What to read about the war so as not to tear yourself away. Exciting books for teenagers

A good book is like a friend with whom you want to talk non-stop. In reading, as in life, there are fleeting acquaintances, but there are also those that last forever. From time to time you meet such friends again, feel nostalgic and certainly learn something new.

The ancient Roman philosopher Cicero said that he did not value reading without any pleasure. Superficial, joyless browsing is a problem for many people. Navigating the modern literary space is quite difficult. Much of what has been written and actively circulated is not worth attention. These are one-day books whose voice will be drowned out for decades. But among the paper pulp there are true literary diamonds that will always sparkle. To help passionate readers, we have made a selection of 10 books that you won’t be able to put down.

Somerset Maugham "The Burden of Human Passion" (1915)

“The Burden of Human Passions” (original title Of Human Bondage) is one of the most famous works of the twentieth century classic by the Englishman Somerset Maugham.

This is a philosophical drama about the life and existential quest of Philip Carey. From early childhood he was haunted by misfortunes: orphanhood, congenital lameness, ridicule of schoolmates, loneliness. Adult Carey still remains timid and shy, falls in love with the wayward, vicious Mildred and dutifully endures his beloved’s repeated betrayals. Life is damn unfair to Philip, and therefore he is trying to find out what its meaning is, what laws existence is based on. Why does it give everything to some, while it mercilessly takes away even the most basic grains of happiness from others? On the path to the truth, Carey turns to many philosophical teachings, becomes disillusioned with God and faith, tries himself in various fields, trying to find his calling, falls in love, breaks hearts. Will the main character be able to throw off the burden of human passions and answer the question of what life is?

Tartt "The Secret History" (1992)

“The Secret Story” (originally The Secret Story) is the debut novel by American writer, Pulitzer Prize winner Donna Tartt. It sold five million copies around the world and was heard in 24 languages. It was with “The Secret History” that the great fame of its “parent” began.

This psychological thriller tells the story of students at a Vermont private college. Young people came to the educational institution to study ancient Greek. There are very few of them, they are young, smart, talented and fanatically in love with antiquity. Soon the guys have a fix idea - they are superhumans, a special caste, the chosen ones. Many years later, student Richard Papen recalls those days when he lived within the walls of a secluded college, believed in his uniqueness, and when that terrible murder happened...

Donna Tartt knows how to intrigue, dissect characters and break stereotypes. We recommend it to fans of suspense and talented forensic science.

Fannie Flagg "Fried Green Tomatoes" (1987)

Evelyn Couch's life is over. She is 48 and, despite the fact that she is married, she is endlessly lonely. Evelyn stopped taking care of herself long ago, and chocolate bars became the main joy of her life. On top of everything else, she now has to go to a nursing home to visit her mother-in-law. It is here that the woman meets Ninny Threadgoode. This 86-year-old woman lived a long and difficult life, but she was not at all disappointed in it and did not lose optimism. Sitting in a government chair in a nursing home, Ninny revives multiple memories and thereby inspires her listener.

The novel “Fried Green Tomatoes” (original – Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe) from the talented American Fannie Flagg became a real bestseller in its time. Four years later, in 1991, a film of the same name was made based on it. The film was directed by Jon Avnet (“War”, “Close to the Heart”).

For those who have lost faith, who have succumbed to pessimism, who love a little sad nostalgia and touching life prose, we recommend the novel by Fannie Flagg.

Alexandre Dumas (father) "The Count of Monte Cristo" (1844-45)

Even those who have not read The Count of Monte Cristo certainly know this literary character and have at least heard in general terms the story of the prisoner of the Château d'If.

Alexandre Dumas (father) is a true titan of literature. Centuries later, he is no longer tied to any particular country and culture, Dumas is a citizen of the world, and his legacy is the pride of humanity.

If you love adventure, intrigue, and exciting plot twists and turns, put aside modern reading for a while and turn to the classics. The story of the sailor Edmond Dantes, his ups, downs, love, “death” and magical resurrection, will give you an unforgettable experience!

After reading, you should reinforce your emotions with a good film adaptation; more than two dozen of them have been filmed. For example, you can watch the film by Jose Diana (“Balzac”, “Dangerous Liaisons”) with Gerard Depardieu in the title role.

Francoise Sagan "Leash" (1989)

The famous Frenchwoman Françoise Sagan became famous throughout the world for her unusual stories. This woman knows how to surprise. The novel “The Leash” (originally La Laisse) was written in the last decade of the writer’s creative career. It tells about a married couple, Vincent and Laurent. One of them is rich, earns money, the other plays the role of a toy, forced to live according to the rules of a whimsical patron. A familiar story, isn't it? However, the wayward Sagan turned everything upside down: for her, Vincent is a doll, and Laurent is a puppeteer.

“Leash” will certainly appeal to fans of everyday drama, atmospheric French prose and the recognizable style of the great Sagan.

Arthur Haley "Airport" (1968)

On a January evening in 1967, a snowstorm struck Lincoln International Airport. At this time, a passenger plane crashes and urgently needs to land. The airport administration, led by Mel Bakersfeld, needs to quickly organize landing in extreme conditions.

The novel "Airport" (in the original "Airport"), like other works of the Canadian Arthur Haley, belongs to the genre of the so-called industrial novel, in which a person (a professional in his field) comes face to face with the solution of a complex informal problem. As a rule, it needs to be solved in a short time. So, Mr. Bakersfeld has 24 hours to fight the snowy elements. One day in the life of Lincoln Airport turned out to be quite stressful.

Stefan Zweig "24 Hours in the Life of a Woman" (1927)

Stefan Zweig always writes wonderfully, be it a historical novel, a biography, an essay, a long work or a laconic short story. “24 Hours in the Life of a Woman” tells the story of an unprecedented incident - a 33-year-old respectable lady abandoned two children and a wealthy husband because of a charming stranger whom she met the day before.

The narrator, who was vacationing in the same boarding house where the family drama took place, became an involuntary participant in a circle that was actively discussing the act of the frivolous fugitive. He, out of the goodness of his heart, joined the camp of those who tried to justify Madame. Among them was one elderly lady - 67-year-old Madame K. Having taken a liking to the young man, she told him her own love story, which broke out in just 24 hours, but left a mark on her soul for the rest of her life.

Zweig's short stories are always sincere, deep, aphoristic, sensual and at the same time very chaste. We recommend it to connoisseurs of the romantic genre, rather than “pink” literature.

Winston Groom "Forest Gump" (1986)

The novel “Forrest Gump” (original – Forrest Gamp) is a vivid example when the fame of a literary character significantly outstripped the fame of the writer. Not everyone knows that the story about a mentally retarded man named Forrest Gump was created by the American writer and documentarian Winston Groom.

This fascinating, touching, sometimes funny and tear-jerking novel will not leave anyone indifferent. A masterpiece film will reinforce the impression of the book. The novel was filmed by the outstanding director Robert Zemeckis (“Back to the Future”, “Cast Away”). The role of Forest was brilliantly played by Tom Hanks (“Cast Away,” “The Green Mile”). The film was so successful that it won six Oscars, including Best Director, Best Actor and Best Picture in 1994.

Joan Harris "Five Quarters of an Orange" (2001)

Another creation from the author of the masterpiece “Chocolate” will not leave sensual people indifferent. Five Quortes of the Orange is the thrilling story of a woman named Framboise and the secret hidden in her mother's cookbook.

Even a seemingly trivial plot will turn into a magical mystery in Harris’ creative treatment. Those who have read or at least watched the film “Chocolate” will certainly understand what it is about and will want to read this amazing book.

Sebastien Japrisot "A Lady with Glasses and a Gun in a Car" (1966)

Fans of the detective genre will appreciate the bestseller from the Frenchman Sebastien Japrizo. “The Lady with Glasses and a Gun in the Car” is an action-packed story about a 26-year-old advertising agency worker named Dani.

Is there any meaning and benefit in our time and why many people still cannot give up this pleasure.

They are now very popular, having become real encyclopedias for those who are seriously thinking about the premature end of the world.

All her life Dani has lived by the rules, but one day the girl decides to play a little prank - take a ride in her boss’s car to the sea. However, instead of basking on the Cote d'Azur, Dani will have to hide from justice. An unpleasant surprise awaited her in the trunk of the car - the corpse of a man with a gunshot wound. Now Dani is the main suspect in the murder case. To escape, she will have to conduct her own detective investigation.

10 books you can't tear yourself away from

5 (100%) 1 vote
You catch your breath only after reading to the end, excited and grateful for the crazy rush of literary adrenaline. A great, exciting, and interesting detective novel! But most importantly, it is about love. World bestseller of 2012. Young successful novelist Marcus Goldman suffers from lack of inspiration and goes for help to his teacher, the famous writer Harry Quebert. However, it suddenly turns out that Harry himself, accused of a murder that occurred in a quiet American town 33 years ago, needs help.
📖 A must read, you can't put it down!The book is simply imbued with the spirit of Bulgakov, Edgar Allan Poe and Stephen King!Puzzle book, labyrinth book.A novel that immerses the reader in the mystical world of Barcelona and moves him to a completely different coordinate system. The reader, together with the main character, will have to meet sinister strangers, understand and fall in love with beautiful and mysterious women, wander through the dark labyrinths of the past, and most importantly - reveal the secret of the book, which in an incomprehensible way changes the lives of those who touch it.
📖 A recognized masterpiece of modern English prose, a book that opened the “neo-Gothic” genre to the general public and made Anglo-American critics talk about the return of the golden age of the British novel, covered with the names of Charlotte and Emily Bronte and Daphne Du Maurier. The debut novel of a modest teacher, the rights to which were bought for money unprecedented for a beginning author (a million dollars for an American edition), outsold the bestsellers of recent years, was instantly translated into several dozen languages ​​and received the honorary name from reviewers as the “new” Jane Eyre ".
📖 Robert Langdon arrives at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao at the invitation of friend and former student Edmond Kirsch. A billionaire and computer guru, he is known for his amazing discoveries and predictions. And this evening, Kirsch is going to “change all modern scientific understanding of the world” by answering two main questions that have troubled humanity throughout history: Where do we come from? What awaits us? However, before Edmond can make a statement, the luxurious reception turns into chaos.

📖 June Andersen inherits the legendary Blue Bird bookstore from Aunt Ruby. She soon discovers unique letters among the books - evidence of a long friendship between Ruby and the famous writer Margaret Wise Brown. Since the store is on the verge of collapse, June decides to save it with the help of her discovery. She turns to Gavin, the owner of the restaurant next door to the Blue Bird, for help. It seems like they have a chance together, but June has a lot of secrets, and trusting Gavin is not so easy.

📖 The long-awaited novel from David Mitchell, each book of which becomes an event in world literature. On the pages of this work, Mitchell created a whole world, immersed in which the reader, trusting the imagination and will of the author, will seem to walk through a labyrinth, where a lot of interesting things await him: unexpected discoveries, unpredictable plot twists, acquaintance with the most colorful characters, many of whom Mitchell’s fans know from previous novels. The plot of the story is an everyday situation: 1984, the main character, Holly Sykes, runs away from home after quarreling with her mother. But this is where the realistic component of the story ends. Next, events will happen to Holly that cannot happen to mere mortals.
📖 Stephen King called “The Hungry House” “a rare, magnificent thing,” and Anthony Doerr called “the Dracula of the new millennium.” The Hungry House began with a story that Mitchell began posting on Twitter on Halloween eve; a story adjacent to his previous novel, “Mere Mortals.” So, welcome to Slade Lane. It is not so easy to find in the labyrinth of streets of the outskirts of London. Find a small black iron door in the wall. No handle, no keyhole; but touch the door and it will open. You'll be greeted by a sun-drenched old garden and an imposing mansion - too luxurious for the area, too big for the block. You will be invited to come and you will not be able to refuse...
📖 Wonderful, wonderful book! I read it all evening until the morning!This is the kind of spring book when you need to wake up from winter hibernation and stop living a life that is not your own. If you feel like your life is like sitting in a swamp to please others, then this book will shake you up.A love story, irresistible and unpredictable.Paul publishes his first novel and leaves San Francisco for Paris. He writes, meets with readers - and feels immensely lonely. Mia flees London, leaving her husband who betrayed her, and finds refuge with a French friend. Mia accidentally goes on a dating site and makes an appointment with Paul...

📖 Perhaps the best book not only of this year, but also of the decade. A must read. Superbly written! Read in one go!The novel, which Pulitzer Prize winner Donna Tartt wrote for more than 10 years, is a huge epic canvas about the power of art and how it - sometimes not at all in the way we want it - can turn our entire lives upside down. 13-year-old Theo Decker miraculously survived the explosion that killed his mother. Abandoned by his father, without a single soul mate in the whole world, he wanders around foster homes and other people's families - from New York to Las Vegas - and his only consolation, which, however, almost leads to his death, is the money he stole from museum masterpiece of the Dutch old master. This is an amazing book.
📖 Louise Clarke is ready to start a new life. She arrives in New York and finds herself in another world, in a strange house full of secrets. Rainbow dreams are shattered by cruel reality, but the girl with her characteristic sense of humor does not lose heart. She knows how many miles it is from her home in New York to London, where her new boyfriend Sam lives. She knows that her boss is a good man and that his wife has her own secrets. But what Lou doesn't know is that she's about to meet Josh, who will turn her life upside down. Just because Josh looks so much like the one who hurt her once. And whatever decision Lou makes, it will change everything. Lou knows for sure that sooner or later he will find a way to find himself. And she will definitely get an answer to the question: who does she really love?.. This novel teaches that you should always remain yourself, just as you are, be brave and move forward, despite various difficulties. This is a book about finding yourself and your place in this world.

A good book is like a friend with whom you want to talk non-stop. In reading, as in life, there are fleeting acquaintances, but there are also those that last forever. From time to time you meet such friends again, feel nostalgic and certainly learn something new.

The ancient Roman philosopher Cicero said that he did not value reading without any pleasure. Superficial, joyless browsing is a problem for many people. Navigating the modern literary space is quite difficult. Much of what has been written and actively circulated is not worth attention. These are one-day books whose voice will be drowned out for decades. But among the paper pulp there are true literary diamonds that will always sparkle. To help passionate readers, we have made a selection of 10 books that you won’t be able to put down.

Somerset Maugham "The Burden of Human Passion" (1915)

“The Burden of Human Passions” (original title Of Human Bondage) is one of the most famous works of the twentieth century classic by the Englishman Somerset Maugham.

This is a philosophical drama about the life and existential quest of Philip Carey. From early childhood he was haunted by misfortunes: orphanhood, congenital lameness, ridicule of schoolmates, loneliness. Adult Carey still remains timid and shy, falls in love with the wayward, vicious Mildred and dutifully endures his beloved’s repeated betrayals. Life is damn unfair to Philip, and therefore he is trying to find out what its meaning is, what laws existence is based on. Why does it give everything to some, while it mercilessly takes away even the most basic grains of happiness from others? On the path to the truth, Carey turns to many philosophical teachings, becomes disillusioned with God and faith, tries himself in various fields, trying to find his calling, falls in love, breaks hearts. Will the main character be able to throw off the burden of human passions and answer the question of what life is?

Tartt "The Secret History" (1992)

“The Secret Story” (originally The Secret Story) is the debut novel by American writer, Pulitzer Prize winner Donna Tartt. It sold five million copies around the world and was heard in 24 languages. It was with “The Secret History” that the great fame of its “parent” began.

This psychological thriller tells the story of students at a Vermont private college. Young people came to the educational institution to study ancient Greek. There are very few of them, they are young, smart, talented and fanatically in love with antiquity. Soon the guys have a fix idea - they are superhumans, a special caste, the chosen ones. Many years later, student Richard Papen recalls those days when he lived within the walls of a secluded college, believed in his uniqueness, and when that terrible murder happened...

Donna Tartt knows how to intrigue, dissect characters and break stereotypes. We recommend it to fans of suspense and talented forensic science.

Fannie Flagg "Fried Green Tomatoes" (1987)

Evelyn Couch's life is over. She is 48 and, despite the fact that she is married, she is endlessly lonely. Evelyn stopped taking care of herself long ago, and chocolate bars became the main joy of her life. On top of everything else, she now has to go to a nursing home to visit her mother-in-law. It is here that the woman meets Ninny Threadgoode. This 86-year-old woman lived a long and difficult life, but she was not at all disappointed in it and did not lose optimism. Sitting in a government chair in a nursing home, Ninny revives multiple memories and thereby inspires her listener.

The novel “Fried Green Tomatoes” (original – Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe) from the talented American Fannie Flagg became a real bestseller in its time. Four years later, in 1991, a film of the same name was made based on it. The film was directed by Jon Avnet (“War”, “Close to the Heart”).

For those who have lost faith, who have succumbed to pessimism, who love a little sad nostalgia and touching life prose, we recommend the novel by Fannie Flagg.

Alexandre Dumas (father) "The Count of Monte Cristo" (1844-45)

Even those who have not read The Count of Monte Cristo certainly know this literary character and have at least heard in general terms the story of the prisoner of the Château d'If.

Alexandre Dumas (father) is a true titan of literature. Centuries later, he is no longer tied to any particular country and culture, Dumas is a citizen of the world, and his legacy is the pride of humanity.

If you love adventure, intrigue, and exciting plot twists and turns, put aside modern reading for a while and turn to the classics. The story of the sailor Edmond Dantes, his ups, downs, love, “death” and magical resurrection, will give you an unforgettable experience!

After reading, you should reinforce your emotions with a good film adaptation; more than two dozen of them have been filmed. For example, you can watch the film by Jose Diana (“Balzac”, “Dangerous Liaisons”) with Gerard Depardieu in the title role.

Francoise Sagan "Leash" (1989)

The famous Frenchwoman Françoise Sagan became famous throughout the world for her unusual stories. This woman knows how to surprise. The novel “The Leash” (originally La Laisse) was written in the last decade of the writer’s creative career. It tells about a married couple, Vincent and Laurent. One of them is rich, earns money, the other plays the role of a toy, forced to live according to the rules of a whimsical patron. A familiar story, isn't it? However, the wayward Sagan turned everything upside down: for her, Vincent is a doll, and Laurent is a puppeteer.

“Leash” will certainly appeal to fans of everyday drama, atmospheric French prose and the recognizable style of the great Sagan.

Arthur Haley "Airport" (1968)

On a January evening in 1967, a snowstorm struck Lincoln International Airport. At this time, a passenger plane crashes and urgently needs to land. The airport administration, led by Mel Bakersfeld, needs to quickly organize landing in extreme conditions.

The novel "Airport" (in the original "Airport"), like other works of the Canadian Arthur Haley, belongs to the genre of the so-called industrial novel, in which a person (a professional in his field) comes face to face with the solution of a complex informal problem. As a rule, it needs to be solved in a short time. So, Mr. Bakersfeld has 24 hours to fight the snowy elements. One day in the life of Lincoln Airport turned out to be quite stressful.

Stefan Zweig "24 Hours in the Life of a Woman" (1927)

Stefan Zweig always writes wonderfully, be it a historical novel, a biography, an essay, a long work or a laconic short story. “24 Hours in the Life of a Woman” tells the story of an unprecedented incident - a 33-year-old respectable lady abandoned two children and a wealthy husband because of a charming stranger whom she met the day before.

The narrator, who was vacationing in the same boarding house where the family drama took place, became an involuntary participant in a circle that was actively discussing the act of the frivolous fugitive. He, out of the goodness of his heart, joined the camp of those who tried to justify Madame. Among them was one elderly lady - 67-year-old Madame K. Having taken a liking to the young man, she told him her own love story, which broke out in just 24 hours, but left a mark on her soul for the rest of her life.

Zweig's short stories are always sincere, deep, aphoristic, sensual and at the same time very chaste. We recommend it to connoisseurs of the romantic genre, rather than “pink” literature.

Winston Groom "Forest Gump" (1986)

The novel “Forrest Gump” (original – Forrest Gamp) is a vivid example when the fame of a literary character significantly outstripped the fame of the writer. Not everyone knows that the story about a mentally retarded man named Forrest Gump was created by the American writer and documentarian Winston Groom.

This fascinating, touching, sometimes funny and tear-jerking novel will not leave anyone indifferent. A masterpiece film will reinforce the impression of the book. The novel was filmed by the outstanding director Robert Zemeckis (“Back to the Future”, “Cast Away”). The role of Forest was brilliantly played by Tom Hanks (“Cast Away,” “The Green Mile”). The film was so successful that it won six Oscars, including Best Director, Best Actor and Best Picture in 1994.

Joan Harris "Five Quarters of an Orange" (2001)

Another creation from the author of the masterpiece “Chocolate” will not leave sensual people indifferent. Five Quortes of the Orange is the thrilling story of a woman named Framboise and the secret hidden in her mother's cookbook.

Even a seemingly trivial plot will turn into a magical mystery in Harris’ creative treatment. Those who have read or at least watched the film “Chocolate” will certainly understand what it is about and will want to read this amazing book.

Sebastien Japrisot "A Lady with Glasses and a Gun in a Car" (1966)

Fans of the detective genre will appreciate the bestseller from the Frenchman Sebastien Japrizo. “The Lady with Glasses and a Gun in the Car” is an action-packed story about a 26-year-old advertising agency worker named Dani.

Is there any meaning and benefit in visiting the library in our time and why many people still cannot give up this pleasure.

They are now very popular, having become real encyclopedias for those who are seriously thinking about the premature end of the world.

All her life Dani has lived by the rules, but one day the girl decides to play a little prank - take a ride in her boss’s car to the sea. However, instead of basking on the Cote d'Azur, Dani will have to hide from justice. An unpleasant surprise awaited her in the trunk of the car - the corpse of a man with a gunshot wound. Now Dani is the main suspect in the murder case. To escape, she will have to conduct her own detective investigation.

10 books you can't tear yourself away from

5 (100%) 1 vote

Have you ever come across a book that didn't let you go until the last page? Was it read in one sitting and left a lasting impression? For sure. 10 books that can be read in one breath are those works that make you feel delighted and spend all your free time reading them. They are distinguished by a light style, a simple fast-paced plot and a special intrigue that keeps the reader in suspense until the end. Such books are ideal for a long journey or vacation, or if you want to escape from reality for a while and immerse yourself in the world of the chosen book.

1. $
19-year-old adventurer Holly Golightly is a regular at social events. Her goal is to find successful men and meet them. One day she meets a writer whom she calls Fred (he did not want to give his real name). Over the course of a whole year (autumn 1943 - autumn 1944), Holly tells Fred during meetings various episodes from her short but stormy life. It seems to her that the writer is very similar to her older brother, and that is why she gives him his name. The short story ends with Holly's departure to South America. Fred writes a novel based on her stories.

2. $
13-year-old Gregoire is a poor student and because of this he constantly quarrels with his parents. Conflicts with classmates are also common. The boy has a great ability for manual labor and is constantly inventing something. His dream is a technical lyceum, but it is also necessary to acquire knowledge there. Gregoire writes a letter to the director of the lyceum, without, however, holding much hope. However, the director agrees to take him on the condition that he passes the entrance exam. The news of his beloved grandfather's illness puts the teenager into a state of stupor, and it seems that the chance will be missed. Suddenly, at the very last moment, Gregoire was able to concentrate, and the goal was achieved. Thanks to the strong desire of his grandson, the grandfather recovered and came to see him at the lyceum.

At the age of 16, Holden Caulfield had already changed many schools due to his quarrelsome nature and reluctance to study. He is ashamed to admit to his parents that he was also kicked out of Pansy's last school. For three days he wanders around the city, having experienced many far from harmless adventures. During this time, he manages to quarrel with his girlfriend Sally, get drunk and chat with a prostitute without using her services. Having visited his younger sister at home at night, he changes his outlook on life and understands that he needs to come to his senses. He stays home and spends the summer at a sanatorium before starting school at a new school.

4. A cat without embellishment. (Terry Pratchett, 1989)
A humorous work about mongrel cats. In an encyclopedic style, the story is told about various areas of their life, the history of their origin, behavioral characteristics, conditions of detention, upbringing and opportunities for friendly communication with them. Cats are classified by the author according to possible habitats, appearance, and character. The narration is told on behalf of the “Movement in Defense of Real Cats” invented by the author. There are three known translations of the title of the work: \"Cat Without Fools\" (1994), \"For Genuine Catness\" and \"Cat Without Embellishment\".

5. $
For a whole 84 days, the fisherman, the old Cuban Santiago, could not catch anything. Only the boy Manolin helps the old man fish and talks to him about various things, despite his father’s prohibitions. Santiago again decides to try his luck on an old sailing boat, but Manolin is not with him this time. To the old man’s surprise, a huge marlin was caught on the hook - a fish that has a “sword”. It is difficult for the fisherman to cope with such a catch, and the fish, swimming further and further into the sea, drags the boat along with it. Santiago spends several days fighting marlin and sharks. Finally, with difficulty he makes it to the shore. True, the sharks left only a skeleton from the caught fish, which the old man gives to his little friend as a souvenir. 6. Postcards from the other world. (Franco Arminio, 1960)
The work consists of several dozen unique messages describing what their author felt in the last minutes of his life: the reluctance to die, the fear of death, and the recognition of its already accomplished fact. \"Postcard\", an extremely brief style of presentation and piercing emotionality allow the reader, with all its complexity, to get as close as possible to the experiences that the \"postman\" who moved to another world wants to convey to him: his last look, his last gesture, his last wish…

8 people who do not know each other are invited by some unknown person to Negro Island. There is no one there except a childless married couple of servants. In the bedrooms, guests discover the text of a rhyme about 10 little Indians. Gathered in the dining room, they hear a recorded murder accusation addressed to each of those present. A series of mysterious deaths follow, occurring exactly as the story goes. Old Judge Wargrave tries to investigate, but dies himself. Finally, no one is left alive. The arriving police cannot solve the case of "10 Little Indians." After some time, the fishermen find a bottle with a written confession of the judge, who killed everyone, faked his own death, and was the last to shoot himself. For his plan, he chose people who committed murders for which they cannot be tried by law.

The story of a newborn boy found on a huge transatlantic liner in a lemon crate. It was discovered on the very first day of 1900 and this date was added to the name given later. The foundling never left the ship, learned to play the piano through some unknown means and became a musician in a restaurant orchestra. The boy became a real virtuoso. The whole life of the hero will pass before the readers, filled with various events, and becoming the plot for a beautiful legend. A trumpeter who played with him in the orchestra talks about his brilliant friend.

Nick Carraway is a Yale University graduate from a wealthy and respected family in the Midwest. He is 30 years old and his job is securities trading. Nick moves in 1922, during the time of bootlegging, the heyday of jazz and free morals, to New York. Wanting to achieve a goal that he himself has not yet fully understood, he settles in a neighborhood of very rich people and gets to know his neighbors. One of them is the millionaire Gatsby, known for his eccentricity. He introduces Nick to the world of the rich with its rules and concepts, his interpretation of the meaning of life. The main character decides to describe everything that this world lives in in his book upon returning home.

A novel about the life of the inhabitants of a fishing village. The main characters are skipper Guma and his wife Livia. They are young and beautiful. But who knows how many more dangers the sea hides, how many more times will Libya accompany her husband on a voyage and then wait for hours on the shore? But they do not want another life, because the sea is their whole life, they are connected to it by some inexplicable ties. Guma knows that the mistress of the sea Yemanja (or, more simply, the abyss of the sea) will someday leave him with her forever, but will never agree to exchange her risk-filled profession for the quiet work of a merchant.

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