So that it would be discouraging. Papua New Guinea

to whom. Razg. So that no one has the desire to do the same. - So I ask you, Sergei Ilyin,” she said at the end, “to judge Kutorga to the fullest extent of the law, to judge him according to his merits, to judge him in such a way that in the future he and others like him will be discouraged from getting mixed up with enemies.”(F. Nasedkin. Large family).

  • - whose whose>...
  • - whose whose>...

    Phrasebook Russian language

  • - phrases are established toasts, as opposed to impromptu toasts at any feast...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - be present; 2) to be punished) - a toast with a wish for unpunished abundance...

    Live speech. Dictionary colloquial expressions

  • - Wed. During dinner I thought: get up, go up to this gentleman - and smash his entire impudent face into dust, so that others won’t do it. Turgenev. New. 10...
  • - So that there is no spirit. Wed. Why are you standing? Take the uninvited guest by the arms and escort him out of the house so that his spirit is gone. Turgenev. Three portraits...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - whose. Simple Express I categorically demand that someone leave immediately. The young count... pulled Mitenka out by the collar... and shouted: “Get out!” so that your spirit, you bastard, is not here!” ...
  • - to whom. Razg. So that no one has the desire to do the same. “So I ask you, Sergei Ilyin,” she said at the end, “to judge Kutorga to the fullest extent of the law, to judge him according to his merits, to judge him in such a way that he too...

    Russian phraseological dictionary literary language

  • - Be healthy, my black-browed one! See ABUSE -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - from birth, never in life, never, from birth, from birth, never in life, not once,...

    Dictionary of synonyms

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 5 properly so that there is benefit sensibly clearly...

    Dictionary of synonyms

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 3 so as not to be awkward so that you don’t want to repeat it so as not to be bad...

    Dictionary of synonyms

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 1 for luck...

    Dictionary of synonyms

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 3 so that it is disgraceful so that you don’t want to repeat it so that it is disgraceful...

    Dictionary of synonyms

  • - to wean, discourage,...

    Dictionary of synonyms

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 2 so that my eyes do not see you, so that your feet are not here...

    Dictionary of synonyms

“To be discouraging” in books

To make others uncomfortable

From Lukashenko's book. Political biography author Feduta Alexander Iosifovich

So that others would be disgraced. Thus, Bulakhov did not receive the promised post. But this was not enough. Bulakhov's example should have been a lesson for everyone - once and for all. Therefore, it was necessary not only to push back, but to politically destroy former colleague, press him down like this,

There wasn't a day that...

From the book Where There's Always a Wind author Romanushko Maria Sergeevna

There wasn't a day that... There wasn't a day that I didn't remember my father. I often thought: I wonder how my life would have turned out if he had been around?... It seemed to me that everything would have been completely different. I mentally told him about my sorrows. I tried to imagine: what would he say to me?

A conspiracy so that your family will be drawn to you, respect you, and have many friends.

From the book, Water teaches you how to manage people and get what you want from them. Slanders about water author Stefania Sister

A conspiracy so that your family will be drawn to you, respect you, and have many friends. You will need: well water, a container with wide edges like a ladle, a church candle. Time of the ritual: evening Place: indoors Moon phase: third, fourth Suitable days of the week:

STANZA 1 (continued) Sloka (3) THERE WAS NO UNIVERSAL MIND, FOR THERE WAS NO AH-HI (Celestial Beings) TO CONTAIN (and therefore manifest) IT

author Blavatskaya Elena Petrovna

STANZA 1 (continued) Shloka (3) THERE WAS NO UNIVERSAL MIND FOR THERE WAS NO AH-HI (Heavenly Beings) TO CONTAIN (and therefore manifest) HIS QUESTION - This sloka seems to say that the Universal Mind does not exist without Ah-Hi, but the Commentary says that: "...In


From the book Commentaries on the "Secret Doctrine" author Blavatskaya Elena Petrovna

Slag (2) WHERE WAS THE SILENCE? WHERE IS THE HEARING TO FEEL IT? NO, THERE WAS NO SILENCE OR SOUND QUESTION - The question concerns the following paragraph: "The idea that things can cease to exist and still be is fundamental in Eastern psychology. In this obvious

Chapter 1. So that everything happens and nothing bad happens for it

From the book Achiever for Free author Kuramshina Alisa

Chapter 1. So that everything happens and nothing bad happens for it. I don’t know how, I don’t know what, but we’ll definitely get there. Ostap Bender from the film “The Golden Calf” Vladimir Dahl’s explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language almost clearly explains to us what was commonly called a freebie,

6. What needs to be done (and most often people do) to make the body sick and unhappy, so that it grows old faster and lives as few years as possible?

From the book Your ticket to the exam of life. 102 answers to vital important issues author Nekrasov Anatoly Alexandrovich

6. What needs to be done (and most often people do) to make the body sick and unhappy, to grow old faster and live as long as possible less years? Eat everything and as much as possible; move as little as possible and try to load not everything, but only individual

So that everything is as it was

From the book Take and Peep author Dragunsky Denis Viktorovich

For everything to be as it was, Genesis, we agree, determines consciousness. But consciousness, and even more so the political unconscious, do not want to come to terms with this. The political unconscious feeds ancient tradition talion and restitution. This tradition is constantly renewed

Pray for me to be good, not for me to be good.

From the Book of Teachings author Kavsokalivit Porfiry

Pray that I become good, and not that I feel good. On the day when Father Porfiry had to operate on a cataract on his eye, one girl, the spiritual child of the Elder, took other girls with her, and they went into the forest. There they shed streams of tears and prayed for healing.

Christ's goal is for suffering to be eliminated and for people to ultimately not suffer at all.

From the book God does not want people to suffer by Larcher Jean-Claude

Christ's purpose is for suffering to be abolished and for people to ultimately not suffer at all. It can be said that Christ conquered not only the ability of suffering to lead to sin, but also suffering itself and that He destroyed it in Himself and took it away from

28. They took Jesus from Caiaphas to the praetorium. It was morning; and they did not enter the praetorium, so as not to be defiled, but so that they could eat the Passover.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 10 author Lopukhin Alexander

28. They took Jesus from Caiaphas to the praetorium. It was morning; and they did not enter the praetorium, so as not to be defiled, but so that they could eat the Passover. John does not report anything about the trial of Christ by Caiaphas: the readers knew enough about this from the weather forecasters. It goes straight to the image

9. Let all nations be gathered together, and nations unite. Who among them predicted this? let them declare what happened from the beginning; Let them present witnesses on their own behalf and justify themselves, so that they can hear and say: “It’s true!”

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

9. Let all nations be gathered together, and nations unite. Who among them predicted this? let them declare what happened from the beginning; Let them present witnesses on their own behalf and justify themselves, so that they can hear and say: “It’s true!” Who among them predicted this?... As stated

19. The Lord God formed from the ground every animal of the field and every bird of the air, and brought (them) to man, to see what he would call them, and that whatever man called every living soul, that would be its name.

author Lopukhin Alexander

19. The Lord God formed from the ground every animal of the field and every bird of the air, and brought (them) to man to see what he would call them, and that whatever man called every living soul, that would be its name “The Lord God formed ..." He formed, of course, much earlier, precisely in

25. It cannot be that You should act in such a way that You should destroy the righteous with the wicked, that the same thing should happen to the righteous as to the wicked: it cannot be from You. Will the judge of all the earth act unjustly?

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

25. It cannot be that You should act in such a way that You should destroy the righteous with the wicked, that the same thing should happen to the righteous as to the wicked: it cannot be from You. Will the judge of all the earth act unjustly? "It is impossible for You to act in such a way that You destroy the righteous with

Chapter 9 For everything to happen and nothing to happen for it

From the book Managing the Energy of Thought. Mastering the capabilities of your Mentality author Reznik Anzhelika Anatolevna

Chapter 9 For everything to happen and nothing to happen for it Let's ask ourselves the question: what is life? Life as manifested reality? Of course, first of all, this is a series of events - this is how people mainly perceive and reproduce in their memory the course of their lives. Life

To be discouraging to whom. Razg. So that no one has the desire to do the same. - So I ask you, Sergei Ilyin,” she said at the end, “to judge Kutorga to the fullest extent of the law, to judge him according to his merits, to judge him in such a way that in the future he and others like him will be discouraged from getting mixed up with enemies.”(F. Nasedkin. Large family).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what “To be discouraging” is in other dictionaries:

    to be discouraging- to wean, discourage, discourage Dictionary of Russian synonyms. so that it would be discouraging adverb, number of synonyms: 6 discouraged (6) ... Dictionary of synonyms

    to be discouraging- So that it doesn’t become a habit in the future. Punish in such a way that it is disgraceful... Dictionary of many expressions

    so that it doesn't get ugly- adverb, number of synonyms: 3 so that it is distasteful (3) so that you don’t want to repeat it (3) ... Dictionary of synonyms

    So that it would be discouraging in future- So that it would be discouraging in future. Wed. During dinner I thought: get up, go up to this gentleman and smash his entire impudent face into dust, so that others won’t feel the same way. Turgenev. New. 10. Wed. You, he says, Aksinya, don’t spoil the girl, but punish her... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    so that in future, so that others will not behave, so that others will not behave- Cm … Dictionary of synonyms

    so that in future it will be discouraging- Wed. During dinner I thought: get up, go up to this gentleman and smash his entire impudent face into dust, so that others won’t do the same. Turgenev. New. 10. Wed. “You,” he says, “Aksinya,” don’t spoil the girl, but punish her with peace, so that others don’t have the same behavior... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    to be discouraging- adverb, number of synonyms: 3 so that it doesn’t get boring (3) so that you don’t want to repeat it (3) ... Dictionary of synonyms

    so you don't want to repeat it- adverb, number of synonyms: 3 so that it is discourteous (3) so that it is not disgraceful (3) ... Dictionary of synonyms

    disobedient- in function tale Outdated Unusual, uncomfortable. * In the field alone it is annoying, in the field alone it is discouraging (Nekrasov). ◊ To be discouraging. So that it doesn't become a habit in the future. Punish in such a way that it is disgraceful... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    disobedient- in function tale; outdated Unusual, uncomfortable. * In the field alone it is annoying, in the field alone it is discouraging (Nekrasov) so that it is discouraging... Dictionary of many expressions


  • About the Little Goat, who could count to ten, Preisn Alf. Main character fairy tales of the famous Norwegian poet, writer and composer Alf Preusen - The Little Goat Who Learned to Count to Ten. He can't wait to put his knowledge into practice...

The joy of returning to the Urals was darkened sad feeling: I found a few, very few old militants here...

Ivan and Erasmus Kadomtsev were in exile in Paris, Mikhail languished in hard labor in the Tobolsk Central prison along with Alyosha Chevardin and other Sims. But not with everyone: Pavel Guzakov and several other prisoners, transferred from Tobolsk to the construction of the Amur road, fled to Japan, from there they moved to America, then to France. Petya Guzakov also managed to escape from the Ufa prison. He moved abroad and studied at the party school created by V.I. Lenin in Longjumeau, near Paris. With the assignment of Vladimir Ilyich he returned to Russia. Issued by an agent provocateur, he was captured and tried. The party used money and the most experienced lawyers, and Petya received a short sentence. After serving his sentence, he was sent to Lena. Pyotr Artamonov - “Bear Cub”, my fellow student in Lvov, lived in France. Volodya Alekseev - “Black” - rattled with shackles in the Aleksandrovsky convict central.

And so ask about anyone - executed... in hard labor... in exile... in exile...

However, the gendarmes still failed to burn out the “sedition” in the Urals. The Ural Bolsheviks, in conditions of the deepest underground, managed to preserve the core of their forces.

And now the Ural organization was reviving, replenished with young workers, and preparing for new battles. Strikes broke out more and more often throughout the Urals. The legal Bolshevik Pravda was widely distributed and avidly read. In terms of the number of its subscribers, the Urals occupied one of the first places in Russia.

But there were still few party organizers, everyone had a role to play.

I was immediately hired. The first thing they did was send to cities and factories to establish connections. Then I took part in issuing leaflets and delivering them to places.

And soon, with a coded order, I was summoned to Ufa. The committee conceived a task of unprecedented scope and difficulty.

From our comrades who were imprisoned in Tobolsk and Aleksandrovsk, in lately letters arrived, one more alarming than the other. The convict regime became increasingly unbearable. The jailers tried to trample human dignity prisoners.

The other day,” Vasily Petrovich Artsybushev, the oldest Bolshevik, who was nicknamed “Marx” and also “Grandfather” for his luxuriant beard, told me, “these scoundrels found fault with Zavarzin and three other Urals, and gave them fifty rods each. The entire prison has staged an obstruction, but the administration is going to continue to flog. This could lead to God knows what! I am sure that the jailers are trying to provoke our people into active action in order to deal with them. We must try to arrange their escape. We need to carefully look and scout everything there. The most suitable person for this matter is you, Petruska. Go...

I set off on a long journey again - and, needless to say, not with a light heart. Visited Tobolsk and returned to Ufa. And again - to Siberia, to the familiar Alexander Central.

It turned out that it was unthinkable to escape from Aleksandrovsk. The Bolshevik Vladimirov was soon to be released from the Tobolsk Central. He was supposed to stay in Tobolsk for a settlement, but we agreed that he would flee to Ufa. The committee postponed the development of escape options until Vladimirov arrived: he knew the conditions of the Tobolsk Central very well.

I don’t know why exactly - maybe because of the instinct of an underground worker, which helped out more than once - but I asked the committee members, just in case, to show me Vladimirov on the street - after all, when I was in Tobolsk, I lived with his mother, who came closer to her son , and saw his photograph.

And so they did.

At five o'clock in the evening, one of the sympathizers brought the visitor to the stone shopping arcades. As agreed, I walked past and... immediately saw that this was not Vladimirov.

But then the woman made a mistake - she pointed at me and whispered: there, they say, is the same Petrus who lived in Tobolsk with your mother.

Before I had time to move away, they called out to me from behind:

Petrus! Newcomer.

He greeted him joyfully, as if we were old friends, and asked us to quickly go somewhere to a safe house:

After all, it’s dangerous for me to walk on the street for a long time.

All the habits of this man, his manner of speaking, some kind of glancing glance aroused antipathy in me. But as if nothing had happened, I started talking to him and began asking how the imprisoned Sims lived in Tobolsk. “Vladimirov” began to talk excitedly. He spoke smoothly, too smoothly. It seems to be rote. My confidence grew that this was a spy.

Which Sims did you sit with? - I asked, as if by the way.

With everyone together.

This was an obvious lie - we knew perfectly well that the Sims were in four different cells!

To make sure, I inquired about the health of my comrades, calling them by name. Here Vladimirov was completely confused: he did not know the names of his “cellmates.”

So, the visitor is a provocateur. Immediately neutralize the villain!

But really, it’s not good for you and me to walk around for so long! - I realized. - Let's go to a friend, we'd better talk with him.

Continuing to act out my friendly good nature, I led “Vladimirov” along a deserted road towards Belaya, serenely telling my companion something funny.

Nerves are extremely tense.

Don't miss the moment!

The road narrowed into a path and stretched along the edge of a ravine. There's not a soul around.

As naturally as possible, as if carried away by the conversation, I gently took the enemy’s hand and squeezed it tightly. And with a well-mastered jiu-jitsu technique he twisted him over his shoulder. A crunch of bones, a scream - and “Vladimirov” flew into the ravine...

Now get out of here quickly!

Already entering the workers' village, I heard several shots behind me - having come to my senses, the spy tried to attract attention to himself. Let him shoot! Now the provocateur is harmless to us.

Later, the committee, through its man in the police, established that some traitor had given our correspondence with the real Vladimirov to the secret police. He was arrested again, and instead of him, a spy was sent from Tobolsk to Ufa with his documents. This same spy is now in the hospital with a broken arm at the elbow. There the governor himself visited him, and “Vladimirov” cursed himself for the fact that, having arrived in the Urals, he did not appear at the authority, but began to act at his own peril and risk. Apparently, he dreamed of not sharing his glory and reward with anyone! He will no longer be displeased...

So that it doesn't become a habit in the future. Punish in such a way that it is disgraceful... Dictionary of many expressions

To be discouraging- to whom. Razg. So that no one else has the desire to do the same. So I ask you, Sergei Ilyin, she said at the end, to judge Kutorga to the fullest extent of the law, to judge him according to his merits, to judge him in such a way that in the future he and others like him will... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

Adverb, number of synonyms: 3 so that it is distasteful (3) so that you don’t want to repeat it (3) ... Dictionary of synonyms

So that it would be discouraging in future. Wed. During dinner I thought: get up, go up to this gentleman and smash his entire impudent face into dust, so that others won’t feel the same way. Turgenev. New. 10. Wed. You, he says, Aksinya, don’t spoil the girl, but punish her... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

Cm … Dictionary of synonyms

Wed. During dinner I thought: get up, go up to this gentleman and smash his entire impudent face into dust, so that others won’t do the same. Turgenev. New. 10. Wed. “You,” he says, “Aksinya,” don’t spoil the girl, but punish her with peace, so that others don’t have the same behavior... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

Adverb, number of synonyms: 3 so that it doesn’t get boring (3) so that you don’t want to repeat it (3) ... Dictionary of synonyms

Adverb, number of synonyms: 3 so that it is disgraceful (3) so that it is not common (3) ... Dictionary of synonyms

In function tale Outdated Unusual, uncomfortable. * In the field alone it is annoying, in the field alone it is discouraging (Nekrasov). ◊ To be discouraging. So that it doesn't become a habit in the future. Punish in such a way that it is disgraceful... Encyclopedic Dictionary

disobedient- in function tale; outdated Unusual, uncomfortable. * In the field alone it is annoying, in the field alone it is discouraging (Nekrasov) so that it is discouraging... Dictionary of many expressions


  • About the Little Goat, who could count to ten, Preisn Alf. The main character of the fairy tale by the famous Norwegian poet, writer and composer Alf Preusen is the Little Goat, who learned to count to ten. He can't wait to put his knowledge into practice...
  • Favorite. Commander, Kalbazov Konstantin Georgievich. good wife, nice house...What else is needed to meet old age? Yes, in general, nothing. Unless you keep everything that you got with blood and sweat. It would hide in far corner yes to live...

In order not to lose track of time, he put a twig in his pocket every day.

Taiga, taiga, taiga... Immeasurable, wild. Off-road, otherwise quagmire, bumps... I was exhausted from the forest heat and stuffiness.

Then it started to rain for a whole week.

Weeks, weeks, weeks from mountain to mountain - and no sign of human habitation!

One day early morning I heard a whistle from the river - the first one since I left the ship. It was as if he poured new strength into me, reminded me that human world near.

Another day of travel... Night... In the morning the whistle roared very close. By noon I reached the Lena and about three miles away I saw a village on the other bank. I counted the twigs - my journey had already lasted fifty days.

Two days later he swam across the Lena. He took a risk and called out to the people on the self-propelled raft floating down:

Hey! How far is it to Verkholensk?

Ten versts, around the bend! - came the answer.

The forest around the city was cut down, and there was heavy traffic on many roads. There was some kind of holiday, and apparently a big market was expected. This worked to my advantage - it’s easier to get lost in the crowd.

At the market, I safely got rid of the heavy padded jacket that had become hated, and most importantly, I bought bread and butter. Pleased with his luck, he quickly left Verkholensk.

...Only at the beginning of August, with difficulties and hardships, did I reach Manzurka. There was a large colony of exiles here, among them the leader of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk militants, Mikhail Frunze. In Manzurka, as Stepan and the teacher said, most of those who tried to escape fell into the clutches of the police - there are many gendarmes and spies in these places. I made a big arc to get around this damn place.

The last, most dangerous, is the steppe section of the route. Both Stepan and the fireman advised us to join the coachmen. I managed to come to an agreement with the head of one of the convoys: for six rubles he agreed to take me straight to the inn in Irkutsk itself.

I will remember August 27, 1913 all my life. On this day I arrived in Irkutsk and found a Bolshevik safe house. Behind me were a hundred days of the exhausting journey, more than eight hundred versts of the Lena taiga...

They received me cordially, in a friendly manner - as they did in those days with comrades in the struggle. Three days later, the people of Irkutsk got me a passport in the name of one exile, who was allowed to travel throughout the province, except for a few cities - Irkutsk, Cheremkhov, Nizhneudinsk, Balagansk. It was a great - genuine - "residence permit"! Its owner fled abroad, and left the document at the disposal of the Irkutsk Bolshevik Committee. I immediately fulfilled my promise to Stepan - I burned his passport.

On September 6th I arrived in the village of Zima, where my old comrades from the underground and hard labor - Boris Shekhter and his family, Volodya Gustomesov, Kolya Sukenik - lived in exile.

What a joy it was! My appearance was a complete surprise, and at first my friends were even a little confused: where should I hide? They didn’t know what a magnificent document I had in my pocket!

Luck continued to smile on me: registration went without a hitch. I found a room with an old woman and immediately hired myself to work as a painter for a contractor. I met other exiled workers.

Soon I became my own person in Winter. Under the guise of cultural work, we began to campaign among the local intelligentsia and workers.

But day by day I was drawn more and more to my native places, to the Urals. I knew that it was there that the party was especially needed - the revolutionary wave was rising higher and higher. But to return to the Urals I needed a different passport. I had to go to Irkutsk again, to the committee.

...In mid-February 1914, a certain Pyotr Skvortsov, a native of the Samara province, appeared in Minyar. The Minyar Bolsheviks greeted him with open arms...

So that it would be disgraceful...

The joy of returning to the Urals was overshadowed by a sad feeling: I found few, very few old militants here...

Ivan and Erasmus Kadomtsev were in exile in Paris, Mikhail languished in hard labor in the Tobolsk Central prison along with Alyosha Chevardin and other Sims. But not with everyone: Pavel Guzakov and several other prisoners, transferred from Tobolsk to the construction of the Amur road, fled to Japan, from there they moved to America, then to France. Petya Guzakov also managed to escape from the Ufa prison. He moved abroad and studied at the party school created by V.I. Lenin in Longjumeau, near Paris. With the assignment of Vladimir Ilyich he returned to Russia. Issued by an agent provocateur, he was captured and tried. The party used money and the most experienced lawyers, and Petya received a short sentence. After serving his sentence, he was sent to Lena. Pyotr Artamonov - “Bear Cub”, my fellow student in Lvov, lived in France. Volodya Alekseev - “Black” - rattled with shackles in the Aleksandrovsky convict central.

And so ask about anyone - executed... in hard labor... in exile... in exile...

However, the gendarmes still failed to burn out the “sedition” in the Urals. The Ural Bolsheviks, in conditions of the deepest underground, managed to preserve the core of their forces.

And now the Ural organization was reviving, replenished with young workers, and preparing for new battles. Strikes broke out more and more often throughout the Urals. The legal Bolshevik Pravda was widely distributed and avidly read. In terms of the number of its subscribers, the Urals occupied one of the first places in Russia.

But there were still few party organizers, everyone had a role to play.

I was immediately hired. The first thing they did was send to cities and factories to establish connections. Then I took part in issuing leaflets and delivering them to places.

And soon, with a coded order, I was summoned to Ufa. The committee conceived a task of unprecedented scope and difficulty.

Lately, letters have been coming from our comrades in Tobolsk and Aleksandrovsk, one more alarming than the other. The convict regime became increasingly unbearable. The jailers tried to trample on the human dignity of the prisoners.

The other day,” Vasily Petrovich Artsybushev, the oldest Bolshevik, who was nicknamed “Marx” and also “Grandfather” for his luxuriant beard, told me, “these scoundrels found fault with Zavarzin and three other Urals, and gave them fifty rods each. The entire prison has staged an obstruction, but the administration is going to continue to flog. This could lead to God knows what! I am sure that the jailers are trying to provoke our people into active action in order to deal with them. We must try to arrange their escape. We need to carefully look and scout everything there. The most suitable person for this matter is you, Petruska. Go...

I set off on a long journey again - and, needless to say, not with a light heart. Visited Tobolsk and returned to Ufa. And again - to Siberia, to the familiar Alexander Central.

It turned out that it was unthinkable to escape from Aleksandrovsk. The Bolshevik Vladimirov was soon to be released from the Tobolsk Central. He was supposed to stay in Tobolsk for a settlement, but we agreed that he would flee to Ufa. The committee postponed the development of escape options until Vladimirov arrived: he knew the conditions of the Tobolsk Central very well.

I don’t know why exactly - maybe because of the instinct of an underground worker, which helped out more than once - but I asked the committee members, just in case, to show me Vladimirov on the street - after all, when I was in Tobolsk, I lived with his mother, who came closer to her son , and saw his photograph.

And so they did.

At five o'clock in the evening, one of the sympathizers brought the visitor to the stone shopping arcades. As agreed, I walked past and... immediately saw that this was not Vladimirov.

But then the woman made a mistake - she pointed at me and whispered: there, they say, is the same Petrus who lived in Tobolsk with your mother.

Before I had time to move away, they called out to me from behind:

Petrus! Newcomer.

He greeted him joyfully, as if we were old friends, and asked us to quickly go somewhere to a safe house:

After all, it’s dangerous for me to walk on the street for a long time.

All the habits of this man, his manner of speaking, some kind of glancing glance aroused antipathy in me. But as if nothing had happened, I started talking to him and began asking how the imprisoned Sims lived in Tobolsk. “Vladimirov” began to talk excitedly. He spoke smoothly, too smoothly. It seems to be rote. My confidence grew that this was a spy.

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