What is core biology definition. What is a central processing unit? Kernel functions

Many biochemical reactions and processes take place in every living cell. To control them, as well as regulate many vital factors, a special structure is needed. What is a nucleus in biology? What makes it effective at accomplishing its task?

What is a nucleus in biology. Definition

The nucleus is an essential structure of any cell in the body. What is the core? In biology, it is the most important component of every organism. The nucleus can be found in both unicellular protozoa and highly organized representatives of the eukaryotic world. The main function of this structure is the storage and transmission of genetic information, which is also contained here.

After fertilization of the egg by the sperm, the fusion of two haploid nuclei occurs. After the fusion of germ cells, a zygote is formed, the nucleus of which already carries a diploid set of chromosomes. This means that the karyotype (genetic information of the nucleus) already contains copies of genes from both the mother and father.

Kernel composition

What is the characteristic of the kernel? Biology carefully studies the composition of the nuclear apparatus, since this can give impetus to the development of genetics, selection and molecular biology.

The nucleus is a double membrane structure. Membranes are an extension of what is necessary for the transport of formed substances from the cell. The contents of the nucleus are called nucleoplasm.

Chromatin is the main substance of the nucleoplasm. The composition of chromatin is diverse: it contains primarily nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), as well as proteins and many metal ions. DNA in the nucleoplasm is arranged in an ordered manner in the form of chromosomes. It is the chromosomes that double during division, after which each set of them passes into daughter cells.

RNA in the nucleoplasm is most often found in two types: mRNA and rRNA. is formed during the process of transcription - reading information from DNA. The molecule of such ribonucleic acid later leaves the nucleus and subsequently serves as a template for the formation of new proteins.

Ribosomal RNA is produced in special structures called nucleoli. The nucleolus is built from the terminal sections of chromosomes formed by secondary constrictions. This structure can be seen under a light microscope as a compacted speck on the nucleus. Ribosomal RNAs, which are synthesized here, also enter the cytoplasm and then, together with proteins, form ribosomes.

The composition of the core has a direct influence on the functions. Biology as a science studies the properties of chromatin to better understand the processes of transcription and cell division.

Kernel functions. Biology of processes in the nucleus

The first and most important function of the nucleus is the storage and transmission of hereditary information. The nucleus is a unique structure of the cell because it contains most of the human genes. The karyotype can be haploid, diploid, triploid, and so on. The ploidy of the venom depends on the function of the cell itself: gametes are haploid, and somatic cells are diploid. The endosperm cells of angiosperms are triploid, and, finally, many varieties of crops have a polyploid set of chromosomes.

Transfer to the cytoplasm from the nucleus occurs during the formation of mRNA. During the process of transcription, the necessary karyotype genes are read, and ultimately messenger or messenger RNA molecules are synthesized.

Heredity also manifests itself during cell division by mitosis, meiosis or amitosis. In each case, the core performs its specific function. For example, in the prophase of mitosis, the nuclear membrane is destroyed and highly compacted chromosomes enter the cytoplasm. However, in meiosis, chromosome crossing over occurs before the membrane is destroyed in the nucleus. And in amitosis, the nucleus is completely destroyed and makes a small contribution to the division process.

In addition, the nucleus is indirectly involved in the transport of substances from the cell due to the direct connection of the membrane with the EPS. This is what a nucleus is in biology.

Shape of kernels

The nucleus, its structure and functions may depend on the shape of the membrane. The nuclear apparatus can be round, elongated, in the form of blades, etc. Often the shape of the nucleus is specific to individual tissues and cells. Single-celled organisms differ in the type of nutrition and life cycle, and at the same time, the shapes of the nuclear membranes also differ.

Diversity in the shape and size of the nucleus can be seen in the example of leukocytes.

  • The neutrophil nucleus can be segmented or non-segmented. In the first case, they speak of a horseshoe-shaped nucleus, and this shape is characteristic of young cells. The segmented nucleus is the result of the formation of several partitions in the membrane, resulting in the formation of several parts connected to each other.
  • In eosinophils, the nucleus has a characteristic dumbbell shape. In this case, the nuclear apparatus consists of two segments connected by a partition.
  • Almost the entire volume of lymphocytes is occupied by a huge nucleus. Only a small part of the cytoplasm remains at the periphery of the cell.
  • In glandular cells of insects, the nucleus may have a branched structure.

The number of nuclei in one cell may vary

There is not always only one nucleus present in an organism cell. Sometimes it is necessary to have two or more nuclear devices to perform several functions simultaneously. Conversely, some cells can do without a nucleus altogether. Here are some examples of unusual cells that have more than one nucleus or no nucleus at all.

1. Red blood cells and platelets. These blood cells transport hemoglobin and fibrinogen, respectively. In order for one cell to be able to accommodate the maximum amount of substance, it has lost its nucleus. This feature is not typical for all representatives of the animal world: frogs have huge red blood cells in their blood with a pronounced nucleus. This shows the primitiveness of this class in comparison with more developed taxa.

2. Liver hepatocytes. These cells contain two nuclei. One of them regulates the purification of blood from toxins, and the other is responsible for the formation of heme, which will subsequently become part of the hemoglobin in the blood.

3. Myocytes of striated skeletal tissue. Muscle cells are multinucleated. This is due to the fact that they actively undergo the synthesis and breakdown of ATP, as well as the assembly of proteins.

Features of the nuclear apparatus in protozoa

For example, consider two types of protozoa: ciliates and amoebas.

1. Slipper ciliates. This representative of unicellular organisms has two nuclei: vegetative and generative. Since they differ both in function and size, this feature is called nuclear dualism.

The vegetative nucleus is responsible for the daily functioning of the cell. It regulates its metabolic processes. The generative nucleus is involved in cell division and in conjugation - a sexual process in which genetic information is exchanged with individuals of the same species.


Many genetic diseases are associated with abnormalities in the number of chromosomes. Here is a list of the most well-known deviations in the genetic apparatus of the nucleus:

  • Down syndrome;
  • Patau cider;
  • Klinefelter's syndrome;
  • Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome.

The list goes on, and each of the diseases differs in the serial number of a pair of chromosomes. Also, such diseases often affect the sex X and Y chromosomes.


The nucleus plays an important role in It regulates biochemical processes and is a repository of hereditary information. The transport of substances from the cell and the synthesis of proteins are also associated with the functioning of this central structure of the cell. This is what a nucleus is in biology.

The cell nucleus is the central organelle, one of the most important. Its presence in the cell is a sign of high organization of the organism. A cell that has a formed nucleus is called eukaryotic. Prokaryotes are organisms consisting of a cell that does not have a formed nucleus. If we consider all its components in detail, we can understand what function the cell nucleus performs.

Core structure

  1. Nuclear envelope.
  2. Chromatin.
  3. Nucleoli.
  4. Nuclear matrix and nuclear juice.

The structure and function of the cell nucleus depends on the type of cell and its purpose.

Nuclear envelope

The nuclear envelope has two membranes - outer and inner. They are separated from each other by the perinuclear space. The shell has pores. Nuclear pores are necessary so that various large particles and molecules can move from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and back.

Nuclear pores are formed by the fusion of the inner and outer membranes. Pores are round openings with complexes that include:

  1. A thin diaphragm that closes the hole. It is penetrated by cylindrical channels.
  2. Protein granules. They are located on both sides of the diaphragm.
  3. Central protein granule. It is associated with peripheral granules by fibrils.

The number of pores in the nuclear membrane depends on how intensively synthetic processes take place in the cell.

The nuclear envelope consists of outer and inner membranes. The outer one passes into the rough ER (endoplasmic reticulum).


Chromatin is the most important substance included in the cell nucleus. Its functions are the storage of genetic information. It is represented by euchromatin and heterochromatin. All chromatin is a collection of chromosomes.

Euchromatin is parts of chromosomes that actively participate in transcription. Such chromosomes are in a diffuse state.

Inactive sections and entire chromosomes are condensed clumps. This is heterochromatin. When the state of the cell changes, heterochromatin can transform into euchromatin, and vice versa. The more heterochromatin in the nucleus, the lower the rate of ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis and the lower the functional activity of the nucleus.


Chromosomes are special formations that appear in the nucleus only during division. A chromosome consists of two arms and a centromere. According to their form they are divided into:

  • Rod-shaped. Such chromosomes have one large arm and the other small.
  • Equal-armed. They have relatively identical shoulders.
  • Mixed shoulders. The arms of the chromosome are visually different from each other.
  • With secondary constrictions. Such a chromosome has a non-centromeric constriction that separates the satellite element from the main part.

In each species, the number of chromosomes is always the same, but it is worth noting that the level of organization of the organism does not depend on their number. Thus, a person has 46 chromosomes, a chicken has 78, a hedgehog has 96, and a birch has 84. The fern Ophioglossum reticulatum has the largest number of chromosomes. It has 1260 chromosomes per cell. The male ant of the species Myrmecia pilosula has the smallest number of chromosomes. He only has 1 chromosome.

It was by studying chromosomes that scientists understood the functions of the cell nucleus.

Chromosomes contain genes.


Genes are sections of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules that encode specific compositions of protein molecules. As a result, the body exhibits one or another symptom. The gene is inherited. Thus, the nucleus in a cell performs the function of transmitting genetic material to the next generations of cells.


The nucleolus is the densest part that enters the cell nucleus. The functions it performs are very important for the entire cell. Usually has a round shape. The number of nucleoli varies in different cells - there may be two, three, or none at all. Thus, in the cells of crushed eggs there is no nucleolus.

Structure of the nucleolus:

  1. Granular component. These are granules that are located on the periphery of the nucleolus. Their size varies from 15 nm to 20 nm. In some cells, HA may be evenly distributed throughout the nucleolus.
  2. Fibrillar component (FC). These are thin fibrils, ranging in size from 3 nm to 5 nm. Fk is the diffuse part of the nucleolus.

Fibrillar centers (FCs) are areas of fibrils that have a low density, which, in turn, are surrounded by fibrils with a high density. The chemical composition and structure of PCs are almost the same as those of the nucleolar organizers of mitotic chromosomes. They consist of fibrils up to 10 nm thick, which contain RNA polymerase I. This is confirmed by the fact that the fibrils are stained with silver salts.

Structural types of nucleoli

  1. Nucleolonemal or reticular type. Characterized by a large number of granules and dense fibrillar material. This type of nucleolar structure is characteristic of most cells. It can be observed both in animal cells and in plant cells.
  2. Compact type. It is characterized by a low severity of nucleonoma and a large number of fibrillar centers. It is found in plant and animal cells, in which the process of protein and RNA synthesis actively occurs. This type of nucleoli is characteristic of cells that are actively reproducing (tissue culture cells, plant meristem cells, etc.).
  3. Ring type. In a light microscope, this type is visible as a ring with a light center - a fibrillar center. The size of such nucleoli is on average 1 micron. This type is characteristic only of animal cells (endotheliocytes, lymphocytes, etc.). Cells with this type of nucleolus have a fairly low level of transcription.
  4. Residual type. In cells of this type of nucleoli, RNA synthesis does not occur. Under certain conditions, this type can become reticular or compact, that is, activated. Such nucleoli are characteristic of cells of the spinous layer of the skin epithelium, normoblast, etc.
  5. Segregated type. In cells with this type of nucleolus, rRNA (ribosomal ribonucleic acid) synthesis does not occur. This occurs if the cell is treated with any antibiotic or chemical. The word “segregation” in this case means “separation” or “separation”, since all the components of the nucleoli are separated, which leads to its reduction.

Almost 60% of the dry weight of the nucleoli is protein. Their number is very large and can reach several hundred.

The main function of the nucleoli is the synthesis of rRNA. The embryos of ribosomes enter the karyoplasm, then through the pores of the nucleus they leak into the cytoplasm and onto the ER.

Nuclear matrix and nuclear sap

The nuclear matrix occupies almost the entire cell nucleus. Its functions are specific. It dissolves and evenly distributes all nucleic acids in the interphase state.

The nuclear matrix, or karyoplasm, is a solution that contains carbohydrates, salts, proteins and other inorganic and organic substances. It contains nucleic acids: DNA, tRNA, rRNA, mRNA.

During cell division, the nuclear membrane dissolves, chromosomes are formed, and the karyoplasm mixes with the cytoplasm.

The main functions of the nucleus in a cell

  1. Informative function. It is in the nucleus that all the information about the heredity of the organism is located.
  2. Inheritance function. Thanks to genes located on chromosomes, an organism can pass on its characteristics from generation to generation.
  3. Merge function. All cell organelles are united into one whole in the nucleus.
  4. Regulation function. All biochemical reactions in the cell and physiological processes are regulated and coordinated by the nucleus.

One of the most important organelles is the cell nucleus. Its functions are important for the normal functioning of the entire organism.

Cell biology of living organisms studies prokaryotes that do not have a nucleus (nucleus, core). Which organisms are characterized by the presence of a nucleus? The nucleus is the central organelle.

Important! The main function of the cell nucleus is the storage and transmission of hereditary information.


What is the core? What parts does the nucleus consist of? Components listed below are part of core:

  • Nuclear envelope;
  • Nucleoplasm;
  • Karyomatrix;
  • Chromatin;
  • Nucleols.

Nuclear envelope

Karyolemma consists of two layers- external and internal, separated by a perinuclear cavity. The outer membrane communicates with rough endoplasmic tubules. The fibrillar proteins of the core of the nuclear substance are attached to the inner shell. Between the membranes there is a perinuclear cavity formed by the mutual repulsion of ionized organic molecules with similar charges.

The karyolemma is penetrated by a system of openings - pores formed by protein molecules. Through them, ribosomes, the structures in which protein synthesis occurs, as well as messenger RNAs penetrate the cytoplasmic reticulum.

Intermembrane pores are tubules filled with. Their walls are formed by specific proteins - nucleoporins. The diameter of the hole allows the cytoplasm and the contents of the nucleus to exchange small molecules. Nucleic acids, as well as high molecular weight proteins, are not able to independently flow from one part of the cell to another. For this purpose, there are special transport proteins, the activation of which occurs with energy costs.

High molecular weight compounds move through pores with the help of karyopherins. Those that transport substances from the cytoplasm to the nucleus are called importins. Movement in the opposite direction is carried out by exportins. In what part of the nucleus is the RNA molecule located? She travels throughout the cell.

Important! High-molecular substances cannot independently penetrate through the pores from the core to and from the core.


Represented by karyoplasm- a gel-like mass located inside a two-layer shell. Unlike the cytoplasm, where pH >7, the environment inside the nucleus is acidic. The main substances that make up the nucleoplasm are nucleotides, proteins, cations, RNA, H2O.


What components make up the core? It is formed by fibrillar proteins of a three-dimensional structure - lamins. Plays the role of a skeleton, preventing deformation of the organoid under mechanical stress.


This main substance, represented by a set of chromosomes, some of which are in an activated state. The rest are packed in compacted blocks. Their opening occurs during division. What part of the nucleus contains the molecule we know as DNA? consist of genes, which are parts of a DNA molecule. They contain information that transmits hereditary characteristics to new generations of cells. Therefore, this part of the nucleus contains a DNA molecule.

In biology they distinguish the following types of chromatin:

  • Euchromatin. Appears as filamentous, despiralized, non-staining formations. It exists in the resting nucleus during the interphase between cycles of cell division.
  • Heterochromatin. Non-activated spiralized, easily stained regions of chromosomes.


The nucleolus is the most compacted structure that makes up the nucleus. It has predominantly round shapes, however, there are segmented ones, like leukocytes. The nucleus of the cells of some organisms does not have nucleoli. In other cores there may be several of them. The substance of the nucleoli is represented by granules, which are subunits of ribosomes, as well as fibrils, which are RNA molecules.

Nucleolus: structure and functions

Nucleols are represented by the following structural types:

  • Reticular. Typical for most cells. It is characterized by a high concentration of compacted fibrils and granules.
  • Compact. Characterized by a multiplicity of fibrillar accumulations. Found in dividing cells.
  • Annular. Characteristic of lymphocytes and connective tissue cells.
  • Residual. Prevails in cells where the division process does not occur.
  • Separated. All components of the nucleolus are separated, plastic actions are impossible.


What function does the kernel perform? Nucleus is characterized by the following responsibilities:

  • Transfer of hereditary characteristics;
  • Reproduction;
  • Programmed death.

Storage of genetic information

Genetic codes are stored in chromosomes. They differ in shape and size. Individuals of different species have different numbers of chromosomes. The complex of characteristics characteristic of the repositories of hereditary information of a given species is called a karyotype.

Important! A karyotype is a set of characteristics characteristic of the chromosomal composition of organisms of a given species.

There are haploid, diploid, and polyploid sets of chromosomes.

The cells of the human body contain 23 types of chromosomes. The egg and sperm contain a haploid, that is, a single set of them. During fertilization, the stores of both cells combine, forming a double - diploid set. Cells of cultivated plants have a triploid or tetraploid karyotype.

Storage of genetic information

Transmission of hereditary characteristics

What vital processes occur in the nucleus? Gene coding is transmitted during the process of reading information, which results in the formation of messenger (messenger) RNA. Exportins excrete ribonucleic acid through nuclear pores into the cytoplasm. Ribosomes use genetic codes to synthesize proteins needed by the body.

Important! Protein synthesis occurs in cytoplasmic ribosomes based on encoded genetic information delivered by messenger RNA.


Prokaryotes reproduce simply. Bacteria have a single DNA molecule. In the process of division she copies herself attaching to the cell membrane. The membrane grows between the two junctions and two new organisms are formed.

In eukaryotes there are amitosis, mitosis and meiosis:

  • Amitosis. Nuclear division occurs without cell fragmentation. Binuclear cellae are formed. During the next division, polynuclear formations may appear. What organisms are characterized by such reproduction? Aging, non-viable, and tumor cells are susceptible to it. In some situations, amitotic division to form normal cells occurs in the cornea, liver, cartilaginous textures, and also in the tissues of some plants.
  • Mitosis. In this case, nuclear fission begins with its destruction. A cleavage spindle is formed, with the help of which paired chromosomes are separated to different ends of the cell. Replication of the carriers of heredity occurs, after which two nuclei are formed. After this, the spindle is dismantled and a nuclear membrane is formed, which divides one cell into two.
  • Meiosis. A complex process in which nuclear division occurs without duplication of diverged chromosomes. Characteristic for the formation of germ cells - gametes that have a haploid set of carriers of heredity.

Programmed Doom

Genetic information provides for the lifespan of the cell, and after the allotted time has elapsed, it triggers the process of apoptosis (Greek - leaf fall). Chromatin condenses and the nuclear membrane is destroyed. The cella disintegrates into fragments limited to the plasma membrane. Apoptotic bodies, bypassing the stage of inflammation, are absorbed by macrophages or neighboring cells.

For clarity, the structure of the core and the functions performed by its parts are presented in the table

Core element Structural features Functions performed
Shell Double layer membrane Distinguishing the contents of the nucleus and cytoplasm
Pores Holes in the shell Export - import RNA
Nucleoplasm Gel-like consistency Medium for biochemical transformations
Karyomatrix Fibrillar proteins Support structure, protect against deformation
Chromatin Euchromatin, heterochromatin Storage of genetic information
Nucleola Fibrils and granules Ribosome production


The shape is determined by the configuration of the membrane. The following types of kernels are noted:

  • Round. The most common one. For example, most of the lymphocyte is occupied by the nucleus.
  • Elongated. The horseshoe-shaped nucleus is found in immature neutrophils.
  • Segmented. Partitions are formed in the shell. Segments attached to each other are formed, such as in a mature neutrophil.
  • Branched. Found in the nuclei of arthropod cells.

Number of cores

Depending on the functions they perform, cellas may have one or more cores or not have them at all. The following types of cells are distinguished:

  • Non-nuclear. The formed components of the blood of higher animals are erythrocytes, platelets are carriers of important substances. To make room for hemoglobin or fibrinogen, the bone marrow produces these elements nuclear-free. They are not able to divide and die off after the programmed time has passed.
  • Single core. This is the case with most cells of living organisms.
  • Binuclear. Liver hepatocytes perform a dual function - detoxification and production. Heme is synthesized, which is necessary for the production of hemoglobin. For these purposes, two cores are required.
  • Multi-core. Muscle myocytes perform a colossal amount of work; additional nuclei are required to perform it. For the same reason, the cells of angiosperms are polynuclear.

Chromosomal pathologies

Many diseases are the result of disorders associated with abnormalities in chromosomal composition. The most well-known symptom complexes are:

  • Down. Caused by the presence of an extra twenty-first chromosome (trisomy).
  • Edwards. An extra eighteenth chromosome is present.
  • Patau. Trisomy 13.
  • Turner. The X chromosome is missing.
  • Klinefelter. Characterized by extra X or Y chromosomes.

Ailments caused by a disorder in the functioning of the constituent parts of the nucleus are not always associated with chromosomal abnormalities. Mutations that affect individual nuclear proteins cause the following diseases:

  • Laminopathy. Manifested by premature aging.
  • Autoimmune diseases. Lupus erythematosus is a diffuse lesion of connective tissue textures, multiple sclerosis is the destruction of the myelin sheaths of nerves.

Important! Chromosomal abnormalities lead to severe diseases.

Core structure

Biology in pictures: Structure and functions of the nucleus


The cell nucleus has a complex structure and performs vital functions. It is a repository and transmitter of hereditary information, controls the synthesis of proteins and the processes of cell division. Chromosomal abnormalities are the causes of severe diseases.

Good day, dear visitor. Today we’ll talk about what processor cores are and what function they perform. We want to say right away that we are not going to go into the jungle, which not every tech geek can handle. Everything will be accessible, understandable and relaxed, so grab your sandwiches.

I would like to start with the fact that the processor is the central module in the computer, which is responsible for all mathematical calculations, logical operations and data processing. In fact, all its power is concentrated, oddly enough, in the core. Their quantity determines the speed, intensity and quality of processing of the received information. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at the component.

Main characteristics of CPU cores

The core is a physical element of the processor (not to be confused with logical cores -), which affects the performance of the system as a whole.

Each product is built on a specific architecture, which indicates a certain set of properties and capabilities inherent in the line of manufactured chips.

The main distinguishing feature is, i.e. the size of the transistors used in the production of the chip. The indicator is measured in nanometers. It is transistors that are the basis for the CPU: the more of them are placed on the silicon substrate, the more powerful a particular instance of the chip is.

Let's take for example 2 device models from Intel - Core i7 2600k and Core i7 7700k. Both have 4 cores in the processor, but the process technology is significantly different: 32 nm versus 14 nm, respectively, with the same die area. What does this affect? The latter shows the following indicators:

  • base frequency – higher;
  • heat release – lower;
  • the set of executable instructions is wider;
  • maximum memory bandwidth – greater;
  • support for more functions.

In other words, reduction in technical process = increase in productivity. This is an axiom.

Kernel functions

The central processor core performs 2 main types of tasks:

  • intrasystem;
  • custom.

The second includes application support functions through the use of a software environment. Actually, application programming is precisely designed to load the CPU with the tasks that it will perform. The developer's goal is to set the priorities for the execution of a particular procedure.

Modern operating systems allow you to intelligently use all processor cores, which gives maximum system productivity. From this it is worth noting a banal but logical fact: the more physical cores on the processor, the faster and more stable your PC will work.

How to enable all cores to work

Some users, in pursuit of maximum performance, want to use all the processing power of the CPU. There are several ways to do this, which can be used individually or combined several points:

  • unlocking hidden and unused cores (not suitable for all processors - you need to study the instructions in detail on the Internet and check your model);
  • activation of the mode to increase the frequency for a short period;
  • manual overclocking of the processor.

The simplest method to start all active kernels at once is as follows:

  • open the Start menu with the corresponding button;
  • enter the command “msconfig.exe” in the search bar (only without quotes);
  • open the “additional parameters” item and set the required values ​​in the “number of processors” column, after activating the checkbox opposite the line.

How to enable all cores in Windows 10?

Now, when Windows starts, all computing physical cores will work at once (not to be confused with threads).

For owners of older AMD processors

The following information will be useful to owners of older AMD processors. If you are still using the following chips, you will be pleasantly surprised:
The technology for unlocking additional cores is called ACC (Advanced Clock Calibration). It is supported in the following chipsets:
The utility that allows you to open additional kernels is called differently for each manufacturer:
In this simple way you can turn a 2-core system into a 4-core one. Most of you didn't even know about this, right? Let's hope I helped you achieve productivity improvements for free.

In this article, I tried to explain to you in as much detail as possible what a core is, what it consists of, what functions it performs and what potential it has.

In the following educational programs, many more interesting things await you, and therefore not material. Bye bye.

Nowadays, the minimum acceptable standard for equipping more or less serious computing equipment is considered to be the presence of a dual-core processor. Moreover, this parameter is relevant even for mobile computer devices, tablet PCs and reputable smartphone communicators. Therefore, we will figure out what kind of kernels these are and why it is important for any user to know about them.

The essence in simple words

The first dual-core chip, intended specifically for mass consumption, appeared in May 2005. The product was called Pentium D (formally belonged to the Pentium 4 series). Previously, similar structural solutions were used on servers and for specific purposes; they were not inserted into personal computers.

In general, the processor itself (microprocessor, CPU, Central Processing Unit, central processing unit, CPU) is a crystal onto which billions of microscopic transistors, resistors and conductors are applied using nanotechnology. Then gold contacts are sprayed, the “pebble” is mounted in the chip body, and then all this is integrated into the chipset.

Now imagine that two such crystals are installed inside the microcircuit. On the same substrate, interconnected and acting as a single device. This is the two-core subject of discussion.

Of course, two “pebbles” are not the limit. At the time of writing, a PC equipped with a chip with four cores is considered powerful, not counting the computing resources of the video card. Well, thanks to the efforts of AMD, servers already use as many as sixteen.

Terminology nuances

Each die typically has its own L1 cache. However, if they have a common second-level one, then it is still one microprocessor, and not two (or more) independent ones.

A core can be called a full-fledged separate processor only if it has its own cache of both levels. But this is only necessary for use on very powerful servers and all kinds of supercomputers (favorite toys of scientists).

However, the “Task Manager” in Windows OS or the “System Monitor” in GNU/Linux can show kernels as CPUs. I mean, CPU 1 (CPU 1), CPU 2 (CPU 2) and so on. Don’t let this mislead you, because the program’s duty is not to understand the engineering and architectural nuances, but only to interactively display the loading of each of the crystals.

This means that we smoothly move on to this very loading and, in general, to questions of the expediency of the phenomenon as such.

Why is this necessary?

A number of cores different from one is intended primarily for parallelizing the tasks being performed.

Let's say you turn on your laptop and are reading sites on the World Wide Web. Scripts with which modern web pages are simply obscenely overloaded (except for mobile versions) will be processed by only one core. One hundred percent of the load will fall on it if something bad drives the browser crazy.

The second crystal will continue to operate in normal mode and will allow you to cope with the situation - at a minimum, open “System Monitor” (or a terminal emulator) and forcefully terminate the crazy program.

By the way, it is in the “System Monitor” that you can see with your own eyes which software has suddenly gone off the rails and which of the “pebbles” is causing the cooler to howl desperately.

Some programs are initially optimized for multi-core processor architecture and immediately send different data streams to different crystals. Well, ordinary applications are processed according to the “one thread - one core” principle.

That is, the performance gain will be noticeable if more than one thread is running at the same time. Well, since almost all operating systems are multitasking, the positive effect of parallelization will appear almost constantly.

How to live with it

Regarding consumer computing technology, single-core chips today are mainly ARM processors in simple phones and miniature media players. Outstanding performance from such devices is not required. The maximum is to launch the Opera Mini browser, an ICQ client, a simple game, and other unpretentious applications in Java.

Everything else, starting even with the cheapest tablets, must have at least two crystals in the chip, as stated in the preamble. Buy these things. Based at least on the considerations that almost all user software is rapidly getting fatter, consuming more and more system resources, so a power reserve will not hurt at all.

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