What you need to have to be a leader. Leaders do everything themselves

30 Sep

A simple truth of life: Leaders are not born, but made! You need to cultivate leadership qualities if you dream of success. You must work hard on yourself and develop leadership skills to become a respected and independent person in the future!

You must first learn to lead your own life, and not wait for a lucky ticket! Shape your own circumstances, create good conditions, both in life and at work!

If you want to become free and independent, be a leader! No one can influence the leader, since he has his own iron-clad opinion, developed by experience! A leader is someone who knows what he needs from life and persistently achieves it!

Do you dream of being in control of your life, not being dependent on circumstances, building a career and becoming the master of your destiny? Then you should develop certain character qualities that LEADERS have! Believe me, as soon as you cultivate these qualities in yourself, you will feel like a Human, with a capital “H”!

Key leadership qualities:

1) To become a leader, be purposeful.

Set clear goals for yourself and work towards achieving them every day! Remember the proverb: “Without effort, you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond!” So it is here!

2) To become a leader, be able to make decisions quickly.

To become a leader in everything and everywhere, be proactive! Train it in yourself. A person who is a leader always thinks through future steps and draws in his head a scheme for translating them into reality.

3) To become a leader, have strength of character.

Learn to say NO! In life you need to say this word very often! People tend to try to be good to everyone, but this is impossible. Believe me, life will become much easier if you include in your vocabulary the word that saves you a lot of time and effort - the word NO!

4) To become a leader, be balanced.

Whatever situations happen to you, always remain calm. This is one of the most important leadership qualities. Don't give anyone the opportunity to piss you off. Throw out everything negative from your life! This includes people who are unpleasant to be with. Be with those you like, those who really please you! You know, no matter how rude it may sound, but when you communicate with people who constantly whine about their lives, you become saturated with their problems and lower yourself to their level! Avoid such people! Always think with your head, not with your emotions! There is an old and very effective recipe to calm down - prayer!

5) To become a leader, be confident in yourself.

This is the most important quality of character, without which there is no leader! To develop confidence, you need to write down your small victories every day in your personal diary of achievements and successfully completed tasks.

6) To become a leader, be resilient and persistent.

Do you know about the drive and endurance of Thomas Edison himself? So, he was able to create an incandescent lamp only after performing more than 10,000 scientific experiments! The most interesting thing is that this amazing man had no technical education behind him at all, but only saw the sarcastic ridicule of his “certified and educated” friends. When asked: “Was it difficult for him to continue his research after so many failures?”, to which Thomas replied: “I had no failures in my experiments, I found 9,999 ways not to create a light bulb!”

7) To become a leader, be responsible.

There is a good method to understand and develop your responsibility: take a piece of paper and write 10 sentences that begin with the words “I am responsible for...” This method will allow you to analyze what you are responsible for.

8) To become a leader, develop organizational skills.

As soon as quarrels arise within the team, this can lead to disruption of the work process. A leader must immediately extinguish all misunderstandings and conflicts between employees. You need to learn to unite people into one whole. This can be done with the help of a common goal, an idea.

9) To become a leader, develop your intellect.

If you are engaged in self-development, half the success is already yours. Read a lot of books, different genres and different specialties, and not just in your field. You know the proverb: “He who owns the information owns the world!” Always learn from other people. Carefully study how those who have achieved excellent results and achieved what they wanted, who deserve applause, work.

10) Don’t wait for weather by the sea, get up and DO!

Another simple truth - if you continue to do what you do constantly, you will get what you got before! This is the same as stepping on the same rake with the persistence of a sheep! Feel yourself in the shoes of a leader - that person who boldly takes on those things that ordinary people run away from with rounded and frightened eyes!

Think about it...if you help a butterfly get out of its cocoon, while cutting it, you will thereby steal the butterfly's ability to fly. Because when a butterfly resists, trying to break its cocoon on its own, liquid flows into its wings, which nourishes and gives them strength to fly. The same applies to humans!

Here is a short program for developing leadership qualities:

Step one. Decide why you need to be a leader. There are no successful people in general, there are no leaders in everything, there are no real leaders “just like that.” You must have a Goal, what you really want from life. Leadership is a means.

Step two. Keep a success journal. Write down your successes and victories every day. About five a day, preferably ten. Difficult? Try! Then it will be much easier. You will raise your self-esteem and convince yourself that you are truly successful.

Step three. Find leaders and communicate with them often. If they are not in your circle, make new acquaintances. Communicate with them as much as possible. Ask for advice about this and that (people love to give advice 🙂), ask for their opinions and always listen to them! Take them as your teachers (that's what they are), and you won't notice how their positive qualities will become yours. Success is contagious!

Step four. Do something! Get involved in social activities, open your own business. Do whatever you want, but it's better if it's related to leadership. Get used to being responsible for everything yourself. Set yourself up for success, but don't be discouraged by failure. Take every chance. Your goal is to gain experience and develop initial leadership skills.

Good luck to everyone!

And finally, we suggest you watch an interesting video

Learn how to become a leader with these simple but very useful tips!

Psychologists have long identified the main obstacles standing in the way of success, leadership growth and the development of leadership skills...

Learn everything about how to become a leader and achieve success!

What prevents many people from developing leadership qualities?

First of all, these are internal barriers. They are the result of our past experiences, beliefs, limitations and habits. Uncertainty¹, fear², irritation become insurmountable obstacles for many on the path to their goal.

What are the most common barriers?

1. Vague and vague goals: people often fail because they have little idea of ​​the goals they are striving for. Set clear goals for yourself. Try to mentally imagine the end result you want to achieve and write it down in as much detail as possible.

2. Impatience and expectation of immediate change: Be content with modest progress. It is often said that a big oak grows from a small acorn. An impulsive person who hopes to change himself in the blink of an eye rarely achieves this.

Success fuels success. Solid but modest progress is often consolidated and becomes a feature of a given person’s attitude towards self-improvement and life in general.

Remember that any changes require constant attention and realistic deadlines. Set realistic deadlines³.

3. Fear of new situations: People often tend to prefer security and convenience to risk and novelty. New situations often seem more dangerous than familiar ones.

4. Fear of vulnerability: People often want to avoid situations that might cause them pain, discomfort, or fear, situations that threaten to shake their self-esteem or sense of psychological comfort.

5. Behavior and expectations of others: often family, colleagues and friends limit the individual’s efforts to change. After all, increasing personal effectiveness always pave the way to success and achievement. As priorities change, your growth in leadership competence may cause envy or hostility from others.

6. Lack of self-confidence. Development is often held back by a lack of confidence in one's ability to change. Remember that you are mainly in control of your development. Ultimately, everyone is responsible for their own development.

At all times in life, people have a choice - to learn and grow from life's experiences, or to ignore the lessons learned, focus on safety and let themselves be defeated.

The pursuit of leadership requires that you learn to take responsibility for the course of your own life.

7. Insufficient skills and abilities: Sometimes people lack new ideas or skills needed to change themselves. They try to get them by reading biographies or memoirs of famous people. They feel that learning the secrets of great leaders is the surest way to become a leader themselves.

This is wrong. Remember that other people who managed to achieve great success had their own life circumstances, their own historical conditions, their own character traits that you do not have.

Is it possible to find a universal method on how to become a leader?

Unfortunately, the modern psychological market is filled with a variety of “helpful tips”. In them, all “miraculous” recipes usually come down to either outright verbiage or preaching banal formulas in the style of “If you want to be a leader (rich, loved, etc.) - be one.”

The practical value of such publications is zero, since in psychology there is no useful advice that is always suitable for everyone. This is impossible in principle, because all people are very different.

Leadership is, first of all, awareness of one’s uniqueness, and not a search for “miracle recipes” that allow one to rise above others.

The essence of becoming a leader is not to “learn all the secrets,” but to become yourself and fully use the unique qualities that are given to you - all your skills, gifts, energy.

Otherwise, all your attempts will be just an empty imitation.

Each of the above barriers can be considered a force hindering leadership growth. One could name many more such barriers - each person will have their own.

While recognizing personal limitations is a driving force for change, it often also requires experience and training to deepen self-understanding, acquire new skills, and adopt new approaches to personal development.

Significant personality changes involve self-confidence and the development of the ability to do things differently. The task of a future leader is to find and analyze his approaches and abilities, identify his potential, and learn to act differently.

This is “something” inside you that you need to be able to find contact with. Then you need to believe in success, even if at the moment there are no prerequisites for this. Then comes the turn of courage and willpower, so necessary in order to realize your goals on the path to success. And most importantly, you should not be afraid to fail.

On this path, everyone has to learn from their own experience; There is little that can be convinced by descriptions until a person feels and knows it for himself.

How to develop leadership skills?

In order to become a leader, we offer you twelve practical exercises related to the initial stage of developing leadership potential.

They were compiled by psychologists Jose Stevens and Mike Woodcock.

Such exercises may cause you some doubts, but once you master them, you will feel your increased strength and value in the eyes of others.

Exercise 1. Open a dialogue with your inner critic

Learn to object to your inner voice, which often makes critical remarks about you or others. Open up a dialogue with him instead of just listening to everything he says. Allow yourself to feel irritated by this belittling voice. Approach his words from a philosophical point of view. Ask yourself: “Who am I when this voice is silent?”

A great way to succeed in this matter is to keep a journal of the successful work you have done. Take the time to write down everything that this voice criticizing you wants to say.

Don't hide anything from yourself. Let him say nothing sensible and just throw mud at everything and everyone - write everything.

There is no need to stop him, but make it a condition for him to speak only in the second person. And write in the notebook in the same way: instead of “I am nothing” or “I will never become a leader,” write “you are nothing” and “you will never become a leader.” After that, answer him as you would talk to a cocky bully who is afraid of you. A great response to that bully voice: “So what?”

Exercise 2: Celebrate your successes daily

Before you go to bed at night, make a list of at least three, or better yet seven, things that worked especially well for you today, no matter how bad the day was.

You will automatically have a tendency to note events that had a negative outcome that day. This is your old habit. Show your will, take your attention away from this habit and practice concentrating on things from which you emerged victorious.

A leader is a person who is able to lead others. Many passionately desire to become a leader, study hundreds of brochures and books of the same name, and attend trainings under the general title “Become a leader in 48 hours.”

1. All managers are leaders

In fact: Some managers are able to lead people, others are not. Management is one of the possibilities of leadership, but not an equivalent.

Managers have well-developed communication skills and are able to organize the work process. They hire people to work. But if they are not able to identify the best employees, constantly improve the organization's work, and develop their employees, then they will not become leaders.

Leadership a priori implies favorable changes, continuous improvement and development.

2. Some people are born to be leaders.

In fact: even those who have a predisposition to lead must master leadership skills.

A child may have a predisposition for basketball, but if he does not practice hard, he is unlikely to become a great basketball player.

In addition, a predisposition to leadership is not always as obvious as it might seem at first glance. So it's better to focus on what you can do now than to think and look for life's purpose.

3. A leader always has the right answers.

In fact: leaders know how to ask the right questions and know where to look for the right answers.

If people in your company constantly come to you with questions that they could answer on their own, remember that you are depriving them of the opportunity to “turn on their brains and think.”

If you give a person fish, he will be fed for one day. And if you give him a fishing rod, he will be fed for the rest of his life.

Leaders don’t have “absolutely all the answers,” they just know where to look for them.

4. To be a leader, you need a high position.

In fact: to lead people, you just need to know when is the best time to do it and how to do it. And most importantly, you must be able to take responsibility for yourself and other people.

When I stay at a hotel, most of the people I encounter there - from the receptionist to the waiters and cleaners - do not have a high position or authority over people, but they are responsible for the comfortable stay of all hotel guests. Good staff are much more likely than top management (who, in essence, are the formal leaders) to take responsibility.

A leader always makes people's lives better. In successful organizations, any employee is able to bear responsibility, even if his position is low.

5. Leaders do everything themselves.

In fact: a leader is able to motivate himself and his team to work.

If a leader has a great desire to work on a task, but he cannot “infect” his team with the same impulse, he is not a real leader. This is what distinguishes a leader from a manager: a manager, as a rule, is focused on the task, but a leader can make sure that not only he himself is focused, but also the people on his team.

6. Leadership is ambition

In fact: Leadership is the ability and desire to benefit people.

There is nothing wrong with ambition, but it usually only plays into the hands of the person himself. If what you do only benefits you, you are unlikely to be considered a leader.

If what you do benefits others - customers, colleagues, suppliers, society at large - then you can truly be called a true leader.

7. Anyone can become a leader

In fact: Only someone who wants to become a leader can become a leader.

You cannot force a person to lead if he does not want to. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink. In addition to talent and ability, you also need desire.


Leadership qualities are an excellent assistant both in work and in everyday life. After all, they allow you not only to successfully solve all the difficulties that arise, but also to look at the world differently in general.

Today, together with Passion.ru, we are looking into methods for developing leadership qualities.

1. Who is a leader and why do we need leadership qualities?

A leader (from English lead - to lead) is a person who is able to lead. Today we will look at leadership as it applies to our lives as women. Let's consider a leader as a person who “leads” his life himself, and does not go with the flow, blaming circumstances and the bad actions of others.

A leader is often a very attractive concept, and everyone really wants to try themselves in this role. But it is not suitable for everyone, just as the work of a sleeper or baker is not suitable for everyone. And that's okay.

The only way leadership qualities can be useful for everyone is that they give us the strength, skills and opportunities to get out of the influence of negative circumstances, to love our life and make decisions in it, to take decisive actions when necessary. So what can we do to develop the qualities of a leader?

2. Learn to be proactive

Proactivity is a quality that means that you get out of the influence of surrounding circumstances and begin to make your own decisions about how to act and live further. You stop complaining about your difficulties, realizing that you and only you created them for yourself, and it is up to you to decide whether to put up with them or fight them.

In other words, no one else is responsible for what happens in your life except you. You get tired of your job - you chose it yourself or you let someone else choose it for you. Did you get rude in the store? Only you determine how to react to this: you cannot change the other person or circumstances.

3. How to become more active?

Try to solve an existing problem at least once a day through your behavior, without blaming others. Does your husband always forget to buy bread? Knowing this, buy it yourself and ask your husband to do something else. Do you have an annoying colleague? Think about how you can rise above the situation and change your behavior to free yourself from this irritant.

Do you keep getting unfair utility bills and you pay because you don't trust the utility company to prove anything? Try it! We guarantee that many of your attempts will be successful, no matter what you do. And even if something doesn’t work out, the indescribable feeling that you are in control of your life will soften the possible frustration of failure.

4. Set your goals correctly

The whole life of a leader is activity. He is always busy with something, and his busyness is subordinated to a specific goal. The goal in life is not only general and global, but also narrow, depending on the issue at hand.

In other words, if he does something, he always knows why he needs it. This helps you avoid not only unnecessary activities at work and in your personal life, but also unnecessary work and the wrong partner. And this is valuable.

A well-set goal is closely related to keeping your promises. Let everything you promise to do be your goal. And you will decide all the questions “how” to achieve it yourself, even if achieving the goal requires more effort than you expected.

5. How to set a goal?

Firstly, through the “why am I doing this” filter, we should pass everything we do, including communication with many people. Ask yourself this question often before you start doing anything. By cutting off unnecessary things that do not make you happier, you will free up a lot of space for other, desired activities.

Sometimes the very word “goal” scares people with its globality and importance. If you don't have a purpose in life right now, if you don't know exactly what you want to do, or if you're not ready to change something, let your filter for thinking be the simple question “does this make me happier?” After all, happiness is a universal goal. The main thing is to free your life from acting out of habit and from serving other people’s goals and desires.

Read more

Secondly, forget the phrases “How should I have done this if...?”, “Where should I have gotten it?” If you don't know how to do it, ask right away. Many meekly say “yes” to the ridiculous requests of loved ones and superiors, realizing in advance that they will not cope with the task and will disappoint and let them down. If you understand that the plan is not working, something is not working out, try to communicate, clarify the task, ask for advice and help.

Third, always prioritize. Sometimes the goal of making money and some dubious project may conflict with your overall goal of being happy and living with a clear conscience. And with your priorities in place, you will always know exactly what you need to give up and why. This will help avoid painful internal conflicts.

6. Take responsibility

Of course, responsibility for your life comes first. But also responsibility for your words, actions, promises. Even if you didn’t do something on purpose or something happened against your will, but as a result of your behavior, this is also your responsibility. Remember the Little Prince: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.” And also for those who tamed themselves by accident, figuratively speaking.

7. Where are the limits of your responsibility?

Consider your initiatives, that is, everything you offer, as your responsibility. Of course, you shouldn’t refuse help, but you should always control the situation yourself.

For example, if you suggest a camping trip, then check the weather, suggest a time, find out where there are suitable places for you, whether you have all the necessary equipment or where you can rent it. If you delegate tasks to someone, then you are still responsible for it.

Also, take on responsibility specifically, voluntarily. For completing a small task at work, for solving a certain issue at home, for organizing some event for children, etc. All this will develop your skills in communication, coping, decision making, finding information, etc. And all this together greatly helps develop leadership skills.

8. Challenge yourself

The ability to find solutions that are interesting and beneficial for everyone often lies outside our comfort zone - in the zone of the new, unknown and therefore uncomfortable. Therefore, trying something you have doubts about, doing something you have never done, something you are afraid of, is a direct path to developing leadership qualities.

9. How to stop being afraid of new things?

If you are asked to do something that you are afraid of, but it could be useful for you, agree without thinking about what you will have to do for it. Turn off that sphere in your head that instantly calculates everything that needs to be done and immediately activates all your fears.
And in order not to wait for suitable offers, find something to do on your own. Perhaps you have long wanted to take up couples dancing, but were afraid, or maybe you wanted to propose the project to your boss. Fulfill your desires without thinking about fears.

10. Communicate more

Communication and the network of contacts it creates is something every leader should have. After all, people are the most valuable resource with which you can gain knowledge about everything and solve any issue.

In addition, communication over time will relieve you of complexes and fears that interfere with the development of leadership qualities.

11. How and with whom to communicate?

Remember what people tell you, listen to their moods and doubts, don’t forget to ask your colleagues how things are at home, how your weekend was, what your vacation plans are. Choose a day when you can call all your long-lost school and childhood girlfriends and friends, or at least find them on social networks and find out who has become who and where they live. Such communication can lead to new turns in your life.

The specificity of a leader is that he does not strive for compromises, but instead looks for solutions where both sides win: solutions from the “win-win” series (“win-win” in American business terminology). They allow you to establish closer connections and establish strong cooperation. And a compromise is essentially a loss for both sides: each must give up something.

This quality presupposes the ability to think for your interlocutor, take his place, predict his behavior, having all the information on the issue, and find a solution that suits him.

Don’t try to bend a person to an option that is only interesting to you, because a leader always puts his interlocutor at least on the same level as himself and understands that he still realizes that the decision made is unprofitable. Excessive rigidity will not only undermine the current agreement, but also all future cooperation.

In general, this approach takes communication with people to a completely different level.

13. How to learn to understand the interests of another?

You can learn to find such solutions only by constantly putting yourself in the place of your interlocutor and wishing him well. When a difficult situation arises, when you, say, cannot achieve something from a person, stop internally scolding him and start asking him questions: “why is this so important to you?”, “what is needed in order to do it,” “ why do it this way and not another” and others.

In the end, it may turn out that the whole process can be slightly altered so that everyone has a good time. Usually everyone gets used to a routine, and only a leader can look at everything differently. If you need the ability to find such solutions for your work, turn to the science of “conflictology.”

Often, when discussing this issue in lectures or trainings, teachers give a real example of negotiations between two companies for a large batch of oranges at a good price: the companies could not agree on who would buy. One was engaged in the production of food, the other - cosmetics. It would seem that there is only one solution - someone alone buys. And as a result of the negotiations, it turned out that according to the technological processes, one company uses only the pulp for production, while the other uses only the peel.

As a result, they bought a large batch together, also with a discount for a large order. This is a classic example of a series of solutions that benefit both parties.

14. Learn and practice

Don't miss an opportunity to learn something, especially if it's offered to you for free. It is unknown when and what knowledge you will need. And be sure to practice what you learn.

Continuous study and practice in terms of developing leadership skills will help you not only in your work. All this is quite applicable to ordinary life at the everyday level.

Many people live according to the rules, doing the same things day after day, gradually getting used to the routine and even to the problems that exist. You can be a leader among your friends, trying new things, organizing interesting events for your family. People usually reach out to such people and ask for advice.

15. Share your knowledge

While gaining knowledge and developing previous quality, do not forget to share the experience that you gain. Even if it’s a small thing that allows you to save a second in your daily work. People will thank you, and even if they already thought of it themselves, it will still make them look at you in a new way.

16. About the power of enthusiasm

There are different types of leaders, and there has always been and will be debate about their qualities. But one thing is clear: everything a leader does is done with enthusiasm. Maybe even the goal itself will be boring and the process boring, but awareness of the result and a sense of control over your life is what gives enthusiasm and inner fire!

In addition, a leader who builds his life the way he wants usually enjoys what he does. Otherwise, why do everything?

In everyday life, living with enthusiasm means enjoying your family life, work, development, leisure, etc. Moreover, sincere enthusiasm to live, change something, invent and do something is always visible to others, even if your house is not painted with bright colors, and you do not appear in public every day.

Therefore, if this is not the case for you, think, maybe something should be changed? What can you do to get fired up and passionate about your relationship with a specific person, love your job, or find a new loved one?

The topic of leadership occupies perhaps the first place in the discipline of self-development. Many people ask the questions “How to take a leading position in a team?”, “How to become a leader in the eyes of relatives?” etc. It even goes as far as “How can I learn to be a leader in my bowling team?”

It’s funny, but the person who enters such queries in a search engine, it turns out, believes that leadership is like women’s cosmetics (today I’ll put on good makeup, and tomorrow I’ll keep my makeup to a minimum). I wonder why such irony?

The fact is that a leader is a leader in all areas of life. He cannot be both a doormat at home and a tyrant at work (or vice versa). Such a person has respect in any small/large group in which he may find himself. Therefore, only one question is relevant - “ How to become a leader in life?».

In order to achieve respect in all areas of life, you don’t need to walk around with frowning eyebrows and attack everyone who looked differently, as some people think. To be a leader, you need to develop the appropriate qualities that will not repel, but will attract people to you.

1. Self-improvement

There must be no end to it. Make yourself a commitment to always, everywhere and in everything to improve yourself. Read educational literature, try to communicate more with interesting, successful people.

Watch educational videos. Although a leader is not required to have a high level of intelligence, constant replenishment of his knowledge will only strengthen his position in society, and will not allow him to give it up.

2. Be interested in people

There is such a science - typology. She studies personality types. This allows you to determine a person’s character in order to find the proper approach to him. Study it!

The main support of a leader's position is the opinion of others about him. You must win the favor of almost everyone around you. A person who claims that all people are the same will never become a leader.

You must study the people around you. Know their interests, characteristics, strengths and weaknesses.

3. Everyone is equal

This is exactly the position you should demonstrate with all your appearance, and it doesn’t matter that this is far from the case. Never look down on people, even though your level of development is much higher.

Remember that recognition depends not only on a polite tone. You must win him with your actions. There is no need to be a helpful good-natured person, because in this case, you can forget about the position of a leader. Be yourself, but always come to the rescue in difficult times. Unexpected and effective.

Take an interest in the lives of those around you (colleagues, co-workers, relatives, etc.). Attention to one's person is very flattering. Realizing this will allow you to better win over the person.

4. Sociability

The main feature of a leader is the ability to find a common language with almost any interlocutor. To do this, you need to improve your communication skills. In other words, learn to communicate.

In addition to the ability to conduct a dialogue, learn to present information in such a way that you are listened to and not heard. Master the art of public speaking. Start practicing this skill first on one person, then on two, then increase the number of listeners. Practice on your family members. Ask them to point out your mistakes if any.

5. Don't be afraid to make mistakes

A true leader must eat more than a pound of salt on his path of self-improvement in order to hone his skills. Many people give up on this idea as soon as they experience a fiasco in some business.

How to become a leader in life and never make a mistake? The answer is no way! Remember that before you lead people towards a common goal, you must experiment a lot. This applies to your ideas, approach to others and methods of solving problems.

Don't be afraid of failure after your efforts. Take this as an indication of what you need to change about yourself. Describe your failed business into four points:

  • What was done?
  • What hasn't been done?
  • What should have been added?
  • What shouldn't you have done?

After such an analysis, you can safely expect a repeat situation so that you will be well prepared for it.

See also Purposeful and persistent people are guided by a highly set goal, upon achieving which, people receive physical and/or moral satisfaction.

6. Originality in thinking

A leader must offer solutions to problems that others would never have thought of. In the face of any difficult situation, a group of people will put forward various options. But only one must offer something that will arouse general sympathy and support.

Develop creative thinking. Read more educational literature. Especially focus on the biographies of great people. You can take a lot of useful things from there. This is one of the main rules on how to become a leader.

Another good technique for generating original ideas is to communicate with others. The fact is that many people have an actual solution to the problem, but not everyone has the courage to offer their own option. Communicate more, listen, complement and suggest. The main thing is to do everything so that it does not look like theft.

7. Motivate those around you

None of the members of the small group in which you want to take a leadership position should guess your plans. You don’t need to do everything for your own good, otherwise those around you will simply turn away from you. Show people that all your efforts are aimed at their benefit.

One of the effective techniques on how to become a leader is to motivate your neighbor. Take an interest in the lives of your colleagues, co-workers and loved ones. Encourage them and instill confidence. Give them the right solutions to problems. Be involved in their lives. And do it for free!

8. Be an organizer

Making a decision is one thing, but implementing it is another. When it comes to executing the plan, the team resembles a real clumsy herd. Nobody knows what to tackle first. There are no clear instructions for implementation. There is no sequence of actions.

This is the finest hour for a person who wants to become a leader. Show off your organizational skills!

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