What do you know about three calms? What do you know about the “three calms” theory? Put the words high, medium, low with each row of genres: heroic poems

By the time this poem was written, Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov had already gained fame. His poems “Who Lives Well in Rus'” and “Frost, Red Nose” were loved by the people. The magazine Sovremennik, published by the poet, was the mouthpiece of democracy. L.N. collaborated with the magazine. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, I.S. Turgenev, M.E. Saltkov-Shchedrin, I.A. Goncharov,

In 1864, Nekrasov created the poem “ Railway». Summary the works will be discussed in this article.

Historical situation at the time of writing the poem

The triumph of the victorious revolutionary-democratic reaction was felt not only by Nekrasov. "Railroad" - short story about the narrow framework in which the entire people were placed between hunger and backbreaking labor. The defenders of the people, the critics of the sixties, who were called “the people’s conscience”, have passed away: Dobrolyubov and Pisarev. Chernyshevsky went into distant exile.

In 1861, the authorities unpreparedly and abruptly abolished As you know, 75% of estates in serf Russia were non-mechanized. The patriarchal village was opened to capitalist relations. The collapse of inefficient farms began. A huge mass of practically free labor entered the labor market. Former peasants They did any kind of work, practically for food. Social disasters were brewing. As a reflection on the fate of Russia, Nekrasov publishes his own poem “The Railway” in his magazine “Sovremennik”. Its summary immediately became the subject of discussion throughout Russian society.

The plot of the poem

The most dramatic things begin in everyday life. It’s as if the first ones were painted in watercolors. poetic lines. Late autumn, “the ice is not strong”, “the river is icy”, but on the trees there are leaves that have not yet had time to “fade”. Nekrasov begins his story lyrically. “The Railway” reveals its content to the reader deliberately gradually.

A young son in a coachman's coat and his general father set off on the railway. To his son, who asked who built it, his father told him the name of the “builder”: “Count Pyotr Andreevich Kleinmichel...” But the child, who dozed off on the road, dreamed of the truth about this construction, similar to a thriller. Only under pain of starvation could one decide to take on such work. Living in a dugout, eating poorly, having virtually no rest, suffering from cold and damp, and at the same time working exhaustingly for 12-14 hours. The work was progressing. Judah's foremen wrote down everyone's mistakes. When the time came for settlement, the foremen made public the fines assigned to each of them. There was very little to pay out, and often the builders even owed money. Then the workers were “given” a barrel of wine, and the question of payment was thus removed in principle. Those who disobeyed were marked to death. Those who died from disease and exhaustion were buried there. The road was practically built on bones.

Isn’t it true that Nekrasov is exposing the vile system to the Russian public? “Railway” directly contrasts its summary with the official accepted point vision. Her idea is faith in the people, who will nevertheless find a worthy destiny for themselves (pave a “wide, clear... road”). By the way, the censors recalled this work to him with “gnashing of teeth” when two years later they closed the Sovremennik magazine, where it was published.

But the memory remained in the people’s memory when Nekrasov’s work “The Railway” resounded proudly and loudly in a society crushed by repression. Its summary should be perceived as the author’s attempt to “see the light”, overcoming the “midnight darkness” of the terry reaction.


The story presented by this poem is true and shows the true picture of the construction of the Nikolaev railway. Its construction was supervised by the Minister of Railways, Adjutant General Kleinmichel Petr Andreevich, who was unquestioningly loyal to Nicholas I. The Emperor was proud of his subordinates. In honor of his merits, they even minted a personal name on which was emblazoned the slogan “Diligence overcomes everything.” His style of organizing construction was fast, but was always accompanied by many human deaths. The people hated Kleinmichel fiercely. Therefore, the new Emperor Alexander II, having ascended the throne, hastened to replace this odious figure in his post.

Picture of Russian nature. Late autumn. Snow has already fallen, but the leaves have not yet withered, and the lyrical hero, the narrator, is traveling on a train. His traveling companions are the general and his son Vanya. The child asks who built this railway. The father replies that the road was built by Count Kleinmichel. The narrator, addressing Vanya, says that the true builders of the path were ordinary people. The working conditions were unbearable, but the people went to this work, driven by a king named Hunger:

It was he who drove the masses of people here.

Many are in a terrible struggle,

Having brought these barren wilds back to life,

They found a coffin for themselves here.

The path is straight: the embankments are narrow,

Columns, rails, bridges.

And on the sides all the bones are Russian...

Listening to the story, Vanya falls asleep and sees in a dream a crowd of dead people, railroad builders, who sing a terrible song about suffering, hardship and deprivation. They sing about how in unbearable heat and bitter cold they worked without bending over. They lived in dugouts, struggled with cold, hunger, rain, they were robbed by foremen, and the authorities flogged them. Among the crowd of dead people, a tall, sick Belarusian stands out. Like thousands of others, he mechanically digs into the ground with a shovel. Covered in sores, with swollen legs and a bent back, he earns his bread. The narrator encourages the boy to take a closer look at this living embodiment.

suffering. “Bless the work of the people and learn to respect the peasant.” He says that the Russian people have already endured enough, but this does not mean that their strength has dried up. He is still able to endure a lot, he “will pave a wide, clear chest for himself.” But neither the lyrical hero, nor even little Vanya will have to live in this beautiful time.

At this moment, Vanya wakes up from the deafening whistle of the locomotive. It turns out that he only dreamed of crowds of dead people, and he openly tells his father-general about this. The general just laughs in response. He says that ordinary men are barbarians and hopeless drunkards, and asks to tell about the “bright side” folk life.

Towards the end of the construction of the railway, the meadowsweet comes to the work site. He generously forgives the workers all their debts that accumulated during the days when they were sick. The men are happy about this, it doesn’t surprise them that after work they still have to. A barrel of wine is presented to the workers as a gift. The barrel is rolled along the road with a shout of “hurray.” Lyrical hero asks the general a question: “It seems difficult to paint a more gratifying picture, General. »


  • Nekrasov railway summary
  • summary of the railway
  • railway summary
  • summary of the Nekrasov Railway
  • summary of nekrasov railway

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  • Addressing a barefoot peasant schoolboy, Nekrasov encouraged him with what later became popular words:

      You'll soon find out at school
      Like an Arkhangelsk man
      By your own and God's will
      Became intelligent and great.

    The glorious biography of Lomonosov (1711-1765) is now well known to every schoolchild. Having completed his studies at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, and then in Germany, Lomonosov arrived in St. Petersburg on June 8, 1741. Here his brilliant academic and writing career began. According to Pushkin, “combining extraordinary willpower with with extraordinary strength concepts, Lomonosov embraced all branches of education. The thirst for science was the strongest passion of this soul, filled with passions. Historian, rhetorician, mechanic, chemist, artist and poet, he experienced everything and penetrated everything.” In 1745 he became a professor of chemistry. Scientific discoveries follow one after another. The range of the scientist’s research is unusually large: chemistry and physics, navigation and seafaring, astronomy and history, law and philology. There is, perhaps, not a single area of ​​knowledge where Lomonosov’s bright mind has not penetrated. An ardent patriot of Russia, Lomonosov advocated the flourishing of Russian science. On his initiative, Moscow University was opened. However, he himself was, according to Pushkin’s deep and true remark, “our first university.”

    The variety of undertakings, audacity of mind, immense plans, breadth and depth of knowledge place Lomonosov next to the titans of the Renaissance, such as Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. Indeed, Lomonosov has a truly encyclopedic scope. “This famous scientist,” wrote Herzen, “was a type of Russian person both in his encyclopedism and in the sharpness of his understanding.”

    The goal of Lomonosov’s life until his very last day was “the establishment of science in the fatherland,” which he considered the key to the prosperity of his homeland. The same pathos of enlightenment permeates his philological and poetic activity. The scientist sought to comprehend the secrets of language and the secrets of poetry. Back in 1736, he acquired a treatise by the theorist of Russian verse V.K. Trediakovsky “New and short way to the composition of Russian poetry,” which interested him extremely.

    In Germany, Lomonosov wrote an objection to Trediakovsky and sent it to St. Petersburg along with the ode “To the Capture of Khotin” as a report on his studies. In his “Letter on the Rules of Russian Poetry,” Lomonosov boldly extended the tonic principle to all Russian versification (Trediakovsky believed that only two-foot verses, mainly trochaic ones, could be used). Lomonosov recognized both two-foot and three-foot verses. He opened it brilliantly expressive possibilities iambic

    Lomonosov’s reform in the field was also marked by concern for freedom of expression. literary language. In 1757, the scientist wrote a preface to the collected works “On the Use of Church Books in Russian language”, in which he outlined the famous theory of “three calms”. He divided the words into stylistic coloring for several births. To the first he included the vocabulary of Church Slavonic and Russian, to the second - familiar from books and understandable Church Slavonic words, but rare in the spoken language, to the third - words of living speech that are not in church books. A separate group composed common words that could only be used to a limited extent in their writings. Depending on the quantitative mixture of words of three kinds, one style or another is created: “high” - Church Slavonic words and Russian, “medium” - Russian words with a small admixture of Church Slavonic words, “low” - Russian words spoken language with the addition of common words and a small number of Church Slavonic words.

    Each style has its own genres: “high” - heroic poems, odes, tragedies, laudatory inscriptions; “middle” - dramas, satires, eclogues, idylls, epistles, friendly letters, elegies; “low” - comedies, epigrams, songs, fables. Such a clear distinction, theoretically very simple, in practice led to the isolation of “high” genres, which then affected the development of literature.

    Lomonosov's reforms in the areas of literary language and versification corresponded to the cultural needs of the nation. To express significant national content, new literary forms were needed, and Lomonosov, with his reforms, opened up broad artistic horizons for poetry.

    Russia in the 18th century began to catch up with the leading European countries. Peter I, with a powerful sovereign hand, moved the country along the path European civilization. Peter's reforms awakened the nation and stirred up its internal strength. This was the time when, in the words of Pushkin, “Young Russia / Straining its strength in struggles, / Managed with the genius of Peter.” Therefore, Peter I became for Lomonosov a model of an ideal enlightened monarch.

    IN full agreement with the Age of Enlightenment, Lomonosov considered the main transformative force to be the human mind, thought, thinking, to which everything is subject. Reason is embodied primarily in God, who endows it with enlightened people, especially monarchs, since it depends on them to make their subjects happy, and, finally, every person, thereby distinguishing him from inanimate nature and the animal kingdom.

    Questions and tasks

    1. Where did Lomonosov study? Which scientific fields affected by his research and what talents was he generously gifted with? Which of his works are you familiar with? What are they about?

    2. What character traits of Lomonosov helped him become close to the great scientists of the world?

    3. What was the purpose of Lomonosov’s life?

    4.What do you know about the theory of “three calms”? Put the words high, medium, low with each row of genres: heroic poems, odes, tragedies - dramas, satires, letters, elegies - comedies, epigrams, songs, fables -

    5. What did A.S. Pushkin call Lomonosov?

    6. Read Lomonosov’s works and tell us about your impressions.

    The theory of three hearts means a conclusion that states that every person tends to live through three periods in life - and a heart is assigned to each. Each period is approximately 15 years.

    Features of the 3 hearts theory

    The most active and most energy-intensive and strong man receives during childhood. That is why babies develop so rapidly, are constantly energetic and are able to quickly learn about the world around them.

    When a child reaches puberty, the child's heart gradually dies and its place is taken by a new one, which will be responsible for the timely maturation of the teenager. During the functioning of the second heart, a person must fully develop, not only physically, but also emotionally, and also form as a full-fledged personality.

    As a rule, during the life of the second heart, a person manages to find a mate and start his own family. By the time a person turns 25-30 years old, the second heart also dies and its place is taken by the third and last heart.

    Three Hearts Theory

    The last heart is responsible for raising offspring, since children need to be helped to grow and get stronger, after which the children will already spend own strength, with virtually no need for parents. 15 years have also been allotted for such a goal, but nature has no longer given a fourth heart. Thus, the theory states that the main role that every person must play is to become a parent and raise viable and strong children.

    Based on simple mathematical calculations, we can do simplest conclusion: nature arranges it in such a way that by the age of 40 - 45 a person must complete the main life program and accept the inevitable decline. Many do not understand that their resources are practically exhausted and it is time to give way to the younger generation, since additional hearts are no longer provided. Next age crisis, alas, will not end with a new surge of energy, so all that remains is to gain wisdom and try to enjoy life, and not try to compete with young people. Such is the cyclical nature of nature, and no one can avoid old age.

    Many women, not wanting to come to terms with their own age, use all kinds of cosmetics, massages, and resort to plastic surgery, but with such measures it is impossible to deceive nature, and those around them too. You can maintain a slim figure, but the freshness of your skin and the body capabilities characteristic of youth, and even more so, you won’t be able to get another heart.

    Men, in pursuit of thrills, try to get young girlfriends, but such rejuvenation measures are also ineffective, so a person can simply come to terms with the inevitability and live the allotted life with dignity, without chasing a new heart, because he still won’t be able to get one.

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