one that has some basis.


This global problem also needs to be mentioned. No one would be wrong if they call it the largest. Above is an image showing two photographs of the Earth taken by NASA from space. And it’s visually noticeable how bad things are now.

The world will look even worse in 10 years. Over the past 8,000 years (also a short period, by the standards of the Universe), half of the forests that existed on the planet were destroyed! Those that remain are 22% natural ecological systems. All others have been changed. By whom? Naturally, a person.

Society must understand: the process of destroying trees is the most pressing problem today. After all, deforestation affects the climatic, social, economic and environmental characteristics of life. Biodiversity is disappearing, river water content is decreasing (a reference to the above-mentioned problem), and the greenhouse effect is increasing. Humanity uses wood resources irrationally. And in 10 years a real environmental disaster could happen.


Well, it doesn't hurt to talk about the good stuff. About medicine, for example. Man has come a long way in this area. In 10 years, clinical practice will change as doctors become much more proficient in technology to help transform their own biology to protect against aging and disease.

In addition, the method of producing induced stem cells is now being improved. And some are even confident that in the near future people will be treated based on their genome. That is, when a person submits his DNA for analysis, he will receive individual treatment, which involves taking into account all his specific characteristics. And these prospects are encouraging.

Energy revolution

Raymond Kurzweil, a famous American inventor and futurist, is confident that in 10-15 years, all the needs of humanity will be satisfied by solar energy. It has already been proven that every 2 years the total number of watts generated by solar panels increases. And if humanity can use at least part of solar energy, then everything will work out.

This success will lead to a food revolution. When energy in our world is cheap, the process of desalination and water purification will accelerate. And it won't be as expensive as before. This will gradually solve the problem of drinking water throughout the world.

And, of course, such success will be reflected in the development of agriculture. Futurologists are confident that soon fruits and vegetables will be grown by artificial intelligence, and in a hydroponic way. Moreover, Kurzweil believes that meat will literally be “grown in vitro.” This is, of course, a long way off, but I would like to believe in such prospects.


The last thing I would like to talk about is computers. In 10 years they will become tens of thousands of times more powerful. This can be stated with confidence. Just remember what computers were like 10 years ago! What about laptops? To date, the thinnest model is the HP Specter, 10.3 mm thick. And computer monitors 10 years ago were 30 times thicker (and this is not a figurative value).

What can we say about phones! Almost every month some new product is released, shocking with its abundance of functions, incredible photo quality and the presence of artificial intelligence (assistant). So, perhaps, the field of technology is the most difficult in terms of forecasting for the distant future. By the standards of the Universe, 10 years is a moment. And on the scale of technology - an eternity.

In 2045, the world we know today will be completely different. Predicting the future is nearly impossible, but when it comes to scientific facts or technological advances, DARPA folks are the best people to ask.

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is a well-known US agency for advanced defense research and development. Founded in 1958, it has behind it some of the largest discoveries related to weapons issues. Many of the agency's developments subsequently spilled over into the civilian industry. These are, for example, advanced robotics, GPS navigation systems and the Internet.

In general terms, the picture of the future is as follows: there is a possibility that thanks to robots the industry will completely change, unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) will appear not only in military aviation, but also in civil aviation, and self-driving cars (those without drivers) will make our way to work is more tolerable.

In addition to all this, scientists from DARPA have several more grandiose assumptions. They share their thoughts about what awaits our planet in 30 years in a video called Forward to the Future. Below are some excerpts from this video, as well as the video itself in English.

Dr. Justin Sanchez, a neuroscientist and one of the DARPA scientists, believes that in the future we will be able to control things simply by using the power of thought:

Imagine a world where you could mentally control everything that happens around you. Just imagine being able to control various devices in your home or communicate with your friends and family simply by using brain impulses.

To date, DARPA already has some innovative developments that confirm Sanchez’s words. For example, brain cells that control prosthetic arms. This study involved a man who had been paralyzed for over ten years. It was thanks to the futuristic prosthetic hand that he was able to “feel” physical touch.

Stephanie Tompkins, a geologist and head of one of DARPA's research divisions, believes that in the future it will be possible to produce incredibly strong, but at the same time very light things. For example, skyscrapers made of carbon fiber. This material is much more reliable than steel, very rigid and durable, but has much less weight. This is direct evidence that things become much more complex at the molecular level.

“I think we'll have a very different relationship with machines in 2045,” says Pam Melroy, a space engineer and former astronaut with DARPA. She is confident that we will find a time when it will be enough to simply verbally explain to the machine what you want from it, or press a single button, instead of using a keyboard or basic voice identification systems.

Today, in order to land an airplane, a pilot will need to perform a certain sequence of actions: check the navigation systems, adjust the brake throttles, pull the handle to lower the landing gear, and so on. All of these steps must be completed in the correct order for a successful landing.

Instead, according to Melroy, in the near future, in order to land, it will be enough to say just two words: “Start landing,” and the computer itself will sequentially carry out a series of necessary steps. And who knows, maybe then a pilot won’t be needed at all.

Bold assumptions about the near future are made not only by DARPA employees, but also by some other scientists. Ian Pearson has some very interesting ideas. You might think that this is just another boring report in the style of “augmented reality and artificial intelligence will become an integral part of people’s daily lives, flying cars will fill all the roads, and gadgets will be super smart and super thin.” But no, everything is much more interesting.

Ian Pearson

Doctor of Science and researcher, knowledgeable in many branches of science: from aeronautics to cybernetics. He writes articles, gives lectures and provides advice on technological innovations that await us in the near future. Below are some of his assumptions regarding what cities and transport will be like by 2045.

Below are seven of the most interesting speculations about the future of cities.

1. Buildings will be controlled by artificial intelligence (“Hello, construction version of Siri!”)


Residents will have the opportunity to "" with the building and formulate a request, for example, in order to change the temperature in the room.


With land prices as high as they are now, supertall buildings will be transformed in such a way that they can function as mini cities. That is, they will have floors intended for offices, apartments, recreation and entertainment.


In the second part of the film, Marty's house was equipped with a virtual reality window that could show anything. Presumably, by 2045, buildings will not have windows, because they will be replaced with just such screens. This will greatly help in building economy-class housing very cheaply and quickly.


This is much like the solar panels we have today. But unlike them, a special material made from nanoparticles can be sprayed onto various surfaces. Such surfaces will be able to absorb and convert sunlight into energy.


The light will accompany you as you move around the apartment. You can also adjust the amount of lighting that is sufficient for you. Some such developments already exist. For example, Ario is a lamp that mimics the natural light of the sun to help improve the user's health.

6. Builders will use exoskeletons to carry heavy loads without harm to health


Not only Robert Downey Jr., but also ordinary builders will be able to boast of Iron Man. Thanks to such an exoskeleton, an ordinary person will be able to perform many actions that he would not normally be able to do, such as lifting significant loads. In addition, it provides additional protection against damage.

7. Robots will work at dangerous sites


There are suggestions that in the future robots will work alongside people on various projects. They will replace a person in those places where the danger of an explosion or collapse is most likely.

What will transport be like in 2045?

The transport industry, unlike all others, is developing relatively slowly. Without a doubt, trains have changed significantly since their invention. But in fact, we still use old, albeit modified forms of transportation. However, we are likely to see more changes in transportation over the next 30 years than we have seen in the previous 100 years.

Below are some of the boldest assumptions.


In fact, it will be possible to travel at speeds of more than 800 kilometers per hour.


The prototype was already presented in 2014 during the festival in Vienna. It is difficult to name the exact date of appearance of these cars, but we can say that they already exist.


By 2045, there could be buildings built from super-strong carbon-based materials. The height of the buildings will reach 30–40 kilometers. These giant skyscrapers will make it possible to build spaceports. Nowadays, installing launch pads on top of high-rise buildings seems implausible, but thanks to innovative materials this could well become a reality.

SuperJet International/flickr.com

The aircraft industry will continue to evolve over the next 30 years. Everything will be done to make planes fly faster. Eliminating windows will help increase speed. Augmented reality will allow them to be completely replaced.

5. Supersonic aircraft will appear


The opportunity to fly on an airplane will appear by 2040, although it will only be available to very wealthy people. The US Patent Office has actually approved an Airbus project that will be able to transport people from London to New York in just one hour.

These are the forecasts for the near future. Looks like 2045 will be pretty good.

People have not stopped developing. Although many of the changes that occur to a person are invisible, over time many of them will manifest themselves in full force.

We are still subject to natural selection, despite the development of modern medicine and technology.

What features will we have in the distant future, based on current trends? Here are the 10 biggest changes that could happen in a few hundred thousand years.

1. Race mixing

The development of modern transportation and communications means that fewer and fewer people remain isolated from others. Race mixing is increasingly occurring between representatives whose ancestors came from different parts of our planet.

As a result, genetic differences between people begin to disappear, and racial differences become less noticeable. In other words, people of the future will be even more similar to each other.

2. Weakened immunity

As people become more dependent on medications for survival, our immune systems begin to weaken.

People of the future will more susceptible to pathogens. Modern medical technology and the discovery of antibiotics have improved our health and life expectancy, but have meant that our immune systems have to work less hard to stay healthy.

From a biological perspective, our immune system is no longer as essential as it once was and we will be even more dependent on medical technology.

3. Muscle atrophy

Evolution gets rid of those traits that are no longer needed. One candidate for elimination in this sense is physical strength. People no longer have to rely on strong muscles to perform labor-intensive tasks. We are increasingly dependent on technology to do this work for us. Research has already shown that we much weaker than our distant relatives, and in the future, perhaps, we will become even more frail.

In addition, if we begin to explore more and more other places in space, then most likely we will lose most of our muscle mass. Cosmonauts who had been on a long space flight returned to Earth having lost 40 percent of their ability to perform physical work.

4. Tall

Human height has increased rapidly over the past two centuries. Only in the last 150 years, people have become on average 10 cm taller. The main reason for this is believed to be the abundance of food available to us.

The more a child eats, the more energy he has to grow. As long as humans are able to eat in abundance, we will continue to grow even taller. Evolution will show whether there is a limit to our growth.

5. Little hair

People are already called hairless monkeys. However, like all mammals, we have hair, but there is much less of it than those of our anthropoid relatives and ancestors.

Clothing and modern technology have made the warming function of hair obsolete. Women are considered more attractive without hair in certain parts of the body, and it is possible, over time, to have no hair at all.

6. No wisdom teeth

The main reason why wisdom teeth are removed is because Most modern people's jaws are too small to accommodate them without interfering with other teeth. They are thought to be vestigial molars that early humans developed when their jaws were larger and their diet consisted mostly of tough foods.

It's no wonder that wisdom teeth are starting to disappear. Moreover, 35 percent of people are already born without wisdom teeth, others have only one, two or three wisdom teeth (4 in total).

In addition, our teeth will become even smaller. Our teeth have almost halved in size over the last 100,000 years ago, and this trend may continue into the future.

7. Memory impairment

Technology is already influencing the way our memory works. The human brain, being a machine that strives for maximum efficiency, tends to remember where information is stored, not the information itself.

In the Internet age, this feature has become even more important. How often have you tried to remember something and instead just looked up the answer on Wikipedia or a search engine? The habit of checking everything on the Internet has taught us to use computer and internet as “external memory”, relieving our brain of the need to store information.

8. Fewer fingers

Before humans learned to walk upright, our toes were used for grasping, just like our hands. As we climbed less and walked more, our toes began to shrink to their current size.

While the thumb maintains balance and helps with walking, the little finger has no special purpose. Perhaps for this reason, over time, people will become creatures with four toes.

9. Larger or smaller head size

Scientists are still arguing whether humans in the future will have a larger or smaller skull. Most are of the opinion that a person cannot develop a larger head, as this would make natural childbirth impossible, and increase mortality in mothers. For this reason, The size of a person's head will most likely remain the same and may even decrease.

But it is worth considering the fact that more and more caesarean sections allow children with large heads to survive. Many even believe that over time, C-sections will become safer than natural births, and small-headed babies born naturally will be less likely to survive than those whose mothers had surgery.

10. Self-improvement

People can reach a stage where they can control human development with the help of technology. Bionic organs and genetic selection will allow future parents to choose the characteristics of the child even before birth.

It may eradicate all defects and undesirable signs. Once this practice becomes widespread, it can lead to the disappearance of many negative qualities.

What will the man of the future look like?

This is exactly how, according to some experts, our body and face will change after thousands of years:

Height is about 180 -210 cm due to improved nutrition and advances in medicine

— More short intestine to absorb less sugar and fat and prevent obesity

Smaller testicle size due to decreased male fertility.

— More long arms and fingers, to save us from having to reach for objects. More nerve endings on the fingers for using various devices such as the iPhone.

Smaller brain size due to the fact that the task of remembering and thinking is mainly performed by computers.

Big eyes will compensate for a small mouth. Communication will be based on facial expressions and eye movements.

Fewer teeth, since the food becomes softer and does not require much chewing.

Quad chin due to the fact that our body is designed to eat less and use more energy than it does now.

Same nose shape, since the climate has less impact on the body thanks to air conditioning and heating.

Less hair or baldness due to the use of warm clothes and heating products, but more wrinkles due to the use of electronic devices.

Loose skin on the neck and bags under the eyes due to strong exposure to the Sun.

Darker skin color due to race mixing.

The earth is in a constant state of change. Whether the result of human activity or solar disturbances, the future of Earth is guaranteed to be more than interesting, but not without chaos. The following list presents the ten major events that the Earth is predicted to experience over the next billions of years.

1. New Ocean
~10 million years
One of the hottest places on Earth, the Afar Depression is located between Ethiopia and Eritrea - on average 100 meters below sea level. At this point, there is only 20 km between the surface and the boiling hot magma, and the land is slowly thinning due to tectonic movements. Comprising a killer array of volcanoes, geysers, earthquakes and toxic heated water, the depression is unlikely to become a resort; but in 10 million years, when this geological activity ceases, leaving only a dry basin, the area will eventually fill with water and a new ocean will form - an ideal place for water skiing in the summer.

2. An event with a huge impact on Earth

~100 million years
Given Earth's rich history and the relatively large amount of random debris swirling through space threatening planets, scientists predict that within the next 100 million years the Earth will be impacted by some kind of event comparable to the event that caused the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event 65 million years ago. This is, of course, bad news for any life on planet Earth. And while some species will undoubtedly survive, the impact will likely mark the end of the Age of Mammals—the current Cenozoic Era—and Earth will instead enter a new era of complex life. Who knows what kind of life will flourish on this newly cleansed Earth? Maybe one day we will share the universe with intelligent invertebrates or amphibians. At this point, we can only imagine what will happen.

3. Pangea Ultima
~250 million years
Over the next 50 million years, Africa, which has been migrating northward for the last 40 million years, will eventually begin to collide with southern Europe. This movement will seal the Mediterranean Sea for 100 million years, and create thousands of kilometers of new mountain ranges to the delight of climbers around the world. Australia and Antarctica are also eager to be part of this new supercontinent, and will continue to move north to merge with Asia. While all this is happening, America will continue its course westward, further away from Europe and Africa, towards Asia.
What happens next is still being discussed. It is believed that while the Atlantic Ocean is rising, a subduction zone will form at the western boundary, which will stretch from the floor of the Atlantic Ocean deep into the earth. This would effectively change the direction in which America is heading, eventually bringing it to the eastern edge of the Eurasian supercontinent within about 250 million years. If this does not happen, we can expect both Americas to continue their journey westward until they merge with Asia. In any case, we can hope for the formation of a new hypercontinent: Pangea Ultima - 500 million years after the creation of the previous continent, Pangea. After this, it will likely split again and begin a new cycle of drift and merger.

4. Gamma Ray Burst
~600 million years
If an event with a huge impact on the Earth, repeating every few hundred million years, doesn't seem like the worst option, then know that the Earth constantly has to contend with rare gamma-ray bursts - streams of ultra-high energy radiation usually emitted by supernovae. Even though we experience weak gamma-ray bursts every day, an explosion occurring in a nearby solar system - within 6,500 light-years of us - has enough potential to wreak havoc in its path.

With more energy than the Sun produced in its entire life cycle hitting Earth in minutes and even seconds, gamma rays would burn up much of the Earth's ozone layer, causing radical climate change and widespread environmental damage, including mass extinctions.
Some believe that this burst of gamma rays triggered the second largest mass extinction in history: the Ordovician-Silurian extinction event 450 million years ago, which wiped out 60% of all life on Earth.
Like all events in astronomy, the exact timing of the set of events that will trigger an Earth-bound gamma-ray burst is very difficult to predict, although typical estimates put the period at 0.5-2 billion years. But this time could be reduced to a million years if the threat of the Eta Carinae Nebula is realized.

5. Uninhabitable
~1.5 billion years
Because the Sun gets hotter as it gets bigger, the Earth will eventually become uninhabitable due to its proximity to the hot sun. By this time, everyone, even the most stable forms of life on Earth, will die. The oceans will dry up completely, leaving only deserts of burnt earth. As time passes and temperatures rise, the Earth may follow the path of Venus and become a toxic wasteland as it heats up to the boiling point of many toxic metals. What remains of humanity will have to vacate this place in order to survive. Fortunately, by that time Mars will have entered the habitable zone and will be able to serve as a temporary shelter for the remaining people.

6. Disappearance of the magnetic field
~2.5 billion years
Some believe, based on today's understanding of the Earth's core, that within 2.5 billion years the Earth's outer core will no longer be liquid, but will begin to freeze. As the core cools, the Earth's magnetic field will slowly decay until it ceases to exist at all. In the absence of a magnetic field, there will be nothing to protect the Earth from solar winds, and the Earth's atmosphere will gradually lose its light compounds - such as ozone - and gradually turn into miserable remains of itself. Now with an atmosphere similar to Venus, the Earth will experience the full force of solar radiation, making an already inhospitable land even more treacherous.

7. Internal catastrophe of the solar system
~3.5 billion years
In about 3 billion years, there is a small but significant chance that Mercury's orbit will elongate in such a way that it will cross the path of Venus. At the moment, we cannot predict exactly what will happen or when it will happen, but in the best case scenario, Mercury will simply be absorbed by the Sun or destroyed by a collision with its older sister Venus. What about the worst case scenario? Earth could collide with any of the other non-gaseous planets, whose orbits would be radically destabilized by Mercury. If somehow the inner solar system remains intact and continues to function uninterrupted, then within five billion years the orbit of Mars will intersect with Earth, once again creating the possibility of disaster.

8. New picture of the night sky
~4 billion years
Years will pass, and any life on Earth will be pleased to observe the steady growth of the Andromeda galaxy in the picture of our starry sky. It will be a truly magnificent sight to see a perfectly formed spiral galaxy glowing in the sky, full of majesty, but it won't last forever. Over time, it will begin to become horribly distorted and merge with the Milky Way, plunging the stable stellar arena into chaos. Although a direct collision between celestial bodies is unlikely, there is a small chance that our solar system could be scooped up and thrown into the abyss of the universe. Either way, our night sky will be, at least temporarily, decorated with trillions of new stars

9. Garbage Ring
~5 billion years
Despite the fact that the Moon is constantly receding at a distance of 4 cm per year, the Sun has entered the red giant phase and it is likely that the current trend will stop. The additional force exerted on the Moon by the huge, inflated star would be enough to crash the Moon directly onto Earth. When the Moon reaches its Roche limit, it will begin to disintegrate as the force of gravity exceeds the force holding the satellite together. After this, perhaps a ring of debris will form around the Earth, giving any life on earth a beautiful display until the debris falls to the ground after many millions of years.
If this doesn't happen, there is another way the Moon could fall back to its parent planet. If the Earth and Moon continue to exist in their current form with their unchanged orbits, then in about 50 billion years the Earth will become tidally locked with the Moon. Shortly after this event, the Moon's orbital altitude will begin to decay, while the Earth's rotation rate will rapidly increase. This process will continue until the Moon reaches the Roche limit and disintegrates, forming a ring around the Earth.

10. Destruction
The likelihood that the Earth will collapse within the next tens of billions of years is very high. Whether in the cold grip of a treacherous planet, or from suffocation in the arms of our dying Sun, it will undoubtedly be a sad moment for all the surviving people - even if they do not remember which planet it is.

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