What are stylistic features? Which ones exist in English? Stylistic moderation of speech

STYLISTICS STYLISTICS -1) a branch of linguistics that studies the system of language styles, linguistic norms and methods of using literary language in various conditions of linguistic communication, in different types and genres of writing, in various spheres of public life. 2) In literary studies, stylistics is the branch of theoretical poetics that studies artistic speech.

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2000 .


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    STYLISTICS, stylistics, many. no, female (ling., lit.). 1. The doctrine of expressive means of language. Stylistics of colloquial speech. 2. Department of the theory of literature on the means and techniques of artistic speech. 3. The totality of artistic means of language... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    stylistics- and, f. stylistique f. , German Stilistic. 1. The doctrine of speech styles. BAS 1. Stylistics of colloquial speech. Ush. 1940. 2. Department of literary theory, studying the styles of literary works. BAS 1. Grammarians and rhetoricians who studied... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

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1. Stylistics of the Russian language




M.V. Lomonosov associates the style of speech with the style of the individual, the image of the speaker.

The doctrine of style, i.e. the doctrine of evorony, rhythm, tropes and figures of speech, received great development in rhetoric at the end of the 17th - beginning and middle of the 18th century. The thesis “style is a person” has acquired leading significance. The doctrine of style develops into the doctrine of composition.

M.V. Lomonosov divides the arrangement into natural and artistic, that is, into prosaic (scientific) and poetic. The unit of composition is considered to be hria, that is, speech that has a relatively independent semantic integrity. M. V. Lomonosov's chries refer, first of all, to laudable words, that is, to demonstrative speech.

Rhetoric analyzes the speech act, grammar talks about how to ensure the intelligibility of the words and expressions that make up the speech act. For rhetoric, the result of speech is essential, for grammar it is unimportant.

The role of stylistics is to combine rhetorical and grammatical ideas about language. There are rhetorical and poetic stylistics, on the one hand, and linguistic ones, on the other.

The types of speech stylistics form a unity, and each type considers the style of speech action or style of utterance from its own point of view. Stylistics applies the grammatical method of observing and describing rhetorical use according to the laws of speech. Stylistics is what connects and distinguishes rhetoric and grammar.

The purpose of this work is to reveal the essence of the norm and stylistic moderation of the Russian language.

Objectives: to define the concept of “stylistics”, to identify the basic norms of the Russian language, to reveal the essence of stylistic moderation.

1. Stylistics of the Russian language

Stylistics is the science of a high level of speech culture, the correct use of words and connections between words. The subject of stylistics is the style of language. The main stylistic unit is the word. Lexical stylistics studies:

Lexical means of language;

Styles and their means;

Standard usage of words in various styles;

Means of the most accurate transmission of information (antonymy, synonymy, homonymy, polysemy, paronyms);

Stylistic stratification of vocabulary (archaisms, neologisms, words of limited scope of use);

Lexical figurative means (tropes).

Lexical stylistics eliminates the following speech defects:

Incorrect use of words;

Using a word without taking into account its semantics;

Violation of lexical compatibility;

Wrong choice of synonyms;

Incorrect use of antonyms, polysemantic words, homonyms;

Style is one of the varieties of language, a linguistic subsystem with a unique vocabulary, phraseological combinations, phrases and constructions, differing from other varieties in its expressive and evaluative properties. Style is always a situational manifestation of language in speech. There is also the concept of individual style. A speech work, in addition to generally accepted means, may contain individual characteristics. A typical style serves as the basis for creating an individual one. The typical style has the following characteristic features:

Social stylistic tradition;

Social rules and norms of style formation.

The manifestation of an individual speech style is determined by various social textures:

Social status. The style of speech can be high, medium or low depending on what position we occupy in society;

Floor. The speech style of men and women has significant differences. For example, women tend to be more emotional; Their speech is characterized by sentimentality, confusion, and verbosity. The speech of men is more often characterized by vulgarisms, paradoxes, and puns;

Age. Each age period (childhood, adolescence, maturity, old age) is characterized by certain stylistic norms;

Profession. The speech of people of different professions differs both thematically and stylistically.

A linguistic norm is a set of phenomena permitted by the language system, reflected and enshrined in the speech of a native speaker, and which are mandatory for all native speakers.

A word is a set of certain sounds that names objects, phenomena of reality, denotes signs, actions, and performs connecting functions between other words. The word is the basis for understanding speech. One of the most important problems of stylistics is the semantic accuracy of speech, that is, the correct choice of words in a specific speech situation. Incorrect use of words distorts the meaning of a statement and causes various kinds of speech errors.

The problem of semantic accuracy arises when editing text. When editing, lexical and stylistic errors caused by incorrect word choice are eliminated.

2. Norms of stylistics of the Russian language

Stylistic norms are historically established and at the same time naturally developing generally accepted implementations of the stylistic possibilities, meanings and colors inherent in the language, determined by the goals, objectives and content of a certain sphere of communication.

The norms of stylistics regulate certain features of the use of speech means in various spheres of communication and do not allow clashes of different style means in a narrow context.

Let's look at an example. The word dine has the meaning of “to take food, eat something as lunch,” and the word lunch means “the main meal, usually in the middle of the day, as opposed to breakfast and dinner.” You can say: dined at home, dined in the dining room, invited friends to lunch, treated them to lunch, etc. It may seem that the words dine and treat to lunch can be used anywhere and anytime. However, the language has other synonymous means that are close in meaning: to attend dinner and to give dinner. In one case, stylistics establishes the scope of their use: the expressions to attend dinner and give dinner have an extremely limited scope of use - they are used only in the official business style and then only in its diplomatic variety: The Russian Government gave a dinner in honor of the Prime Minister who is on a friendly visit. Minister of France. In other styles, the words dine and treat with lunch are used, which have a neutral stylistic connotation.

Similar questions arise in the field of phonetics and morphology. Stylistics examines the peculiarities of the use of syntactic variants in certain speech conditions.

Stylistics studies the same elements of language structure as phonetics, vocabulary, morphology and syntax, but is not limited to the structure and meaning of these elements, but compares them in terms of features of use in speech, semantic and emotional shades, etc. In connection with With this, scientists highlight stylistic norms as the subject of the study of stylistics.

Varieties of literary language that serve various aspects of social life are called functional styles. The following functional styles are distinguished:

1) scientific style;

2) official business style;

3) journalistic style;

4) colloquial speech;

5) the language of fiction.

Each style has its own characteristics, according to which it is used in one or another area of ​​speech activity.

The normativity of speech is largely determined by the correct use of the word. The following main principles for word choice are distinguished:

1. The lexical meaning of a word must correspond to the meaning in which it is used. For example, the words spectator and visitor coincide in the meaning of “public”, but have different meanings depending on the purpose for which the public gathers: spectator - for spectacular performances; visitor - to an exhibition or other public places;

2. The stylistic correlation of the word should lead to the correct choice of the word depending on the communicative situation in which it is used. Depending on their style, words are divided into three main groups:

Vocabulary that is stylistically uncolored, that is, neutral. Words such as day, voice, I, and, so, road, twenty, etc., can be used in any situation;

The words are strictly official. These include book words: assign, interpretation, terms, that is, words used in official communication among specialists: consolidation (finance), paradigm (linguistics);

The vocabulary is emphatically informal. It includes colloquial, colloquial and colloquial words (nickel, big-eyed, mental hospital), as well as professionalisms - words used in informal communication between people of the same profession (steering wheel, window);

3. The expressive-evaluative coloring of a word often determines its meaning. For example, stench (disapproving) - smell (no evaluation) - aroma (approving).

3. Stylistic moderation of speech

The greatest use of stylistic moderation is typical for business speech.

Formality and regulation of business relations, i.e. their submission to established rules and restrictions presupposes compliance with business etiquette. In a business letter, the regulation of the relationship between the addressee (author of the letter) and the addressee (recipient) is expressed using speech etiquette formulas of address and farewell, as well as compliance with the general tone of the message within the framework of correctness and courtesy. Irony, sarcasm, and insults are not allowed in business writing. Etiquette formulas not only give the letter the necessary tone of politeness and respect, but also indicate the nature of the relationship between the sender and recipient of the correspondence (official, semi-official, friendly relations).

An important aspect of business communication is the issue of ethics in relations between business partners. In business correspondence, the ethics of relationships is manifested in the need to comply with a number of requirements for both the addressee and the addressee. For the recipient of official correspondence, a mandatory requirement is a prompt and clear response to the sending organization in the form of a response letter or message transmitted via other means of communication. Delay or lack of response may be considered uncooperative and may result in the severance of the business relationship. Writers of business letters are not recommended to: encourage the addressee to rush when making a decision with the words “urgent”, “immediately”; impose on the addressee the expected outcome of the issue covered in the letter, for example: “Please study and resolve the issue positively.” Special conditions of business communication, such as official character, legal significance, targeting, repetition of managerial situations, determine the general requirements for official business written speech.

It should also be noted that the presence of different styles is necessary in any communications.

Functional style is a subsystem of the literary language, which is implemented in a certain field of social activity (for example, in the field of science, business communication, everyday communication, etc.) and is characterized by a certain set of stylistically significant linguistic means. The term functional style emphasizes that varieties of literary language are distinguished on the basis of the function (role) that the language performs in each specific case. It is the goals of communication that dictate the choice of stylistic devices and compositional structure of speech for each specific case.

Functional styles are heterogeneous; each of them is represented by a number of genre varieties, for example, in the scientific style - scientific monographs and educational texts, in the official business style - laws, certificates, business letters, in the newspaper journalistic style - articles, reports, etc. Each functional type of speech has its own specific features, its own range of vocabulary and syntactic structures, which are implemented to one degree or another in each genre of a given style.


Language is social in its essence. Its main function is to be a means, an instrument of communication between people. On the basis of this function and in connection with it, other functions are carried out by language - influence, communication, formation and expression of thought. These functions are also social.

Speech culture is understood as mastery of the norms of the literary language in its oral and written form, in which the selection and organization of linguistic means are carried out, allowing, in a certain communication situation and subject to communication ethics, to ensure the necessary effect in achieving the communication goals.

Speech culture contains three components:

1) normative;

2) communicative;

3) ethical.

First of all, speech culture presupposes the correctness of speech, i.e. compliance with the norms of the literary language, which are perceived by its speakers (speakers and writers) as a model. The linguistic norm is the central concept of speech culture. However, the culture of speech cannot be reduced to a list of prohibitions and definitions of “right and wrong.”

The concept of “speech culture” is associated with the patterns and characteristics of the functioning of language, as well as with speech activity in all its diversity. Speech culture develops the skills of selecting and using linguistic means in the process of verbal communication, helps to form a conscious attitude towards their use in speech practice in accordance with communicative tasks. The choice of means necessary for this purpose is the basis of the communicative aspect of speech culture. In accordance with the requirements of the communicative aspect of speech culture, native speakers must master the functional varieties of the language, as well as focus on the pragmatic conditions of communication.

The ethical aspect of speech culture prescribes knowledge and application of the rules of linguistic behavior in specific situations. Ethical standards of communication are understood as speech etiquette (speech formulas of greeting, request, question, gratitude; choice of full or abbreviated name, form of address, etc.). The ethical component of the culture of speech imposes a strict ban on foul language in the process of communication and condemns speaking in a raised voice. The use of speech etiquette is greatly influenced by extralinguistic factors: the age of the participants in the speech act (purposeful speech act), the nature of the relationship between them (official, informal, friendly, intimate), time and place of speech interaction, etc.

Conditions for the existence of a literary language:

1) the presence of writing;

2) normalization is a relatively stable way of expression, reflecting the historical patterns of language development, based on the language system, enshrined in the best examples of literature and preferred by the educated part of society. Literary language allows for the phenomenon of norm variation;

3) codification is the presence of grammars, dictionaries and other books prescribing the rules for the use of languages, i.e. fixed in scientific literature;

4) stylistic diversity. Style is the functional variety of literary language. Linguistic means are divided into stylistic, neutral and interstylistic.

One of the main tasks of speech culture is the protection of the literary language and its norms. Such protection is a matter of national importance, since the literary language unites the nation linguistically.


1. Valgina N.S., Rosenthal D.E., Fomina M.I. Modern Russian language. M.: Education, 2002

2. Vvedenskaya L.A. and others. Russian language and speech culture. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2004.

3. Kozhina M.I. Stylistics of the Russian language. - M.: Education, 1977.

4. Stolyarova E.A. Stylistics of the Russian language. – M.: Prior-izdat, 2004.

5. Tkachenko I.V., Sharokhina E.V. Rhetoric. - M.: TK Velby, 2005.

Vvedenskaya L.A. and others. Russian language and speech culture. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2004.

Stolyarova E.A. Stylistics of the Russian language. – M.: Prior-izdat, 2004. – p.-6.

Kozhina M.I. Stylistics of the Russian language. - M.: Education, 1977. - p. 84.

Tkachenko I.V., Sharokhina E.V. Rhetoric. - M.: TK Velby, 2005.

Valgina N.S., Rosenthal D.E., Fomina M.I. Modern Russian language. – M.: Education, 2002

Stylistics is a branch of the science of language that studies language styles and speech styles, as well as visual and expressive means.

Style (from the Greek stylos - writing stick) is a way of verbally expressing thoughts, a syllable. Style is characterized by features in the selection, combination and organization of linguistic means in connection with the tasks of communication.

Functional style is a subsystem (variety) of a literary language that has a certain sphere of functioning and has stylistically significant (marked) linguistic means.

The following functional styles are distinguished:

conversational style, scientific style, official business style, journalistic style, fiction style.

Scientific style

Scientific style is the language of science. The most common specific feature of this style of speech is consistency of presentation . A scientific text is distinguished by its emphasized, strict logic: all parts in it are strictly connected in meaning and are arranged strictly sequentially; conclusions follow from the facts presented in the text.

Another typical sign of a scientific style of speech is accuracy. Semantic accuracy (unambiguity) is achieved by careful selection of words, the use of words in their direct meaning, and the wide use of terms and special vocabulary.

Abstraction and generalization necessarily permeate every scientific text. Therefore, abstract concepts that are difficult to imagine, see, and feel are widely used here. In such texts there are often words with an abstract meaning, for example: emptiness, speed, time, force, quantity, quality, law, number, limit; formulas, symbols, symbols, graphs, tables, diagrams, diagrams, and drawings are often used.

The scientific style is predominantly in written form, but oral forms are also possible (report, message, lecture). The main genres of scientific style are monograph, article, theses, lecture, etc.

Journalistic style

The purpose of the journalistic style of speech is informing , the transmission of socially significant information with a simultaneous influence on the reader, listener, convincing him of something, instilling in him certain ideas, views, inducing him to certain actions.

The sphere of use of the journalistic style of speech is socio-economic, political, cultural relations.

Genres of journalism - article in a newspaper, magazine, essay, report, interview, feuilleton, oratory, judicial speech, speech on radio, television, at a meeting, report.
The journalistic style of speech is characterized by logic, imagery, emotionality, evaluativeness, appeal and their corresponding linguistic means. It widely uses socio-political vocabulary and various types of syntactic constructions.

Formal business style

The official business style of speech is used in the sphere of legal relations, official, industrial.
The main stylistic features of the official business style are:
a) accuracy that does not allow any other interpretation;
b) non-personal nature;
c) standardization, stereotyped construction of the text;
d) obligatory-prescriptive nature.

Accuracy formulations for legislative texts is manifested primarily in the use of special terminology, in the unambiguity of non-terminological vocabulary. A typical feature of business speech is the limited possibilities of synonymous replacement; repetition of the same words, mainly terms.

Non-personal character business speech is expressed in the fact that it lacks forms of verbs of the \(1\)th and \(2\)th person and personal pronouns of the \(1\)th and \(2\)th person, and the \(3\)th person forms of the verb and pronouns are often used in an indefinite personal meaning.

In official documents, due to the peculiarity of the wording, there is almost no narration and description.
All documents are devoid of emotionality and expressiveness, so we will not find figurative language in them.

Conversational style

The conversational style is based on colloquial speech. The main function of the conversational style is communication ( communication ), and its main form is oral.

As part of the colloquial style, a literary-colloquial style is distinguished, which uses generally accepted words that correspond to the norms of the literary language, and a colloquial variety, which is characterized by words and phrases that deviate from literary norms and have a tinge of stylistic decline.

The written form of the conversational style is realized in the epistolary genre (private letters, personal correspondence, and diary entries).

Artistic style

Artistic style is a tool of artistic creativity and combines the linguistic means of all other styles of speech. However, in artistic style, these visual means play a special role: the purpose of their use becomes aesthetic And emotional impact on the reader. Fiction allows the use of colloquial, dialect words and expressions and even vulgarisms. The language of fiction uses a whole variety of figurative and expressive means (metaphor, epithet, antithesis, hyperbole, etc.). The selection of linguistic means depends on the individuality of the author, theme, idea of ​​the work, and genre. A word in a literary text can acquire new shades of meaning.

Stylistics is one of the sciences about language; it studies the existence and embodiment of language in various spheres of human communication (science, law, politics, art, everyday life).

Stylistics is closely related to one might even say that stylistics has its roots in ancient rhetoric. Ancient authors studied:

  • how to most effectively achieve the goal that the speaker sets for himself using linguistic means and speech construction,
  • how to select factual material and arrange it compositionally,
  • what impact the speech can have on the audience.

In Antiquity, almost all methods of creation were also developed, which is important for creating texts of a particular style.

Problems raised in ancient rhetoric and related to styles were actively discussed and developed in subsequent eras (Renaissance, Enlightenment, etc.)

In Russian rhetoric of the 17th and first half of the 19th centuries, problems that are directly related to styles and stylistics in general were reflected in one way or another.

A huge contribution to the stylistics of the Russian language was made by him who considered styles within the framework of grammar, rhetoric and “lexicon”. The theory of three styles he developed (high, mediocre and low) had a great influence on the creation and development of the Russian literary language.

N.M. Karamzin and his school (late 18th - early 19th centuries) actively studied the features of the style of fiction.

The famous A.S. Shishkov studied the evolution of the Russian language.

Then the problems of stylistics within the framework of the theory of literature and poetics were studied by A.A. Potebnya, A.N. Veselovsky, F.I. Buslaev.

In the Soviet period of the twentieth century, the processes of formation of speech styles were intensively studied. Stylistics was closely related to the problems of population growth. Here you need to remember the names M M. Bakhtina, V. V. Vinogradova, G. O. Vinokura, B.V. Tomashevsky, L.V. Shcherba and many other scientists.

With the development of such a new discipline for the twentieth century as text linguistics, the attention of scientists is drawn to the features of the construction of texts and genres.

For those who are just beginning to study stylistics, these names mean nothing. However, these scientists made the science that you will study not only interesting for people of various professions, but necessary for them.

The stylistics of the Russian language is closely related to other philological disciplines:

  • rhetoric,
  • speech culture,
  • text linguistics,
  • poetry,
  • literary theory,
  • translation theory,
  • socio-, ethno- and psycholinguistics.

The very concept of “style,” on the one hand, has many meanings and can be attributed to various areas of human activity (architectural style, clothing style, behavioral style, etc.).

On the other hand, style is one or another version of a literary language depending on one or another sphere of human communication, i.e. This is a linguistic concept. This concept, as well as many others associated with it, will accompany you during classes.

People live and interact in style spaces, because the existence of each style is associated with one or another sphere of human activity, human communication.

Every person can and should be stylistically competent.

Rhetoric and stylistics are interesting and practical sciences. They give us the opportunity to learn that speech and language are living and life-giving phenomena, that with skill and care they become our true friends, that being able to write and speak well are essential qualities of a modern person. All this can be learned.

Let us follow the example of the ancients:

from theory to practice, from analyzing texts of recognized authors through editing to creating your own texts.

The authors wish good luck and inspiration to everyone who has chosen philology as the basis of their future profession.

Materials are published with the personal permission of the author - Ph.D. O.A. Mazneva (see “Our Library”)

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Stylistics and its subject.

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1. Stylistics and its subject

2. Stylistic layers of vocabulary

a) vocabulary is neutral, cross-style

b) vocabulary of oral speech

c) vocabulary of written speech


Stylistics – a branch of the science of language that studies the style of literary language and the linguistic means that create their features.

Language style- this is a set of linguistic features - lexical, grammatical, phonetic, giving speech a certain coloring, making it colloquial, scientific, business, etc.

The Russian literary language is divided into a number of styles depending on where and for what it is used.

From a stylistic point of view, all popular Russian vocabulary (except for dialect and highly specialized words) can be divided into three large groups:

1. Neutral vocabulary (cross-style)

2. Vocabulary of oral speech.

3. Written vocabulary

Stylistics also studies the norms of word usage, word combinations, and the expressive capabilities of lexical, phraseological and grammatical units of language.

The linguistic means used to create a particular style are divided into two stylistic groups: the means used in the Russian spheres of language use, and the means reflecting the relationship to the words themselves.

Stylistic devices that are used in narrow areas of language use include: historicisms, dialectisms, vernaculars, jargons, professionalisms, i.e. territorially and socially limited linguistic means. Their stylistic role is to give speech a local (dialect) or professional-production flavor.

Stylistic means expressing attitudes towards words include: emotionally charged expressive and stylistically colored expressions. Emotionally charged words express attitudes towards objects: diminutive, dismissive, abusive, etc. For example: Nag, blurted out, unsightly. Stylistically colored words express an attitude towards a word: colloquial, colloquial, folk-poetic, coarsely colloquial, high, low, for example: fatherland, fatherland - high, smear – colloquial, utter – playfully ironic lantern (bruise)- roughly colloquial, crowd - dismissive, etc.

Words and phraseological units according to their use are: neutral, solemn and reduced. Neutral language means are used in all styles. Style is created by a combination of neutral linguistic means and means used primarily in a given style. The practice of using language in different spheres of human communication has developed a certain set of linguistic means in accordance with the tasks of each style.

3. Stylistic layers of vocabulary.

The vocabulary is neutral ( interstyle).

In explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, many words are equipped with so-called stylistic marks: book. (book word), high. (a word related to high vocabulary), official. (official), colloquial (colloquial), simple. (colloquial), etc. But most words in any explanatory dictionary do not have stylistic marks. These are neutral, inter-style words: man, heads, tree, table, clock, streets, good, new, Moscow, easy, fun, simple, I, mine, our, eight, hundred, etc.

These words are used in any type of speech, in any style of speech in fiction, etc. Therefore, such vocabulary is called interstyle, i.e. serving all styles of speech or neutral.

Neutral vocabulary is called because it is devoid of any special stylistic coloring.

Stylistically neutral words make up most of popular vocabulary. This includes most nouns: window, table, day, work, radio, TV, lecture, theater, love i.r. adjectives: deep, southern, straight, interesting, Russian, paper, huge, etc. . verbs: work, smile, hate, travel, walk, organize, endure, know, etc. adverbs: fun, clear, very, in our opinion, three of us, slightly, etc. pronouns: I, you, he, we, our, ours, who, what, this, etc. function words (prepositions, conjunctions, particles): in, on, by, without, and, a, but, if, would, same, after all, etc.

Interstyle words include all numerals.

Only interjections are not inter-style words (since there are styles where interjections do not occur, for example, scientific style, official business style.)

Neutral vocabulary is a necessary basis for the vocabulary of a language.

Vocabulary of oral speech.

The vocabulary of oral speech includes words characteristic of oral varieties of language, primarily for casual conversation. These words are not used in scientific style, business papers, official documents, etc. The vocabulary of oral speech is not homogeneous. This group is divided into

Colloquial vocabulary

Colloquial vocabulary.

Colloquial vocabulary includes words that give speech a touch of informality, ease, but not rudeness.

From the point of view of belonging to different parts of speech, colloquial vocabulary, like neutral vocabulary, is diverse: witty, big guy, gallery, crowd, reader., lanky, new, pretty., not enough, at random, slowly, little by little, in his own way, dumbfounded, jabber, jabber, joke, fawn., oh, yeah, hey, bam, dac.

Colloquial vocabulary does not go beyond the vocabulary of the literary language.

Colloquial vocabulary goes beyond the strictly standardized literary speech (these words are distinguished by rude expressions and abusive character); they are not recommended for use in the speech of cultured people, in scientific and technical literature. Actually, vernacular vocabulary, also called vernacular, resembles dialectal vocabulary and differs from the latter in that regional words are assigned to a certain territory, and vernacular words are used in different regions of Russia (both in the city and in the countryside).

Vocabulary of written speech.

The vocabulary of written speech includes words that are used primarily in written varieties of the literary language, in scientific articles, textbooks, business papers, in official documents - and not used (or rarely used) in casual conversations, in everyday everyday speech. The language of fiction and written speech.

In the scientific style, a significant role is played by special vocabulary, or terminology consisting of terms, words with a precisely defined meaning. Each branch of science has its own terms, for example: sine, cosine, tangent, conjugation,(grammatical terms), etc. The main thing in scientific works is the exact expression of thought, so emotional vocabulary is much rarer here.

In the scientific style, complex sentences, introductory words indicating the order of thought, etc. are widely used, allowing one to express thoughts accurately and clearly.

In newspapers and magazine articles, in speeches on socio-political topics (this is a journalistic style), naturally, socio-political vocabulary occupies a large place, for example: state, democracy, referendum, reform, deputy, mobilize, masses, active and many others. In journalism, words and expressions colored with emotions of solemnity, sympathy, irony, indignation, etc. are widely used. All kinds of phraseological combinations, proverbs, sayings, interjections, exclamatory and interrogative sentences, and appeals are used.

Regarding vocabulary, official business style (business and official) is the style of protocols, statements and other documents.

Official vocabulary includes a relatively small number of words and phrases used mainly in official documents, for example: accrual, account, place of residence, competition, must, location, unclaimed, authorized representative, make a decision, consider invalid, in execution of the decision.

In business style, emotionally charged vocabulary is not used at all.

However, this or that word belongs to this or that style; one must remember that different meanings of a word may belong to different stylistic groups of vocabulary. For example, words rag, donkey, crow, pig, puppy, cattle, log, bag and others literally refer to neutral vocabulary. In some figurative meanings, these words have a colloquial or colloquial connotation: rag ( weak-willed, lethargic person), donkey,(stupid person), etc.

The style of fiction occupies a special place in the literary language. In a work of art, words not only carry certain information (communicate about something) but also serve to have an aesthetic impact on the reader with the help of artistic images. The brighter and more truthful the image, the stronger its impact on the reader. By choosing the only word necessary in each case, writers create vivid and memorable images of their native nature and folk life, paint the spiritual world of their heroes, and convey their speech in all its originality.

In their works, writers depict different historical eras, the heroes of works of art can be representatives of different classes and social groups, actions can unfold in a variety of places in our country and abroad. Therefore, in order to realistically reproduce reality, in order to create truthful, verbal characteristics of the characters, to evoke in the reader more accurate ideas about a certain historical era, about the place where the action develops, writers use, when necessary, not only words and forms of literary language, but also outdated, dialectal, scientific and colloquial. Thus, the bright and original language of M.A. is distinguished by the skillful use of dialectisms. Sholokhov. Drawing the life of the Don Cossacks, the author instead of literary words hut, house the word is used kuren., a place in the yard fenced for livestock is called base, etc. In the novel by A.N. Tolstoy “Peter I, to create a historical era, outdated words are widely used, for example: petition ( petition ), order, senate(government agencies), boyar and many others. Writers widely use linguistic means of different styles of the Russian literary language, including colloquial, for example:

Finally, in the evening, when both people and horses had already

Quite tired, the coachman said: “Well, here we go.”

We’ve arrived, there’s a turn around this toe.”

Squealing merrily, Chuk and Gek jumped up, but the sleigh

They pulled, and they plopped down into the hay. (A. Gaidar)

A common technique is to combine different words in one small passage of text: They wandered knee-deep in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and the magnificent sunset illuminated their radiantly drunken faces.(I. Ilf). High word radiant and next to it is a roughly colloquial word hari. Here are some more examples: There is such a sweet area of ​​​​being where every well-wisher can consider himself a complete specialist.(L.L.) " Hana! - Mallow suddenly said, and I even shuddered. For the first time I heard a strong word from his honeyed lips.(K. Paust).

List of used literature.

1.O. Galaeva “Russian language” schoolchildren’s reference book M. 1995,

Philological Society “Slovo”, TKO AST., pp. 433-438.

2. V.F. Grekov “Manual for Russian language classes” M.

"Enlightenment" 1987, pp. 18-23.

3.V.V. Babaytseva. "Russian language - theory." M. "Enlightenment" P. 160-


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